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Mannitol in intracerebral hemorrhage: A randomized controlled study

Article  in  Journal of the Neurological Sciences · August 2005

DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2005.03.038 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Usha Kant Misra Jayantee Kalita

Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences


Sujit Kumar Mandal



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Journal of the Neurological Sciences 234 (2005) 41 – 45

Mannitol in intracerebral hemorrhage: A randomized controlled study

U.K. Misraa,*, J. Kalitaa, P. Ranjana, S.K. Mandalb
Department of Neurology, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareily Road, Lucknow-226014, India
Department of Biostatistics, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India

Received 5 May 2004; received in revised form 15 December 2004; accepted 8 March 2005
Available online 3 June 2005


Objective: To study the usefulness of mannitol in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) patients.
Method: 128 CT proven supratentorial ICH patients within 6 days of ictus were randomized into study and control groups. The study group
received mannitol 20%, 100 ml every 4 h for 5 days, tapered in the next 2 days. The control group received sham infusion. Primary endpoint
was 1-month mortality and secondary endpoint functional disability at 3 months assessed by Barthel index score.
Results: There were 65 patients in study and 63 in control groups. The study and control groups were evenly matched regarding age,
Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score, Canadian Neurological Scale (CNS) score, pupillary asymmetry, pyramidal signs on non-hemiplegic side,
and location, midline shift and ventricular extension of hematoma. At 1 month, 16 patients died in each group. The primary and secondary
endpoints were not significantly different between the two groups.
Conclusion: Low dose mannitol does not seem to be beneficial in patients with ICH.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Stroke; Intracerebral hemorrhage; Mannitol; Outcome; Prognosis; Randomized study

1. Introduction The wide popularity of mannitol in stroke is not based on

published scientific evidence. In a study on seven patients
Mannitol is a hexahydric alcohol related to mannose and with cerebral infarction having midline shift, following
was first isolated by Froust in 1806. Mannitol was first used intravenous mannitol, there was clinical improvement as
in medical practice in 1962 by Wise and Chater [1]. After evidenced by stroke scale in two, GCS score in three and
intravenous administration, mannitol is filtered by glomeruli pupillary asymmetry in two patients. Midline shift did not
but not appreciably absorbed by tubules. Its high molecular improve in any patient [4]. In another study on 20 patients
weight of 182 Da allows it to be rapidly cleared from brain with ICH admitted in an intensive care unit with raised
and CSF thus reducing rebound rise in intracranial tension. intracranial tension, mannitol was not found to be beneficial
Mannitol is commonly used to reduce intracranial tension in [5]. A Chinese study reported that mannitol was not superior
patients with head injury, brain tumor and stroke. The to FCMCK therapy in ICH patients [6]. A randomized
beneficial effects of mannitol are attributed not only to double blind placebo controlled trial in patients with ICH
lowering of intracranial pressure but also to its ability to using intravenous glycerol also did not prove beneficial [7].
increase intracranial compliance and ability to reduce red In a SPECT study on ICH patients following a mannitol
blood cell diameter by 15% thereby improving tissue bolus, blood flow did not change significantly compared to
perfusion [2,3]. placebo [8]. In spite of these reports mannitol is commonly
used in ICH. In a survey of 110 neurologists and physicians
from India all used mannitol in ICH [9]. The American
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 522 2668004 8; fax: +91 522 2668017.
Heart Association and Stroke Council has recommended
E-mail addresses:, mannitol in the management of ICH with raised intracranial
(U.K. Misra). pressure [10]. In the available literature we did not find a
0022-510X/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
42 U.K. Misra et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 234 (2005) 41 – 45

