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Historical Perspectives
of Nursing Informatics
Virginia K. Saba / Bonnie L. Westra

. Describe the historical perspective of nursing informatics.
2. Explore lessons learned from the pioneers in nursing informatics.
3. Describe the types of nursing standards initiatives.
4. Review the historical perspectives of electronic health records.
5. List the major landmark events and milestones of nursing informatics.

Computer literacy
Computer systems
Data standards
Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Healthcare Information Technology (HIT)
Information systems
Nursing informatics

healthcare is indisputable. HIT is an all-encompassing

OVERVIEW term referring to technology that captures, processes,
Nursing Informatics (NI) is a title that evolved from the and generates healthcare information. Computerization
French word “informatics” which referred to the field of and/or electronic processing affect all aspects of health-
applied computer science concerned with the process- care delivery including (a) provision and documentation
ing of information such as nursing information (Nelson, of patient care, (b) education of healthcare providers,
2013). The computer was seen as a tool that could be used (c)  scientific research for advancing healthcare deliv-
in many environments. In the early 1960s, the computer ery, (d)  administration of healthcare delivery services,
was introduced into healthcare facilities for the process- (e)  reimbursement for patient care, (f ) legal and ethical
ing of basic administrative tasks. Thus the computer revo- implications, as well as (d) safety and quality issues.
lution in healthcare began and led to today’s healthcare Since its inception there has been a shift from the use
information technology (HIT) and/or electronic health of mainframe, mini- or microcomputers (PCs) toward
record (EHR) systems. integrating multiple technologies and telecommunica-
The importance of the computer as an essential tool tion devices such as wireless, handheld, mobile comput-
in HIT systems and in the delivery of contemporary ers, and cell phones designed to support the continuity of

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care across healthcare settings and HIT systems. There complexity from physicians’ handmaidens to professional
has also been a dramatic shift from visible to invisible status. These events provided the impetus for the profes-
storage devices such as cloud storage, and from develop- sion to embrace computers—a new technological tool.
ing instructions for old software programs to today’s icon, Computers were initially used in healthcare facilities
user-friendly, menu-driven, touch-screen manipulation for basic office administrative and financial accounting
methods for activating software programs. functions. These early computers used punch cards to
Today, computers in nursing are used to manage store data and card readers to read computer programs,
patient care information, monitor quality, and evaluate sort, and prepare data for processing. They were linked
outcomes. Computers and networks are also being used together and operated by paper tape using teletypewriters
for communicating (sending and receiving) data and mes- to print their output. As computer technology advanced,
sages via the Internet, accessing resources, and interacting the healthcare technologies also advanced. The major
with patients on the Web. Nurses are increasingly becom- advances are listed chronologically in Table 1.2.
ing involved with systems used for planning, budgeting,
and policy-making for patient care services, as well as 1960s.  During the 1960s, the uses of computer technol-
enhancing nursing education and distance learning with ogy in healthcare settings began to be explored. Questions
new media modalities. Computers are also used to docu- such as “Why use computers?” and “What should be com-
ment and process real-time plans of care, support nursing puterized?” were discussed. Nursing practice standards
research, test new systems, design new knowledge data- were reviewed, and nursing resources were analyzed.
bases, develop data warehouses, and advance the role of Studies were conducted to determine how computer
nursing in the healthcare industry and nursing science. technology could be utilized effectively in the healthcare
This chapter is an updated and revised version of the industry and what areas of nursing should be automated.
Chapter 2 “Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics” The nurses’ station in the hospital was viewed as the hub
(Saba & Westra, 2011) published in the fifth edition of of information exchange, the most appropriate center for
Essentials of Nursing Informatics (Saba & McCormick, the development of computer applications.
2011). In this chapter, the significant events influencing the By the mid-1960s, clinical practice presented nurses
growth of NI as a nursing specialty are analyzed according with new opportunities for computer use. Increasingly
to (1) Seven Time Periods, (2) a synthesis of lessons learned complex patient care requirements and the proliferation
from 33 videotaped interviews with Nursing Informatics of intensive care units required that nurses become super
Pioneers, (3) Nursing Standards Initiatives including users of computer technology as nurses monitored patients’
nursing practice and education, nursing content standards, status via cardiac monitors and instituted treatment regi-
and confidentiality and security standards, (4) Electronic mens through ventilators and other computerized devices.
Health Records from a Historical Perspective, and A significant increase in time spent by nurses document-
(5) Landmark Events in Nursing and Computers with ing patient care, in some cases estimated at 40% (Sherman,
Table 1.2 listing those events that influenced the introduc- 1965; Wolkodoff, 1963), as well as a noted rise in medica-
tion of computers into the nursing profession including key tion administration errors prompted the need to investigate
“computer/informatics” nurse(s) that directed the activity. emerging hospital computer-based information systems.

1970s.  During the late 1960s through the 1970s, hospitals

MAJOR HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES began developing computer-based information systems
OF NURSING AND COMPUTERS which initially focused on physician order entry and results
reporting, pharmacy, laboratory, and radiology reports,
Seven Time Periods
information for financial and managerial purposes, and
Prior to 1960s.  Computers were first developed in the physiologic monitoring systems in the intensive care
late 1930s to early 1940s, but their use in the healthcare units, and a few systems started to include care planning,
industry occurred in the 1950s and 1960s. During this decision support, and interdisciplinary problem lists.
time, there were only a few experts nationally and inter- While the content contained in early hospital informa-
nationally who formed a cadre of pioneers that attempted tion systems frequently was not specific to nursing prac-
to adapt computers to healthcare and nursing. At that time tice, a few systems did provide a few pioneer nurses with
the nursing profession was also undergoing major changes. a foundation on which to base future nursing information
The image of nursing was evolving, the number of educa- systems (Blackmon et al., 1982; Collen, 1995; Ozbolt &
tional programs and nurses increasing, and nursing prac- Bakken, 2003; Romano, McCormick, & McNeely, 1982;
tices and services were expanding in scope, autonomy, and Van Bemmel & Munsen, 1997). Regardless of the focus,

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Chapter 1 • Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics   5

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which remained primarily on medical practice, nurses It became apparent that the nursing profession needed to
often were involved in implementing HIT systems. update its practice standards and determine its data stan-
Interest in computers and nursing began to emerge in dards, vocabularies, and classification schemes that could
public and home health services and education during the be used for the computer-based patient record systems.
1960s to 1970s. Automation in public health agencies began Starting in 1981, national and international confer-
as a result of pressure to standardize data collection proce- ences and workshops were conducted by a few nurs-
dures and provide state-wide reports on the activities and ing pioneers to help nurses understand and get involved
health of the public (Parker, Ausman, & Overdovitz, 1965). In in this new emerging nursing specialty. Also during the
the 1970s, conferences sponsored by the Division of Nursing 1980s, invitational conferences were conducted to develop
(DN), Public Health Service (PHS), and the National League nursing data sets and vocabularies as well as numerous
for Nursing (NLN) helped public and home health nurses workshops were conducted at universities to introduce
understand the importance of nursing data and their rela- this new specialty into nursing education.
tionship to new Medicare and Medicaid legislation, passed in During this period, many mainframe healthcare infor-
1966, requirements. The conferences provided information mation systems (HISs) emerged with nursing subsys-
on the usefulness of computers for capturing and aggregating tems. These systems documented several aspects of the
home health and public health information. Additional gov- patient record, namely, provider order entry and results
ernment-sponsored conferences focused on educational uses reporting, the Kardex reporting, vital signs, and other
of computers for nurses (Public Health Service, 1976). At the systems-­documented narrative nursing notes using word-
same time as hospitals and public health agencies embarked processing software packages. Discharge planning systems
on investigating computers and nursing, the opportunity to were developed and used as referrals to community, public,
improve education using computer technology also began. and home healthcare facilities for the continuum of care.
Bitzer (1966) reported on one of the first uses of a computer- In the 1980s, the microcomputer or personal computer
ized teaching system called PLATO, which was implemented (PC) emerged. This revolutionary technology made com-
to teach classes in off-campus sites as an alternative to tradi- puters more accessible, affordable, and usable by nurses
tional classroom education. and other healthcare providers. The PC brought comput-
The early nursing networks, which were conceived at ing power to the workplace and, more importantly, to the
health informatics organizational meetings, helped expand point of care. Also the PCs served as dumb terminals linked
nursing awareness of computers and the impact HIT to the mainframe computers and as stand-alone systems
could have on practice. The state of technology initially (workstations). The PCs were user-friendly and allowed
limited opportunities for nurses to contribute to the HIT nurses to design and program their own applications.
design, but as technology evolved toward the later part of Nurses began presenting at multidisciplinary conferences
the 1970s and as nurses provided workshops nationally, and formed their own working groups within HIT organiza-
nurses gained confidence that they could use computers to tions, such as the first Nursing Special Interest Group on
improve practice. The national nursing organization’s fed- Computers which met for the first time during SCAMC
eral agencies (Public Health Service, Army Nurse Corps) (Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care) in
and several university schools of nursing provided educa- 1981. As medical informatics evolved, nursing began focus-
tional conferences and workshops on the state-of-the-art ing on what was unique about nursing within the context
regarding computer technology and its influence on nurs- of informatics. Resolutions were passed by the American
ing. During this time, the Clinical Center at the National Nurses Association (ANA) regarding computer use in nurs-
Institutes of Health implemented the TDS computer sys- ing and in 1985, the ANA approved the formation of the
tem; one of the earliest clinical information systems (called Council on Computer Applications in Nursing (CCAN).
Eclipsys and now Allscripts) was the first system to include One of the first activities the CCAN executive board initi-
nursing practice protocols (Romano et al., 1982). ated was to solicit several early pioneers to develop mono-
graphs on the status of computers in nursing practice,
1980s.  In the 1980s, the field of nursing informatics education, research, and management. The CCAN board
exploded and became visible in the healthcare industry and developed a yearly Computer Nurse Directory on the known
nursing. Technology challenged creative professionals in nurses involved in the field, conducted computer applica-
the use of computers in nursing, which became revolution- tions demonstrations at the ANA Annual conferences, and
ary. As computer systems were implemented, the needs of shared information with their growing members in the first
nursing took on a cause-and-effect modality; that is, as new CCAN newsletter Input-Output. During this time, Nursing
computer technologies emerged and as computer archi- Informatics newsletters, journals were being introduced
tecture advanced, the need for nursing  software evolved. including several books, such as the first edition of this book

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published in 1986. These were being used for educational (b) linkages among concepts represented by the terminolo-
courses introduced in the academic nursing programs, and gies were retained in a logical and reusable manner; (c) data
workshops being conducted on computers and n ­ ursing. The were included in a clinical data repository; and (d) general
CCAN became a very powerful force in integrating com- system characteristics. The Certification Commission for
puter applications into the nursing profession. Health Information Technology (CCHIT) had similar cri-
teria for the EHR certification, which was later adopted by
1990s.  By the 1990s, large integrated healthcare delivery the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC); however,
systems evolved, further creating the need for informa- nursing data was no longer included. ANA was ahead of
tion across healthcare facilities within these large systems its time in their thinking and development. The criteria are
to standardize processes, control costs, and assure qual- now under revision by the ANA to support nurses to advo-
ity of care (Shortliffe, Perreault, Wiederhold, & Pagan, cate their requirements for the emerging HIT systems.
2003). Advances in relational databases, client-server Technology rapidly changed in the 1990s, increasing its
architectures, and new programming methods created the use within and across nursing units, as well as across health-
opportunity for better application development at lower care facilities. Computer hardware—PCs—continued to get
costs. Legislative activity in the mid-1990s paved the way smaller and computer notebooks were becoming afford-
for EHRs through the Health Insurance Portability and able, increasing the types of computer technology available
Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 (public-law 104-191), for nurses to use. Linking computers through networks
emphasizing standardized transactions, and privacy and both within hospitals and health systems as well as across
security of patient-identifiable information (Gallagher, ­systems facilitated the flow of patient information to provide
2010). The complexity of technology, workflow analysis, better care. By 1995, the Internet began providing access to
and regulations shaped new roles for nursing. information and knowledge databases to be integrated into
In 1992, the ANA recognized Nursing Informatics as bedside systems. The Internet moved into the mainstream
a new nursing specialty with a separate Scope of Nursing social milieu with electronic mail (e-mail), file transfer pro-
Informatics Practice Standards, and also established a tocol (FTP), Gopher, Telnet, and World Wide Web (WWW)
specific credentialing examination for it (ANA, 2010). protocols greatly enhanced its usability and user-­friendliness
Numerous local, national, and international organiza- (Saba, 1996; Sparks, 1996). The Internet was used for High-
tions provided a forum for networking and continuing Performance Computing and Communication (HPCC)
education for nurses involved with informatics (Sackett & or the “Information Superhighway” and facilitated data
Erdley, 2002). The demand for NI expertise increased in exchange between computerized patient record systems
the healthcare industry and other settings where nurses across facilities and settings over time. The Internet led to
functioned, and the technology revolution continued to improvements in networks and a browser, World Wide Web
impact the nursing profession. (WWW), allowed organizations to communicate more
The need for computer-based nursing practice stan- effectively and increased access to information that sup-
dards, data standards, nursing minimum data sets, and ported nursing practice. The World Wide Web (WWW)
national databases emerged concurrent with the need also became integral part of the HIT systems and the means
for a unified nursing language, including nomenclatures, for nurses to browse the Internet and search worldwide
vocabularies, taxonomies, and classification schemes resources (Nicoll, 1998; Saba, 1995).
(Westra, Delaney, Konicek, & Keenan, 2008). Nurse
administrators started to demand that the HITs include 2000s.  A change occurred in the new millennium as more
nursing care protocols and nurse educators continued and more healthcare information became digitalized and
to require use of innovative technologies for all levels newer technologies emerged. In 2004, an Executive Order
and types of nursing and patient education. Also, nurse 13335 established the Office of the National Coordinator
researchers required knowledge representation, deci- for Healthcare Information Technology (ONC) and issued a
sion support, and expert systems based on standards that recommendation calling for all healthcare providers to adopt
allowed for aggregated data (Bakken, 2006). interoperable EHRs by 2014–2015. This challenged nurses to
In 1997, the ANA developed the Nursing Information get involved in the design of systems to support their work-
and Data Set Evaluation Standards (NIDSEC) to evalu- flow as well as in the integration of information from multiple
ate  and recognize nursing information systems (ANA, sources to support nurses’ knowledge of technology. In late
1997). The purpose was to guide the development and 2000s, as hospitals became “paperless,” they began employ-
selection of nursing systems that included standardized ing new nurses who had never charted on paper.
nursing terminologies integrated throughout the system Technological developments that influenced healthcare
whenever it was appropriate. There were four high-level and nursing included data capture and data sharing tech-
standards: (a) inclusion of ANA-recognized terminologies; nological tools. Wireless, point-of-care, regional database

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Chapter 1 • Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics   7

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projects, and increased IT solutions proliferated in health- Committee on Health Policy and (b) National Committee
care environments, but predominately in hospitals and on Health Standards, which outlined and designed the focus
large healthcare systems. The use of bar coding and radio- for the “Meaningful Use” (MU) legislation. Meaningful Use
frequency identification (RFID) emerged as a useful tech- was designed to be implemented in at least three stages, each
nology to match “right patient with the right medication” to consisting of regulations which built onto each other with the
improve patient safety. The RFID also emerged to help nurses ultimate goal of implementing a complete and interoperable
find equipment or scan patients to assure all surgical equip- EHR and/or HIT system in all US hospitals. For each stage,
ment is removed from inside patients before surgical sites are regulations were proposed by the national committees, and
closed (Westra, 2009). Smaller mobile devices with wireless or developed and reviewed by the public before they were final-
Internet access such as notebooks, tablet PCs, personal digi- ized by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) and
tal assistants (PDAs), and smart cellular telephones increased submitted to the healthcare facilities for implementation.
access to information for nurses within hospitals and in the In 2011–2012 MU Stage 1 was initiated focusing primar-
community. The development and subsequent refinement ily on the Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) ini-
of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) provided voice cost- tiative for physicians. Hospitals that implemented this MU
effective communication for healthcare organizations. regulation successfully received federal funds for their HIT
The Internet provided a means for development of clinical systems. In 2012–2013 MU Stage 2 was introduced focus-
applications. Databases for EHRs could be hosted remotely ing primarily on the implementation of Quality Indicators
on the Internet, decreasing costs of implementing EHRs. that required electronic data to be collected, measured, and
Remote monitoring of multiple critical care units from a used to demonstrate that a specific quality indicator was
single site increased access for safe and effective cardiac care an integral component in the HIT systems. The Quality
(Rajecki, 2008). Home healthcare increasingly partnered with Indicators are used to guide hospitals in patient safety and
information technology for the provision of patient care. if not implemented used as indicators subject to financial
Telehealth applications, a recognized specialty for nursing penalties. It is anticipated that MU Stage 3 will begin to
since the late 1990s, provided a means for nurses to monitor be implemented in 2015–2016 and will primarily focus on
patients at home and support specialty consultation in rural care Outcome Measures and tentatively proposed Care
and underserved areas. The NI research agenda promoted the Plans that encompass clinical specialty Plans of Care such
integration of nursing care data in HIT systems that would as Nursing and Treatment Plans (see Chapter 16 “Nursing
also generate data for analysis, reuse, and aggregation. Informatics and Healthcare Policy” for MU details).
The billions of dollars invested are intended to move
2010s.  A historical analysis of the impact of the Nursing the health industry forward toward complete digitaliza-
Minimum Data Set (NMDS) demonstrated that continued tion of healthcare information. Meanwhile the Center for
consensus and effort was needed to bring to fruition the Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) plans to increase
vision and implementation of minimum nursing data into reimbursement for the implementation of “MU” regula-
clinical practice (Hobbs, 2011). The NMDS continues to tions in their HIT and/or EHR systems through 2015, and
be the underlining focus in the newer HIT systems. may even penalize eligible providers and facilities who do
A new NI research agenda for 2008–2018 (Bakken, not meet the proposed MU criteria.
Stone, & Larson, 2012) emerged as critical for this spe- Nurses are involved with all phases of MU, from imple-
cialty. The new agenda is built on the one originally devel- mentation of systems to assuring usage and adaptation to
oped and published by the National Institute for Nursing the evolving health policy affecting the HIT and/or EHR
Research (NINR) in 1993 (NINR, 1993). The authors systems. Thus, the field of Nursing Informatics continues to
focused on the new NI research agenda on “3 aspects of grow due to the MU regulations which continue to impact
context—genomic health care, shifting research para- on every inpatient hospital in the country. As a result, to date
digms, and social (Web2.0) technologies” (p. 280). the majority of hospitals in the country has established HIT
A combination of the economic recession along with departments and has employed at least one nurse to serve as
the escalating cost of healthcare resulted in the American a NI Expert to assist with the implementation of MU require-
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and the ments. As the MU requirements increase they will impact
Healthcare Information Technology for Economic and on the role of the NI experts in hospitals and ultimately on
Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 with funding to imple- the roles of all nurses in the inpatient facilities, making NI an
ment HIT and/or EHR systems, support healthcare informa- integral component of all professional nursing services.
tion exchange, enhance community and university-based
informatics education, and support leading edge research Consumer-Centric Healthcare System.  Another impact of
to improve the use of HIT (Gallagher, 2010). During 2010, the escalating cost of healthcare is a shift toward a Consumer-
the ONC convened two national committees, (a) National Centric Healthcare System. Consumers are encouraged to

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8    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

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be active partners in managing their own health. A variety Videotaped Interviews.  The AMIA Nursing Informatics
of technologies have evolved to enable consumers to have History page contains a wealth of information. The 33 vid-
access to their health information and choose whether to eotaped interviews are divided into two libraries. The full
share this across healthcare providers and settings. Personal interviews are available in Library 1: Nursing Informatics
health records multiplied as either stand-alone systems or Pioneers. For each pioneer, a picture, short biographical
those tethered to EHRs. Consumers are increasing in health- sketch, transcript of the interview, and MP3 audio file
care information literacy as they demand to become more are included in addition to the videotaped interview. In
involved in managing their own health. Library 2: Themes from Interviews, selected segments
from the interviews are shared for easy comparison across
the pioneers. The themes include the following:
History Project
• Nursing Informatics—what it is, present, future,
what nursing brings to the table
In 1995, Saba initiated a history of NI at the National Library • Significant events that have shaped the field of
of Medicine that consisted of the collection of archival docu- nursing informatics
ments from the NI pioneers. The History Project was initiated
based on a recommendation by Dr. Morris Collen who pub-
• Pioneers’ paths—careers that lead up to involve-
ment in (nursing) informatics
lished the History of Medical Informatics in 1995 (Colleen,
1995). However, it was not until 2001 that the Nursing • When they first considered themselves
Informatics Working Group (NIWG) of the American informatics nurses
Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) became involved • Pioneers’ first involvement—earliest events they recall
and the NI History Committee was established to take on • Informatics—its value, pioneers’ realizations of the
this project. The committee solicited archival material from value of informatics, how they came to understand
the known NI pioneers for a History of Nursing Informatics the value of informatics
to be housed in the NLM as part of its History Collection
(Newbold, Berg, McCormick, Saba, & Skiba, 2012). • Demography of pioneers including names, educa-
tional backgrounds, and current positions
Beginning in 2004, the rich stories of pioneers in NI were
captured through a project sponsored by the American • Personal aspirations and accomplishments, over-
Medical Informatics Association Nursing Informatics all vision that guided the pioneers’ work, people
Working Group (AMIA-NIWG). The AMIA-NIWG the pioneer collaborated with to accomplish their
History Committee developed an evolving list of pio- visions, and goals
neers and contributors to the history of NI. Pioneers were • Pioneers’ lessons learned that they would like to
defined as those who “opened up” a new area in NI and pro- pass on
vided a sustained contribution to the specialty (Newbold &
Westra, 2009; Westra & Newbold, 2006). Through mul- The Web site also provides “use cases” for ideas about
tiple contacts and review of the literature, the list grew to how to use the information for teaching and learning more
145 pioneers and contributors who shaped NI since the about the pioneers. These resources are particularly useful
1950s. Initially, each identified pioneer was contacted to for courses in informatics, leadership, and research. They
submit their nonpublished documents and/or historical also are useful for nurses in the workforce who want to
materials to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to be learn more about NI history.
indexed and archived for the Nursing Informatics History
Collection. Approximately, 25 pioneers submitted histori- Backgrounds.  The early pioneers came from a variety of
cal materials that were cataloged with a brief description. backgrounds as nursing education in NI did not exist in the
Currently, the cataloged document descriptions can 1960s. Almost all of the pioneers were educated as nurses,
be searched online: though a few were not. A limited number of pioneers
accessions.html. The documents can also be viewed by had additional education in computer science, engineer-
visiting the NLM. Eventually each archived document ing, epidemiology, and biostatistics. Others were involved
will be indexed and available online in the NI History with anthropology, philosophy, physiology, and public
Collection. Also from the original list, a convenience sam- health. Their career paths varied considerably (Branchini,
ple of pioneers was interviewed over a 4-year period at 2012). Some nursing faculty saw technology as a way to
various NI meetings. Videotaped stories from 33 pioneers improve education. Others worked in clinical settings and
were recorded and are now available on the AMIA Web were involved in “roll-outs” of information systems. Often
site: these systems were not designed to improve nursing work,

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Chapter 1 • Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics   9

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but the pioneers had a vision that technology could make measure quality, and evaluate outcomes. This section only
nursing practice better. Other pioneers gained experience highlights briefly the critical initiatives “to set the stage” for
through research projects or working for software ven- more information in other chapters of this book.
dors. The commonality for all the pioneers is they saw vari-
ous problems and inefficiencies in nursing and they had a Nursing Practice Standards
burning desire to use technology to “make things better.”
Nursing Practice Standards have been developed and rec-
ommended by the ANA, the official professional nurs-
Lessons Learned.  What are some of the lessons learned ing organization. The ANA published Nursing: Scope and
from the pioneers? Pioneers by definition are nurses who Standards of Practice (ANA, 2008) that focused not only on
forged into the unknown and had a vision of what was pos- the organizing principles of clinical nursing practice but also
sible, even if they did not know how to get there. One of on the standards of professional performance. The six stan-
the pioneers advised, “Don’t be afraid to take on something dards/phases of the nursing process serve as the concep-
that you’ve never done before. You can learn how to do it. tual framework for the documentation of nursing practice.
The trick is in finding out who knows it and picking their The updated Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of
brain and if necessary, cornering them and making them Practice (ANA, 2010) builds on clinical practice standards,
teach you!” Another said, “Just do it, rise above it [barriers], outlining further the importance of implementing standard-
and go for it…you are a professional, and…you have to be ized content to support nursing practice by specialists in NI.
an advocate for yourself and the patient.” Many of the pio-
neers described the importance of mentors, someone who Nursing Education Standards
would teach them about informatics or computer technol-
ogy, but it was still up to them to apply their new knowledge The NLN has been the ­primary professional organization
to improve nursing. Mentors were invaluable by listening, that accredits undergraduate nursing programs. Since the
exchanging ideas, connecting to others, and supporting NLN’s Nursing  Forum on Computers in Healthcare and
new directions. Networking was another strong theme for Nursing (NFCHN) was formed in 1985, it has supported
pioneers. Belonging to professional organizations, espe- the integration of computer technology in the nursing
cially interprofessional organizations, was key for success. curriculum. The American Association of Colleges of
At meetings, the pioneers networked and exchanged ideas, Nursing (AACN), which also accredits nursing education
learning from others what worked and, more importantly, programs, revised The Essentials for Doctoral Education
what did not work. They emphasized the importance of for Advanced Nursing Practice (AACN, 2006) and The
attending social functions at organizational meetings to Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional
develop solid relationships so they could call on colleagues Nursing Practice (AACN, 2011) to require the use of com-
later to further network and exchange ideas. puters and informatics for both baccalaureate and gradu-
Nursing informatics did not occur in a vacuum; a ate education. These new requirements for informatics
major effort was made to promote the inclusion of nurses competencies prepare nurses to use HITs successfully and
in organizations affecting health policy decisions such as to contribute to the ongoing design of technologies that
the ONC’s Technology Policy and Standards Committees. support the cognitive work of nurses (AACN, 2011).
The nursing pioneers influenced the evolution of informat-
ics as a specialty from granular-level data through health Nursing Content Standards
policy and funding to shape this evolving and highly vis-
ible specialty in nursing. The nursing process data ­elements in EHRs are essential
for the exchange of nursing information across informa-
tion systems and settings. The original data elements and
the historic details of nursing data standards are described
NURSING STANDARDS INITIATIVES in Chapter 7 of this book. Standardization of healthcare
The third significant historic perspective concerns stan- data began in 1893 with the List of International Causes of
dards initiatives focusing on nursing practice, education, Death (World Health Organization, 1992) for the reporting
nursing content, and confidentiality and security, as well of morbidity cases worldwide, whereas the standardization
as federal legislation that impacts the use of computers for of nursing began with Florence Nightingale’s six Cannons
nursing. These standards have influenced the nursing pro- in her “Notes on Nursing” (1959). However, it was not
fession and its need for computer systems with appropriate until 1955 that Virginia Henderson published her 14 Daily
nursing content or terminologies. Legislative acts during the Patterns of Living as the list of activities and conditions
early stages significantly influenced the use of computers to that became the beginning of nursing practice standards in
collect federally required data, carry out reimbursement, this country. But it was not until 1970 when the American

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10    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

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Nurses Association (ANA) accepted the Nursing Process ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS
as the professional standards for nursing practice, which
was followed by the standardization of nursing content—
data elements—in 1973 (Westra et al., 2008). Prior to that In 1989, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National
time nursing theorists proposed concepts, activities, tasks, Academy of Sciences convened a committee and asked
goals, and so forth, as well as frameworks as a theoretical the question, “Why is healthcare still predominantly using
foundation for the practice of nursing, which could not be paper-based records when so many new computer-based
processed by computer. Since 1973 several nursing orga- information technologies are emerging?” (Dick & Steen,
nizations, educational institutions, and vendors developed 1991). The IOM invited representatives of major stakehold-
nursing data sets, classifications, or terminologies for the ers in healthcare and asked them to define the problem,
documentation of nursing practice. These nursing termi- identify issues, and outline a path forward. Two major con-
nologies were developed at different times by different orga- clusions resulted from the committee’s deliberations. First,
nizations or universities. They vary in content (representing computerized patient record (CPR) is an essential technol-
one or more nursing process data elements), most appropri- ogy for healthcare and is an integral tool for all profession-
ate setting for use, and level of access in the public domain. als. Second, the committee after hearing from numerous
Currently, the ANA has “recognized” 12 nursing ter- stakeholders recognized that there was no national coordi-
minologies (see Chapter 8 “Standardized Nursing Termin­- nation or champion for CPRs. As a result, the IOM commit-
ologies” for their descriptions). The ANA is also r­ esponsible tee recommended the creation of an independent institute
for determining whether a terminology meets the criteria to provide national leadership. The Computer-Based Patient
they established. They ANA selected six of the ANA- Record Institute (CPRI) was created in 1992 and given the
“recognized” nursing languages for inclusion in the Nati­ mission to initiate and coordinate the urgently needed activ-
onal Library of Medicine’s (NLM) Metathesaurus of the ities to develop, deploy, and routinely use CPRs to achieve
Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) (Humphreys & improved outcomes in healthcare quality, cost, and access.
Lindberg, 1992; Saba, 1998) and also for inclusion in the A CPRI Work Group developed the CPR Project
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms Evaluation Criteria in 1993 modeled after the Baldridge
(SNOMED-CT). In 2002, SNOMED-CT became the Award. These criteria formed the basis of a self-assessment
International Health Terminology Standards Development that could be used by organizations and outside review-
Organization (IHTSDO) (Wang, Sable, & Spackman, 2002) ers to measure and evaluate the accomplishments of CPR
with its headquarters in Europe. However, SNOMED-CT is projects. The four major areas of the initial ­ criteria—
still distributed, at no cost, by the NLM which is now the (a) management, (b) functionality, (c) technology, and
US member of IHTSDO and which continues to maintain (d) impact—provided a framework through which to view an
the Metathesaurus of the UMLS ( implementation of computerized records. The criteria, which
research/umls/SNOMED.snomed_main.html). provided the foundation for the Nicholas E. Davies Award of
There are a large number of standards organizations Excellence Program, reflect the nation’s journey from paper-
that impact healthcare data content as well as healthcare based to electronic capture of health data. The Davies Award
technology systems, including their architecture, func- of Excellence Program evolved through multiple revisions
tional requirements, and certification. They also impact on and its terminology updated from the computerized patient
heath policy which in turn impacts on standardized nurs- record, to the electronic medical  record (EMR), and more
ing practice (Hammond, 1994). They are being discussed recently to the electronic health record (EHR).
in Chapter 7 “Health Data Standards: Development, Today, under HIMSS management, the Davies Award of
Harmonization, and Interoperability.” Excellence Program is offered in four categories: Enterprise
(formerly Organizational or Acute Care), first offered in 1995;
Confidentiality and Security Standards Ambulatory Care, started in 2003; Public Health, initiated
in 2004; and Community Health Organizations (CHO), first
Increasing access through the electronic capture and presented in 2008 (
exchange of information raised concerns about the pri-
vacy and security of personal healthcare information
(PHI). Provisions for strengthening the original HIPAA
legislation were included in the 2009 HITECH Act NURSING AND COMPUTERS
(Gallagher, 2010). Greater emphasis was placed on patient Major Milestones
consent, more organizations handling PHI were included
in the legislation, and penalties were increased for security Computers were introduced into the nursing profes-
breaches. sion over 40 years ago. Major milestones of nursing are

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Chapter 1 • Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics    11

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interwoven with the advancement of computer and infor-   TABLE 1.1   Major Events for Nursing Informatics
mation technologies, the increased need for nursing data, Community
development of nursing applications, and changes making
the nursing profession an autonomous discipline. A. Conferences and Workshops
The landmark events were also categorized and des­
cribed in the chapter “Historical Perspectives of Nursing •• American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
Annual Symposium
Informatics” (Saba & Westra, 2011) published in the ◦◦ Nursing Informatics Workshop
fifth edition of Essentials of Nursing Informatics (Saba  & ◦◦ Nursing Informatics Working Group (NIWG)
McCormick, 2011). In this edition, the major landmark ◦◦ Harriet Werley Award
milestones have been updated in Table 1.2. The milestone ◦◦ Virginia K. Saba Award
events are listed in chronological order including for the first •• Healthcare Information and Management and
time the key NI Pioneer or Expert involved in the event as Systems Society (HIMSS) Annual Conference and
well as the first time a key event occurred, which may be Exhibition
ongoing. Many other events may have occurred but this ◦◦ Nursing Informatics Symposium
◦◦ Nursing Informatics Task Force
table represents the most complete history of the NI spe-
◦◦ Nursing Informatics Leadership Award
cialty movement.
There are currently several key events in which the NI
•• Annual Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics
(SINI) at University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
community participates, and many of them are held annu- •• Annual Rutgers State University of New Jersey
ally. The conferences, symposia, institutes, and workshops College of Nursing: Nursing and Computer
provide an opportunity for NI novices and experts to net- Technology Conference
work and share their experiences. They also provide the ◦◦ Rutgers “Outstanding Contribution in Field of
latest information, newest exhibits, and demonstrations NI Award”
on this changing field and are shown in Table 1.1. •• Annual American Academy of Nursing
◦◦ Panel of Nursing Informatics Experts
•• Sigma Theta Tau International: Bi-Annual
SUMMARY ◦◦ Virginia K. Saba Nursing Informatics Leadership
Award (Bi-Annual)
Computers, and subsequently information technology, ◦◦ Technology Award; Information Resources (Annual)
emerged during the past five decades in the healthcare •• Nursing Informatics Special Interest Group of the
industry. Hospitals began to use computers as tools to update International Medical Informatics Association
paper-based patient records. Computer systems in health- (IMIA/NI-SIG): Tri-Annual Conference
care settings provided the information management capabil- ◦◦ Starting 2014 Bi-Annual Conference
ities needed to assess, document, process, and communicate •• International Medical Informatics Association
patient care. As a result, the “human–machine” interaction of (IMIA): Triennial Congress
nursing and computers has become a new and lasting sym- ◦◦ Nursing Sessions and Papers
biotic relationship (Blum, 1990; Collen, 1994; Kemeny, 1972). B. Professional Councils and/or Committees
The history of informatics from the perspective of the
pioneers was briefly described in this chapter. The complete •• American Nurses Association (ANA)
video, audio, and transcripts can be found on the AMIA ◦◦ Nursing Informatics Database Steering Committee
Web site ( Over the last •• National League for Nursing (NLN)
40 years, nurses have used and contributed to the evolving ◦◦ Educational Technology and Information
Management Advisory Council (ETIMC)
HIT or EHR systems for the improved practice of nursing.
Innumerable organizations sprang up in an attempt •• American Academy of Nursing (AAN)
◦◦ Expert Panel of Nursing Informatics
to set standards for nursing practice and education, stan-
dardize the terminologies, create standard structures for C. Credentialing/Certification/Fellowship
EHRs, and attempt to create uniformity for the electronic
exchange of information. This chapter highlighted a few •• American Nurses Association (ANA); American
Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
key organizations.
◦◦ Informatics Nursing Certification
The last section focuses on Landmark Events in
Nursing Informatics, including major milestones in
•• Healthcare Information and Management and
Systems Society (HIMSS)
national and international conferences, symposia, work- ◦◦ Certified Professional in Healthcare Information
shops, and organizational initiatives contributing to the Management and Systems (CPHIMS)
computer literacy of nurses in Table 1.2. The success of

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12    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

  TABLE 1.2    Landmark Events in Computers and Nursing, and Nursing Informatics
Year(s) Title/Event Sponsor(s) Coordinator/Chair/NI Representative(s)

1973 First Invitational Conference: Management National League for Nursing (NLN) and Goldie Levenson (NLN)
Information Systems (MISs) for Public and Division of Nursing, Public Health Service Virginia K. Saba (DN/PHS)
Community Health Agencies (DN/PHS), Arlington, VA
1974 to 1975 Five Workshops in USA on MISs for Public and NLN and DN/PHS, selected US Cities Goldie Levenson (NLN)
Community Health Agencies Virginia K. Saba (DN/PHS)
1976 State-of-the-Art Conference on Management NLN and DN/PHS, Washington, DC Goldie Levenson (NLN)
for Public and Community Health Agencies Virginia K. Saba (DN/PHS)
1977 First Research: State-of-the-Art Conference on University of Illinois College of Nursing, Harriet H. Werley (UIL)
Nursing Information Systems Chicago, IL Margaret Grier (UIL)
1977 First undergraduate academic course: The State University of New York at Buffalo, Judith Ronald (SUNY, Buffalo)
Computers and Nursing Buffalo, NY
1979 First Military Conference on: Computers in TRIMIS Army Nurse Consultant Team, Walter Dorothy Pocklington (TRIMIS Army)
Nursing Reed Hospital, Washington, DC Linda Guttman (ANC)
1980 First Workshop: Computer Usage in Healthcare University of Akron, School of Nursing, Virginia Newbern (UA/SON)
Continuing Education Department, Dorothy Pocklington (TRIMIS Army)
Akron, OH Virginia K. Saba (DN/PHS)
1980 First Computer Textbook: Computers in Nursing Nursing Resources, Boston, MA Rita Zielstorff, Editor
1981 First Special Interest Group Meeting on Annual SCAMC Conference Event, Virginia K. Saba, Chair (DN/PHS)
Computers in Nursing at SCAMC Washington, DC
1981 to 1991 First Nursing Papers Initiated at Fifth Annual Annual SCAMC Conference Sessions, Virginia K. Saba (DN/PHS)
Symposium on Computer Applications in Washington, DC Coralee Farlee (NCHSR)
Medical Care (SCAMC)
1981 to 1984 Four National Conferences: Computer NIH Clinical Center, TRIMIS Army Nurse Virginia K. Saba (DN/PHS)
Technology and Nursing Consultant Team, and DN/PHS NIH Campus, Ruth Carlsen and Carol Romano (CC/NIH)
Bethesda, MD Dorothy Pocklington and Carolyn Tindal
1981 Early academic course on Computers in Foundation for Advanced Education in Virginia K. Saba (DN/PHS)
Nursing (NIH/CC) Sciences (FAES) at NIH, Bethesda, MD Kathleen A. McCormick (NIH/PHS)
1982 Study Group on Nursing Information Systems University Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Mary Kiley (CWS)
Western Reserve University, and National Gerry Weston (NCHSR)
Center for Health Services Research
(NCHSR/PHS), Cleveland, OH
1982 to Present Initiated Annual International Nursing Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Gayle Pearson (Rutgers)
Computer Technology Conference College of Nursing, CE Department, Jean Arnold (Rutgers)
selected cities
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  TABLE 1.2    Landmark Events in Computers and Nursing, and Nursing Informatics

Year(s) Title/Event Sponsor(s) Coordinator/Chair/NI Representative(s)

1982 First International Workshop: The Impact of London Hospital, UK and IFIP-IMIA, Maureen Scholes (UK)
Computers on Nursing Harrogate, UK Barry Barber (UK)
1982 First Newsletter: Computers in Nursing School of Nursing, University of Texas at Gary Hales (UT)
Austin, Austin, TX
1982 and 1984 Two Boston University (BU) Workshops on Boston University School of Nursing, Diane Skiba (BU)
Computers and Nursing Boston, MA
1982 PLATO IV CAI Educational Network System University of Illinois School of Nursing, Pat Tymchyshyn (UIL)
Chicago, IL
1982 Capital Area Roundtable in Informatics in Greater Washington, DC Founding Members: Susan McDermott,
Nursing (CARING) Founded P. J. Hallberg, Susan Newbold
1983 to Present Initiated nursing papers at MED-INFO 1983—Amsterdam, The Netherlands Elly Pluyter-Wenting, First Nursing Chair
(Every 3 Years) World Congress on Medical Informatics, 1986—Washington, DC, USA
International Medical Informatics 1989—Singapore, Malaysia
Association (IMIA) 1992—Geneva, Switzerland
1995—Vancouver, Canada
1998—Seoul, South Korea
2001—London, UK

