The Assessment of The Challenges and Practics of COUNSELING SERVICE in Orphan and Vulnarable Children

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the Assessment Of The Challenges and Practics Of COUNSELING SERVICE









Jun 2015

Table of contents

Topic Pages



Acronyms and Abbreviation ……………………………………………………..IV

CHAPTER ONE …………………………………………………………….

1.1. Introduction Background…………………………………………………...

1. 2. Statement of the problem…………………………………………………..

1.3. The objective of the study …………………………………………………..

1.3.1. General objective ……………………………………………………..

3.3.2. Specific objective ……………………………………………………..

1.4. Significance of the study ……………………………………………………

1.5. Scope of the study …………………………………………………………....

1.6. Limitation of the study ………………………………………………………

1.7. Operational definitions of Variables ………………………………………

CHAPTER TWO………………………………………………………………….

2. Review of related literature ……………………………………………………

2.1. Over view of orphans and

Vulnerable children……………………………………………………

2.2. Nature of OVC counseling ……………………………………………

2.3. Orphans and vulnerable children

2.4. Psycho social support of orphans and

Vulnerable children ……………………………………………………

2.5. Significance of Psychological counseling of OVC ………………..

2.6. Implication of counseling skills to

Deliver quality counseling service …………………………………..

2.7. Theoretical Foundation of

Orphans counseling ……………………………………………………

2.8. Factors Affecting OVC counseling…………………………………..

CHAPTER THREE …………………………………………………………….

3. Research Method ………………………………………………………………..

3.1. Research Design ………………………………………………………..

3.2. The study area …………………………………………………………..

3.3. Population sample of the study ……………………………………..

3.4. Sampling techniques …………………………………………………..

3.5. Data collection tools ……………………………………………………

3.6. Procedure of Data collection …………………………………………

3.7. Procedure of data Analysis …………………………………………..

CHAPTER FOUR ……………………………………………………………….

Result of the study …………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER FIVE ...……………………………………………………………..

5. Discussion…………………………………………………………………………

5.1. Counseling service render in

Orphans and vulnerable children’s home ……………………….

5.2. Challenge of counseling service ……………………………………….

5.3. Strategies to solve counseling problem …………………………….

CHAPTER SIX …………………………………………………………………..

6. Summary, counseling and recommendations …………………………….

Reference ………………………………………………..............................

APPENDIXES …………………………………………………………………….

First of all thanks to the Almighty God And His Mother St Virgine Mary (Madonna)For his
merciful gift of endurance patience and strength to accomplish this research successfully and help
me through out my life Next For the most my heart full thanks to my advisor Instructor
Germachew Gedamu (MA) for his genuine and suggestions with constructive comments for the
success of this study.

I haven’ t word to thanks my family to help me by familiar advice and financial support

The main objective of this research study was to assess the factors that affect counseling service in
orphan and vulnerable children

To this effect 45 students were selected of which 20 female and 25 male students simple random
sampling was used to select the samples from both sex (male and female) students and the
following were among major findings of the study for this study the researcher also used
descriptive survey research design.The data collect through questionnaire and interview were
analyzed by using quantitative data analyzing method.

WHO = World Health Organization

MOLSA= Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

HACI = Hope For African Children Initiatives

OVC= Orphan and Vulnerable Children

HAPCO= HIV/AIDS prevention and control organization


1.1 Background:-

in The year 2007 according to a study that was spear headed by (UNICEF 2008).there will an
estimation that about 145million children between the ages of "0"to"16"years ended up losing
either one or both parents.
The idea that counselors must be skillful is further underscored as a fundamental issue for Carballo
cited in Tarkegn Tadesse the sis 2006. Counseling is an activity engaged in deliberately, with clear
intention and operating according to clearly defined set of rules. Counseling is based up on
communication, listening and interpersonal skills. People become engaged in counseling when a
person, occupying regularly to offer time attention and respect to another person or persons
temporally in the role client (BAC: 1995:1 cited in guidance and counseling manual 2006 in

Around the word,15million children have become me orphaned because of Aids, with
11.6million of this because of Aids in sab-sahara africa alone (UNICEF 2008). Counseling is of
regard as a source of help for those with problems or crisis, but it is only one source of help
counseling is to large extent an art dependent more on shared experience than on reported
experiments. Arbuckle in Anayak, 2004 cited in guidance and counseling 2006 in MOLSA, said
that counseling is helping a person to come to see who he really is, what he has and does not have
what he can do easily,, what he can do with difficultly and what he probably can not do at all.

Yusuf (1998) attempts to summarize the existence of different specialized techniques to be

employed when ever necessary and also he tried to reveal the skills of quality relationship between
the client and counselors as an alternative way and determinate factors to effect the desired

In Ethiopia, there are more than 4.7 million orphans and vulnerable children with the highest
transmission of the HIV/AIDS pandemic (children’s on the Brink, 2004).

This event increasing number of orphans and other vulnerable children is becoming one of the
serious agendas that command due attention. The society also is striving to cope with the effects of
this potentially devastating phenomenon by providing education, psycho-social support,
counseling service, health care, livelihood support, advocacy and awareness raising, food and
nutritional support early child hood development as well as housing and shelter through variety of
local, international so, there is a need to investigate the status, problems and strategies to solve the
problem in the counseling service in orphans. It is believed to benefit orphans children’s and status
and its solutions of counseling service.

In this particularly study, therefore, the status problems and strategies of counseling would be
identified as specific information orphans and vulnerable children were selected to give
information particularly from Hanna orphans home.

