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German O.

Gallucci Five-year results of fixed implant-

Camden B. Doughtie
Jae Woong Hwang
supported rehabilitations with distal
Joseph P. Fiorellini cantilevers for the edentulous mandible
Hans-Peter Weber

Authors’ affiliations: Key words: dental implants, edentulous jaws, hybrid prostheses, success criteria
German O. Gallucci, Jae Woong Hwang, Hans-
Peter Weber, Department of Restorative Dentistry
and Biomaterials Science, Harvard School of Dental Abstract
Medicine, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the survival rate, success rate and
Camden B. Doughtie, DMD Candidate, Harvard
primary complications associated with mandibular fixed implant-supported rehabilitations
School of Dental Medicine, Harvard University, with distal cantilevers over 5 years of function.
Cambridge, MA, USA Material and methods: In this prospective multi-center trial, 45 fully edentulous patients
Joseph P. Fiorellini, Department of Periodontics,
School of Dental Medicine, University of were treated with implant-supported mandibular hybrid prostheses with distal extension
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA cantilevers. Data were collected at numerous time points, including but not limited to:
Correspondence to: implant placement, abutment placement, final prosthesis delivery, 3 months and 5 years
German O. Gallucci post-loading. Biological, implant and prosthetic parameters defining survival and success
Department of Restorative Dentistry
were evaluated for each implant including: sulcus bleeding ndex (SBI) at four sites per
and Biomaterials Sciences
Harvard School of Dental Medicine implant, width of facial and lingual keratinized gingiva (mm), peri-implant mucosal level
Harvard University (mid-facial from the top of the implant collar, measured in mm), modified plaque index
188, Longwood Avenue
02115 Boston, MA, USA. (MPI) at four sites per implant, mobility and peri-implant radiolucency. Survival was defined
Tel.: þ 16 17 432 5764 as implants or prostheses that did not need to be replaced. Success rate was defined as
Fax: þ 16 17 432 0901
meeting well-established criteria that were chosen to indicate healthy peri-implant mucosa
osseointegration, prostheses success and complications.
Results: A total of 237 implants in 45 completely edentulous patients were included in the
study. In each patient, four to six implants were placed to support hybrid prostheses with
distal cantilevers. Cantilevers ranged in length from 6 to 21 mm, with an average length of
15.6 mm. The ages of the patients ranged from 34 to 78 with a mean age of 59.5 years. The
survival rate of implants was 100% (237/237) and for prostheses 95.5% (43/45). The overall
treatment success rate was calculated as 86.7% (39/45). Of the six patients that have not met
the criteria for success, two patients required replacement of the entire prosthesis and four
patients presented 4four complications events.
Conclusion: Fixed implant-supported rehabilitation with distal cantilever resulted in a
reliable treatment modality over the 5-year observation period. Although biological
parameters of MPI, SBI, keratinized tissue and peri-implant mucosal levels showed
statistically significant differences over time, the mean values for each patient remained
within the normal limits of oral health. Complications were categorized as biological or
technical. The majority of complications were technical complications (54/79) and of these
Date: most involved fracture of the acrylic teeth and base (20/54). While the survival rate was
Accepted 7 December 2008
100% for implants and 95.5% for prostheses, the application of strict criteria for treatment
To cite this article:
Gallucci GO, Doughtie CB, Hwang JW, Fiorellini JP,
success resulted in an overall treatment success rate of 86.7%.
Weber H-P. Five-year results of fixed implant-supported
rehabilitations with distal cantilevers for the edentulous
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 601–607.
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2008.01699.x

c 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 

 c 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S 601
Gallucci et al . Five-year results of fixed mandibular implant-supported rehabilitations