Chapter 1 • Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics 

2004—San Francisco, CA
2007—Brisbane, AU
2010—Capetown, SA
2013—Copenhagen, DM
1983 Second Annual Joint SCAMC Congress and SCAMC and IMIA, San Francisco, CA, and Virginia K. Saba, Nursing Chair
IMIA Conference Baltimore, MD
1983 Early Workshop: Computers in Nursing University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Susan Grobe (UT—Austin)
1983 First Hospital Workshop: Computers in Nursing St. Agnes Hospital for HEC, Baltimore, MD Susan Newbold
1983 First: Nursing Model for Patient Care and Acuity TRIMIS Program Office, Washington, DC Karen Rieder (NNC)
System Dena Nortan (NNC)
1983 to 2012 Initiated International Symposium: Nursing 1983—Amsterdam, the Netherlands 1983—Maureen Scholes, First Chair
Use of Computers and Information Science, 1985—Calgary, Canada 1985—Kathryn J. Hannah and
IMIA Working Group 8 on Nursing Evelyn J. Guillemin
Informatics (IMIA/NI-8)

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14    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

  TABLE 1.2    Landmark Events in Computers and Nursing, and Nursing Informatics (continued)
Year(s) Title/Event Sponsor(s) Coordinator/Chair/NI Representative(s)

2014 (New Q-2 Renamed: IMIA Nursing Informatics, Special 1988—Dublin, Ireland 1988—Noel Daley and Maureen Scholes
Years) Interest Group (IMIA/NI-SIG) 1991—Melbourne, Australia 1991—Evelyn S. Hovenga and Joan
1994—San Antonio, TX, USA 1994—Susan Grobe and Virginia K. Saba
1997—Stockholm, Sweden 1997—Ulla Gerdin and Marianne Tallberg
2000—Auckland, New Zealand 2000—Robyn Carr and Paula Rocha
2003—Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2003—Heimar Marin and Eduardo
2006—Seoul, Korea 2006—Hyeoun-Ae Park
2009—Helsinki, Finland 2009—Anneli Ensio and Kaija Saranto
2012—Montreal, Canada 2012—Patricia Abbott (JHU)
2014—Taipei, Taiwan 2014—Polun Chang
1984 American Nursing Association (ANA) Initiated ANA Harriet Werley, Chair
First Council Computer Applications in First Exec. Board:
Nursing (CCAN) Ivo Abraham
Kathleen A. McCormick
Virginia K. Saba
Rita Zielstorff
1984 First Seminar: Microcomputers for Nurses University of California at San Francisco, William Holzemer, Chair
College of Nursing, San Francisco, CA
1984 to present First Nursing Computer Journal: Computers JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA Gary Hales (UT Austin)
in Nursing CIN, Renamed Computers, First Editorial Board:
Informatics, Nursing Patricia Schwirian (OSU)
Virginia K. Saba (GT)
Susan Grobe (UT Austin)
Rita Zielstorff (MGH Lab)
1984 to 1995 First Directory of Educational Software for Christine Bolwell and National League for Christine Bolwell
Nursing Nursing (NLN)
1985 NLN initiated First National Forum: Computers National League for Nursing, New York City, NY Susan Grobe, Chair
in Healthcare and Nursing First Exec. Board:
Diane Skiba
Judy Ronald
Bill Holzemer
Roy Simpson
Pat Tymchyshyn
1985 First Annual Seminar on Computers and NYU Medical Center, New York, NY Patsy Marr (NYU)
Nursing Practice Janet Kelly (NYU)
1985 First Invitational Nursing Minimum Data Set University of Illinois School of Nursing, Harriet Werley (UIL)
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(NMDS) Conference Chicago, IL Norma Lang (UM)

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  TABLE 1.2    Landmark Events in Computers and Nursing, and Nursing Informatics
Year(s) Title/Event Sponsor(s) (continued) Coordinator/Chair/NI Representative(s)

1985 Early academic course: Essentials of Georgetown University School of Nursing, Virginia K. Saba (GU)
Computers, in Undergraduate and Graduate Washington, DC
1985 to 1990 Early 5-year Project: Continuing Nursing Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), Eula Aiken (SREB)
Education: Computer Technology, Focus: Atlanta, GA
Nursing Faculty
1985 First Test Authoring Program (TAP) Addison-Wesley Publishing, New York, NY William Holzemer (UCSF)
1986 Two early Microcomputer Institutes for Nurses Georgetown University, School of Nursing, Virginia K. Saba (GU)
Washington, DC Dorothy Pocklington (USL)
University of Southwest Louisiana Nursing Diane Skiba (BU)
Department, Lafayette, LA
1986 Established first nurse educator’s newsletter: Christine Bolwell and Stewart Publishing, Christine Bolwell, Editor
Micro World Alexandria, VA
1986 CIN First Indexed in MEDLINE and CINAHL J. B. Lippincott Publisher, Philadelphia, PA Gary Hales, Editor
1986 First NI Pyramid—NI Research Model Published in CIN Indexed in MEDLINE and Patricia Schwirian (OSU)
1987 Initiated and Created Interactive Videodisc American Journal of Nursing, New York, NY Mary Ann Rizzolo (AJN)

Chapter 1 • Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics 

Software Programs
1987 International Working Group Task Force on IMIA/NI Working Group 8 and Swedish Ulla Gerdin (NI)
Education Federation, Stockholm, Sweden Kristina Janson Jelger and Hans Peterson
(Swedish Federation)
1987 Videodisc for Health Conference: Interactive Stewart Publishing, Alexandria, VA Scott Stewart, Publisher
Healthcare Conference
1988 Recommendation #3: Support Automated National Commission on Nursing Vivian DeBack, Chair
Information Systems. Implementation Project (NCNIP),
Secretary’s Commission on Nursing
1988 Priority Expert Panel E: Nursing Informatics National Center for Nursing Research, NIH, Judy Ozbolt, Chair
Task Force Bethesda, MD
1989 Invitational Conference: Nursing Information National Commission on Nursing Vivian DeBack, Chair
Systems, Washington, DC Implementation Project (NCNIP), ANA, NLN,
and NIS Industry
1989 and 1991 Initiated First Graduate Programs with University of Maryland School of Nursing, Barbara Heller, Dean
to Present Specialty in Nursing Informatics, Master’s Baltimore, MD Program Chairs: Carol Gassert, Patricia Abbott,
and Doctorate Kathleen Charters, Judy Ozbolt, and
Eun-Shim Nahm
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16    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

  TABLE 1.2    Landmark Events in Computers and Nursing, and Nursing Informatics (continued)
Year(s) Title/Event Sponsor(s) Coordinator/Chair/NI Representative(s)

1989 ICN Resolution Initiated Project: International International Council of Nurses Conference, Fadwa Affra (ICN)
Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP) Seoul, Korea
1990 to 1995 Annual Nurse Scholars Program HBO and HealthQuest Corporation Roy Simpson (HBO)
Diane Skiba (BU)
Judith Ronald (SUNY Buffalo)
1990 ANA House of Delegates endorsed: Nursing ANA House of Delegates Harriet Werley (UM)
Minimum Data Set (NMDS) to define costs
and quality of care
1990 Invitational Conference: State-of-the-Art of NCNIP, Orlando, FL Vivian DeBack, Chair
Information Systems
1990 Renamed ANA: Steering Committee on ANA, Washington, DC Norma Lang, Chair
Databases to Support Nursing Practice Kathy Milholland Hunter (ANA)
Carol Bickford
1990 Task Force: Nursing Information Systems NCNIP, ANA, NLN, NIS Industry Task Force, Vivian DeBack, Chair
Project Hope, VA
1991 to 2001 First Annual European Summer Institute International Nursing Informatics Experts Jos Aarts and Diane Skiba (USA)
1991 First Nursing Informatics Listserv University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA Gordon Larrivee
1991 Formation of Combined Annual SCAMC AMIA/SCAMC Sponsors, Washington, DC Judy Ozbolt, First Chair
Special Nursing Informatics Working Group
1991 and 1992 Two WHO Workshops: Nursing Informatics World Health Organization and US PHS, Marian Hirschfield (WHO)
Washington, DC, and Geneva, Switzerland Carol Romano (PHS)
1991 to Present Initiated Annual Summer Institute in Nursing University of Maryland School of Nursing Program Chairs: Carol Gassert, Mary Etta Mills,
and Healthcare Informatics (SINI) (SON), Baltimore, MD Judy Ozbolt, and Marissa Wilson
1992 ANA-approved Nursing Informatics as a new ANA Database Steering Committee, Norma Lang, Chair
Nursing Specialty Washington, DC
1992 Formation of Virginia Henderson International Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, Judith Graves, Director
Nursing Library (INL) Indianapolis, IN
1992 ANA “recognized” four Nursing Terminologies: ANA Database Steering Committee, Norma Lang, Chair
CCC System (HHCC), OMAHA System, NANDA, Washington, DC
and NIC
1992 Read Clinical Thesaurus added Nursing Terms Read Codes Clinical Terms, Version 3 Ann Casey (UK)
1992 Canadian Nurses Assoc.: Nursing Minimum Canadian Nurses Association, Edmonton, Phyllis Giovannetti, Chair
Data Set Conference Alberta, Canada
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1992 American Nursing Informatics Association Southern, CA Melodie Kaltenbaugh

(ANIA) Founded
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  TABLE 1.2    Landmark Events in Computers and Nursing, and Nursing Informatics
Year(s) Title/Event Sponsor(s) Coordinator/Chair/NI Representative(s)

1993 Four ANA “Recognized” Nursing Terminologies ANA Database Steering Committee and NLM Norma Lang, Chair
Integrated into UMLS Betsy Humphreys (NLM)
1993 Initiated Virginia Henderson Electronic Library Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, Carol Hudgings, Director
Online via Internet Indianapolis, IN
1993 Initiated AJN Network Online via Internet American Journal of Nursing Company, Mary Ann Rizzolo, Director
New York, NY
1993 ANC Postgraduate course: Computer Army Nurse Corps, Washington, DC Army Nurse Corps (ANC)
Applications for Nursing
1993 Formation: Nursing Informatics Fellowship Partners Healthcare Systems, Wellesley, MA Rita Zielstorff, Director
1993 Alpha Version: Working Paper of ICNP International Council of Nurses, Geneva, Fadwa Affara (ICN)
1993 Formed: Denver Free-Net University of Colorado Health Sciences Diane Skiba (UC)
Center, Denver, CO
1993 Priority Expert Panel E: Nursing Informatics National Center for Nursing Research (NCNR/ Judy Ozbolt, Chair
Report: Nursing Informatics: Enhancing NIH), Bethesda, MD
Patient Care

Chapter 1 • Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics 

1994 ANA-NET Online American Nurses Association, Washington, DC Kathy Milholland (ANA)
1994 Four Nursing Educators Workshops on Southern Council on Collegiate Regional Eula Aiken (SREB),
Computers in Education Education and University of Maryland, Mary Etta Mills (UMD)
Washington, DC; Baltimore, MD; Atlanta,
GA; Augusta, GA
1994 Next Generation: Clinical Information Systems Tri-Council for Nursing and Kellogg Sheila Ryan, Chair
Conference Foundation, Washington, DC
1994, 2008, and First Nursing: Scope and Standards of Nursing ANA Database Steering Committee Kathy Milholland (ANA)
2014 Informatics Practice
1995 First International NI Teleconference: Three International NI Experts:
Countries Linked Together NI, USA Sue Sparks (USA)
HIS, Australia Evelyn Hovenga (AU)
NI, New Zealand Robyn Carr (NZ)

1995 First Combined NYU Hospital and NYU SON: NYU School of Nursing and NYU Medical Barbara Carty, Chair
Programs on Nursing Informatics and Patient Center, New York, NY Janet Kelly, Co-Chair
Care: A New Era
1995 First Weekend Immersion in NI (WINI) CARING Group, Warrenton, VA Susan Newbold (CARING)
Carol Bickford (ANA)
Kathleen Smith (USN Retired)
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18    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

  TABLE 1.2    Landmark Events in Computers and Nursing, and Nursing Informatics (continued)
Year(s) Title/Event Sponsor(s) Coordinator/Chair/NI Representative(s)

1995 First CPRI Davies Recognition Awards of Computer-Based Patient Record Institute, Los Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City, UT
Excellence Symposium Angeles, CA Columbia Presbyterian MC, New York, NY
Department of Veterans Affairs,
Washington, DC
1995 First ANA Certification in Nursing Informatics ANA Credentialing Center (ANCC) Rita Zielstorff, Chair
1996 ANA established Nursing Information and ANA Database Steering Committee, Rita Zielstorff, Chair
Data Set Evaluation Center (NIDSEC) Washington, DC Connie Delaney, Co-Chair
1996 to 1999 Nightingale Project—Health Telematics University of Athens, Greece, and European John Mantas, Chair (Greece)
Education, three Workshops, and two Union Arie Hasman, Co-Chair (the Netherlands)
International Conferences Consultants:
Virginia K. Saba (USA)
Evelyn Hovenga (AU)
1996 Initiated TELENURSE Project Danish Institute for Health and Nursing Randi Mortensen, Director
Research and European Union Gunnar Nielsen, Co-Director
1996 First Harriet Werley Award for Best Nursing AMIA-NI Working Group (NIWG), Rita Zielstorff (MGH Computer Lab)
Informatics Paper at AMIA Washington, DC
1997 Invitational National Nursing Informatics National Advisory Council on Nurse Education Carol Gassert, Chair
Workgroup and Practice and DN/PHS
1997 ANA published NIDSEC Standards and Scoring ANA Database Steering Committee Rita Zielstorff, Chair
Guidelines Connie Delaney, Co-Chair
1997 National Database of Nursing Quality American Nurses Association Nancy Dunton, PI
Indicators (NDNQI®)
1997 Initiated Nursing Informatics Archival NLM—History Collection Virginia K. Saba, Chair (GT)
1998 Initiated Web site JB Lippincott, New York, NY Maryanne Rizzalo, Director
1999 Beta Version: ICNP published International Council of Nurses, Geneva, Fadwa Affara (ICN)
1999 to 2008 Annual Summer Nursing Terminology Summit Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN Judy Ozbolt, Chair
1999 Convergent Terminology Group for Nursing SNOMED/RT International, Northbrook, IL Suzanne Bakken, Chair (NYU) and Debra
Konicek (CAP)
1999 and 2004 United States Health Information Department of Defence (Health Affairs), CMS, M.D. Johnson (OASD/HA)
Knowledgebase (USHIK) Integrated CDC, AHRQ Glenn Sperle (CMS)
Nursing Data M. Fitzmaurice (AHRQ)
Luann Whittenburg (OASD/HA)
1999 Inaugural Virtual Graduation: Online Post- GSN, Uniformed Services University Faye Abdellah (USU)
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Masters: ANP Certificate Program VA TeleConference Network, Bethesda, MD Virginia K. Saba (USU)
Eight Nationwide VA MCs Charlotte Beason (VA)
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  TABLE 1.2    Landmark Events in Computers and Nursing, and Nursing Informatics

Year(s) Title/Event Sponsor(s) Coordinator/Chair/NI Representative(s)

1999 First meeting: Nursing Data Standards Project Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Roberto Rodriquez (PAHO)
for Central Organization (PAHO) and Brazil Washington, DC Heimar Marin (Brazil)
2000 ICNP Programme Office established International Council of Nurses, Geneva, Amy Coenen, Director
2000 Computer-Based Patient Record Institute (CPRI) CPRI, Los Angeles, CA Virginia K. Saba, Nursing Chair
2000 Conference
2001 AMIA Nursing Informatics Leaders University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Pattie Brennan, President
Columbia University, New York, NY Suzanne Bakken, Program Chair
2002 ICNP Strategic Advisory Group Established ICN, Geneva, Switzerland Amy Coenen, Director
2002 Conference: Strategy for Health IT and eHealth Medical Records Institute (MRI), Boston, MA Peter Waegemann, President
2002 AAN Conference: Using Innovative Technology American Academy of Nursing, Washington, DC Margaret McClure, Chair
Linda Bolton, Co-Chair
Nellie O’Gara, Co-Chair
2002 to 2006 Initiated AAN Expert Panel on Nursing American Academy of Nursing Annual Virginia K. Saba, Co-Chair
Informatics Conference, Naples, FL Ida Androwich, Co-Chair

Chapter 1 • Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics 

2003 Finnish Nursing Informatics Symposium Finnish Nurses Association (FNA) and Siemens Kaija Saranto (FN)
Medical Solutions, Helsinki, Finland Anneli Ensio (FN)
Rosemary Kennedy (Siemens)
2003 First ISO-Approved Nursing Standard: IMIA/NI-SIG and ICN, Oslo, Norway Virginia K. Saba, Chair (NI/SIG)
Integrated Reference Terminology Model for Kathleen McCormick, Co-Chair (NIWG)
Nursing Amy Coenen, Co-Chair (ICN)
Evelyn Hovenga, Co-Chair (NI/SIG)
Susanne Bakken, Chair, Tech. Group

2004 First ICN Research and Development Centre Deutschsprachige ICNP, Freiburg, Germany Peter Koenig, Director
2004 to Present Initiated Annual Nursing Informatics HIMSS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL Joyce Sensmeier, Chair
Symposium at HIMSS Conference and
2004 Initial Formation of Alliance for Nursing AMIA/HIMSS Connie Delaney, Chair
Informatics (ANI) Joyce Sensmeier, Co-Chair

2004 to 2012 First nurse on NCVHS Standards NCVHS, Washington, DC Judy Warren, KUMC

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  TABLE 1.2    Landmark Events in Computers and Nursing, and Nursing Informatics (continued)

20    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

Year(s) Title/Event Sponsor(s) Coordinator/Chair/NI Representative(s)

2004 Office of the National Coordinator for Health National Coordinators First Coordinator:
Information Technology (ONC) established Dr. David Brailer
Dr. Robert Kolodner
Dr. David Blumenthal
Dr. Farzad Mostashari
Dr. Karen DeSalvo
2004 Technology Informatics Guiding Education National Members Marion Ball, Chair
Reform (TIGER)—Phase I Online Teleconferences Diane Skiba, Co-Chair
2006 First TIGER Summit 100 Invited Representatives from 70 Marion Ball, Chair
Healthcare Organizations; Summit held at Diane Skiba, Co-Chair
USU, Bethesda, MD
2006 Revitalized NI Archival Collection—Initiated AMIA/NIWG Executive Committee Kathleen McCormick, Chair
Solicitation of Pioneer NI Documents Bonnie Westra, Co-Chair
2005, 2008, and ICNP Version 1.0, Version 1.1, and Version 2 ICN, Geneva, Switzerland Amy Coenen, Director
2006 and 2008 Symposium on Nursing Informatics Brazil Medical Informatics Society Heimar Marin, Chair
2007/2008 First National Nursing Terminology Standard: ANSI-HTISP: Bio-surveillance Committee Virginia K. Saba and Colleagues, HITSP
Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System HITSP Recommended and HHS Secretary Committee Developers
2007 to Present ANIA/CARING Joint Conferences Las Vegas, Washington, DC Victoria Bradley, Chair
2009 to Present American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ONC National Health Information Technology Focus on Hospital HIT/EHR Systems
of 2009—Health Information Technology Committee: Integrated and Interoperable Terminology
for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH Standards
Act of 2009); ONC formed two National Health Policy Committee Judy Murphy (Aurora Health Systems)
Committees, each with one nurse Health Standards Committee Connie Delaney (UMN):
2009 ICNP recognized by WHO as First International ICN and WHO, Geneva, Switzerland Amy Coenen, Director
Nursing Terminology
2010 Formed Doctor of Nursing Practice Specialty University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Connie Delaney, Dean
in Informatics Bonnie Westra, Chair

2010 American Nursing Informatics Association ANIA and CARING Victoria Bradley, First President
(ANIA and CARING) merged
2011 Tiger Initiative Foundation Incorporated TIGER Initiative Patricia Hinton Walker, Chair
2012 to Present ANIA New Re-Named and First Annual ANIA ANIA Victoria Bradley, President
Conference Patricia Sengstack, President (2013/2014)
2013 First NI Nurse to be President of IMIA IMIA Hyeoun-Ae Park, PhD, RN, FAAN
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
20-02-2015 17:23:52

2013/2014/2015 Big Data for Better Health Care: Invitational University of Minnesota School of Nursing Connie Delaney, Chair
Conference Bonnie Westra, Co-Chair
Chapter 1 • Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics    21

Downloaded by [ Faculty of Nursing, Chiangmai University] at [07/18/16]. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. Not to be redistributed or modified in any way without permission.
the conferences and the appearance of nursing articles, Branchini, A. Z. (2012). Leadership of the pioneers of nurs-
journals, books, and other literature on this topic demon- ing informatics: A multiple case study analysis. Doctoral
strated the intense interest nurses had in learning more Dissertations. Paper AAI3529472. Retrieved from http://
about computers and information technologies. These
advances confirmed the status of NI as a new ANA spe- Collen, M. F. (1994). The origins of informatics. Journal
of the American Medical Informatics Association, 1(2),
cialty in nursing and provided the stimulus to transform
nursing in the twenty-first century. Collen, M. F. (1995). A history of medical informatics in the
United States, 1950 to 1990. Bethesda, MD: American
Bonnie Westra, Co-Chair

Medical Informatics Association.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dick, R. S., & Steen, E. B. (Eds.). (1991). The computer-based
patient record: An essential technology for healthcare.
The authors wish to acknowledge Patricia B. Wise for Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
her authorship of the original fifth edition Chapter 3 Gallagher, L. A. (2010). Revising HIPAA. Nursing
“Electronic Health Records from a Historical Perspective” Management, 41(4), 34–40.
from which content has been integrated into this chapter. Hammond, W. E. (1994). The role of standards in creating a
health information infrastructure. International Journal
of Bio-Medical Computing, 34, 29–44.
Hobbs, J. (2011). Political dreams, practical boundaries:
REFERENCES The case of the Nursing Minimum Data Set, 1983–1990.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2006, Nursing History Review, 19, 127–155.
October). The essentials of doctoral education for Humphreys, B. L., & Lindberg, D. A. B. (1992). The unified
advanced nursing practice. Retrieved from http://www. medical language system project: A distributed experi- ment in improving access to biomedical information. In
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The K. C. Lun, P. DeGoulet, T. E. Piemme, & O. Reinhoff (Eds.),
essentials of master’s education for professional nurs- MEDINFO 92: Proceedings of Seventh World Congress
ing practice. Retrieved from of Medical Informatics (pp. 1496–1500). Amsterdam:
education-resources/MastersEssentials11.pdf North-Holland.
American Nurses Association. (1997). NIDSEC standards Kemeny, J. G. (1972). Man and the computer. New York, NY:
and scoring guidelines. Silver Springs, MD: ANA. A high- Charles Scribner.
level summary can be found at http://ana.nursingworld. Nelson, R. (2013). Introduction: The evolution of health
org/DocumentVault/NursingPractice/NCNQ/meeting/ informatics. In R. Nelson & N. Staggers (Eds.), Health
ANA-and-NIDSEC.aspx informatics: An interprofessional approach (pp. 2–17).
American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing: Scope and New York, NY: Mosby Publishing.
standards of practice. Washington, DC: ANA. Newbold, S., & Westra, B. (2009). American Medical
American Nurses Association. (2008; 2010). Nursing informatics: Informatics Nursing Informatics History Committee
Scope & standards of practice. Washington, DC: ANA. update. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 27, 263–265.
Bakken, S. (2006). Informatics for patient safety: A nursing Newbold, S. K., Berg, C., McCormick, K. A., Saba, V. K., &
research perspective. Annual Review of Nursing Research, Skiba, D. J. (2012). Twenty five years in nursing informat-
24, 219–254. ics: A SILVER pioneer panel. In P. A. Abbott, C. Hullin,
Bakken, S., Stone, P. W., & Larson, E. L. (2012). A nursing S. Bandara, L. Nagle, & S. K. Newbold (Eds.), Proceedings
informatics research agenda for 2008–2018: Contextual of the 11th International Congress on Nursing Informatics,
influence and key components. Nursing Outlook, 60, Montreal, QC, Canada. Retrieved from http://knowledge.
Bitzer, M. (1966). Clinical nursing instruction via the Nicoll, L. H. (1998). Computers in nursing: Nurses’ guide to

Plato simulated laboratory. Nursing Research, 15(2), the internet (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Lippincott.
144–150. NINR Priority Expert Panel on Nursing Informatics. (1993).
Blackmon, P. W., Mario, C. A., Aukward, R. K., Bresnahan, Nursing informatics: Enhancing patient care. Bethesda,
R. E., Carlisle, R. G., Goldenberg, R. G., & Patterson, J. T. MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
(1982). Evaluation of the medical information system U.S. Public Health Services, and National Institutes
at the NIH clinical center. Vol 1, Summary of findings of Health.
and recommendations (Publication No. 82-190083). Ozbolt, J. G., & Bakken, S. (2003). Patient-care systems.
Springfield, VA: NTIS. In E. H. Shortliffe, L. E. Perreault, G. Wiederhold, &
Blum, B. I. (1990). Medical informatics in the United States, L. M. Pagan (Eds.), Medical informatics computer appli-
1950–1975. In B. Blum & K. Duncan (Eds.), A history cations in healthcare and biomedicine series: Health
of medical informatics (pp. xvii–xxx). Reading, MA: informatics (2nd ed., pp. 421–442). New York, NY:
Addison-Wesley. Springer.

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Computer Software
Mary L. McHugh

. Identify the three categories of software and their functions.
2. Describe four important analytic themes in Information Science.
3. Explain five types of programming languages and their general capabilities.
4. Discuss PDA applications that can be used as part of physical assessment.
5. Explain the differences among LANs, WANs, and MANs.

Information science
Programming languages
Networks: LANs, WANs, MANs

INTRODUCTION programs that many other people can buy and use to do
common tasks. Software is supplied as organized instruc-
Software is the general term applied to the instructions tion sets called programs, or more typically as a set of
that direct the computer’s hardware to perform work. It related programs called a package.
is distinguished from hardware by its conceptual rather For example, several prominent software companies
than physical nature. Hardware consists of physical com- sell their own version of a package of programs that are
ponents, whereas software consists of instructions com- typically needed to support an office computer, includ-
municated electronically to the hardware. Software is ing a word processing program, a spreadsheet program,
needed for two purposes. First, computers do not directly a presentation graphics program, and sometimes a
understand human language, and software is needed to ­database manager. Programs translate operations the user
translate instructions created in human language into needs into language and instructions that the computer
machine language. At the machine level, computers can can understand. By itself, computer hardware is merely
understand only binary numbers, not English or any other a collection of printed circuits, plastic, metal, and wires.
human language. Without software, hardware performs no functions.
Second, packaged or stored software is needed to make
the computer an economical work tool. Theoretically,
users could create their own software to use the computer.
However, writing software instructions (programming) is
extremely difficult, time-consuming, and, for most people, There are three basic types of software: system software,
tedious. It is much more practical and economical for one utility programs, and applications software. System soft-
highly skilled person or programming team to develop ware “boots up” (starts up and initializes) the computer


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46    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

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system; controls input, output, and storage; and controls the hardware chip, the OS can be upgraded or entirely
the operations of the application software. Utility software changed through software. The user can simply delete one
consists of programs designed to support and optimize system of OS files from the hard drive and installs a new
the functioning of the computer system itself. OS. Most users purchase a computer with the OS already
Applications software includes the various programs installed on the hard drive. However, the OS can be pur-
that users require to perform day-to-day tasks. They are chased separately and installed by the user. OSs handle
the programs that support the actual work of the user. the connection between the CPU and peripherals. The
Some users claim a third type of software called utility connection between the CPU and a peripheral or a user
programs. These are programs that are used to help main- is called an interface. The OS manages the interfaces to all
tain the system, clean up unwanted programs, protect peripheral hardware, schedules tasks, allocates storage in
the system against virus attacks, access the World Wide memory and on disks, retrieves programs and data from
Web (WWW), and the like. Sometimes it can get confus- storage, and provides an interface between the machine
ing as to whether programs are utility programs or system and the user.
software because system software packages today usually One of the most critical tasks (from the user’s perspec-
include a variety of utility programs with the basic system tive) performed by the OS involves the management of
software packages. storage. In the early computers, there were no OSs. Every
programmer had to include explicit instructions in every
program to tell the CPU exactly where-in RAM to locate
System Software
the lines of program code and data to be used during pro-
System software consists of a variety of programs that cessing. That meant the user had to keep track of thou-
control the individual computer and make the user’s appli- sands of memory locations, and be sure to avoid writing
cation programs work well with the hardware. System one line of code over another active line of code. Also, the
software consists of a variety of programs that initialize, programmer had to be careful that output of one part of
or boot up, the computer when it is first turned on and processing did not accidentally get written over output
thereafter control all the functions of the computer hard- from another part of processing. As can be imagined, the
ware and applications software. System software helps need for management of storage consumed a great deal of
speed up the computer’s processing, expands the power time and programming code, and it produced many errors
of the computer by creating cache memory, reduces the in programs. Since those errors had to be discovered
amount of confusion when multiple programs are run- and corrected before the program would run correctly,
ning together, “cleans up” the hard drive so that storage the lack of an OS made programming enormously time-
is managed efficiently, and performs other such system consuming and tedious. In comparison, programming
­management tasks. today—while still a difficult and time-consuming task—is
much more efficient. In fact, with the size of programs,
Basic Input/Output System. The first level of system memory and storage media today, no programmer could
control is handled by the basic input/output system (BIOS) realistically manage all the storage. OSs allowed not only
stored on a ROM chip on the motherboard. The software more complex programs and systems, but without them,
on the BIOS chip is the first part of the computer to func- there could be no home computers, except for skilled
tion when the system is turned on. It first searches for an programmers.
Operating System (OS) and loads it into the RAM. Given
that the BIOS consists of a set of instructions permanently
Utility Software
burned onto a computer chip, it is truly a combination of
hardware and software. Programs on chips are often called Utility programs include programs designed to keep the
firmware, because they straddle the line between hard- computer system operating efficiently. They do this by
ware and software. For this reason, many computer engi- adding power to the functioning of the system software or
neers make a distinction between firmware and software. supporting the OS or applications software programs. As
From that perspective, the OS is actually the first level of such, utility programs are sort of between system software
system software (Koushanfar & Markov, 2011). and applications software, although many writers identify
this software as part of the system software category. Six
Operating System.  An OS is the overall controller of the types of utility software can describe the majority of u
­ tility
work of the computer. The OS is software loaded from the programs, although there is no formal categorization sys-
hard drive into RAM as soon as the computer is turned on. tem for such programs. The categories include at least
While the firmware cannot be upgraded without changing Security programs, disk management utilities, backup for

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Chapter 4 • Computer Software    47

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the user’s data, screen savers, archival assistance software, programs. Given that any computer component can fail, it
and programming environment support programs. is very important for users to back up any data they have
Security software, including primarily anti-virus, fire- saved that they do not want to lose permanently. When a
wall, and encryption programs, protect the computer and hard drive fails (or crashes), the user who has not backed
its data from attacks that can destroy programs and data. up that drive is at risk of permanently losing photos, infor-
Anti-virus utilities serve primarily to guard against mali- mation, songs, videos, and anything else stored on the
cious programs inadvertently accessed, usually through computer. Of course, backing up data on the same hard
e-mail or downloads from the Internet. Firewalls are a drive is not necessarily much protection. A better choice is
type of security program that makes it much harder for to back up one’s data to an external (removable) hard drive
unauthorized persons or systems to enter the computer or an online backup location.
and hijack or damage programs or data on the computer. Screen savers are computer programs that either
Firewalls can include both additional hardware and u ­ tility blank the monitor screen or fill it with constantly moving
software. Encryption software encodes the data so that it images when the user is away from the computer but does
cannot be read until it is decoded. The HTTPS letters on not turn it (and the monitor) completely off. They were
a Web page address indicate that the site encrypts data originally developed for old technology screens (cathode
sent through that site. The encryption is sufficiently high ray tube [CRT] screens or plasma screens) that would be
level that it cannot be decoded without a program at the damaged by having the same image on the screen for a
receiver site. This encryption makes buying and selling via long period of time. Modern computer screen have dif-
the Internet much safer. Without such encryption, credit ferent technology and so do not suffer that risk. However,
card and other very private data would not be safe to use screen savers are often entertaining or beautiful to look
to purchase anything via the Internet. Security is also a at, and do provide a small measure of privacy because
hardware issue and is addressed in chapter 2 “Computer they hide whatever the user is working on when the user
Hardware” (Markov, 2014). steps away from the computer. Unless also linked with a
Disk management utilities are designed to help the program that requires the user to sign back in to access
user keep hard disk space clean and efficient. They do this the regular screen, they do not provide security because a
by analyzing use of disk space, defragmenting the drive, passing person could also tap a key to get back to the regu-
and deleting duplicate files if the user so commands. Over lar screen. However, most people have the good manners
time as users store and delete data and programs, informa- to keep their hands off other people’s computers, and the
tion on the disk may become scattered across the disk in screen saver hides what might be personal or confidential
an inefficient or fragmented way. The defragmenter moves data from casual roaming eyes. Screen savers sometimes
data around on the disk so that small empty spaces are do require users to log back into their computer to turn
eliminated and data and programs are relocated to better off the screen saver, and those do have a security function.
use the available space. These programs can also compress Typically, screen savers activate automatically if the com-
data to free up disk space, partition a disk so that the user puter does not receive any input from the user for a preset
has more control on where different types of information time period.
are stored, and clean up disks by eliminating unnecessary Archival Software usually performs at least two
data and information. Specifically, many programs and functions. First, it compresses information in files to be
Internet sites temporarily store information on the hard archived, and then stores them in a compressed form in
drive as part of their operations, but when those opera- some long-term storage device. For Windows, programs
tions are finished, they don’t clean the temporary files. such as WinZip and WinRar are well-known archival utili-
Such files can consume quite a bit of disk space over time, ties. When the files are retrieved, software must be used
and disk cleaners can sometimes free up large amounts to unpack (or decompress) the data so that it can be read.
of disk space just by eliminating obsolete information. Terms used to describe the data compression performed
Other disk management utilities include diagnostic pro- by archival software include packing, zipping, com-
grams designed to find problems with programs or the OS pressing, and archiving as well as unpacking, unzipping,
so that they can be fixed. de-archiving, and extraction. The compression can sharply
Backup utilities serve to help the users back up their reduce the size of a large file such that it can be made small
data. Applications programs may be backed up, but usually enough to e-mail to another person or location.
that is not necessary because legal copies of programs can Programming environment support programs are
be reloaded by the person who bought the license. Illegal used by program developers to support their program-
(or pirate) programs are a different issue. The computer ming work or to run their programs. Computers cannot
owner may not have a backup copy of illegally downloaded read or understand English or any other human language.

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48    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

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Ultimately, programs must change the language in which packages is, of course, the word processing program. But
developers write programs (the source code) into a spreadsheets and presentation graphics are also widely
machine language the computer can understand (assem- used, as are the Database Management System software
bly or machine language). The program that performs this packages such as Microsoft Access. Many of these prod-
translation is called a compiler. If a programmer wishes to ucts also offer e-mail systems, publisher programs, flow-
translate a machine language program into a higher level chart software, and various other application programs.
language a human can understand the programmer uses
a decompiler program. Programming is difficult because
not only does the programmer have to detail complex
logic, but the commands that comprise the program must
be written in a specific syntax. Syntax in this usage refers Information science is an interdisciplinary field primar-
to a set of very specific rules about words, word usage, and ily concerned with the analysis, collection, classification,
word order in order of a computer language. Syntax must manipulation, storage, retrieval, movement, dissemina-
be exactly correct for a computer to correctly interpret tion, and use of information (Stock & Stock, 2013). It is
the code and run the program. Problems with either the concerned with technologies, strategies, and methodolo-
logic or syntax will cause the program to fail, or perform gies for getting the right information to people when it is
incorrectly. These kinds of problems are called “bugs” and needed without people getting overwhelmed with irrel-
correcting them is called “debugging” a program. Utility evant and unwanted information. All science is concerned
programs designed to help a programmer debug a pro- with measurement and analysis, and information science
gram are called debugging programs. The most commonly is no different.
used utility programs for programmers include the vari- Key themes in information science analysis include
ous types of compilers and debuggers. optimality, performance, complexity, and structure
(Luenberger, 2006). Optimality varies with the situation,
but generally refers to achieving an optimum value for
Applications Software
some desired outcome. For example, when a nurse wants
Applications software includes all the various programs to obtain information on outcomes of patients who suf-
people use to do work, process data, play games, com- fered a complication for the purpose of determining
municate with others, and watch videos and multimedia whether they were rescued or not, the optimal outcome
programs on a computer. Unlike system and utility pro- is that the search facility in the information system finds
grams, they are written for system users to make use of the all patient records for patients who were truly at risk, and
computer. When the user orders the OS to run an applica- does not miss any. Additionally, the system retrieves few
tion program, the OS transfers the program from the hard if any records of patients who did not suffer a high-risk
drive, or removable media, and executes it. complication. Optimality may refer to almost any variable
Application programs are written in a particular pro- that is measured on a numerical scale, such as cost, time
gramming language. Then the program is “compiled” (or (e.g., time to answer patient call lights), workload, etc.
translated) into machine language so the computer can Performance is typically considered in the context of
understand the instructions and execute the program. average performance of the information system over a series
Originally, programs were written for a specific computer of communication instances. Averages are better represen-
and could only run on that model machine. However, tations of performance than long lists of single instance per-
the science of programming languages and their trans- formance. For example, the average time it takes an e-mail
lation eventually advanced to the point that programs to reach the intended recipient is much more useful than a
today can generally be “ported” (or translated) across long list of each e-mail and its transmission time.
many machines. This advancement permitted program- Complexity is a reality with the enormous masses of data
mers to develop programs that could be used on a class and information generated, collected, stored, and retrieved.
of machines, such as the Windows type or Mac type A typical measure of complexity in informatics is the amount
computers (the two are still generally incompatible). This of time it takes to complete a task. The time required is most
advance opened a whole new industry, since programs often a function of the amount of information that must
could be mass marketed as off-the-shelf software pack- be dealt with to complete the task, but can also be greatly
ages. By far the most commonly used set of programs affected by how well the database was structured.
are the programs in an office package, such as Microsoft Structure means developing a system for ordering and
Office, ApacheOpen Office, or LibreOffice, or any of the cataloging the data and information, particularly in a data-
many other office suites. The most useful program in these base. Excellent structure serves to reduce the amount of

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Chapter 4 • Computer Software    49

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time required to perform operations on the database, such level includes the first two generations of programming
as search, retrieve, update, sort, and so forth. When data languages: machine language and assembly language. The
are well structured and cataloged in a database, ­complexity second level includes the next two generations: high-level
can actually be reduced because the system will not have procedural and nonprocedural languages. The third level
to review all the data to find particular items. Rather, it (and fifth generation) is natural language.
will have to search only the sectors in which the data are The low-level languages are machinelike. Machine lan-
going to be found, and the structure tells the programs guage is, of course, binary. It consists of strings of 0s and 1s
that operate on the database which sectors to search. and can be directly understood by the computer. However,
Information science is a rapidly growing field, and it is difficult to use and to edit.
much of the progress is based on development and t­ esting
of mathematical algorithms related to information man- Machine Language.  Machine language is the true lan-
agement tasks, such as storage and retrieval, database guage of the computer. Any program must be translated
structure, measuring the value of information, and other into machine language before the computer can execute it.
works involved in increasing the efficiency of using infor- The machine language consists only of the binary numbers
mation to make better decisions. In nursing, some key 1 and 0, representing the ON and OFF electrical impulses.
issues include ways nurses use information to make better All data—numbers, letters, and symbols—are represented
nursing diagnoses and care decisions. Nursing informa- by combinations of binary digits. For example, the number
tion science is very concerned with measuring patient care 3 is represented by 8 binary numbers (00000011), and 6
outcomes and what nursing protocols produce the best is represented by 00000110. Traditionally, machine lan-
outcomes. As a relatively new field, information science is guages are machine dependent, which means that each
only beginning to help people put the vast amount of data model of computer has its own unique machine language.
stored in multiple databases to work in efforts to improve
health. In the future, data mining and other technologies Assembler Language.  Assembler language is far more like
designed to harvest information from very large databases the English language, but it is still very close to machine
is likely to become a major focus of health research, and language. One command in machine language is a single
holds great promise for improving healthcare by providing instruction to the processor. Assembler language instruc-
accurate information to decision-makers. tions have a one-to-one correspondence with a machine
language instruction. Assembler language is still used a
great deal by system programmers and whenever appli-
Programming Languages
cation programmers wish to manipulate functions at the
A programming language is a means of communicating machine level. As can be seen from Fig. 4.1, assembly lan-
with the computer. Actually, of course, the only language a guage, while more English-like than machine language, is
CPU can understand is binary or machine language. While extremely obscure to the nonprogrammer.
it is certainly possible for programmers to learn to use
binary language—some highly sensitive defense applica- Third-Generation Languages.  Third-generation languages
tions are still written in machine language—the language include the procedural languages and were the beginning
is painfully tedious and inefficient use of human resources, of the second level in programming languages. Procedural
and its programs are virtually impossible to update and
debug. Since the invention of computers, users have longed
for a machine that could accept instructions in everyday
human language. Although that goal largely eludes pro- PRINT_ASCII PROC
grammers, applications such as office support programs MOV DL, 00h
(i.e., word processors, spread sheets, presentation graphics DL MOV CX, 255
applications, and the like) have become much easier to use PRINT_LOOP:
with graphical user interface based commands.
Generations and Levels of MOV AH, 4Ch
INT 21h ;21h
Programming Languages
Programming languages are divided into five generations,
or sometimes into three levels. The term level refers to
how close the language is to the actual machine. The first •  FIGURE 4.1.  Assembler Language Lines of Code.