1.2 Statement of the problem:-

The main point that seems less attention and investigation መገምገም in the area of orphans and
vulnerable children counseling might be the quality of counseling service provided by
governmental and non-governmental organizations. Hence, counseling service is provided for
orphans vulnerable children as psycho-social support. To built meaningful and positive human
development at emotional, social and mental level counseling service in the orphans and
vulnerable children institution have the vital importance.

orphaned Children face tremendous challenges in their lives and there fore makes most them
vulnerable in many situations. Some of them end up in children homes for surival and
susitanableity which exposes them to a whole new life that require adjustments to cope. Some
other non-governmental organization come around to assist the orphans and vulnerable children to
pull through life. The main objective this study is to assess and identify the challenges And
Practices Of Counseling Service For orphan and vulnerable children.

1.3 Research Question

1. How the challenges in the practice of counseling service for orphans and vulnerable

2. How the extent of implementation of counseling service for orphan and vulenerable

1.4 The objective of the study

1.4.1. General objective

The main objective of this study is to assess the challenges in the practices of counseling service
for orphans and vulnerable children

1.4.2 Specific Objective

1. To assess the challenges in the practices of counseling service for orphans and vulnerable
children’s home?

2. To what assess the extent of implementing of counseling service for orphan and vulnerable
1.5. Significance of the Study:-

The effective and appropriate use of counseling service in any government and non-governmental
organization is help to evaluate and improve the counseling service in different setups.

The counseling program in our country has different problems including implementation
processes. Because this field is young discipline, the community or the whole population at large is
not that much aware of its benefits. The goal of counseling is to effect change in the behavior
which could enable the client to live a more productive, satisfying life as defined in ones socio-
economic context. Behavioral changes are needed in job experiences, occupational areas, family
institution and in relationship with peers and significant others. Decision making and personal
effectiveness, such as maximizing the clients possible freedom to attain ‘’self –actualization’’ and
developing positive mental and physical health. Therefore, one could focus on personal,
educational social and career counseling. In this respect, ultimately, every human being be it the so
called abnormal, normal and the sub-normal should benefit from professional counseling
interaction. It is a service offered to all age (target) groups or individuals, children’s, adolescents,
adults, and the old and at all levels of educational programs, to the socially, psychologically and
emotionally disadvantage (cited in Yusuf O.A 1998 A.A). Hence, this study we well be to use
appropriately and effectively in any set up of governmental and non-governmental to know the
status, to understand challenges and to give solutions in counseling service and to built
psychological advantages of human being.

1.6. Scope of the study

TO Many stakeholders can be source of information for studying the Challenges And Practices of
counseling service for orphan and vulnerable children center. But this study would come across
with only one research area. This study was deli mated in terms of area, samples so as to make it
manageable. This scope of research title is the assessment of challenges and practices for
counseling service in TESFA orphans and vulnerable children homes.

1.7. Operational Definitions of Terms

The following terms and concepts used in this study Are operationally defined as follows.

 Child: the one who is below 18 years of age.

 Orphan: - An orphan is a child who has no parents.
 Vulnerable children: - Vulnerable children are those children who are incapable of
meeting their basic needs while their parents are a live.
 Counseling: - Refers to all sessions where children and/or their families talk with a
trained therapist or trained counseling about an issue/problem or challenger they are
 Governmental organizations: - Refers to public agencies that are directly under the
Jurisdiction and control of the government such as ministries, departments and units,
which provide public service.
 Non-governmental Organizations (NGO’S):- Are registered, non profit, voluntary,
independent, and charitable organization

1.8 Limitation of the syudy

In decling with this study the research was encountered some limiting factors that hinder
him/her form deep investigation
 Lack of experience in conducting the research
 Lack of sufficient text book or reference material
 The need for money for conducting the study orits costly
 The absence of adequate information



2.1. Over view of orphans and vulnerable children

The increasing number of orphans and vulnerable children is one of the most serious socio-
economic and development challenges affecting developing countries. The problem is prominent
among sub-Saharan Africa countries due to various factors including HIV/AIDS, poverty, conflict
and poor governance. These factors contribute to the death of parents or erode parent’s capacity to
provide support for their children. Consequently, children face multifaceted problems including a
lack of immediate basic necessities, as well as stigma and discrimination. To gather, these
jeopardize the future well being of children.

The socio-economic and psychological challenge of OVC due to HIV/AIDS is increasing at

alarming rate. This is despite the global and national effort being made to mitigate the crisis.
According to HAPCOs report, the most awful consequence of AIDS is its enormous contribution
to the increasing number of orphans. With the infection rates still increasing and people continuing
to die from AIDS, the disease will continue to cause large scale suffering among children and their
families. The loss of a parent has significant psychological and economic effects on a child. The
death of the mother, in particular has dramatic psycho-social consequences. The loss of a father
often means the loss of income and result in economic division (HAPCO 2003 cited in hop African
children initiatives 2006).