Implant supported prostheses have led to safety and efficacy of the ITI dental im- intended implant placement. Oral hygiene
drastic improvements in edentulous patients’ plant system from the following five cen- instructions were reviewed. Pre-surgical
standard of living and quality of life com- ters: University of Connecticut, UCONN documentation of opposing dentition, ade-
pared with treatment with conventional den- Health Center – USA, University of Texas quate inter-occlusal space and bone quality
tures (Allen & McMillan 2003; Heydecke et – Health Science Center, USA, Baylor, was recorded. Occlusion was recorded as
al. 2003). Implant supported cantilever pros- USA, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, normal or abnormal.
theses, also known as hybrids, have been USA and Birmingham, UK. Abnormal occlusion was recorded when
largely described in the dental literature a patient’s inter-arch relationship in the
(Jemt & Linden 1992; Jemt et al. 1996; Inclusion criteria pre-excising dentures presented an overjet
Lindquist et al. 1996; Yoshida et al. 1996). From this multicenter study, related data of more than 4 mm, an open bite, a deep
The term hybrid describes a combination of to edentulous patient either in the maxilla bite, edge-to-edge occlusion or a crossbite
prosthetic designs defined as ‘the rigid an- or mandible that completed the 5-year (Gesch et al. 2006).
chorage of a removable denture using splint- follow-up were selected. At allocation, all
ing implants’ (Besimo et al. 1991) and patients demonstrated adequate oral hy- Implant placement
different materials such as ceramic–metal giene, and had an absence of any local Patients received prophylactic antibiotic
or resin–metal implant-supported prostheses inflammation. Adequate bone height was regime before surgery (amoxicillin
(LoCascio & Salinas 1997). Increased stabi- present for the placement of dental im- 500 mg) and rinsed with 0.12% chlorhex-
lity, retention and the cost-effectiveness of plants. In addition, neither residual roots idine gluconate for 1 min for local disinfec-
placing fewer implants represent the main nor mucosal diseases were present. For the tion. The peri-oral skin was washed with a
advantages of cantilevered prostheses. purpose of this study, data related to pa- skin disinfectant. Rough surface one-part
The survival rates for hybrid prostheses tients receiving hybrid prostheses and com- implants were placed under local anesthe-
were proposed as ranging from 88.5% to pleting the full-length of the study was sia and aseptic conditions with a contra-
100% in a 5–15-year follow-up (Zarb & assessed. angle hand piece with drilling speeds
Schmitt 1990; Friberg et al. 1991; Henry limited to a maximum of 800 rpm and
et al. 1995; Ortorp et al. 1999). The success Exclusion criteria provisions of cooling with sterile saline.
rate for hybrid mandibular implant rehabilita- Patients were excluded if they met any of Healing caps were placed and flaps sutured
tions has been mainly calculated in terms of the following criteria: moderate to heavy leaving the implants (Straumann AG,
fixture parameters (Albrektsson & Zarb smoking (more than 10 cigarettes/day) or Basel, Switzerland) in a transmucosal posi-
1993; Ortorp et al. 1999; Fischer & Stenberg chewing tobacco, alcoholism or drug use, tion. All implants were placed in an up-
2006), however, limited information is avail- severe bruxism or clenching habits, un- right position and no insertion torque
able regarding the effect of implant and peri- treated periodontitis, high risk for subacute measurement was carried out at this
implant soft tissue health, prosthodontic and bacterial endocarditis, poor general health, time. After implant placement, old den-
patient satisfaction parameters on the calcu- pregnant at the time of evaluation, patients tures were relieved completely from direct
lation of an overall treatment success rate. at risk with surgical procedures, history of implant contact and adjusted with soft
Although hybrid prosthesis have been used in radiation to head and neck, previous graft at reliner (GC America Inc., Leuven, Bel-
the treatment of edentulism for more than intended surgical sites, lack of motivation gium). All patients were instructed on
two decades, much concern still exists re- or compliance, physical handicaps that post-operative home care. Data recorded
garding the number of complications asso- would interfere with good oral hygiene at this time included: implant catalog and
ciated with this type of rehabilitation (Friberg and use of an investigational drug within lot number, bone quality, achievement of
et al. 1991; Jemt & Linden 1992; Jemt et al. 30 days before intended implant place- primary stability and complications or dif-
1996; Ortorp et al. 1999; Engfors et al. 2004). ment. ficulties encountered. Necessary follow-up
The purpose of this investigation was to Patients were explained all potential ad- appointments were scheduled.
evaluate cantilever hybrid prostheses as a verse effects and complications of treat-
treatment option in mandibular edentu- ment and were invited to sign informed Prosthodontic treatment
lism over a 5-year observation period. The consent forms. The study was approved by Three to 5 months after implant place-
specific aim was to clearly define the the Institutional Review Board of the Har- ment, patients returned for abutment and
survival and success rates based on well- vard Medical School. Treatment planning temporary prosthesis placement. If neces-
established parameters including implant for all patients included mandibular fixed sary, a minor gingivectomy was performed.
health, peri-implant soft-tissue health, implant-supported rehabilitations with dis- Four to 6 months after implant placement,
prosthodontic qualities and complications tal cantilevers. patients received final prostheses consist-
and patient satisfaction. ing of a metal framework with acrylic
(n ¼ 41) or ceramic (n ¼ 4) veneering. All
Pre-surgical assessment and treatment
planning of the prostheses were screw-retained. The
Materials and methods Alginate impressions and radiographs were lengths of the left and right distal cantile-
taken for diagnostic purposes and treat- vers were recorded from the distal aspect of
Data used for this study were collected as ment planning. Soft issue was examined the most distal abutment to the most distal
part of a multicenter trial to assess the for pathology with particular care at sites of part of the prosthesis.

