Activity 2: Timeline: Sleep Medicine Throughout History

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Activity 2:

Sleep Medicine throughout History

17th Century

Santorio Sanctorious

Design the thermometer, and currently use in medical guideline that associated with circadian rhythm.

-He is the one of the first to accumulate data on biological temperature cycle known to be the part of the
normal circadian changes.


Jean Jacques d’Ortous de Mairan

She observed that the flower leaves opened during the day and close at night. To assumed that the
movement of the flower depend on the lights.


Luigi Galvani

Use a dead frog to came up with the purpose of the nervous system in the body.

Camillio Golgi

The first person to see nerve cell in the microscope.

Jean Baptist Edouard

He named the Narcolepsy as disorder of uncontrolled sleepiness.

Wilhelm Griesinger

Reported that the movement of the eye during dreaming state.

Sigmund Freud

He wrote the skeletal muscle paralysis during sleep


Rene Legendre and Henri Pieron

Removed the blood serum from sleep drive dogs and injected it to other dogs
that were not sleep deprived. This experiment demonstrated that there is a
presence of chemical factors that associated with sleep.


Constantin von Economo

Argue in the study of “center for regulation of sleep” that was according to him there is a substance that circulated
in the blood and influence it to cerebral cortex to stimulate sleep.

Walter Rodult Hess

He believe in the study of Von Ecomo’s finding by the thalamus in the brain is responsible to induce sleep.


Guiseppe Moruzzi and Horace Magoun

Published groundbreaking work that stated the stimulation of

Ascending Activating System (ARAS) that is located in the thalamus.


Richard Caton

Recorded the brain rhythm in the rabbits and monkey.


Johannes Hans Berger

Recorded first electrical activity of the human brain and

differentiated activity between wakefulness and sleep.
The Evolution of polysomnography

Alfred Loomis
Describe a non-rapid eye movement (NREM) in sleep.

Alfred Loomis E, Newton Harvey, and Garret A. Hobart III
Classified the EEG sleep pattern has Five (5) stages

Nathaniel Kleitman
“Father of Sleep research”
Invented a sensor together with Eugene Aserinsky founf a “Turturous” observing
sleeping people’s eye movement all night.

Kleitman and William Dement
Peforemed all night slepp studies and discovered district stages pattern
in sleep that were consistent among all adults and discovered the
cyclical human sleep cycles of REM and NREM sleep.

Researches interested in the diagnosis and treatment of
sleep disorder organized the Association of Sleep
Disorder Center (ASDC)

ASDC creates medical journal about Sleep.
From Association of sleep disorder center changed it to American Academy
of Sleep Medicine (AASM), a professional society
exclusively to
the medical subspecialty of sleep medicine

William Dement
Interested in the study of Narcolepsy and led to him soliciting
the narcoleptic in the area to participate in the study.

Believe to be a psychiatric disorder associated with the patient
sleeping excessively due to the repression of feeling.

The development of Multiple Sleep Latency test (MSLT) an
objective measurement of daytime sleepiness used for
diagnosis of narcolepsy.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

-characterized by cessation of breathing caused by a partial or complete obstruction of the
Charles Dicken
Discovered the obstruction sleep apnea in his work Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick
club, but he is not a scientist.

Henry Broadbent
-describe the clinical feature of OSA as snoring, interspersed
between periodic breathing stop.

Albert G. Bickelmann and C. Sidney Burwell
-Dubbed the clinical characteristic of the Picwickian syndrome
Christian Guilleminant
Moved to United States to study and introduced the use to respiratory and
cardiac monitoring to provide additional monitoring parameters
demonstrated the disorder breathing associated with OSA.

-OSA was known as Pickwickian

Colin Sullivan
-He developed an air-blowing device with attached snout-like mask for
treating OSA in dogs.

ASDC published the first widely used classification manual
“Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal Disorder

Mid 1970s and the mid 1990s

Sleep study data were collected via analog

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