A Letter To Uncle Paul

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A letter to Uncle Paul

Dear Uncle Paul,

Thank you for your letter! I’m glad to receive it. So far, I’ve been studying really hard to
get better results, although I am quite tired. I haven’t planned what to do or where to go yet, but
I’ll try to make up my mind.
Well, let me answer your question. I’m more of a rat person, and I have three cats at
home. I have done research and played with my friend’s dog before, but never owned one. Still,
I can give information of pros and cons of keeping a cat or dog.
Let me talk about cat first. From what I know, cats are solitary animals, meaning they
prefer to stay alone sometimes. Try not to always interest with them as they may get frustrated
about it. Instead, give it some space to go around and let it explore your home. Although they
prefer to be alone, they still need attention and care. If your cats wants to be noticed or play
with you, they will either meow at you or rub it body against your legs. From my personal
experience, my cat love to scratch on furniture, so be sure to buy a scratching post for it in
order to let them sharpen their claws without messing up your furniture. Also, they are more
clean and requires less cleaning from the owner as they often clean themselves by licking their
body, they are quite sensitive about their hygiene, so don’t worry about having the trouble of
cleaning them. Lastly, be sure to not gaze at your cut directly for too long, in cat language,
staring equals showing fear, anger or hatred towards cats. Instead, try to blink slowly at them
to show trust. Overall, cats won’t drastically improve your social life, but would still make a
great pet. Although they aren’t exactly loyal at all times, they require less cleaning and most of
all, they can help you with the problem of pesky bugs and rodents!
Now, let me get to dogs. Dogs have the famous reputation of being ‘man’s best friend’,
and that is quite true! Dogs are generally loyal and can even listen to comments with proper
training, they are friendly to their owns and even your relatives and friends if they have met
each other for long enough, if not, they’ll generally bark at them and are cautious to unfamiliar
people. Speaking of which that brings us to the second point, dogs are quite territorial,
especially their home, meaning they will show caution and perhaps anger to those who seem
suspicious such as thieves and robbers, therefore, they make a great companion. Last but not
the least, dogs are outgoing animals, so be sure to take them out for a walk or spend time
playing with them, and that is a wonderful way to help with your problem of being lonely at
home! Just be sure to give them good care and treat them nicely and they’ll treat you the sane
way too. With that said, I would recommend keeping a dog as that would be better to make you
feel less lonely and become better in your social life. Give your dog a good home and you’ll
have a fantastic time. Anyway, I have to go back to studying now, see you!
Mark given by teacher
Full Mark Mark got by student Love,
Content Karen
7 7
Language 7 7
Organization 6 5
Total 20 19

Writer: Cheung Kai Yat, a Secondary 1 student

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