602 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009 / 601–607 c 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 
 c 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Gallucci et al . Five-year results of fixed mandibular implant-supported rehabilitations

Follow-up and parameters defining was conducted using t-test and w2 to eval- 15.7 mm (ranging from 6 to 21 mm) and
Patients were recalled yearly and, if needed uate changes in the biological parameters at 15.6 mm (ranging from 7 to 21 mm) for the
oral prophylaxis was performed. For the final prosthesis delivery, 3 months and 5 left cantilever. Most of the patients
porpose of this investigation, related data years post-loading. Statistical significance (n ¼ 41/45) received an acrylic base and
were collected at the following time points: was set at a P-valueo0.05. prosthetic teeth mounted onto a metallic
at baseline at final prosthesis delivery, framework. The four remaining patients
3 months and 5 years post-loading. Objec- received metal/ceramic restorations
tive data recorded included parameters Results (Table 3).
such as modified plaque index (MPI), sul- MPI, SBI, width of the keratinized gin-
cus bleeding index (SBI), keratinized mu- A total of 45 patients were enrolled in the giva and peri-implant mucosa levels were
cosa levels, peri-implant mucosal levels clinical study, which was composed of 26 recorded at the delivery of the hybrid pros-
and presence or absence of implant mobi- females (average age 60.2 years) and 19 thesis, 3-month follow-up and 5-year fol-
lity. Complications were recorded at any males (average age 58.8 years). At the low-up. Mean values at each time point
time during the 5-year duration of the pre-surgical evaluation 42 participants pre- and statistically significant differences in
study and were categorized as biological/ sented with normal occlusion. One patient mean values over time are presented in
technical and new/recurrent. Data were had limited inter-occlusal space, and all Tables 4 and 5. Although some of the
recorded for each complication re- opposing dentitions were maxillary com- periodontal parameters show statistically
garding the severity (mild, moderate or plete dentures (Table 1). significant differences over time, the
severe) and the outcome (resolved or on- At the time of surgery all 237 implants mean values of all subjects individually
going). Subjective parameters were re- were placed using a non-submerged tech- and as a whole remained within the normal
corded through patient questionnaires in nique and were left undisturbed for at least limits of oral health and were in accordance
which they rated satisfaction with appear- a 3-month healing period. The number of with the definition for treatment success.
ance, ability to chew, ability to taste and implants per patient, implant type and (Tables 4 and 5).
general satisfaction as excellent, good, fair length and the bone quality are presented All complications that occurred within
or poor. in Table 2. the 5-year duration of the study were
The implant and prosthodontic survival After the healing period, each patient recorded and analyzed. Table 6 lists the
rate was calculated based on the number of received screw-retained hybrid-type pros- number of complications in each category
individual failures by means of an implant thesis with distal cantilevers. The mean that occurred and is divided into biological
removal or prosthesis replacement. length of the right extension was of and technical complications. Biological
The criteria for defining treatment suc-
cess were accounted per individual patient
and defined by the presence of all of the Table 1. Pre-surgical Assessment
following parameters: Gender Occlusion Inter-occlusal space

