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Btttteîı j&tate0 of AtturUa

9e)iartmetıt a( S^ratiBttortHtiıtn—JFeliıetd Aniatfan Aiımiafatratian

i^ttiıttUmeataİ itrtifitnît
JİÇem^s/^ ST00830SE
Aviation Partners Boeing
7299 Perimeter Road South
Seattie, WA 98108

* See Page 4 of this STC for the Certification Basis
737-700IGW. 737-800, 737-700, 737-700C, 737-900
9}eâc^YUc^e/3^9lgö^ ^Aa^.- Ipstallation of vvinglets, wing structural reinforcement and related system changes
on Boeing 737-700IGW, 737-800, 737-700, 737-700C and 737-900. Fabrication and installation of parts must be
accomplıshed in accordance with the FAA-approved Aviation Partners Boeing Master Dravving Lists as listed in the
follovving attached Approved Model List (AML) documents (revision levels as stated or later FAA-approved
Model Description Approved Model List (AML) document #
737-700IGW VVinglet or Partial Wing Retrofit İnstallation AP37.1-AML0830, Rev. İR. dated
October 10, 2007, or later FAA-approved

(Continued on page 3)

a/ıeA %ûmAitconâ.' The limitations and conditions of Type Certificate A16WE apply except as outlined
on Pages 3 and 4 of this STC. A copy of this certificate must be inciuded in the permanent records of each airplane
modified in accordance with this STC. Approval of this change in type design applies to the Boeing Model
737-700IGW, 737-800, 737-700, 737-700C and 737-900 series airplanes that are othervvise unmodified (unless
ıdentıfied as a previously determined compatible STC). This approval should not be extended to other airplanes of
these models unless it is determined that the relationship between this change and any of those other previously
approved modifications, including changes in type design, will introduce no adverse effect upon the airvvorthiness of
the airplane.

du^v^enc^d dud/iemAeai İ^minatû^ c4aie id t^Ğİe^ide edtcJâd^^^ iAe S^eAni^i^ata,' t/

9faie c/S4^yıâcaiio/i: 1/14/1998 2aie /viddueiA-
^aie <^^^d 9/5/2000
ame/ıe^‘ 12/7/2000; 3/23/2001; 7/6/2001;
8/27/2001; 12/12/2001; 1/31/2002; 2/19/2004; bni200A\
7/30/2004; 10/10/2006; 10/10/2007

^âfvctian^iAe SAe/^niaidİnUoA

f (Signature)
Ing Manager. Seattie Aircraft Certification OffinR

Any alteration of this certiTtcate is punishable by a fine of not exceeding $1,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years, or both.
This certificate may be transferred in accordance with FAR 21.47.
FAA FORM 8110-2(10-68)
INSTRUCTIONS: The transfer endorsement below may be used to notify the appropriate FAA Regional Office of
the transfer of this Supplemental Type Certificate.

The FAA will reissue the certificate in the name of the transferce and forward it to him.


Transfer the ownership of Supplemental Type Certificate Number

to(Name of transferee)

(Address of transferee)
(Number and Street)

(City, State, and ZIP code)

from (Name of grantor) (Print or type)

(Address ofgrantor)
(Number and Street)

(City, State, and ZIP code)

Extent of Authority (if licensing agreement);

Date of Transfer: ^

Signature of grantor (In ink):

★ n.S. OPOi 1387-753-289

IBnitcb Etütte of America

Setrartment of SIranattortatiaa JFsîieral Aufatioa Abminiatratfon

i^u)tttUıneotal üi^pt CÜartificate

(Continuation i^l^eet)
JPumJİ^ ST00830SE

^öue/^ Aviation Partners Boeing

2late û^^öıuıace: 12/7/2000; 3/23/2001; 7/6/2001; miHOOV, 12/12/2001;
1/31/2002; 2/19/2004; 5/7/2004; 7/30/2004; 10/10/2006; 10/10/2007

ayıaf /cc^/ıt

(Page 2 Intentionally Left Blank)

Any alteration of this certificate is punishable by a fine of not exceeding $1,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years, or both.
This certificate may be transferred in accordance with FAR 21.47.
FAAForm 8110-2(10-88)
Ifinittil &tatt0 of America

