I Just Collected The Possible Answer You Should Arrange The Answer On Your Way. Any Wrong Answers Founded Inform Me

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Answer the following Questions:

I just collected the possible answer; you should arrange the answer on your way. Any wrong
answers founded inform me.

1. What is the special character of IP in the Internet protocol stack? (2 Marks).

Answer: IP is the network layer service implemented by the TCP/IP protocol suite.

IP was designed as a protocol with low overhead. It provides only the functions that are necessary to
deliver a packet from a source to a destination over an interconnected system of networks. The protocol
was not designed to track and manage the flow of packets. These functions, if required, are performed by
other protocols in other layers.

The basic characteristics of IP are:

 Connectionless - No connection with the destination is established before sending data packets.

 Best Effort (unreliable) - Packet delivery is not guaranteed.

 Media Independent - Operation is independent of the medium carrying the data.

2. Discuss the conditional forwarding in Domain Name System (DNS) (2 Marks).

Answer: Conditional forwarding is primarily used to improve performance of DNS queries.Conditional

Forwarders are a DNS feature introduced in Windows Server 2003. For example, if a DNS server has
forwarding configured as the table shows, the DNS server will forward a request for

host143.marketing.ntfaq.com to, because that IP address is a closer match to

marketing.ntfaq.com than it is to ntfaq.com.

Conditional DNS forwarding is a useful feature that avoids the usual recursive nature of DNS resolution
requests, in which DNS must first find DNS servers for .com, then ntfaq.com, and so on. If you have a
large namespace, you might consider using conditional DNS forwarding to speed up resolution requests.
This feature is also useful for connecting two organizations, especially if one organization uses a
nonstandard namespace--for example, savilltech.local--that the typical DNS name-resolution process
would never find.
3. Explain the limits of firewall's security? (3 Marks).

 A firewall cannot prevent users or attackers with modems from dialing in to or out of the internal
network, thus bypassing the firewall and its protection completely.
 Firewalls cannot enforce your password policy or prevent misuse of passwords. Your password
policy is crucial in this area because it outlines acceptable conduct and sets the ramifications of
 Firewalls are ineffective against nontechnical security risks such as social engineering.
 Firewalls cannot stop internal users from accessing websites with malicious code, making user
education critical.
 Firewalls cannot protect you from poor decisions.
 Firewalls cannot protect you when your security policy is too lax.

 Firewalls cannot protect against what has been authorized

 It cannot stop social engineering attacks or an unauthorized user intentionally using their access
for unwanted purposes
 Firewalls cannot fix poor administrative practices or poorly designed security policies
 It cannot stop attacks if the traffic does not pass through them
 They are only as effective as the rules they are configured to enforce.

 4. List 3 cases when DNS resolution happens (3 Marks).

DNS resolution is a well-known bottleneck in web crawling. Each web server has a unique IP address in
textual form, translating it to an IP address is a process known as DNS resolution or DNS lookup. Here
DNS stands for Domain Name Service. During DNS resolution, the program that wishes to perform this
translation contacts a DNS server that returns the translated IP address. Moreover, DNS syncs up domain
names with IP addresses enabling humans to use memorable domain names while computers on the
Internet can use IP addresses. For example, when we enter "https://www.example.com" in our browser,
part of the network connection includes resolving the domain name into an IP address, for that Web
There are some cases when DNS resolution happens such as:
·       Resolver: DNS client programs used to look up DNS name information.
·       Recursive queries: Queries performed by Host to Local DNS Server.
·       Iterative queries : Queries performed Local DNS server to other servers

Efficient technique for carrying messages that fit within one data packet. Answer: UDP

Encapsulation at OSI MAC Layer? Answer: The Network layer

Which one is considered as an Elements of Data Communication System?

Message: text, numbers, pictures, audio, and video

Sender: computer, workstation, telephone handset, video camera

Receiver: computer, workstation, telephone handset, television

Medium/ communication channel: twisted-pair wire, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable, and radio waves.

Encoder and decoder/Protocol

What is the main benefit of e-learning network?

Assume you are given to LAN scenario below:

1. Assign an IP address to the leftmost interface of the router, given that the subnet part of IP
addresses are 24 bits. (2marks)

Answer: Any address starting with 111.111.111.* is fine (except for * being 111 and 112).

2. Suppose A wants to send an IP datagram to B and knows B’s IP address. Must A also
know B’s MAC address to send the datagram to B? If so, how does A get this info? If not,
explain why not.(2marks)

Answer: Yes, since B is on the same subnet, it will need to know B’s MAC address. This will be done
through the ARP protocol.