randomized controlled trial evaluating the role of mannitol was 1-month mortality. The cause of death, i.e. brain
in ICH. The present study therefore has been undertaken to herniation, pneumonia, septicemia, airway obstruction and
evaluate the role of mannitol in spontaneous supratentorial others, were ascertained as far as possible. Secondary
ICH patients. outcome measure was functional disability at the end of 3
months assessed by Barthel Index (BI) score. The outcome
was classified as poor if BI score was below 12, partial
2. Patients and methods BI = 12 –19 and complete BI = 20 [14]. Sample size was
calculated considering 20% reduction in mortality in the
The patients with CT proven primary supratentorial ICH study group compared to control. Forty patients in each
within 6 days of ictus were enrolled in a tertiary care group in each analysis were planned. The first interim
teaching hospital. The patients with renal and hepatic analysis was planned after recruiting 80 and final analysis
failure, hyperglycemia >250 mg%, past history of ICH, after 160 patients or 2 years whichever is earlier. If there
infratentorial hematoma, vascular malformation, tumor or were superiority of treatment or its absence, the study
anticoagulant bleed and those in whom consent could not be would be terminated. Statistical analysis was done using Z
obtained were excluded. test of proportion with an alternative that the treatment is
All the patients were subjected to detailed neurological effective. The power of test in the first stage was 0.86 and
evaluation. The consciousness was assessed by Glasgow in the final stages 0.96. The level of significance in the
coma scale (GCS) and severity of stroke by Canadian interim analysis was 0.01 and the final analysis 0.04. To
Neurological Scale (CNS) score [11]. Pulse, blood pressure, evaluate the significance of treatment one-tail test was
history of gastric hemorrhage and presence of surrogate used.
markers of raised intracranial pressure such as spontaneous
hyperventilation, papillary asymmetry and pyramidal signs
on the nonhemiplegic side were also noted. Cranial CT scan 3. Results
was carried out using a third generation spiral CT scanner
and 10 mm axial sections were obtained parallel to One hundred and sixty-four patients with ICH were
orbitomeatal line. The location of hematoma on CT scan, admitted during 2000 –2001; 36 of whom were excluded
its size, ventricular extension and midline shift were noted. because of renal failure in 5, diabetes in 1, recurrent ICH in
The size of hematoma was calculated as 4/3p A  B  C, 2, infratentorial location in 20, late admission 3 and lack of
where A is the largest diameter of hematoma in cm rounded consent in 5. In the study group there were 65 patients and
to nearest half cm, B is the diameter at 90- to A in cm in the control group 63. The age of the patients ranged
rounded to nearest half cm, and C is the number of between 35 and 80 (mean 56) years, 32 were females. The
parenchymal hematoma seen in 1 cm slice [12]. The
hematoma were classified into small (<20 ml), medium Table 1
(20 –40 ml) and large (>40 ml) [13]. The patients were Various clinical and radiological features in patients with intracerebral
managed conservatively and none underwent surgery. Anti- hemorrhage, receiving mannitol and placebo
hypertensive medication was prescribed if BP exceeded Patients details Mannitol (n = 65) Control (n = 63)
180/110 mm of Hg using atenolol or amlodepine. Ranitidine Age mean (range) years 55.0 (35 – 77) 57 (35 – 80)
or sucralfate were prescribed to all the patients. Patients’ Sex (female) 18 14
hydration was ensured by administering 2.0– 2.5 L isotonic Time of admission (days) 0.5 – 6 0.5 – 6
glucose saline daily. Caloric intake was maintained between Hypertension 51 49
Diabetes mellitus 9 7
1800 and 2000 Kcals. Blood sugar was monitored and if
Ischemic heart disease 5 6
exceeded 160 mg% insulin was administered. Seizure 2 1
The patients were randomized using random table Mean GCS (range) 9.6 (3 – 15) 9.4 (3 – 15)
numbers after getting informed consent from the first- Mean CNS score (range) 3.0 (2 – 10) 3.0 (2 – 9.5)
degree relatives if the patient was unable to give consent Pupillary asymmetry 7.0 9.0
Contralateral signs 28 28
because of aphasia or altered sensorium. The Institute’s
Septicemia (FDP+) 9 8
ethics committee approved the trial. The patients were Hematoma
randomized into study and control group. The random- Small 19 22
ization was done by one investigator (JK) and evaluation by Medium 23 21
another (PR). The hematoma was classified into small, Large 23 20
Hematoma location
medium and large and the randomization for each group was
Putaminal 42 42
done separately. The study group received mannitol 20% Thalamic 19 15
100 ml IV every 4 h for 5 days which was tapered in the Lobar 2 2
next 2 days as 100 ml every 8 h on sixth and every 12 h on Caudate 2 4
seventh day. The control group received a sham infusion of Midline shift 39 36
Ventricular extension 34 29
the same amount of normal saline. The primary endpoint
U.K. Misra et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 234 (2005) 41 – 45 43

