PJ 15 Warts-And-Verrucas-Assessment-And-Treatment

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Warts and verrucas:

assessment and treatment
Lesions caused by human papilloma virus often do not require
treatment, but need to be assessed to rule out more serious conditions.


arts are common viral skin results in development of epidermal thick- This article will not discuss anogenital
infections, affecting around ening and hyperkeratinisation. HPV infec- warts or seborrhoeic (keratoses) warts.
7–12% of the population at any tion is acquired from direct contact, which
one time, and are more common in chil- may be person-to-person or from the en- Assessment
dren1. They are caused by the human pap- vironment (e.g. showers and swimming When clinically assessing skin lesions, the
illoma virus (HPV), of which there are over pools; skin penetration increases if the following steps are useful to aid diagnosis6,7:
150 genotypically different types; the most skin is broken or wet)2.  Inspect the patient. Where on the body are
common are HPVs 1, 2, 4, 27 and 57, and Studies suggest that the bovine papil- the lesions? How many lesions are there?
HPVs 3 and 10 for plane (flat) warts. loma virus (which is related) can retain If there are multiple lesions, do they follow
HPV infects the keratinocytes, the most infectivity for months and possibly years, a pattern or are they on a specific area?
dominant cell type in the epidermis, which and the same may be true for HPV3. Describe the lesions. What is the larg-
Verrucas are plantar warts, located est diameter of lesion? Is there colour?
on the sole of the foot4,5. Someone with a Are there any secondary changes (e.g.
SUMMARY BOX plantar wart should use waterproof plas- lichenification, crusting, excoriation
In this article you will learn: ters in communal bathing areas; verruca (scratch marks), ulceration, erosion, fis-
• HRedowflag
to assess warts and verrucas socks are also available. sure (thin crack), hypertrophy (increase
• requiringsymptoms for skin lesions
specialist advice
• The different wart treatments available NEPHRON / WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

Micrograph of a common wart, caused hyperkeratinisation following infection by the human papilloma virus



in skin) or granuloma?) Is there a clear

defined border? Is it regular? PHOTO GUIDE
Palpate the lesion. Feel the surface, con- Different types of warts
sistency, mobility, tenderness and temper-

ature (use gloves to prevent infection). 1 2

Check the patient’s overall health. Ex-
amine the nails, scalp, hair and mucous
membranes. Is there any lymphadenopa-
thy? Does the patient have a temperature?
Any pigmented lesions should be
checked for red flags suggestive of mela-
noma. These include: asymmetry (lack of
mirror image lesion in any of the four quad-
rants of the body); irregular border; two
or more colours in the lesion; diameter of
more than 7mm. Patients presenting with
any of these symptoms should be referred
to a dermatologist for further assessment
(e.g. biopsy and histological studies). Plane wart: these are most common on the Filiform wart: long, finger-like warts that
Cutaneous warts are generally diag- backs of hands and are round and flat-topped appear on the face and neck
nosed on appearance. The characteristic
appearance of different types of warts are 3 4
as follows:

• Cwith
ommon warts are firm and raised
rough edges like a cauliflower;
• Pyellow,
lane warts are round, flat-topped and
and they are commonly seen
on the back of hands;
• Fwarts
iliform warts are long, finger-like
common on the face and neck;
• palms (palmar)
Palmar and plantar warts grow on
and soles of feet
(plantar). Often seen with thrombosed
capillaries, which appear as a central Plantar wart: these can be differentiated Mosaic warts: these are groups of palmar
black dot (these do not appear in corns from corns by the presence of black or plantar warts.
and calluses); dots (seen top centre), which are
• Periungual warts occur around
fingernails and toenails, and appear
thrombosed capillaries.

as thickened, cauliflower-like skin;

Mosaic warts are multiple palmar epidermodysplasia verruciformis, an ex-
or plantar warts that coalesce on tremely rare skin disorder that results in
hands or feet. the growth of scaly macules and papules.
Paring down a wart
The presentation can be similar to other
lesions. Possible differential diagnoses
with a file will result Treatment
No treatment is required in most cases,
for warts on the hands or feet include5: in pinpoint bleeding especially if the warts cause no function-
actinic keratosis; seborrheic keratosis;
knuckle pads; squamous cell carcinoma;
from thrombosed al impairment. Most warts will resolve
spontaneously within two years, although
lichen planus; corns or calluses; and ma- capillaries some cases can take five to ten years to
lignant melanoma. resolve. Treatment should be considered
If the diagnosis is in doubt, paring down patients with severely impaired immune when the wart is uncomfortable, function
a wart with a file will result in pinpoint function (e.g. patients treated with immuno- is impaired or if the warts affect appear-
bleeding from thrombosed capillaries5. suppressants after organ or bone marrow ance (e.g. warts on the face).
Paring should be performed with caution, transplant), warts may be large, extensive Most warts and verrucae can be treat-
as the bleeding contains active viral DNA and resistant to treatment. Warts can also be ed in primary care. In some cases, refer-
that can infect the clinician or further the a presenting complaint of patients with un- ral to a hospital specialist may be neces-
spread of infection4. If in doubt, the patient diagnosed conditions such as HIV, lympho- sary (e.g. if persistent warts show a poor
should be referred to a clinician specialis- ma and CD4 lymphocytopenia. All patients response to treatment), however local
ing in dermatology to confirm diagnosis. with warts who are immunocompromised policies may restrict treatment to symp-
Patients should also be referred if they should be referred to a dermatologist. tomatic warts only4.
have a facial wart or extensive areas of the HPV infection is associated with squa- Treatment options include salicylic
skin are affected (usually mosaic warts on mous cell carcinoma and pre-malignancy. acid, often in combination with lactic
the hands and feet). The likelihood of squamous cell carci- acid, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde and
Warts can last longer in patients who noma is increased in mild immunodefi- cryotherapy.
are immunocompromised, especially those ciency and carriers of certain HPV types. Topical salicylic acid (15–50% w/w), ap-
with cell-mediated immunodeficiency. In HPV types 5 and 8 are also associated with plied to the wart daily for 12 weeks, is the



