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Language of
Core Meaning Word-Builder Origin Related Words in the English Lanuage
1. hypercritical, hypersensitive, hyperinflation, hyperactive, hyperbole,
above, beyond it all hyper Greek hypertension, hyperventilate
above, on, beyond, too
much super, sur Latin superhuman, supernatural, superficial, supercilious, surcharge, surcoat, surtax
3. translate, transform, transgress, transparent, transport, transmit, transfer,
across, beyond trans Latin transfiguration, transfuse, transiet, transcendent
4. postwar, post meridiem, postpone, postdate, posterior, posthumous, postmodern,
after, behind post Latin postmortem
5. against dis Greek disaster, disastrous
against, opposed to, anticlimax, antidote, antipathy, antiseptic, antibiotic, antagonist, antigen,
opposite anti Greek antithesis, antisocial
7. contraband, contradict, contravene, counterattack, counterfeit, contrast,
against, opposite contra, counter Latin contraband, contraindication, contravene, contretemps
8. age, lifetime ev Latin eon, coeval, longevity, medieval, primeval
9. agree, peace pac, peas Latin pacify, pacifier, pacifist, pact, appease
10. air, atmosphere aer, aero Latin aerobic, arodynamic, aerofoil, aerial
11. panacea, pantheism, panoramic, pantheon, pandemic, pandemonium, panegyric,
all, everywhere pan Greek panoply
12. all, utterly omni Latin omnipotent, omnibus, omniscience
among, between, with each
other inter Latin interbreed, interfere, interject, interlude, intercept, international
14. ancient archae Greek archaeology
15. animal zoo Greek zoomorphic, zoologist
apart, deprive of, exclude, disestablish, disfranchise, disbar, disunion, disaffection, disagreeable, dissipate,
opposite dis Latin diffraction, dissension, disseminate, dissipate
17. appear, seem phan, phen Greek fanciful, fantasy, phantasm, phantasmagoria, phenomenon, diaphanous
18. circumnavigate, circumlocution, circumspect, circumstance, circumvent,
around, on all sides circum Latin circumambulate, circuitous, circumference
19. around, surrounding peri Greek periodontist
20. arranement, law, order nomos Greek astronomical, autonomy, autonomous, metronome
aside, apart, away, without se Latin separate, select, secure, secede, seduce, sedition, segregate
22. ask rog Latin interrogate, surrogate, abrogate, arrogate, derogatory, prerogative
23. away, off, less de Latin debar, debase, declare, defend, dehumidify, decipher, decline, demote, descend
24. back, again, utterly re Latin recall, refresh, rebuff, rebel, refrigerate, revise, reinforce, remind, revile
25. retrograde, retrospection, retro, retrocede, retroactive, retrofit, retrogress,
backwards, back, behind retro Latin retrospective
26. maladroit, maladministration, malignant, malediction, malevolent, malpractice,
bad, badly mal, male Latin malodorous, malady, malefactor, malicious, malign, malnourished
27. bad, difficult dys Greek dysfunctional, dysentery, dyslexia, dyspeptic, dystrophy, dystopia
28. bad, harsh kakos Greek cacophony, cacography
29. badly, wrong mis Latin misrepresent, misspell, mistake, misanthrope
30. balance, weight, pound libra Latin equilibrium
31. ball spher Greek sphere, stratosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, hemisphere, spherical
32. confer, differ, offer, prefer, refer, suffer, transfer, collate, relate, relation, relative,
bear, carry fer, lat, late Latin related, elated, elation, prelate, relativity, correlate
33. beauty kallos Greek callygraphy, cacography
34. preface, precaution, prefabricated, precept, prefix, precede, presume, prejudice,
before pre Latin precocious, predispose, prerequisite
35. antecedent, antedate, antenatal, anteroom, antediluvian, antebellum, antechamber,
before, in front of ante Latin anterior
36. metamorphosis, metabolism, metonymy, metalanguage, metaphorical,
behind, after, changing meta, met Greek metaphysics
37. credit, creed, credible, credentials, credulous, accredit, discredit, incredulous,
believe, trust cred Latin credo, incredible, credence,
38. bend flect, flex Latin flexible, deflect, inflection, reflex, reflection, genuflect, inflection
39. beneath, too little under Old English underwear, underwater, underplay, underrepresented
40. parallel, paranormal, paranoid, paramedics, paradigm, paradox, paragon,
beside para Latin parameter
41. beyond, too much ultra Latin ultraconservative, ultraviolet