Btpartmtnl 0f ©ranaportatian—Jîeîitral Aulatian Aiiıtıiniatratfo tı

&u)t)}hmantal Certifitate

^öued/<?.' Aviation Partners Boeing

QJate o^^dua^ıoe.- 9/5/2000
3Jate 12/7/2000; 3/23/2001; 7/6/2001; 8/27/2001; 12/12/2001;
1/31/2002; 2/19/2004; 5/7/2004; 1I2QI2QQA] 10/10/2006; 10/10/2007

Model Description Approved Model List (AMD document #

737-800 VVinglet or Partial Wing Retrofit Installation AP37.8-AML0830, Rev İR, dated
October 10, 2007, or later FAA-approved

737-700 VVinglet or Partial VVing Retrofit Installation AP37.7-AML0830, Rev. İR, dated
October 10, 2007, or later FAA-approved

737-700C VVinglet or Partial VVing Retrofit Installation AP37.7C-AML0830, Rev. İR, dated
October 10, 2007, or later F/\A-approved

737-900 VVinglet or Partial VVing Retrofit Installation AP37.9-AML0830, Rev. İR, dated
October 10, 2007, or later FAA-approved

Limits: See Type Certificate Data Sheet A16VVE

Range: See Type Certificate Data Sheet A16VVE

VVeights: See Type Certificate Data Sheet A16VVE

S/N's: Refer to the applicable Aviation Partners Boeing Approved Model List (AML) document
referenced above for the applicable Eligible Airplane Serial Number document.

Reguirements: Airplane operation must be in accordance with the applicable Aviation Partners Boeing
Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) Supplement, Configuration Deviation List (CDL) Supplement,
and VVeight and Balance Manual Supplement listed in the applicable Approved Model List
(AML) document referenced above.


4ny alteration of this certificate is punishable by a fine of not exceeding $1,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years, or both.
This certificate may be transferred in accordance with FAR 21.47.
FAA Form 8110-2(10-68)

laniteiı &tat£H nf Amtrfta

Separtntent nf Olrana^Ynrtatinn—3^«îiıeral Aniatinn Aîımfttiatratinn

&utt}tktnetıtal (Eertifftatt
(C[l0tttiıtuati0tt ^İreet)

Aviation Partners Boeing

3!(zte 9/5/2000

12/7/2000; 3/23/2001; 7/6/2001; 8/27/2001; 12/12/2001;

1/31/2002; 2/19/2004; 5/7/2004; 7/30/2004; 10/10/2006; 10/10/2007

^S/nitatio^/ıâ a/z^

Refer to the applicable Aviation Partners Boeing Approved Model List (AML) document
referenced above.

Findings: Refer to the applicable Aviation Partners Boeing Approved Model List (AML) document
referenced above.

Exemptions: See Type Certificate Data Sheet A16WE

Reguirements and
Limitations: Airplane maintenance must be in accordance v/ith the applicable Aviation Partners Boeing
Maintenance Planning Document (MPD) Supplement Certification Maintenance
Reguirements and Airvvorthiness Limitations documents listed in the applicable Approved
Model List (AML) document referenced above.

Eguipment: See Type Certificate Data Sheet Al 6WE
Refer to the applicable Aviation Partners Boeing Approved Model List (AML) document
referenced above for the applicable Structural Repair Manual Supplement, Airplane
Maintenance Manual Supplement, Maintenance Planning Data Document, and Fault
Isolation Manual Supplement documents.

Previously Determined
Supplemental Type
Certificates (STC): Refer to the applicable Aviation Partners Boeing Approved Model List (AML) document
referenced above for notes identifying certain STC's that have already been determined to
be compatible with this STC.