3. Suppose A wants to send an IP datagram to C and knows C’s IP address. Must A also
know C’s MAC address to send the datagram to C? If so, how does A get this info? If not,
explain why not.(3marks)

Answer: No, A will forward the frame to the router, and the router will then de-capsulate the
datagram and then re-encapsulate the datagram in a frame to be sent over the right subnet. R will need
to run ARP in this case to get C’s MAC address, but A will not).

4. Suppose that R has a datagram (that was originally sent by A) to send to C. What are the
MAC addresses on the frame that is sent from R to C? What are the IP addresses in the IP
datagram encapsulated within this frame? (3marks)

Answer: source IP:, dest IP: source MAC: 1A-23-F9-CD-06-9B
(right interface of R), dest MAC: 49-BD-D2-C7-56-2A (node C).
Describe the role of segments in the transport layer and the two principle ways segments can be marked
for reassembly. (4 Marks).

Then, describe the mechanisms in TCP that manage the interrelationship between window size, data loss
and congestion during a session (6 Marks).

Here, window is the maximum amount of data that can be send before ACK is received.
Answer the following questions, for only student under Faculty of FCIT:

1.       Convert “172” decimal to 8-bit binary & convert “” to decimal (2 Mark).

Answer: 172 = 10101100, and =10(256)3+1(256)2 +1(256)1 +0 = 167837952.       

A host is assigned an IP of “”. You have to find the its Class, Default Mask, Network IP,
Broadcast IP, First Hosts IP, Last Host IP (4 Mark).


Class: C

Default Mask:

Network IP:

Broadcast IP:

First host IP:

Last host IP:

3.       A host is assigned an IP of “”. You have to find the Subnet Mask, Network IP,
Broadcast IP, First Hosts IP, Last Host IP (4 Mark).


Subnet Mask:

Network IP:

Broadcast IP:

First Hosts IP:

Last Host IP:

Business students should ignore the above questions and answer the following one:

1.       Compare IPv4 versus IPv6 computer networks addressing in term of the following features:

         IP header

IPv6 header is much simpler than IPv4 header.  The size of IPv6 header is much bigger than that of IPv4
header. IPv4 addresses are 32bit binary numbers and IPv6 addresses are 128 bit binary numbers.

IPv4: Variable length of 20-60 bytes, depending on IP options present.

IPv6: Fixed length of 40 bytes. There are no IP header options. 

         Addressing Range

IPv4: 32 bits long (4 bytes). The total number of IPv4 addresses is 2 32(4 294 967 296)

IPv6: 128 bits long (16 bytes). The number of IPv6 addresses is 2128(3.4* 1038 )

         Addressing Type

IPv4: unicast address, multicast address, and broadcast address.

IPv6: unicast address, multicast address, and anycast address. 

         Autoconfigration& Security
IPv4: You must configure a newly installed system before it can communicate with other systems; that is,
IP addresses and routes must be assigned

IPv6: Configuration is optional, depending on functions required. IPv6 can be used with any Ethernet
adapter and can be run over the loopback interface. IPv6 interfaces are self-configuring using IPv6
stateless autoconfiguration. You can also manually configure the IPv6 interface. So, the system will be
able to communicate with other IPv6 systems that are local and remote, depending on the type of network
and whether an IPv6 router exists.

         IP Multicast

Multicast addresses in IPv6 are similar to multicast addresses in IPv4. They are used to communicate with
dynamic groupings of hosts.

Describe what is proposing of using OSI Model, then gave the name of layers.

Answer: OSI is a theoretical model that aims to explain how computers can network together. It allows
different types of network hardware and software to communicate. To help network administrators by
dividing large data exchange process in smaller segments.
 Layer 7 - Application
 Layer 6 - Presentation
 Layer 5 - Session
 Layer 4 - Transport
 Layer 3 - Network
 Layer 2 - Data Link
 Layer 1 - Physical

Describe each layer of OSI model in short answer.

Find if the given IP address 26 is valid host, subnet or broadcast

         Define Subnet mask for given IP address

         Number of subnet 


         Number of host per subnet



Complete the table as shown below

Feature 10Base2 10BaseT 100BaseFX 100BaseTX 10base5

Supported ThinCoaxial Category3 Fiber-optic- Category5 Coaxial
Media (RG-58   or above   two   strands UTP
A/U) unshielded of
twisted-pair multimode
(UTP) 62.5/125
Distance 185m 100m 412 meters   100m 500m
[m] (Half-
2000 m
Transfer (10Mbps) 10Mbps 100 Mbps 100Mbps 10Mbps
Speed (200 Mb/s  
[Mbit/s] full-duplex
Topology Bus Star, using Star Star,using Bus
either   either  
simple simple
repeater repeater
hubs or hubs or
Ethernet Ethernet
switches switches

Write the subnet, broadcast address, subnet mask and valid host range for the following:

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