Collaborative Learning

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Collaborative Learning is a process of learning in groups. Each group member has the

opportunity to contribute their information, knowledge, experience, ideas, attitudes, opinions,

abilities and skills. In this method, each group member has the responsibility for the progress of

the learning process for both themselves and for other group members. In the end it will improve

the member skills in interaction and cooperation (Pengenalan Sistem Akademik Universitas,

2008, 2008).

Collaborative Learning’s paradigm

1. Constructivism

Constructivism is a view of learning that forms the basis of Collaborative Learning learning

activities. Learning is defined as the process of knowledge formation (knowledge

construction), where learners must actively build knowledge. So the learning process can not

be analogized by filling the water into an empty vessel or the human brain is not a sponge that

is passively ready to absorb and store whatever is received by the senses. More than that,

learning is an active and constructive mental activity. Learning process occurs when the

individual intentionally and actively builds his knowledge by processing the newly acquired

information and linking it with the knowledge the individual already has (prior knowledge).

The level of learner activity in the process of building this knowledge will determine the

quality of understanding. A deep understanding will occur when every learner is actively

involved in his learning. Contrarily, a superficial understanding (surface learning) will occur

when the learning activity is weak.

Prepared for international program in Engineering Faculty, University of Indonesia. 2017.

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2. Deep Learning (Deep understanding)

A deep learning process, involving intrinsic motivation. To gain a thorough understanding of

a thing. Learning is not merely memorizing and aiming just to get good grades, but deep

learning activities appear in the form of learning activities such as reading in depth,

understand, relate with previous understanding, discuss and reflect. Deep learning enables

students to be able to gain more information and apply their knowledge to solve problems in

everyday life.

3. Learner-centered

This paradigm is a correction of a teacher-centered method which assumes that the teacher is

the primary focus and the source of the learning process. The success of the learning process

that happens to the students are actively making efforts to build knowledge. Students are

given the opportunity to determine their own direction and the depth of the process learning.


Basically in CL known various models, one of them is Jigsaw method. It is called jigsaw

because the discussion of a subject matter will be divided into several sub-materials by groups.

First the student will be divided into groups, known as Focus Group (FG). Each group will

discuss certain subtopic so all members of the group will understand the subtopic that the group

is responsible for. The main task of the group is searching (sharing and discussing information)

as deep as possible about subtopic. After that each FG members will be merged into a new group

called Home Group (HG). In the HG, consisting from representatives of all these FGs, every FG

group member will share his understanding of subtopic in their respective groups. The main task

is knowledge sharing, so all members will gain a complete understanding about the topic.

Prepared for international program in Engineering Faculty, University of Indonesia. 2017.

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The distribution and grouping with FG & HG system

In FG and HG the process of searching and sharing is done through a group discussion. To

achieve maximum results from this CL method, the process of discussion in the group should

have high activity level of group members in questioning, explaining, criticizing, agreeing,

disagreeing, sharing ideas / information, and others. A quick solutions activity should be avoided

such as seek an agreement (avoiding the debate), voting (seeking the most votes), or just

following the opinion of one or more group members (no discussion).

Activity Cycle in the Jigsaw Method

The learning activities in the Jigsaw Method runs interchangeably, between FG activities and

HG activities. Repetition of this cycle is adapted to the learning needs and the number of

discussion material.

Prepared for international program in Engineering Faculty, University of Indonesia. 2017.

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The five basic elements that drive CL

1. Positive Interdependence:

The perception that each member of the group depends on each other. Every student will not

succeed unless all the other students in the group succeed. The work of each member will

benefit (or suffer) other members. Cooperation and cohesiveness in achieving understanding

of learning is an important thing that needs to be done.

2. Individual Accountability

The sense of responsibility of each student of the learning process itself as individual or

group. Students are not only responsible for learning the certain part of material, but also

responsible for helping all members of his group in learning it.

3. Face-to-face Interaction

It takes face-to-face interaction involving discussion, inference, and elaboration of the


4. Social Skills

Use of interaction skills and cooperation with others, to obtain collective understanding.

5. Group Processing & Reflection

Group evaluation of how well the learning process has taken place, what things are useful and

subsequently need to be done to improve group performance.

In addition to these five elements, some roles of the student are required (as members of FG or

HG). Such roles can be alternately acted between members and there is no member plays as a

leader, secretary etc.

 Directing, i.e. draw up plans to be implemented and proposing alternatives problem solutions.

 Explaining, i.e. provide explanations or conclusions to the other members of the group.

 Asking, i.e. ask questions to collect to collect information needed.

Prepared for international program in Engineering Faculty, University of Indonesia. 2017.

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 Criticizing, i.e. file a contradiction and question the reason of proposals / opinions /

statements submitted.

 Summarizing, i.e. make a conclusion from the results of discussion or explanation given.

 Recording, i.e. keep a record of everything that happens and achieved the group

 Mediating, i.e. facilitate the conflict and try to minimize the tension that occurs between group


In contrary, some roles will suffer the CL process therefore the following roles should be


 Free-rider; does not contribute to the process and lets his friends do the group work.

 Sucker; does not participate in the process but passively gaining knowledge for individual


 Dominate; dominate the whole process and result, so that the contributions from others are not


 Ganging up on task; avoid tasks and shows little effort to solve them.

The Role of Teachers in CL

In the CL method, the teacher won’t give any lectures in front of the class, but still has various

roles, such as facilitator, model and Coach, because students must construct their own

understanding of a material.

 Facilitator

o Designing tasks.

o Creating a situation that encourages students to have certain attitudes and behaviors.

o Giving or showing information sources.

o Set the environment

Prepared for international program in Engineering Faculty, University of Indonesia. 2017.

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 Model

Actively trying to be an example in conducting effective learning activities, such as

exemplifying the use of learning strategies or how to express thinking verbally (think aloud)

that can help the process of knowledge construction.

 Coach

Provide guidance, feedback, and orientation on student learning activities. Students have to

solve the problem before getting the teacher input.

Prepared for international program in Engineering Faculty, University of Indonesia. 2017.

Integrated Character Building A

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