Any alteration of this certificate is punishable by a fine of not exceeding $1,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years, or both.
This certificate may be transferred in accordance with FAR 21.47.
FAA Form 8110-2(10-68)
FAA Approved Model List(AML)AP37.1-AML0830, Rev İR, dated 10/10/2007; STC Number ST00830SE - 737-700İGW
Airplane Airplane Stmctural VVeight and Certifıcation Maintenance Configuration
737-700 Master Drawing Eligible Deviation List
IGW Kit List Airplane Maintenance Flight Repair Baiance Maintenance Planning
Serial Manual Manual Manual Manual Reqt’s and Data Supplement
Descript. Airvvorthiness Document
No.’s Supplement Supplement Supplement Supplement
Limitations Supplement
AP37.1-0600 AP37.1-0601 AP37.1-0602, AP37.1-0603 1. Modified AP37.1-0604 AP37-CDLS, Rev
VVİnglet 1. Modified before 737-0007
9/1/2000 or Rev A or later before 3/17/04: orAP37.1- İR, dated
Installation 10/10/2007;
AP37.1-0604 0704.1 12/5/2001 orlater
(BBJ Kit) AP37.1-0605 later FAA FAA approved
approved revision FAA approved
Rev A, revision
revision 2. Modified on
8/14/2000 or later
orafter 3/17/04:
FAA approved
İR, 11/2003
2. Modified
on or after
AP37.9-0609, Rev
New, 9/7/2007 or
later FAA approved
AP37.1-0616 AP37.1-0615, AP37.7-0619 1. Modified AP37.1-0604, AP37-CDLS, Rev
1. Modified before 737-0107 AP37.7-0618
VVİnglet before 3/17/04: or AP37.1- 4, dated
10/10/2007: 10/4/2001 or İR or later FAA
AP37.1-0604, 0704.1 12/5/2001 orlater
(BBJ-3Kit AP37.7-0611 later F/\A approved
approved revision Rev B FAA approved
and 700ER) Rev A
9/24/2001 or later revision
2. Modified on
FAA approved or after 3/17/04:
2. Modified İR, 11/2003
on or after
AP37.9-0609, Rev
New, 9/7/2007 or
later FAA approved
TCDS A16WE forthe 737-700 (Section VII). Additional Eguivalent Safety Findings: 25.1385(c), 25.1387(a).(d),(e), 26.1389(b),
1. For Certification Basis same as certification basis shovvn on
25.1395, 25.1419.

STC ST00647SE (Flight Dynamics Head-Up Guidance Display Model 2350) has been determined to be compatible with the above. Please refer to Flight DynamirethısMaster Drawing List
FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for ınstallation.
9701-1001, Revision U, dated July 27, 2001, or later FAA approved revisions. Also refer to the appropriate
STC ST00845SE (Flight Dynamics Head-Up Guidance Display Model 4000) has been determined to be compatible with this STC. Please refer to Flight
approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for thıs ınstallation.
1010, Revision R, dated October29, 2001, or later FAA approved revisions. Also refer to the appropriate FAA
3. The mass distribution of STC ST0D936NY (PATS Auxiliary Fuel System) as defıned on or before September 5, 2000, has been determined to be compatible with the above.
4. 737-700IGW BBJ kit only: The airplane is certifıed within the existing descent profile and oxygen System using the revised emergency desc^t procedure (landing gea^ovvn) ap^ved in
the APB AFM Supplement AP37.1-0601.

FAA Approved:
MWager, Aircraft Certifıcafıon Office
FAA Approved Model List(AML)AP37.8-AML0830, Rev İR, dated 10/10/2007; STC Number ST00830SE - 737-800

737-800 Kit Master Drawing Eligible Airplane Airplane Structural VVeight and Certification Maintenance Confıguration
Descript. List Airplane Maintenance Flight Manual Repair Balance Maintenance Planning Deviation List
Serial Manual Supplement Manual Manual Regt’s and Data Supplement
No.’s Supplement Supplement Supplement Airworthiness Document
Limitations Supplement
VVİnglet 1. Modified before 737-8007 AP37.8-0600 AP37.8-0601 AP37.8-0602, AP37.8- 1. Modified before AP37.8-0604 AP37-CDLS,
Installation 10/10/2007: 3/6/2001, or Rev İR or İater 0603 3/17/04; orAP37.1- Rev İR, dated
AP37.8-0609 iater FAA AP37.8-0604 0704.1 12/5/2001 or
(800-2 Kit) approved
Revision New
approved revision İater FAA
1/11/2001 orlater
revision 2. Modified on or approved
FAA approved
after 3/17/04; revision
AP37.1-0704.2, İR,
2. Modified on or 11/2003
after 10/10/2007:
AP37.9-0609, Rev
New, 9/7/2007 or İater
FAA approved