2.2. Nature of OVC Counseling:-

Counseling containing HIV concerns has common features to orphans children. The Ethiopian
ministry of health 2003 cited in Tarkegn (2006) emphasized on changing voluntary behaviors of
the client, facilitating conditions to the counseling to develop self-help skills specified with limits.
Such as an interview listening, attending and understanding each other, conducting privately and

Maintain confidentiality. For instance, Patterson quoted by Yusuf (1998) described the
characteristics of counseling as it not giving information through it involves when ever necessary;
no giving advice, suggestion and /or recommendations; not challenging clients attitude belief
through persuasions or coercion not affecting individuals behaviors through admonishing, warning
threatening or compelling not interviewing rather it is instrumental to counseling. In line with the
scholar strive to delineate the boundary of counseling as it depends on informed consent and desire
for change on behalf of the client, providing conditions for the independent behavioral
modifications, determining the limits like time, goal etc; employing interviews to make all the
things possible through listening and understanding the client.

Counseling is a process of assisting a client to make optimum use of his/her potential so that he/she
is able to develop a counseling philosophical out look and cultivate his/her talent and potentialities
to optimize his/her human resource and maximize material production both for the benefit of the
client and the society at large. In view of this definition counseling out look, the following
underlying principles and objectives could be pointed out.

 To identify the ability and the talent of the individual.

 To optimize the individuals talent and potentialities.
 To utilize every available resources to this end effectively.
 The maximization of production for the benefit of individuals and the society.

2.3. Orphans and Vulnerable Children Related Psycho-social Problems:-

Recently our society has chosen an increasing concern on child welfare and with the orphan and
destitute children who has no means and responsible people to look after them. Their living
conditions fall from below the accepted standards and there remains and wide gap between them
and reset of the other societies. Any attempts of social change and social progress should start with
the eradication of this undesirable in balance. The up left of the depressed class is a must in the
establishment of a well fare state. Among the depressed, the orphans are the most backward Prasad
(1994) says, children are the most vulnerable group in any population and needs of the greatest
social care. One account of their vulnerability and dependency, they can be exploited, illiterate and
directed in to undesirable channels by antisocial elements in the community. Depending on the
stage of development, each child requires live, affection, guidance, stimulation, support, discipline,
restriction and role models.

2.4. Psycho-social Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children:-

Services have the desired out come of ensuring that children’s have the human attachments
necessary for normal development and that children can be participate cooperatively in activities
such as school, recreation and work with other children’s and adults. Services include support in
dealing with anxiety, grief, and trauma related to parental illness and death, and service to prevent
and treat abuse of alcohol and drugs, depending on the context the range of services that might be
provided includes. (1) Child level activities that support life skills and self esteem, activities that
strengthen the connection between child and traditional social networks, counseling for children
rehabilitation for children who abuse drugs and alcohol. (2) Care giver [family level: - parenting
illness assisting with disclosure of information grief management, succession planning, preserving
memories etc.) and (3) community level:- increasing community understanding of psychosocial
needs of vulnerable children. (4) System level: - provision for trained counselor with in school
system to identify at risk children in needs of psychosocial support.
2.5. Significance of Psychological Counseling for OVC

A cluster randomized control trial a school- based peer group support intervention with 326 AID
orphans (aged to 10-15) in Mbarara district, Uganda found that peer group interventions when lead
by teachers and complemented by health care check ups significantly decreased anxiety,
depression, anger among the intervention group of the children 42.6% were double orphans. The
intervention provided twice weekly peer group support meetings conducted by a trained teacher
over the course of ten weeks and supplemented these sessions with monthly health care
examination these and treatment. The support meeting presented topics of concerns to orphans to
identify the problems embedded in the activities, inquired weather they had experienced similar
issues, explored the causes of the problems and their effects on families, and brainstormed
solutions. Although the children in the intervention group had started out having lower self-
concepts scores and higher indications of depression than the control group, the intervention group
had lower score of anxiety, depression and anger at base line. A study in Benin from 2005-2007
with 91 children. 51% female aged months to 15 years found that psychological disorder disappear
after two months of continued psychological care given to them as well as to their parents, care
given or other relatives involved in child care. In this intervention follow up for those with
psychological problems was done twice a week for months, and twice a month until the patient
was stable. Psychological care was integrated in to care package for HIV- exposed or infected
children and comprised of clinical, social and nutrition, therapeutic education and pediatric
community based care so, psychological counseling and monitoring for orphans and vulnerable
children improves their psychological well beings.

2.6. Implication of Counseling Skills to Deliver Quality Counseling Service

The Norwegian church Aid (2005) cited in Tarekegn (2006) continents that counselor’s weather
directly or indirectly should have the skills to know the principles and process of counseling in
relation to the latest information with further technical content knowledge of the problem. Carballo
cited in WHO and UK government 1998 quoted in Tarekegn (2006) seriously underscored on
counseling skills for the desired change as thought it is not a novel service, a number of caring
professionals process in one direction or another acquainted with and utilize the skills and
techniques through the renewed application of principles and practices. Further more, counselors
are expected to consider the culture, language, perception of HIV diseases, client’s self-esteem and
a numbers of others issues may put on pressure on the clients to perceive the nature of the diseases
and make positive change in life. An investigation made in Kenya and Tanzania by Grinsteade
(2000) cited in Tarkegn (2006) contend that counseling is perceived as a respected interpersonal
relationship where communication of individuals subjective issues could happen since the secure
environment focusing to the maintenance of confidentiality and special skills that counselors
bringing to the counseling relationship. Stickly (2002) cited in Tarekegn (2006) thesis,
compressively under scores on the importance of counseling skills as to growing element under
mental health nurse training scheme in England. In the words of Epstein et al.,(2001) health
professional often did not provide opportunities for patients to express their issues, and
communication tended to utilize unclear languages to convey risk behaviors and to be ignored at
‘’awkward’’ moments.’’