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50    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

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languages require the programmer to specify both what to work sequentially or concurrently. Originally, all pro-
the computer is to do and the procedure for how to do it. gramming languages were strictly sequential. That is,
These languages are far more English-like than assembler the CPU processed one line of code at a time, and the
and machine languages. However, a great deal of study is next line was not read until the prior line command had
required to learn to use these languages. The programmer been executed. A lot of calculation work and operations
must learn the words the language recognizes, and must such as payroll and invoice processing do require each
use those words in a rigid style and sequence. A single part of the process to be completed before the next is
comma or letter out of place will cause the program to fail started. Mathematical and statistical calculations often
or crash. The style and sequence of a language are called must be sequential because the results of each calcula-
its syntax. FORTRAN and COBOL are examples of early tion is used by the next calculation to complete the work.
third-generation languages. One way computer speed was increased was to support
A third-generation language written specifically for the CPU with very specialized processors that handled
use in healthcare settings was MUMPS (Massachusetts mathematical functions. However, the CPU would wait
General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System). for the math processor results to continue with the pro-
MUMPS was originally developed to support medical gram. As programming addressed much more complex
record applications at Massachusetts General Hospital. processes, many parts of programs were not dependent
MUMPS offers powerful tools to support database man- on prior processes. That meant different parts of the pro-
agement systems; this is particularly useful in any setting gram could, at least theoretically, be processed simulta-
in which many users have to access the same databases at neously. However, a single processor can only process
the same time. Therefore, MUMPS is now found in many one command at a time. Clock speed improvements have
different industries such as banks, travel agencies, stock been somewhat limited by the heat produced by faster
exchanges, and, of course, other hospitals. Originally, processing.
MUMPS was both a language and a full OS; however, Originally, computers had only one CPU so they had
today most installations load MUMPS on top of their own only one core processor. As programs became more com-
computer’s OS. plex, and especially as the Internet advanced into a multi-
Today, the most popular computer language for writ- media environment, the clock speed of a single processor
ing new OSs and other system programs is called C. (It was could not keep up. It is extremely slow to wait to load text
named after an earlier prototype program called simply B.) while pictures are loading, but a single processor cannot
Two important late third-generation languages are do two of those actions at the same time. Those who used
increasing in importance as the importance of the Internet computers in the early 1990s may remember that Web
grows. They include the visual programming languages pages with lots of images could be impossibly slow to load,
and Java. Java was developed by Sun Microsystems to be a and this was at least partly due to personal computers hav-
relatively simple language that would provide the portabil- ing only a single processor. Even though CPU clock speeds
ity across differing computer platforms and the security increased steadily, a single processor could not keep up
needed for use on a huge, public network like the Internet. with the video, graphs, and sound demands of Internet
The world community of software developers and Internet pages. According to Igor Markov, “Computer speed is not
content providers has warmly received Java. Java pro- increasing anymore” (Markov, 2014). Another strategy
gramming skills are critical for any serious Web developer. was needed to improve speed. The solution has been to
add more CPU processors, and this solution is called mul-
Visual Programming Languages.  As the popularity of tiprocessing which involves multiple processors working
GUI technology grew, several languages were developed in parallel (parallelism).
to facilitate program development in graphics-based envi- Around the year 2000, dual core processors became
ronments. Microsoft Corporation has marketed two very available (Varela, 2013). Although they were expensive,
popular such programs: Visual BASIC (Beginners’ All- they were essential for people who needed to run com-
purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) and Visual C++. plex engineering and scientific programs, and people who
These programs and their cousins marketed by other liked to play complex online games with sophisticated
companies have been used for a variety of applications, graphics (these people are called “gamers” and their high
especially those that allow users to interact with electronic power computers are called “gaming computers”). The
companies through the Internet. advantages of multiprocessing were such that by 2014, all
personal computers advertised for the home and business
Concurrent and Distributed Languages.  Another way had two or more processors to speed up the operation of
to categorize programs is whether they were designed complex and graphics intensive programs. A high-speed,

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Chapter 4 • Computer Software    51

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sophisticated graphics card is also necessary to handle the executes a Chi-Square on the selected data. But the user
volume of graphics in today’s programs and Web pages. does not have to write code telling the computer which
The Intel i7 product had six microprocessors in addition mathematical processes (add, subtract, multiply, divide)
to its graphics card. Program languages designed to take to perform on the data in order to calculate the statistic.
advantage of multiple processors are called concurrent The formula for chi-square is already part of the SPSS
languages. Concurrent languages are designed for pro- program.
grams that use multiple processors in parallel, rather than An important Fourth-Generation language is SQL
running the program sequentially on a single processor. (Structured Query Language). SQL is a language designed
C++ is an example of a programming language designed for management and query operations on a relational
as a concurrent language. database. It does far more than simply allow users to query
Closely associated with the need to run multiple parts a database. It also supports data insert, data definition,
of a program at the same time is the need to accommo- database schema creation, update and delete, and data
date multiple users at the same time. This is called mul- modification. It is not particularly user friendly for non-
tithreading (Intel, 2003). While multithreading is more programmers, but it is an extremely powerful language for
of an implementation problem than strictly a program- information retrieval.
ming issue, modern, high-level languages handle mul-
tiprocessing and multithreading more easily than older Fifth-Generation Languages.  Fifth-generation or third-
languages. Programming languages like Java, from Sun level languages are called natural languages. In these
Microsystems, and Haskell were designed expressly to types of programs, the user tells the machine what to do
handle both multiprocessing and multithreading at the in the user’s own natural language or through use of a
same time. However, C11 and C++11 as well as other lan- set of very English-like commands. Ideally, voice recog-
guages were designed to be used in multiprocessing and nition technology is integrated with the language so that
multithreading environments. The importance of excel- voice commands are recognized and executed. True fifth-
lent multithreading programming products was well illus- generation languages are still emerging. Natural language
trated when the Affordable Care Act government Web site recognition, in which any user could give understandable
could not handle the volume of users trying to access the commands to the computer in his or her own word style
site at the same time. and accent, is being performed at the beginning of the
twenty-first century. However, natural language systems
Fourth-Generation Languages. Fourth-generation lan- are clearly in the future of personal computing. The great
guages are specialized application programs that require difficulty is, of course, how to reliably translate natural,
more involvement of the user in directing the program spoken human language into a language the computer can
to do the necessary work. Some people in the computer understand.
industry do not consider these to be programming lan- To prepare a translation program for a natural language
guages. Procedural languages include programs such as requires several levels of analysis. First, the sentences
spreadsheets, statistical analysis programs, and database need to be broken down to identify the subject’s words
query languages. These programs may also be thought of and relate them to the underlying constituents of speech
as applications programs for special work functions. The (i.e.,  parsed). The next level is called semantic analysis,
difference between these languages and the earlier genera- whereby the grammar of each word in the sentence is ana-
tion languages is that the user specifies what the program lyzed. It attempts to recognize the action described and
is to do, but not how the program is to perform the task. the object of the action. There are several computer pro-
The “how” is already programmed by the manufacturer of grams that translate natural languages based on basic rules
the language/applications program. For example, to per- of English. They generally are specially written programs
form a chi-square calculation in FORTRAN, the user must designed to interact with databases on a specific topic. By
specify each step involved in carrying out the formula for limiting the programs to querying the database, it is pos-
a chi-square and also must enter into the FORTRAN pro- sible to process the natural language terms.
gram all the data on which the operations are to be per- An exciting application of natural language processing
formed. In Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), (NLP) is called biomedical text mining (BioNLP). The pur-
a statistical analysis program, the user enters a command pose is to assist users to find information about a specific
(from a menu of commands) that tells the computer topic in biomedical literature. This method of searching
to compute a chi-square statistic on a particular set of professional literature articles in PubMed or another data-
numbers provided to the program. That is, the user pro- base increases the likelihood that a relevant mention of
vides SPSS with a data file and selects the command that the topic will be discovered and extracted, thus increasing

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52    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

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the probability of a comprehensive information extrac- have to be written in two versions: one for the IBM PC
tion process. One example is a program called DNorm. platform and one for the Mac. Typically, software pack-
DNorm detects specific disease names (entered by the ages are sold on DVDs, although some are available on
searcher) in journal articles or other text documents. It flash drives and many software companies are now mar-
also associates them with search terms in MeSH terms in keting their products through the Internet and customers
PubMed and terms in SNOMED-CT1 (Leaman, Dogan, & download the software directly through the Internet from
Zhivong, 2014). the vendor’s Web site.
Security programs are also an important market prod-
Text Formatting Languages.  Strictly speaking, text for- uct. Given the large number of people seeking to steal
matters are not true programming languages. They are identities and otherwise use the computer for criminal or
used to format content, originally text, for visual display in a malicious activity, every user who accesses the Internet
system. However, the skills required to learn to format text should have security software.
are similar to the skills required to learn a programming
language, and informally they are called ­ programming
The most famous is HyperText Markup Language OWNERSHIP RIGHTS
(HTML). HTML is used to format text for the World Wide
Web and is one of the older formatting languages. These Protecting ownership rights in software has presented a
languages specify to the computer how text and graph- challenge to the computer software industry. A program
ics are to be displayed on the computer screen. There sold to one customer can be installed on a very large num-
are many other formatting languages, such as Extensible ber of machines. This practice obviously seriously harms
Markup Language (XML) which is a restricted version the profitability of software development. If programs
of SGML and used in most word processing programs. were sold outright, users would have every right to dis-
The original markup language is Standardized General tribute them as they wished; however, the industry could
Markup Language (SGML) which is actually a meta- not survive in such market conditions. As a result, the
language and the standard for markup languages. HTML software industry has followed an ownership model more
and XML adhere to the SGML pattern. similar to that of the book publishing industry than to the
model used by vendors of most commercial products.
When most commercial products like furniture or
COMMON SOFTWARE PACKAGES appliances are sold, the buyer can use the product or resell
it or loan it to a friend if so desired. The product sold is a
FOR MICROCOMPUTERS physical product that can be used only by one customer
The most common package sold with computers is a stan- at a time. Copying the product is not feasible. However,
dard office package. The standard office package includes intellectual property is quite a different proposition: what
a word processing program, a spreadsheet program, and a is sold is the idea. The medium on which the idea is stored
presentation graphics program. The upgraded or profes- is not the product. However, when the PC industry was
sional versions usually add some form of database man- new, people buying software viewed their purchase as the
agement system, an e-mail system, a “publisher” program physical diskette on which the intellectual property was
for preparing flyers, brochures, and other column-format stored. Software was expensive, but the diskettes were
documents. The two most commonly used programs are cheap. Therefore, groups of friends would often pool
the e-mail system and the word processor. In fact, some money to purchase one copy of the software and make
people purchase a computer with only an OS, word pro- copies for everyone in the group. This, of course, enraged
cessor, and an Internet browser, and sign up for their e-mail the software vendors.
account and use little else. Another very common product As a result, copyright laws were extended to software
is a desktop publisher. Most of these common programs so that only the original purchaser was legally empow-
ered to install the program on his or her computer. Any
other installations were considered illegal copies, and
SNOMED CT is a database containing a comprehensive list of clinical
such copies were called pirate copies. Purchasers of soft-
terms. Nursing terms from all the major nursing terminologies have been
listed in SNOMED CT. It is owned, maintained, and distributed by the ware do not buy full rights to the software. They purchase
International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation only a license to use the software. Individually purchased
(IHTSDO). software is licensed to one and only one computer. An

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Chapter 4 • Computer Software    53

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exception can be made if the individual has both a desktop their PDAs to assist them with patient care. Most are very
and a laptop. Fair use allows the purchaser to install the low cost and some are free. Such programs include drug
software on all the machines he or she personally owns— guides, medical dictionaries, and consult guides for a vari-
provided the computers are for that user’s personal use ety of patient populations and clinical problems (e.g., pedi-
only. Companies that have multiple computers that are atric pocket consultation, toxicology guide, guide to clinical
used by many employees must purchase a separate copy procedures, and laboratory results guides). Software can
for each machine, or more typically, they purchase a “site now be downloaded onto a PDA to measure heart and
license.” A site license is a way of buying in bulk, so to respiratory rate, perform ultrasounds on various organs,
speak. The company and software vendor agree on how test hearing, perform a simple EKG, and many other physi-
many machines the software may be used on, and a special cal assessments can be obtained via a PDA.
fee is paid for the number of copies to be used. Additional As so many items of healthcare equipment have com-
machines over the number agreed on require an increase puter processers today, the nurse may not always realize
in the allowable sites—and payment of the higher site- that software is being used. For example, volumetric pumps
license fee—or separate copies of the software may be control IV flow through computer processors. Heart moni-
purchased. What is not permitted, and is, in fact, a form tors and EKG and EEG machines all have internal com-
of theft is to install more copies of the software than were puters that detect patterns and provide interpretations of
paid for. the patterns. Hospital beds may have processors to detect
wetness, heat, weight, and other measures. Most radiology
equipment today is computer based. Many items of surgery
COMMON SOFTWARE USEFUL equipment exist only because computer processors are
TO NURSES available to make them operate.
Some nursing applications include a handy “dashboard,”
In most hospitals, most software systems used by nurses which is an application that provides a sort of a menu of
are based in a Hospital Information System (HIS). options from which the nurse can choose. Typically, dash-
The HIS is a multipurpose program, designed to sup- boards provide the nurse a quick way to order common out-
port many applications in hospitals and their associ- put from certain (or all) screens, or may provide some kind
ated clinics. The components nurses use most include of alert that a task is due to be performed.
the electronic medical record for charting patient care,
admission-discharge-transfer (ADT) systems that help
with patient tracking, medication administration record
(MAR) software, supplies inventory systems through
which nurses charge IVs, dressings, and other supplies Every functioning computer is a system; that is, it is a
used in patient care, and laboratory systems that are used complex entity, consisting of an organized set of inter-
to order laboratory tests and report the results. There are connected components or factors that function together
systems for physicians to document their medical orders; as a unit to accomplish results that one part alone could
quality and safety groups such as the Leapfrog group con- not. Computer system may refer to a single machine (and
sider a computer physician order entry (CPOE) system its peripherals and software) that is unconnected to any
to be so important that they list it as a separate item on other computer. However, most healthcare professionals
their quality checklist. Additionally, nurses may have the use computer systems consisting of multiple, intercon-
support of computer-based systems for radiology orders nected computers that function to facilitate the work of
and results reporting, a computerized patient acuity sys- groups of providers and their support people in a system
tem used to help with nurse staff allocation, and perhaps called a network. The greatest range of functionality
there may be a hospital e-mail system used for at least is realized when computers are connected to other
some hospital communications. Increasingly, nurses are computers in a network or, as with the Internet, a system
finding that they are able to build regional, national, and of networks in which any computer can communicate
international networks with their nursing colleagues with any other computer.
with the use of chat rooms, bulletin boards, conferencing Common types of computer networks are point-
­systems, and listservs on the Internet. to-point, local area network (LAN), wide area network
Given that many people have personal digital assistants (WAN), and metropolitan area network (MAN). A point-
(PDAs) as part of their cellular phones, nurses may down- to-point network is a very small network in which all parts
load any of thousands of software applications (apps) onto of the system are directly connected via wires or wireless

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54    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

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(typically provided by a router in a single building). LANs, REFERENCES
WANs, and MANs are sequentially larger and given the
number of users they require communications architec- Intel. (2003). Intel hyperthreading users technology manual.
ture to ensure all users on the network are served. If the Retrieved from
77/17705_htt_user_guide.pdf. Accessed on April 2, 2014.
network capacity is too small, some users will experience
Koushanfar, R., & Markov, I. (2011). Designing chips that pro-
very long waits or perhaps the system will crash from tect themselves. ACM DAC Knowledge Center. Retrieved
overload (i.e., stop working and have to be restarted). from
Computer networks must allocate time and memory DAC.COM-TrustedICs.pdf. Accessed on March 10, 2014.
space to many users, and so must have a way to organize Leaman, R., Dogan, R., & Zhivong, L. (2014). DNorm:
usage of the network resources so that all users are served. Disease name normalization with pairwise learning to
There are a variety of allocation strategies for high-level rank. National Center for Biotechnology Information
communication in networks. The most common are token (NCBI), National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from
ring (developed by IBM), star (also called multipoint; all
communications go through a single hub computer), bus DNorm/. Accessed on February 15, 2014.
Luenberger, D. (2006). Information science. Princeton, NJ:
(in which all computers are connected to a single line), and
Princeton University Press.
tree. For very large networks, backbone communication Markov, I. (2014). Next-generation chips and computing
technology is increasingly used. with atoms. Igor Markov: Material for graduate students.
The use of systems in computer technology is based on Retrieved from
system theory. System theory and its subset, network the- Accessed on February 14, 2014.
ory, provide the basis for understanding how the power of Stock, W. G., & Stock, M. (2013). Handbook of information
individual computers has been greatly enhanced through science. Berlin: De Gruyter Saur.
the process of linking multiple computers into a single sys- Varela, C. (2013). Programming distributed computer
tem and multiple computer ­systems into networks. ­systems. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

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Open Source and Free Software
David J. Whitten

. Describe the basic concepts of open source software (OSS) and free software (FS).
2. Describe the differences between open source software, free software, and
­proprietary software, particularly in respect of licensing.
3. Discuss why an understanding of open source and free software is important in
a healthcare context, in particular where a choice between proprietary and open
source software or free software is being considered.
4. Describe some of the open source and free software applications currently
­available, both healthcare-specific and for general office/productivity use.
5. Introduce some of the organizations and resources available to assist the nurse
interested in exploring the potential of open source software.
6. Create and develop an example of OSS.
7. Describe the organization of health databases.
8. Use Boolean Logic to form query conditions.
9. Understand methods for querying and reporting from databases
(VistA FileMan, SQL).

Querying databases
Boolean Logic
Open source software
Free software

uses the Web uses OSS/FS most of the time, as the major-
INTRODUCTION ity of the hardware and software that allows the Internet
It is estimated that, worldwide, over 350 million people to function (Web servers, file transmission protocol [FTP]
use open source software products and thousands of servers, and mail systems) are OSS/FS. As Vint Cerf,
enterprises and organizations use open source code Google’s “Chief Internet Evangelist” who is seen by many
(Anderson & Dare, 2009); free and open source software as the “father of the Internet,” has stated, the Internet
are increasingly recognized as a reliable alternative to pro- “is fundamentally based on the existence of open, non-­
prietary products. Most nurses use open source and free proprietary standards” (Openforum Europe, 2008). Many
software (OSS/FS) (Table 5.1) on a daily basis, often with- popular Web sites are hosted on Apache (OSS/FS) servers,
out even realizing it. Everybody who sends an e-mail or and increasingly people are using OSS/FS Web browsers


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56    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

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  TABLE 5.1    Common Acronyms and Terms in respect to open standards and access to applications’
source codes, is the user in control of the software and
A number of acronyms are used to denote a combination able to adapt the application to local needs, and prevent
of free software and open source software. OSS/FS is the problems associated with vendor lock-in (Murray, Wright,
term that is used for preference in this chapter; others Karopka, Betts, & Orel, 2009).
include the following:
However, many nurses have only a vague understand-
OSS: Open source software ing of what OSS/FS are and their possible applications and
OSS/FS: Open source software/free software relevance to nursing and NI. This chapter aims to provide
FOSS: Free and open source software
a basic understanding of the issues, as it is only through
FLOSS: Free/libre/open source software
GNU: GNU is Not Unix Project (a recursive acronym). This
being fully informed about the relative merits, and poten-
is a project started by Richard Stallman, which turned tial limitations, of the range of proprietary software and
into the Free Software Foundation (FSF,, to OSS/FS, that nurses can make informed choices, whether
develop and promote alternatives to proprietary Unix they are selecting software for their own personal needs
implementations. or involved in procurements for large healthcare orga-
GNU/Linux or Linux: The complete operating system includes nizations. This chapter will provide an overview of the
the Linux kernel, the GNU components, and many other background to OSS/FS, explaining the differences and sim-
programs. GNU/Linux is the more accurate term because ilarities between open source and free software, and intro-
it makes a distinction between the kernel—Linux—and ducing some particular applications such as the GNU/
much of the software that was developed by the GNU
Linux operating system. Licensing will be addressed, as it
Project in association with the FSF.
is one of the major issues that exercises the minds of those
with responsibility for decision-making, as issues such as
the interface of OSS/FS and proprietary software, or use
of OSS/FS components are not fully resolved. Some com-
such as Firefox. While in the early days of computing soft- monly available and healthcare-specific applications will
ware was often free, free software (as defined by the Free be introduced, with a few examples being discussed. Some
Software Foundation [FSF]; Table 5.1) has existed since of the organizations working to explore the use of OSS/
the mid-1980s, the ‘GNU is Not Unix’ Project (GNU)/ FS within healthcare and nursing, and some additional
Linux operating system (Table 5.1) has been developing resources, will be introduced.
since the early 1990s, and the open source initiative (OSI) The chapter will conclude with a case study of what
(Table 5.2) definition of open source software has existed many consider the potential “mother of OSS/FS health-
since the late 1990s. It is only more recently that wide- care applications,” Veterans Health Information System
spread interest has begun to develop in the possibilities of and Technology Architecture (VistA) (Tiemann, 2004), and
OSS/FS within health, healthcare, and nursing, and within recent moves to develop fully OSS/FS versions.
nursing informatics (NI) and health informatics.
In healthcare facilities in many countries, in both hos-
pital and community settings, healthcare information OSS/FS—THE THEORY
technology (IT) initially evolved as a set of facility-centric
tools to manage patient data. This was often primarily
for administrative purposes, such that there now exists, While we use the term open source (and the acronym OSS/
in many facilities, a multitude of different, often discon- FS) in this chapter, we do so loosely (and, some would argue,
nected, systems, with modern hospitals often using more incorrectly) to cover several concepts, including OSS, FS,
than 100 different software applications. One of the and GNU/Linux. Each of these concepts and applications
major problems that nurses and all other health profes- has its own definition and attributes (Table  5.2). While
sionals currently face is that many of these applications the two major philosophies in the OSS/FS world, i.e., the
and systems do not interface well for data and informa- free software foundation (FSF) philosophy and the open
tion exchange to benefit patient care. A major challenge source initiative (OSI) philosophy, are today often seen as
in all countries is to move to a more patient-centric separate movements with different views and goals, their
­system, integrating facilities such as hospitals, physicians’ adherents frequently work together on specific practical
offices, and community or home healthcare providers, so projects (FSF, 2010a).
that they can easily share and exchange patient data and The key commonality between FSF and OSI philoso-
allow collaborative care around the patient. Supporters of phies is that the source code is made available to the users
OSS/FS approaches believe that only through openness, by the programmer. Where FSF and OSI differ in the

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Chapter 5 • Open Source and Free Software    57

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  TABLE 5.2   Free Software and Open Source Definitions
Free Software

The term free software is defined as follows by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) (Version 1.122, 2013,
free-sw.html, emphasis added):
Free software is seen in terms of liberty, rather than price, and to understand the concept, you need to think of “free” as in free
speech, not as in free beer. The differences are easier to understand in some languages other than English, where there is less
ambiguity in the use of the word free. For example, in French, the use of the terms libre (freedom) software versus gratis (zero
price) software. Free software is described in terms of the users’ freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change, and improve the
software. More precisely, it refers to four kinds of freedom for the users of the software:
• The freedom to run the program for any purpose (freedom 0).
• The freedom to study how the program works, and change it to make it do what you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code
is a precondition for this.
• The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2).
• The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole
­community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
A program is free software if users have all of these freedoms.

Open Source Software

The term open source is defined exactly as follows by the open source initiative (OSI) (


Open source does not just mean access to the source code. The distribution terms of open source software must comply with the
­following criteria:

1. Free Redistribution
The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distri-
bution containing programs from several different sources. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.
Rationale: By constraining the license to require free redistribution, we eliminate the temptation to throw away many
long-term gains in order to make a few short-term sales dollars. If we did not do this, there would be lots of pressure for
­cooperators to defect.
2. Source Code
The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in source code as well as compiled form. Where some form
of a product is not distributed with source code, there must be a well-publicized means of obtaining the source code for no
more than a reasonable reproduction cost preferably, downloading via the Internet without charge. The source code must be
the preferred form in which a programmer would modify the program. Deliberately obfuscated source code is not allowed.
Intermediate forms such as the output of a preprocessor or translator are not allowed.
Rationale: We require access to unobfuscated source code because you cannot evolve programs without modifying them.
Since our purpose is to make evolution easy, we require that modification be made easy.
3. Derived Works
The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the
license of the original software.
Rationale: The mere ability to read source is not enough to support independent peer review and rapid evolutionary selection.
For rapid evolution to happen, people need to be able to experiment with and redistribute modifications.
4. Integrity of the Author’s Source Code
The license may restrict source code from being distributed in modified form only if the license allows the distribution of
“patch files” with the source code for the purpose of modifying the program at build time. The license must explicitly permit
distribution of software built from modified source code. The license may require derived works to carry a different name or
­version number from the original software.
Rationale: Encouraging lots of improvement is a good thing, but users have a right to know who is responsible for the software
they are using. Authors and maintainers have reciprocal right to know what they are being asked to support and protect
their reputations.


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  TABLE 5.2   Free Software and Open Source Definitions (continued)
Open Source Software

Accordingly, an open source license must guarantee that source be readily available, but may require that it be distributed as
­pristine base sources plus patches. In this way, “unofficial” changes can be made available but readily distinguished from the
base source.
5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.
Rationale: In order to get the maximum benefit from the process, the maximum diversity of persons and groups should be
equally eligible to contribute to open sources. Therefore, we forbid any open source license from locking anybody out of
the process.
Some countries, including the United States, have export restrictions for certain types of software. An OSD-conformant license
may warn licensees of applicable restrictions and remind them that they are obliged to obey the law; however, it may not
incorporate such restrictions itself.
6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not
restrict the program from being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research.
Rationale: The major intention of this clause is to prohibit license traps that prevent open source from being used commercially.
We want commercial users to join our community, not feel excluded from it.
7. Distribution of License
The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the program is redistributed without the need for execution of an
additional license by those parties.
Rationale: This clause is intended to forbid closing up software by indirect means such as requiring a nondisclosure agreement.
8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product
The rights attached to the program must not depend on the program’s being part of a particular software distribution. If the
­program is extracted from that distribution and used or distributed within the terms of the program’s license, all parties to
whom the program is redistributed should have the same rights as those that are granted in conjunction with the original
­software distribution.
Rationale: This clause forecloses yet another class of license traps.
9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software
The license must not place restrictions on other software that is distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the
license must not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium must be open source software.
Rationale: Distributors of open source software have the right to make their own choices about their own software.
10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral
No provision of the license may be predicated on any individual technology or style of interface.
Rationale: This provision is aimed specifically at licenses which require an explicit gesture of assent in order to establish a ­
contract between licensor and licensee. Provisions mandating so-called “click-wrap” may conflict with important methods of
software distribution such as FTP download, CD-ROM anthologies, and Web mirroring; such provisions may also hinder code
reuse. Conformant licenses must allow for the possibility that (a) redistribution of the software will take place over non-Web
channels that do not support click-wrapping of the download, and that (b) the covered code (or reused portions of covered
code) may run in a non-GUI environment that cannot support pop-up dialogs.

restrictions placed on redistributed source code. FSF is ethical ones; thus, the FSF asserts that open source is a
committed to no restrictions, so that if you modify and development methodology, while free software is a social
redistribute free software, as a part or as a whole of aggre- movement (FSF, 2010a).
gated software, you are not allowed to place any restric- OSS/FS is contrasted with proprietary or commercial
tions on the openness of the resultant source code (Wong & software, again the two terms often being conflated but
Sayo, 2004). The difference between the two movements strictly needing separation. Proprietary software is that on
is said to be that the free software movement’s funda- which an individual or company holds the exclusive copy-
mental issues are ethical and philosophical, while for the right, at the same time restricting other people’s access
open source movement the issues are more practical than to the software’s source code and/or the right to copy,

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Chapter 5 • Open Source and Free Software    59

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modify, and study the software (Sfakianakis, Chronaki, of software freely available. In addition to providing free
Chiarugi, Conforti, & Katehakis, 2007). Commercial soft- access to the programmer’s instructions to the computer
ware is software developed by businesses or i­ndividuals in the programming language in which they were written,
with the aim of making money from its licensing and many versions of open source licenses allow anyone to
use. Most commercial software is proprietary, but there modify and redistribute the software.
is commercial free software, and there is noncommercial The open source initiative (OSI) has created a certifi-
nonfree software. cation mark, “OSI certified.” In order to be OSI certified,
OSS/FS should also not be confused with freeware or the software must be distributed under a license that guar-
shareware. Freeware is software offered free of charge, but antees the right to read, redistribute, modify, and use the
without the freedom to modify the source code and redis- software freely (OSI, n.d.). Not only must the source code
tribute the changes, so it is not free software (as defined by be accessible to all, but also the distribution terms must
the FSF). Shareware is another form of commercial soft- comply with 10 criteria defined by the OSI (see Table 5.2
ware, which is offered on a “try before you buy” basis. If for full text and rationale).
the customer continues to use the product after a short
trial period, or wishes to use additional features, they are
OSS/FS Development Models and Systems
required to pay a specified, usually nominal, license fee.
OSS/FS has existed as a model for developing computer
applications and software since the 1950s (Waring &
Free Software Definition
Maddocks, 2005); at that time, software was often pro-
Free software is defined by the FSF in terms of four free- vided free (gratis), and freely, when buying hardware
doms for software users: to have the freedom to use, study, (Murray et al., 2009). The freedoms embodied within
redistribute, and improve the software in any way they OSS/FS were understood as routine until the early 1980s
wish. A program is only free software, in terms of the FSF with the rise of proprietary software. However, it was only
definition, if users have all of these freedoms (see Table in the 1980s that the term free software (Stallman, 2002)
5.2). The FSF believes that users should be free to redis- and in the 1990s that the term open source software, as we
tribute copies, either with or without modifications, either recognize them today, came into existence to distinguish
gratis or through charging a fee for distribution, to any- them from the proprietary models.
one, anywhere without a need to ask or pay for permission The development models of OSS/FS are said to con-
to do so (FSF, 2010a). tribute to their distinctions from proprietary software.
Confusion around the use and meaning of the term free Shaw et al. (2002) state that as OSS/FS is “developed and
software arises from the multiple meanings of the word disseminated in an open forum,” it “revolutionizes the way
free in the English language. In other languages, there is in which software has historically been developed and
less of a problem, with different words being used for the distributed.” A similar description, in a UK government
“freedom” versus “no cost” meanings of free, for example, report, emphasizes the open publishing of source code
the French terms libre (freedom) software versus gratis and that development is often largely through voluntary
(zero price) software. The “free” of free software is defined efforts (Peeling & Satchell, 2001).
in terms of liberty, not price, thus to understand the con- While OSS/FS is often described as being developed
cept, the common distinction is in thinking of free as in by voluntary efforts, this description may belie the profes-
free speech, not as in free beer (FSF, 2010b). Acronyms sional skills and expertise of many of the developers. Many
such as FLOSS (free/libre/OSS—a combination of of those providing the volunteer efforts are highly skilled
the  above two terms emphasizing the “libre” meaning programmers who contribute time and efforts freely to the
of the word free) or OSS/FS are increasingly used, par- development of OSS/FS. In addition, many OSS/FS appli-
ticularly in Europe, to overcome this issue (International cations are coordinated through formal groups. For exam-
Institute of Infonomics, 2005). ple, the Apache Software Foundation (
coordinates development of the Apache hypertext transfer
protocol (HTTP) server and many other products.
Open Source Software Definition
OSS/FS draws much of its strength from the collab-
Open source software is any software satisfying the open orative efforts of people who work to improve, modify, or
software initiative’s definition (OSI, n.d.). The open source customize programs, believing they must give back to the
concept is said to promote software reliability and ­quality OSS/FS community so others can benefit from their work.
by supporting independent peer review and rapid evo- The OSS/FS development model is unique, although it
lution of source code as well as making the source code bears strong similarities to the openness of the scientific

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method, and is facilitated by the communication capabili- CHOOSING OSS/FS OR NOT
ties of the Internet that allow collaboration and rapid shar-
ing of developments, such that new versions of software Proposed Benefits of OSS/FS
can often be made available on a daily basis. OSS/FS has been described as the electronic equivalent
The most well-known description of the distinction of generic drugs (Bruggink, 2003; Goetz, 2003; Surman &
between OSS/FS and proprietary models of software Diceman, 2004). In the same way as the formulas for generic
development lies in Eric Raymond’s famous essay, “The drugs are made public, so OSS/FS source code is accessible
Cathedral and the Bazaar” (Raymond, 2001). Cathedrals, to the user. Any person can see how the software works and
Raymond says, were built by small groups of skilled work- can make changes to the functionality. It is also suggested
ers and craftsmen to carefully worked out designs. The by many that there are significant similarities between the
work was often done in isolation, and with everything open source ethos and the traditional scientific method
built in a single effort with little subsequent modification. approach (supported by most scientists and philosophers
Much software, in particular proprietary software, has of science), as this latter method is based on openness, free
traditionally been built in a similar fashion, with groups sharing of information, and improvement of the end result.
of programmers working to strictly controlled planning As OSS/FS can be obtained royalty free, it is less expensive
and management, until their work was completed and the to acquire than proprietary alternatives. This means that
program released to the world. In contrast, OSS/FS devel- OSS/FS can transform healthcare in developing countries
opment is likened to a bazaar, growing organically from just as the availability of generic drugs have.
an initial small group of traders or enthusiasts establish- This is only one of several benefits proposed for OSS/
ing their structures and beginning businesses. The bazaar FS, with further benefits including lack of the proprietary
grows in a seemingly chaotic fashion, from a minimally lock-in that can often freeze out innovation, and with
functional structure, with later additions or modifications OSS/FS projects supporting open standards and provid-
as circumstances dictate. Likewise, most OSS/FS devel- ing a level playing field, expanding the market by giving
opment starts off highly unstructured, with developers software consumers greater choice (Dravis, 2003).
releasing early, minimally functional code and then modi- Besides the low cost of OSS/FS, there are many other
fying their programs based on feedback. Other developers reasons why public and private organizations are adopt-
may then join, and modify or build on the existing code; ing OSS/FS, including security, reliability, and stability,
over time, an entire operating system and suite of applica- and developing local software capacity. Many of these
tions develops, evolves, and improves continuously. proposed benefits have yet to be demonstrated or tested
The bazaar method of development is said to have been extensively, but there is growing evidence for many of
proven over time to have several advantages, including the them, and we will address some of them in the next section.