VVİnglet 1. Modified 737-8009 AP37.8-0618 AP37.8-0616 AP37.8-0615, AP37.8- 1. Modified before None AP37-CDLS,
Installation 10/10/2007: 6/21/2001, or İR or İater 0619 3/17/04: Rev İR, dated
AP37.8-0611 İater FAA
(800-3Kit) approved D626A001-CMR, 12/5/2001 or
Rev A, 6/11/2001 or revision Rev 1, 4/2001 İater FAA
İater FAA approved revision
revision approved
2. Modified on or revision
2. Modified on or
after 3/17/04:
after 10/10/2007; D626A001-CMR,
AP37.9-0609, Rev 8/2003
New, 9/7/2007 or İater
FAA approved
1, For Certification Basis same as certification basis shown on TCDS A16WE for the 737-900 (Section IX). Additional Eguivalent Safety Findings: 25.303 (737-800-2 kit only - MDL AP37.8-
0609 or AP37.9-0609, 800-2); 25.1389(b), 25.1395, 25,1419.

2. STC ST00647SE (Flight Dynamics Head-Up Guidance Display Model 2350) has been determined to be compatible with the above. Please refer to Flight Dynamics Master Dravving List
9701-1001, Revision U, dated July 27, 2001, or İater FAA approved revisions. Also refer to the appropriate FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement forthis installation.
STC ST00845SE (Flight Dynamics Head-Up Guidance Display Model 4000) has been detemnined to be compatible with this STC, Please refer to Flight Dynamics Master Dravving List 9701-
1010, Revision R, dated October29, 2001, or İater FAA approved revisions. Also refer to the appropriate FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement forthis installation.
3, STC ST00858LA (BAE Systems HUD 2020 Visual Guidance System) has been determined to be compatible with this STC. Please refer to BAE SYSTEMS Master Dravving List 560/75569,
Revision P, dated August 14, 2001 or İater FAA approved revisions. Also refer to the appropriate FAA approved BAE SYSTEMS 560/75562 Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for this

4. 737-800-2 kit only - MDL AP37.8-0609 or AP37.9-0609: 800-2: The speedbrake load alleviation system must be malntained in accordance vvith the periodic inspection reguirements
contained in APB documents AP37.8-0604 or AP37.1-0704.1, See the Fault Isolation Manual (FİM) Supplement, AP37.8-0610, for informa;»^ regardlng the »eedbrake load alleviation
System. / / / /j . _
FAA Approved:
lager, Aircraft Certification Office Date
FAA Approved Model List(AML)AP37.8-AML0830. Rev İR, dated 10/10/2007; STC Number ST00830SE - 737-800 Partial Wing Retrofit
737-800 Kit Master Dravving Eligible Airplane Airplane Structural VVeight and Certification Maintenance Configuration
Descript. List Airplane Maintenance Flight Repair Balance Maintenance Planning Deviation List
Serial Manual Manual Manual Manual Regt’s and Data Supplement
No.’s Supplement Supplement Supplement Supplement Airvvorthiness Document
Limitations Supplement
Partial Wing 1. Modified before 737-8008 AP37,8-0600 None AP37.8-0608, AP37.8-0605 D626A001-CMR, None None
Retrofit 10/10/2007: Rev İR or 6/2000
Installatlon AP37.8-0607 later
(800-1 Kit) Rev N/C approved
10/10/2000 or later revision
FAA approved

2. Modified on or
after 10/10/2007:
AP37.9-0609-1, Rev
New, 9/7/2007 or
later FAA approved
Partial Wing 1. Modified before 737-8009 AP37.8-0618 None AP37.8-0615, AP37.8-0619 D626A001-CMR None None
Retrofit 10/10/2007: 8/2003
Instaliation AP37.8-0614
(800-1a Kit) Rev New
12/1/2003 or later
FAA approved

2. Modified on or
after 10/10/2007:
AP37.9-0609-1, Rev
New, 9/7/2007 or
later FAA approved
1. For Certification Basis same as certification basis shown on TCDS A16WE forthe 737-900 (Section IX).

2. This modification is not FAA approved for the installation of vvinglets, or operation of the speed brake load alleviation System. The Partial VVİng Retrofit installation in accordance with MDL
AP37.8-0607orAP37.9-0609:800-1 and AP37.8-0614 orAP37.9-0609:800 -1 a adds only provisions for these items.