42. bind lig Latin ligament, religion
43. birth, origin genesis Greek genetics, genealogy, genesis, psychogenic, genitals, congenital
44. blame, guilt culp Latin culprit, culpability, culpable, exculpate, inculpate, mea culpa
45. blood haem, hem Greek haemorrhage
46. body corp, corpor Latin corps, corpse, corpulent, corporation, corpuscle, incorporate, corporeal, corporal,
47. body soma Greek psychosomatic
48. bone osteo Greek osteopathy, osteoporosis
49. book biblio Greek bibliography, bibliophile, Bible
50. born, to be nasc, nat, nai Latin nascent, native, prenatal, renaissance, naive, cognate, innate, nascent
51. both, around ambi Latin ambiguous, ambitious, ambivalent, ambient, ambidextrous
52. both, around amphi Greek amphitheater, amphibian
frang, frag, fract, fraction, fracture, fragile, fragment, infringe, refract, refractory, frangible,
break fring Latin infraction, frail, fractious, fragmentary, refraction
54. break, burst rupt Latin rupture, corrupt, disrupt, eruption, erupt, interrupt, rupture
55. bring, carry fer Latin confer, defer, prefer, deferential, referendum, referent, sufferance
56. broad, flat platy Greek platypus
57. structure, construct, instructions, obstruct, destructive, deconstruction,
build, put together stru, struct Latin infrastructure, construe, instrumental
58. care cur Latin manicure, pedicure, curative, curator, procure, sinecure
59. portable, porter, export, report, support, deport, import, disport, porter, portfolio,
carry port Latin report, transport
60. carry fer Latin transfer, deferential, fertile, inference, proliferate
61. carry; carry on; produce ger, gest Latin digest, gestate, congest, gesticulate, gesture, ingest, belligerent
62. chalk, pebble calc, calci Latin calciferous, calculus, calculate
63. change mut Latin mutant, mutation, immutable, commutation, permutation, transmute
64. child ped (also, foot) Latin pediatrician, pedagogy, encyclopedic, pedant, pedagogue
65. elect, eligible, intelligent, lecture, legible, select, elective, intelligent, lectern,
choose; read leg, lig, lect Latin legend, predilection
66. circle gyro Greek gyroscope
67. city polis, polit Greek politics, policy, police, acropolis, magalopolis, politic, politicize
68. clean purg Latin purge, expurgated, purged, purgative, purgatory
69. climb scend, scand Latin ascend, descend, transcend, condescend, descendant, ascendancy
70. close clud, clus Latin include, exclude, occlude, occlusion, preclude, recluse, seclusion
71. clothe, dress vest Latin vest, divest, investiture, transvestite, travesty
72. colour chrom Greek chrome, chromatic, chromosome
73. adventure, convene, event, invention, circumvent, convenient, advent, venture,
come, move towards ven, vent Latin venturesome, provenance, venue
74. companion socius Latin sociology, associate, social, society, sociable
75. completely, prohibited for Old English forlorn, forspent, forswear, forbid
76. confuse, upset, confusion turb Latin disturance, perturb, turbine, turbulent, turbid
77. corpse, kill, slay nec, nic, nox Latin necromancy, internecine, necrosis, noxious, pernicious
78. correct, set straight corrigo Latin incorrigible
79. declaim, exclaim, proclaim, acclaim, clamorous, disclaim, acclamation, clamor,
cry out, shout clam, claim Latin reclaim
80. cut sect Latin section, intersect, sector, vasectomy, dissect, insect
81. cut, cut down, slay cis Latin incisor, decision, concise, excise, incisive, precision
82. cutting tome Greek tome, atom (a- negative), anatomy (ana- up), epitome (epi- on, upon)
defeat, win, conquer,
overcome vict, vinc Latin victory, convict, convince, province, victor, evince, invincible, victimize
84. die, death mor, mort Latin mortuary, postmortem, immortality, moribund, mortician, mortify
85. different hetero Greek heterogenous, heterosexual
86. direction, version, change trope, tropic Greek heliotrope, tropic, troposphere
87. antipathy, psychopath, sympathy, pathological, pathetic, pathos, apathetic, apathy,
disease, feeling, suffering pathy, path Greek empathy, sociopath
88. distance tele, tel Greek telegraph
89. do, go, lead, drive ag Latin agitate, litigate, prodigal, synagogue
fac, fact, fect, fic, fact, factory, facile, fiction, affect, effect, efficient, perfect, effective, efficacious,
do, make fict Latin infect, manufacture, proficient, deficient, benefactor, confection, olfactory,