2.7. Theoretical Foundation of Orphans Counseling

All the fundamental psychotherapeutic thoughts from psychoanalytic to family approach deliver
understanding of person al and family change with behavioral problems and suggest
comprehensive principles towards the solutions of problems (weak land and Jordan, 1992) cited in
Tarkegn (2006). According to Ethiopian ministry of health (2003) counseling theories are dealing
with individuals and then psychosocial facets, and exposure to different risk induced behavioral
constrictions. Respective professionals are supposed to conduct supportive actions on the basic of
concrete and practical ground. To mean the purposeful specific interventions employed by the
counselors should base on theory rather than random assignment and implementation of principles.
Consequently, counseling involves sequential well-organized implementation of counseling skills
owing various theoretical frame works considering the socio-cultural milieus of the society, the
need, age, practical aspects of the clines’.

There are still numerous counseling theories that each of them with specific features and branches
among which psychoanalysis, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic and electric approaches. Through
the approaches may vary almost all of them focus on the significance of trusting, confidentiality,
and dignified relation ship between the client and the counselor.

A study conducted by Arthur (1998) cited in Tarkgn (2006) reveals that the communication
models tailored by nursing courses come from humanistic (client-centered approach) which is
characterized by respect, genuineness, empathy, attending, listening probing and generally quality
relation ship. In additional client-centered counseling has been suggested by CDC as interactive
counseling approach that has been translated as face to face sessions between the counselor and the
client through misinterpretations and lack of experiences of the model exists as if basically focuses
on face to face information delivery, advice giving and directing the client to perform certain
selected tasks rather than encouraging and facilitating active listening attending respecting the
clients and his/her concerns main training on going quality assurance so as to obtain reasonable
benefit (CDC, 2001;grinstead et al,2000)

2.8.Challenges Of OVC Counseling

Nothing is right perfect rather it has limitation or challengers that impair quality delivery of

The UN AIDS (2000) cited in Tarekegn (2006) thesis claims that counselor always come from
different background and with various health and social beliefs reforming training in special
communication skills like welcoming friendly, sensitive and non-judgmental attitudes towards
client. Rohleder and swartz (2005) clearly uncover the fact as counselors requiring more support
from health sector on their tasks, feeling isolated from main stream services, and requiring to be a
member of as initiative element in the functional and referral net work for clients and they indicate
that counselors need to be organized in to the health services via the delivery of constant post.
Further more, the Canadian international development agency (2001) reveal that counselors spend
most of their time listening to clients and delivering other individuals support retreat (time a way),
adequate logistics support, up dated professional development and training networking, exchange
visits and counselor support groups.


3.1. Research Design

The objective of this study was to investigate the challenges and practices of counseling services in
orphans and vulnerable children. The study focuses mainly on describing, analyzing and
interpreting the conditions that exists in relations to the counseling service in orphans and
vulnerable children the study has taken from of descriptive survey method in that it is appropriate
to gather several data related to the challenges and practices under the study.

3.2. The Study Area

This study was undertaken in debre markos town TESFA orphans and vulnerable children charity.

The source of the date has been from the TESFA orphans and vulnerable children home member’s
children and counselors.

3.3 Population sample of the study

A total population OFthis study will 1000 from this the researcher use 45 orphan children through
randomly selected to take part in the study.from this male and female partcipant in the study

the participants were nominated as orphans and vulnerable children and counselor (i.e. one) were
also selected to be interviewed.

3.4. Sampling Techniques

Simple random sampling technique was employed to select the participants. The purposive
sampling was employed to select counselor in the organization..

3.5. Data Collection Tools

Questionnaire; - was the primary instrument employed to gather information from the
respondents related to their counseling service receiving. Generally it has three items in the
questionnaire. The first part dealt with background items, the second items dealt with status of the
counseling service in the organization, the third part dealt with the problems and strategies of
counseling service which is delivered in the organization. The type of questionnaire was
administered as closed and open ended as well.

Semi-structure interview: - was conducted to obtain additional data from organization counselor.
Initially there were two background items and right interview questions. It was mandatory to refine
and improve interviews question as well as doing some background assignments on the interview
was to know about who were going to be interviewed.

3.6. Procedures of data collection

At the starting of the target organization were selected and supportive letter was administrated in
the program unit coordinator, questioner was employed as main instrument to collect data from the
organization. Hence, it has gone through certain steps to secure the necessary information from the
informants. The following were involved under it.

 Strong relationship was created with organization and administration. At the same time the
purpose of the study was briefed to coordinator and consent had been secured, move over
the discussion times were set to distribute questionnaire to the concerned participants.
 Questionnaire was distributed to participants with the help of brief orientation made on the
purpose of the study and procedures to fill questionnaire further more filled questionnaire
were return back at a time from the participants.
 Finally, incomplete and non- filled questionnaires were identified and other substituting
questionnaire distributed to other participants.

Semi- structured interview: - Was the second device that had been utilized to obtain further
information from counselors. As what had been done in the questionnaire case, certain steps were
undertaken to gather the necessary information from counselor that were.

 The interview format was delivered to the counselor so as to help them get prepared to
deliver reliable information and to be ready with mentally and psychologically. During this
session the time and place that the interview was conducted determined. The counselor
room was the place where the interview undertaken.
 Gathering the data was taking place starting with brief introduction of self, the organization
and the job responsibility.