• Reduced duplication of efforts through being Issues in OSS/FS

able to examine the work of others and through the There are many issues in the use of OSS/FS that we can-
potential for large numbers of contributors to use not address here in detail. However, by providing nurses
their skills. As Moody (2001) describes it, there is who are exploring, using, or intending to use OSS/FS with
no need to reinvent the wheel every time as there a basic introduction and pointers to additional resources,
would be with commercial products whose codes we facilitate their awareness of the issues and support them
cannot be used in these ways in their decision-making. The issues that we introduce
• Building on the work of others, often by the use include, not necessarily in any order of importance:
of open standards or components from other
applications • Licensing

• Better quality control; with many developers • Copyright and intellectual property
­working on a project, code errors (bugs) are • Total cost of ownership (TCO)
­uncovered quickly and may be fixed even more • Support and migration
rapidly (often termed Linus’ Law, “given enough
eyeballs, all bugs are shallow” [Raymond, 2001])
• Business models

• Reduction in maintenance costs; costs, as well as

• Security and stability
effort, can be shared among potentially thousands Licensing and copyright will be addressed in the next
of developers (Wong & Sayo, 2004). section, but the other issues will be covered briefly here,

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before concluding the section with a short description of Migration from one platform to another should
one possible strategy for choosing OSS/FS (or other soft- be handled using a careful and phased approach. The
ware, as the issues are pertinent to any properly consid- European Commission has published a document entitled
ered purchase and implementation strategy). the “IDA Open Source Migration Guidelines” (European
Communities, 2003) that provides detailed suggestions on
Total Cost of Ownership.  Total cost of ownership (TCO) how to approach migration. These include the need for a
is the sum of all the expenses directly related to the owner- clear understanding of the reasons to migrate, ensuring
ship and use of a product over a given period of time. The that there is active support for the change from IT staff
popular myth surrounding OSS/FS is that it is always free and users, building up expertise and relationships with
as in free of charge. This is true to an extent, as most OSS/ the open source movement, starting with noncritical
FS distributions (e.g., Ubuntu [], Red systems, and ensuring that each step in the migration is
Hat [], SuSE [], and manageable.
Debian []) can be obtained at no charge
from the Internet; however, copies can also be sold. Security and Stability.  While there is no perfectly secure
No true OSS/FS application charges a licensing fee operating system or platform, factors such as development
for usage, thus on a licensing cost basis OSS/FS appli- method, program architecture, and target market can
cations are almost always cheaper than proprietary soft- greatly affect the security of a system and consequently
ware. However, licensing costs are not the only costs of a make it easier or more difficult to breach. There are some
software package or infrastructure. It is also necessary to indications that OSS/FS systems are superior to propri-
consider personnel costs, hardware requirements, migra- etary systems in this respect, and the security aspect has
tion time, changes in staff efficiency, and training costs, already encouraged many public organizations to switch
among others. Without all of this information, it is impos- or to consider switching to OSS/FS solutions. The French
sible to really know which software solutions are going to Customs and Indirect Taxation authority, for example,
be the most cost-effective. There are still real costs with migrated to Red Hat Linux largely because of security con-
OSS/FS, specifically around configuration  and support cerns with proprietary software (International Institute of
(examples are provided in Wheeler, 2007 and  Wong & Infonomics, 2005).
Sayo, 2004). Among reasons often cited for the better security
Wheeler (2007) lists the main reasons why OSS/FS is record in OSS/FS is the availability of the source code
generally less expensive, including the following: (making it easier for vulnerabilities to be discovered and
• OSS/FS costs less to initially acquire, because there fixed). Many OSS/FS have a proactive security focus, so
are no license fees. that before features are added the security considerations
are accounted for and a feature is added only if it is deter-
• Upgrade and maintenance costs are typically far
mined not to compromise system security. In addition,
less due to improved stability and security.
the strong security and permission structure inherent in
• OSS/FS can often use older hardware more effi- OSS/FS applications that are based on the Unix model
ciently than proprietary systems, yielding smaller are designed to minimize the possibility of users being
hardware costs and sometimes eliminating the able to compromise systems (Wong & Sayo, 2004). OSS/
need for new hardware. FS systems are well known for their stability and reli-
• Increasing numbers of case studies using OSS/ ability, and many anecdotal stories exist of OSS/FS serv-
FS show it to be especially cheaper in server ers functioning for years without requiring maintenance.
environments. However, quantitative studies are more difficult to come
by (Wong & Sayo, 2004).
Support and Migration. Making an organization-wide Security of information is vitally important in the
change from proprietary software can be costly, and some- health domain, particularly in relation to access, storage,
times the costs will outweigh the benefits. Some OSS/FS and transmission of patient records. The advocates of
packages do not have the same level of documentation, OSS/FS suggest that it can provide increased security over
training, and support resources as their common propri- proprietary software, and a report to the UK government
etary equivalents, and may not fully interface with other saw no security disadvantage in the use of OSS/FS prod-
proprietary software being used by other organizations ucts (Peeling & Satchell, 2001). Even the US government’s
with which an organization may work (e.g., patient data National Security Agency (NSA), according to the same
exchange between different healthcare provider systems). report, supports a number of OSS/FS security-related

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projects. Stanco (2001) considers that the reason the NSA Step 3.Undertake a detailed review. Once the
thinks that free software can be more secure is that when options have been identified, the final step is to
anyone and everyone can inspect source code, hiding review and choose a software package from the
backdoors into the code can be very difficult. short list. The aim here is to assess which of the
In considering a migration to OSS/FS, whether it is possible options will be best for the organization.
for everyday office and productivity uses, or for health-­ This assessment can be done by rating each pack-
specific applications, there are some commonly encoun- age against a list of ­criteria, including quality, ease
tered challenges that one may face. These challenges have of use, ease of migration, software stability, com-
traditionally been seen as including the following: patibility with other ­systems being used, flexibility
and customizability, user response, organizational
• There is a relative lack of mature OSS/FS desktop
buy-in, evidence of widespread use of the software,
and the existence of support mechanisms for the
• Many OSS/FS tools are not user-friendly and have software’s use. Hands-on testing is key and each
a steep learning curve. piece of software should be installed and tested for
• File sharing between OSS/FS and proprietary appli- quality, stability, and compatibility, including by a
cations can be difficult. group of key users so as to assess factors such as
ease of use, ease of migration, and user response.
As OSS/FS applications have matured in recent years,
and the user community grown, many of these challenges Making a Decision.  Once the review has been completed,
have been largely overcome, such that today many OSS/ if two packages are close in score, intuition about the right
FA applications are indistinguishable from proprietary package is probably more important than the actual num-
equivalents for many users in terms of functionality, ease bers in reaching a final decision.
of use, and general user-friendliness.
Choosing the Right Software: The Three-Step Method Examples of Adoption or Policy
for  OSS/FS Decision-Making.  Whether one is working Regarding OSS/FS
with OSS/FS or commercial/proprietary tools, choosing
the right software can be a difficult process, and a ­thorough OSS/FS has moved beyond the closed world of program-
review process is needed before making a choice. A simple mers and enthusiasts. Governments around the world
three-step method for OSS/FS decision-making can guide have begun to take notice of OSS/FS and have launched
organizations through the process and works well for all initiatives to explore the proposed benefits. There is a sig-
kinds of software, including server, desktop, and Web nificant trend toward incorporating OSS/FS into procure-
applications (Surman & Diceman, 2004). ment and development policies, and there are increasing
numbers of cases of OSS/FS recognition, explicit policy
Step 1.Define the needs and constraints. Needs statements, and procurement decisions. Many coun-
must be clearly defined, including those of the tries, regions, and authorities now have existing or pro-
organization and of individual users. Other specific posed laws mandating or encouraging the use of OSS/FS
issues to consider include range of features, lan- (Wong & Sayo, 2004).
guages, budget (e.g., for training or integration with A survey from The MITRE Corporation (2003) showed
other systems), the implementation time frame, that the US Department of Defense (DoD) at that time
compatibility with existing systems, and the skills used over 100 different OSS/FS applications. The main
existing within the organization. conclusion of their study (The MITRE Corporation,
Step 2.Identify the options. A short list of three to 2003) was that OSS/FS software was used in critical
five software packages that are likely to meet the roles, including infrastructure support, software devel-
needs can be developed from comparing software opment, and research, and that the degree of depen-
packages with the needs and constraints listed in dence on OSS/FS for security was unexpected. In 2000,
the previous phase. There are numerous sources of the (US) President’s Information Technology Advisory
information on OSS/FS packages, including recom- Committee (PITAC, 2000) recommended that the US fed-
mendations of existing users, reviews, and directo- eral government should encourage OSS/FS use for soft-
ries (e.g., and ware development for high-end computing. In 2002, the
and software package sites that contain promotional UK government published a policy (Office of the e-Envoy,
information, documentation, and often demonstra- 2002), since updated, that it would “consider OSS solutions
tion versions that will help with the review process. alongside proprietary ones in IT procurements” (p.  4),

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“only use products for interoperability that support open here, that something is software. Most software comes with
standards  and specifications in all future IT develop- some type of licensing, commonly known as the end-user
ments” (p. 4) and explore the possibility of using OSS/FS licensing agreement (EULA). The license may have specific
as the default exploitation route for government-funded restrictions related to the use, modification, or duplication
research and development (R&D) software. Similar poli- of the software. The Microsoft EULA, for example, spe-
cies have been developed in Denmark, Sweden, and The cifically prohibits any kind of disassembly, inspection, or
Netherlands (Wong & Sayo, 2004). reverse engineering of software (Zymaris, 2003). Most
European policy encouraging the exploration and licenses also have statements limiting the liability of the
use of OSS/FS has been consequent on the European software manufacturer toward the user in case of possible
Commission’s eEurope2005—An Information Society problems arising in the use of the software.
for All initiative (European Communities, 2004) and From this working definition of licensing, and some
its predecessors, such as the i2010 strategy (European examples of what can be found in a EULA, we can exam-
Communities, 2005) with their associated action plans. ine copyright. While licensing gives a person the right to
These have encouraged the exchange of experiences and use software, with restrictions in some cases, copyright
best practice examples so as to promote the use of OSS/FS is described as the exclusively granted or owned legal
in the public sector and e-government across the European right to publish, reproduce, and/or sell a work (Merriam-
Commission and member states of the European Union Webster, 2010). The distinctions between ownership
(EU). In addition, the EU has funded R&D on health- of the original work and rights to use it are important,
related OSS/FS applications as well as encouraged open and there are differences in the way these issues are
standards and OSS/FS where appropriate in wider policy approached for proprietary software and OSS/FS. For
initiatives. software, the work means the source code or statements
In other parts of world, Brazil and Peru are among coun- made in a programming language. In general, the person
tries whose governments are actively moving toward OSS/ who creates a work owns the copyright to it and has the
FS solutions, for a variety of reasons, including ensuring right to allow others to copy it or deny that right. In some
long-term access to data through the use of open standards cases the copyright is owned by a company with software
(i.e., not being reliant on proprietary software that may developers working for that company, usually ­ having
not, in the future, be interoperable) and cost reduction. statements in their employment contracts that assign
The South African government has a policy favoring OSS/ copyright of their works to the company. In the case of
FS, Japan is considering moving e-­government p ­ rojects OSS/FS, contributors to a project will often assign copy-
to OSS/FS, and pro-OSS/FS initiatives are in operation right to the managers of the project.
or being seriously considered in Taiwan, Malaysia, South While in the case of proprietary software, licensing is
Korea, and other Asia-Pacific countries. generally dealt with in terms of restrictions (i.e., what the
user is not allowed to do; for OSS/FS, licensing is seen
in terms of permissions, rights, and encouraging users
to do things). Most software manufacturing companies
OPEN SOURCE LICENSING hold the copyright for software created by their employ-
While OSS/FS is seen by many as a philosophy and a ees. In financial terms, these works are considered intel-
development model, it is also important to consider
­ lectual property, meaning that they have some value. For
it a licensing model (Leong, Kaiser, & Miksch, 2007; large software companies, such as Oracle or Microsoft,
Sfakianakis et al., 2007). In this section, we can only briefly intellectual property may be a large part of their capi-
introduce some of the issues of software licensing as they tal assets. The open source community values software
apply to OSS/FS, and will include definitions of licensing, differently, and OSS/FS licenses are designed to facilitate
some of the types of licenses that exist, and how licenses the sharing of software and to prevent an individual or
are different from copyright. While we will cover some of organization from controlling ownership of the software.
the legal concepts, this section cannot take the place The individuals who participate in OSS/FS projects gen-
of proper legal counsel, which should be sought when erally do realize the monetary value of what they create;
reviewing the impact of licenses or contracts. Licensing however, they feel it is more valuable if the community at
plays a crucial role in the OSS/FS community, as it is “the large has open access to it and is able to contribute back
operative tool to convey rights and redistribution condi- to the project.
tions” (Anderson & Dare 2009, p. 101). A common misconception is that if a piece of soft-
Licensing is defined by Merriam-Webster (2010) as giv- ware, or any other product, is made freely available and
ing the user of something permission to use it; in the case open to inspection and modification, then the intellectual

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property rights (IPR) of the originators cannot be pro- another user (Wong & Sayo, 2004). BSD-style licenses are
tected, and the material cannot be subject to copyright. so named because they are identical in spirit to the origi-
The open source community, and in particular the FSF, nal license issued by the University of California, Berkeley.
have adopted a number of conventions, some built into These are among the most permissive licenses possible,
the licenses, to protect the IPR of authors and developers. and essentially permit users to do anything they wish with
One form of copyright, termed copyleft to distinguish it the software, provided the original licensor is acknowl-
from commercial copyright terms, works by stating that edged by including the original copyright notice in source
the software is copyrighted and then adding distribution code files and no attempt is made to sue or hold the origi-
terms. These are a legal instrument giving everyone the nal licensor liable for damages (Wong & Sayo, 2004).
rights to use, modify, and redistribute the program’s code Here is an example from the GNU GPL that talks about
or any program derived from it but only if the distribution limitations:
terms are unchanged. The code and the freedoms become
legally inseparable, and strengthen the rights of the origi- 16. Limitation of Liability. In no event unless required
nators and contributors (Cox, 1999; FSF, 2010c). by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copy-
right holder, or any other party who may modify and/
Types of OSS/FS Licenses or redistribute the program as permitted above, be
liable to you for damages, including any general, spe-
A large and growing number of OSS/FS licenses exist. cial, incidental, or consequential damages arising out
Table 5.3 lists some of the more common ones, while fuller of the use or inability to use the program (including
lists of various licenses and terms can be found in Wong but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered
and Sayo (2004). The OSI Web site currently lists over inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties
60 (, while the FSF Web or a failure of the program to operate with any other
site lists over 40 general public license (GPL)-compatible programs), even if such holder or other party has been
free software licenses ( advised of the possibility of such damages. (FSF, 2007,
list.html). The two main licenses are the GNU GPL and para. 16)
the Berkeley system distribution (BSD)-style licenses. It
is estimated that about 75% of OSS/FS products use the Like the Microsoft EULA, there are limitations relat-
GNU GPL (Wheeler, 2010), and this license is designed to ing to liability in the use of the software and damage that
ensure that user freedoms under the license are protected may be caused, but unlike the Microsoft EULA, the GPL
in perpetuity, with users being allowed to do almost any- makes it clear what you can do with the software. In gen-
thing they want to a GPL program. The conditions of the eral, you can copy and redistribute it, sell or modify it. The
license primarily affect the user when it is distributed to restriction is that you must comply with the parts of the

  TABLE 5.3    Common OSS/FS Licenses

GNU GPL: A free software license and a copyleft license. Recommended by FSF for most software packages (
GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL): A free software license, but not a strong copyleft license, because it permits
­linking with nonfree modules (
Modified BSD License: The original BSD license, modified by removal of the advertising clause. It is a simple, permissive
­noncopyleft free software license, compatible with the GNU GPL (
W3C Software Notice and License: A free software license and GPL compatible (
MySQL Database License: (
Apache License, Version 2.0: A simple, permissive noncopyleft free software license that is incompatible with the GNU GPL
GNU Free Documentation License: A license intended for use on copylefted free documentation. It is also suitable for textbooks
and dictionaries, and its applicability is not limited to textual works (e.g., books) (
Public Domain: Being in the public domain is not a license, but means the material is not copyrighted and no license is needed.
Public domain status is compatible with all other licenses, including GNU GPL.
Further information on licenses is available at and

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Chapter 5 • Open Source and Free Software    65

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license requiring the source code to be distributed as well. • Word processing or integrated office suite
One of the primary motivations behind usage of the GPL
in OSS/FS is to ensure that once a program is released
• Presentation tools

as OSS/FS, it will remain so permanently. A commer- For each of these, OSS/FS applications exist. Using
cial software company cannot legally modify a GPL pro- OSS/FS does not require an all or nothing approach
gram and then sell it under a different proprietary license (Dravis, 2003) and much OSS/FS can be mixed with pro-
(Wong & Sayo, 2004). prietary software and a gradual migration to OSS/FS is an
In relation to using OSS/FS within a healthcare envi- option for many organizations or individuals. However,
ronment, as with use of any software, legal counsel should when using a mixture of OSS/FS and proprietary or com-
be consulted to review any license agreement made; how- mercial software, incompatibilities can be uncovered and
ever, in general terms, when using OSS/FS there are no cause problems whose severity must be assessed. Many
obligations that would not apply to using any copyrighted OSS/FS applications have versions that will run on non-
work. Someone cannot legally take a body of work, the OSS/FS operating systems, so that a change of operating
source code, and claim it as their own. The licensing terms system, for example, to one of the many distributions of
must be followed as with any other software. Linux, is not necessarily needed. Most OSS/FS operating
Perhaps the most difficult issue comes when inte- systems now have graphical interfaces that look very simi-
grating OSS/FS components into a larger infrastructure, lar to Windows or Apple interfaces.
especially where it may have to interface with proprietary
software. Much has been said about the “viral” nature of Operating Systems: GNU/Linux
the open source license, which comes from the require-
ment of making source code available if the software is A GNU/Linux distribution (named in recognition of the
redistributed. Care must be taken that components uti- GNU Project’s significant contribution, but often just
lized in creating proprietary software either utilize OSS/ called Linux) contains the Linux kernel at its heart and
FS components in such a way as to facilitate distribution all the OSS/FS components required to produce full oper-
of the code or avoid their use. If the component cannot be ating system functionality. GNU/Linux is a term that is
made available without all of the source code being made increasingly used by many people to cover a distribution
available, then the developer has the choice of not using of operating systems and other associated software com-
the component or making the entire application open ponents. However, Linux was originally the name of the
source. Some projects have created separate licensing kernel created by Linus Torvalds, which has grown from
schemes to maintain the OSS/FS license and provide those a one-man operation to now having over 200 maintainers
vendors that wish to integrate components without mak- representing over 300 organizations.
ing their product open source. MySQL, a popular open A kernel is the critical center point of an operat-
source database server, offers such an option (Table 5.3). ing system that controls central processing unit (CPU)
Licensing is a complex issue; we have only touched on usage, memory management, and hardware devices. It
some of the points, but in conclusion, the best advice is also mediates communication between the different pro-
always to read the license agreement and understand it. grams running within the operating system. The kernel
In the case of a business decision on software purchase or influences performance and the hardware platforms that
use, one should always consult legal counsel; however, one the OSS/FS system can run on, and the Linux kernel has
should remember that OSS/FS licenses are more about been ported to run on almost any hardware, from main-
providing freedom than about restricting use. frames and supercomputers, through desktop, laptop,
and tablet machines, to mobile phones and other mobile
devices. The Linux kernel is OSS/FS, licensed under the
Over time, individuals and companies began distribut-
Many OSS/FS alternatives exist to more commonly known ing Linux with their own choice of OSS/FS packages bound
applications. Not all can be covered here, but if one thinks around the Linux kernel; the concept of the distribution
of the common applications that most nurses use on a was born, which contains much more than the kernel (usu-
daily basis, these are likely to include the following: ally only about 0.25% in binary file size of the distribution).
There is no single Linux distribution, and many commer-
• Operating system
cial distributions and freely available variants exist, with
• Web browser numerous customized distributions that are targeted to
• E-mail client the unique needs of different users (Table 5.4). Although all

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  TABLE 5.4    Some Common Linux Distributions
Ubuntu: Ubuntu is a Linux-based operating system for desktop, server, netbook, and cloud computing environments. First released
in 2004, it is loosely based on Debian OS. Ubuntu now releases updates on a six-month cycle. There are increasing numbers of
customized variants of Ubuntu, aimed at, for example, educational use (Edubuntu), professional video and audio editing (Ubuntu
Studio), and server editions (
Debian: Debian GNU/Linux is a free distribution of the Linux-based operating system. It includes a large selection of prepackaged
application software, plus advanced package management tools to allow for easy installation and maintenance on individual
systems and workstation clusters (
Mandriva (formerly Mandrakelinux): Available in multiple language versions (including English, Swedish, Spanish, Chinese,
Japanese, French, German, Italian, and Russian). Mandrakelinux was first created in 1998 and is designed for ease of use on
­servers and on home and office systems (
Red Hat (Enterprise): Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a high-end Linux distribution geared toward businesses with mission-critical
needs (
Fedora: The Fedora Project was created in late 2003, when Red Hat Linux was discontinued. Fedora is a community distribution
SuSE: SuSE was first developed in 1992. It is a popular mainstream Linux distribution and is the only Linux recommended by
VMware, Microsoft, and SAP ( and
KNOPPIX: KNOPPIX is a bootable Live system on CD-ROM or DVD, consisting of a representative collection of GNU/Linux software,
automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, and peripheral devices. KNOPPIX can be used
for the desktop, educational CD-ROM, as a rescue system, or adapted and used as a platform for commercial software product
demos. As it is not necessary to install anything on a hard disk, but can be run entirely from CD-ROM or DVD, it is ideal for dem-
onstrations of Linux ( or
Centos: The CentOS Linux distribution is a stable, predictable, manageable, and reproducible platform derived from the sources of
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) (
There are many Web sites and organizations that maintain lists of the most used Linux distributions:
php?resource=major and as well as

distributions contain the Linux kernel, some contain only

Web Browser and Server: Firefox and Apache
OSS/FS materials, while others additionally contain non-
OSS/FS components, and the mix of OSS/FS and other While for most people the focus may be on their client-end
applications included and the configurations supported use of applications, many rely on other, server-side appli-
vary. The Debian GNU/Linux distribution is one of the few cations, to function. Web browsing is a prime example
distributions that is committed to including only OSS/FS where both server and client-side applications are needed.
components (as defined by the open source initiative) in its Web servers, such as Apache, are responsible for receiv-
core distribution. ing and fulfilling requests from Web browsers. An OSS/FS
Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and PCLinuxOS are generally application, the Apache HTTP server, developed for Unix,
viewed as the easiest distributions for new users who wish Windows NT, and other platforms, is currently the top
to simply test or gain a general familiarity with Linux. Web server with 55% of the market share (over twice that
Slackware Linux, Gentoo Linux, and FreeBSD are dis- of its next-ranked competitor), and serving 67% of the mil-
tributions that require a degree of expertise and famil- lion busiest Web sites. Apache has dominated the public
iarity with Linux if they are to be used effectively and Internet Web server market ever since it grew to become
productively. openSUSE, Fedora, Debian GNU/Linux, the number one Web server in 1996 (NetCraft Ltd., 2010;
and Mandriva Linux are mid-range distributions in terms Wheeler, 2007). Apache began development in early 1995
of both complexity and ease of use. Recently, Google has and is an example of an OSS/FS project that is maintained
released their version of an open source operating system by a formal structure, the Apache Software Foundation.
called Android. It is suited for a wide range of devices Firefox (technically Mozilla Firefox) is an OSS/FS
from personal computer to mobile device. In particular, graphical Web browser, designed for standards compli-
there is a smartphone now running Android. There are ance, and with a large number of browser features. It
rumors of tablet computers running Android soon to derives from the Mozilla Application Suite, and aims to
come to market. continue Netscape Communicator as an open project and

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Chapter 5 • Open Source and Free Software    67

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is maintained by the Mozilla Organization and employees Internet naming system. Internet addresses, such as www.
of several other companies, as well as contributors from or, would not function
the community. Firefox source code is OSS/FS, and is without DNS. These servers take these human-friendly
tri-licensed, under the Mozilla Public License (MPL), the names and convert them into computer-friendly numeric
GNU GPL, and the GNU Lesser General Public License Internet protocol (IP) addresses and vice versa. Without
(LGPL), which permit anyone to view, modify, and/or these servers, users would have to memorize numbers
redistribute the source code, and several publicly released such as in order to use a Web site, instead of
applications have been built on it. As of May 2010, Firefox simply typing
had over 24% worldwide usage share of Web browsers, The BIND server is an OSS/FS program developed and
making it the second most used browser, after Internet distributed by the University of California at Berkeley. It is
Explorer (Netmarketshare, 2010), although reports show licensed under a BSD-style license by the Internet Software
higher market shares, up to 30%, in some European coun- Consortium. It runs 95% of all DNS servers including
tries (AT Internet, 2010). most of the DNS root servers. These servers hold the mas-
ter record of all domain names on the Internet.
Word Processing or Integrated Office Suite:
Perl.  Practical Extraction and Reporting Language (Perl)
Open Office (Office Productivity Suite)
is a high-level programming language that is frequently
While OSS/FS products have been strong on the server used for creating common gateway interface (CGI) pro-
side, OSS/FS desktop applications are relatively new grams. Started in 1987, and now developed as an OSS/FS
and few. Open Office (strictly, which project, it was designed for processing text and derives
is based on the source code of the formerly proprietary from the C programming language and many other tools
StarOffice, is an OSS/FS equivalent of Microsoft Office, and languages. It was originally developed for Unix and is
with most of its features. It supports the ISO/IEC standard now available for many platforms. Perl modules and add-
OpenDocument Format (ODF) for data interchange as ons are available to do almost anything, leading some to
its default file format, as well as Microsoft Office formats call it the “Swiss Army chain-saw” of programming lan-
among others. As of November 2009, Open Office sup- guages (Raymond, 2003).
ports over 110 languages. It includes a fully featured word
processor, spreadsheet, and presentation software. One PHP.  PHP stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. The
of the advantages for considering a shift from a Windows name is an example of a recursive acronym (the first word
desktop environment to Open Office is that Open Office of the acronym is also the acronym), a common practice
reads most Microsoft Office documents without prob- in the OSS/FS community for naming applications. PHP is
lems and will save documents to many formats, including a server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language used
Microsoft Word (but not vice versa). This makes the tran- to quickly create dynamically generated Web pages. In an
sition relatively painless and Open Office has been used in HTML document, PHP script (similar syntax to that of
recent high-profile switches from Windows to Linux. Open Perl or C) is enclosed within special PHP tags. PHP can
Office has versions that will run on Windows, Linux, and perform any task any CGI program can, but its strength
other operating systems. (Note that the text for this chap- lies in its compatibility with many types of relational data-
ter was originally written using Writer, the bases. PHP runs on every major operating system, includ-
word processing package within the suite.) ing Unix, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X and can interact
The word PowerPoint has become almost synonymous with all major Web servers.
with software for making presentations, and is even com- GT.M is a database engine with scalability proven in
monly used as a teaching tool. The suite the largest real-time core processing systems in produc-
contains a presentation component, called Impress, which tion at financial institutions worldwide, as well as in large,
produces presentations very similar to PowerPoint; they well-known healthcare institutions, but with a small
can be saved and run in OpenOffice format on Windows or footprint that scales down to use in small clinics, virtual
Linux desktop environments, or exported as PowerPoint machines, and software appliances. The GT.M data model
versions. is an NOSQL hierarchical associative memory (i.e., mul-
tidimensional array) that imposes no restrictions on the
data types of the indexes and the content—the application
Some Other OSS/FS Applications
logic can impose any schema, dictionary, or data organiza-
BIND.  The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) is a tion suited to its problem domain. GT.M’s compiler for the
domain name system (DNS) server, or in other words, an standard M (also known as MUMPS) language is the basis

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for an open source stack for implementation of the VistA FLOSS applications are gaining widespread use within
Hospital Information System. education sectors, with one example of a widely used
learning application being Moodle (
LAMP.  The Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python Moodle is a complete e-learning course management sys-
(LAMP) architecture has become very popular as a way tem, or virtual learning environment (VLE), with a modu-
of affordably deploying reliable, scalable, and secure Web lar structure designed to help educators create high-quality,
applications (the “P” in LAMP can also stand for either multimedia-­based online courses. Moodle is translated into
PHP or Perl or Python). MySQL is a multithreaded, more than 30 languages, and handles thematic or topic-based
multiuser, SQL (Structured Query Language) relational classes and courses. As Moodle is based in social ­constructivist
database server, using the GNU GPL. The PHP–MySQL pedagogy (, it also
combination is also a cross-platform (i.e., it will run on allows the construction of e-learning materials that are based
Windows as well as Linux servers) (Murray & Oyri, 2005). around discussion and interaction, rather than static content
(Kaminski, 2005).
Content Management Systems.  Many OSS/FS applica-
tions, especially modern content management systems
(CMS) that are the basis of many of today’s interactive OSS/FS HEALTHCARE
Web sites, use LAMP. A CMS has a flexible, modular APPLICATIONS
framework that separates the content of a Web site (the
text, images, and other content) from the framework of It is suggested that in healthcare, as in many other areas,
linking the pages together and controlling how the pages the development of OSS/FS may provide much-needed
appear. In most cases, this is done to make a site easier competition to the relatively closed market of commer-
to maintain than would be the case if it was built exclu- cial, proprietary software (Smith, 2002), and thus encour-
sively out of flat HTML pages. There are now over 200 age innovation. This could lead to lower cost and higher
OSS/FS FLOSS content management systems (see php. quality systems that are more responsive to changing clin- for an extensive list) designed for ical needs. OSS/FS could also solve many of the problems
developing portals and Web sites with dynamic, fully health information systems (HISs) currently face includ-
searchable content. Drupal (, for example, is ing lack of interoperability and vendor lock-in, cost, dif-
one of the most well-known and widely used CMS and ficulty of record, and system maintenance given the rate
is currently used for the official site of the White House of change and size of the information needs of the health
(, the United Nations World Food domain, and lack of support for security, privacy, and
Programme (, and the South African consent. This is because OSS/FS more closely conforms
Government for their official 2010 FIFA World Cup to standards and its source code open to inspection and
Web site ( MyOpenSourcematrix, adaptation. A significant motive for supporting the use of
a CMS designed for large organizations, has been used OSS/FS and open standards in healthcare is that interop-
by the UK’s Royal College of Nursing to provide a con- erability of HISs requires the consistent implementation of
tent and communications portal for its 400,000 members open standards (Sfakianakis et al., 2007). Open standards,
(Squiz UK, 2007). as described by the International Telecommunications
A CMS can be easily administrated and moderated at Union (ITU), are made available to the general public and
several levels by members of an online community, which developed, approved, and maintained via a collaborative
gives complete control of compliance with the organiza- and consensus-driven process (ITU, 2009; Sfakianakis et
tion’s policy for published material and provides for greater al., 2007). A key element of the process is that, by being
interactivity and sense of ownership by online community open, there is less risk of being dominated by any single
members. In addition, the workload relating to publica- interest group.
tion of material and overall maintenance of the Web site Bowen et al. (2009) summarize a number of advan-
can be spread among many members, rather than having tages that open source software offers when compared
only one Web spinner. This secures frequent updates of with proprietary software, including, but not limited to, the
content and reduces individual workloads, making the ­following: (1) ease of modification and or customization,
likelihood of member participation greater. The initial (2) large developer community and its benefits, (3) increased
user registration and redistribution of passwords and compliance with open standards, (4) enhanced security, (5)
access can be carried out automatically by user requests, increased likelihood of source code availability in the event
while assignment to user groups is made manually by the of the demise of the vendor or company, (6) easier to adapt
site administrators or moderators. for use by healthcare students, and (7) flexibility of source

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Chapter 5 • Open Source and Free Software    69

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code to adapt to research efforts. The cost-effectiveness of English, without translation (Bagayoko, Dufour, Chaacho,
open source software also lends well to communities or Bouhaddou, & Fieschi, 2010).
organizations requiring such an approach (e.g., long-term In the case study, we will look at one project, probably
care facilities, assisted living communities, clinics [public the largest, most sophisticated, and furthest developed—
health and educational venue clinics], and home care). VistA. Here we will provide a brief overview of examples
Yellowlees, Marks, Hogarth, and Turner (2008) are of some of the other projects currently existing, some of
among those who suggest that many current EHR systems which have been in development for over 15 years. Many
tend to be expensive, inflexible, difficult to maintain, and share commonalities in trying to develop components
rarely interoperable across health systems; this is often due of EHRs and several have online demonstration versions
to their being proprietary systems. This makes clinicians available for exploration. A useful summary of the known
reluctant to use them, as they are seen as no better than projects and products has been provided by the AMIA-
paper-based systems. OSS/FS has been very successful OSWG (Valdes, 2008), while a number of Web sites pro-
in other information-intensive industries, and so is seen vide catalogues of known OSS/FS developments in health
as having potential to integrate functional EHR ­systems (
into, and across, wider health systems. They believe that Examples exist of OSS/FS electronic medical records
interoperable open source EHR systems would have the (EMRs), hospital management systems, laboratory infor-
potential to improve healthcare in the United States, and mation systems, radiology information systems, tele-
cite examples from other areas around the world. medicine systems, picture archiving and communications
Currently, there is much interest in interoperability systems, and practice management systems (Janamanchi,
testing of systems, not only between proprietary systems, Katsamakas, Raghupathi, & Gao, 2009). A few examples
but also among OSS/FS systems, and between OSS/FS sys- indicate this range, and more extensive lists and descrip-
tems and proprietary systems. Integrating the Healthcare tions are available at several Web portals, including www.
Enterprise (IHE) has developed a range of open source
interoperability testing tools, called MESA, KUDU, and
its next generation tool GAZELLE, to test healthcare ClearHealth
interoperability according to the standards profiled by
the IHE in its technical frameworks. The Certification (
Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT)
ClearHealth is a Web-based, fully comprehensive medical
has developed an open source program called Laika to test
suite offering a wide range of tools to practices of all sizes.
EHR software for compliance with CCHIT (CCHIT, n.d.)
It includes scheduling and registration features; EMR
interoperability standards.
including alerts, patient dashboard, laboratory ordering
There are, of course, potential limitations regarding
and results, and barcode generation and uses; SNOMED;
open source EHRs. Technology staff may require educa-
access via mobile devices; billing and reporting features;
tion in order to be adept with understanding and support-
and specialist clinical modules (Goulde & Brown, 2006).
ing open source solutions. Open source efforts are more
likely to be underfunded, which impacts not only the abil-
ity to upgrade but also support of the software. Another Indivo
limitation is the perception of open source solutions as the
forgotten stepchild of certification (at least in the United
States). Only recently (mid-2009) did the CCHIT modify Indivo is the original personal health platform, enabling an
requirements to allow for more than just proprietary EHRs individual to own and manage a complete, secure, digital
to become certified. Additional barriers include limited copy of her health and wellness information. Indivo inte-
interoperability, fuzzy ROI, slower uptake by users than grates health information across sites of care and over time.
proprietary software, personnel resistance to this change, Indivo is free and open source, uses open, unencumbered
and, as previously alluded, IT employees unfamiliar with standards, including those from the SMART Platforms
open source software. Other barriers to use of OSS/FS for project and is actively deployed in diverse settings. Indivo
implementation of EHRs or health information systems is an OSS/FS personally controlled health record (PCHR)
(HISs) have been identified, including resistance to change system, using open standards. A PCHR enables individu-
among users and IT departments, lack of documentation als to own and manage a complete, secure, digital copy of
associated with some OSS/FS projects, and language bar- their health and wellness information. Indivo integrates
riers in some countries, in particular due to the docu- health information across sites of care and over time, and
mentation around many OSS/FS developments being in is actively deployed in diverse settings, for example, in the

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Boston Children’s Hospital and the Dossia Consortium ( and Partners In Health (,
(Bourgeois, Mandl, Shaw, Flemming, & Nigrin, 2009; and has been implemented in 20 countries through-
Mandl, Simons, Crawford, & Abbett, 2007). out the world ranging from South Africa and Kenya to
Haiti, India, and China, as well as in the United States.
SMART Platforms Project This effort is supported in part by organizations such as
the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for
( Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The Rockefeller
The SMART Platforms project is an open source, devel- Foundation, and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS
oper-friendly application programming interface and its Relief (PEPFAR).
extensible medical data representation and standards-
based clinical vocabularies. SMART allows healthcare District Health Information System
clients to make their own customizations, and these apps
can then be licensed to run across the installed base. (
As of 2014, SMART works with Cerner Millennium at The District Health Information System (DHIS) provides
Boston Children’s Hospital, running the SMART app BP for data entry, report generation, and analysis. It is part of a
Centiles, with i2b2 (a clinical discovery system used at larger initiative for healthcare data in developing countries,
over 75 US academic hospitals), with Indivo (an advanced called the Health Information System Programme (HISP).
personally controlled health record system), with Mirth
Results (a clinical data repository system for HIEs), with
OpenMRS (a common framework for medical informatics OpenEHR
efforts in developing countries), with Think!Med Clinical (
(an openEHR-based clinical information system), and
with WorldVistA (an open source EMR based on the US The openEHR Foundation is an international, not-for-
Department of Veterans Affairs VistA system). profit organization working toward the development of
interoperable, lifelong EHRs. However, it is also looking
GNUMed to reconceptualize the problems of health records, not in
narrow IT-implementation terms, but through an under-
( standing of the social, clinical, and technical challenges of
electronic records for healthcare in the information soci-
The GNUmed project builds free, liberated open source
ety. The openEHR Foundation was created to enable the
EMR software in multiple languages to assist and improve
development of open specifications, software, and knowl-
longitudinal care (specifically in ambulatory settings, i.e.,
edge resources for HISs, in particular EHR systems. It
multiprofessional practices and clinics). It is made avail-
publishes all its specifications and builds reference imple-
able at no charge and is capable of running on GNU/
mentations as OSS/FS. It also develops archetypes and a
Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. It is developed by a
terminology for use with EHRs.
handful of medical doctors and programmers from all
over the world.
OpenMRS (
Tolven is developing a range of electronic personal and
OpenMRS® is a community-developed, open source clinician health record applications, using open source
enterprise EMR system platform (Wolfe et al., 2006). Of software and health industry standards, including Unified
particular interest to this project is supporting efforts to Medical Language Systems and Health Level 7.
actively build and/or manage health systems in the devel-
oping world to address AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria,
European Projects and Initiatives
which afflict the lives of millions. Their mission is to fos-
ter self-sustaining health IT implementations in these The European Union (EU) has funded research and devel-
environments through peer mentorship, proactive col- opment programs through the European Commission.
laboration, and a code base equaling or surpassing any There have been many projects and initiatives to explore
proprietary equivalent. OpenMRS is a multi-institution, and promote the use of OSS/FS within EU member
nonprofit collaborative led by Regenstrief Institute, Inc. states  and organizations. While many of the earlier

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Chapter 5 • Open Source and Free Software    71

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initiatives were projects whose outputs were not further European public administrations. It is a platform
developed, or are no longer available, several of them for exchanging information, experiences, and
laid the basis for current initiatives, such as the Open FLOSS-based code. It also promotes and links to
Source Observatory and Repository Portal ( the work of national repositories, encouraging the
Among the early EU projects are the following: emergence of a pan-European federation of open
source software repositories. is financed
• SMARTIE sought to offer a comprehensive collec-
by the European Commission through the initiative
tion, or suite, of selected medical software decision
Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment
tools, ranging from clinical calculators (i.e., risk
Services to Public Administrations, Businesses and
factor scoring) up to advanced medical decision
Citizens (IDABC) and is supported by European
support tools (i.e., acute abdominal pain diagnosis).
governments at national, regional, and local levels.
• openECG sought to consolidate interoperability
• indexes and describes a number of
efforts in computerized electrocardiography at the health-related initiatives, some directly related to
European and international levels, encouraging providing healthcare and others with lessons that
the use of standards. The project aimed to pro- might be applicable across a number of sectors,
mote the consistent use of format and communica- including healthcare. Among the health-specific
tions standards for computerized ECGs and to pave initiatives listed are the following:
the way toward developing similar standards for
stress ECG, Holter ECG, and real-time ­monitoring. ◦◦ Health Atlas Ireland (
The openECG portal still provides information Who/clinical/Health_Intelligence/About_us/):
on interoperability in digital electrocardiography, An OSS/FS application using geographical
and one of the project’s outputs, the Standard information systems (GIS), health-related data
Communications Protocol for Computer-Assisted sets, and statistical software. It received the
Electrocardiography (SCP-ECG), was approved as Irish Prime Minister Public Service Excellence
an ISO standard, ISO/DIS 11073-91064. Award because of its capacity to innovate and
to improve the quality and the efficiency health
• Open source medical image analysis (OSMIA) services. Health Atlas Ireland is an open source
at was application developed to use a Web environ-
designed to provide an OSS/FS development envi- ment to add value to existing health data; it also
ronment for medical image analysis research in enables controlled access to maps, data, and
order to facilitate the free and open exchange of analyses for service planning and delivery, major
ideas and techniques. incident response, epidemiology, and research
• PICNIC from Minoru Development was designed to improve the health of patients and the
to help regional healthcare providers to develop population.
and implement the next generation of secure, user-
Many hospitals and healthcare institutions in the EU are
friendly regional healthcare networks to support
increasing their use of open source software (, n.d.).
new ways of providing health and social care.
The University Hospital of Clermont Ferrand began using
• Free/Libre/Open Source Software: Policy Support OSS/FS to consolidate data from multiple computer systems
(FLOSSpols) ( aims to work on in order to improve its invoicing. The Centre Hospitalier
three specific tracks: government policy toward Universitaire Tivoli in Louvière, Belgium, in 2006 estimated
OSS/FS; gender issues in open source; and the effi- that about 25% of its software was OSS/FS, including enter-
ciency of open source as a system for collaborative prise resource planning (ERP) software, e-mail applications,
problem solving; however, it should be noted that VPN software openVPN, and the K-Pacs OSS/FS DICOM
many of these are R&D projects only and not guar- viewing software. Additionally, many hospitals are moving
anteed to have any lasting effect or uptake beyond their Web sites and portals to OSS/FS content manage-
the lifespan of the project. ment systems, such as Drupal. The St. Antonius hospital in
• The Open Source Observatory and Repository for the cities of Utrecht and Nieuwegein (The Netherlands) is
European public administrations ( is migrating to an almost completely OSS/FS IT environment,
a major portal that supports and encourages the with 3000 desktops running Ubuntu GNU/Linux, and using
collaborative development and reuse of publicly OpenOffice for office productivity tools. Growing numbers
financed free, libre, and open source software of examples of the use of OSS/FS for developing hospital
(FLOSS) applications developments for use in and HISs exist, especially in developing countries.

