Effective Permissions

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As there is no Delete permission, they cannot rename (rename = delete+create) file or folder.

This is by
Please check if this can help:
Give CreateOwner - Modify permission - subfolders only - on root shared folder. Then They can create
folders and rename the folders they created. Also they will have permisison to modify the files created in
their folders.
Then give Students - Read Only - files only - on root shared folder. Then no one can modify/delete the
files in root folder.
Note: Give Administrator (or maybe a "Teachers" group) enough permission on all these folders to
ensure they can access/modify/delete.
You not assigned the Modfiy NTFS permission. Assign the permission to the Parent folder.
Grant the Modify permission to a folder, it applies onto This folder, Subfolders and Files by default.
Read(R) - View attributes, contents, and permissions. Can synchronize.
Write(W) - Can change attributes, and file contents. Can create files or folders. Can synchronize.
Read(R) and Execute(E) - Can change sub folders, perform read operations, and execute a file.
List Folder Contents - Can perfrom read and execute permissions on folders. Can view folder contents,
attributes, permissions. Can synchronize and change to subfolders.
Modify - Perform Read, Execute, and Write permissions along with ability to delete.
Full Control - Can perform Modify functions (above), take ownership, and modify permissions.
If you deny the Delete permission eventually users cannot rename the folder. User can only create
folders or copy folders/files.
There is no way users to rename folder without the delete special permission.
To rename a folder you need modify permission. Modify permission includes the below special
Traverse Folder/Execute
List Folder/Read Data
Read Attributes yes
Read Extended Attributes
Create Files/Write Data
Create Folders/Append Data
Write Attributes
Write Extended Attributes
Read Permissions
Creator Owner turned out to be the problem. For some reason Creator Owner was not automatically
assigned in the acl on the 2008R2 share, whereas it was applied by default in 2008 with Full Control
(which I would change to Modify).
By adding Creator Owner to the 2008R2 share and assigning Modify, I've now been able to duplicate
the permissions I had on my 2008 file server.
Looks as though I was indeed missing something simple.
Thanks for your help.

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