3.7. Procedure of Data Analysis

The data generated in the mentioned instruments were presented in two ways. The first from of
presentation was placing of responses, mostly in percentage in table forms. The other form of
presentation was a discussion of the finding from either instrument or common analysis some
times supported by theoretical arguments. Percentages were used in places where there were
specific alternatives in alternative type response and a space was given for additional comment.
They were used as bases for further problem questions, additional comments were shown in the
discussion. Frequency of responses in the tables represent how many times

a particular response appeared in different questions. They also some times correspond to the
number of people who responded to the particular question under discussiOn


4. Result of the study

Table 1 – general information of respondents

No Item
ItemItem Response
Response Frequency
31 IsDotherecounseling service Yes
counseling service Yes 7 45 100(%)
214 Ifproviding
yourdoanswer isprofessional
No up and38 20
25 -32 8456 45
- 71 The table
How byinevaluate
you Very high
“yes” Sex Female 20 7 44 indicated
status are evaluation
counseling service High 16
No clear
Total hour 45 9
45 456 10020
100 10013 that 25
in problems?
organization?Have difficulty to identify 16
2 Age 12-19Low 45 - 10035 - (56%) of
3 Educational status GradeTotal
the problem 7 – 12 45 45 100 100
Total 45 100
were males
and 20 (44%) were
female. The age range of respondents falls between the ages of 12 to 17. Among them the
educational level or status was 7 to 12 grade this grade level was selected purposely or deliberately
in context of as they should fill the structure questioners by reading.

Table 2 – the status of counseling service results

As depicted from table 2 result 7 (16%) individual who were respond there was counseling service
problem and 38 (84%) respond there was not counseling service problem.

Individual who respond as there was counseling service problem 20(45%)no follow up and
evaluation 9(20%)no clear contact hour 16(35%)has difficulty to identify the problem.

The result from the total number of 45 respondent of orphans and vulnerable children 45 (100%)
of individual were respond as counseling service was providing in the organization.
No Item Response
Response Frequency
Percent (%) The
9 To what extent that the Very high 29 65 status of
6 If your answer is Having of 18 40(%)
(%) (%)
High 11 24
857 How
do you
question is 5faced
if yourin toLack
It isof
coordinator 5 35 1620 78 3645
“progressive” why? professionals
Medium 11
From nurse day to 10 2
Declining 4
declining counseling
day to Lower Low awareness
Having - is 8 15 - 22
counselor 18 33
from whom do in you your Total
get performance 45
organization 2 100 4
day why? using counseling
manager totally - -
counseling service? Client
Having delaying strong
in using19 10 42 22
From care
stopped giver 25 56
Total 45 100
Total 45 45 100 100
Total 45 100
service in the organization was 32 (72%) were very high. 7 (16%) were high. 6 (13) were medium.
The majority of individual were respond counseling service was provided in organization.

The comparison of the previous and the current status of counseling service was 35 (78%)
progressive 10 (22%) were declining day to day.

The respondent also describe the reason why the service become progressive 18(40%)having
professionals 8(18%)having awareness in using counseling service and 19(42%)were respond
because of strong administration.

Individual who respond as declining day to day were 20(45%)because of lacked of coordination
15(33%)were low counselor performance 10(22%)clients delay in counseling using.

If children faced in psychological problem they were get the service 16 (36%) from counselor 2
(4%) from nurse. 2 (4%) from organization manager and 25 (56%) from care givers.

The extent that organization was working to upgrade counseling service 29 (65%) were very high.
11 (24%) high. 5 (11%) got medium service.
No Item
Item Response
Response Frequency
12 Did
Are you get satisfied
in YesYes 43 43 96 96
14 If you answered
How ‘yes’ In
counseling to group
Very high 34
2 y 764 nt
No 2 2 4 4 In this
15 behavioral
Which counseling
servicein Individually
High 711 28 162462
what is
service extent did to you
method counseling
is appropriate In
service? In
to both group
Medium 232 10 4 7122 study
you? In both method
Total 45 45 7 16
you? TotalUnsatisfied 245 4 100
Total 45 45 100 100

individual who get concrete behavioral change in delivered counseling service were 43 (96%) in
the opposite 2 (4%) were not get changes in their problem.
No Item Response Frequency Percent
11 Dose counseling provides service Yes 38 84
No 7 16
by keeping confidentiality?
Total 45 100

To deliver counseling service counselor who used counseling room to kept confidentiality was 38
(54%) and 7(16%) was respond as not used counseling room.

43 (96%) of respondents were satisfied in provided counseling service and 2 (4%) were not
satisfied in the service.

The respondents the level or extent of satisfaction they get were 34(76%)were very high,
7(16%)high 2 (4%) medium and 2(4%) unsatisfied.

The method of counseling providing for client 2 (4%) in a group, 11( 24%) individually 32 (71%)
was delivered in group and individually
No Item Response
ResponseResponse frequency
percent Counseling
17 Do
If you think counselor is roleof Yes 42 3 93 7
16 Doyou
youanswer ‘yes’ Lack
think, counselor Yes inter personal
18 40 service
model to you in ethics and No 3 7
what would
have the relation ship
professional appropriate
Problem in 27
finding 6 60 13
problem other? service
problem? Total 45 100
total 45 100 counselor gave
Problem in keeping 1 2
for client were
Coordination problem 5 11 28(62%)
No problem at all 30 67 individuals
Total 45 100
10(22%) a group
and 7 (16%) in both method.