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ORGANIZATIONS AND RESOURCES other relevant aspects, around the potential for using open
source software, solutions and approaches within health-
Over the past 10 years a number of organizations have care, and in particular within health informatics, in the
sought to explore and, where appropriate, advocate the UK and Europe” (Murray, 2004, p. 4). Three-quarters of
use of OSS/FS within health, healthcare, and nursing. attendees at the first event (UK, February 2004) described
While some of these are still active, others have struggled their ideal vision for the future use of software in health-
to maintain activity due to having to rely primarily on care as containing at least a significant percentage of OSS/
voluntary efforts, which can be difficult to sustain over FS with nearly one-third of the attendees wanting to see
long periods. As a result, current efforts in promoting an “entirely open source” use of software in healthcare.
and publicizing OSS/FS seem to be based around looser Similar findings arose from the US meeting of September
collaborations and less formal groups, often working on 2004, which had broader international participation. The
developing and maintaining information resources. The emergence of a situation wherein OSS/FS would interface
American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), with proprietary software within the healthcare domain
International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), was seen to be achievable and desirable. Such use was also
and the European Federation for Medical Informatics likely if the right drivers were put in place and barriers
(EFMI) all have working groups dealing with OSS/FS addressed. Participants felt the strongest drivers included
who develop position papers, contribute workshops and the following:
other activities to conferences, and undertake a variety
of  other promotional activities. Each of these groups • Adoption and use of the right standards
have nurses actively involved. • The development of a FLOSS “killer application”
National (in all countries) and international health • A political mandate toward the use of FLOSS
informatics organizations seem to be late in realizing the
need to consider the potential impact of OSS/FS. The • Producing positive case studies comparing finan-
cial benefits of FLOSS budget reductions
IMIA established an Open Source Health Informatics
Working Group in 2002. It aims to work both within Participants rated the most important issues why
IMIA  and through encouraging joint work with other people might use or do use FLOSS within the health
OSS/FS organizations to explore issues around the use domain as quality, stability, and robustness of software
of OSS/FS within healthcare and health informatics. The and data as well as long-term availability of important
mission of the AMIA-OSWG ( health data because of not being “locked up” in propri-
group/open-source) is to act as the primary conduit etary systems that limit interoperability and data migra-
between AMIA and the wider open source community. Its tion. They felt the two most important areas for FLOSS
specific activities include providing information regarding activity by IMIA-OSWG and other FLOSS groups were
the benefits and pitfalls of OSS/FS to other AMIA working political activity and efforts toward raising awareness
groups, identifying useful open source projects, and iden- among healthcare workers and the wider public. There
tifying funding sources, and providing grant application was a feeling, especially from the US meeting, that lack
support to open source projects. The AMIA-OSWG pro- of interaction between OSS/FS groups was a barrier to
duced a White Paper in late 2008 that not only addressed adoption in healthcare.
and summarized many of the issues on definitions and Discussions at meetings in 2008 and 2009, and in par-
licensing addressed in this chapter but also provided a list ticular at the Special Topic Conference of the European
of the major OSS/FS electronic health and medical record Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) held in London
systems in use, primarily in the United States, at the time in September 2008, and at the Medical Informatics
(Valdes, 2008). The AMIA-OSWG identified 12 systems, Europe (MIE) 2009 conference held in Sarajevo, Bosnia
in use in over 2500 federal government and almost 900 and Herzegovina, reflected back on progress made since
non-federal government sites, which among them held 2004 (Murray et al., 2009). It was concluded that many of
over 32 million individual patient records (Samuel & the issues identified in 2004 remained relevant, and while
Sujansky, 2008; Valdes, 2008). some progress had been made in raising awareness within
The IMIA-OSWG, in collaboration with several other health and nursing communities of the possibilities of
organizations, including the AMIA-OSWG, organized OSS/FS, the same issues were still relevant.
a series of think-tank meetings in 2004, in Winchester, To date, few nursing or NI organizations have sought
UK, and San Francisco, USA. The main purpose of these to address the implications of OSS/FS from a nursing-
events was to “identify key issues, opportunities, obsta- focused perspective. The first nursing or NI organization
cles, areas of work and research that may be needed, and to establish a group dealing with OSS/FS issues was the

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Special Interest Group in Nursing Informatics of IMIA activity and many members now work within other groups
(IMIA/NI-SIG). Established in June 2003, the IMIA-NI to provide nursing input.
Open Source Nursing Informatics (OSNI) Working Group Among providers of resources (see Table 5.5), the Med­
has many aims congruent with those of the IMIA-OSWG, ical Free/Libre and Open Source Software Web site (www.
but with a focus on identifying and addressing nursing- provides a comprehensive and structured
specific issues and providing a nursing contribution within overview of OSS/FS projects for the healthcare domain; it
multiprofessional or multidisciplinary domains. However, also offers an open content platform to foster the exchange
it has been difficult to maintain specific nursing-focused of ideas, knowledge, and experiences about projects.

  TABLE 5.5    Selected Information and Resource Web Sites

Linux Medical News: The leading news resource for health and medical applications of OSS/FS. The site provides information on
events, conferences and activities, software development, and any other issues that contributors feel are relevant to the use of
OSS/FS in healthcare (
Medical Free/Libre and Open Source Software: A comprehensive and structured overview of Free/Libre and Open Source
Software (FLOSS) projects for the healthcare domain. The Web-based resource also offers an open content platform to foster the
exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experiences about the projects (
SourceForge: SourceForge is the largest repository and development site for open source software. Many healthcare applications
and other OSS/FS applications use it as the official repository of their latest versions (
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Health Web Portal: The FOSS for Health Web portal aims to be a dynamic, evolving
repository and venue for interaction, sharing, and supporting those who are interested in using OSS/FS in health and e-Health.
It is part of the Open Source and Standards PCTA (PANACeA Common Thematic Activities) of the PAN Asian Collaboration for
Evidence-based eHealth Adoption and Application (PANACeA) (
FOSS Primers: The IOSN is producing a series of primers on FOSS. The primers serve as introductory documents to FOSS in general,
as well as covering particular topic areas in greater detail. Their purpose is to raise FOSS awareness, particularly among policy-
makers, practitioners, and educators. The following Web site contains summaries of the primers that have been published or are
currently being produced (
OSS Watch: OSS Watch is an advisory service that provides unbiased advice and guidance on the use, development, and licensing
of free and open source software. OSS Watch is funded by the JISC and its services are available free-of-charge for higher and
­further education within the United Kingdom (
The Open Source Observatory and Repository (OSOR): OSOR is a platform for exchanging information, experiences, and
FLOSS-based code for use in public administrations (
FOSS Open Standards/Government National Open Standards Policies and Initiatives: Many governments all over the world
have developed policies and/or initiatives that advocate and favor open source and open standards in order to bring about
increased independence from specific vendors and technologies, and at the same time accommodate both FOSS and proprietary
software (
Free and Open Source Software Portal: A gateway to resources related to free software and the open source tech-
nology movement (UNESCO,
The Top 100 Open Source Software Tools for Medical Professionals:
Open Source Methods, Tools, and Applications; Open Source Downloads:
Medsphere OpenVista Project:
Open Source Software for Public Health:
VistA Resources
VistA Monograph:
VistA CPRS Demo:
VistA eHealth:
VistA Documentation Library:
Latest Version of WorldVistA:
A Description of the Historical Development of VistA: VistA Monograph,; WorldVista,; Hardhats,
VistApedia—A Wiki about VistA: (

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The International Open Source Network (IOSN, www. CASE STUDY 5.1: VistA (VETERANS, funded by the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), is a center of excellence for OSS/
FS in the Asia-Pacific region. It is tasked specifically AND TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE)
with facilitating and networking OSS/FS advocates in This case study focuses on the long-standing HIS of the US
the region, so developing countries in the region can Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). As outlined above,
achieve rapid and sustained economic and social devel- VistA is an acronym for Veterans Health Information
opment by using affordable, yet effective, OSS/FS solu- Systems and Technology Architecture (Tiemann, 2004b).
tions to bridge the digital divide. While its work and case Started in the early 1980s with efforts at electronic record
studies have a focus on developing countries, and espe- keeping via the Decentralized Hospital Computer Program
cially those of the Asia-Pacific region, the materials they (DHCP) information system, the US Veterans Health
produce are of wider value. In particular, they publish Administration (2010), disseminated this system country-
a series of free and open source software (FOSS) prim- wide by the early 1990s. The name VistA dates back to
ers, which serve as introductory documents to OSS/FS 1996, when the project previously known as the DHCP
in general as well as covering particular topic areas in was renamed to VistA (VistA Monograph [US Department
greater detail. Their purpose is to raise FLOSS aware- of Veteran Affairs, 2008; WorldVistA, n.d.], www.ehealth.
ness, particularly among policy-makers, practitioners,,  WorldVista,  worldvista.
and educators. While there is not currently a health org/AboutVistA/VistA_History, Hardhats,  www.hard
offering, the general lessons from the primers on educa-
tion, open standards, OSS/FS licensing and the general VistA is widely believed to be the largest integrated HIS
introductory primer to OSS/FS are useful materials for in the world. Because VistA was originally developed and
anyone wishing to explore the issues in greater detail maintained by the US Department of VA for use in veterans’
(IOSN, n.d.). hospitals it is public domain. Its development was based
Open Health Tools ( is an on the systems software architecture and implementation
open source community, with members including national methodology developed by the US Public Health Service
health agencies from several countries, medical standards jointly with the National Bureau of Standards. VistA is in
organizations, and software product and service compa- production today at hundreds of healthcare facilities across
nies. Its vision is of enabling a ubiquitous ecosystem where the country, from small outpatient clinics to large medical
members of the health and informatics professions can centers. It is currently used by all VA facilities throughout
collaborate to build interoperable systems. countries where there is a US military presence, as well as in
nonmilitary clinics with both military and civilian focuses.
VistA itself is not strictly open source or free software,
but because of its origin as government developed soft-
SUMMARY ware, it was released to, and remains in, the public domain.
OSS/FS has been described as a disruptive paradigm, but Because of this free availability it has been promoted by
one that has the potential to improve not only the deliv- many OSS/FS organizations and individuals with some
ery of care but also healthcare outcomes (Bagayoko et al., suggesting it is the “mother of OSS/FS healthcare applica-
2010). This chapter provides a necessarily brief intro- tions” (Tiemann, 2004b).
duction to OSS/FS. While we have tried to explain the Over the years VistA has demonstrated its flexibility
underlying philosophies of the two major camps, only an by supporting a wide variety of clinical settings and medi-
in-depth reading of the explanations emanating from each cal delivery systems inside and outside of facilities ranging
can help to clarify the differences. from small outpatient-oriented clinics to large medical cen-
Many of the issues we have addressed are in a state of ters with significant inpatient populations and associated
flux, therefore we cannot give definitive answers or solu- specialties, such as surgical care or dermatology. Hospitals
tions to many of them, as debate and understanding will and clinics in many countries depend on it to manage such
have moved on. As we have already indicated, detailed things as patient records, prescriptions, l­ aboratory results,
exploration of licensing issues is best addressed with the and other medical information. It contains, among other
aid of legal counsel. Readers wishing to develop a fur- components, integrated hospital management, patient
ther understanding of OSS/FS are recommended to read records management, medication administration (via bar-
the International Open Source Network’s (IOSN) FOSS coding), and medical imaging systems.
Primer (Wong & Sayo, 2004). Additional resources are There are many versions of the VistA system in use in
identified in Table 5.5. the US Department of Defense Military Health System

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Chapter 5 • Open Source and Free Software    75

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as the Composite Health Care System (CHCS), the US improve patient care. The WorldVistA project effort also
Department of Interior’s Indian Health Service as the transfers knowledge and expertise and builds long-term
Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS), and relationships between adopters and the rest of the world-
internationally, including, for example, the Berlin Heart wide VistA community.
Institute of Germany (Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, The complete WorldVistA package comprises the
Deutschland), and National Cancer Institute of Cairo following:
University in Egypt. It is also used by Oroville Hospital
in California and at Central Region Hospital of the North • GNU/Linux operating system GT.M, an imple-
Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. mentation of the Standard M programming system
The use of VistA helps demonstrate some of the pro- (M = MUMPS)VistA.
posed benefits of OSS/FS. The costs associated with • Information on VistA, and WorldVistA and soft-
the acquisition and support of an HIS can indirectly affect the ware downloads are available at a number of Web
quality of healthcare provided by limiting the availability sites, including the following:
of timely and accurate access to electronic patient records. ◦◦—VistA Documentation
One solution is to lower the cost of acquiring an HIS by Library
using a software stack consisting of open source, free soft-
ware (OSS/FS). Since VistA is in the public domain and ◦◦—VistA
available through the US Freedom of Information Act Monograph
(FOIA), software license fees are not an issue with regard ◦◦—latest
to deployment. versions of WorldVistA software
Several OSS/FS organizations associated with, and ◦◦—community and user-
deriving from, VistA are WorldVistA (, created documentation about VistA.
Medsphere OpenVista (, DSS vxVistA
(, the Open A description of the historical development of VistA is
Source Electronic Health Record Software Alliance available at A
(, and the VISTA Expertise Network (www. demonstration of VistA as a Web-based application is also available to try out. It is an installable package for Windows
WorldVistA was formed as a US-based nonprofit orga- OS computers found at
nization committed to the continued development and CPRS_demo.asp. Once installed, the application links to a
deployment of VistA. It aims to develop and support the demonstration server hosted by VA Information Services,
global VistA community, through helping to make health- thereby allowing the user to enter and retrieve data with-
care IT more affordable and more widely available, both out risk.
within the United States and internationally. WorldVistA The sharing of veterans’ health information between
extends and improves VistA for use outside its original the US Department of Defence (DoD) and the VA has
setting through such activities as developing packages for been a continuing effort since the initial installation of the
pediatrics, obstetrics, and other hospital services not used DoD’s CHCS in the 1980s. A Directorate (VA/DoD Health
in veterans’ hospitals. WorldVistA also helps those who Information Sharing Directorate) administers this effort
choose to adopt VistA to learn, install, and maintain the between both of the agencies regarding interoperability
software. WorldVistA advises adopters of VistA, but does along with other initiatives related to IT, healthcare, and
not implement VistA for adopters. Other organizations do data sharing. Efforts coordinated and supported by this
provide these services. intermediary organization currently include bidirectional
Historically, running VistA has required adopters to health information interoperability exchange (BHIE), clini-
pay licensing fees for the systems on which it runs: the cal and health information repository efforts (Clinical Data
programming environment (Massachusetts General Repository/Health Data Repository [CHDR]) initiated in
Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System [MUMPS]) 2006, transition of active personnel to veteran status via
and the operating system underneath (such as Microsoft the Federal Health Information Exchange (FHIE) initia-
Windows or Linux or VMS). WorldVistA eliminated these tive between the DoD and the VA, laboratory data sharing
fees by allowing VistA to run on the GT.M programming (Laboratory Data Sharing Interoperability [LDSI]) not only
environment and the Linux operating system, which are between the DoD and the VA but also among commercial
both open source and free. By reducing licensing costs, laboratory vendors, and increased quality of care for poly-
users may spend their money on medicine, medical pro- trauma patients due to data exchange. The Directorate also
fessionals, and other resources more likely to directly coordinates report generation for the VA, the DoD, and

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the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In April identified with the descriptions at the top of the columns
2010, the VA and DoD expanded their Virtual Lifetime in the spreadsheet. The various rows of the spreadsheet
Electronic Record (VLER) program to exchange more correspond to people, and the answers put into the form
types of clinical data. In 2013, the iEHR effort between the are the cells where the rows and columns intersect.
VA and DoD was initiated by Congress to promote sharing This row and column organization is easy to visualize
between the agencies. and corresponds to the simple database model of SQL.
The VA also provides Web access for its veterans VistA FileMan builds upon this simple model by allow-
through VistA. These include the HealthyVet project, ing cells to be further subdivided into sub-columns and
which provides 24 × 7 Web-based access to VA health ser- sub rows. The cells inside these sub-spreadsheets can be
vices and information, and the Compensation and Pension further subdivided if needed to accurately reflect the orga-
Records Interchange (CAPRI) which enables veterans ser- nization of the data. VistA FileMan includes the simple
vice organizations (VSOs) to view only a member’s EHR if model of SQL, but enhances it to allow more complex
necessary to assist the individual with benefit claims and medical data to be stored in a more natural way.
drug refills. Medical Data normally has a many to one and relational
nature. Any given patient might have multiple appoint-
ments, with each appointment having multiple diagnoses.
Future Direction of VistA
An appointment for a patient would have a single start time
The VistA software is constantly being updated with cur- for a particular clinic and a particular clinician. Viewed from
rent technologies and enhancements as the practice of the perspective of the clinic, it might have multiple appoint-
medicine changes. New ways of accessing VistA using data ments occurring at the same time, with multiple clinicians
and programming languages are always changing. Of great involved. There may be multiple diagnoses for a particular
importance is the current shift to an open source, open patient and date time interval, but they would all be from a
standards environment along with development efforts to standard list of diagnoses. Each diagnosis may have multi-
support and advance VistA. ple treatment options, including particular medications and
procedures performed.

CASE STUDY 5.2: ORGANIZING Datatypes for Fields

DATA IN A HEALTH DATABASE Just as an electronic spreadsheet may have a format for
A database is a part of the computer software that per- each of the cells, a database will have requirements for what
forms the function of a paper record’s filing room. In can be stored in the database elements. Usually this kind of
paper files, the information about a patient are stored information is called the datatype of the element. Generally
using standard forms, and in notes. In a health database, a SQL datatypes are described with a word like INTEGER
similar model is used. or TIMESTAMP. VistA FileMan datatypes are described
In the place of a paper form, a database will have as FREE TEXT or NUMERIC or SET OF CODES. Each of
records. In the place of questions that may be answered these datatypes correspond to some restrictions because it
on the form, the database records will have fields. Just as a makes the organization of the database more predictable
patient’s paper records may have multiple forms that spec- and efficient. When information that is put into a data-
ify standard information, the computer database may have base has no limits, such as when typing Progress Notes or
multiple kinds of records that are all tied together with a Discharge Summaries, there are usually very few ways to
common reference to a particular patient. organize it.
A common way to visualize the various information
about a health record is to think of it as a spreadsheet,
Indexes and Cross-References
whether one on paper or on a computer. This model has
columns for different kinds of information that may be To help find particular entries (or rows) in a database
stored usually with a description at the top of the column. record, it is common to index part of the entry in a special
Each successive row or entry in the spreadsheet corre- cross-reference where some fields (or columns) are stored
sponds to information about a particular event or person. in a sorted order. When retrieving the record, the database
The database model identifies the various forms in the will be searched along this cross-reference for the indexed
paper record with various kinds of spreadsheets. These information, and group together all the records which
spreadsheets are called Tables in SQL and Files in VistA have the same index. When paper records are stored, the
FileMan. The questions of each kind of paper form are tabs on a folder provide the same function. When a field is

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cross-referenced, the information can be retrieved faster, SET OF CODES in VistA FileMan using a mapping of ‘M’
and any print processes using that field will work faster. to MALE, ‘F’ to FEMALE, and ‘U’ to UNKNOWN.

EXAMPLE DATABASE Comparison Operations Form

Simple Conditions
Let us use a simple database that has several fields in each
PATIENT record. This example database purposely does Each datatype has particular ways of comparing values.
not have the relational aspects of a true health database as How you compare values depends upon what is needed
these complicate things, while gaining little in making the for a particular report. A value may be the name of a field
process of creating an example report which might have a such as AGE or PATIENT NAME from our example data-
software license. base. A value might be a constant like 70 or “SMITH”.
The name of the Table in SQL and the name of the File Comparison operators use two or more values together to
in VistA FileMan for our example database would be sim- produce a Condition. Conditions can be used to include
ply PATIENT. or to filter out rows or entries from the database, again,
The first field named PATNAME has a datatype as a depending on what the report needs.
VARCHAR(60) in SQL or a FREETEXT field in VistA A numeric datatype will have operators that allow one
FileMan. This field would hold the name of the patient, with to test if the field is larger or smaller than another field
no extra padding. The PATNAME field will be indexed. or a particular number. A listing of some numeric com-
The second field named DATEOFBIRTH has a datatype parison operators is listed in Table 5.6 for an example. All
of DATE in SQL or DATE/TIME in VistA FileMan. This of these comparison operators do not work on all system.
field will hold the day that the patient was born. You must test them on the software system you are using
The third field will be AGE which has a datatype of to see which apply.
SMALLINT in SQL or NUMBER in VistA FileMan. In A character-based datatype might be a VARCHAR or a
SQL, the datatype always has the same lower bound such CHARACTER or a MEMO field in SQL. The FREE TEXT
as between 0 and 255, whereas in VistA FileMan, the num- datatype or the SET OF CODES datatype in VistA FileMan
ber range is defined specifically for each field, such as from is also a character-based datatype. Character datatypes
0 to 120. This field will hold the number of years since the will have operators that look for particular text. The
patient was born. In VistA FileMan, this field normally will CONTAINS operator is to check if a particular field has
be a COMPUTED field. some text within it. The LIKE operator and the MATCHES
The fourth field named GENDER would be operator both look for patterns, such as wildcards in text
a CHARACTER value of ‘M’ or ‘F’ or ‘U’ in SQL, and be a or unchanging text in a particular order.

  TABLE 5.6    (Case Study 5.2) Numeric Comparison Operators Combining to Make Condition
FirstValue > SecondValue Condition where first value is greater than second value
FirstValue < SecondValue Condition where first value is less than second value
FirstValue = SecondValue Condition where first value is equal to second value
FirstValue <> SecondValue Condition where first value is not equal to second value
FirstValue != SecondValue Condition where first value is not equal to second value
FirstValue '= SecondValue Condition where first value is not equal to second value
FirstValue <= SecondValue Condition where first value is less than or equal to second value
FirstValue !> SecondValue Condition where first value is less than or equal to second value
FirstValue '> SecondValue Condition where first value is less than or equal to second value
FirstValue >= SecondValue Condition where first value is greater than or equal to second value
FirstValue !< SecondValue Condition where first value is greater than or equal to second value
FirstValue '< SecondValue Condition where first value is greater than or equal to second value
BETWEEN (FirstValue, SecondValue, ThirdValue) Condition where the first value is less than the second value and the second
value is less than the third value

c05.indd 77 05-02-2015 10:40:56

78    P art 1 • N ursing I nformatics T echnologies

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Most datatypes allow the NULL operator to be used to The OR operator is used when you have a list of condi-
check if a field is empty. tions where any of them may be true for a particular entry
or row. It is common to have multiple conditions which
include the same field name, as you are trying to include
Boolean Operators Make Complex Conditions
as many possible entries as you can. Few conditions try
Finally, these conditions can then be combined together to exclude entries, such as GENDER = ‘M’ or alternately
using Boolean logic to make a more complex Condition. GENDER = ‘U’. When you combine multiple conditions
This logic allows a report writer enough flexibility to together with an OR, it creates a superset of all of the con-
include and exclude conditions made up of more than one ditions and increases the size of the subset of the database.
field and value. The NOT operator is used on a condition to negate its
Boolean Logic is named after George Boole who worked meaning. If the condition originally would include partic-
on it in the 1800s. He started with just two values, such as ular entries, then using NOT will exclude them. If the con-
TRUE and FALSE, and showed a logical system that com- dition pares down the results, the negated condition will
bined them together in all 16 possible ways. Later in the cen- increase the results. For example the NAND operator is
tury, Charles Pierce was able to prove that using only one of simply the NOT operator applied to the results of an AND
the ways, either using NAND or NOR, comprised a sole suf- operation. The NOR operator is simply NOT applied to
ficient operator. Electronic engineers took advantage of this the results of an OR operation. If a particular operation
to simplify the process of creating computer circuits. yields a larger subset, NOT will produce the dual smaller
If there are two conditions, there are 16 ways to com- subset, and vice versa.
bine them together. With three conditions, there are 32
ways to do so. As you add more conditions, the number of
possible ways double each time. This is why some people Using Boolean Operators to Form a Query
feel Boolean Logic can be so complex. The following dis- In SQL, queries are created using a specific language.
cussion will try to make this simpler. Every query will use the SELECT syntax with vari-
The two simplest ways to combine values together is to ous optional parts. Every SELECT query has to include
ignore the conditions completely and always produce the the fields (columns) and the table name of the database
same answer. Since there are two possible answers, one and possibly some extra syntax to limit which entries
operator named Contradiction always gives the value of (rows) are included. Finally, the results are ordered so the
FALSE, and the other named Tautology always gives the output fits the desired report.
value of TRUE. No one purposely will use these operators, In VistA FileMan, queries involve three parts: the
but may accidentally do so. The most common way to use SEARCH conditions, the SORT ranges, and the PRINT
the Contradiction Operator is when you use two condi- output. Individual SEARCH comparisons are first stated,
tions, each using a comparison operator, but no value can then the conditions are combined together to make a total
satisfy both of the comparisons at the same time. Such condition. Then entries are organized by specifying what
as checking for a field value like greater than 70 and less fields are used to group together, allowing for subtotals,
than 10 or getting the order wrong on BETWEEN so you or special sorting orders. After this, the data that needs to
test if it is greater than your highest value and lower than be output for the report is specified in the PRINT output.
your lowest value. Similarly the Tautology Operator may
be accidentally used if you look for Conditions that are
always TRUE. Some of the ways to combine Conditions First Example
can do this and produce a useless search because nothing
is excluded from your search, or everything is included. The simplest SQL query just states what columns are
The AND operator is used when you have a list of needed from a particular table.
­conditions that must all be TRUE to include an entry i.e.: SELECT column1, column2....columnN
or row. Usually each of the conditions will test different FROM table_name ;
fields, such as testing GENDER = ‘M’ and at the same time
looking for AGE > 70. Since AND requires that both of Using our example database this would be
these succeed for the same entry, it effectively filters out
any entries where it fails. You can combine multiple condi-
tions together with AND to create easily understandable
search conditions that are targeting very specific subsets Since there are no filtering conditions, every patient in
of the database. the database will be output.

c05.indd 78 05-02-2015 10:40:56

Chapter 5 • Open Source and Free Software    79

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The VistA FileMan query would just use PRINT FILE IF: A&B NAME EQUALS (case-insensitive)
Heading (S/C): PATIENT LIST//
Are you adding 'EXAMPLE' as a new PRINT START WITH NAME: FIRST//

For VistA FileMan, every patient in the database will

Notice that the VistA FileMan uses a dialog to set up
be output, but this also adds the list of output fields as a
the condition and uses the character & to mean AND. It
PRINT Template, so we do not have to tell VistA FileMan
also automatically asks about OR conditions, but SQL
every time what list to use. This saves effort, but also
requires you to type the word OR as part of the condi-
makes the process simpler.
tion. If you wish to use an OR inside the condition in
VistA FileMan, you must use the exclamation point !
to do so.
Second Example Each software system will have differences like this.
This section is using two different systems as examples,
The next example is to print out the subset of the patients but you must learn the specific way of writing queries for
that happen to satisfy a condition that we specify. the system you end up using. Just as the Comparison Table
This will use a more complex SQL syntax: 5.6 shows different ways to say the same comparison, each
system you use will require specific study.
SELECT column1, column2....columnN
FROM table

If our Condition is both the AGE must be greater than SUMMARY OF REPORT WRITING
70 and that the PATNAME must equal SMITH, we would Nursing Informatics involves understanding the informa-
write that Condition in SQL as tion in a computer system and how it is organized. Each
SELECT PATNAME, DATEOFBIRTH, AGE, GENDER clinical information system must be learned indepen-
FROM PATIENT dently. A flexible attitude when creating reports is the
WHERE (AGE > 70) AND (PATNAME = 'SMITH') ; most successful. Formulating queries using Boolean Logic
also is useful beyond reporting results as most Clinical
Decision Support systems also require this formal way
The same query in VistA FileMan would use of specifying rules about patient data. With attention to
details and persistence, using formal Boolean Logic is
actually the simplest way to organize comparisons and
-B- CONDITION: > GREATER THAN The author wishes to acknowledge Peter J. Murray and
-B- GREATER THAN: 70 W. Scott Erdley for their authorship of the original fifth
edition Chapter 9 “Open Source and Free Software” from
-C- SEARCH FOR PATIENT FIELD: which content has been integrated into this chapter.

c05.indd 79 05-02-2015 10:40:56


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Computerized Provider Order Entry
Emily B. Barey

1. State two reasons why CPOE is different from other healthcare information
­technology implementations.
2. State at least three common barriers to a successful CPOE implementation.
3. State at least three strategies to ensure a successful CPOE implementation.
4. State at least two future possible directions of CPOE.
5. State three core competencies required of the nurse informaticist working
with CPOE.

Meaningful Use
Change management

agenda (The Leapfrog Group, 2010). Each consistently

INTRODUCTION recommends the use of CPOE to improve healthcare
Much of the attention paid to Computerized Provider quality. Benefits often highlighted range from the simple
Order Entry (CPOE) has historically been associated help of physician order legibility to the more complex
with early adopters at academic medical centers such as decision support related to allergy and interaction check-
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and leading community ing, medication dosing guidance, and in some cases cul-
sites such as El Camino Hospital reporting on their expe- minating in an overall decrease in patient mortality and
rience with clinical information systems in the 1980s and significant financial return on investment (Kaushal et al.,
1990s. Then, in 2000–2001, through the publications of 2006; Longhurst et al., 2010; Poissant, Pereira, Tamblyn, &
the Institute of Medicine’s To Err is Human (Institute of Kawasumi, 2005).
Medicine [IOM], 2000) and Crossing the Quality Chasm A new dimension of CPOE has emerged with the pas-
(IOM, 2001) and the subsequent focus of The Agency for sage of The Health Information Technology for Economic
Healthcare Research and Quality on preventing medical and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH). As part of the
errors this past decade, CPOE received renewed attention American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA),
as a patient safety tool. The private sector, simultaneously the aim of HITECH is to promote the adoption and
through employer organizations such as the Leapfrog meaningful use of health information technology (HIT).
Group for Patient Safety, has also pursued a similar Included in HITECH are financial incentives to physicians


c27.indd 401 20-02-2015 18:18:39

402    P art 5 • A dvanced N ursing I nformatics in P ractice

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and healthcare organizations that utilize electronic health of a handwritten physician note by a department secre-
records (EHR), including CPOE. These incentives ini- tary, nurse, or pharmacist and offered limited rules check-
tially have come in the form of increased reimburse- ing or clinical decision support (CDS) capacity.
ment rates from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare The “P” in CPOE has most commonly stood for
Services (CMS), but will ultimately result in a penalty if Provider, but will also appear as Physician or Prescriber.
adoption and meaningful use of the EHR are not met. This is what makes CPOE different from basic electronic
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) order submission. The transcription step is removed, and
has now published two sets of criteria and objectives for the provider places the order directly into the system. By
the meaningful use of EHR technology. The first set was using Provider it is also implied that the user placing the
published in July 2010, the second in September 2012. order is authorized to give or sign that order and leaves
A third set is expected to be published sometime in 2016. room for other disciplines in addition to physicians who
The three stages are intended to promote data capture and have a scope of practice that supports CPOE, such as
sharing across healthcare entities, advance clinical pro- advanced practice nurses and physician assistants.
cesses, and improve clinical outcomes (DHHS, 2013). CPOE is also different in that it is inherently tied to a
This chapter discusses a brief history of CPOE and its CDS system that enables the checking and presentation
recently renewed significance on a national level with the of patient safety rules during ordering, such as drug–drug
passage of HITECH. Benefits of CPOE have been long interaction checking, duplicate checking, corollary orders,
established; however, the HITECH offers new incentives and dose calculations (Tyler, 2009). The “E” is also some-
to promote widespread adoption more rapidly. A suc- times replaced by an “M” and stands for computerized
cessful CPOE implementation methodology is critical to physician order management or computerized provider
fully realizing the vision of the HITECH. This chapter will order management, further implying that these orders are
address common barriers to a successful implementation of no longer once and done, but will require ongoing review
CPOE and strategies to overcome those barriers. A patient and updating in the context of rules, alerts, and other
safety framework will also be reviewed in order to avoid feedback mechanisms an EHR may provide that paper and
any unintended consequences that arise as the result of a pen cannot. Management of an order also implies that it
new technology implementation. Finally, the chapter sets is more than simply entered, but also communicated to
the stage for the future of CPOE, including the required other care team members, reviewed, and acted upon.
core competencies of the nurse informaticist to leading this In 2005, Dr. Michael McCoy proposed three types of
type of implementation today and tomorrow. CPOE: basic, intermediate, and advanced (McCoy, 2005).
The significance of CPOE cannot be underestimated. Basic incorporates order entry with simple decision sup-
Although CPOE implies a physician or a provider-centric port features such as allergy or drug–drug interaction
tool, the workflow and subsequent management of those checking. Intermediate level CPOE includes additional
patient care orders involves the entire inter-disciplinary relevant results display at the time of ordering and the abil-
team, with the nurse at the center as patient care coordi- ity for providers to save their order preferences. Dr. McCoy
nator. CPOE is also often the foundation for standardizing considered advanced CPOE to represent advanced clinical
care delivery and best clinical practices, along with being order management, and it is here that more sophisticated
an important component of advanced decision support. decision support in the form of “guided ordering” or “men-
As such, in addition to the broader backdrop of patient tored ordering” would be available (McCoy, 2005, p. 11).
safety, quality, and now financial incentives, it is essential The definition chosen for CPOE is important to clarify,
to recognize the impact of CPOE on the work of the nurse as it will impact the scope of the CPOE implementation
and the significance of the nursing informaticist in obtain- and the related design, build, testing, and training require-
ing a core competency in CPOE. ments. Will it be basic or advanced? Will it include physi-
cians only or all clinicians more broadly? The definition
and standards are also significant as healthcare organi-
DEFINITION OF CPOE zations are now required to benchmark themselves to
national HITECH Meaningful Use metrics.
CPOE is often used as an abbreviation to represent how
an EHR system requires an end user to electronically
enter patient care orders and requests. There have been
electronic order communication tools available in the past
that allowed for the transmission of lab, radiology, medi- Implementing CPOE, in many ways, is not unlike other
cation, and other types of orders to downstream ancillary health information technology projects. It requires a proj-
systems; however, they relied largely on the transcription ect plan, with appropriate time to complete workflow

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Chapter 27 • Computerized Provider Order Entry    403

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analysis, build, testing, and training. Like other HIT proj- implementation can still be disruptive and require a steep
ects, the most successful implementations have a change learning curve for providers to use the features effectively
management plan that facilitates end-user adoption of the (Ryan, Bishop, Shih, & Casalino, 2013).
new technology. CPOE, however, is unlike other HIT proj-
ects in that it often impacts the healthcare organization
on a much broader and deeper scale than, for example, STRATEGIES FOR A SUCCESSFUL
activating a clinical data repository, Picture Archiving ADOPTION
and Communication System (PACS), or a clinical notes
dictation system. CPOE is at the heart of patient care and A number of studies and reports have been written about
cannot be done in isolation to one department or disci- successful implementation strategies for CPOE. Written in
pline as it ultimately demands not only a new medium in 2000, A Primer on Physician Order Entry cited executive
which providers will work—the EHR—but also a new way leadership, physician involvement, a multi-disciplinary
in which to work. Babbott et al. discuss that physicians approach to implementation, good EHR system response
working with a fully functioning EHR including CPOE time, and flexible training strategies as the keys to a success-
could be presented with multiple tasks ranging from pre- ful CPOE implementation (Drazen, Kilbridge, Metzger, &
ventative health reminders to required documentation, Turisco, 2000). A more recent study that focused on
and that although this may lead to a more accurate assess- supporting those provider practices most at risk for suc-
ment than on paper it calls into question if current prac- cessful CPOE adoption reinforced those strategies with
tice patterns can sustain this “contemporary” approach eight specific implementation tactics including building
(2014, p. 4). CPOE has only recently become an accepted relationships to gain the trust of providers that will sup-
tool as routine as using a stethoscope for new healthcare port the change, hiring staff that understand the domain
professionals. of the physician practice, setting realistic expectations
and obtainable goals, ensuring there is enough physi-
cal space for hardware so that providers may work effec-
COMMON BARRIERS TO tively, aligning the organization’s vision with the goals of
SUCCESSFUL ADOPTION the implementation, developing a business case to identify
the expected benefits of CPOE, planning for provider
Despite the recent, rapid expansion of CPOE in the wake practice redesign, and creating a sustainable support
of Meaningful Use, a review of the literature suggests that model for ongoing improvement efforts (Torda, Han, &
there are still segments of providers where the “digital Scholle, 2010).
divide” persists and adoption remains low. Those at great- Given the barriers to and strategies for successful
est risk include small, primary care practices, frequently adoption of CPOE outlined here, the work of a nurse
owned by physicians and with some evidence suggesting informaticist in a CPOE implementation will draw on all
a greater proportion of patients that are Medicaid, minor- aspects of nursing informatics practice as defined by the
ity, or uninsured (Ryan, Bishop, Shih, & Casalino, 2013). American Nurses Association, however, as a consultant
These sites frequently do not have the practical knowledge the nurse informaticist may add the greatest value to solv-
to implement a CPOE system, apply quality improvement ing the complex issues of CPOE through expert domain
methods to achieve benefits from it, or sustain mainte- knowledge, change management theory and planning,
nance. Critical access and smaller hospitals are also at risk process improvement methods, and patient safety review
due to a low patient volume that limits the organization’s (ANA, 2008).
ability to apply operational resources to a CPOE imple-
mentation, recruit and retain skilled IT personnel, and
difficulty finding a suitable vendor that can successfully DOMAIN KNOWLEDGE
accommodate these limitations (Desroches, Worzala, &
Bates, 2013). Nurses understand many of the physicians’ work pro-
The literature also suggests that “four main driv- cesses and along with nurse informaticists are in a unique
ers influence a providers’ decision on electronic health position to assess the impact of new CPOE workflows
records: affordability; product availability; practice inte- through communication, coordination, and knowledge
gration; and provider attitudes. HITECH addresses the sharing (Ghosh, Norton, & Skiba, 2006). Two observations
first three, but providers’ attitudes [that are] critical to from nurse leaders highlight the importance of this role
the success of the act, are beyond the legislation’s con- for ensuring no interruption to patient care, effective care
trol” (Gold, McLaughlin, Devers, Berenson, & Bovbjerg, team processes and generally aiding the provider using
2012). And that despite established benefits of an EHR; the CPOE for the first time.