91. down, off, away cata Greek cataract, cataclysm, catarrh, catalogue, catapult, catacomb, catalyst, catatonic
92. traction, tractor, attract, contract, extract, subtract, detract, distract, protract,
drag, draw, pull tract Latin retract, intractable
93. draw tight, bind, tie string, strict Latin string, strict, astringent, constrict, prestigious, stringent,
94. draw, write graph Greek graphic, graphite
95. pulsate, compel, expulsion, repulsive, impel, repel, dispel, expel, pulse, propel,
drive, move, push pel, pell, puls Latin propeller, repulsion
96. earth geo Greek geocentic, geography, geometry, geology, geologist
97. eat vor Latin carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, voracious
98. eight octo, oct Latin octopus, octane
99. end, boundary fin Latin affinity, definitive, infinitesimal, finite
100. command, commandment, commando, recommendation, commendation,
entrust, order mand, mend Latin mandate, mandatory, remand
equable, equator, equilibrium, equivocal, adequate, equilibrist, equipoise,
equal equ, equi Latin equitable, equity, inequitable, inequity
equal par Latin at/above/below par, parity, disparage, disparate, disparity, compare, pair, peer
equal, alike iso Greek isobar, isotherm
external ecto Greek ectoplasm, ectoderm
ophthalmo, opti, ophthalmologist, optician, optometrist, ocular, binoculars, oculist, inoculate,
eye, vision, sight op, opsis, ocul Greek monocle
faith fid Latin fidelity, confidence, infidel, affidavit, diffident, fiduciary, perfidy
accident, casual, decadent, occasion, accident, coincidence, casual, cascade,
fall, fall down, drop cad, cas, cid Latin cadaver, casualty, recidivism
falsehood, false pseudo, pseud Greek pseudonym, pseudo-intellectual
far, long-distance tele, tel Greek telepathy, telephone, telescope, television, telegenic, teleological, telemetry
fast, rapid celer Latin celerity, accelerate
paternal, paternity, patriotic, repatriate, patriarchy, patron, expatriate,
father; own country pater, patr Latin paternalistic, patrician, patrimony
fault, crime, accusation crim Latin criminology, decriminalize, incriminate, recrimination
phobia, phobe,
fear, aversion phobic Greek claustrophobic, xenophobia
feel sent, sens Latin sentimental, sensual, sensuous, sensation, sensational, sentient, sentiment
field, farmer agro, agr Latin agriculture, agrarian, agrochemical
fill ple, plet, pleth Latin/Greek complete, deplete, replete, implement, plethora, complement
firm, strong firm Latin affirm, confirm, infirm
primary, primer, primate, primitive, premeval, primal, primiparous,
first prim Latin primogeniture, primordial
first in time, first formed prot, proto Greek protozoa, proton, protagonist, protocol, protoplasm, prototype
first, main arch, archi Greek archangel, archbishop, archetype, architect
fit apt, ept Latin adaptable, adept, adaptation, aptitude, inept
five penta, pent Latin pentacle, pentagon, pentathlon, pentameter, pentagram, pentagon
five quint Latin quintessence, quin essential, quincentennial, quintet, quintile
flee, escape fug Latin refugee, refuge, centrifugal, fugitive, subterfuge
flesh carn Latin carnal, carnival, carnage, carnation, carnivorous, incarnation
fluid, fluent, fluency, fluctuate, flux, effluents, effluence, influence, affluent,
flow flu, fluct, flux Latin affluence, mellifluous
complex, complexion, complicate, explicit, implicit, implicate, imply, complicity,
fold, twist, bend plic, plicit, plex, ply Latin duplicate, duplicity, ply, supplicate, replicate
follow secut, sec, sequ Latin sequel, consecutive, consequence, execute, consequential, obsequious,sequential
pedal, pedestrian, pedicure, podiatrist, expedient, expedite, impediment, podium,
foot ped Latin tripod
for, in place of, before, proceed, progress, pronoun, produce,, profane, profess, provide, procure, project,
forwards pro Latin promote, procrastinate, prodigious, prophylaxis, propitious
quadilateral, quadrangle, quadrant, quart, quarter, quadrennial, quadriplegic,
four quadri, quadr Latin quartile
four tetra, tetr Greek tetrahedron, tetrapack, tessera, tetracycline, tetralogy, tetrapod
front, before fore Old English forehead, foreground, forecast, foresight
generate, be born, birth, generate, gene, genealogy, carcinogenic, congenial, indigenous, anthropogenic,
origin gen, genesis Latin generic, genesis, psychogenic
go, proceed, yield, give ced, cede, ceed, antecedent, concede, exceed, process, precede, recede, accede, secede, secession,
