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The Analysis of Verbal Behavior 2011, 27, 23–43

Intraverbal Behavior and Verbal Conditional Discriminations

in Typically Developing Children and Children With Autism

Mark L. Sundberg, Sundberg & Associates

Cindy A. Sundberg, Parenting Partnerships

Individuals with autism often experience difficulty acquiring a functional intraverbal repertoire, despite
demonstrating strong mand, tact, and listener skills. This learning problem may be related to the fact that
the primary antecedent variable for most intraverbal behavior involves a type of multiple control
identified as a verbal conditional discrimination (VCD). The current study is a descriptive analysis that
sought to determine if there is a general sequence of intraverbal acquisition by typically developing
children and for children with autism, and if this sequence could be used as a framework for intraverbal
assessment and intervention. Thirty-nine typically developing children and 71 children with autism were
administered an 80-item intraverbal subtest that contained increasingly difficult intraverbal questions and
VCDs. For the typically developing children the results showed that there was a correlation between age
and correct intraverbal responses. However, there was variability in the scores of children who were the
same age. An error analysis revealed that compound VCDs were the primary cause of errors. Children
with autism made the same types of errors as typically developing children who scored at their level on
the subtest. These data suggest a potential framework and sequence for intraverbal assessment and
Key words: autism, intraverbal, language assessment, language intervention, typically developing
children, verbal conditional discrimination

Much of our day-to-day verbal interaction stories, describe events, solve problems,
with each other involves intraverbal behav- engage in debates, recall the past, and talk
ior. For example, a phone conversation or e- about the future. In terms of society at large,
mail exchange between two people consists many important elements of civilization
of one person saying or writing something, involve intraverbal behavior such as educa-
and the other person responding to the tion, science, literature, history, intelligence,
content of what was said. The key aspect of thinking, perception, and creativity (Skinner,
the interaction is that the two verbal 1957, 1974).
statements do not match each other. If they Relative to Skinner’s (1957) other elemen-
did, the verbal behavior would be classified tary verbal operants (i.e., echoic, mand, tact,
as echoic or copying-a-text, neither of which textual, transcriptive) and the listener rela-
would result in a useful conversation. There tions, the intraverbal relation has received the
are many examples of intraverbal behavior least amount of conceptual or empirical
such as the ability to answer questions, tell attention over the past 54 years. However,
this situation has begun to change as
demonstrated by the increased number of
We thank all those who helped conduct the empirical studies on intraverbal behavior
intraverbal assessment (Kristen Albert, Judah Axe,
Vincent Carbone, James Carr, Lori Chamberlain, published in the past few years (e.g.,
Anne Cummings, Carla Epps, William Galbraith, Goldsmith, LeBlanc, & Sautter, 2007; In-
Rebecca Godfrey, Lisa Hale, Ally Labrie, Heather gvarsson, Tiger, Hanley, & Stephenson,
Law, Mike Miklos, Shannon Montano, Shannon 2007; Miguel, Petursdottir, & Carr, 2005;
Muhlestein, Paige Raetz, Rikki Roden, David Perez-Gonzalez, Garcıa-Asenjo, Williams, &
Roth, Rachael Sautter, Carl Sundberg, Brenda
Terzich, Joel Vidovic, Kaisa Weathers, and Amy Carnerero, 2007; Petursdottir, Carr, Lechago,
Wiech) and the families of the children who & Almason, 2008; Petursdottir & Haflioa-
participated in the study. Portions of this paper dottir, 2009; Shillingsburg, Kelley, Roane,
were presented as an Invited Tutorial at the 38th Kisamore, & Brown, 2009). (For historical
Annual Association for Behavior Analysis Inter-
national Convention, Phoenix, AZ, May 29, 2009. reviews of intraverbal research see Oah &
E-mail correspondence regarding this paper to Dickinson, 1989 and Sautter & LeBlanc, 2006.)


The types of intraverbal interactions that ipant. Failing to acquire an intraverbal

people have with each other range from repertoire leaves conversation incomplete
simple to extremely complex, and are endless because it is nearly impossible to have much
in number. Early intraverbal responses in of a discussion about any specific topic with
typically developing children may be simple, only echoics, mands, and tacts.
but establish the foundation for more ad- Intraverbal behavior is often difficult to
vanced intraverbal interactions. For example, acquire due to the inherent complexity of
a young child around the age of 1K to 2 years verbal stimulus control. Verbal stimuli usu-
old begins to learn to sing songs, provide ally contain multiple parts, occur rapidly in
sounds that animals and objects make (e.g., discourse, and are transitory. For example, a
‘‘a kitty says …’’ or ‘‘a train goes …’’), and sentence containing 7 or 8 words may be
to fill-in words to reinforcing phrases (e.g., spoken in 2–3 seconds and these verbal
‘‘peek-a …’’). By 2 years of age most stimuli dissipate immediately after being
children can provide their first name when emitted. On the other hand, tacting nouns
asked, fill-in various phrases, and respond to for example, may involve a visual item that is
simple questions and word associations (e.g., presented for a period of time and the
‘‘mommy and …’’). Typically, 2-year-olds stimulus may not dissipate. Nonverbal items
do not have the skills yet for conversations can be contrasted with non-examples (S-
on a specific topic, but they usually do have deltas) and stimulus discriminations as well
an extensive listener vocabulary, as well as a as stimulus and response classes can be
strong speaking vocabulary that consists systematically established.
mainly of echoics, mands, and tacts (Sund- There are a variety of prerequisite verbal
berg, 2008). Verbal development then occurs and nonverbal skills that can help to ensure
rapidly between the ages of 2 and 3 (Bijou, that intraverbal behavior does not become a
1976; Brazelton & Sparrow, 2006; Brown, rote verbal relation. That is, talking about
Cazden, & Bellugi, 1969; de Villers & de things and events when they are absent
Villers, 1978; Ervin-Tripp, 1970; Hart & (intraverbal behavior) is less likely to be rote
Risley, 1995; Moerk, 1986; Novak, 1996; if a child can accurately and fluently talk
Schlinger, 1995), and much of this development about and respond to those things and events
involves intraverbal behavior. when they are present (tact and listener
A common problem faced by children with skills). For example, in order to fluently
autism and those with other types of answer intraverbal questions such as ‘‘What
developmental disabilities is the failure to grows on your head?’’ ‘‘What grows in a
acquire a functional intraverbal repertoire, garden?’’ and ‘‘What do you wear on your
despite acquiring a sizeable repertoire of head?’’ it is usually valuable that a child can
mands, tacts, and listener skills (e.g., Miklos, already emit the words ‘‘grow,’’ ‘‘head,’’
Dipuglia, & Galbraith, 2010, May). Often, ‘‘wear,’’ and ‘‘garden’’ as tacts and respond
these children do learn some simple intra- correctly to those verbal stimuli as a listener
verbal behavior, but fail to attain more (e.g., ‘‘Can you find something that
complex behavior. For example, they may grows?’’). In addition, it is important that
be able to provide their name and respond to the child has a generalized tact and listener
simple questions, but have problems answer- repertoire regarding items that can grow
ing more difficult questions, describing (e.g., flowers, grass, people, hair), items to
experiences, or staying on a specific topic wear (e.g., hats, shoes, coats) and so on. Of
of discussion. They may also emit irrelevant course just the ability to tact nonverbal
or rote intraverbal behavior that may be stimuli and respond to them as a listener
independent from the current verbal context. does not necessarily result in the emergence
These weak intraverbal skills may then have of intraverbal behavior. The data suggest that
a substantial impact on the acquisition of these verbal operants are functionally inde-
academic and social skills because of the pendent and specific training is usually
central role that intraverbal behavior plays in required to transfer stimulus control from
those repertoires. For example, conversations nonverbal to verbal antecedents (e.g., Braam
between two or more people depend heavily & Poling, 1982; Miguel, Petursdottir, & Carr,
on the intraverbal repertoires of each partic- 2005; Petursdottir & Haflioadottir, 2009).