Table 3 counseling service problem and strategy result

As depicted from table 3 result 18 (40%) individuals were responding there were counselor
professional problem and 27 (60%) of these who were respond yes as a problem

3 (7%) lack of interpersonal relationship 6(13%) problem in finding the solutions1 (2%) problem
in keeping confidentiality 5 (11%) coordination problem and 30 (67%) were respond there is no
problem at all.

Individuals who were respond 42( 93%) counselor was role model in ethics and respecting other
and 3(7%) were respond counselor were not role model
No Item Response frequency Percent
19 To provide quality Better to have counseling 10 22
service what shall program
Getting additional training 11 24
counselor and
organization will do? Commitment of 8 18
Have continues follow up of 16 36
Total 45 100

The data obtained from open-ended question which was the strategies to provide quality
counseling service 10 (22%) better to have counseling service program, 11(24%) getting additional
counseling training 8 (18%) commitment of administration, 16(36%) were having continues follow
– up evaluation. These were sated as the solution to provide quality counseling service in orphans
and vulnerable children home


In this study one male counseling was interviewed to know about the Challenges And practice of
counseling service in the organization. He was 28 years old and has 2 years working experience. He
was received his bachelor degree in Gondar university in psychology. By now he was assigned as
counseling and social work in tesfa orphans home organization

More over the interview reveled that counseling who measures the status of counseling service in
the organization as the following ideas

The status of counseling service in the organization was goes in a good manner by giving
awareness for clients with limited counseling resources

Counselor responded that as

Yes we have decent counseling room to provide counseling in sate the way to keep client
confidentiality with full setting benches relatively calm and free from any destruction and we have
direction indicators begging from out side the get of counseling office

In addition to counselor respond the counseling material he was using as

Just we were simply by using the university counseling modules and by searching from internet
The counselor reflects the clients awareness to wards using the counseling service as

It was less practical to get the service in their own even if they think as we might corrupt or
abuse their privacy and they think as the service will give immediate solution to them and they
don’t want come again

Counseling described consultation program or schedule of counseling service as

Well we have consultation program to deliver counseling service in program But it was rear case
clients in using the service as you seen we have adjusted the counseling room indicating the
counselor name and we were advocating and encouraging them to come to the center

Counselor shows that the most occurring problem in clients was

Of course we provide counseling service for different kinds of problem But the most occurring
problem was behavioral problems or conduct problem, under achievers in academic ,depression,
sexually abused children’s are more or less beneficiaries

Counseling described problem regarding to counseling service in the organization as

As I have mentioned there was shortage in counseling materials and guide lines

In addition to this counseling described the way to mange the problems as

Just we are trying to fill the gaps of Knowledge by sharing experience from stakeholders and
related organization

Generally to provide quality counseling service the service must be give in organized manner by
preparing materials counselor must get the additional training we shall be share experience from
other organization making awareness creation for clients to use counseling service

The organization administrator and directors shall take strong measure to expand the service
counselor must be follow client periodically and making communication with boss to solve the
problems of the service


The discussion part of this study was based on research question indicated in chapter one and the
findings presented in the preceding section. It also provides possible explanation for the results.

5.1. Counseling Service Render in Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s Home:-

In this study counseling service was given in orphans and vulnerable providing was 32(71%) of
very high in the organization. Because these were get top attention from the administration and
other concerning bodies.

Congruously with this study other literatures has demonstrated that providing counseling service for
orphan children’s and vulnerable groups haps to identity the problems embedded in the activities,
inquired weather they had experienced similar issues, explore weather they had experienced similar
issues explore the causes of the problems and their effects on families and brainstormed solution (in
maraca district, Uganda, cited in web cite attached in reference in line with this, study in Benin
from 2005-2007 cited in www global ) physiological care was integrated in to care
package for HIV- exposed or infected children and comprised of clinical social and nutritional,
there peptic education and pediatric community based care so the improvement of counseling
physiological for orphans and vulnerable children optimizing their well being nests.

5.2. challenge of Counseling Service: -

The first step was examining each item in counseling problem. The result of qualitative analysis
indicated that 38(84%) of respondents responded as currently there was not counseling service
problem. In the opposite 7(16%) there was counseling service problem in orphans and vulnerable
children home. From this study the respondents were respond factors that would affect counseling
service was absence of follow up and evaluation, no clear consultation hour, incapable to identify
problems, lacked in inter personal relationship, coordination, and keeping confidentialities. In line
with this study, according to the UNAIDS (2000) united in Foreign (2006) Tarekgn thesis claims
that counselor always come from different background and with various health and social beliefs.
These factors would affect counseling service directly or indirectly.

5.3. Strategies to Solve Counseling Problem

To provide quality counseling service the counselor and administration body shall be done as
follows. The study indicated that 18(40%) of respondent as continuous follow and evaluation of
service was needed. Consequently, getting additional professional training, commitment in
administration is sled as the strategies to solve the problem similar with this study, counselor spend
most of their time listening to clients, and delivering other individual support retreat (time a way)
adequate logistic support, update professional development and training networking, exchanging
visits and counselor support groups (Canadian international development Agency (2001) cited in
Tarekgn (2006). Generally, finding of this study indicated that there a good counseling service
progressions in respect to soling the problems to deicer quality counseling service in the orphans
and vulnerable children’s home.



The purpose of this study was to investigate the Challenges And practices to the counseling
problems. To this effect the following basic equations were formulated to conduct the study.