3. When taking an aircraft previously retrofit with APB vvinglets defıned by MDL AP37.8-0609 or AP37.9-0609: 800-2 and returning the aircraft back to the Standard vvingtip configuration
defined vvithin this approved configuration by MDL AP37.8-0607 or AP37.9-0609:800-1 , use only APB Service Bulletin 737-57-006 as the approved instructions.
4. When taking an aircraft previously retrofit with APB vvinglets defined by MDL AP37.8-0611 or AP37.9-0609:800-3 and returning the aircraft back to the Standard vvingtip configuration defıned
vvithin this approved configuration by MDL AP37.8-0614 orAP37.9-0609:800-1 a, use only APB Service Bulletin 737-57-007 respectively as approved instructions.

FAA Approved:
nager, Aircraft Certification Office Date

FAA Approved Model List(AML)AP37.7-AML0830, Rev İR, dated 10/10/2007; STC Number ST00830SE - 737-700

737-700 Kit Eligible Airplane Airplane Structural VVeight and Certification Maintenance Configuration
Master Drawing
List Airplane Maintenance Flight Repair Balance Maintenance Planning Data Deviation List
Serial Manual Manual Manual Manual Reqt's and Document Supplement
No.’s Supplement Supplement Supplement Supplement Airvvorthiness Supplement
1. Modified before 737-7007 AP37.7-0600 AP37.7-0601 AP37.7-0602, AP37,7- 1. Modified before AP37.7-0604 AP37-CDLS, Rev
Installation 10/10/2007: 8/23/2001 or Rev İR or 0603 3/17/04: or İR, dated
AP37.7-0609 later FAA later AP37.7-0604 AP37.1-704.1 12/5/2001 or
(700-2 Kit)
Rev New approved approved later FAA
6/29/2001 or later revision revision 2. Modified on or approved
after 3/17/04: revision
FAA approved
revision AP37.1-0704.2,
2. Modified on or
after 10/10/2007:
AP37.9-0609, Rev
New, 9/7/2007 or
later FAA approved
1. Modified before AP37.7-0600 AP37.7-0601 AP37.7-0602, AP37.7- AP37.1-0704.2, AP37.1-704.1 AP37-CDLS, Rev
Installation 10/10/2007: 8/23/2001 or İR or later 0629 Rev B, 5/2004 İR, dated
AP37.7-0620 737-7012 later FAA approved 12/5/2001 or
(700-3a Kit)
Rev A 737-7008 approved revision D626A001-CMR, later FAA
(700-3b Kit)
(700-3C Kit) 7/26/2004 or later 737-7009 revision 7/2004 approved
FAA approved
revision D626A001-DTR,
2. Modified on or
after 10/10/2007:
AP37.9-0609, Rev
New, 9/7/2007 or
later FAA approved
1. For Certification Basis same as certification basis shown on TCDS A16WE for the 737-900 (Section IX). Additional Eguivalent Safety Findings: 25.303 (737-700-2 kit only - MDL AP37.7-
0609 or AP37.9-0609:700-2); 25.1389(b); 25.1391(737-700-2 kit only - MDL AP37.7-0609 or AP37.9-0609:700-2); 25.1395; 25.1419.
2. STC ST00647SE (Flight Dynamics Head-Up Guidance Display Model 2350) has been determined to be compatible with the above. Please refer to Flight Dynamics Master Dravving List
9701-1001, Revision U, dated July 27, 2001, or later FAA approved revisions. Also refer to the appropriate FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for this Installation.
STC ST00845SE (Flight Dynamics Head-Up Guidance Display Model 4000) has been determined to be compatible with this STC. Please refer to Flight Dynamics Master Dravving List 9701-
1010, Revision R, dated October29, 2001, or later FAA approved revisions. Also refer to the appropriate FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for this Installation.
3. The speedbrake load alleviation system must be maintained in accordance with the periodic inspection reguirements contained in APB doa lents AP37.7-0604 or AP37.1 -0704.1. See the
Fault Isolation Manual (FİM) Supplement, AP37.8-0610, for Information regarding the speedbrake load alleviation system. /
FAA Approved:
nager, Aircraft Certification Office

FAA Approved Model List(AML)AP37.7-AML0830, Rev İR, dated 10/10/2007; STC Number ST00830SE - 737-700 Partial Wing Retrofit