Perhaps the most complex aspect of first picture of a ball establishes the second
establishing the verbal stimulus control picture of the ball as an SD that evokes the
necessary for intraverbal behavior is that selection (matching) response, which is then
multiple control is almost always involved. reinforced. Simultaneously, the other stimuli
Skinner (1957) describes two types of in the comparison array are established as S-
multiple control: ‘‘(1) the strength of a single deltas (selection responses are not rein-
response may be, and usually is, a function of forced).
more than one variable and (2) a single A conditional discrimination can be con-
variable usually affects more than one re- trasted with a ‘‘simple discrimination’’ where
sponse’’ (p. 227). An example of the first type a response is evoked by a single stimulus
of multiple control was suggested above, condition. For example, saying ‘‘dog’’ as a
where the interaction among the multiple function of seeing a dog involves a single
verbal stimuli in the question, ‘‘What grows in antecedent and a single response. However,
a garden?’’ plays a role in evoking a correct multiple control may still be involved. A
response, while the second type of multiple stimulus may contain several parts, usually
control is demonstrated by the behavior of referred to as a complex stimulus (e.g.,
listing a variety of things that can grow. These Groskreutz, Karsina, Miguel, & Groskreutz,
two types of multiple control have been 2010; Markham & Dougher 1993; Stromer &
termed convergent multiple control and di- Stromer, 1990), but still may only involve a
vergent multiple control, respectively (Mi- simple discrimination. For example, the dog
chael, Palmer, & Sundberg, 2011). has a tail, paws, fur, etc., but these multiple
Convergent multiple control can be ob- stimuli occur together so reliably they consti-
served in almost all instances of verbal tute a single stimulus configuration requiring
behavior. There are endless configurations only a simple discrimination and it is not
of convergent multiple control because it can necessary to discriminate among the individ-
involve any verbal or nonverbal stimulus ual parts of the dog. If the response is
affecting any sense mode, including private reinforced, it will be more likely to be evoked
stimulation (e.g., auditory, visual, tactile, in the future when all or part of the
pain, kinesthetic), and control can be shared configuration of controlling variables occurs
with other antecedents such as conditioned again. Multiple simple discriminations may
and unconditioned stimuli, motivating oper- also come together later as components of a
ations, and audiences. The current study conditional discrimination (e.g., Groskreutz et
focuses on a special type of convergent al., 2010; Saunders & Spradlin, 1989). There
multiple control commonly identified as a are many examples of simple discriminations
conditional discrimination (e.g., Saunders & in early language training such as learning
Spradlin, 1989; Sidman & Tailby, 1982; echoic and imitative behaviors, tacting single
Spradlin, Cotter, & Baxley, 1973). Michael nouns and verbs, song fill-ins, word associa-
(2004) defined a conditional discrimination tions, and performing specific actions on
as a type of multiple control where ‘‘the command.
nature or extent of operant control by a However, there are many circumstances
stimulus condition depends on some other where the antecedent stimuli involve multiple
stimulus condition’’ (p. 64). That is, one components that do not reliably occur togeth-
discriminative stimulus (SD) alters the evoc- er, or may only come together on a single
ative effect of a second stimulus in the same occasion. A correct response under these
antecedent event (or vice versa), and they circumstances is typically dependent on a
collectively evoke a response. For example, conditional discrimination where one stimulus
in standard matching-to-sample training a alters the evocative effect of another stimulus,
child is shown a sample stimulus such as a but neither stimulus alone is sufficient to
picture of a ball (stimulus 1) and asked to evoke the correct response. For example, if a
match that stimulus with a corresponding person is shown an array of different dogs and
picture (stimulus 2) located in a comparison asked to find the schnauzer, a correct response
array. The child is successful only when the is dependent on the word ‘‘schnauzer,’’
sample stimulus alters the evocative effect of establishing the picture of that particular type
one stimulus in the array. Specifically, the of dog as an SD for selection while simulta-