1. Implants were stable and without signs Female Male Normal Abnormal Sufficient Insufficient
of ongoing infection, discomfort or 26 19 42 3 44 1
radiolucency (Buser et al. 1997, 2002). 45 45 45
2. Implants and surrounding tissues pre-
sented temporary discomfort, infection
Table 2. Implant related data
or radiolucency that became comple-
Number of Type of Implant Bone Implant
tely asymptomatic. implants implant length quality Survival
3. Patients had a mean MPI and SBI value placed per (type) Rate
of 1 or less throughout each time point. patient
4. Maintenance of at least 1.5 mm of ker- Four Five Six Hollow Solid 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 14 mm 16 mm I II III IV 100%
atinized mucosa (buccal and lingual). 6 26 13 7 230 19 35 117 40 26 43 126 38 25
5. Recession of o0.5 mm for the peri-
237 237 237 237 237
implant soft tissue.
6. Patients with four or less complica-
tions of mild or moderate severity
Table 3. Prosthodontic descriptive data
that were terminated.
Occlusal Retention Mean length Prosthesis
7. Patients who rated their overall treat-
material method of cantilevers survival
ment satisfaction as good or excellent. rate
Porcelain Acrylic Cement Screw Left Right 95.5%
4 41 0 45 15.7 mm 15.6 mm 43
Data analysis (6–21 mm) (7–21 mm)
Descriptive statistics summarize objective
45 45 45
and subjective values. Statistical analysis

c 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 

 c 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S 603 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009 / 601–607
Gallucci et al . Five-year results of fixed mandibular implant-supported rehabilitations

Table 4. Periodontal Measurements, Sulcus Table 6. Complications and Treatment Related Adverse Events
Bleeding Index & Modified Plaque Index
Delivery 3 month 5 year Systemic Change in medical condition 1
mean mean mean Local Reversible numbness of mental nerve 4
SBI-M 0.075 0.051 0.178 TMJ pain 1
Inflammation around an implant 3
Inflammation under prosthesis 2
SBI-D 0.071 0.047 0.178 Bone loss around an implant 3
Ulcer(s) 1
SBI-B 0.084 0.075 0.061 Hypertrophy or hyperplasia of tissue 3
Cheek biting 1
Swelling of soft tissue 1
SBI-L 0.075 0.145 0.215
Surgically related Soft tissue healing 1
Hard tissue healing 2
MPI-M 0.383 0.444 0.262 Implant components 2
N ¼ 25
MPI-D 0.322 0.411 0.327 Technical
Implant related Healing screw 1
MPI-B 0.35 0.379 0.243 Final screw loosening 2
Final screw fracture 5
MPI-L 0.425 0.603 0.477 Prosthesis related Fracture of acrylic tooth or denture base 20
Fracture of porcelain 1
Fracture upper denture 12
w2 used for statistical analysis. Links represent Inflammation under maxillary prosthesis 2
statistically significant differences between Fracture metal framework 2
overall means at two time points, defined as P- Composite access plug 4
value o0.05. Improper relationship of maxillary and 1
SBI-M, D, B or L, sulcus bleeding index mea- mandibular prosthesis (lab processing)
sured from the mesial, distal, buccal, or lingual Patient unhappy with esthetics, Requiring lab remake 1
of each implant; MPI-M, D, B or L, modified Abutment framework damage when polishing 1
plaque index measured from the mesial, distal, N ¼ 54
buccal, or lingual of each implant. Total 79