737-700 Master Eligible Airplane Airplane Structural VVeight and Certification Maintenance Configuration
Kit Dravving Airplane Maintenance Flight Manuai Repair Balance Maintenance Planning Data Deviation List
List Seriai Manuai and Supplement
Descript. Manuai Manuai Regt’s and Document
No.’s Configuration Airvvorthiness
Supplement Deviation List
Supplement Supplement Supplement
Partial 1. Modified 737-7007 AP37.7-0600 None AP37.7-0602, AP37,7-0603 AP37.1-0704.2, AP37.1-0704.1 None
before Rev İR or
Wing Rev A, 2/2004
Retrofit 10/10/2007: later
Installation AP37.7-0623
Rev New
(700-1 Kit) revision
5/10/2004 or
later FAA

2. Modified
on or after
0609-1, Rev
9/7/2007 or
later FAA

1. For Certification Basis same as certification basis shown on TCDS A16WE for the 737-900 (Section IX).

2. This modification is not FAA approved for the installation of vvinglets, or operation of the speed brake load alleviation system. The Partial Wing Retrofit
installation in accordance with MDL AP37.8-0623 adds only provisions for these items.

3. When taking an aircraft previously retrofit with APB winglets defined by MDL AP37.7-0609 or AP37.9-0609:700-2 and returning the aircraft back to the
Standard \wingtip configuration defined within this approved configuration by MDL AP37.7-0623 or AP37.9-0609-1:700-1 , use only APB Service Bulletin
737-57-008 respectively as the approved instructions.

FAA Approved za/jg/,'<r9-

Ul^nager, Aircraft Certification Office M
FAA Approved Model List(AML) AP37.7C-AML0830, Rev İR, dated 10/10/2007; STC Number ST00830SE - 737-700C

737-700C Master Eligible Airplane Airplane Structural VVeight and Certification Maintenance Configuration
IGW Kit Dravving Airplane Maintenance Flight Manual Repair Balance Maintenance Planning Data Deviation List

Descript. List Serial Manual Supplement Manual Manual Regt’s and Document Supplement
No.’s Supplement Supplement Supplement Airvvorthiness Supplement
VVİnglet 1. Modified 737-7014 AP37.7-0622 AP37.7-0616 AP37.7C- AP37.7-0621 AP37.1-0704.2 AP37.1-0704.1 AP37-CDLS,
Installation before İR, 10/6/2006 0615, IRor Rev C, 8/2006 Rev İR, dated
10/10/2007: or later FAA later
(700C- 12/5/2001 or
C40A kit) approved approved later FAA
Rev C revision revision approved
9/1/2006 or
later FAA

2, Modified
on or after
Rev New,
9/7/2007 or
later FAA

1. For Certification Basis same as certification basis shown on TCDS A16WE for the 737-700 (Section VII). Additional Epuivalent Safety Findings:
25.1389(b), 25.1395, 25.1419.

2. STC ST00647SE (Flight Dynamics Flead-Up Guidance Display Model 2350) has been determined to be compatible with the above. Please refer to
Flight Dynamics Master Drawing List 9701-1001, Revision U, dated July 27, 2001, or later FAA approved revisions. Aiso refer to the appropriate FAA
approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for this Installation.
STC ST00845SE (Flight Dynamics Head-Up Guidance Display Model 4000) has been determined to be compatible with this STC. Please refer to
Flight Dynamics Master Dravving List 9701-1010, Revision R, dated October 29, 2001, or later FAA approved revisions. Also refer to the appropriate
FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for this Installation.

FAA Approved: /Ohah

Ma/ager, Aircraft Certification Office Date
FAA Approved ModeJ List(AML)AP37.9-AML0830, Rev A, dated 11/15/2007; STC Number ST00830SE -737-900
737-900 Master Eligible Airplane Airplane Structural Certification
VVeight and Maintenance Configuration
Kit Drawing Airplane Maintenance Deviation List
Flight Repair Balance Maintenance Planning Data
Descript. List Seriai Manual Manual Manual Manual Document Supplement
Regt's and
No.’s Supplement Supplement Supplement Supplement Airvvorthiness Supplement
VVİngiet AP37.9-0609 737-9009 AP37.9-0600 AP37.9-0601, AP37.9-0602, AP37.9-0603 AP37.1-0704.2, AP37.1-0704.1 AP37-CDLS,
İnstallation Rev İR Rev 1 İR, dated Rev D, dated Rev 4, dated
{900-3 Kit) 9/7/2007 or dated 9/2007 or 9/2007 or later 10/9/2007 or
later FAA 11/14/2007 later FAA approved later FAA
approved or later F/\A approved revision approved
revision approved revision revision