way cess Latin succeed, intercede, accessory, procession, recession, concession, precedent
go, seek, strive pet, petit Latin appetite, compete, competent, petition, repetition
theology, theocracy, apotheosis, pantheon, montheism, polytheistic, atheistic,
god theo Greek pantheistic
god de, div Latin deism, deity, divinatory, divinity,
going around peri Latin periscope, perigee, perimeter, peridontal, peripatetic, peripheral
good, well eu Greek euphemism, eugenics, eulogy, euthanasia, euphoria, evangelism, utopia
benediction, benefactor, beneficial, benefit, benevolent, benign, beneficiary,
good, well; kind bene; benign Latin beneficient
grow, come into being cre, cresc, cret Latin crescent, crescendo, accretion, excrescence, increment
growing, becoming escent Greek adolescent, obsolescent, senescent
half demi Latin demigod
semiconductor, semidetached, semitone, hemisphere, semicircle, semicolon,
half semi, hemi Latin/Greek hemiplegia

hand man, mani, manu Latin manual, manicure, manifest, manuscipt

hand chiro Greek chiropodist, chiropractic, chirographey
pendulum, compensate, depend, dispense, suspend, pensive, expend, suspend,
hang; weigh; pay pend, pens Latin append, impending, pendant, pending, appendix, appendage, propensity, stipend
hate mis, miso Greek misanthrope, misogynist, misogamist
head capit Latin caput, captain, capital, capitalism, capitulate, decapitate, recapitulate
healing iatric Greek paediatrics, geriatrics,
hear, examine aud, audi, audit Latin audible, audience, audition, auditorium, auditor, auditory, inaudible
heart cardio Greek cardiologist, cardiac, cardiogram, cardiograph
heart, mind cord Latin cordial, accord, discord, discordant, record, concord, concordant, concordance
thermodynamics, thermostat, thermoelectricity, thermal, thermocouple,
heat, warm thermo, therm Greek thermonuclear
heavy, serious grav Latin grave, gravity, aggravate, gravitas, gravitate, gravid
herd, flock, crowd greg Latin gregarious, congregate, egregious, segregate, aggregate, congregation

hidden, secret crypto, crypt, cryph Greek cryptic, encript, apocryphal, cryptography, crypt
highest summus Latin summit, sum, consummate
hold, have habit, hibit Latin habit, prohibit, exhibitionist, habitation, habitual, inhabit
tenacious, contain, contents, continent, contingent, detain, lieutenant, abstinence,
ten, tenu, tin, tent, tenable, sustenance, pertinacious, retain, abstain, abstention, tenant, tenancy,
hold, keep, stretch, thin tain Latin continue, obtain, sustain, attentuate, extenuating, tenure, tenuous
horse equus Latin equestrian, equine
host, guest hosp, host Latin hostage, hospice, hostel, inhospitable
house dom Latin domain, dominant, domineering, predominant, domicile, domination, dominion
human hom, homin Latin homicide, hominoid, homage, bonhomie
human being anthrop Greek anthromorphic, anthropoid, anthropology, misanthropic, philanthropy
hundred cent Latin centipede, century, centipede, centenary, centigrade, centimetre, centurion
hundred hecto, hect Greek hectare, hectogram
I, self ego Latin egotism, egocentric, egoist, egotist, egomaniacal
in, into, inside in, en, em Latin incarnate, income, embrace, enclose
inside, inner, within endo Greek endogamy, endocrine, endodermis, endodontist, endogenous
inside, within, inwards intra, intro Latin intravenous, intramural, introduce, introverted
iron ferro Latin ferromagnetic
join junct, join, joint Latin adjoin, conjunction, injunction, junction, disjunction, enjoin, adjunct, junta
judge crit Greek critic, critical, criticism, criterion, hypercritical, critique
kill, killer cide Latin suicide, regicide, genocide
cognisant, cognition, recognise, incognito, recognize, ignorant, agnostic,
know cogn, gni, gno Latin ignoramus, cognitive, diagnosis, prognosis
know, understand; science, conscience, conscious, conscientious, omniscience, prescient,
knowledge sci, scio, sciens Latin unconscionable, prescience, nescient
known notus Latin noted, notorious
land, firm ground, earth terr, ter Latin territory, terrace, terrestial, interred, subterranean, terrarium, extraterrestrial
large, a million mega Greek megaphone, megalith
large, long macro, macr Greek macrocosm, macroscopic
law, to appoint leg, lega Latin legal, legislate, legation, legatee, delegation, legacy, legate, relegate
lead duc, duct Latin ductile, conduct, conducive, produce, abduct, deduce, induce, seduce, traduce