neously establishing all other types of dogs in the term verbal conditional discrimination
the array as S-deltas. The word ‘‘schnauzer’’ (VCD) is suggested. A VCD can be defined as
without an available array of dogs, or the two or more components of a verbal stimulus
picture array of dogs without the spoken word where one verbal stimulus alters the evoca-
‘‘schnauzer’’ could not individually evoke the tive effect of another verbal stimulus (or vice
same response. These types of conditional versa) in the same antecedent event. For
discriminations involve what has been termed example, Catania (1998) describes an auto-
compound stimulus control and have been clitic relation where the verbal stimulus, ‘‘I
contrasted with complex multiple control doubt (alters the evocative effect of) the
described above (e.g., Groskreutz, et al., coffee is ready’’ (p. 258), and collectively
2010; Markham & Dougher, 1993; Perez- through conditional discrimination, appropri-
Gonzalez & Alonso-Alvarez, 2008; Stromer, ately affects a listener’s behavior. Had the
McIlvane, & Serna, 1993; Stromer & Stromer, speaker said, ‘‘I’m sure the coffee is ready’’
1990). a different response would have been evoked,
There is an extensive and productive body again through conditional discrimination.
of basic research on conditional discrimina- The current study extends Catania’s anal-
tions involving both humans and nonhumans, ysis to situations where a verbal stimulus
much of which is in the context of studying enters into a conditional discrimination and
stimulus equivalence relations (for reviews alters the evocative effect of a second verbal
see Sidman, 1994; Schrier & Thompson, stimulus, and these two stimuli collectively
1980). A majority of this research has been evoke an intraverbal response. Thus, the
conducted within a matching-to-sample prep- entire relation contains conditional discrim-
aration involving both visual-visual and inations involving only verbal stimuli and
auditory-visual discriminations and nonver- verbal responses, which is the foundation for
bal selection responses (Sidman, 1994). The almost all intraverbal behavior (Axe, 2008;
current study sought to extend the study of Skinner, 1957). Verbal conditional discrim-
conditional discriminations to verbal operant inations can become increasingly difficult as
relations that exclusively involve compound more verbal stimuli are added to the
verbal antecedents and topography-based antecedent such as different verbal modifiers
intraverbal responses. (e.g., adjectives, prepositions, pronouns, con-
Skinner (1957) first used the term ‘‘com- junctions), more complex concepts (e.g.,
pound verbal stimulus’’ (p. 76) when dis- negation, ordinal positions, time, relativity),
cussing intraverbal behavior evoked by more complex vocabulary words and topics
multiple verbal stimuli in a single antecedent (e.g., ‘‘dependable,’’ ‘‘considerate,’’ ‘‘global
event. The term ‘‘conditional discrimina- warming’’), and so on. These types of verbal
tion’’ had not yet appeared in the behavioral discriminations are ubiquitous in normal
literature when Skinner wrote his book discourse and may help to explain why
Verbal Behavior (but see ‘‘a conditional children with language delays have such a
mand or tact’’ p. 365), but his analysis of difficult time acquiring a functional intraver-
the antecedent events in this type of verbal bal repertoire commensurate with their
behavior is consistent with what is now often typically developing peers.
referred to as conditional discriminations An important contribution to the treatment
involving compound stimuli (e.g., Alonso- of children who fail to acquire intraverbal
Alvarez & Perez-Gonzalez, 2006; Axe, 2008; behavior would be data on typically devel-
Perez-Gonzalez & Alonso-Alvarez, 2008). oping children and the nature of their
The current paper is primarily interested in acquisition of intraverbal responses such as
compound conditional discriminations that answering questions and engaging in conver-
involve only verbal stimuli. In an effort to sations (e.g., Brown et al., 1969; de Villers &
avoid the etymological sanctions of the terms de Villers, 1978; Ervin-Tripp, 1970). In
‘‘compound’’ and ‘‘complex,’’ and the addition to the published books and research
historical focus on nonverbal matching-to- papers, there are 100s of different language
sample preparations with classifications of development charts available on the Internet
discriminations by sense mode (i.e., visual- and in the print media that track the various
visual, auditory-visual) rather than function, components of typical language acquisition

(e.g.,,, www. language delays. The study also sought to However, none of these charts determine the differences in intraverbal
specifically track intraverbal development, development between typically developing
but most do give some examples of intra- children and those with autism.
verbal behavior. Many suggest that early
verbal responses that would be classified as METHOD
intraverbal behavior according to Skinner
(1957) begin to occur around 1K to 2 years Participants
of age and consists of singing songs and
providing rhymes, as well as a child’s ability Thirty-nine typically developing children
to state his first name on request. Conversa- and 71 children with autism served as
tions and answering questions are usually participants. The typically developing chil-
identified as a 3 to 4 year old skill (see Ervin- dren were between the ages of 23 months and
Tripp, 1970 for more detailed information 61 months, and the children with autism were
regarding specific types of questions). How- between the ages of 35 months and 15 years
ever, none of these charts provide informa- old. Participants were recruited in a variety
tion regarding the complexity of verbal of ways. Many, but not all of the typically
antecedents for intraverbal behavior and as developing children had a parent or friend of
one might expect, do not identify conditional the family who worked with children with
discriminations as being involved in this type special needs (e.g., a classroom teacher,
of language. speech pathologist, behavior analyst), or
Poon and Butler (1972) conducted the only were siblings of children with special needs.
known study that specifically examined The participants were drawn from several
increasingly complex intraverbal behavior different parts of the United States and
with a large number of typically developing Canada (see the authors’ note). The majority
children of varying ages. These authors of participants were unknown to the authors.
administered a modified version of the The children with autism were recruited from
intraverbal subtest of the Parsons Language public school classrooms that the first author
Sample (Spradlin, 1963) to 89 typically consulted with, and from colleagues who also
developing 5 to 7 year old children. The worked with children with autism (see the
authors presented 24 intraverbal questions to authors’ note). The current study represents
the children and scored their responses as the third large-scale administration of the 80-
verbal, gestural, bimodal, correct, or incor- question assessment tool. In total, the three
rect. The primary goal of the study was to administrations of the subtest involved 91
identify the role of gestures in intraverbal typically developing children and 262 chil-
development, but the results also demonstrat- dren with autism. However, the data from the
ed several differences in the intraverbal first two administrations are not presented in
behavior of the participants. The results the current paper, but the data did contribute
showed that ‘‘age was the significant main to extensive modifications of the intraverbal
effect … (and) point to the possibility of a subtest.
developmental sequence of intraverbal be-
havior’’ (Poon & Butler, 1972, p. 306). Setting
The current study is a replication and
extension of Poon and Butler (1972). The The typically developing children were
study sought to further examine intraverbal administered the assessment in their own
development, but with younger typically homes, in the homes of family friends who
developing children and with children with participated in the project, or in a classroom
autism. The study employed an 80-item setting. The children with autism were
intraverbal subtest that was designed to administered the assessment in their homes
determine if there is a general sequence of or classrooms. No specific requirements were
increasingly complex verbal stimuli and provided regarding the arrangement of the
intraverbal behavior, and if this sequence test setting, but some suggestions were made
could be beneficial to language assessment (see Appendix 1). For example, it was
and intervention programs for children with suggested not to conduct the whole assess-