1. Certification Basis: Based on the application date, February 16, 2007, under the provisions of 14 CFR 21.101, the applicable type certification standards
for the design modification to the Model 737-900 series airplanes are as follovvs:

Airvvorthiness & Environmental Standards for Components and Areas Not Affected bv the Chanoe:

The original certification basis for the Model 737-900 shovvn on TCDS A16WE,

Airvvorthiness and Environmental Standards for Components and Areas Affected bv the Chanoe:

14 CFR part 25. effective February 1, 1965, inciuding the latest applicable reguirements of Amendments 25-1 through 25-120 with the follovving

Exception Regulation Exception to

2 5.365 Pressurized compartment loads Amendment 25-0
25.571 Damage-tolerance and fatigue evaluation of Amendment 25-86
structure (a)(b)(c)(d)
25.1329 Automatic Pilot System Amendment 25-0

Additional Eguivalent Safety Findings: 25.1389,25.1391, 25.1393, 25.1395, 25.1419.

STC ST00845SE (Rockvvell Collins Head-Up Guidance Display Model 4000) has been determined to be compatible with this STC. Please refer to
Rockvvell Collins İnstallation Dravving 9701-1010, Revision AW, dated October 9, 2006, or later FAA approved levisions. Also refer to the appropriate
FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for this installation. /) /
FAA Approved:
ManMer, Aircraft Certification Offi Date

FAA Approved Model List(AML)AP37.9-AML0830, Rev A, dated 11/15/2007; STC Number ST00830SE - 737-900
737-900 Master Ellgible Airplane Airplane Structurai VVeight and Certification Maintenance Configuration
Kit Dravving Airplane Maintenance Balance Deviation List
Flight Repair Maintenance Planning
Descript. List Serial Manual Manual Manual Manual Reqt’s and Data Supplement
No.’s Supplement Supplement Supplement Supplement Ainvorthiness Document
Limitations Supplement
Partial AP37.9- 737-9009 None None AP37.9-0602, AP37.9-0603 D626A001-CMR, None None
Wing 0609-1 Rev İR, dated dated 8/2003 or
Retrofit İR 9/7/2007 9/2007 or later FAA
Installation or later FAA later approved revision
(900-1 a approved approved
Kit) revision revision

1. Certification Basis: Based on the application date, February 16, 2007, under the provisions of 14 CFR 21.101, the applicable type certification standards
for the design modification to the Model 737-900 series airplanes are as follovvs:

Airvvorthiness & Environmental Standards for Comoonents and Areas Not Affected bv the Change:

The original certification basis for the Model 737-900 shown on TCDS A16WE.

Airworthiness and Environmental Standards for Components and Areas Affected bv the Chanoe:

14 CFR part25, effective February 1, 1965, inciuding the latest applicable reguirements of/\mendments 25-1 through 25-120 with thefollovving

Exception Regulation Exceptlon to

25.571 Damage-tolerance and fatigue evaluation of Amendment 25-86
structure (a)(b)(c)(d)

2. This modification is not FAA approved for the installation of vvinglets, The Partial Wing Retrofit ınstallation in accordance with MDL AP37.9-0609-1,
(900-1 a) adds only provisions for these items.

3, When taking an aircraft previously retrofit with APB vvingiets defined by MDL AP37.9-0609;900-3 kit and returning the aircraft back to the Standard
wingtip configuration defined vvithin this approved configuration by MDL AP37,9-0609-1:900-1a kit, use only APB Service Bulletin 737-57-015 as the
approved instructions.