Table 5. Periodontal Measurements, Width Table 7. Distribution of Complications among Patients

of Keratinized Mucosa & Peri-Implant Mu- Number of Number of Distribution of complication(s)
cosal (PIM) Level patients that events occurring
Delivery 3 month 5 year Biological Technical
experienced a per patient
mean mean mean given number Systemic Local Surgical Implant Prosthesis
Kerat-F 2.832 2.453 2.621 of events
16 0
Kerat-L 2.196 1.591 1.652 11 1 1 2 1 7
7 2 7 2 1 4
4 3 4 8
PIM lev  0.311  0.245  0.313 2 4 1 4 3
0 5
t-test used for statistical analysis. Links repre-
2 6 3 9
sent statistically significant differences be-
2 7 1 4 2 7
tween means at two time points, defined as P- 1 8 8
value o0.05. 45 1 19 5 8 46
Kerat-F or L: width of keratinized tissue (mm)
from mid-facial or mid-lingual of each im-
PIM Lev: peri-implant mucosa level (mm) plications were observed on eight occasions The treatment success rate was calcu-
measured from the top of implant collar on vs. 46 for prosthodontic related adverse lated by evaluating each individual patient
mid-facial. Coronal from collar defined as ( þ ). events (Tables 6 and 7). against a set of well-defined criteria. Pa-
Apical from collar defined as (  ).
No implants were lost during the 5-year tients were considered successful only if all
observation period, resulting in a 100% of the stipulations were met. Thirty-nine
complications accounted for 31.6% implant survival rate (Table 2). The survi- patients (86.7%) were determined to have
(n ¼ 25/79) of the total number of compli- val rate for prostheses was 95.5% (n ¼ 43/ had successful treatment at the completion
cations. Within the biological, one event 45) as shown in Table 3. Two hybrid of the 5-year study. Six patients (13.3%)
was categorized as systemic, 19 events prostheses had to be replaced due to frac- did not attain the minimum parameters in
were recorded as localized and five events ture of the framework. Of the two, one order to be considered successful. Of the
were related to surgery. Technical compli- failed at 5 months after delivery due to six, one patient had a severe complication
cations (68.4% or n ¼ 54/79) were more technical problems with the framework resulting in the replacement of the entire
frequently encountered during the 5-year fabrication and the other was replaced at hybrid prosthesis. The remaining five pa-
follow-up. Implant related technical com- 3.3 years after delivery. tients experienced 4four complications

604 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009 / 601–607 c 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 
 c 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Gallucci et al . Five-year results of fixed mandibular implant-supported rehabilitations