leading agogos Greek pedagogue, demagogue

left hand sinister/gauche Latin/French sinister, gauche, gaucherie

lie down cumb, cub Latin incubate, incumbent, recumbent, succumb, cubicle, incubus,
biography, biology, biopic, biosphere, biotechnology, biodegradable, bionic,
life bio Greek biopsy, symbiosis
life, mind, soul, spirit, animate, animosity, equanimity, magnanimity, unanimous, animal, animism,
breath anim Latin inanimate, animated,
vital, vitamin, vivid, vivacious, convivial, revive, viviparous, survivor, revivify,
life; live vit, viv Latin vivisection,
photograph, photoelectric, phosphorous, phosphorescent, photogenic, photon,
light photo, phot, phos Greek photosynthesis
alleviate, elevate, leavening, levity, lucid, elucidate, lucent, translucent,
light; shine lev; luc Latin lucubration
like, as if quasi Latin quasi-judicial
limit, bound, set limits to termin, term Latin terminus, terminate, term, indeterminate, interminable, terminal, terminology
spectator, spectacle, conspicuous, expect, inspect, respect, auspicious, despicable,
perspective, perspicuity, specimen, speculate, suspect, suspicion, introspection,
look, look at, behold spec, spic, spect Latin perspicacious
loosen, free, release solv, solu Latin solve, solution, solvent, dissolve, absolve, dissolution, resolve, soluble
love am, amat Latin amateur, amicable, amiable, amorous, enamoured, amatory, paramour
philosophy, philanthropy, francophile, anglophile, bibliophile, oenophile,
loving phil, philo Greek philatelist, philology
madness mania Latin monomania, megalomania, kleptomania
male andros Greek polyandry
man vir Latin virtue, virtuous, triumvirate, virago, virility, virtuosity, virtuoso
mankind anthropos Greek anthropology
many, much multi Latin multifarious, multiple, multifaceted
marriage gam Greek gamete, monogamy, bigamy, polygamous
barometer, metricate, thermometer, thermometer, isometric, odometer,
metr, meter, mens, symmetrical, tachometer, commensurate, dimension, immensity, measurable,
measure, measuement metron Greek geometry
melt, pour fus, fund, found Latin confuse, diffuse, profuse, suffuse, transfuse, effusive, fusion, foundry
middle centr Latin centrifuge, centralise
middle meso; mid Old English mesomorphic, Mesopotamia, Mesozoic; midnight, midriff
milk lacto, lact Latin lactose, lactate
phychosis, psychotic, psychiatrist, psyche, psychoanalyist, psychologist,
mind, behaviour psych Greek psychopathic
moderate, mix temper Latin temper, tempered, temperature, intemperate, temperance
extraordinary, extracurricular, extraterrestrial, extravaganza, extramundane,
more, outside extra Latin extrapolate, extraneous
maternal, matrimony, matrix, matron, maternity, matriculate, matrilineal,
mother mater, matr Latin metropolitan
move, motion, motor, mobile, emotion, promote, remove, mob, commotion,
demote, demobilise, mobilise, mobility, unmoved, immovable, motive,
move mov, mot, mob Latin motivation
polygamy, polytechnic, polysyllabic, polygraph, polychromatic, polyglot,
much, many poly Greek polymer, polyphony
nom, nomen, nominate, nominal, cognomen, misnomer, nominee, binomial, ignominious,
name nomin Latin nomenclature, nominal
nerve neuro, neur Greek neurosurgeon, neuralgia, neurologist, neurosis
new nov Latin novelty, novice, renovate
new neo Greek neologism, neo-Nazi
night nox, noctis Latin equinox, nocturnal
no, to say neg Latin negate, negative, abnegation, negligible, renegade, renege
not in, il, im, ir Latin inactive, illiterate, impossible, irresistible
not non Latin nonchalant, nonconformist, nonentity, nonsense
not, back un Old English unhappy, uncouth, unbend, untie
not, down, less, away dis, dif, di Latin disable, discount, disarm, dissolve, dishonest, dissuade, different, diffuse, digress
not, lacking an Greek anaesthetic, anaemic, anaerobic
not, without a Greek amoral, apolitical, asexual
abdicate, abduct, abhor, abnormal, abort, absent, absolve, abstain, abuse, aberrant,
off, away, from ab, abs, a Latin absurd, abscond, abstemious, abstraction, abstruse
old vetus Latin inveterate, veteran
old senex Greek senile, senility, senescent, senior, seniority, senate,
old age gera, geron Greek geriatrics, gerontology, geriatrician
old, ancient palaeo, paleo Greek palaeonotology
on, over epi Greek epicentre, epidermis, epigram
monomania, monocle, monochrome, monotonous, monopoly, monogamous,
one, only mono Latin monograph, monolithic, monotonous, monotheism