ment in one setting or in order of the items words contained in the verbal antecedents.
listed, and to reinforce correct responses There were two blank spaces at the bottom of
while making the process fun and feel like a each set in order to include any child-specific
game. intraverbals that might be strong in the
child’s repertoire. (However, the various
Intraverbal Assessment Subtest administrators of the test rarely used these
An intraverbal assessment subtest was
designed with increasingly complex intraver- Administration Instructions
bal tasks (Appendix 2). There were earlier
versions of the assessment tool that were Each person who administered the assess-
gradually modified over a 5-year period as a ment received a set of instructions (see
result of several small-scale administrations Appendix 1). The instructions identified the
and two large-scale administrations. The two general goal of the assessment tool, specific
large-scale administrations (Sundberg, Ro- suggestions for conducting the assessment
den, Weathers, Hale, Montano, & Muhles- (e.g., don’t prompt responses, multiple pre-
tein, 2006, March; Sundberg, 2006, August) sentations of an item are acceptable, write
were part of the field-test data for the exactly what the child says), and the scoring
development of the intraverbal section of instructions.
the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment
and Placement Program: The VB-MAPP Reliability
(Sundberg, 2008). The results from those
administrations helped to establish, priori- A second person independently scored the
tize, and sequence the intraverbal skill area transcribed intraverbal responses as correct
of the VB-MAPP, and to further refine that or incorrect. IOA was assessed using the
assessment tool. The revisions in the subtest point-by-point agreement method for 33% of
mainly involved changing the items, chang- the participants. Agreement was calculated
ing the level of the items, or modifying the by dividing the number of agreements for
specific categories for each set of items. The each correct or incorrect response by the total
version used in the current study (v. 5.21) number of agreements plus disagreements
was the result of these previous revisions, and multiplying by 100%. The mean agree-
however some minor revisions were made ment across participants was 93.4% and the
during the course of the current study. scores ranged from 84% to 100%.
The assessment subtest contains 8 sets of
items with 10 verbal stimuli in each set, RESULTS
resulting in a total of 80 intraverbal items.
The first set contains simple intraverbal Approximately 8,500 intraverbal responses
relations such as filling in the words to were collected from the 110 participants and
common songs (e.g., ‘‘The itsy bitsy …’’), scored as correct or incorrect primarily by the
providing the sounds that animals make (e.g., authors. Figure 1 shows the number of
‘‘a kitty says …’’) and fill-in-the-blanks correct intraverbal responses across the 39
involving reinforcers (e.g., ‘‘Ready, set typically developing children. The age in
…’’). Each set becomes increasingly com- months of each child is presented on the left y
plex along 5 general dimensions: (1) the axis and his or her specific score on the
transition from simple verbal stimulus con- subtest is presented on the right y axis. The
trol to VCDs, (2) the use of the WH (or data show that there was a general correlation
similar) question format in a true VCD, (3) between the age of the child and the number
increasing complexity of the parts of speech of correct intraverbal responses. Not surpris-
(moving from nouns to verbs, to adjectives, ingly, the older the child, the higher the
to prepositions, to pronouns, etc.), (4) score. However, there was considerable
increasing the complexity of the concepts variability in the individual scores of children
(e.g., negation, relative adjectives, time, who were similar in age.
ordinal position), and (5) increasing the The most interesting aspect of Figure 1 is
complexity of the individual vocabulary the sharp increase in the number of correct

Figure 1. The age in months is presented on the left y axis and the scores on the intraverbal subtest is
presented on the right y axis for typically developing children. A line is provided at three-years-of-age to
provide a frame of reference.

intraverbal responses that begins to occur for but would be more likely to say, ‘‘I don’t
the children who were reaching 3 years of know,’’ instead of not responding, pointing,
age. Beginning with participant 8, who was or emitting echoic responses (although echo-
34 months old, the average scores more than ic responding did occur for several older
doubled compared to the average score of the children). The most common errors for the
children 31 months and younger. The 7 older children were those that showed some
children who were 31 months old or younger degree of simple discrimination, but poor or
had an average score of 26 correct intraverbal absent VCD control, especially with more
responses. The 9 children between the ages complex parts of speech and content (e.g.,
of 34 and 38 months old had an average score ‘‘What do you smell with?’’ evoked ‘‘Poo-
of 58 correct intraverbal responses. pies’’). Table 1 contains a sample of the
Perhaps the most valuable information in types of errors made by the typically
these data is the errors that the children developing children at six different age
made. The types of errors varied by age levels, and more detail about the nature of
groups. The younger children tended to make their errors is presented below.
errors that consisted of not responding to the The 3 children in the 2-year-old group had
question, pointing to a location, emitting an a mean score of 26 correct responses. They
echoic response, repeating a previous re- were able to do song fill-ins, simple associ-
sponse, or emitting a general response such ations, fill-in-the blanks, and some limited
as ‘‘things,’’ ‘‘stuff,’’ ‘‘huh,’’ or ‘‘yeah.’’ answers to WH questions. However, they
Some of these children also had a ‘‘favorite were unable to provide correct responses to
error response’’ for multiple questions (e.g., items that contained VCDs or more complex
one child responded ‘‘oranges’’ for 7 items, parts of speech. These children frequently
another said ‘‘elephants’’ for 6 items). Older emitted echoic responses to many of the
children tended to make some of these errors, questions that they could not answer.
Table 1 30
Samples of Error Patterns and Error Analysis for the Typically Developing Children

