United States A History Pre-Test

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1. Name three Native American tribes that lived in the United States before the arrival of foreign
nations. cherokee navajo and apache
2. Who were the Quakers? religious nice guys who liked the indians
3. Who was William Penn? I think he founded Pennsylvania
4. How many colonies were established in the new world? 13
5. What were some of the reasons people emigrated from Britain to the new world? flee religious
persecution, look for new opportunities
6. What are the Intolerable Acts? British was mean to us and gave acts we couldn't tolerate
7. Name three acts passed by the British. tea tax stamp tax quartering at
8. Who was Commander in Chief during the American Revolution? george washington
9. Name the first three presidents in order. washington adams jefferson
10. How long did the American Revolution last? too long
11. How was the Constitution created? we made it so we can be free
12. What was the Virginia Plan? plan made by Virginia to make government
13. What was the 3/5 Compromise? slaves count as 3/5 of a person because south states were
14. How many branches of government are outlined in the Constitution? 3
15. What are the Bill of Rights? What do they do? states were whining so we made this so they
wouldn't cry about joining our country. (gave them freedoms also)
16. How did the railroad affect the nation? they can go fast now
17. How were people convinced to move westward? manifest destiny and free land
18. Name two social reforms before the Civil War. I don't know
19. What was the triangular trade? trade between 3 places (I forget which and I'm being honest and
not looking it up)
20. What was the Industrial Revolution? (Like a terminator prequel) where machines make things
people used to such as the cotton gin (eli something I forget but it boosted slavery a lot) and we
can mass produce guns now
21. What advantage did the North have over the South in the Civil War? More people
22. What was the Emancipation Proclamation? freed slaves (sort of.)
23. How many states succeeded from the nation? the southern ones
24. Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln? John Wilkes booth
25. Who was responsible to help the nation reconstruct itself after the Civil War? we were (well
technically our government but they didn't do the best job at that. They couldn't even handle
the whiskey rebellion they had to repeal the tax.)

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