 Do counseling service render in the orphans and vulnerable children’s

 To what extent the counseling service is implementing in the orphans and vulnerable
children’s home?
 Dose the Challenges are used to solve the counseling problem which is faced in OVC

A total of 45 male and female respondents drown from tesfa orphans home in debre Markos
participated in the study. Participants were selected by using simple random sampling with respect
to using purposive sampling to select counselor.

To gather the necessary information about the challenges and Practic of counseling service
questionnaire was prepared to assess counseling problem in orphans and vulnerable children’s
organization. The semi-structure interview was also administered to gather the information from
counselor. To analyze the collected data percentage and descriptive analyze were employed


The percentage analyze indicated that counseling service were providing in 45(100%) in OVC
organization and the status of counseling service 32(71%) were very high and 35(75%) were
progressive when it compared with the previous. As the study indicated that reason why it was
becoming progressive, because of having professionals 14(31%). As the majority respondents were
the counseling service have very high progression in orphans and vulnerable home organization
but, there was slight problems from the counseling service and professionals. So that, the
organization administration and counselor as well as clients must be facilitate and up grade the
service to provide the quality service

The result of this study has implication in there were a good counseling status with better initiation
to obtain the counseling service in the organization. There fore, it is better to:-

 The organization must be strived to render the counseling service.

 Counselor shall get the additional training to provide quality service.
 The clients and community of organization must be aware about the counseling service.
 It is better to have manuals, guide lines and other counseling resources in organization to
facilitate the service.
 Counselor must be follow and evaluate the status of counseling service and clients who are to
be serviced.
 Especially, counselor must be problem solver by using necessary counseling frame works and

2. http://www.ericdigests org./2000-3/evidence.htm
4. /pege/2009 275 researches.
5. Yusuf, O. A. (1998). Gender Sensitivity Counseling Psychology. A Hand Book for Ethiopia
high school counselor. Addis Ababa university.
6. Ethiopian Ministry of Health, (2003). National HIV /AIDS Counseling Trailing Manual.
Disease Prevention and Control Development, HIV/ADIS and other STDs Prevention and
Control Team.
7. Trekking T.G. (2006). Thesis on Comparative Study of the Self Perceived Knowledge &
Practice of HIV Counseling Skills between Governmental & Non- governmental HIV
Counseling Center, the case of Gamo - Gofa a zone.
8. Ethiopia Ministry of Labor and Social Affaires (2006). Marriage and Family Guidance
/Counseling Manual. Family well is Affairs Team.
9. Hope for African Children Initiative HACI Ethiopia (2005) Orphans & Vulnerable Children
Service Mapping in Addis Ababa and Surrounding Towns.
DEbre Markos University
Educational And Behavioral Scinces


The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information about the Chaallenges And practices of
counseling service for orphan and vulnerable children

of counseling service in Tsefa orphans and vulnerable children’s home. The questionnaire has
three parts, the first part general information and the second part the status of counseling service,
and thread part is the problem and the strategy of counseling service in OVC. I assure you that the
response that you will give will never be used for another purpose other than mentioned the above
so you are politely asked to respond for items accurately and honesty your response will be kept

Thank you in advance for you cooperation!

A. General information items

1. Sex A, male B, female
B. The status of counseling service items
1. Is there counseling service program in your organization?
A. Yes
B. no
2 If you answer is yes what are the problem
a. No follow up and evolution
b. No clear contact hours
c. have difficulty to identity the problem
3 Do counseling service providing by professional counselors?
a. Yes
b. No
4 How do you evaluate the status of counseling service in your organization?
a. Very high
b. High
c. Medium
d. Low
5 How do you compare to days and previous counseling service in your organization?
a. It is progressive
b. Declining day today
c. Service totally stopped
6 If you answered it is “progressive’’ why?
a. Having of professionals
b. Having awareness in using counseling
c. Having strong administration
7 From question number ‘5’ if your answer is declining day to day why?
a. Lack of coordinator
b. Low counselor performance
c. Clients delaying in using counseling service
8 If you are faced in psychological problem from whom do you get counseling service?
a. From counselor
b. From nurse
c. From organization manager
d. From care giver
9 To what extent that the organization is working to up grade counseling service?
a. Very high
b. High
c. Medium
d. Low
10 Did you get concrete behavioral change in delivering counseling service?
a. Yes
b. No
11 Does counselor provide service by keeping confidentiality?
a. Yes
b. No
12 Are you satisfied in counseling service delivering?
a. Yes
b. No
13 If you answered ‘yes’ to what extent did you satisfied?
a. Very high b. High
c. Medium d. Unsatisfied

14 How counseling service is delivered to you?

a. Individually
b. In group
c. In both approach
15 Which type of counseling method is appropriate to you?
a. Individually
b. In group
c. In both method
Counseling service program and strategy item
16 Do you think counselor have professional problem?
a. Yes
b. No
17 If you answered ‘yes’ what would the problems?
a. Lack of interpersonal problem
b. Problem in finding solutions
c. Problem in keeping confidentiality
d. Coordination problem
e. No problem at all
18 Do you think counselor is a role model to you in ethics and respecting others?
a. Yes
b. No
19 To provide quality service what shall counselor and organization will do?
, ,