N5 Age and range IV scores Error analysis and comments

3 2-year-olds Mean 5 26 N Some simple intraverbal behavior, but no VCDs
Range 5 23–27 months old Range 5 24–28
N Can do song fill-ins, reinforcing intraverbals (part mand), some
associations, animal and object sounds, common fill-ins
N Limited answers to WH questions (e.g., provides first name, or one
word intraverbal answers)
N Frequent echoic responding, pointing, or not responding

4 2K-year-olds Mean 5 26.5 N Some simple intraverbal behavior, getting some easy WH questions
Range 5 29–31 months old Range 5 9–42
N Frequent echoic responding, or ‘‘What?’’ ‘‘Yeah’’ ‘‘Things’’ ‘‘Huh?’’
N When some intraverbal control was demonstrated it was often a simple
intraverbal relation, minimal VCDs; the last, or prominent word was
usually the source of stimulus control, for example …
N ‘‘What do you smell with?’’ … ‘‘Poopies’’
N ‘‘What grows on your head?’’ … ‘‘Shoulders’’
N ‘‘What helps a flower grow?’’ … ‘‘Up’’

9 3-year-olds Mean 5 58 N Well established basic intraverbal repertoire, 1000s of intraverbal

Range 5 34–38 months old Range 5 50–69 relations
N But VCD errors were prevalent, for example …

N ‘‘What grows on your head? … ‘‘Plants’’

N Many ‘‘WH’’ questions caused problems, for example …
N ‘‘Where do you eat?’’ … ‘‘Food’’
Table 1, cont.
N5 Age and range IV scores Error analysis and comments
N Rote responses were evident, for example …
N ‘‘What day is today?’’ … ‘‘Rainy’’ (it was sunny)
N Problems with prepositions and adjectives in VCDs, for example …
N ‘‘What’s under a house?’’ … ‘‘roof’’
N Trouble with negation and personal information
N ‘‘What’s something you can’t wear?’’ … ‘‘Shirt’’
N ‘‘What is your last name? … ‘‘Noah,’’ ‘‘Gabriella,’’ ‘‘Sofia,’’ ‘‘Neil’’

7 3K-year-olds Mean 5 62.9 N Strong intraverbal repertoire, but VCD errors were still common, for
Range 5 39–44 months old Range 5 57–71 example …
N ‘‘What grows on your head?’’ … ‘‘Hat’’
N ‘‘Name some clothing’’ … ‘‘For the body’’ ‘‘When do we set the

table?’’ … ‘‘After dinner’’

N Negation still a major problem
N Still having problems with, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs in VCDs
N Still having problems with time concepts
N Still emitting echoic responses when no intraverbal occurred

Table 1, cont.

N5 Age and range IV scores Comments and error analysis

10 4-year-olds Mean 5 69.7 N Very strong intraverbal behavior, VCD errors were still common, for
Range 5 45–49 months old Range 5 50–75 example…
N ‘‘What do you smell with?’’ … ‘‘A skunk’’
N But VCDs are clearly getting stronger, for example …
N ‘‘What’s above a house?’’…‘‘An airplane, and stuff that’s on the roof’’
N Negation, time concepts, prepositions, and adjectives in a VCD
continued to be a problem for many children
N Specific words and concepts like ‘‘different,’’ ‘‘between,’’ ‘‘take,’’
‘‘how,’’ and ‘‘why’’ caused problems

6 5-year-olds Mean 5 65.7 N Children at this age are generally more successful with VCDs, for
Range 5 55–60 months old Range5 38–76 example…
N ‘‘What’s in a balloon?’’ … ‘‘Helium,’’ ‘‘Air’’
N However, they still have problems with negation, time concepts, and
N Many 5-year-old children missed ‘‘What day is today?’’ ‘‘What day is

before Tuesday?’’ ‘‘What’s your last name?’’ ‘‘How is a car different

from a bike?’’ ‘‘What number is between 6 and 8?’’

The 4 children in the 2K-year-old group The 6 children in the 5-year-old group had
had a mean score of 26.6 (this score was a lower mean (65.7) primarily due to 1 low
reduced by one extremely low score). Overall, score, but most of the 5 year olds were able
the 2K-year-old children demonstrated stron- to correctly respond to almost all of the
ger intraverbal behavior, but their error questions containing VCDs. They still how-
analysis revealed that the intraverbal control ever demonstrated weaknesses with preposi-
was usually restricted to simple discrimina- tions, adjectives, negation, ordinal positions,
tions involving the last or prominent single and time concepts within a VCD (e.g., none
word in a sentence (e.g., ‘‘What grows on of these children could answer ‘‘What day
your head?’’ evoked ‘‘shoulders’’). These comes before Tuesday?’’, most responded
children were also unable to correctly respond ‘‘Wednesday’’).
to questions involving VCDs, and frequently The results of the children with autism are
emitted echoic responses or a general re- presented in Figure 2. These data show a
sponse (e.g., ‘‘things’’) to the more complex greater variability in the scores among the 71
questions. children than demonstrated by the typically
The 9 children in the 3-year-old group had developing children. In general, there was a
a mean score of 58 and were beginning to gradually increasing trend in scores with age,
correctly respond to questions involving but some of the best performances were with
VCDs (e.g., ‘‘Where do you find wheels?’’ the younger children. However, the partici-
evoked ‘‘The bottom of a car.’’). However, pants in this study do not represent a random
errors involving VCDs containing more selection of children with autism. Most of the
complex parts of speech were still prevalent participants came from programs that fol-
(e.g., ‘‘What’s under a house?’’ evoked lowed a behavioral approach to language
‘‘roof’’). Children at this age had trouble assessment and intervention, and if appropri-
with WH questions that contained preposi- ate, had been receiving intraverbal training as
tions, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, nega- part of their daily programs (see the authors’
tion, time concepts, and especially combina- note).
tions of these. None of the 3-year-olds could As with the typically developing chil-
provide only their last names when asked. dren, the analysis of errors provided useful
Four of the children emitted their first names information. Rote intraverbal and echoic
(i.e., ‘‘What is your last name?’’ evoked responding was more frequent for the
‘‘Noah,’’ ‘‘Gabriella,’’ ‘‘Sofia,’’ and children with autism, as was the occurrenc-
‘‘Neil’’), 4 children emitted their full names, es of negative behavior during the assess-
and 1 child did not respond to the question. ment, especially with questions involving
The 7 children in the 3K-year-old group the more complex VCDs. These types of
had a mean score of 62.9 correct intraverbal problems were more prevalent for the older
responses. They made fewer errors, but were children. The most interesting results from
still having difficulty with VCDs involving the children with autism were that they
prepositions, adjectives, negation, time con- tended to make the same types of errors
cepts, etc. These children often said, ‘‘I don’t made by typically developing children who
know’’ when they could not answer the scored at their level. That is, children who
question, but they still emitted echoic had a similar total score on the assessment
responses on occasion. made the same types of errors throughout
The intraverbal repertoire was quite strong the assessment regardless of age or handi-
for most of the 4-year-old children. The 10 capping condition (Table 2). For example,
children in this group had a mean score of when asked, ‘‘What shape are wheels?’’ A
69.7 on the assessment. They were clearly typically developing child with a total score
able to emit responses involving VCDs (e.g., of 40 responded ‘‘triangles’’ while a child
‘‘What’s above a house?’’ evoked ‘‘An with autism who also scored 40 responded
airplane and stuff that’s on the roof’’). ‘‘cars.’’ Both errors represent simple in-
However, they too had difficulty with traverbal stimulus control, but not the
prepositions, various adjectives, negation, necessary VCD needed to answer the
and time concepts. question correctly.