each. Specifically, two patients had six with age and the presence of a prosthesis in nated by natural healing or professional
complications (12 total: three biological, contrast to patients’ previous state of eden- intervention. Mild bone loss was recorded
nine technical), two patients had seven tulism. Despite the statistically significant around three implants, one in one patient
complications (14 total: five biological, differences in MPI and SBI, each indivi- and two in another. Other mild complica-
nine technical) and one patient had eight dual’s mean values were o1 throughout tions related to the surgical intervention
prosthetic complications (8 total: eight tech- the entire study. This can be attributed included complications with secondary
nical) that resulted in replacement of the to patients’ periodic recall appointments. healing of soft tissue (one event), seques-
hybrid prosthesis. No statistical correlation The width of buccal keratinized mucosa tered bone particle (two events) and the
could be established relating the number of showed a statistically significant decrease implant insertion device breaking at the
implants, peri-implant soft tissue health or from baseline to 3-month follow-up but time of implant placement (two events).
prosthetic design to the number of compli- increased by 5-year follow-up. This implies Each of them occurred as a single event in
cations experienced. For the subjective eva- that there was peri-implant soft tissue individual patients and was professionally
luations all patients rated ability to chew, long-term stability. On the lingual surface, resolved.
ability to taste, appearance and general the overall mean width of keratinized mu- Technical complications were divided
satisfaction as good or excellent. cosa decreased more from baseline to into those related to the implant vs. the
3 months (2.2–1.6 mm) when compared prosthesis. Among the implant related
with changes that occurred on the buccal. complications, screw loosening/fracture
Discussion Yet, similarly to the buccal tissue, the was observed in seven events and all were
lingual tissue increased and stabilized by resolved by either retightening or screw
In this prospective multi-center trial, 45 the 5-year follow-up (1.7 mm). Overall, the replacement (Table 6). Of the prostheses
patients were treated with distal extension mean values remained above the 1.5 mm related technical complications, fracture of
implant-supported fixed restorations. Pa- required for treatment to be considered the acrylic base or acrylic teeth accounted
tients were evaluated over 5 years of successful. In addition, PIM levels showed for 20 events and hence was the overall
function on biological parameters, compli- no statistically significant changes, indi- most frequent adverse event. Similar find-
cations, subjective patient satisfaction and cating stability of the peri-implant mucosal ings were reported in several other publica-
criteria defining success and survival rates. attachment level (Table 5). tions (Jemt & Linden 1992; Jemt
Well-defined inclusion and exclusion cri- In this study, four to six implants were et al. 1996; Lindquist et al. 1996; Ortorp
teria selected for the study design aimed to placed in the anterior mandible to support et al. 1999; Engfors et al. 2004). The
ensure sample homogeneity. Furthermore, cantilever hybrid prostheses. The average explanation for such a high frequency of
all included patients had a complete den- cantilever length was similar for right this type of complication was stated as the
ture as the opposing dentition. While fe- (15.7 mm) and left sides (15.6 mm) and deformation module of the framework
male patients were slightly more numerous was designed to reach at least first molar when distal cantilevers are present (Jemt
than male patients, the average age was occlusion. The treatment rendered can 1995). One interesting finding in our study
similar for both groups. be explained by the anatomical limitation was that 12 events were recorded for frac-
The health of the peri-implant soft tissue of the mental foramina, corresponding to tures of the opposing complete denture.
was monitored by recording the MPI and the first or second mandibular bicuspid Therefore, it seems important to check
SBI (Mombelli & Lang 1994) at four sites region, which confined the placement of the status of the opposing denture when
around each individual implant. Also, the implants to the mandibular anterior. working with fixed implant rehabilitation
width of the keratinized mucosa was as- Screw-retained prostheses were fabricated in the opposing arch. Suggestions to mini-
sessed as an indicator of peri-implant mu- for all patients who received a metal frame- mize these frequent complications include
cosal health. The mean values for MPI and work veneered with acrylic base and stock fabricating new prostheses for both arches
SBI at each evaluation are presented in prosthetic teeth with the exception of four at the same time and using a reinforcement
Table 4. Statistically significant differences patients that received ceramic–metal reha- to increase resistance to fracture of the
were mainly observed between baseline/3- bilitations. Complications were recorded removable denture. Fractures of the metal
month follow-up and 5-year follow-up. by type and reviewed descriptively. Similar framework resulted in two prosthetic fail-
The overall trend of increased mean MPI number and type of complications related ures and were attributed to imperfections at
and SBI over time could be attributed to the to prosthetic materials have been repor- the time casting/soldering. This problem
delivery of the hybrid prostheses that likely ted in the literature (Jemt & Linden has also been encountered by previous
made oral hygiene more challenging. A 1992; Jemt et al. 1996; Ortorp et al. scientific reports suggesting the advantage
similar phenomenon was described by (En- 1999; Engfors et al. 2004; Fischer & Sten- of using laser-welded or milled titanium
gfors et al. 2004) when they compared berg 2006). frameworks (Jemt et al. 2003; Ortorp &
mandibular implant supported prostheses Biological complications included rever- Jemt 2008).
in young and elder populations and found sible numbness of mental nerve (four No clear trends were found between
implant maintenance problems mainly in events), peri-implant inflammation (three number/type of complications and loca-
the elder group. It is likely that a combina- events) and peri-implant mucosal hyper- tion along the prostheses. The 20 events
tion of factors led to increased inflamma- trophy or hyperplasia (three events) (Table of acrylic tooth fracture (n ¼ 20/79) oc-
tion, including decreased manual dexterity 6). These complications were all termi- curred within nine patients. Six patients

c 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation 

 c 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S 605 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009 / 601–607
Gallucci et al . Five-year results of fixed mandibular implant-supported rehabilitations

