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Solutions to the Practice Problems from J.F. Shackelford, Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, 6th Edition, Prentice- Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2005 Beginning with Chapter 2, a set of Practice Problems follows immediately after worked-out Sample Problems. These exercises follow directly from the preceding solutions and are intended to provide a carefully guided journey into the first calculations in each new area. The solutions provided here allow students to independently check their own approach to these problems. Section 2.1 - Atomic Structure PP 21 Calculate the number of atoms contained in a cylinder 1 wm in Glameter by 1 wm deep of (a) magnesium and (b) lead. (See Sample Problem 2.1.) a = bb 110! ations Cu x LTE lem Diy iy ae O98 aE x bRES9 Ca May thre Co 24319 MH ty whome My = 3.38 x10" atoms My 4 7 on e349 Fem) Fh, OG, pg * 6M cs Ca 0 C293.9 len!) Co x SESSI Cu /Nigy tome Co 9072 9 My atrme. PE = 259 x10” atone Ph eee PP 22 Using the density of MgO calculated in Sample Problem 2.2, cl oe culate the mass of an MgO refractory (temperature resistant) brick with dimensions: 50 mm x 100 mmx 200 mm. 2] mapV = Ca6og lent No" em font) x (S0N(100 e200 mm 2 = S.box0%y = 3604S PP 2.3 Calculate the dimensions of (a) a cube containing 1 mol of copper and (b) a cube containing 1 mol of lead. (See Sample Prob- em 2. 3) FS 9/ me PP 2.3] @) edje = aes 86 omm Lm 12.23 mm Greye > (zat), lomel,, = 2634 mn M349 lem Section 2.2 - The Ionic Bond (a) Make 4 sketch similar to Figure 2-4 ilustraing Mg and O PP 24 axoms and ions in MgO. (b) Compare te elecronic configurations for the atoms and ions ilustrated in part (a). (€) Show which ‘ble gas atoms have elecronic configurations equivalent to those iluswated in part (a). (See Sample Problem 2.4) @) Maz 1s22s72pt3s* 0: 1s225*2pt - - Maat: Ls? as*apt O77 Ls22s72p 6 () Ne ond Ne (a) Using the ionic radii data in Appendix 2, calculate the coulom- PP 2.5 bic force of attraction between the Mg?*—O?- ion pair. (b) What is the cepulsive force in this case? (See Sample Problems 2.5 and 26) @FonAppendig 2, Hage = 0.07P am [oa- = O03 2am Thin, = "age 4 2.07% am bt 0.1382nm = 0.210 nn Fa — (9x10 Vm /e)(¢2Noubx10""e)CaNlo.lex1o-"C) . (0.210 x/o~%,,)* = 20.9x10-7N (s) Fee - 2 320.9007 9N PP 2.6 Calculate the minimum radius ratio for a coordination number of “ (a) 4 and (b) 6. (See Sample Problem 2.7.) Dror OFber + O86OR oR 0.1834 R = 0.8166 ay, Fall & = 0.25 ) he} Pp r+R O245° +2 Kk sm 4572 RO 0.107 r +0,.707R =R gy, Frail. a Be 44 In the next chapter we shall see that MgO, C20, FeO, and NiO all shere the NaCl erysal sucrure. AS a result in each case the ‘mesa ions will have the same coordination aumber (6). The case of MgO and CaO is treated in Sample Problem 2.8. Use the radius ratio caleulation tose if estimates the CN = 6 for FeO and NiO. From Appendix 2) Tpedt = O88T Im Ryde .07EHm, Pyar 0:18am For Feo, Ds 2.08 Tne , a A Ro SRE = oe br which Table 2-1 give CNG Fer Nio, Tz 0.078 nm Section 2.3 ~ The Covalent Bond In Figure 2-14 we see. the polymerization of polyethylene PP 28 _ 4[$rnh + frnt] 2B J(otebm)s Co.B2am)]= 0.0585 rm? 3 2.08tSnm? 549 IPF = 010th ——n (b) a3 [2e.0r7mm) +2(0.132n0)] = 0840nm! Vine 2% [e087 mm) *s C0182 Jt] 0.04% rm? 3 IPF eth ae = 0.590 Cc) a3= [200.078 sm)¢ 2 (0.32nmY) © 0.074/ nm? Vou $2 [.070am)"+C0.1320m)¥] © 0.0485 nui? 3 IPR = 2:0865m) 0.074 am eee Ud) Me. Ae se by Ha ealealathrnn abort, the IPF is a Auchmof Ke rsdiua rahe. PP 3.5 Calculate the density of CaO. (See Sample Problem 3.4.) DM 2 2(0.10bnm)¢ 2(0.13.20m)#0.47bnm Vesteell = 22 (04 7am) 0.106 1m? [40 40.083) +4 (0.00 9)] Mogens x10*#, fee y - 0.108 nm > a = 3.45 glo Section 3.4 — Polymeric Structures How many unitcells are containedin 1 kg of commercial polyethy- PP 3.6 lene thats 50 vol % crystalline (balance amorphous) and hasan overall product density of 0.940 Mg/m*? (See Semple Problem 35.) Firat note Hat unit colle ae priatc mby 1” He cryrhathe peter Vigy = ite = byw (Ay Hse) «06 x10°3 mi? Pit LoD 6, Ga tg (nd ofne™ a2? Vengrtillne = 0-5 Civb x102q3) = 0.532 #1077 : 6 a Vyait tell = 0.0933 om! x (Gla)s B33n0 Eur ny cs ; 3 a 0.53240 = 253280 ___ = 5.70 x10 emit tells Nacht ™ 933510" a aateel) | Section 3,5 - Semiconductor Structures In Sample Problem 3.6 we find the atomic packing factor for PP 3.7 silicon to be quite low compared to the common metal struc- tures. Comment on the elstonship betwesn ths characteristic and the nate of bonding in semscondsor sco, PP 3.7 Bonding im silicon és Aighly covalint, The asieciated dirtchonalihy of te bonds dominatea. oven efbceat™ packing of spherea Ca chanectristic of nom-divechmal, metilic bonding)

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