patients were admitted within 6 days of ictus (mean-3, range radiological parameters. The clinical and radiological
12 h– 6 days). 62 patients were admitted within 24 h, 30 variables other than size of hematoma were not taken into
between 24 and 72 h and 26 between 72 h and 6 days. account before randomization; however these variables were
History of hypertension was present in 61 but on examina- not different between the two groups (Table 1).
tion hypertension was detected in 100 patients. Twenty-nine The profile of this trial is presented in Fig 1. Interim
patients consumed alcohol. The GCS score ranged between analysis after recruiting 80 patients did not reveal any
3 and 15 (mean 9.5) and three patients had generalized tonic significant difference in the primary endpoint between study
clonic seizure. Mean CNS score was 3.0 (range 2 – 10). The and control group. There were 10 deaths in study and 9 in
majority of patients had medium or large hematoma with control group. By the end of second year although 164
dense hemiplegia and had severe stroke as assessed by CNS patients were recruited, but 128 patients were eligible on
score. Pupillary asymmetry was present in 16, spontaneous whom the final analysis was based. There was no difference
hyperventilation in 38 and motor signs on the nonhemiple- in primary outcome in mannitol and control group (Z = 0.12,
gic side in 56 patients. These features were present mainly OR 1.042, CI 1.004 – 1.080, P = 0.80, power of test 80.36%).
in large or medium size hematoma. On CT scan 41 patients 16 deaths occurred in placebo and control groups respec-
had small, 44 medium and 43 large hematoma. The location tively. Three-month outcome between study and control
of hematoma was putaminal in 84, thalamic in 34, lobar in group was also not significantly different (X 2 = 2.83, df = 2,
four and caudate in six patients. Midline shift was present in P = 0.25). In study group, 23 patients had poor, 18 partial
75 patients, which was noted in patients with large and and 8 complete recovery; and in control group 18 poor, 20
medium size hematoma. Ventricular extension of hematoma partial and 9 had poor recovery. The comparison of
was present in 63 patients. The study and control groups mortality and 3-month outcome in study and control group
were evenly matched with respect to their clinical and is presented in Table 2.

Registered/ Eligible pts (N=164)

Not randomized (n=36)

Reasons -(renal failure 5,diabetes1, recuurent ICH 2,infratentorial location 20,

late admission 5 and lack of consent 3

Randomization (n=128)

Group I (Mannitol) Group II (Normal saline)

Received standard intervention as Received standard intervention as allocated

allocated (n=65) (n=63)

Did not receive standard intervention as Did not receive standard intervention as

allocated (n=0) allocated (n=0)

Followed up (n=65) Followed up (n= 63)

Timing of primary and secondary outcome: Timing of primary and secondary outcome:

1 month mortality, 3 month outcome 1 month mortality, 3 month outcome

Withdrawn (n=0) Withdrawn (n=0)

Lost to followup (n=0) Lost to followup (n=0)

Other (n=0) Other (n=0)

Completed trial (n=65) Completed trial (n=63)

Fig. 1. Profile of randomized controlled trial to evaluate the role of mannitol in ICH.
44 U.K. Misra et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 234 (2005) 41 – 45