experienced one single event of this type. The need for replacement of implants/ complications related to the prosthetic de-
In terms of location of fracture along the prosthesis was used to calculate individual sign were observed to exclusively be the
prosthesis, three were not specified, implant and prosthetic survival rates. In determinant of long-term treatment out-
one was in the middle of the prosthesis and accordance with other publications the sur- come.
one was located in the left distal cantilever. vival rate for implants was 100% (237/237)
One patient had two events classified as and 95.5% (43/45) for the prostheses over a
acrylic fractures. Both occurred near teeth 5-year observation period. Evaluation of suc-
#23 and 24. One patient experienced five cess was examined per patient and was based
acrylic fractures, with each fracture located on parameters of implant and peri-implant  Hybrid-type implant supported fixed
in a different area of the mandibular pros- soft tissue health, frequency of complica- rehabilitations for the treatment of
thesis. Lastly, one patient had seven acrylic tions, survival of implants and prostheses mandibular edentulism, over an obser-
fractures, all of which involved tooth #24 in and lastly subjective data. Several criteria for vation period of 5 years, presented an
the center of the prosthesis. Of note is that success have been previously described (Al- 86.7% success rate according to well-
none of the patients that experienced acrylic brektsson & Zarb 1993; Buser et al. 1997, defined criteria.
fractures were classified in the pre-surgical 2002; Roos et al. 1997; Ortorp  The implant survival rate was 100%
assessment as having abnormal occlusion. et al. 1999; Fischer & Stenberg 2006). How- and the prosthetic survival rate was
Distal cantilevers ranged in length from ever, previous definitions of success mainly 95.5%.
6 mm to 21 mm, with an average length of involved implant related parameters with  MPI, SBI, width of keratinized mucosa
15 mm. Twenty out of the 45 patients scarce criteria regarding prosthodontic, and peri-implant mucosal levels re-
enrolled in the study had cantilevers of MPI, SBI, width of keratinized mucosa, mained compatible with success cri-
lengths  18 mm. Of these 20 patients, complication frequency per patient and sub- teria and oral health throughout the
two were considered to have unsuccessful jective parameters. Using well-defined cri- observation period.
treatment based on our criteria for success. teria for treatment success, 39 patients were  Technical complications occurred with
Both required replacement of the prosthe- considered to have had a successful treat- a higher frequency than biological com-
sis. On the other hand, seven of the 20 ment. These patients presented with im- plications.
patients with ‘long’ cantilevers did not plants that were stable and without signs  Within the technical complications,
experience any complications and four of ongoing infection, discomfort or radiolu- prosthodontic complications had a
had complications that were classified cency, mean MPI and SBI values of 1 or markedly higher incidence than im-
only as biological and were resolved. lower maintained throughout the length of plant related complications.
Therefore, no clear trends were found be- the study, maintenance of at least 1.5 mm of
tween increased length of the distal canti- keratinized mucosa, peri-implant recession
levers and number or type of complications of o0.5 mm, four or fewer biological/tech-
experienced. In future studies, increasing nical complications of mild or moderate Acknowledgements: The multicenter
the sample size of patients with cantilevers severity that were terminated and, lastly trial, which yielded the data analyzed
417 mm may help to reveal clearer trends patient rating of overall treatment satisfac- in the present study, was supported by
and correlations. tion as good or excellent. For the remaining a grant from the Institute Straumann,
No correlations were found between pa- six patients considered to have an unsuccess- Waldemburg, Switzerland (Protocol
tients classified as having abnormal occlu- ful treatment outcome, one patient had a 95–101). The authors wish to express
sion and number/type of complications. Of prosthesis replacement due to a fracture of their gratitude to Straumann Co and
the three patients with abnormal occlusion framework and the other five patients suf- the data collection and monitoring
at pre-surgical assessment, one had no com- fered more than four complications. These center of Medical Device Consultants
plications, one had one complication and findings raise the question of whether the Inc. (MDCI), North Attleboro, MA, USA
one had six complications. In the patient long-term behavior of the hybrid prosthetic for the preparation of the data set.
with six events, four involved fracture and/ design is compatible with a successful treat- Special thanks for Dr Fan LIN for her
or discomfort with the upper denture. ment. In this particular study technical expertise in the statistical analysis.


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