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15.1.2021 Bentley RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition 6.00.00.

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12-12-2020, 08:32 PM #1

Bentley RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition

Saadedin RAM SBeam is a powerful and comprehensive application from BentleyFor the design of steel beams (iron
Administrator beams). Using one of several RAM design codes SBeam can select the desired beam size or check the
adequacy of the existing structure. This program provides quick evaluation and comparison of different beams
in different loading conditions. RAM SBeam has a unique user interface for ease and ease of use, while
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delivering powerful design capabilities. This results in time saving for the engineer and cheaper design for the
customer. Bentley is a global leader in providing architects, engineers, builders and operators, comprehensive
Sep 2018
Posts: 29973
architecture and engineering software solutions to maintain infrastructure. RAM SBeam contains a subset of the
design capabilities of the Metal Structural RAM beam design module. The Structural RAM system includes not
only individual beams, but also the whole model of the structureAutomatically calculates the loads associated
with all members (beams, columns, walls, etc.).

Design and research of composite and non-composite beams
Opening and closing flange compression
Shapes cast and made
Internal and external steel tables
Load Charts, Cutting Charts, Moments and Deviations
It can be run as a standalone program, or it can be run from a RAM structure or from a RAM element
Cells and cavities are now produced as C beams called SteelFab.
Options to specify fy design in Eurocode


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16-12-2020, 01:25 PM #2

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15.1.2021 Bentley RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition | DamasGate Wiki

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