Table 2
Outcome of patients with ICH receiving mannitol and placebo
Outcome Study (65) Control (63)
Small (n = 19) Medium (n = 23) Large (n = 23) Small (n = 22) Medium (n = 21) Large (n = 20)
Death 0 2 14 0 2 14
Poor 2 12 9 1 11 6
Partial 10 8 0 14 6 0
Complete recovery 7 1 0 7 2 0

Comparison of death in different sizes of hematoma was 4. Discussion

also not significance. In the small hematoma there was no
death (Z = 0, P = 0.99), in median size hematoma there were Our study reveals that in ICH patients, there was no
2 deaths each in mannitol and control group (Z = 0.09, significant difference in mortality or 3-month outcome in
P > 0.8, OR 0.905, CI 0.862 – 0.948, power of test of mannitol and placebo group. In earlier studies on large
79.8%); and in the large hematoma there were 14 deaths hemispheric infarction, mannitol aggravated the midline
in each group (Z = 0.269, P > 0.50, OR 0.666, CI 0.593 – shift and resulted in neurological deterioration [15,16]. In
0.739). Three-month outcome in different subgroups was another study on six patients with middle cerebral artery
also not significant in mannitol and control group. In the territory infarction with midline shift, administration of 1.5
large hematoma all the surviving patients had poor outcome g/kg mannitol resulted in significant reduction of brain
in both the groups. Evaluating the primary outcome of volume at 50 – 55 min. The non-infarcted hemisphere shrank
patients as per the time of recruitment (within 24 h, 2 – 3 more than the infarcted hemisphere. The clinical implica-
days and 4 – 6 days) was not significantly different tions of this study however could not be ascertained [16].
(X 2 = 3.73, df = 2, P = 0.16). The secondary outcome that is Single dose mannitol in another study also failed to
poor (X 2 = 0.8, df = 2, P = 0.96), partial (X 2 = 0.17, df = 2, demonstrate significant alteration in midline shift or neuro-
P = 0.92) and complete recovery (X 2 = 0.12, df = 2, P = 0.94) logical status in seven patients with large cerebral infarction
was not significantly different in control and study group. [4]. Mannitol failed to improve the outcome of 20 patients
On analyzing the timing of death, 10 patients in each group with intracerebral hemorrhage admitted in an intensive care
died within 7 days of admission and the cause of death was unit [5]. The lack of benefit of mannitol in patients with ICH
brain herniation in all except one who had pneumonia and may be due to associated alteration of blood – brain barrier
septicemia. After 7 days of admission 6 patients in each around the hematoma. Progressive entry of administered
group died and the death was due to infection in 11 and solute from plasma into the damaged brain may increase the
cardiac arrhythmia in 1 (Fig 2). The analysis of death in first osmolality which may draw water from plasma into brain
7 days and later did not show any difference. Two patients thereby defeating the intended purpose for which mannitol
died after 2 months and have been included in poor outcome was administered.
group. In our study, we have defined primary endpoint as 1-
In our study, no serious adverse effect necessitating month mortality. In the early stage of ICH, death may be due
withholding the treatment was noted. All the patients who to the effects of brain herniation however later it may be
survived received full treatment. Hyponatraemia was noted influenced by aspiration, infection such as urinary and
in two patients in the study group and six patients in the pulmonary, septicemia and pulmonary thromboembolism
control group (X 2 = 1.302, df = 1, NS). [17]. In the present study 10 patients each in the mannitol
and control groups died in the first 7 days, whereas 6
12 patients each died in both study and control groups after 7
days. The earlier death was most likely due to herniation
Number of patients

while latter was contributed by septicemia though no
Mannitol autopsy studies were carried out. The analysis of death in
Saline first 7 days of admission and after did not show any
difference between the two groups.
In our study, higher frequency of hyponatremia was
noted in the control group compared to those receiving







mannitol. Disturbance of water balance and hyponatremia








occurs in one-third of patients with massive stroke



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brain herniation within 7 days of admission and infection after 7 days in with large hemorrhages. Hyponatraemia in ICH is attributed
both mannitol and control groups. to syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic
U.K. Misra et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 234 (2005) 41 – 45 45

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