c27.indd 403 20-02-2015 18:18:39

404    P art 5 • A dvanced N ursing I nformatics in P ractice

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The first leader said: “the planning team spent a great methods to identify areas of work redesign that may ease
deal of time learning all that nurses did to actualize a the transition and promote realizing benefits sooner.
physician order prior to CPOE. We also recognized the
importance of focusing on the output of CPOE to ensure
that it supports effective nursing practice” (Ghosh et al., USABILITY, PATIENT SAFETY, AND
2006, p. 928). The second leader explained: “our nursing
staff was part of the initial phase roll out of CPOE. This
built in support system has been a critical factor in driving Despite the many positive outcomes related to EHR
physician adoption” (Ghosh et al., 2006, p. 928). implementations, the literature does note negative, unin-
tended consequences of system implementations that
cannot be ignored (Ash et al., 2007; Han et al., 2005).
Along with reports of usability also being a barrier
CHANGE MANAGEMENT to adoption of EHR and the expected increase in EHR
In addition to ensuring a reliable order management development and use as a result of HITECH, the Agency
workflow, nurses’ domain knowledge also enables the for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) funded
nurse informaticist to plan and support an effective series research in 2009 and 2010 to establish a common set of
of change management activities. Change management recommendations, use cases, policy, and research agenda
and communication activities should be a part of each items related to the usability of EHR systems (AHRQ,
implementation phase starting as early as planning and 2010). AHRQ categorized the functions of an EHR into
continuing past the activation of the new system; as proj- four roles: memory aid, computational aid, decision sup-
ect milestones, each activity should build on each other port aid, and collaboration aid (Armijo, McDonnell, &
toward unifying providers and the entire care team, solidi- Werner, 2009). How well the EHR can support these
fying their readiness for a new way of working with CPOE. functions and a clinician using them in a complex care
The requirement of a comprehensive change management environment is a direct result of the system’s design and
plan is well stated by Studer who completed an extensive usability (Armijo et al., 2009).
literature review of effectiveness of EHR implementations Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user
and concluded that organizational factors must be consid- interfaces are to use (Nielsen, 2003). There are many qual-
ered before, during, and after the implementation in order ity attributes that represent usability, and for the purposes
to promote successful adoption (2005). of CPOE usability, those to focus on include learnability,
One of those organizational factors is readiness for efficiency, errors, satisfaction, and utility (Nielsen, 2003).
change. “In practical terms, readiness for change requires Usability expert Jakob Nielsen stresses that it is better to
both a willingness and capacity to change” (Holt, Helfrich, run several small tests in an iterative approach, where five
Hall & Weiner, 2010, p. 50). Holt et al. suggest three broad end users are typically enough to identify the most impor-
dimensions of organizational readiness to be considered tant usability problems (2003). With this in mind, there are
when planning an implementation project and in select- three types of testing activities that will promote system
ing a method for assessing it. These include psychological usability: a gap analysis between current and future state
factors, structural factors, and the level of analysis (Holt content and workflows, shadowing a provider real-time
et al., 2010). Several instruments are available to assess working in current state with the new CPOE system test-
readiness to change and the nurse informaticist may help ing future state and care team simulation. AHRQ further
identify the best tool by assessing those being asked to recommends that these types of tests are organized around
change, the factors under which the change is being made, a specific framework of use cases including acute episodes,
and the level of impact the change will be felt by either the chronic conditions, preventative and health promotion,
individual or the organization (Holt et al., 2010). and undifferentiated symptoms. The combination of mea-
The need for a sustained change management plan suring these usability attributes through different types of
after the implementation was supported in a survey of testing activities that are organized around common use
providers using an EHR. The “high EMR cluster” of pro- cases should capture the high-risk and high-volume work-
viders had a significant correlation to higher stress lev- flows related to CPOE and EHR use broadly.
els and lower job satisfaction (Babbott et al., 2014, p. 4). Any usability problems that arise from testing should
Achieving the expected benefits of CPOE is dependent be seen as an opportunity to drive possible work redesign,
on a provider’s ability not only to survive but also thrive CPOE system enhancements, and training and change
in the “high EMR cluster.” The nurse informaticist may management efforts. If problems cannot be solved, then
apply basic usability theory and process improvement goals and expectations of the CPOE implementation must

c27.indd 404 20-02-2015 18:18:40

Chapter 27 • Computerized Provider Order Entry    405

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be recalibrated to reflect something more realistic includ- As coordinated care becomes the gold standard for
ing the potential of not implementing a specific feature or healthcare delivery, pharmacists and nurses are working
workflow if the risk to safe and reliable patient care may to their full scope of practice and partnering with physi-
be compromised. cians to facilitate key CPOE processes such as medication
Sustained process improvement methods post-live reconciliation and orders management. Pharmacists and
implementation will further support new usability case pharmacy techs are collecting medication history, dis-
studies and successful adoption. The Plan-Do-Study-Act pensing discharge prescriptions to ensure continuity of
or PDSA model as developed by Associates in Process care and educating patients on medication management.
Improvement can be a helpful framework for guiding this Nurses and other inter-disciplinary team members such
type of work (Langley, Nolan, Nolan, Norman, & Provost, as respiratory therapists and nutritionists are now not
2009). The PDSA approach would facilitate assembling only clarifying orders and implementing prescribed inter-
a team to define the problem, set an improvement goal, ventions, but are also making recommendations through
brainstorm possible solutions, choose and test a subset order entry as pended, protocoled, or suggested sets that
of solutions in order to identify which solutions are most a physician may accept or decline. This collaboration will
effective, and then spread those changes to address the only continue to grow and will support both improved
problem broadly. The process may be iterative and starting provider productivity with CPOE and greater accuracy in
small and then expanding scope ensures both judicious the plan of care for a patient.
use of resources and acceptance of the change. Increasing patient engagement is another core compo-
Although the primary goal of these activities is to nent to healthcare reform and may include a new role for
ensure a safe, reliable CPOE system technical build and patients in the future of CPOE. Although medication rec-
to anticipate and plan for the work redesign required of onciliation has historically been the domain of providers, a
providers, a secondary goal is equally important. These recent pilot study conducted by the VA Boston Healthcare
activities also engage the providers and those end users System enabled patients to electronically verify their medi-
impacted by the changes made by CPOE in a way that cation list post-discharge. This virtual medication reconcili-
enables building relationships of trust with the informatics ation avoided potential adverse drug events and reinforced
and information technology team. This is accomplished by the patient’s desire to partner directly with their physician
identifying and meeting the provider and care team needs in all aspects of their care (Heyworth et al., 2014).
that surface during the testing and improvement work, The focus of CPOE software development has been ori-
and if unable to meet the needs clearly communicating a ented to improving basic usability and addressing specific
risk mitigation plan. The work also simultaneously devel- workflow concerns, such as medication reconciliation.
ops the core competencies required to not only configure In the future, the focus will be on making CPOE systems
and maintain a CPOE system technically, but also to lead smarter and able to better anticipate the providers’ next
and manage professionally through this enormous change action based on past patterns of use. In addition, clinical
for the entire healthcare organization. The cumulative decision support will continue to become more robust and
benefits, and subsequent risk mitigation, of usability test- patient specific, but with it will be a more elegant manage-
ing and post-live PDSA efforts make the investment well ment of alerting to avoid alert fatigue.
worth the expense for guiding the CPOE implementation Hardware platforms for personal computing are an
toward healthcare transformation and away from simple exciting area to watch for the future of CPOE. Providers
automation of current state practice. will be able to choose from a wide range of devices in
size and portability that will be increasingly enabled for
touch screen and tailored to the unique information needs
of a specialty, such as intensive care, surgery, or oncol-
FUTURE DIRECTIONS ogy. There will be continued improvement of integration
There is no doubt that CPOE will be an important feature between telecommunication systems and EHR software
and function of EHRs for the foreseeable future. As noted that will facilitate increased remote alerting, monitoring,
previously, recent, renewed attention to the adoption of and access capabilities.
CPOE at a national level with the passage of ARRA has As interoperability standards between EHR systems
solidified CPOE’s position as significant to the delivery improve, it is quite possible that resurgence in a “best of
of healthcare of the future. The increased number of pro- breed” vendor approach to EHR software modules could
viders using CPOE alone will change the course of future occur. It would require a significant expansion of data
development in this area, not to mention advances in soft- exchange standards beyond medication, allergy, and prob-
ware, hardware, and interoperability standards. lem lists, but it is not unfathomable, considering the leaps

c27.indd 405 20-02-2015 18:18:40

406    P art 5 • A dvanced N ursing I nformatics in P ractice

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in HIT standardization in the past five years alone. In the and the healthcare organization into the application, and
meantime, it is certain that interoperability will expand leveraging its features and functions to meet those needs.
the provider’s accountability for considering and recon- As no single nurse informaticist can know everything
ciling patient historical data as EHR systems are already about all of an organization’s processes or physician prac-
passing discreet medication, allergy, and problem list data tice, workflow analysis skills draw on the nurse’s underly-
to be consumed downstream by other EHRs and the pro- ing ability to interview clients for their history, complete
viders using them. an assessment, and collaborate across disciplines to meet
Research related to the impact of CPOE adoption on a common goal. These are skills that would have been
this new scale, along with the use of electronic health learned in nursing school for the purposes of patient
records broadly by setting and type of provider will be care, and here scale for the purposes of ensuring the best
critical to guiding the future of CPOE, and the nurse infor- outcomes for the organization utilizing the CPOE being
maticist has much to contribute to shaping that future as implemented. For example, a nurse would never imple-
leaders of health information technology implementations ment a plan of care for a patient simply based on diagnosis
(Hogan & Kissam, 2010). alone. So too a nurse informaticist would never implement
CPOE simply based on one provider or one department.
The nurse informaticist as consultant can also assess
CORE COMPETENCIES OF THE the need for and establish a change management plan for
CPOE. These skills are also learned by nurses early in their
NURSE INFORMATACIST IN CPOE clinical careers, as they relate to providing patients with
Sensmeier summarized the demand for nursing infor- education about their plan of care. This may include antic-
matics professionals in 2006 and quoted the American ipatory guidance for changes large and small to a patient’s
Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Chair, Charles lifestyle, daily routine, relationships, and perception of
Safran, M.D., as stating that “every hospital and care setting themselves. The nurse’s ability to establish a healthy, trust-
needs one [nurse informaticist] in order to meet the gov- ing relationship with the client is at the core of success-
ernment’s vision for EHRs” (2006, p. 169). This is further ful patient education. Preparing an organization for the
reinforced in the 20th Annual HIMSS Leadership Survey changes related to CPOE is at its core fundamentally not
where “half of healthcare IT professionals indicated that a that different; however, the scale is significantly bigger and
focus on clinical systems will be their organizations’ top broader as the learning styles, motivators, and metrics of
IT priority in the next year, with a specific focus on EMR success for the CPOE implementation will vary widely
and CPOE technology” (Health Information Management across providers, patients, the inter-disciplinary team, and
Systems Society [HIMSS], 2009, p. 7). A significant barrier the organization itself. Subsequent “coping ­mechanisms”
identified by the survey was a lack of IT staffing, particu- for the CPOE changes will also vary by organization based
larly in application level support and process/workflow on culture, infrastructure, available resources, and the
design (HIMSS, 2009). ability to apply those resources. The nurse informatacist
Application level knowledge represents the ability to working with CPOE is competent in assessing an indi-
assemble the building blocks of a clinical information sys- vidual’s and an organization’s readiness to change, can
tem in the most effective way to meet the needs of the end employ basic usability and process improvement methods
user. This skill will primarily rely on the nurse informata- to anticipate the impact of the change and lead through
cist’s ability to assess, plan, and implement. In the case of the change in a positive, constructive way.
CPOE, this will require not only technical competency for Ensuring a usable system that promotes patient safety
the purposes of designing and building the workflows to and provider adoption is another primary requirement for
deliver patient care orders into the application, but also the nurse informaticist implementing CPOE. Familiarity
content management knowledge to standardize those with the heuristics of usability along with the ability to
orders and reinforce them with evidence-based practice. assess common high-risk and high-volume use cases for
More broadly, application level knowledge also includes unintended consequences will ensure that benefits of the
the ability to assess the integration points and impact of a implementation are realized reliably and without causing
particular application like CPOE with other applications undue harm.
like a results interface or pharmacy information system. National healthcare policy review has often been
As discussed, the nurse informatacist as consultant will reserved to the scope of practice of nurse leaders in man-
also possess the domain knowledge of CPOE workflows agement or academia. The expert nurse in CPOE, how-
and clinical process that is essential for successfully trans- ever, can no longer isolate him- or herself from the of
lating and aligning the needs of the end user, the patient, work government on healthcare information technology.

c27.indd 406 20-02-2015 18:18:40

Chapter 27 • Computerized Provider Order Entry    407

Downloaded by [ Faculty of Nursing, Chiangmai University] at [07/18/16]. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. Not to be redistributed or modified in any way without permission.
As stated previously, the implications of healthcare reform primary care: Results from the MEMO study. Journal of
and HITECH are now more than ever tightly intertwined the Medical Informatics Association, 21(e1), e100–e106.
with the daily care of patients and the clinical informa- Department of Health & Human Services. (2013). EHR
tion systems that support that care delivery. While an incentives and certification: How to attain meaning-
ful use. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from
advanced degree in healthcare policy is not necessary,
the competent nurse informaticist should understand the
regulatory and compliance landscape, and its impact on Desroches, C. M., Worzala, C., & Bates, S. (2013). Some hos-
clinical processes and applications as this will always be an pitals are falling behind in meeting meaningful use crite-
influence on his or her future work. ria and could be vulnerable to penalities in 2015. Health
Affairs, 32(8), 1355–1360.
Drazen, E., Kilbridge, P., Metzger, J., & Turisco, F. (2000). A
CONCLUSION primer on physician order entry. Oakland, CA: California
HealthCare Foundation.
CPOE remains one of the most challenging areas within Ghosh, T., Norton, M., & Skiba, D. (2006). Communication,
healthcare IT today, and yet it has the promise of signifi- coordination and knowledge sharing in the implementa-
cant benefits to both the patient and the provider, making tion of CPOE: Impact on nursing practice. American
it an area of potential great professional reward. CPOE Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium
systems have improved over the years and will only con- Proceedings, 928.
tinue to become more user-friendly and sophisticated in Gold, M. R., McLaughlin, C. G., Devers, K. J., Berenson,
their clinical decision support capabilities as the demand R. A., & Bovbjerg, R. R. (2012). Obtaining providers
buy-in and establishing effective means of information
increases from broader adoption. Cultural barriers to
exchange will be critical to HITECH’s success. Health
CPOE implementation will also shift as adoption becomes Affairs, 31(3), 514–526.
required to demonstrate meaningful use of an EHR. Han, Y. Y., Carcillo, J. A., Venkataraman, S. T., Clark, R. S. B.,
With core competencies of systems knowledge, workflow Watson, R. S., Nguyen, T. C., … Orr, R. A. (2005).
analysis, change management, usability theory, process Unexpected increased mortality after implementation of
improvement methods, human factors, and healthcare a commercially sold computerized physician order entry
policy, the nurse informaticist will be well positioned to system. Pediatrics, 116(6), 1506–1512.
support CPOE implementations today and shape the sys- Health Information Management Systems Society. (2009).
tems of tomorrow. 20th annual HIMSS leadership survey. Chicago, IL:
Author. Retrieved from
REFERENCES Heyworth, L., Paquin, A. M., Clark, J., Kamenker, V., Stewart,
Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality. (2010). Use of M., Martin, T., & Simon, S. R. (2014). Engaging patients
dense display of data and information design principles in medication reconciliation via a patient portal follow-
in primary health care information technology systems. ing hospital discharge. Journal of the American Medical
Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from http://healthit. Informatics Association, 21(e1), e157–e162. Hogan, S. O., & Kissam, S. M. (2010). Measuring meaningful
and-information-design-principles-primary-care-health use. Health Affairs, 29(4), 601–606.
American Nurses Association. (2008). Nursing informat- Holt, D. T., Helfrich, C. D., Hall, C. G., & Weiner, B. J. (2010).
ics: Scope and standards of practice. Washington, DC: Are you ready? How health professionals can compre-
American Nurses Publications. hensively conceptualize readiness for change. Journal of
Armijo, D., McDonnell, C., & Werner, K. (2009). Electronic General Internal Medicine, 25(Suppl. 1):50–55.
health record usability: Evaluation and use case Institute of Medicine. (2000). To err is human: Building a safer
framework. AHRQ Publication No. 09(10)-0091-1-EF. health system. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Institute of Medicine. (2001). Crossing the quality chasm: A
Quality. new health system for the 21st century. Washington, DC:
Ash, J. S., Sittig, D. F., Poon, E. G., Guappone, K., Campbell, National Academies Press.
E., & Dykstra, R. H. (2007). The extent and importance Kaushal, R., Jha, A. K., Franz, C., Glaser, J., Shetty, K. D.,
of unintended consequences related to computerized Jaggi, T., … Bates, D. W. (2006). Return on investment
provider order entry. Journal of the American Medical for a computerized physician order entry system. Journal
Informatics Association, 14(5), 415–423. of the American Medical Informatics Association, 13(3),
Babbott, S., Manwell, L. B., Brown, R., Montague, E., 261–266.
Williams, E., Schwartz, M., … Linzer, M. (2014). Langley, G. L., Nolan, K. M., Nolan, T. W., Norman, C. L.,
Electronic medical records and physician stress in Provost, L. P. (2009). The improvement guide: A practical

c27.indd 407 20-02-2015 18:18:40


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Physiological Monitoring and
Device Interface
R. Renee Johnson-Smith

. Describe importance of medical device connectivity.
2. Define components of medical device interfaces devices.
3. Understand issues and challenges of infusion management and Smart Pumps.
4. Introduce Smart Room technology.
5. Describe importance of alarm fatigue in medical device connectivity.
6. Explore the challenges with medical device connectivity.

Medical device connectivity
Device association
Data validation

In today’s healthcare climate of increasing patient acuity, device. The patient had radiology exams in the ED prior
decreasing resources, and increased financial restraints, to arriving in the ICU. An interactive infusion pump
the use of medical devices interfaced with each other as (Smart Pump) administers medications intravenously
well as the electronic health record are imperative for the and interacts with the EHR to record titration of the
safety and quality of care of today’s patients. medications automatically in real time. Twenty-six
miles away, at a remote monitoring center (tele-ICU)
stationed in a large metropolis hospital is also moni-
SCENARIO toring the patient. An alarm sounds from the physi-
ologic monitor at the bedside while a secondary alert
A patient is newly admitted to an intensive care unit sounds within the tele-ICU unit alerting staff at the
from the emergency department at a suburban hospi- patient’s bedside as well as in the tele-ICU that the
tal. The patient is placed on a physiologic monitor and patient has gone into VT (Ventricular Tachycardia),
a ventilator in the ICU. The nurse associated the patient a lethal heart arrhythmia that requires immediate
to the monitor so that she could automatically chart intervention. While the care givers at the bedside start
vital signs in the EHR. The patient has labs drawn and advanced cardiac life-saving measures, the remote cli-
resulted every two hours via a POC (Point-of-Care) nician can begin searching the electronic health record


c28.indd 409 20-02-2015 18:21:44

410    P art 5 • A dvanced N ursing I nformatics in P ractice

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for the patient’s most recent lab results, pertinent med- Meaningful Use is a three-phased approach building
ical history, medication history, as well as radiology upon each other. HITECH does not provide incentives
results. The remote clinician has special software that specifically for medical device connectivity in itself but
enables the remote clinician to review real-time vital connectivity drives the adoption of EHR use and thereby
signs, track and review trends, and recognize changes. meaningful use adoption.
The remote clinician can view the activities occurring
in the patient room via a two-way camera with audio
as well as call a code for the bedside, thus allowing the
bedside clinician to remain at the bedside providing INTEROPERABILITY
direct patient care. The bedside and remote clinicians
methodically work together to resolve the issue, convert Medical device connectivity generally refers to the inte-
the patient, and stabilize the patient…. gration of medical devices with hospital information sys-
tems (HIS) to facilitate functions (ECRI Institute, 2012).
The aforementioned scenario is real and possible today Advancements in technology have expanded medical
due to advancements in medicine, technology, and leg- device connectivity from connecting a device to an EHR,
islation. According to Medical Strategic Planning, Inc., to connecting disparate medical devices so that they all
over the last decade the number of devices that need to may communicate with each other also known as interop-
be interfaced has grown from a handful to over 400 major erability. According to HIMSS, “interoperability describes
devices (MSP Industry Alert, 2009). The medical device the extent to which systems and devices can exchange
connectivity market was worth $3.5 billion in 2013 and is data, and interpret that shared data. For two systems to be
projected to reach $33 billion by 2019, which is a growth interoperable, they must be able to exchange data and sub-
rate of 37.8% (Miliard, 2013). Medical device connectiv- sequently present that data such that it can be understood
ity is expected to increase efficiency and productivity, by a user” (HIMSS, 2013).
improve clinical workflow, lower costs while improving
patient quality and safety.
The ability of medical devices to talk to each other
MEANINGFUL USE requires a standard language or communication structure,
The Health Information Technology for Economic the most common in healthcare being HL7 or Health
and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act signed into law on Level Seven. According to Interface, HL7 is by definition
February 17, 2009, as part of the American Recovery and “an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) stan-
Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 stimulated adoption dard for healthcare specific data exchange between com-
of the electronic health record (EHR) (US Department of puter applications. The name comes from ‘Health Level 7,’
Health and Human Services, 2013; Williams, 2012). The which refers to the top layer (Level 7) of the Open Systems
HITECH Act allows eligible providers and eligible hos- Interconnection (OSI) layer protocol for the health envi-
pitals to qualify for the Center for Medicare Medicaid ronment. The HL7 standard is the most widely used mes-
Services (CMS) incentive payments if they achieve saging standard in the healthcare industry around the
“meaningful use” of certified EHR technology to provide world” (Interfaceware, 2013).
patient care (Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services,
2013). EHR vendors are incented to obtain ARRA cer-
tification for their EHR products. It is not enough for MIDDLEWARE
healthcare providers to have purchased and implemented
a certified EHR, providers must also demonstrate mean- Device connectivity and operability require middleware.
ingful use. The Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services Middleware is a term with broad implications. For pur-
(CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for poses of this chapter, middleware enables integration of
Health Information Technology (ONC) are providing data between two or more programs, devices, or informa-
meaningful use criteria for both acute care (hospital/ER) tion systems. Middleware facilitates communication and
and provider practices (clinic) settings. Eligible providers data sharing. While the following is not all-inclusive, sev-
and eligible healthcare facilities that comply will receive eral types of middleware will be discussed such as integra-
incentive payments. In time, those failing to comply will tion engines, gateways, medical device data systems, and
be penalized. Class II medical devices for active monitoring.

c28.indd 410 20-02-2015 18:21:45

Chapter 28 • Physiological Monitoring and Device Interface    411

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INTEGRATION ENGINE available via the EHR vendor, medical device vendors,
and third-party vendors. Typically the EHR solution and
Often integration engine or interface engine are terms used medical device vendor solutions only work with its own
interchangeably. In the healthcare industry, integration solution whereas third-party solutions are designed to be
engines use HL7 to characterize their ability to manage all agnostic to the medical devices and can interface with a
interfaces. The engines aggregate and share data regard- multitude of devices, sometimes referred to as enterprise-
less of the transmission protocol. They are responsible for wide connectivity. The advantage of third-party vendors
message routing and translation. for a medical device connectivity solution is it allows a
single vendor to manage the interface between the enter-
prise-wide medical device data and the EHR rather than
GATEWAY the facility managing a multitude of interfaces for each
Data can also be transferred through a device gateway. type of device (ECRI Institute, 2012). It also enables hospi-
These are usually transferred through a central server that tals to choose any vendor for patient care–related devices
consolidates and collates data and then forwards the infor- regardless of the of integration issues.
mation to the aggregator or EHR (Day, 2011).


MEDICAL DEVICE DATA SYSTEMS According to FDA regulatory requirements in the health-
Unfortunately not all medical devices use or know how to care information space, MDDS classified devices are
speak native HL7 so a medical device connectivity solu- limited to data transfers to an EHR only. MDDSs are pre-
tion (MDCS) or a medical device data system (MDDS) cluded from use in active patient monitoring and alarm-
is required (Table 28.1 provides the FDA description ing (Johnson, 2012). While an MDDS can have alarms
of MDDS). Medical device connectivity solutions are related to its own operational status (ECRI Institute, 2012)
it cannot analyze. Solutions that collect, process, and dis-
tribute medical device data for surveillance, alarms, ana-
lytics, and decision support are not considered an MDDS
  TABLE 28.1    Medical Device Data Systems (MDDS) but are regulated by the FDA as a Class II medical device
(Johnson, 2012). A Class II medical device used for active
Medical Device Data Systems (MDDS) are hardware or soft-
monitoring is utilized in the aforementioned ICU scenario
ware products that transfer, store, convert formats, and dis-
as the software that allows the remote clinicians to review
play medical device data. An MDDS does not modify the data
or modify the display of the data, and it does not by itself real-time vital signs, track and review trends, and recog-
control the functions or parameters of any other medical nize changes.
device. MDDS are not intended to be used for active patient

Examples of MDDS include: POINT OF CARE

• Software that stores patient data such as blood pressure The bedside medical device and how data are transmit-
readings for review at a later time ted from the medical device characterizes point-of-care
• Software that converts digital data generated by a pulse (POC) connectivity solutions. The POC solution serves
oximeter into a format that can be printed as middleware where the POC device or component asso-
• Software that displays a previously stored electrocardio- ciates the patient to the medical device and compiles the
gram for a particular patient
information from the medical device to send to a server
The quality and continued reliable performance of MDDS are (DiDonato, 2013) to be translated into an appropriate
essential for the safety and effectiveness of healthcare deliv- inbound language, generally HL7, for the EHR to accept
ery. Inadequate quality and design, unreliable performance, and store. POC devices generally link to the medical device
or incorrect functioning of MDDS can have a critical impact via a wired serial connection or wirelessly. The association
on public health.
of the medical device data to a specific patient is generally referred to as patient context or patient association (ECRI
Procedures/GeneralHospitalDevicesandSupplies/Medical Institute, 2012). POCs contain device drivers that allow
DeviceDataSystems/default.htm them to understand the proprietary data of the medical
device POC (ECRI Institute, 2012).

c28.indd 411 20-02-2015 18:21:45

412    P art 5 • A dvanced N ursing I nformatics in P ractice

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Periodic or episodic devices are those that obtain a single DEVICES
set of measurements from a patient at single points in time Continuous stand-alone medical device solutions are used
or spot checks (DiDonato, 2014; ECRI Institute, 2012). to continuously monitor a single patient over a period
Episodic devices are generally mobile and used with mul- of time but the device is portable and not hardwired or
tiple patients. Examples of common episodic devices are networked to a vendor-specific server, thereby requiring
portable vital sign monitors, glucose meters, pulse oxim- a POC component within the patient room or attached
etry, and ECG machines. to the medical device itself. In the scenario, the ventilator
and infusion pump were continuous stand-alone devices.
Table 28.2 provides a diagram illustrating the medical
CONTINUOUS NETWORKED device connectivity architecture.
Continuous devices are divided into stand-alone or net- PATIENT-TO-DEVICE
worked devices. Continuous networked devices are com-
monly stationed in a patient room to treat a single patient
over a continuous time span. They are generally hardwired Consider the aforementioned scenario, the patient has
and connected to a vendor specific central server negating multiple devices in the ICU but how do the medical device
the need for a POC component/Solution. An example is a and related POC solution know which patient the data
bedside physiologic monitor such as the one in the afore- are coming from in order to correctly translate them and
mentioned scenario. direct them to the correct patient record in the EHR? The

  TABLE 28.2    Device Connectivity Architecture


Patient Medical POC Gateway Aggregate EHR

in Device Device Server and
ICU End User





c28.indd 412 20-02-2015 18:21:45

Chapter 28 • Physiological Monitoring and Device Interface    413

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  TABLE 28.3   P2D2 care unit where vital sign monitors or blood glucose
meters are used in multiple rooms on multiple patients
PPID Positive Patient Identification for spot checks. Manually entering a unique patient ID or
PPA Positive Patient Association selecting a patient from a list can be time intensive and
allows room for error. Auto-ID technologies such as bar
code scanning and passive RFID is becoming increasingly
linking of the medical device data with the right patient useful and available as a means to assist with mobility and
is referred to as patient association. There are historically periodic device use (McAlpine, 2011). Table 28.4 provides
two approaches to patient association: patient centric and a more comprehensive overview of RFID from the FDA.
location centric (ECRI Institute, 2012). Table 28.3 identi-
fies common association terms.

PATIENT-CENTRIC IDENTIFICATION   TABLE 28.4   Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

(Food and Drug Administration, 2014)
Patient-centric identification involves associating a medi-
cal device with a patient based on a unique patient ID Description
number, often the patient’s unique medical record num- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) refers to a wireless
ber. In our scenario the patient in the ICU is associated to ­system comprised of two components: tags and readers.
the physiologic monitor. The bedside nurse in our scenario The reader is a device that has one or more antennas that
manually entered the patient’s unique ID number into emit radio waves and receive signals back from the RFID tag.
the monitor when the patient was admitted which “asso- Tags, which use radio waves to communicate their identity
ciated” the right patient to the right device so the right and other information to nearby readers, can be passive
or active. Passive RFID tags are powered by the reader and
data will be available for documentation. Often the medi-
do not have a battery. Active RFID tags are powered by
cal device may also have an ADT list to choose the cor- batteries.
rect patient. The nurse in the scenario also associated the
RFID tags can store a range of information from one serial
Smart Pump to the patient using bar code technology by
number to several pages of data. Readers can be mobile so
scanning the patient’s wrist band and scanning the infu- that they can be carried by hand, or they can be mounted on
sion pump so the patient is now associated to the pump. a post or overhead. Reader systems can also be built into the
Lastly, the nurse associated the ventilator. architecture of a cabinet, room, or building.
LOCATION CENTRIC RFID systems use radio waves at several different frequencies
to transfer data. In healthcare and hospital settings,
In location-centric association the patient is typically iden- RFID technologies include the following applications:
tified by a location such as a room or bed. This type of
association can be unreliable and thereby unsafe especially
• Inventory control
• Equipment tracking
when a patient is moved often such as in an emergency • Out-of-bed detection and fall detection
department or surgical area. In 2009, the Joint Commission • Personnel tracking
added criteria to the NPSG.01.01.01 “Identifying Patients • Ensuring that patients receive the correct medications and
Correctly” goal that states, “The patient’s room number medical devices
or physical location is not used as an identifier” (www. • Preventing the distribution of counterfeit drugs and With clear direction from the Joint medical devices
Commission, coupled with the increasing meaningful use • Monitoring patients
objectives, most vendors and healthcare institutions are • Providing data for electronic medical records systems
moving away from location-centric association and iden- The FDA is not aware of any adverse events associated with
tifying better means to support unique patient identifiers RFID. However, there is concern about the potential hazard
of electromagnetic interference (EMI) to electronic medical
to provide safer patient to device communication.
devices from radio frequency transmitters like RFID. EMI is
a degradation of the performance of equipment or systems
AUTO-ID (such as medical devices) caused by an electromagnetic
While our scenario focuses on a patient in an ICU where
many devices are fixed or unique to critical care patients ElectromagneticCompatibilityEMC/ucm116647.htm
and continuous, imagine a typical medical/surgical acute

c28.indd 413 20-02-2015 18:21:45

414    P art 5 • A dvanced N ursing I nformatics in P ractice

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DATA VALIDATION   TABLE 28.5    Smart Pump Complications
In the above scenario, the patient is associated to a moni- User Error Device Error
tor and per the association discussion we learned that the
nurse manually associated the monitor to the patient with • Improper programming • Software defects—
of the medication includ- pre-programmed alarms
the patient’s unique identifier. There is still a question as
ing incorrect dose rate do not activate or alarms
to how does the EHR know which vital signs to record or
which vital signs are accurate? How does the EHR know not • Selecting incorrect drug active in absence of an
to record the blood pressure that was false because the cuff • Not reviewing alerts
failed, or not to record the pulse oximetry reading of 75% • Programming the wrong • Over- or under-infusion
that occurred when the pulse oximetry came off while the pump channel • Out-of-date drug library
patient was turned? Since data are continuously being sent
to the EHR, the nurse must validate which data are accurate
and should be recorded within the permanent patient medi-
cal record. This process of manual verification of data and thus saving the nurses’ time in programming the pump
recording them into the medical record is known as data and reducing keying errors while programming ultimately
validation. The accuracy of the data is extremely important. increasing patient safety and efficiency.
Data verification can occur at the POC component, within a Smart Pumps are not without complications and not
separate application or within the EHR. intended to replace the human touch of a healthcare pro-
vider. Smart pumps errors can be classified into user error
or device error. Table 28.5 lists common complications
CONNECTIVITY DIRECTION related to both classifications of errors.

Historically device connectivity solutions were unidi-

rectional, or the flow of information was from the medi- SMART ROOMS
cal device to the EHR only; this is also often referred to
Gaining traction is the growth of Smart Rooms. The
as classic or one-way connectivity. The emergence of
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) was the
bi-directional connectivity is mounting quickly as a viable
first to pilot such technology in a medical surgical unit
solution in healthcare. Bi-directional connectivity not
(Orlovsky, 2013) in June 2011. The Smart Rooms at UPMC
only exports data from bedside medical devices to the
use real-time location solutions (RTLS) tracking to bring
EHR, but also allows the EHR to export data back to the
patient information from the EHR to a computer in the
bedside medical devices.
patient room. The clinicians were identified when enter-
ing the room by ultrasound-enabled badges identifying
them to the patient and families, eliminating the need for
SMART PUMPS white boards. Each patient room has a patient- and family-
An emerging trend in acute healthcare settings is the use centered screen that can be used to identify caregivers, pro-
of Smart Infusion Pumps and Interactive Smart Pumps. vide a schedule of the day activities for the patient, as well
Smart pumps use drug libraries which allow infusion as access to view educational programs. Lastly the rooms
pumps to perform functions that assist with program- include a direct care touch screen which aids in documen-
ming and calculating dose and rate delivery as adapted tation and provides important clinical attributes such as
by a healthcare institution and to patient care areas allergies, labs, and meds (Cerrato, 2011; Hagland, 2011).
(Cummings & McGowan, 2011). Hard and soft lim- As Smart Room technology has matured (grown) the
its or guardrails are programmed within Smart Pumps desire for interaction and development has also grown.
for medications. Soft limits can generally be overrid- From a clinical perspective, caregivers request more inter-
den after a clinician acknowledges a safety alert whereas facing of devices including smart beds, single sign-on, RTLS
hard limits are generally set for high-risk medications that identifies where a patient is when off the unit or where
(Cummings & McGowan, 2011). Smart Pumps may have a commonly used medical device is located such as an ECG
software that allows automatic transmission to the EHR. machine. Families have more concierge-type requests such
Taking technology to the next level, a Smart Pump that as entertainment (movies and games), electronic notepads,
has bi-­directional communication is often referred to as Web cams, or video conferencing with patients from remote
an Interactive Smart Pump and allows pre-populating locations. While Smart Rooms are in their infancy stages,
the infusion orders from the EHR to the infusion pump, as healthcare demands more interoperability and patients

c28.indd 414 20-02-2015 18:21:45

Chapter 28 • Physiological Monitoring and Device Interface    415

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demand better safety and quality service the use of Smart seeking to improve parameter acquisition techniques as
Room technology will continue to mature. well as improve alarm and alert designs to reduce non-
clinically significant alarms (ACCE Healthcare Technology
Foundation, 2013). Medical device vendors are research-
ALARMS ing and implementing smart alarms which are alarms that
are built upon algorithms that consider multiple physi-
Alarms are intended to alert a caregiver when an immediate ologic parameters. Lastly, efforts are being created around
or potentially adverse event occurs or could occur. A care- middleware that could route alarms from various devices
giver is then expected to acknowledge the alarm and respond to central call systems either location based or through a
appropriately. As the number of medical devices increases so mobile nurse call system.
has the number of alarms generated from medical devices.
Caregivers are challenged with responding to multiple
alarms produced from multiple devices. Considering our
scenario of the patient in the ICU, alarms could be emitted
not only from the physiologic monitor, infusion pump, and While there have been huge advancements in medical
ventilators but the nurse must also respond to call lights, device integration there are just as many challenges that
bed-exit devices, feeding pumps, sequential compression still need addressed as the industry matures.
devices, telephone calls, texts/pages, etc. (Cvach, 2012).
According to the Joint Commission, there may be sev-
eral hundreds of alarms per day per patient depending on Cost
the patient’s location (Sentinel Event Alert, 2013). Many From a vendor standpoint, it is timely and costly to research
alarms are false alerts or nuisance alarms. A nuisance and develop devices, device drivers, and software. Once
alarm does not usually indicate immediate intervention the software or devices are available on the market, it is
is needed. An example could be that a patient’s physio- expensive for healthcare facilities to replace or purchase
logic monitor alerts because the patient turned in the bed new equipment. It can also be very time consuming to
and there was a jump in the patient’s heart rate while the test and install updated software. From a structural stand-
patient turned. It is estimated that 85% to 99% of alarms point, it can be very costly to add network components
do not require intervention (Sentinel Event Alert, 2013). after a structure is constructed so as healthcare facilities
expand or rebuild, infrastructure of existing network as
well as the future of the networks need to be considered.
Due to the aforementioned issues, many caregivers Risk Management/Security
become immune or desensitized to the alarms and are
not as timely to respond to alarms (Sentinel Event Alert, Healthcare institutions’ information systems transmit and
2013). In some scenarios, alarms may be intentionally and store a great deal of sensitive and protected information;
unintentionally silenced or turned off. Either desensitiza- therefore, mitigating risks and safely securing the infor-
tion or silencing alarms leads to patient harm. mation are as important as safely caring for the patient.
However, medical IT and device interoperability industry
lacks mature communication standards and governance.
While the FDA regulates the classification of medi-
USE ALARMS SAFELY cal devices, there is room for growth in how the devices
The Joint Commission has taken a position in deter- interface and communicate. Table 28.6 lists some of the
ring patient harm due to alarm errors and has added Healthcare IT advocacy associations and standards.
alarms back into the 2014 National Patient Safety Goals,
NPSG.06.01.01, Use Alarms Safety, requiring improve-
Clinician Adoption
ments to ensure that alarms from medical devices are
heard and responded to timely (The Joint Commission, Device vendors and healthcare providers must work
2013). While much of the ownership of alarm fatigue and together to continue development of automation that will
adverse events related to alarms is placed on the caregiv- enhance patient care, safety, and workflows. When new
ers and healthcare institutions, medical device companies types of technology or devices are introduced in the health-
are exploring technology to develop safer and more effec- care setting, it must increase efficiency or adoption will not
tive alarm management. Medical device vendors are occur. Typically there is not a one-size-fits-all approach

c28.indd 415 20-02-2015 18:21:46

416    P art 5 • A dvanced N ursing I nformatics in P ractice

Downloaded by [ Faculty of Nursing, Chiangmai University] at [07/18/16]. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. Not to be redistributed or modified in any way without permission.
Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services. (2013).
  TABLE 28.6   Healthcare IT Advocacy Associations
Meaningful use. Retrieved from
and Standards
AAMI Advancing Safety in Medical Technology Programs/Meaningful_Use.html.
Cerrato, P. (2011). Hospital rooms get smart. Commentary.
CIMIT Center for Integration of Medicine and
Retrieved from
Innovative Technology
hospital-rooms-get-smart/231901129. Accessed on July
IEC 80001 Application of Risk Management for 26, 2013.
IT-Networks Incorporating Medical Cummings, K., & McGowan, R. (2011). Smart infusion
Devices pumps are selectively intelligent. Nursing, 59.
IHE Integrating the Healthcare Environment Cvach, M. (2012). Monitor alarm fatigue an integrative
ISO/IEEE 10073 Medical Informatics—Medical Device review. Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology.
Information 46(4), 268–277.
Day, B. (2011). Standards for medical device
MD PnP Medical Device Plug N Play interoperability and integration. Patient Safety and
Quality Healthcare. Retrieved from http://www.psqh.
device-interoperability-and-integration.html. Accessed
because workflows vary immensely between settings and on July 2013.
units. Workflows and challenges with workflows must be DiDonato, S. (2013). Open communication. Integrating
thoroughly considered and tested prior to implementation. medical equipment with electronic health records.
Health Facilities Management. Retrieved from
SUMMARY/CONCLUSION jsp/articledisplay.jsp?domain=HFMMAGA
Over the last decade, the medical device industry has expe- data/03MAR2013/0313HFM_FEA_technology
rienced an explosion in the types and numbers of devices DiDonato, S. (2014). Understand the complexities of integrat-
needed to care for patients. Traditionally medical devices ing your technologies. Retrieved from http://1technation.
were concentrated to high acuity areas such as intensive com/ecri-update-medical-devices-talking/. Accessed on
cares, emergency departments, or surgical suites, how- January 10, 2014.
ever much of the medical device surge is related to caring ECRI Institute. (2012). Guidance article. Making connec-
tions. Health Devices. 102–115.
for patient outside the walls of high acuity areas and even
Food and Drug Administration. (2014). RFID. Retrieved
outside the walls of the hospital. Device integration and from
connectivity is moving into the ambulatory and home care RadiationSafety/ElectromagneticCompatibilityEMC/
space where patients can be monitored with mobile tech- ucm116647.htm. Accessed on January 4, 2014.
nology. Advancements in wireless technology and mobile Hagland, M. (2011). Smart rooms, smart care delivery.
technology have implications not even considered yet. Healthcare Informatics. Retrieved from http://www.
care-delivery. Accessed on July 26, 2012.
SCENARIO REVISITED HIMSS. (2013). What is interoperability. Retrieved from
The patient recovered from her life-threatening arrhyth- what-is?navItemNumber=17333
mic event and is ready for discharge from the hospital. Interfaceware. (2013). HL7 Standard. Retrieved
Due to having a life-threatening cardiac event, she will from
be discharged with a wireless home holter monitor and standard/#sthash.78dH9VhJ.dpuf
pulse oximetry. A visiting nurse will visit and download Johnson, R. (2012). Medical device connectivity beyond
the information from the holter monitor and oximetry MDDS, case study.
weekly. In the meantime, the patient will record all her McAlpine, B. (2011). Improving medical device connectivity.
activity, rest, and recovery. Health Management Technology. 32(5), 18–9.
Miliard, M. (2013). Big Growth seen for device integration.
Healthcare IT News. Retrieved from http://www.
ACCE Healthcare Technology Foundation. (2013). Impact of MSP Industry Alert. (2009). MDDS—Key to clinical data
clinical alarms on patient safety. White Paper. Retrieved integration at the point-of-care.
from Medical Strategic Planning. 11(1), 5–11.

c28.indd 416 20-02-2015 18:21:46


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Health Information Technology:
Striving to Improve Patient Safety*
Patricia P. Sengstack

. Describe the current state of the evidence in relation to health IT and patient safety.
2. Discuss the federal government’s involvement in assisting to improve patient
safety using health IT.
3. Describe at least three resources that organizations can use to evaluate the
safety of their IT systems.