treatment of choice for adults and older face of the wart gently with a file (e.g. em- References:
children. Its exact mechanism of action is ery board) or pumice stone once weekly. 1. Lynch MD, Cliffe J & Morris-Jones R.
not known but it acts as a keratolytic, re- However, this should be done carefully Management of cutaneous viral warts. The BMJ
sulting in the removal of epidermal cells as there is a risk of further spread of the 2014;348:g3339. doi:10.1136/bmj.g3339.
infected by HPV. It is also effective at re- infectious material. Patients should also 2. Sterling JC. Virus infections. In: Burns.
moving corns and calluses. soak the wart for five minutes before Breathnach S, Cox N & Griffiths C. (Eds.) Rook’s
A Cochrane review of treatments treatment to soften it. textbook of dermatology. 8th ed. Chichester:
found the chance of clearance of warts Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen is Wiley-Blackwell; 2010. 33.1–33.81.
with salicylic acid was 1.56 times greater suitable for adults and older children who 3. Sterling J, Gibbs S, Hussain S et al. British
compared with placebo. Removal was are able to tolerate it. It causes rapid cool- Association of Dermatologists’ guidelines for
most effective on hands (relative risk 2.67) ing of cells, causing ice crystals to form the management of cutaneous warts 2014.
compared with feet (relative risk 1.29)8. outside of cells, and disrupts membranes. Br J Dermatol 2014;171(4):696–712.
Salicylic acid preparations are avail- When thawing occurs, extracellular fluid 4. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
able in a range of treatments, including becomes hypertonic, with the rapid flow Clinical Knowledge Summaries. (2014). Warts
gels, paints, solutions and ointments, and of water into cells causing cell death10. and Verrucae. Available at: http://cks.nice.org.
they often also include lactic acid; in the Treatment usually involves exposure to uk/warts-and-verrucae#!references (accessed
UK, these are available over the counter. liquid nitrogen every two weeks for three May 2015).
Gel treatments may also contain coloph- to four months. A session takes between 5. Dinulos JGH. Warts. Available at:
ony, which may cause an allergic reaction 5–15 minutes, and may be painful. After http://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/
in some patients9. treatment a blister forms, followed by a dermatologic-disorders/viral-skin-diseases/
Salicylic acid should not be applied scab, which falls off around a week later. warts (accessed May 2015).
to warts on the face, intertriginous ar- Cryotherapy can cause local irritation to 6. Macleod J.Macleod’s Clinical Examination.
eas (where skin rubs together, such as the unaffected skin3. Other side effects in- 12th ed. London: Churchill Livingstone; 2009.
axilla), anogenital warts, moles or birth- clude scarring (rare), hyperpigmentation, 7. British Association of Dermatologists. Medical
marks, warts with hair or red edges, or to which usually improves with time but may Students Edition. 2015. Software application.
open lesions or broken skin4. When using be permanent, and paraesthesia caused by 8. Kwok CS, Gibbs S, Bennett C et al. Topical
salicylic acid, patients should be advised to freezing a superficial nerve cell; this will treatments for cutaneous warts. Cochrane Datab
protect the surrounding skin to avoid irri- return to normal after two to three months. Syst Rev. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001781.pub3. 
tation; this can be done by coating the area There are no defined age limits for cryo- 9. Royal Pharmaceutical Society and British Medical
with soft paraffin or by using plasters. therapy. It can be used to treat younger chil- Association. British National Formulary 69.
Salicylic acid is not recommended to dren, although it is not usually recommend- London: RPS 2015.
treat plantar warts in patients with dia- ed. Each treatment should be no longer than 10. Nguygen NV & Burkhart CG. Cryosurgical
betes, as these patients often have pe- five to ten seconds in these patients. treatment of warts: dimethyl ether and
ripheral neuropathy and poor circulation, Cryotherapy is not recommended for propane versus liquid nitrogen — case
leading to poor wound healing4. The NHS areas with a tendon, as aggressive treat- report and review of the literature.
states that salicylic acid can be used to ment can cause tendon damage. Onych- J Drugs Dermatol 2011;10:1174–117.
treat warts in pregnancy but only on a odystrophy (malformation of the nails)
small area for a limited period of time. may occur if periungual warts are treated
Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde are with cryotherapy4. About the authors
applied in a similar way to salicylic acid. Silver nitrate pencils are also available Sam Akram is a senior lecturer
Glutaraldehyde can stain the skin brown, to treat cutaneous warts; however, there at Anglia Ruskin University and GP
and should be discontinued if skin irrita- is no good evidence that this is effective3. practice-based pharmacist. Hadar
tion is severe. The Cochrane review also found no ev- Zaman is a lecturer at University of
Patients using over-the-counter treat- idence that using duct tape to treat warts Bradford and community pharmacist.
ments can be advised to debride the sur- was more effective than placebo8.


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