FAA Approved:

European Aviation Safety Agency
Luc Vanheel • Deputy Director / Head of Plans and Programmes Department

Aviation Partners Boeing APB

Mrs. Joyce Hoffman
7213 Perimeter Road South
98108 Seattie
United States

Cologne, 17/07/2008
EASA D(2008)/LVA/71032

Subject: Validation of a Majör Change CS-25 - LTI P-EASA.IM.A.S.C.01159

Attachment; Approval EASA.IM.A.S.00279 Revision 3

Dear Mrs. Hoffman,

Please find attached the Majör Change Approval vvhich has been issued further to
the EASA Technical investigation held by the EASA.-TEAM upon EASA allocation
underthe above reference number(s).

Should you have any further gueries do not hesitate to contact:

Please assist us by alvvays guoting the EASA project number(s) in any

correspondence with the Agency.

Yours sincerely,

EASA Plans and Programmes Department

Postal address: Postfach 10 12 53• D-50452 Cologne, Gerrnany - Visıting address: Ottoplatz, 1 • D-50679 Cologne, Germany
TpI . *49 lnl791 R999 nnfin . Pflv *49 lnl??1 fl 999 n99Q . F-mail- infnCToaca pi ımnA on • \.KnM\*.t oaco onrnrv'a oı
European Aviation Safety Agency


EASA.IM.A.S.00279 Revision 3

This certifıcate, established in accordance with Regulations (EC) No 1592/2002 and (EC) No
1702/2003 and issued to:

Aviation Partners Boeing (APB)

7299 Perimeter Road South
Washington 98108

certifıes that the change in the type design for the product listed belovv \vith the limitations and
conditions specified meets the applicable type certifıcation basis and environmental protection
requiremenls when operated within the conditions and limitations specified below:

Original Product Type Certifıcate Number; FAA TC n° A16WE

Manufacturer; Boeing Commercial Airplanes
Model: B737-700, B737-800 and B737-900
Original STC Number: FAA STC ST00830SE

Description of Design Change:

İnstallation of Aviation Partners Boeing Winglets in accordance \vith the following documents:

- APB Document List AP37.7- E620 Rev. A (737-700)

- APB Document List AP37.1- E620 Rev. A (737-700IGW)
- APB Document List AP37.8- E620 Rev. A (737-800)
- APB Document List AP37.9- E620 Rev. New (737-900)

- AFM supplement AP37.7-J601 (737-700)

- AFM supplement AP37.1-J601 (737-700IGW)
- AFM supplement AP37.8-J601 or AP37.8-J616 (737-800)
- AFM supplement AP37.9-J601 (737-900)
European Aviation Safeîy Agency

rrevious Revisions:

Revision 1 approved 737-800 performance data when CFM56-7B27 engines are installed.

Revision 2 approved 737-800 performance data when CFM56-7B27 engines with Bump rating
are installed.

Revision 3 approves installation on the 737-900 model and update Master Dravving List
references in line with the revised document identifıcation structure approved by FAA.

Limitations and Conditions:

1. Subject to compliance vvith the provisions of Part 21 Subpart E, this STC and
associated data shall remain valid until sumendered, withdrawn or othervvise terminated.

2. If transfer of this Certifıcate is requested under Part 21 A. 116 the STC will be reissued

3. This STC modifıes the aircraft noise characteristics. The aircraft is compliant vvith
ICAO Annex 16 Volüme 1 Chapter (3) and the approved noise certifıcation levcl(s) are
defmed in the follovving Boeing Commercial Airplanes documents: D047A018-LC73:
Rev New (Boeing 737-700 vvith SAC Engines). D047A018-LC74: Rev Nevv (Boeing
737-800 vvith DAC Engines). D047A018-LC83: Rev Nevv (Boeing 737-800 vvith SAC
Engines). D047A018-LC84; Rev Nevv (Boeing 737-800 vvith DAC Engines). The
aircraft operatör shall contact their National Aviation Authority in order to obtain a nevv
noise certifıcation to reflect these changes.

Note; The 737-900 vvinglets installation vvas approved as no acoustic change from the
baseline airplane.

4. This STC is approved only for the product confıguration as defmed in the approved
design data referred to in the paragraph "Description". Compatibility vvith other
aircraft/engine confıgurations shall be determined by the installer.

This certifıcate shall remain valid unless othervvise surrendered or revoked.

For the European Aviation Safety Agency,

Date of Issue: 17 July 2008

Certifıcation Manager
LargeAeroplap^ Section

STC- EASA im A S 00279 Rev 3 - APB 2

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