Figure 2. The age in months is presented on the left y axis and the scores on the intraverbal subtest is
presented on the right y axis for children with autism.

DISCUSSION The error analysis demonstrated at least 5

ways that verbal antecedents become more
The current study supports the conclusion complex: (1) as suggested above, the transi-
by Poon and Butler (1972) that there is a tion from simple verbal stimulus control to
general sequence of intraverbal acquisition. VCDs; (2) the use of the WH (and similar)
The data suggest that this sequence is question format in a true VCD; (3) the
primarily a function of the complexity of inclusion of more complex parts of speech
the verbal stimulus control involved in a (and words) in a VCD (i.e., prepositions,
given intraverbal relation. Typically devel- adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions); (4) the
oping children between the ages of 23 and inclusion of more complex concepts in a
31 months of age were only able to emit VCD (e.g., negation, relative adjectives, time,
intraverbal responses controlled by simple ordinal positions); and (5), the inclusion of
forms of verbal stimulus control, and were more complex vocabulary words in a VCD.
unable to respond to those involving verbal There was a clear correlation between the age
conditional discriminations (VCDs). It was of a child and his or her success with these
not until approximately 3 years of age that more complex discriminations. While the
typically developing children were consis- data do provide support for Poon and
tently able to emit these types of verbal Butler’s (1972) conclusion that ‘‘age was
discriminations. These data suggest that the the significant main effect’’ (p. 306) for
substantial growth in the intraverbal reper- intraverbal development for typically devel-
toires of typically developing children that oping children, there was wide variability
occurs between 2 and 3 years of age may be between individual children at the same age.
partially related to the acquisition of respons- The results from the 71 children with
es controlled by VCDs. autism supported the results obtained from

Table 2
Samples of the Errors Made By Typically Developing Children and Children With Autism
Whose Total Scores Were in the Same Bracket

Assessment Typically Child with

total score Intraverbal question developing child autism
20–29 What can fly? ‘‘All gone shirt’’ ‘‘Water’’
What can you sing? ‘‘Yes’’ No response
What’s outside? ‘‘Outside’’ ‘‘Outside’’
30–39 What are some colors? ‘‘1, 2, 3’’ ‘‘Coloring’’
Why do you use a Band-Aid? ‘‘On my finger’’ ‘‘Happens’’
Where do you take a bath? ‘‘Mommy and daddy’’ ‘‘With toys’’
40–49 What grows outside? ‘‘Sand’’ ‘‘Playground’’
What shape are wheels? ‘‘Triangle’’ ‘‘Cars’’
What do you wear on your head? ‘‘A ear’’ ‘‘Boo boo’’
50–59 What do you eat with? ‘‘Cheese’’ ‘‘Pizza’’
What color are wheels? ‘‘Circle’’ ‘‘Red’’
Name some clothing. ‘‘Clothing’’ ‘‘Clothing’’
60–69 What’s in a balloon? ‘‘It pops’’ ‘‘String’’
What makes you sad? ‘‘Cry’’ ‘‘Cry’’
What grows on your head? ‘‘A plant’’ ‘‘Hats’’
70–79 What day comes before Tuesday? ‘‘Wednesday’’ ‘‘Wednesday’’
What’s your last name? Gave full name Gave full name
What number is between 6 and 8? ‘‘9’’ ‘‘9’’

the typically developing children in a variety The results of this study also have several
of ways, but also provided additional insight implications for intraverbal assessment and
on intraverbal development. An error analy- intervention for children and adults with
sis revealed that children with autism dem- language delays. In order to design an
onstrated the same difficulty with increas- appropriate intraverbal intervention program
ingly complex verbal stimuli described it is critical to identify a child’s existing
above, and made errors similar to those made intraverbal skills (and any barriers to acqui-
by typically developing children who ob- sition). The original intraverbal assessment
tained similar scores on the 80-item intra- tool developed by Spradlin (1963) contained
verbal assessment, regardless of age. Thus, 29 items of increasing complexity and served
the overall score on the assessment was a as the foundation for all other intraverbal
better predictor of intraverbal skills and assessments that followed (e.g., Braam,
deficits than the age or the handicapping Sundberg, & Stafford, 1978, May; Partington
condition of the child. However, it is & Sundberg, 1998; Sundberg, 1983, 1990,
important to note that the targeted population 2008; Sundberg, Ray, Braam, Stafford,
of children with autism came from programs Reuber, & Braam, 1979). The 80-item
that specifically provided intraverbal instruc- subtest presented in the current study contin-
tion, which is likely responsible for the fact ues the work started by Spradlin by providing
that several of these children had near perfect a quick sample of an intraverbal repertoire.
scores. It would be interesting and important This revised sequence of intraverbal com-
to examine the scoring patterns and errors plexity represents a data-based intraverbal
demonstrated by children with autism who assessment tool (Sundberg, 2008) that corre-
have not received formal intraverbal instruc- sponds with typical developmental mile-
tion. stones and is conceptually consistent with