unicycle, unanimous, universe, unity, uniform, united, unit, unicameral,
one, single uni, un Latin unilateral, unison, unitarian
other alter Latin alturism, alternate, alternative, alter ego, altercation, alteration
out ek- plus tome Greek tonsilectomy
out of, from, former ex, exo, e, ef Latin exclude, exhume, exit, exhale, extort, effervescent, emit, evade, exogenous
outward extro Latin extrovert
over, too much hyper Greek hyperactive, hypersensitive, hypercorrect
own prop, propri Latin property, proprietor, appropriate, expropriate, proprietary, propriety
pain algia, alg, algos Greek neuralgia, analgesic
part part Latin part, apartment, compartment, particle, impart, impartial, partisan
people demo Greek demagogue, demographic, endemic, pandemic, demotic
people popul Latin popular, population, popular culture, populist, populace, populous, voxpopuli
perform, carry out fung, funct Latin functional, function, malfunction, functionary, fungible, perfunctory
place topo, top Greek topography, toponym, topic, topical, topiary
plant botane Greek botony, botanical
play, game lud, lus Latin allude, collusion, interlude, delusion, illusion, ludicrous, prelude
please plac, plais Latin pleasant, pleasurable, pleasing, cpmplaisant, placebo, placidity, implacable
pleasing grat Latin congratulate, grateful, gratify, gratitude, gratuity, ingratiate, gracious, gratuitous
pour out, melt fund, fus Latin fuse, refund, confusion, diffuse, effusive, profusion, suffuse
power dynam Greek dynamite, dynamometer, dynamic, dynamo, dynasty, hydrodynamic
power crac, crat Greek democracy, meritocracy, theocracy, aristocrat, autocratic, bureaucrat, plutocracy
prediction mancy Greek necromancy, chiromancy
prick, stab, point pung, punc Latin punctuation, punctured, punctual, compunction, expunge, punctilious, pungent
process; disease osis Greek metamorphosis, osmosis; tuberculosis, neurosis

produce, give birth to, gender, gene, general, genealogy, generate, generous, genesis, genial, genius,
beget; guardian, spirit; gen, gener, geni, genital, genre, gentle, gentry, genuine, engine, ingenuity, ingenious, ingenuous,
kind, type; race, people genit Latin oxygen, progenitor
honesty/integrity prob, prov Latin approbation, disprove, probity, reprobate
pulse sphygmos Greek sphygmomanometer
punish, penalty pen, pun Latin penalty, repentence, impunity, penal, penance, punitive
position, positive, compose, component, deposit, expound, composite, compound,
depose, dispose, expose, exposition, expository, impose, oppose, postpone,
pon, pound, pose, propose, suppose, composition, deponent, exponent, juxtaposition, proponent,
put, place posit Latin propound, repository, superimpose, transpose, disposition, component
race, people ethno Greek ethnology, ethnocentric, ethnic
right hand droit Latin, French dextrous, dexterity, ambidextrous, adroit, adroitness
evolve, involve, revolt, convoluted, revolve, volume, devolution, evolution,
roll; turn, twist around volt, volv, volut Latin voluble
arch, archy; crat, matriarchy, monarch, oligarchy, patriarch; democrat, autocrat, bureaucracy,
ruler, form of government cracy Greek technocracy
current, cursor, concur, discourse, occur, precursor, recur, discursive, excursive,
run, go cur, curs, cours Latin incur, recourse, concurrent, cursory
sacred, holy sacr, sanct Latin sacrament, sanctity, sanctified, sanction, sacrilege, sacrosanct, sanctuary
sailor nautes Greek cosmonaut, nautical,
same, equal homo Latin homogenous, homosexuality, homograph, homonyn, homologous, homophone
sea mar Latin marine, submarine, aquamarine, marina, mariner, maritime
visual, video, vision, visit, advise, evident, provide, television, providence,
provident, televise, visionary, visual, visualise, advisory, improvident, proviso,
see, sight vid, vis Latin visage, visitation, envision, vis-a-vis, visionary
quir, quest, quis, question, acquire, conquest, inquisitive, require, requisite, inquire, enquire,
seek, obtain, ask quisit Latin exquisite, perquisite, acquisitive, inquisition, requisition

seize prehend, prehens Latin apprehend, comprehend, apprehensive, comprehensive, prehensile, reprehensible
autocrat, autograph, automatic, automobile, autopsy, automaton, autodictat,
self aut, auto Greek autonomy, autism
seller, dealer monger Old English fishmonger; rumourmonger, warmonger
mission, missile, admit, commit, dismiss, omit, emit, permit, transmit,