Health IT
Patient safety
Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE)
Unintended consequences
Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC)
Patient safety organizations
Common formats

INTRODUCTION in 2009. The ARRA included the authorization of the

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical
The first Electronic Health Record (EHR) with Comput­ Health (HITECH) Act which allocated over $17 billion to
erized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) was introduced stimulate the adoption of quality health IT systems or EHRs
in 1971, over 40 years ago (Goolsby, 2002). Since then, that demonstrate meaningful use (U.S. Department of­
adoption of these systems in both acute and ambula­ Health & Human Services, 2014).
tory settings has been relatively slow, until the signing of While these financial incentives to increase adoption
the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) appear to be working, issues from rapid implementa­
tion have surfaced over the last decade including several
*Dr. Sengstack is the Chief Nursing Informatics Officer in the Center related to patient safety. As these systems have evolved
for Clinical Excellence and Innovation for the Bon Secours Health
System in Marriottsville, MD. She is also the current President of the
and increased in sophistication, evidence supporting
American Nursing Informatics Association and is on the faculty and the view that EHRs reduce medication errors has been
teaches informatics at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. documented (Kaushal, Shojania, & Bates, 2003). On the


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420    P art 5 • A dvanced N ursing I nformatics in P ractice

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other hand, conflicting studies have provided evidence While the studies mentioned above support the
that these systems can actually increase errors, attribut­ benefits and enhanced safety features that can be real­
ing them to poor design or implementation (Koppel et al., ized with an EHR along with a CPOE system, there have
2005). The recent focus has been on the adoption of EHRs been articles published that indicate a potential negative
to achieve incentive payments from the HITECH Act, side, one that points to the EHR as the actual cause of
with less of a focus on patient safety. The HIT industry, errors. A popular study that was published in the Journal
the federal government, and other watchdog agencies of the American Medical Association by Koppel et al.
have begun to take notice. This chapter will provide back­ in 2005 reported that CPOE systems actually facilitate
ground information in the area of health IT and patient medication errors. This article ran contrary to what most
safety as it has evolved over the last decade. It will review believed, but identified, using quantitative and qualitative
the government’s response in addressing the health IT methods, 22 types of medication error risks associated
safety issue. Involvement by other professional organiza­ with the use of CPOE (Koppel et al., 2005). In a retro­
tions will be briefly reviewed followed by an offering of spective study by Walsh et al. researchers attempted to
tools and resources that organizations can utilize in their determine the frequency and types of pediatric medica­
practice settings to assist in ensuring that health IT is as tion errors attributable to design features in a CPOE sys­
safe as possible. tem. The rate of identified computer-related errors was
10 errors per 1000 patient days, and the rate of “serious”
computer-related errors was 3.6 errors per 1000 patient
days (Walsh et al., 2006). Another study highlights how
BACKGROUND—HEALTH IT SAFETY an EHR perpetuated a deadly IV order of potassium that
Since its publication in 1999, The Institute of Medicine’s To was left unchecked. In this case study, a patient received
Err Is Human has been a driving force for improvements a total of 316 mEq of KCL over 42 hours despite the fact
in patient safety across the nation. The evidence cited that all KCL orders during that time period were entered
clearly indicates the seriousness of the situation in terms via a CPOE system (Horsky, Kuperman, & Patel, 2005).
of lives lost and money wasted as a result of errors that And in a study by Han et al. (2005) researchers observed
occur in our healthcare organizations. There have been an unexpected increase in mortality in a pediatric ICU
multiple solutions offered, but a common and resounding that coincided with the implementation of their CPOE
theme continues to be the use of technology and the appli­ system (Han et al., 2005).
cation of EHRs with CPOE systems (Kohn, Corrigan, & In a qualitative study by Campbell, Sittig, Ash, Guappone,
Donaldson, 2000). Literature supporting the use of elec­ and Dykstra, researchers attempted to identify the types
tronic records to reduce errors has been evolving and of unintended consequences seen with the implementa­
includes several systematic reviews as well as stand- tion of EHR systems with CPOE. This study involved an
alone studies (Ammenwerth, Schnell-Inderst, Machan, & expert panel using an iterative process that took a list of
Sievert, 2008; Franklin, O’Grady, Donyai, Jacklin, & Barber, adverse consequences of CPOE, and sorted them into cat­
2007; Kohn et al., 2000; Reckmann, Westbrook, Koh, Lo, & egories. One category labeled “Generation of New Kinds
Day, 2009; Shulman, Singer, Goldstone, & Bellingan, 2005). of Errors” indicated that new kinds of errors appear when
Evidence demonstrates that they really can reduce errors. CPOE is implemented. Examples of items in this category
This positive outlook has driven healthcare’s key stake­ include juxtaposition errors when users select an item next
holders to proceed with development, adoption, and to the intended choice; a wrong patient being selected;
oversight, including EHR vendors, hospitals, ambulatory desensitization to alerts (alert overload); confusing order
practices, home health agencies, long-term care facilities, option presentations; and system design issues with poor
and the federal government. With the signing of the ARRA data organization and display. Users get frustrated trying
in 2009, organizations became increasingly eager to adopt to find the right spot to enter a particular data element
EHRs and receive sizeable incentive payments. In fact, and end up entering orders on generic screens, bypassing
hospital adoption of at least a basic EHR system has more any rules and alerts configured, all potentially leading to
than tripled since 2009, with a concomitant increase in the medication errors (Campbell, Sittig, Ash, Guappone, &
total percentage of hospitals with certified EHRs from 72% Dykstra, 2006). While all of these studies, both positive
to 85%. Additionally in 2012, nearly three-quarters (72%) and negative, provide valuable insight into how EHRs are
of office-based physicians adopted an EHR, up from 42% configured, each one of them reports limitations with the
in 2008 (The Office of the National Coordinator for Health studies and admits that it would be difficult to generalize
Information Technology [ONC] Update, 2013). the findings.

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Chapter 29 • Health Information Technology: Striving to Improve Patient Safety    421

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NATIONAL HEALTH IT  TABLE 29.1   IOM—Health IT and Patient Safety

Institute of Medicine—Health IT and 1. The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) should
Patient Safety Report publish an action and surveillance plan within 12 months
that includes a schedule for working with the private sec-
Recognizing the need to increase focus on implementing tor to assess the impact of health IT on patient safety and
EHRs safely, the Office of the National Coordinator for minimizing the risk of its implementation and use.
Health Information Technology (ONC) requested that 2. The Secretary of HHS should ensure insofar as possible
the Institute of Medicine (IOM) form a team of experts that health IT vendors support the free exchange of
to assess the current state of EHRs and their ability to information about health IT experiences and issues
improve patient safety. In November 2011, the IOM and not prohibit sharing of such information, including
details (e.g., screenshots) relating to patient safety.
published “Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer
Systems for Better Care”. This 235-page document pro­ 3. The ONC should work with the private and public
sectors to make comparative user experiences across
vides a comprehensive description of the state of elec­
vendors publicly available.
tronic health records and their ability to improve safety
4. The Secretary of HHS should fund a new Health IT Safety
with a goal of making health IT–assisted care safer, put­
Council to evaluate criteria for assessing and monitor-
ting our nation in the best position to realize the poten­
ing the safe use of health IT and the use of health IT to
tial benefits of health IT (Institute of Medicine [IOM], enhance safety. This council should operate within an
2012). It provided the 10 recommendations found in existing voluntary consensus standards organization.
Table 29.1. 5. All health IT vendors should be required to publicly reg-
After their review and analysis, the IOM panel of ister and list their products with the ONC, initially begin-
experts found little published evidence to quantify the ning with EHRs certified for the meaningful use program.
magnitude of the risk, but believe that if designed and 6. The Secretary of HHS should specify the quality and
implemented inappropriately, EHRs could lead to unin­ risk management process requirements that health IT
tended adverse consequences. They reported that litera­ vendors must adopt, with a particular focus on human
ture on the topic was limited and lacked what was needed factors, safety culture, and usability.
to truly define and assess the current situation of health 7. The Secretary of HHS should establish a mechanism
IT safety. They recognized the current dissatisfaction for both vendors and users to report health IT–related
with poor user interface design, poor workflow support, deaths, serious injuries, or unsafe conditions.
and complex data interfaces as being threats to patient 8. The Secretary of HHS should recommend that Congress
safety. Also identified as a contributing factor to unsafe establish an independent federal entity for investigat-
conditions was the lack of system interoperability and the ing patient safety deaths, serious injuries, or potentially
need for clinicians to review data from multiple systems unsafe conditions associated with health IT. This entity
should also monitor and analyze data and publicly
(Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2012).
report results of these activities.
It is clear in this report that the need is to develop strate­
9a. The Secretary of HHS should monitor and publicly
gies that will standardize the reporting of health IT–related
report on the progress of health IT safety annually
errors. The depth and breadth of the problem cannot be
beginning in 2012. If progress toward safety and reli-
measured or analyzed when error reporting structures are ability is not sufficient as determined by the Secretary,
heterogeneous, not mandated, and often swept under the the Secretary should direct FDA to exercise all avail-
carpet. There is also an emphasis on increasing the trans­ able authorities to regulate EHRs, health information
parency in that reporting from both vendors and system exchanges, and PHRs.
users as the industry learns and improves. It points out 9b. The Secretary should immediately direct FDA to begin
the need for a multi-faceted approach and calls for ven­ developing the necessary framework for regulation. Such
dor participation, IT user involvement, and governmen­ a framework should be in place if and when the Secretary
tal support and oversight. Safer implementation and use decides the state of health IT safety requires FDA regula-
of health IT is a complex, dynamic process that requires tion as stipulated in Recommendation 9a above.
a shared responsibility between vendors and healthcare 10. HHS, in collaboration with other research groups, should
organizations. The importance of this work was evident support cross-disciplinary research toward the use of
in one of the IOM recommendations which requested health IT as part of a learning healthcare system. Products
the development of an action plan by the ONC within of this research should be used to inform the design, test-
ing, and use of health IT.
12 months to ensure that improvements proceed in a
strategic way.

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422    P art 5 • A dvanced N ursing I nformatics in P ractice

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Office of the National Coordinator for Health and report on these issues. Additionally, the need is recog­
Information Technology—Safety Plan nized that not only do we need standard terminologies to
report health IT–related errors, but we need processes to
In July 2013, ONC published their response to the IOM report them centrally and a method to aggregate and analyze
report in the form of the Health Information Technology the data. The goal is to make it easy for clinicians to report
Patient Safety and Action & Surveillance Plan (Office of the patient safety events to PSOs using standard terminologies
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, such as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s
2013a). They iterate the challenge of discerning if health (AHRQ) Common Formats. AHRQ develops and maintains
IT is the true cause of a medical error given the limita­ a set of Common Formats that include a set of common
tions on the recent research. There are many unknowns definitions and reporting formats that allow organizations
and the need to clearly define health IT–related errors of to collect and submit standardized information regarding
both omission and commission is still needed. For exam­ health IT–related patient safety events and hazards (PSO
ple, if allergy alerting in an EHR has not been configured Privacy Protection Center, 2013). The ONC proposes to
or turned on, and a patient experiences an adverse allergy support PSOs in their work to collect, aggregate, and analyze
event—is that a health IT–related error? What about when the data related to health IT safety. On a broader scale, ONC
a system user opens a patient list for an inpatient unit and will continue their work in support of the National Quality
the patient at the top of the list is already pre-selected by Strategy to identify opportunities to learn and ultimately
default. If orders are accidently placed on this patient—is make care safer thought the use of health IT.
that a health IT–related error? Many errors such as these In addition to growing the body of knowledge related
have been identified, while many others are still lurking, to health IT and patient safety, the ONC plans to focus on
yet to be recognized when a near miss or adverse event improvement efforts. The goal is to develop resources and
occurs. With this in mind, the ONC action and surveil­ evidence-based corrective actions to improve health IT
lance plan addresses the need to focus on learning and safety and patient safety. To establish priorities in health
assessing the current status prior to developing the solu­ IT safety work, the ONC intends to align with the National
tion. It calls for strong leadership at all levels to continue Quality Strategy (NQS), the Meaningful Use program as
to take on the task of realizing the potential of these sys­ part of the HITECH Act, and the Centers for Medicare
tems that can improve patient safety with a goal of inspir­ and Medicaid Service’s (CMS) Partnership for Patients ini­
ing confidence and trust in health IT. tiative. Through goals established by the NQS, an emphasis
The ONC’s Action and Surveillance plan has two main is recommended in areas such as strategies for how tech­
objectives: (1) Use health IT to make care safer and (2) nology can assist in the reduction of hospital readmissions
Continuously improve the safety of health IT (Office of the and preventable hospital-acquired conditions (Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology,
2013). They emphasize the importance of a shared respon­ 2013). Supporting these goals are the 10 patient safety
sibility between clinicians, administrators, IT staff, qual­ domains set forth by CMS’s Partnership for Patients. These
ity improvement staff, patients, government, health IT domains include (1) Adverse drug events, (2) Catheter-
vendors, usability experts, patient safety organizations, associated urinary tract infections, (3) Central-line
accrediting bodies, academic institutions, health insur­ associated blood stream infections, (4) Readmissions,
ers, professional organizations, and publishers. It will (5) Ventilator-associated pneumonia, (6) Pressure ulcers,
truly take all of these key stakeholders working together (7) Surgical line infections, (8) Obstetrical adverse events,
to ensure health IT is used as safely as possible and is opti­ (9) Venous thromboembolism, (10) Injuries from falls and
mized to reduce errors. immobility. Utilizing health IT to improve in these areas
The plan revolves around three key areas: Learning, will help drive the patient safety effort. The plan addition­
Improving, and Leading. Recognizing the fact that there is ally intends to continue the work of the Meaningful Use
much to learn in this area, the ONC is aiming to increase the program that supports and encourages safe and meaning­
quantity and quality of data and knowledge about health IT ful use of health IT. This effort includes configuring EHRs
safety. While organizations may internally discover, report, with CPOE to reduce medication errors using allergy
and correct health IT–related errors, there lacks a stan­ alerting, dose range checking, improving reconciliation of
dard methodology for reporting that will benefit patients at medications across care settings, and many other meth­
large. The establishment of processes and mechanisms that ods to assist in error reduction (Office of the National
facilitate reporting among users and vendors of health IT is Coordinator for Health Information Technology, 2013a).
recommended along with strengthening the use of state and Other improvement efforts considered important and
national Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs) to help collect included in the plan address the need to incorporate safety

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Chapter 29 • Health Information Technology: Striving to Improve Patient Safety    423

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into certification criteria for health IT software as well as Safety Organizations (PSOs) that have emerged as part of
into education and training on the safe use of health IT for the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005.
all healthcare professionals. The need to support health IT At present there are 77 PSOs in 29 states listed by AHRQ.
research and the development of tools is also emphasized. It is these organizations that will help in the collection of
ONC has begun work in this area by contracting with data on patient safety and submit non-identified data to
research teams to develop tools that can be used by orga­ AHRQ’s Network of Patient Safety Databases (NPSD) (The
nizations that use these systems as well as vendors who Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information
produce them. Some of these tools will be described later Technology [ONC] Update, 2013). In addition to the
in this chapter. PSOs, providers and other entities can voluntarily con­
Driving safety improvements requires leadership and the tribute non-identified patient safety events to the NPSD.
ONC spells out a number of strategies to address the direc­ The Common Formats for standardized reporting of
tion that needs to be supported. In addition to providing health IT–related errors are actually not found on AHRQ’s
methods to engage all key stakeholders, ONC is planning Web site, but on the PSO Privacy Protection Center’s Web
to develop a strategy and recommend an appropriate, risk- site, and are a bit challenging to find. Descriptions and
based regulatory framework for health IT. This framework contributing factors for health IT safety issues are listed
includes working collaboratively with other federal agencies and can be used when reporting incidents, near misses,
such as the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal and unsafe conditions. For example, a “4.3 Contributing
Communications Commission (Office of the National Factor” of an incident may be related to “4.3.2 Equipment/
Coordinator for Health Information Technology, 2013). device function” that resulted in “ Loss or delay
Encouraging state governments to get involved and of data.” As software evolves to more efficiently capture
incorporate health IT into their patient safety oversight health IT safety events, it is hoped that Common Formats
program is included in this plan with an emphasis on will be utilized as the norm to aid in our learning as we
statewide adverse event reporting. Including the patient continue to improve our clinical systems.
and family caregivers as part of the solution is listed as a In 2011, AHRQ announced the completion of another
focus that ONC will address in order to more effectively tool called the Health IT Hazard Manager after extensive
engage patients in using health IT to make care safer. And beta testing, which gives healthcare providers a method
lastly as part of leading this effort, the ONC will establish of capturing and managing hazard data in software that
a Safety Program that coordinates these efforts among all includes near miss errors and actual errors, according
stakeholders to ensure cohesive progress is being made to the AHRQ Web site (AHRQ Hazard Manager, 2012).
as the plan is implemented. Through efforts coordinated The AHRQ tool, funded with a $750,000 grant led by Abt
by ONC, The Department of Health and Human Services Associates with the ECRI Institute and Geisinger Health
(HHS) will monitor the Health IT Safety Program and System's Patient Safety Institute, does not allow health­
strive toward the goal of patients and providers having care providers to share data collected with the tool among
confidence in the safety of health IT (Office of the National themselves, but to see only their own reports. Vendors,
Coordinator for Health Information Technology, 2013). however, will receive the safety reports relevant to their
products. According to AHRQ, healthcare organizations,
vendors, policy-makers, and researchers will be able to
Agency for Healthcare Research and
request access to view de-identified, aggregate reports
Quality—Common Formats
of hazard attributes (AHRQ Hazard Manager, 2012). The
In addition to the many areas of healthcare that AHRQ terms used in the Hazard Managers are mapped to those
participates, they have taken a significant interest in the in the Common Formats so data can be aggregated and
area of health IT over the last several years in partnership analyzed. While the Hazard Manager tool itself has not yet
with the ONC. One area of focus has been the develop­ been released, the research surrounding its development
ment of what are called Common Formats for reporting is available for those interested in health IT safety and its
patient safety events. Their vision, along with the ONC, reporting.
is that the reporting of health IT safety issues will occur
not just at the organizational level, but at the national level
Food and Drug Administration
as well. In using the Common Formats for reporting, it is
hoped that standardized aggregate data will provide valu­ While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has
able analysis and trending that can lead to more focused been concerned with patient safety since its inception,
efforts and significant improvements in patient safety. To they have only recently explored the area of EHRs. For
assist in this effort many states have now formed Patient decades, the FDA has received several hundred thousand

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424    P art 5 • A dvanced N ursing I nformatics in P ractice

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medical device reports (MDRs) of suspected device-asso­ related to medication use. The goal for this program is to
ciated deaths, injuries or system malfunctioning. These learn about errors occurring nationwide, understand their
MDRs have been entered into the Manufacturer and User origins, and share lessons learned with the healthcare and
Facility Device Experience or MAUDE database for cen­ health IT community. Each year, ISMP receives hundreds of
tralized housing, analysis, and reporting (U.S. Food and error reports from healthcare professionals. Additionally,
Drug Administration, 2013b). A limitation of this database ISMP is certified as a Patient Safety Organization (PSO) by
is its age. Because it is so old, its capabilities to conduct AHRQ (Institute for Safe Medication Practices, 2014).
real-time reporting and analysis are limited, hindering
any attempts to discover unknown adverse events. This, in
ECRI Institute
turn, affects its ability to generate and evaluate evidence. A
new database will soon take its place according to a press For 45 years, ECRI Institute, a non-profit organization, has
release statement from September 17, 2013, called the focused on scientific research to discover the effectiveness
Pharmacovigilance Report Intake and Managed Output of medical procedures, devices, drugs, and processes, all to
(PRIMO) software system (Gaffney, 2013). improve patient care. ECRI Institute is also a PSO; in fact
In July 2012, Congress enacted the Food and Drug it is one of the first to be federally certified. In December
Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA). 2012, they conducted an evaluation of health IT–related
Section 618 of FDASIA instructs the Secretary of HHS, act­ events and unsafe conditions with the goal of improving the
ing through the FDA Commissioner and in collaboration understanding of technology’s impact on healthcare deliv­
with ONC and the Federal Communications Commission ery. In this publication “ECRI Institute PSO’s Deep Dive:
(FCC), to issue a report by January 2014 on a proposed Health Information Technology” included more than 170
strategy that includes recommendations on an appropriate health IT–related events reported by 36 healthcare orga­
risk-based regulatory framework for health IT. The intent is nizations over a nine-week period. The events included
for the framework to promote innovation, protect patient wrong patient data entries, users ignoring alerts, and gaps
safety, and avoid regulatory duplication. The report will be in reporting critical test results due to poor system interop­
informed by input from the public as well as the ONC’s erability. Some events involved multiple safety issues and in
Health IT Policy Committee and will incorporate what the total identified 211 patient safety issues that were grouped
agencies learn about risk, safety, and opportunity for inno­ into 22 event categories. The five most frequently identi­
vative technologies to support improved health and safety fied health IT–related problems identified were (1) System
outcomes. The agencies will consider how to make it easier interface issues, (2) Wrong input, (3) Software issue/system
for innovators to understand the regulatory landscape, configuration, (4) Wrong record retrieved, and (5) Software
ways to minimize regulatory burden, and how to design an issue/functionality (ECRI Institute, 2013a). This report was
oversight approach that supports innovations and patient followed by a whitepaper titled “Anticipating Unintended
safety (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2013a). Consequences of Health Information Technology and
Health Information Exchange: How to Identify and
Address Unsafe Conditions Associated with Health IT.”
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices
In this report several examples of commonly encountered
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) is health IT–related incidents are shared. Examples include
devoted entirely to medication error prevention and safe The user ignored or overrode an alert; test results were sent
medication use. They have been in existence for over 30 to the wrong provider causing a delay in action; text entries
years, helping healthcare practitioners keep patients safe. were not shared due to poorly designed interfaces between
Their mission is to lead efforts to improve the medication systems; and an item from an outside source was scanned
use process. They have published multiple guidelines and into the wrong patient record. It further explores these
tips for the designers of EHRs as they configure medication phenomena of health IT and patient safety, but strongly
orders and order sets. The ISMP’s Guidelines for Standard advocates for using standardized reporting methods that
Order Sets provides a five-page checklist that allows orga­ funnel up to PSOs. Issues to be addressed by healthcare
nizations to evaluate the safety of their CPOE systems managers are listed that provide a foundation for a solid
(Institute for Safe Medication Practices, 2010). This guide health IT safety program. These issues include a checklist of
includes recommendations for screen layout, use of sym­ questions a manager should ask as health IT safety is evalu­
bols and abbreviations, and order set content development. ated. Questions include topics of how adverse events are
ISMP also has a robust voluntary error-reporting program reported; if a standard terminology is used in the reporting;
called the Medication Errors Reporting Program (MERP). what processes are in place for follow-up after an incident;
This is a system where practitioners can report any errors policies/procedures in place for system corrective action,

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Chapter 29 • Health Information Technology: Striving to Improve Patient Safety    425

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and the existence of a budget to support health IT safety to help organizations anticipate, avoid, and address prob­
activities (ECRI Institute, 2013a, 2013b). lems that can occur when implementing and using an
electronic health record (EHR). The purpose in devel­
oping the Guide was to provide practical knowledge,
Leapfrog Group troubleshooting tools and resources. The guide provides
Another CPOE opinion leader, The Leapfrog Group, rep­ multiple resources and addresses both future and current
resents a coalition of healthcare purchasers that has been EHR users. It provides information on how to survive a
a driving force in the improvement of healthcare quality. system downtime and includes a copy and paste toolkit
They are strong advocates for the use of CPOE systems. as organizations struggle to address the complexities of
They have developed a CPOE “standard” including a allowing this functionality in EHRs. Case examples are
requirement that organizations operating CPOE systems provided on safety-related topics along with potential
should demonstrate (via testing scenarios) to ensure that remediation solutions to several challenges in health IT
their inpatient CPOE system can alert physicians to at least (Jones et al., 2011).
50% of common serious prescribing errors. In an article
by Kilbridge, Welebob, and Classen, the development of SAFER Guides
these standards are described including the description
of a framework with 12 different categories of CPOE- The SAFER guides consist of nine guides organized into
based decision support that have the potential to prevent three categories. These guides enable healthcare organi­
a prescribing error (Kilbridge, Welebob, & Classen, 2006). zations to conduct self-assessments of their EHR safety
Organizations are asked to conduct this test in a develop­ in a variety of areas. The guides identify recommended
ment or practice database that is similar to their production practices to optimize the safety and safe use of EHRs. Each
CPOE system. Configuration elements of the system that are guideline contains a listing of recommended practices. See
tested include duplicate ordering, single- and cumulative- Table 29.2 for the categories and high-level descriptions
dose levels, allergy checking, drug–drug interaction, con­ of the nine recommendation guides. These recommended
traindications based on patient diagnosis, contraindications practices are then broken down further into associated
based on relevant laboratory values, and dose levels based rationale, suggested sources of input for reviewing the
on radiology studies. This test is Web based and self- practice, and examples of potentially useful practices or
administered, but can only be taken if the organization also scenarios. An emphasis is placed on the need to review
participates in Leapfrog’s general hospital survey. and analyze these recommendations with all key stake­
holders at the table. A multi-disciplinary approach with IT
staff, clinicians, risk managers, administrators, and other
HEALTH IT SAFETY TOOLS appropriate team members, all at the table is believed to
AND RESOURCES be ideal for the success of working through these guides
(Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information
Resources for organizations to turn to for help in not Technology, 2013b).
only developing health IT safety strategic plans but for
assessing their current situation have been emerging
over the last several years. These tools provide excellent CPOE Design Checklist/Pick-List Checklist
information for those in charge of health IT safety with Two additional checklists that address health IT safety
varying levels of expertise. Tools include the Web-based and provide tools for evaluating a current EHR include the
Guide to Reducing Unintended Consequences in Health CPOE Design Checklist and the Pick-list Checklist. These
Information Technology, the Safety Assurance Factors for tools include checklists for configuring a CPOE system
EHR Resilience (SAFER) Guides, ECRI Institute’s “How and creating Pick lists, or drop-down lists that are based
to Identify and Address Unsafe Conditions Associated on published health IT safety evidence. The CPOE Design
with Health IT, The CPOE Design Recommendations Checklist is a 46-item list and provides a tool that can be
Checklist, and the Pick-list Checklist. used during software selection, design, or evaluation. The
items in the list fall into four categories: Clinical Decision
Support, Order Form Configuration, Human Factors
AHRQ’s Guide to Reducing Unintended
Configuration, and Workflow Process Configuration
Consequences of Electronic Health Records
(Sengstack, 2010). Examples of some of the checklist
AHRQ’s Guide to Reducing Unintended Consequences of items included in the CPOE Design Checklist are found in
Electronic Health Records is an online resource designed Table 29.3.

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426    P art 5 • A dvanced N ursing I nformatics in P ractice

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 TABLE 29.2    SAFER Guides
Foundational Guides Description

High Priority Practices Identifies “high risk” and “high priority” recommended safety practices intended to optimize the
safety and safe use of EHRs
Organizational Identifies individual and organizational responsibilities (activities, processes, and tasks) intended
Responsibilities to optimize the safety and safe use of EHRs

Infrastructure Guides Description

Contingency Planning Identifies recommended safety practices associated with planned or unplanned EHR unavailability—
instances in which clinicians or other end users cannot access all or part of the EHR
System Configuration Identifies recommended safety practices associated with the way EHR hardware and software are
set up (“configured”)
System Interfaces Identifies recommended safety practices intended to optimize the safety and safe use of system-
to-system interfaces between EHR-related software applications

Clinical Process Guides Description

Patient Identification Identifies recommended safety practices associated with the reliable identification of patients in
the HER
Computerized Provider Order Identifies recommended safety practices associated with Computerized Provider Order Entry
Entry with Decision Support (CPOE) and Clinical Decision Support (CDS)
Test Results Reporting and Identifies recommended safety practices intended to optimize the safety and safe use of processes
Follow-up and EHR technology for the electronic communication and management of diagnostic test results
Clinician Communication Identifies recommended safety practices associated with communication between clinicians and
is intended to optimize the safety and safe use of EHRs

  TABLE 29.3    CPOE Design Recommendations (Examples)

Display alert when an allergy has been documented or an allergy to another drug in the same category is documented.
Provide alert of potential allergy at time of order entry, not order submission.
Display alert when the same medication is ordered and when separate doses of the same medication are to be given within a
“closely spaced time.”
Display alert when order specifying a route of administration that is not appropriate for the ordered medication (e.g., Antifungal
topical cream ordered with route of IV).
Create an alert informing users ordering potassium when there has not been a serum potassium value recorded in the past 12 hours
or if the most recent potassium value is greater than 4.0.
All ordering screens should be designed in a similar fashion. Fields for drug, dose, route, frequency, etc., should be in the same place
on all screens.
Do not use field labels that require a negative answer for a positive response (e.g., Is IV contrast contraindicated?).
Use alternate line colors between patients to help visual separation of names.
Provide way to alert caregivers to new orders.

technology and patient safety. They specifically state that

The Pick-List Checklist
there should be more research in the area of “the pick-list
In the 2011 IOM report, Health IT and Patient Safety: problem.” A review of the literature finds relatively little
Building Safer Systems for Better Care, one of the 10 rec­ information on how to properly configure a pick list in an
ommendations mentioned earlier emphasizes the need to EHR, and no research studies have been conducted to date
conduct more research in the area of health information on the pick list itself. The limited information gleaned in the

c29.indd 426 20-02-2015 18:34:10

Chapter 29 • Health Information Technology: Striving to Improve Patient Safety    427

Downloaded by [ Faculty of Nursing, Chiangmai University] at [07/18/16]. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. Not to be redistributed or modified in any way without permission.
literature is offered in an 11-item Pick-list Checklist that related to computerized provider order entry. Journal
can be used by all levels of informatics specialists to assess of the American Medical Informatics Association, 13,
current configuration based on the best evidence available. 547–556.
An easy-to-use checklist such as this has multiple benefits ECRI Institute. (2013a). Anticipating unintended conse-
quences of health information technology and health
and represents a starting point for informatics specialists to
information exchange how to identify and address unsafe
evaluate and improve the systems that care providers rely
conditions associated with health IT. Retrieved from
on to deliver safe patient care. Examples of items contained
within this checklist include not truncating items on the Identify_and_Address_Unsafe_Conditions_Associated_
pick list, do not put similar terms on top of one another, with_Health_IT.pdf
do not by default pre-select an item on the list, and use ECRI Institute. (2013b). ECRI institute PSO uncovers health
alternating line colors between patient names to help in the information technology-related events in deep dive analy-
visual separation of names (Sengstack, 2013). We need to sis. Retrieved from
configure our systems so that our users choose the right Health-Information-Technology-HIT-Deep-Dive.aspx
thing the first time. Each of the items listed in The Pick-list Franklin, B. D., O’Grady, K., Donyai, P., Jacklin, G., & Barber,
N. (2007). The impact of a closed-loop electronic pre­
Checklist do not seem to be rocket science, but taken col­
scribing and administration system on prescribing errors,
lectively, they have the potential to strengthen the quality
administration errrors and staff time: a before and after
and safety that clinical systems were meant to deliver. study. Quality and Safety of Health Care, 16, 279–284.
Gaffney, A. (2013). So long, MAUDE: CDRH selects PRIMO
as Adverse Event Reporting Replacement System.
CONCLUSION Retrieved from
Think nationally, act locally. This is a mantra we should
Goolsby, K. (2002). CPOE odyssey: The story of evolving
adopt when it comes to health IT. Our federal govern­ the world’s first computerized physician order entry
ment and professional organizations can only do so system and implications for today’s CPOE decision mak-
much. It will take each organization working in partner­ ers. Retrieved from http://www.outsourcing-center.
ship with the government, health IT vendors, and PSOs com/2002-08-cpoe-odyssey-article-38166.html
to drive improvements in patient safety using health IT. Han, Y. Y., Carcillo, J. A., Venkataraman, S. T., Clark, R. S.,
Tools, knowledge, and resources offered in this chapter Watson, R. S., Nguyen, T. C., … Orr, R. A. (2005).
can help lay the foundation for a strong health IT stra­ Unexpected increased mortality after implementation of
tegic plan that can assist organizations as they strive to commercially sold computerized physician order entry
system. Pediatrics, 116, 1506–1512.
capture the full potential of their systems. In summary,
Horsky, J., Kuperman, G. J., & Patel, V. L. (2005).
healthcare organizations need to ensure the safety of their Comprehensive analysis of a medication dosing error
health IT systems. All stakeholders must become involved related to CPOE. Journal of the American Medical
and increasingly transparent as they learn and share their Informatics Association, 12, 377–382.
safety lessons from the implementation and use of health Institute for Safe Medication Practices. (2010). Guidelines for
IT. In light of the fact that the EHR is fast becoming the standard order sets. Retrieved from
standard in healthcare today, it is imperative that organi­ newsletters/acutecare/articles/20100311.asp
zations commit time, energy, and funding to ensure that Institute for Safe Medication Practices. (2014). The National
these clinical systems are integral to reaching their error Medication Errors Reporting Program (ISMP MERP).
reduction goals. Retrieved from
Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2012). Health IT and patient
REFERENCES safety: Building safer systems for better care. Washington,
DC: The National Academies Press. Retrieved from
AHRQ. (2012, March). Health IT Hazard Manager: Design
& Demo. Retrieved from Patient-Safety-Building-Safer-Systems-for-Better-
events/conference/2011/walker-hassol/index.html Care.aspx
Ammenwerth, E., Schnell-Inderst, P., Machan, C., & Sievert, Jones, S. S., Koppel, R., Ridgely, M. S., Palen, T. E., Wu, S., &
U. (2008). The effect of electronic prescribing on medica­ Harrison, M. I. (2011, August). Guide to reducing
tion errors and adverse drug events: A systematic review. unintended consequences of electronic health
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, records prepared by RAND corporation under
15(5), 585–600. contract No. HHSA290200600017I, task order #5.
Campbell, E. M., Sittig, D. F., Ash, J. S., Guappone, K. P., & Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
Dykstra, R. H. (2006). Types of unintended consequences Rockville, MD.