1 Name

2 sex F M

3 AGE 20-25 26-30 31-35 36-40

4 Education status

5 what kind of material do use

6 do you have counseling room to provide counseling

7 do the clients awareness to ward using the counseling services

8 do you have consultation program to deliver counseling service in program

9 what are the most occuring problem in clients

10 what are the problem regarding to counseling service in the organization

11 how you manage the problem

ደብር ማርቆስ ዩኒቨርስቲ

የስነ ትምህርት እና ስነ ባህሪ ትምህርት ተቆም

የሳይኮሎጂ ትምህርት ክፍል ለጥናታዊ ፅሁፍ የተዘጋጀ ቃለ መጠይቅ

የዚህ መጠይቅ ዋና አላማ ስለ ተስፋ ወላጅ አልባ የሆኑ ህፃናት ያሉበት ሁኔታ፣ስለችግራቸውና ስለሚያገኙት የምክር አገልግሎት
መረጃ ማሰባሰብ ነው፡፡
የምትሰጡት ማንኛውም አገልግሎት መረጃ ከተጠቀሰው አላማ ውጪ ለሌላ እንደማይሆን አረጋግጥላቸዋለሁ፡፡ ስለዚህ ለሚጠየቁት
ጥያቄዎች በትእግስት መልስ እንዲሰጡ በትህትና እጠይቃለው የሚሰጡዋቸው ምላሾች በሚስጥር ይጠበቃል፡፡ስለምታደጉልኝ
ትብብር አመሰግናለሁ ።

ሀ. አጠቃለይ መረጃ

1. ፆታ ሴት ወንድ
2. እድሜ 12 – 15 16 - 19
3. የትምህርት ደረጃ ----------ለ. የምክር አገልግሎት ሁኔታዎች

1 . የማማከር አገልግሎት በድርጅታችሁ ውስጥ አለ?

ሀ. አዎ

ለ. የለም

2. መልስህ/ሽ አዎ ከሆነ ችግሩ ምንድን ነው?

ሀ. ክትትል ስለሌለ

ለ. በግልፅ የማገናኛ ሰዓት ስለሌለ

ሐ . የማንነት ችግር ለመፍታት አስቸጋሪ ነው ወይም ስለሚሆን ነው፡፡

3 . የማማከር አገልግሎት የሚሰጠው በሰለጠኑ ባለሞያዎች ነው?

ሀ. አዎ

ለ. አይደለም

4 . በድርጅታችሁ ያለውን የማማከር አገልግሎት እንዴት ያዩታል?

ሀ. በጣም ከፍተኛ ሐ. መካከለኛ

ለ. ከፍተኛ መ. ዝቅተኛ

5 . አሁን እና በፊት የነበረውን የማማከር አገልግሎት እንዴት ያወዳድሩታል?

ሀ. እያደገ ነው

ለ. ቀን በቀን እየቀነሰ ነው

ሐ. አገልግሎቱ አጠቃላይ ቆሟል

6. መልሱ ሀ ከሆነ በምን ምክንያት?

ሀ. የሰለጠኑ ባለሞያዎች ስላሉ

ለ. ስለ ስልጠና አገልግሎቱ አሳብ ስላለን

ሐ. ጠንካራ አስተዳዳሪ ስላለ

7 . በጥያቄ 5 መሰረት መልሱ ቀንበቀን እየቀነሰ ከሆነ ለምን?

ሀ. መቀራረብ ያለመኖር

ለ. የሰለጠኑ ባለሞያ ስለሌሉ

ሐ. አገልግሎቱን የሚፈልጉ ደንበኞች ስለሌሉ

8. የስነ ልቦና ችግር ሲያጋጥምዎ አገልግሎቱን የሚያገኙት

ሀ. ከአማካሪዎች

ለ. ከነርስ

ሐ. ከድርግቱ ሀላፊዎች

መ. ከሞግዚቶች

9 . ድርጅቱ የማማከር አገልግሎቱን ለማሻሻል ምን ያህል እየሰራ ነው?

ሀ. በጣም ከፍተኛ

ለ. በከፍተኛ

ሐ. መካከለኛ

መ. ዝቅተኛ

10. ተጨባጭ የሆኑ የባህሪ ለውጥ አግኝተዋል አገልግሎቱን ከወሰዱ በኋላ

ሀ. አዎ

ለ. የለም

11. ባለሞያዎቹ ሚስጥር ጠባቂ ናቸው?

ሀ. አዎ

ለ. አይደሉም

12. በማማከር አገልግሎቱ ተደስተዋል

ሀ. አዎ

ለ. አልተደሰትኩም

13. መልሱ አዎ ከሆነ በምን አይነት መጠን

ሀ. በጣም በከፍተኛ

ለ. በከፍተኛ

ሐ. መካከለኛ

መ. ዝቅተኛ

14. አገልግሎቱን የሚያገኙት

ሀ. በግለሰብ

ለ. በህብረት

ሐ. በሁሉም

15. የትኛው የማማከር አገልግሎት ይመቾታል?

ሀ. የግል
ለ. የህብረት

ሐ. የሁለቱም

16. አማካሪዎች የሙያ ችግር አለባቸው

ሀ. አዎ

ለ. የለም

17. መልሱ አዎ ከሆነ ችግሩ ምንድን ነው?

ሀ. የእርስ በርስ ችግር

ለ. ችግሩን የመፍታት ችግር

ሐ. ሚስጥር የመጠበቅ ችግር

መ. በአጠቃላይ ችግር የለም

18. አማካሪዎቹ በአርያ ሆነ በማክበር ደረጃ አርአያዎች ናቸው?

ሀ. አዎ

ለ. አይደሉም

19. የማማከር አገልግሎቱን ለማሻሻል ከአማካሪው እና ከድርጅቱ ምን ይጠብቃሉ---------------------

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