intermittent, emissary, missive, remiss, remit, missionary,manumission,
send, let go mit, miss Latin remittance
seven hepta, hept Greek heptagon, heptameter
seven septi, sept Latin septugenarian
shadow umbr Latin umbrella, adumbrate, penumbra, umber, umbrage
shape morph Greek morphology, amorphous, morph, anthromorphic, metamorphosis
shape, form form Latin formation, formula, conform, formality, formative, format
shape, mold, form, figure fig Latin transfiguration, disfigure, configeration, effigy, figment, figurative
center, centrifuge, centrifugal, centripetal, eccentric, epicenter, egocentric,
sharp point, exact centre center, centr Greek ethnocentric
ac, acr, acu, acerb,
sharp, keen, sour acri Latin acerbic, acrid, acute, acumen, acuity, acrimonious, acupuncture, acid, exacerbate
ship naus Greek nausea
side latus, lateris Latin equilateral
sign, mark sign Latin design, designate, signature, assignation, resign, signatory, signet
similar, like, resembling simil, simul Latin similar, facsimile, simultaneous, simile, assimilate, simulate
sing cant Latin chant, incantation,
sedate, sedentary, sediment, session, obsess, resident, preside, supersede, reside,
sit, settle, be situated sed, sede, sid, sess Latin dissident, obsession, residual, residue, sedative, subside, subsidy, subsidiary
six hexa, hex Greek hexapod, hexagram
six sex Latin sextant, sextuple
skill art Latin artful, artifact, artifice, artisan
skin derm, dermat Greek dermatitis, epidermis, hypodermic, dermatologist, taxidermist, pachyderm
sleep hypno, hypn Greek hypnosis, hypnotic
small micro Greek microscope
sound sono Latin sonata, sonorous, dissonant, resonance, sonic, ultrasound
telephone, xylophone, cacophony, phonetic, polyphonic, symphony, phonograph,
sound, voice, speech phon, phono Greek phonetics
loquacious, colloquial, elocution, eloquent, interlocutor, colloquy, locution,
speak loqu, locut Latin circumlocution, ventriloquist,
dictate, diction, addict, contradict, edict, predict, dictum, interdict, dictionary,
speak, say dict, dic Latin interdiction, jurisdiction, malediction, benediction
star astro, astron Greek astronomer, astrology, astronaut, aster, asterisk, astrophysics, disaster, disastrous
gradual, graduate, aggression, centigrade, digression, progrsss, digress, regress,
transgress, retrogress, ingress, egress, grade, gradient, degrade, gradation,
step, degree, go grad, gress Latin retrograde
adhere, cohere, incoherent, inhere, inherent, hesitate, adhesive, adherent,
stick, get stuck her, hes Latin cohesion, incoherent, inherent
stone litho Greek lithograph, monolith
stone petro, petr Latin petrify

straight, correct, right, true ortho Greek orthodox, orthodontics, orthopedics, orthography,
straight, right rect Latin rectangle, rectitude, rectify, rectilinear, rector
strength val Latin valour, valid, validate, evaluate, equivalent, prevalent, valorous, ambivalent
stretch, extend, spread tend, tent Latin extend, contentious, distend, portend, tendentious
study, science, knowledge;
word, speech logy, ology Greek zoology, phonology, phraseology, psychology
subject to, serve serv Latin serve, service, servant, serviceable, servile, servitude, subservient
sun helio Greek heliocentric
swear, take an oath jur Latin jury, juror, injury, abjure, adjure, perjury, jurisprudence, objurgate
cap, capt, cip, cept, capable, capture, concept, deceit, except, receive, recipient, reception, incipient,
take, seize ceit, ceiv Latin perceptible, susceptible
teach doc, doct Latin docile, doctrine, doctrinaire, indoctrinate
teach, guide tut, tui Latin tutor, intuition, tuition, tutelage, tutorial
ten deca, dec Greek decade, decagon, decennial, decahedron, decimal, decathlon, decibel, decimate
tenth deci Latin decibel, decimal, decimate
think, consider, reckon put, putat Latin putative, compute, dispute, reputation, deputy, disputacious, impute, reputed
thousand kilo Greek kilometre, kilogram
millibar, millisecond, millenium, million, millefleur, millenarianism, millipede,
thousandth, thousand milli Latin millisecond
trio, triad, triplicate, triangle, triumvirate, tricolour, trident, trilogy, trimester,
three tri Greek trinity, trivial, trivialise
through, across, apart dia, di Greek diachronic, diagonal, dialysis, diaphragm, dialogue
perambulator, percolate, perennial, pervade, percussion, perfect, persist, perjure,
through, by, by means of, perfidious, pernicious, perdition, perforate, permanent, persuade, perverted,