Skinner’s (1957) analysis of verbal behavior investigation of these variables could substan-
and basic principles of behavior. tially improve existing intraverbal interven-
Future research involving the assessment tion programs.
subtest and especially VCDs could be con- Another contribution of the current data to
ducted with other populations as well, such language intervention programs is the obser-
as children who are identified ‘‘at risk,’’ or vation that intraverbal development takes a
are demonstrating other types of language long time for typically developing children.
delays (e.g., expressive language disorder). This study shows that children seem to stay
The current version of the subtest was at the simple verbal discrimination level for
developed for children, but the items could many months, before progressing to early
be modified to suit different populations. For forms of VCDs. These same children may
example, a modified version of the assess- emit thousands of mand, tact, and listener
ment could be valuable for identifying and responses per day (Hart & Risley, 1995;
ameliorating the intraverbal difficulties ex- Moerk, 1986), yet still are unable to emit
perienced by members of the adult or more complex intraverbal behavior. Further
geriatric population (e.g., Gross, Fuqua, & research on this process could be quite
Merritt, 2010, May). In addition, individuals beneficial to determining how fast one
with traumatic brain injury often face should progress through the various levels
intraverbal problems (e.g., Sundberg, San of intraverbal training. The implication is
Juan, Dawdy, & Arguelles, 1990) and could that a thorough analysis of a child’s intra-
benefit from a modified version of the verbal levels and targeted intraverbal tasks be
assessment, as might those who are learning regularly conducted. Programmers should be
a second language (e.g., Petursdottir & careful about increasing the complexity of
Haflioadottir, 2009). The current intraverbal the verbal antecedent too quickly or moving
subtest, along with a careful analysis of from the nonverbal context too soon (tact and
errors related to VCDs, could also be used as listener discriminations). Also, the error
a dependent variable for measuring intraver- analysis used in the current study could be
bal change for any individual who is a beneficial tool for monitoring a child’s
experiencing intraverbal delays. intraverbal development and adjusting the
The current data also have several implica- program accordingly.
tions for the development of an intraverbal Future research on the role of motivation
intervention program for children with lan- (MOs) as an additional antecedent variable in
guage delays. Perhaps the most valuable intraverbal interactions could also be quite
contribution is that the acquisition of intra- productive (Sundberg & Michael, 2001). In
verbal behavior by typically developing early intraverbal training the use of MOs
children can serve as a guide for sequencing (convergent multiple control) seems to facil-
intraverbal tasks, and for developing Individ- itate intraverbal development when a re-
ual Educational Programs (IEPs). The data sponse is established as part mand and part
suggest programmers should avoid attempts to intraverbal (e.g., ‘‘Ready, set, …’’). Motiva-
teach advanced intraverbals such as those tion clearly plays a role in more advanced
containing VCDs, modifiers, and complex intraverbal behavior as is demonstrated by
concepts until a child has the necessary individuals who emit strong intraverbal
prerequisite verbal skills. It is speculated that behavior regarding topics that they are highly
the failure to appreciate the complexity of interested in, but weak intraverbals regarding
VCDs is a major cause for the development of less interesting topics. There are also a
rote intraverbal responding and/or echolalia number of other thematic lines of research
often demonstrated by children with autism or that could be conducted in the use of various
other developmental disabilities. For example, forms of multiple control for intraverbal
before a child is presented with WH questions development (see Chapters 9–11 of Skinner,
containing adjectives and prepositions he 1957 for many examples).
should have a solid history of simple verbal The primary antecedent variables in most
discriminations, noun and verb intraverbal intraverbal behavior involve VCDs, which
discriminations, and general verbal condition- are a type of multiple control (Skinner,
al discrimination training. Further empirical 1957). However, very little research has been

conducted on VCDs and topography-based established (i.e., Perez-Gonzalez & Alonso-