c29.indd 427 20-02-2015 18:34:10

COMPUTER SOFTWARE • Modern call phones also run software, which is why we call • Operating systems typically contain the necessary tools for
• is programming code executed on a computer processor them smartphones. this, but separate utility programs can provide improved
• The code can be machine-level code, or code written for an functionality.
operating system. Desktop Computers • Often somewhat technical and targeted at users with a solid
• Used to call personal computers knowledge of computers
Operating System • Are probably still the most common type of computer • Examples of utility programs:
• Is software intended to provide a predictable and dependable o Antivirus Software
layer for programmers to build other software on, which are Servers Helps to protect a computer system from
known as applications • More expensive and complex computers viruses and other harmful programs
• It also provides a dependable layer for hardware • Also runs software Scans your online activity to make sure you
manufacturers. • When you open a web browser and type in an address, you are not downloading infected files
• This standardization creates an efficient environment for connect to one of those servers New viruses are coming out all the time, so
programmers to create smaller programs, which can be run by this needs to be updated very frequently
millions of computers. It is virtually impossible to do anything with technology today without o Backup Software
using software. Helps in the creation of a backup of the files
Hardware – the physical components of a computer on your computer
SYSTEMS SOFTWARE Most computer systems use a hard disk drive
Software Software for storage. While these are generally very
• Can also be thought of as an expression that contrasts with • A generic term for an organized collection of computer data robust, they can fail or crash, resulting in
hardware and instructions costly data loss.
• The digital programs running on the hardware Helps you copy the most important files to
• Can also be updated or replaced much easier than hardware Two Types of Software: another storage device, such as an external
• Can be distributed to a number of hardware receivers • Application Software hard disk; you can also make an exact copy
• The computer logic computer users interact with o Helps users solve a particular problem or carry out a of your hard disk
Uses cloud storage to create backups; you
• Machine-level example: Basic Input/Output System or BIOS specific task
o Example: Word Processor can pay a fee to use the storage space of a
o Loads and runs before your hard drive even connects
• System Software third party and use their backup software to
o Checks the connection to hardware and looks for the
o Coordinates the activities and functions of hardware manage which files are going to be backed
operating system to load
and software, and it controls the operations of up
o Can be upgraded by flashing, which is when you
computer hardware o Disk Tools
replace machine-level software on the main board of
o Example: Computer’s operating system Include a range of different tools to manage
your computer
hard disk drives and other storage devices
• Example of application software: Notepad o Also includes utility software, device drivers, and
firmware This includes utilities to scan the hard disks
o Runs when the user activates it and it has certain
for any potential problems, dis cleaners to
requirements; you need an operating system and
Operating System – controls the computer hardware and act as an remove any unnecessary files, and disk
hardware processor
interface with application programs defragmenters to re-organize file fragments
o The programmers write software for a specific
on a hard disk drive to increase performance.
environment. Once the software is loaded into the
Utility Software Are important because a failure of a hard
computer’s memory, the processor is able to read it;
• Helps to manage, maintain, and control computer resources disk drive can have disastrous consequences
the program then becomes a process and the user can
Keeping disks running efficiently is an
interact with it.
important part of overall computer
majjyap ‘21
Computer Virus o Determines what a computer can do without o Without this installed in our computers, we would
• A computer program that can cause damage to a computer’s accessing programs from a disk have to type the instructions for everything we
software, hardware, or data o Contains all the code required to control the wanted the computer to do.
• Referred to as a virus because it has the capability to replicate keyboard, display screen, disk drivers, serial • Application Software or Applications
itself and hide inside other computer files communications, and a number of other functions o Often called productivity programs or end-user
• One of the most common ways to get a virus is to download a o Typically placed in a read-only memory or ROM chip programs because they enable the user to complete
file from the internet that comes with the computer – it is therefore often tasks, such as creating documents, spreadsheets,
called a ROM BIOS. databases, and publications, doing online research,
Device Driver sending email, designing graphics, running
• A computer program that controls a particular device that is ROM (Read-Only Memory) businesses, and even playing games
connected to your computer • A type of non-volatile storage, which means that the o Is specific to the task it is designed for and can be as
• Typical devices are keyboards, printers, scanners, digital information is maintained even if the computer loses power simple as a calculator application or as complex as a
cameras, and external storage devices. Each of these need a • In a typical computer system, this is located on the word processing application
driver in order to work properly motherboard. This ensures that the BIOS will always be o Microsoft Word is a popular word-processing
• Act as a translator between the operating system of the available and will not be damage by disk failures. application that is including in the software suite of
computer and the device connected to it • Also makes it possible for a computer to boot itself applications called Microsoft Office.
• For many types of devices, the necessary drivers are built into • Firmware may need to be updated to fix minor bugs or add
the operating system. When you plug in a device, the operating features to the device. Hardware – refers to the physical components that you can see and
system starts looking for the right driver, installs it and you are • The BIOS of a computer may need updating once in a while, touch, such as the computer hard drive, mouse, and keyboard
ready to start using the device. but this is not very common. Modifying the BIOS is typically a
o Referred to as plug-and-play and is much preferred task performed by a computer specialist trying to repair a Software Suite
over having to manually install the correct drivers computer system that has not been performing as expected. • A group of software applications with related functionality
• There are so many different devices, however, that not all of • Example: Office software suits might include word processing,
them are built into the operating system. As an alternative, the APPLICATION SOFTWARE spreadsheet, database, presentation, and email applications.
operating system can look online to find the right driver to Software Graphic suits such as Adobe Creative Suite include applications
install. Many hardware devices, however, come with the • Refers to the set of electronic program instructions or data a for creating and editing images, while Sony Audio Master Suite
necessary drivers. computer processor reads in order to perform a task or is used for audio production.
Firmware • Can be categorized according to what it is designed to Web Browser or Browser
• Combination of software and hardware accomplish • An application specifically designed to locate, retrieve, and
• Includes the instructions to control hardware, which is just like display content found on the internet
software Two Main Types of Software: • By clicking a hyperlink or by typing the URL of a website, the
• Includes hardware in the form of the actual memory chip • Systems Software user is able to view websites consisting one or more webpages.
where the instructions are stored o Includes the programs that are dedicated to Browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google
• Consists of permanent software stored into read-only memory managing the computer itself, such as the operating Chrome, and Safari are just a few of the many available to
• Computer systems use a special type of firmware known as system, file management utilities, and disk operating choose from.
Basic Input/Output System or BIOS system (DOS) • Demand for mobility in computing has led to the development
o Represents the basic code to get the computer o The operating system manages the computer of smartphones, tablets, and other handheld mobile devices.
started hardware resources in addition to applications and
o You can think of this as the firmware for the data. Mobile Software Applications or Apps
motherboard of your computer

majjyap ‘21
• Available to perform in much the same way as their full-blown • Set of instructions written to direct the computer to execute o This is done on purpose to protect the intellectual
computer software counterparts do: they are designed for specific tasks property invested in software development. If the
specific tasks and functions (games, GPS, music, etc.) source code were released, even with copyright
• Cloud-based apps are accessed by the user on a device but use Operating System Software restrictions, competitors could benefit from using this
information that is stored on a central computer server. Virtual • Software written for a specific type of computer code.
office suits, web-based email, online or mobile banking, and • Instructs the hardware to get moving when the power is o Examples: Microsoft Office
FaceBook are just a few examples of cloud-computing apps turned on or the mouse moved, deactivating a sleep mode • Open-Source Software
you may already use. • Interprets instructions from application software to utilize o Software for which the source code is released
peripheral and/or storage devices o Users can look at exactly how the software was
INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESOURCES • Example: Microsoft Windows 7 or Mac OS X created using one or more programming languages
Information System o This is done on purpose so that anyone can benefit
• The combining of users, technology, and processes to Application Software or Productivity Software from using the code.
complete a specific goal • The set of instructions installed in a computing device that let o A typical license gives users the right to modify and
• A stakeholder is not only a user, but as someone who has any us “do” something distribute the software.
type of interest in a particular process. These people utilize • Example: iTunes, Microsoft Word, Adobe Reader o Free and open-source software or FOSS
hardware and software typically in a network format to o Often developed in a collaborative manner, where
process raw data into usable information. Computer Network – a grouping of computer stations connected in many users contribute to ongoing improvements
some manner that allows for sharing of resources o Copyleft
Data Play on the word “copyright”
• One piece of a record SOFTWARE LICENSING Uses copyright law to make open-source
• Individually, some of your data might be your first name, Software License software freely available to be modified,
middle name, last name, address, city, state, zip, phone • This is required for all software applications to run. requiring that all modified and extended
versions are to be free as well
number, and an occupation. When put together, we see a • A legal instrument that governs how the software can be used
record. Example: GNU Public License or GPL, Linux
and distributed
Operating System (used by many
• Grants a user permission to use one or more copies of the
Information – a collection of related records organizations and has also resulted in
software without copyright infringement
numerous spinoff efforts)
• The mechanism that authorizes you to use the software,
System Unit – contains components which house the software that separate from any fees you may need to pay to obtain a license
processes the data into information Why do organizations keep paying for commercial software?
1. Commercial software is often a little polished and easier to
Commercial Software – software that is produced for sale
Hardware – parts of the computer you can touch use.
2. Open-source software is developed by a user community, but
Software falls into two broad categories:
Peripheral Devices this often lacks critical support services.
• Proprietary Software
• Hardware that surrounds the system unit o Consists of software that is licensed by the copyright
• May be connected by wired or wireless technology to the Shareware
holder under very specific conditions
system unit • Proprietary software that is made available to users at no cost
o You can use the software, but you are not allowed to
• Communicate with the interior components of the system unit under certain conditions
modify the software or distribute it to others.
by installed software o The original source code for the software is not • May have limited functionality relative to the commercial
available, which means you cannot see the actual version of the same software, or the license for the software
Software code written by the programmers. may expire after a certain trial period
• Intangible and cannot be touched physically o Referred to as closed-source software • To give potential users the chance to evaluate the software
before investing in a license fee
majjyap ‘21
COMPUTER SOFTWARE IN HEALTHCARE Programs that store and display medical images, such as chest x-rays EMR VS. EHR
Healthcare Informatics and scans: Often used interchangeably, the terms “electronic medical record” and
• Tasked with providing communication using technology to • Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) “electronic health record” (EMR and EHR respectively) are very similar.
improve the safety and quality of patient care • Vendor Neutral Archives (VNAs) However, they are not the same thing.
• The communication can involve many providers,
organizations, and others outside the hospital setting. Wireless Medical Telemetry Services (WMTS) – remote monitoring of Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
a patient’s heart rate and respiratory rate while allowing the patient o • A digital replacement for a patient’s paper chart
Interoperability be anywhere in the hospital • Accessible by a single practice and is primarily used for
• Ability to communicate, collect data, and use information for diagnosis and treatment
patient care by many users who need access to patient Healthcare VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructures) • Includes patient’s medical history, previous and current
information • Programs running to secure healthcare information medications, diagnoses, allergies, and more
• The exchange of patients’ data across multiple programs • Keeping ahead of hackers is a concern to the whole health • Are not deigned to be shared
• The challenge is cost, user training, security, and fitting the system.
needs of the organization and providers. Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Provider Practices – physicians’ notes, orders, practice guidelines, • Includes all of the information contained in an electronic
Nursing Informatics decision-support, education, and data collection medical record and more
• A specialty related to designing workflow in technology to • Its primary benefit is the collaborative nature; is deigned to be
assist nurses and other staff Hospitals and Long-Term Care – notes, orders, guidelines, decision- shared with other providers
• Many components must be considered for safe and smooth support, medication alerts, education for staff and patients, and data • Aid in the level of care provided across the care continuum
delivery of care. collection • Present the ability allow you to track additional patient
information (e.g. insurance, lab results)
Electronic Medical or Health Records Population Health – surveillance systems (such as for communicable • Plays a significant role in the roll-out of Meaningful Use
• Allow access to information making patients and staff safer diseases), infrastructure data (such as community data and safety) and
• Other safety features and benefits might include: data collection Meaningful Use
o Decision support information and alerts embedded in • Mandated the use of EHR to improve patient outcomes and
the health record Personal Health – health logs (e.g. for blood sugars), self-care trackers, subsequently performance-based compensation
o Access to patient history in the record audit logs (e.g. for weight), personal library and more • The same goes for MACRA which continues the progression of
o Standardized care plans embedded in the health performance monitoring to impose penalties or grant bonuses.
record Maintaining an updated system and security against hackers to this
o Collected data aid performance improvement goals valuable information is the goal of healthcare informatics. Both EMRs and EHRs make healthcare more efficient than paper.
o Trending in patient care is easier to follow However, it is safe to consider an EHR the next-generation EMR.
o Staff safety is improved by preventing errors Health Information Technology – the patient’s health record
o Patient outcomes are better due to health record INTRODUCTION TO CPOE
organization and alerts • Computerized Provider Order Entry
World Health Organization (WHO) – estimates 1 in 10 hospital patients
o “Provider” is a physician or physician-extender who
Health Information – moving from paper to computer-based medical receiving hospital care, will experience some form of unintended harm.
can write orders, such as for medications.
records • Computerized Physician Order Entry
Institute of Medicine Researchers – estimated 50,000 deaths every
• Computerized Prescriber Order Entry
Telehealth – brining technology into remote areas for patient year from medical errors. Scientists say as many as 2/3rds of those errors
• Implications: Physicians/Providers entering orders directly into
monitoring, education, interaction, and recommendations in their can be prevented.
electronic medical records rather than handwriting them.
homes using handheld devices

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Consequences of Handwritten Orders: based on the results, dietary or medication • Are crucial to healthcare’s survival
• Delays modifications can take place immediately. • It has evolved to help and make the communication between
o Transmitting, filing, and administering the • Common point of care technology (POCT) devices include: various data sources to the electronic medical records much
medications o Blood glucose monitors faster and more accurate.
• Errors due to illegibility o Urine dipsticks • Helped improve patient outcomes and standards of care
o Wrong o Pregnancy tests
Medication o Rapid strep tests Four Types of Data Interchange Standards
Dose o Rapid HIV tests 1. Communication that takes place between medical devices
Route o Hemoglobin level tests and between devices and electronic medical records (EMRs)
Frequency • Has increased and helped provide more effective and less • Information is processed by an electronic device such
Prescriber costly care to patients as an ECG monitor, ventilator, or even an IV infusion
• Has allowed patients to take a more active role in their care pump and dropped directly into the electronic
Benefits of CPOE: o Example: Diabetes patients can now monitor their medical record of that patient.
• Faster own blood glucose levels at home. • Eases the workload of nurse, makes results more
o Order to patient receiving • It has also facilitated less invasive testing. readily available for the physician so quicker and more
o Remember: This is the first dose we are waiting to • Determining blood oxygen levels used to require blood drawn accurate care can be provided, and reduces the
give to the patient from an artery. While that is still necessary in some cases, potential for errors to occur by eliminating a third
• More accurate routine measurements are usually done using a small device party to have to input the information
o Five rights met that comfortably encloses a finger and reads oxygen levels 2. Digital Imaging Communication
• Less handling using light. • Addressing the communication that takes place
o Doctor > Pharmacist > Nurse > Patient • Today, POCT is used throughout healthcare, from in-patient between radiological images and the practitioners
• CDS (Clinical Decision Support) and out-patient settings to home care, from neonatal and who read/interpret them to the practitioners who will
o Order Sentences pediatric populations all the way up to geriatrics. then base their treatment plan off of that
o Order Sets • Outsourcing certain testing allows not only for less costly bills interpretation.
o Reminders for patients, but can help provide more accurate results as • When a radiological image is taken, it is converted
o Evidence Links patients are more comfortable in their own environment. It into a digital file that a radiologist can then view via a
o Rules and Alerts also helps medical providers and insurance companies provide computer or tablet. The radiologist then dictates his
Drug-drug some of the same care provided in the hospital setting, thus or her findings and then the report and image can be
Drug-allergy reducing hospital length of stay and hospital fees. delivered to the physician who ordered the test.
Drug-food • This type of testing could have saved lives by providing more Based on this communication, the physician will then
Drug dose accurate care in a much timelier and more efficient manner. make or modify the plan of care to suit the patient’s
 Age, weight • Has been used in disaster zones from New Orleans to Thailand needs.
Lab and Advanced Considerations to help with diagnosis and triage 3. Administrative Data Exchange
• Aided in the advancement of patient care and helped and • Widely used throughout healthcare
POINT OF CARE TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTHCARE improved the quality of care provided by allowing more • Refers to the administrative duties that exist within
• Also known as, Point of Care Testing accurate results in the comfort of the patient’s own home or the hospital, such as billing and coding to insurance
• Tests that are performed right where the patient is doctor’s office, or at least in a hospital bed. The faster, less companies so that payments can be rendered for
o Example: A patient’s blood glucose level is considered invasive tests have helped reduce costs and improve services.
a point of care test. It can be done where the patient outcomes, and technology is improving all the time. • Processed from clinical notes, admitting diagnoses,
is at the right time, which is immediately before the progress notes, laboratory data, and radiologic data.
patient consumes breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and DATA INTERCHANGE STANDARDS IN HEALTHCARE The information is then processed and exchanged

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into data and numbers that can be submitted to an o Devices need to be within approximately 10 meters of o Widely used for short-range wireless
insurer system, and payment can be sought. each other and the typical data transfer rate is around communications, in particular in the wavelength
• Includes the transference of data that relates to 2 Mbps (megabits per second). range from 1,530-1,565 micrometers, known as the
clinical standards that are reimbursable. For many o The technology is named after the Danish King Harold C-band.
hospitals and organizations, payment is not Bluetooth who unified Scandinavia. o The remote control uses an infrared light-emitting
guaranteed just because the service is performed. o Operate in the 2.45 GHz frequency band. Every device diode (LED) to emit infrared radiation that is focused
Information is exchanged with specific organizations using Bluetooth has a small microchip that can send into a narrow beam by a plastic lens. The information
in order to prove that safe and effective care was both voice and data signals. In a typical setup, one being transmitted is encoded into the signal. The
performed in order to receive payment. device operates as the master and one or more receiver converts the infrared radiation to an
o Example: Information regarding catheter- devices operate as slaves. The master device uses link electronic current and decodes the information.
associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) manager software to identify other Bluetooth devices o Infrared signals do not penetrate walls and require an
is tracked and must be provided. If it is to create links with them to be able to send and approximate line-of-sight. The range of the signal is
determined that the patient received a receive data. limited and does not carry further than around 10
CAUTI during that hospitalization, payment o Uses a spread-spectrum frequency hopping meters.
for treatment related to the CAUTI will not technology. This means it uses multiple frequencies at o Infrared lasers are also used as the light source for
be provided, versus if the patient presented the same time to limit interference when using fiber optic cables. While this is not considered an
to the ER and was admitted for treatment of multiple devices. infrared wireless connection, it shows versatility of
UTI, it is not traceable to the hospital and o WiFi infrared.
will, therefore, be reimbursable. Used as a replacement for high-speed • Near Field Communication (NFC)
4. Clinical Data Exchange cabling in Local Area Networks and makes it o Short-range communication technology for things like
• Refers to the exchange of clinical data into the EMR possible for a mobile device to establish an consumer electronics, mobile phones, and credit
• Refers to laboratory data that must be added to the internet connection. cards
medical record or even the digital imaging Allows for higher speeds and connections o Devices have to be in very close proximity, typically a
communication reports that must be added to the over greater distances few centimeters
chart as well o More commonly used as a replacement for cables Example: If you have used your credit card to
• Data like this is woven throughout the EMR and is between different electronic devices to communicate make a payment simply by holding it close to
important so that the physicians and nurses have all with each other, establishing a Personal Area a payment terminal, without actually
the essential information needed to provide care Network. inserting your card, you have used NFC
• It is also important for administrative data exchange o Often much simpler to operate and may only require • Ultra-wideband (UWB)
to take place a single button press o Short-range communication technology that uses
• Infrared (IR) Light extremely short magnetic pulses
SHORT-RANGE WIRELESS COMMUNCATION o Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths that are o These pulses can carry about 10-15 meters and can
Examples: just beyond those of visible light support very high data transfer rates of several
• Bluetooth o The human eye can see light in the wavelengths from hundred megabits per second
o A type of wireless connection used to transmit voice 390-700 nanometers. Infrared lights have o Also does not require a direct line-of-sight and can
and data at high speeds using radio waves wavelengths from 700 nanometers to 1 mm. this travel through walls. Despite its potential, the
o It is a standard protocol for short-range corresponds to a frequency range of approximately development of standards for UWB has been slow. As
communication between many different types of 430 THz to 300 GHz. a result, it is not widely adopted.
devices including mobile phones, computers, o Widely used in applications such as night vision • Zigbee
entertainment systems, and other electronics. devices and thermal imaging o A wireless communication technology for short-
o Essentially allows you to see heat, even when there is range, low-power digital radio communications.
no visible light source. o Uses very little power and a low data transfer rate
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o Results in much lower costs and longer battery life • Uses signals that travel quite far, from several • Includes calendar and meeting schedule, address book, to-do
o This makes it possible to install Zigbee modules in kilometers to several thousand kilometers list, email, and other tasks
many devices. While the range of a single module is • Examples: Cellular and satellite communications • Were introduced in the late 1980s but become popular in the
fairly limited, a series of devices in close proximity can 1990s
be used for communications over longer distances. Mobile Phone • The emergence of smart phones in the 2000s made PDAs
This results in a wireless mesh network, which can • Electronic device to make and receive phone calls over a radio largely obsolete, however much of the technology that went
cover large areas. link while moving through an area into developing PDAs is reflected into today’s smart phone
o Widely used for applications that require low data • The primary wireless connection for a mobile phone is the such as touchscreen technology and synchronization with
transfer rates and low power consumption cellular network that uses cell towers for the transmission other devices
o Also used in remote controls, home entertainment between mobile phones and the network • Are mostly used for very specific applications
systems, energy management, building automation, • Also referred to as a cellular phone or cellphone o Example: many outdoor jobs require extremely
and many other fields • Provide telephone calls, text messaging, email, internet access, ruggedized mobile devices that can withstand the
o Is not as widely known as technologies like WiFi or and device integration with other devices, take pictures, watch elements; also referred to as hand-held computers
Bluetooth because it is often embedded into systems movies, and play games–mobile phones with these capabilities
and not very visible. It often works behind the scenes are referred to as smart phones Satellite Phone
without requiring user input to turn it on. o Are essentially mobile computers; they provide file • Allows you to make a phone call anywhere in the world by
storage, have a number of input and output options, using two-way communication with satellites
COMMUNICATION AND WIRELESS COMPUTING DEVICES make use of an operating system, and allow you to • Have much larger antennas to pick up the weaker satellite
Wireless Network run applications signals
• Refers to any type of network that establishes connections o They are much smaller, often lack of physical
without cables keyboard, rely on touchscreen technology for user Global Positioning System (GPS)
• Need adapters and routers to translate between analog waves input instead of a keyboard and mouse, the operating • Electronic device that receives signals from a collection of GPS
and digital signals system and software applications are also designed satellites and uses this information to calculate your location
specifically for a smaller screen and touchscreen input • One-way radio system
Electromagnetic (EM) Waves o Can also use the other wireless communication
• Used by wireless connections systems such as WiFi and Bluetooth RADIO WAVE
• Travel through the air • Are electromagnetic waves, which means that they are made
o Example: Old-fashioned radio Tablet Computer up of an oscillating pattern of electric and magnetic fields that
o Are analog, while the information in a computer • Or simply, a tablet travels through space
system is digital. • A mobile computer where all components are integrated into • Not the only type of electromagnetic wave, however light,
a single unit microwaves, gamma rays, and many others are also
Wireless communication systems can be broken down into three • Rely on touchscreen technology as the primary input method electromagnetic waves, and together they make up the
broad categories: instead of a mouse electromagnetic spectrum.
1. Short-range wireless communication • Started becoming popular in 2010 • Have much lower frequencies that range from 3 Hz up to 300
• Uses signals that travel very short distances, from a • Tablets whose primary purpose is to be able to read electronic GHz whereas the frequency of visible light ranges from
few centimeters to several meters documents, such as books, are referred to as e-readers 400,000 to 7000,000 GHz
• Examples: Bluetooth, infrared, and Zigbee • Can travel long distances through all kinds of media, or even
2. Medium-range wireless communication Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) through empty spaces.
• Uses signals that travel up to 100 meters or so • Mobile device that is dedicated to managing personal • Travel really fast, moving at the speed of light
• The most widely used type is Wireless Fidelity or WiFi information
3. Wide area wireless communication

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• Any time there is a fluctuation in an electromagnetic field, • Have frequencies ranging from 300 MHz to 3,000 MHz • HIT was established through the Office of National
electromagnetic waves are generated, and many times these • Used for television broadcasting, as well as in mobile phones, Coordination (ONC) for Health Information Technology.
are radio waves. wireless networks, Bluetooth device communication, satellite o Has the responsibility to ensure that every American
• Produced naturally, we can also produce radio waves with very radio, and global positioning systems. has access to his/her electronic health information
specific frequencies and use them to transmit information. and established connection at HIT
• Generated by turning a signal, like the sound of a voice, into a Super High Frequency (SHF) Waves
series of radio wave pulses. • With frequencies from 3 to 30 GHz Health Information Technology Benefits
• These waves travel through the air until they hit a receiver, • Are used to transmit satellite television, radio, and other forms Interdisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Teams:
which decodes the wave pulses and turns it back into sound. of satellite communications, as well as in radio astronomy and • Improves care coordination
• Used to transmit all kinds of information, and different types radar systems • Improves communication
of information are transmitted at different frequencies. • Easy access to patient information
Extremely High Frequency (EHF) Waves
Frequency – how many times it repeats in a certain time interval • Radio waves at the high end of the frequency spectrum Patients:
(usually one second) • Are also commonly detected in radio astronomy, and they are • Improves quality of care given to patient
also used in the full body scanners in airports • Decreases costs
Wave Frequency – usually measured in units of Hertz (Hz) where one • Allows patients to engage in their health
Hz corresponds to one wave cycle every second.
The Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Very Low Frequency (VLF) (PPACA) on HIT
• Lowest frequency radio waves • Emphasizes the use of health information technology
• Mainly used for communication between submarines • Measure and enhance quality of care given to patient
underwater • Establish new methods and models to deliver care
• Have frequencies ranging from 30 to 300 kHz • Improve health outcomes while reducing expenditures

Medium Frequency (MF) Waves Health Information Technology and Patient Safety Defined
• Have frequencies that range from 300 to 3,000 kHz Health Information Technology (HIT) – the application of information
• Both LF and MF radio waves are used to transmit AM radio processing involving computer hardware and software that deals with
signals. the storage, retrieval, sharing, and use of health information, data, and
knowledge for communication and decision making
High Frequency (HF) Radio Waves
• With frequencies ranging from 3 to 30 MHz Patient Safety
• Are used for AM radio and long-distance communications • The prevention of harm to patients
between aircrafts WHAT IS PATIENT SAFETY? • Emphasis is on:
Hospital Safety Score – grades hospitals on how safe they are for 1. Error identification and prevention
Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio Waves patients, so you can protect yourself and your loved ones. 2. Learning from errors
• Have frequencies ranging from 30 to 300 MHz 3. Culture of safety involving healthcare professionals,
• Used for FM radio, television broadcasting, short-range HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND PATIENT SAFETY organizations, and patients
communication between aircraft and air to ground INTRODUCTION
communication, and weather radio. Health Information Technology Background Patient HARM
• Health Information Technology (HIT) originated in April 2004 • 98,000 medical errors per year resulting in death
Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) Radio Waves when President Bush signed Executive Order 13335.
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• Recent reports state 210,000 to 400,000 deaths per year or Patient Safety Advocacy Groups • Reduce the risk of healthcare associated (caused by treatment)
1,000 per day • Patients for Patient Safety (WHO): “A world in which patients injury to patients
• Never Events and Sentinel Events are treated as partners in efforts to prevent all avoidable harm • Remove or minimize hazards which increases risk of healthcare
o Wrong site surgery, wrong patient surgery, retention in health care. PFPS calls for honesty, openness, and associated injury or harm to patients
of foreign object transparency, and aims to make the reduction of health care
o Medication Errors: prescribing, preparing, dispensing, errors a basic human right that preserves life around the Donabedian Model
and administering world.”
o Hospital Acquired Infections • Leap Frog Group: Mission Statement: “To trigger leaps forward
o Failure to follow up or communicate lab, pathology, in the safety, quality, and affordability of health care by:
or radiology results supporting informed health care decisions by those who use
o Unsafe administration of blood products and pay for health care; and, promoting high-value health care
o Death resulting from introduction of a metal object in through incentives and rewards.”
the MRI area • Safe Patient “What do we want? Safe health
The Impact of Health Information Technology on Patient Safety
…with the structure of care surrounding the process of care, which is
• Communication amongst disciplines, providers, and nurses is Health Care Professionals, Health Information Technology and nested within the structure of care. That has an influence on outcome,
key Patient Safety however, we have to account for the patient’s antecedent conditions.
• CPOE eliminates illegible and duplicate orders (12.5% decrease • Health care organizations and health care professionals want In order to optimize the outcome for patients, we have to adjust the
in errors) safe patient care structure and process of care in order to account for a patient’s
• EHR communicate plan of care (78%) and results of critical • Most acknowledge the importance of HIT for patient safety antecedent conditions to maximize outcome. Patient safety
tests (62%) • The longer the experience with HIT the greater the perceived management is in this process and structure of care and we must adjust
• Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA) enhances the five benefits it to eliminate or minimize risks and hazards of healthcare associated
rights of medication administration (41% decrease) • Barriers include cost and initial resistance for implementation injuries before they have an adverse impact on the outcomes of care.
• Smart IV Pumps prevent errors in dosing (high risk drugs) • Skeptics question the benefits because Sentinel Events We want to be proactive in identifying risks and hazards within the
• E-Scribing allows immediate prescriptions to go to the continue to increase process of care we are all involved in.
patient’s pharmacy and home delivery • According to Espinoza & Bae (2011), the EHR has not decreased
• Decision support systems promote EBP and Best Practice Sentinel Events.
• Telehealth services are far reaching and decrease disparity • Once an event occurs, EHRs reduce death by 34%, readmission
(from 41% to 18%) by 39%, and cost by 16%
• Medical errors are now considered the 3rd leading cause of
HIT Enhances Patient Care death in the USA behind cardiovascular disease and cancer
• Improves coordination of services between providers, nursing
units, disciplines, and caregivers USING HEALTH IT FOR PATIENT SAFETY
• Provides remote access 24 hours a day (81% positive feedback) Health Care Associated Injury – an injury or harm to a patient attributed
• Empowers clinicians by supporting prevention, detection, and to the process of care rather than underlying physiological conditions
management of diseases
• HIT can eliminate care disparities Hazard – anything which has the potential to cause harm
• Home-based safety monitoring systems: fall detection, sleep, Risk – the likelihood that somebody or something will be harmed by a
medication adherence, vital signs hazard, multiplied by the severity of the potential harm The outer ring is the structure of care, and then you have the process of
• Patient portals encourage patient engagement in their care care nested within that, and then because usually care is delivered by
(myUCLAHealth) Goals of Patient Safety

majjyap ‘21
human beings, you have human behavior nested within process. This is happen. This is often true, the wrong drug was given, but not • Good at establishing prevalence
the nested risk and hazards. administered. We have near misses which the unwanted consequences
were prevented because there was recovery which prevented the event Disadvantages
Identifying Risks and Hazards from reaching the patient. A no harm event reaches the patient but did • Cannot distinguish error or non-preventable harm
• Issue of evidence not result in harm. A misadventure or harm adverse event actually • Subject to coding variations
o Incidence reached the patient and harmed them. • Provides only indicators of harm
o Prevalence • Requires follow-up studies
o Rates Event Reporting Systems
o Rare events Advantages Surveillance and Trigger Systems
• Gets sharp end individuals involved Advantages
What Have We Learned (in over a decade of working on patient • A viable measure of changes in organizational culture • Excellent at indicators of harm
safety)? • Known events/incidents • Can run in background especially with EMR
• There is no single best method for identifying risks and • Near Miss Events • Can be used proactively
hazards. o Identify potential risk
• There needs to be standards and common formats. o Identify hazards Disadvantages
• Can perform root cause analysis • Works for known harms
• Does not spot rare or unusual events
Disadvantages • Not sensitive to near misses
• Poor for establishing prevalence rates • Does not engage sharp end personnel very well
o Significant under reporting
• Reporter bias HIT and Patient Safety: Coordinating Care in the Ambulatory
o Subject to organizational culture issues Setting
o Not everyone reports • Coordinating care involves enhanced communication around
the patient
Medical Records and Abstractions • How do we accomplish this? The patient while central, cannot
Advantages expect to have all of their information. Health Information
• Can determine prevalence Exchange is the best means of accomplishing this.
• Record of clinical activity • Accountable care act: provisions to help coordinate the care of
• Good at identifying documented harm the patient across disciplines and care settings/locations: this
has borne out in NY NYCLIX (New York Clinical Information
Disadvantages Exchange) and Bronx RHIO (Regional Health Information
• Not everything is documented in the chart Organization)’s sharing information across primarily hospital
• Time intensive and expensive systems including IFH (multiple sites across the state)
In patient safety or safety generally, there is a Heinrich’s Model of Error • Inter rater reliability issues if looking at error or negligence • ACO’s Health Homes – all new ways to coordinate the patient’s
and Accidents which was developed in the 1940s but still applies; which care and put patients first
talks about an iceberg model where we have actual incidents of harm, Indicators from Discharge Data • Improves communication between patient’s health care
misadventures, death, or severe harm that actually have occurred. Advantages providers, coordination of treatment plan, reduces duplication
Below that, we have no harm event. There are events that actually • Data already available of services
occurred but did not manifest themselves in harm to a patient. Event • Large populations • Improves quality, reduces costs (hospitalizations)
occurred for example; issuing the law–an incompatible blood to a • Examine state/regional/local trends • Improves safety by reducing risk of medical and preventable
patient but it was not given to the patient. It occurred, but it did not • Identify significant problems for further investigation errors
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• Year after year, clinicians, nurses, and health cate researchers Promote the health and wellness of the • Demands/Workflow that does not promote a medication
say poor or ineffective communication is a major risk factor to communities we serve; and safety environment
patient safety. According to the Joint Commission on For medical education purposes • Insufficient expertise/personnel/resources
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, communication Schedule follow-up appointments • Mixed results from Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE)
was the leading root cause of sentinel events in all categories
in 2005. HIT and Patient Safety: Coordinating Care in the Ambulatory Setting
• Internal clinical care team – full access: documents directly in (EMR)
chart • Reduce communication errors: penmanship errors in
o Physician or primary care provider documenting, prescribing; directions to patient and
o Psychiatrists and psychologists pharmacists
o Staff nurses and ancillary staff • Reduce patient specific errors from lack of awareness by our
o Certified diabetic educators clinical care partners: problem list, allergies, medications
o Social workers • Point of care patient specific alerts: medication/procedure
• External care providers – view access only errors: commission or omission: med-med adverse interaction;
o Patient via patient portal (email to PCP) condition-medication adverse potential reaction; labs-meds
o Specialists and consultants adverse potential; evidence-based recommendations
o Hospitalists/Emergency room
o Other community partner groups (neighborhood HIT and Patient Safety: Coordinating Care in the Ambulatory Setting
diabetes, Greenhope services for women, Hebrew (Link Access)
Hospital Home) • Viewable access to the patient’s chart: problem list
• Current clinical care coordination conditions: • Medication list: reconciling as best able in the internal chart or
o Coumadin patients: PCP and nurse certainly in the outside chart
o Prenatal patients: PCP, patient, prenatal coordinator, • Allergies known to patient
OB/labor and delivery • Laboratory studies
o Diabetes: PCP, patient, CDE, specialists (e.g. • Other: Surgical history; family history; other studies
cardiologist, nephrology, ophthalmology, podiatry) • Progress notes
o Dual diagnoses patient: integrated care with mental • Best Practice Alerts: that are specific to the patient
health colleagues
• Total external partner groups with potential access Medication Safety Problems in US
o Patients with access to their charts: ~11,000 • 1.5 million people are injured each year due to medications
o Community partners • ~25% of ambulatory patients experience adverse drug events
o Access: 21 signed agreements -> 4,177 logins • $310 billion spent on medications, $290 billion spent treating
o 27 agreements pending problems created by medications
• Basic institute link use of content: if no patient, no access • 90% of chronic illness require medications as first-line therapy
without consent • Reasons: Suboptimal medication misuse, prescriber inertia
o This site is designed for use by physicians, other (not adjusting drug therapy when needed), polypharmacy,
healthcare professionals, and their authorized staff aging population
o To facilitate the secure transfer of medical
information and knowledge to: MEADERS – Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Event Reporting
Outpatient Medication Safety Challenges System
Coordinate treatment and medical care for
• Incomplete/Fragmented Health Information VADERS – Veterans Adverse Drug Event Reporting System
our mutual patients;
• Incompatibility of health IT systems
majjyap ‘21
Most Important Elements of a Medication Safety Story Total Number of Medication- 2,085 • Weaves patient safety, evidence-based practice, and
1. Types of medication-related problems identified Related Problems Identified technological options for those delivering care to get the
2. Types of harm/potential harm being halted/avoided Total Number of Interventions 2,480 information, knowledge, and wisdom for safe patient care at
3. Examples of high-impact, patient stories Made to Resolve Problems their fingertips
Average Number of 9.39
Problems/Patient Patient Safety – encompasses the entire spectrum of patient contact
Average Number of 11.17 from the beginning of the visit at registration to the follow-up after
Interventions/Patient discharge

Patient Safety Events – are negative incidences that can, or actually did,
injury or harm

Decision Support
• To give information
• Support clinical decisions and provide alerts which assist safe
• Example: armbands, medications, allergy alerts
• Alert staff to critical information

Evidence-based Practice
• The merging of scientific research, expert clinical opinion, and
the patient’s desires or needs
• The foundation for developing nursing care plans
• Those caring for patients can help the informatics team create
a workflow through the software that helps bedside nurses
and other staff by placing needed information at their

PRACTICE • Standardized plans of care across the nation
Electronic Health Record (EHR) • This requires a team approach:
• How patient information is recorded 1. Nursing informatics personnel to help design and
• Departments such as labs, x-rays, and physical therapies can implement the plans of care
access in order to document their care, share information 2. Physicians who will guide the orders based on the
about the patient, and request additional assistance from disease or condition of the patient
others 3. Nurses who are responsible for delivering the care
4. Nursing management to oversee the care on units
Nursing Informatics 5. Information technology that guides the computer
Medication Safety Impact: • A partnership between information technology and nursing processes
222 Patients with Diabetes practice 6. Patient safety nurse to look for gaps and risk in the
• Helps design the questions that are asked care plans

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7. Ancillary departments such as lab, x-ray, dietary, a more complete picture of the care and condition of the • Regulatory bodies in government have been tasked with
respiratory, and physical therapy who assist in the patients. addressing the healthcare informatics world in an effort to
care of patients improve quality, safety, and security of patient care and
• All participating members have access to real-time data to Challenges in Implementation records.
support any needed changes in plans of care, policies, and • High cost of software and redesign of workflow to the software • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
procedures, and to monitor staff performance • High investment of time of physicians and staff to be trained o Legislation was passed in 1996 to allow insurance
o Physician orders can take more time to enter coverage to continue in case of job loss or changes.
CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING HEALTH INFORMATICS o Technology can be difficult to learn for some o Parts of this law are specific to healthcare technology
Health Informatics o Fear of technology in the staff and learning new ways as patients can now have access to their electronic
• Blend of information technology and clinical services designed of working health records.
to improve communication among those caring for patients o Software has not always fit the needs of the facilities o Confidentiality is a large part of this law as it
• Can change the delivery of care and the evaluation of care in a and/or physicians addresses the security and handling of the patient’s
way that improves the patient experience and improves the • Poor communication between programs from outpatient- record.
workflow of the staff inpatient and interfacility • Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical
• Before the implementation begins, there must be a system- • Cyber security and patient confidentiality remain a concern Health (HITECH)
wide planning initiative for success. o In 2009, this law was passed to create a national
o Start by surveying the climate in the facility first. Overcoming Barriers healthcare infrastructure.
o Ask what are we doing and how do we do it? Software already installed Software coming soon o This law includes:
o Observing these elements and getting the Have ongoing training available Plan for training champions now Greater HIPAA enforcement with strict
involvement of the staff early will make the transition Keep all staff informed of Involve staff for input to change compliance and large penalties for breaches
much easier. changes in confidentiality
• Rapidly evolving specialty Keep cyber security focused Develop cyber security culture Health information technology expansion
Patient care workflow updates Chart workflows for patient care Interoperability, which is the exchange of
How can healthcare informatics change our lives for the better? as needed patient data through secure networks,
1. Creating a patient health record that can be accessed by many connecting many providers and healthcare
Better decision-support for staff Consider areas of risk in patient
staff members that are caring for the patient. organizations
in record care
2. Improving patient safety by reducing errors from illegible Standards for certification of the electric
Patient safety to review errors, Patient safety trend errors and
handwriting. health record programs in each facility
ongoing risks for chart alerts
3. Preventing the staff from dispensing medications to which the Incentives to those that implement
patient is allergic. healthcare technology with accountability
4. Granting access to needed information regarding diseases, Notification of health record breaches
Healthcare Informatics – specialty role combining clinical knowledge
medications, and procedures. • Affordable Care Act (ACA)
and information science has produced a technology base in the clinical
5. Improving the ability to analyze data from the health records o This legislation provides affordable insurance
that increases staff performance. coverage for those who are uninsured and has
6. Providing documentation to support insurance collections and brought rapid changes for healthcare at all levels.
Health Information Technology (HIT) – formed the product called the
decrease denials of insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid claims. o Healthcare technology is also a large part of this bill
electronic health record (EHR)
7. Requiring less paper and allowing more storage of patient and and informatics is responding to meet the demands
administrative information. from providers, staff, and the ACA.
Nursing Informatics – a special role for nurses who help design
8. Improving access to reports from medical laboratories, o Accurate data collection, measuring the work being
workflow for the EHR, taking the care of patients into technology
physical therapy sessions, respiratory therapy sessions, nurses, done for the patient, and tracking the outcomes of
physicians, and others on the healthcare team and helping give the care given are high on the list.
Regulations Overview

majjyap ‘21
o The ability for providers to have access to electronic
health records, communicate with other providers,
and exchange information directly related to the
patient are also in process now through healthcare
o Meaningful Use is another goal of technology being
driven by ACA.
o Healthcare systems may be eligible for initiatives from
Medicare and Medicaid if they implement, upgrade,
and use certified electronic health record software.
o But the following goals must be met:
Improve quality and safety using technology
Support patient care and access to health
Improve coordination of patient care
between staff and providers
Foster patient and family engagement in the
Expand healthcare technology to improve
data collection, adding to accountability
• Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act
o This regulation was passed in 2012 to provide a more
standardized framework and oversight for healthcare
information technology that was given to the FDA
(Food and Drug Administration)
o Software used by facilities must be reliable,
supporting safety and quality improvement.
o It must also include recognized standards or best-
practices for care, testing function of technical
products and devices used in healthcare for quality
and safety
o Interoperability is still on the forefront as the nation’s
healthcare networks are growing.

majjyap ‘21

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