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A system as I understand is an organized collection of parts (or subsystems) that are highly
integrated to accomplish an overall goal. The system has various inputs which go through a
certain processes to produce a certain outputs ,which together accomplish the overall desired
goal for the system..

A system be made a system because of its interacting and interdependence group of items
forming a unified whole. It has a set of doctrines, ideas, principles used usually intended to
explain the arrangement or working of systematic whole. It has an organized established
procedure and harmonious arrangement or pattern ,order to bring the system not to confusion.

2. The scenarios that require of making a system is it typically consist of a sequence of steps which
captures a particular run of the system and satisfies some aspects of requirements Work add
additional structure to the scenario used in the Prometheus agent, development, methodology.
This additional structure facilitates both traceability and automated testing. The process is
described as mapping the scenario and the steps to initial detailed design, where we then

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