intraverbal responses (Axe, 2008). Direction Alvarez, 2008). The compound verbal stim-
for future research in this area can come from uli could then be brought together for the first
the extensive body of work on selection- time in a listener VCD task that provides a
based conditional discriminations, especially nonverbal prompt (e.g., a listener responding
those involving compound conditional dis- by function, feature, and class task). For
criminations (e.g., Alonso-Alvarez & Perez- example, the four verbal combinations of the
Gonzalez, 2006; Markham & Dougher, 1993; two adjectives and two nouns (e.g., ‘‘Can
Perez-Gonzalez & Alonso-Alvarez, 2008; you find a red fruit?’’ ‘‘Can you find a
Saunders & Spradlin, 1989; Stromer & yellow vegetable?’’) can be presented along
Stromer, 1990). For example, Perez-Gonza- with an array of comparison stimuli that
lez and Alonso-Alvarez, (2008) conducted a includes the target stimulus and a variety of
VCD analog study designed to establish similar nonverbal items (e.g., green fruit, red
discriminations containing 4 interchangeable meat, yellow bus, orange vegetable). The
stimuli. The study involved arbitrary stimuli next step is to fade out the nonverbal
based on the verbal analog, ‘‘Select a French stimulus, and transfer stimulus control to a
painter,’’ ‘‘Select a French writer,’’ ‘‘Select slightly modified verbal stimulus (i.e., ‘‘can
a Spanish painter,’’ and ‘‘Select a Spanish you name …’’), thus establishing an intra-
writer.’’ The results demonstrated ‘‘that verbal relation. Many variations of this
learning the four single-sample conditional procedure are possible and could generate a
discriminations is sufficient for some persons thematic line of research that would be of
to demonstrate the emergence of the com- great value in developing intraverbal training
pound-sample conditional discriminations’’ programs.
(p. 95). However, other persons required Intraverbal behavior is often hard to
‘‘experience with a compound-sample con- acquire because of the inherent complexity
ditional discrimination … for the emergence of verbal stimulus control. More often than
of the compound-sample conditional dis- not, many of the various verbal antecedents
crimination’’ (p. 95). The authors concluded for daily intraverbal behavior do not reliably
with the suggestion that occur together, or may only come together on
in order for children with autism to a single occasion. Children with autism who
answer questions with two relevant may thrive on sameness and routine may find
stimuli … the present study suggests the constantly changing and often novel
that they should learn first to answer configurations of verbal stimulus control
questions with only one relevant stimu-
lus. … It also suggests they should learn quite difficult. The current data suggest that
the relational [autoclitic] frame corre- the intraverbal repertoires of typically devel-
sponding to two-stimuli questions’’ oping children can provide a guide for
(p. 99). intraverbal assessment and intervention for
individuals with language delays. In addition,
These data support the previous suggestion
the data suggest that verbal conditional
that establishing an intraverbal repertoire for
discriminations are ubiquitous and mandato-
children with language delays involves
ry in daily intraverbal relations and should be
several prerequisite skills. For example, if
a major focus for the future study of
the goal is to teach a child to intraverbally
answer (in a non rote manner) the questions, intraverbal behavior.
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presented at the 24th Annual Conference, exceed 10 (i.e., if the child gets all 10 listed
California Association for Behavior Anal- items correct, the individualized items will
ysis, San Francisco, CA. not increase the score). Please make sure to
Sundberg, M. L., San Juan, B., Dawdy, M., & fill out the information on the top of the
Arguelles, M. (1990). The acquisition of form. Last names are optional (or use the first
tacts, mands, and intraverbals by individ- letter only if two children have the same first
uals with traumatic brain injury. The name).
Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 8, 83–99. Here are some specific suggestions for
conducting the assessment.
N Make it fun for the child by making it
Instructions for Conducting the VB- seem like a game
MAPP Intraverbal Assessment Subtest N Reinforce correct responses
N Don’t correct or punish incorrect respons-
Dear participant: es (i.e., ‘‘no’’)
We have been working on improving the
intraverbal curriculum for children with
N Don’t prompt responding in any way (this
is a baseline test)
language delays and request your help in
obtaining information on children’s respons- N There is no time limit, take your time
es to the 80 items contained in this subtest. N Spread out the assessment over a variety
The information will give us some baseline of activities (avoid presenting all 80
data and guide us in sequencing the types of questions in a row, or in one setting)
intraverbal tasks presented to language de- N Intersperse the test items with other verbal
layed children. We need data on both and nonverbal activities
typically developing children (between 12 N Mix up the items for each category (e.g., a
and 48 months of age) and children with any song fill-in, then a ‘‘where’’ question)
type of language delay. N Repeat the question two or three times if
There are 8 sets of intraverbal items on this
subtest. Each set contains 10 questions and
two individualized supplemental items (iden- N Re-phrase minor words if necessary (e.g.,
tified on the forms as ‘‘other’’) that are ‘‘What animal has stripes’’ can be re-
meant to replace one or two of the questions phrased to ‘‘Can you tell me an animal
that the child has no exposure to the specific with stripes’’). Please note any changes to
words or topics. The purpose of the supple- the question on the form
mental items is to give a child credit for an
intraverbal response that s/he might be able Scoring instructions
to emit on a topic more familiar to him/her N Fill in the general information at the top of
that is commensurate with the group being the form
tested (if the child does not get all 10 N Write the child’s exact response in the
correct). For example, a child may not be
blank space to the right of the test item
able to intraverbally respond to one of the
song fill-ins if they don’t know the song N Don’t worry about scoring, we will score
listed in set 1, but s/he may be able to fill-in a the test, but feel free to score it if you
different song. The assessor could include up want
to 2 individual items for each set, but the N Please email or fax us back the filled out
child’s total score for each set still cannot forms by May 11th if you can

Appendix 2
The Intraverbal Assessment Subtest

Child’s name: Tester:

Date of birth: Testing date (s):
Diagnosis if any: Total score____ (give a 0 or 1
for each item)

Group 1: Animal sounds & songs fill-ins) Score Write the exact response
given by the child

A kitty says...
Twinkle, twinkle, little...
Ready, set…
The wheels on the bus go...
A dog says...
The itsy bitsy...
Head, shoulders, knees and...
Happy birthday to...
Total points (10 points maximum):

Group 2 (name, fill-ins, associations)

What your name?

You brush your...
Shoes and...
You ride a...
You flush the...
You sit on a...
You eat…
One, two...
You wash your...
You sleep in a…
Total points (10 points maximum):

Group 3 (Simple What questions)

What can you drink?

What can fly?
What are some numbers?
What can you sing?
What’s your favorite movie?
What are some colors?
What do you read?
What is outside?
What’s in a kitchen?
What are some animals?

Table , 2,
Total points (10 points maximum):

Group 4 (Simple Who, Where, & How old?) Score Write the exact response
given by the child

Who is your teacher?

Where do you wash you hands?
Who lives on a farm?
Where is the refrigerator?
Who drives the car?
Where do you take a bath?
How old are you?
Where are the trees?
Who do you see on TV?
Why do you use a bandaid?
Total points (10 points maximum):

Group 5 (Categories, function, features)

What shape are wheels?

What grows outside?
What can sting you?
What do you do with with a spoon?
What can you push?
Where do you find wheels?
What do you smell with?
Name some clothing.
What’s something that’s sharp?
What color are wheels?
Total points (10 points maximum):

Group 6 (adjectives, prepositions, adverbs)

What do you wear on your head?

What do you eat with?
What animal moves real slow?
What’s above a house?
What do you write on?
What’s in a house?
What are some hot things?
What grows on your head?
What is under a boat?
Where do you eat?
What’s under a house?

Table , 2,
Total points (10 points maximum):

Group 7 (Multiple part questions) Score Write the exact response

given by the child

What makes you sad?

What animal has a long neck?
Tell me something that is not a food.
What helps a flower grow?
What is something you can’t wear?
What do you do with money?
What number is between 6 and 8?
What’s in a balloon?
What’s your last name?
What’s something that is sticky?
Total points (10 points maximum):

Group 8 (Multiple part questions)

Where do you put your dirty clothes?

What do you take to a birthday party?
What day is today?
What do you see in the country?
What day comes before Tuesday?
Why do people wear glasses?
When do we set the table?
How is a car different from a bike?
How do you know if someone is sick?
What did you do today in school?
Total points (10 points maximum):

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