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CSBP 315 – Operating Systems Fundamentals

Lab Homework 2 - Security

Practice common Linux commands.


1. The following list of Linux commands are given for self-learning. Use
'whatis' or 'man' command to find out about each command. Your document
should include the description or screen shots of the output from each of the

a. df
b. du
c. gzip
d. file
e. history
f. wget

2. Changing access rights:

chmod u+x Dir1.0 adds execute permission for the owner
chmod go-w file1 removes write permission for the group and
chmod ugo=rw testfile sets the permissions for everyone to read and
write, but not execute
chmod u=rwx newDir sets the permissions for the owner to read,
write, and execute

a. How to check access rights for files or directories?

b. Use the command in (a) to find out the access rights for the file named
• Who is the owner of this file?
• What is the permission for the group on this file?

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