utterly, badly per Latin peremptory, permeate, persevere
throw, hurl; lie; be thrown abject, adjacent, conjecture, eject, inject, object, subject, project, reject, inject,
down, stick out jac, ject Latin dejection, ejaculate, interject, trajectory
temporary, temporise, contemporary, extempore, tempo, extemporaneous,
time temp, tempor Latin temporal
chronic, chronology, chronometer, synchronise, chronicle, anachronism,
time, age chron, chrono Greek synchronous
adapt, adjacent, admire, adopt, abbreviate, accord, affair, aggravate, alleviate,
to, near, at ad Latin annex, appear, arrive, associate, attend
together, same syn, sym, syl Greek synchronise, synagogue, syndicate, sympathy, symphony, system, syllable
tongue lingua Latin linguistics
tooth dent Latin dental, dentist, indent
tooth odontos Greek orthodontist
touch tact, tang, ting Latin tact, tactile, tangent, tangible, contract, contingent, contact, intact, tangential
towards, over, against,
utterly ob, oc, of, op Latin obese, object, obtrude, obtuse, occupy, offend, oppress, opportunity
truth, true ver, verac Latin veracious, verily, very, aver, verdict, veracity, verify, verisimilitude, verity
advertise, convert, diversion, invert, reverse, subversive, avert, divert, revert,
controversy, controvertible, traverse, vertigo, perverse, versatile, introvert,
turn, change vers, vert Latin extrovert, ambivert
twice, double bi, bin Latin bicycle, bigamy, bilateral, binoculars, bisect, bipartisan, binary, biennial, bipolar
twist, wind, wrench tors, tort Latin contortionist, torture, tort, extort, torsion, tortuous
dioxide, diphthong, duel, duet, duo, dual, dimorphic, dichotomy, diplomatic,
two, twice di, duo, dicha Greek duplex, duplicity
submarine, submit, subordinate, succumb, suffer, suggest, summon, support,
sub, suc, suf, sug, surrogate, suspect, sustain, subway, substandard, subscribe, subconscious,
under, almost, secondary sum Latin subjugate, subliminal, subversion

under, less than, too little,

beneath, down, below hypodermic, hypochondria, hypothermia, hypothetical, hypotenuse, hypotension,
normal hypo, hyp Greek hypoglycemia, hypocrisy
upon, besides, attached to,
over, outer, after ep, epi Greek epicenter, epidermis, ephemeral, epiphyte, epitaph, epithet
use, make use of, employ ut, us Latin abuse, reuse, disuse, disabuse, usufruct, usuary, utilitarian, utility
view, vision opsis, optikos Greek biopsy, autopsy
vocabulary, vocal, vocation, advocate, evoke, provoke, invoke, revoke, vocalise,
voice; call voc, vok Latin vociferate, vociferous, voxpopuli, voxdei, evocative, equivocate, irrevocable
wander, stray err Latin error, aberrant, errant, erratic, erroneous
war bell, belli Latin belligerent, rebel, rebellion, bellicose, ante-bellum, post-bellum

warn, scold, advise, remind mon, monit Latin monitor, monument, admonish, premonition, monitory
water hydro, hydr Greek hydroelectric, hydraulic, dehydrate, hydrodynamic
wave, rise in waves und Latin undulations, undulate, inundate, redound, redundancy
weather, atmosphere meteor Greek meteorology, meterorite, meteoric
weave text Latin text, textile, texture, context, pretext, subtext, textual
weight, pressure baro Greek barometer, isobars
wise, wisdom soph Greek sophistry, sophisticated, philosophy, theosophy, sophomoric
combat, combine, compatriot, concede, coexist, cohere, colleague, collide,
with, together, thoroughly com Latin confide, congregate, correspond
woman gyn Greek gynocology, misogynist
wood lign Latin lignite, ligneous
word verb Latin verbal, verbalise, verbose, proverb, verbatim, verbiage
word, speech; reason; biology, anthropology, dialogue, eulogy, monologue, neologism, genealogy,
science log, logi Greek logical, analogy, epilogue, prologue
world, universe, order,
ornament cosmo, cosm Greek cosmology, cosmopolitan, cosmic, cosmetics, cosmonaut, cosmos
conscript, describe, postscript, inscribe, subscribe, transcribe, ascribe, conscript,
indescribable, manuscript, scribble, scripture, scrip, conscription, circumscribe,
write scrib, script Latin inscription, proscribe, prescribe
graphologist, chirographer, calligraphy, cardiograph, photograph, phonograph,
write graphein Greek telegraph, biography
writing gram Latin diagram, telegram
written document codi, code Latin code, encode, codex, codicil, codify, decode
year annu, enni Latin annals, annual, annuity, perennial, anniversary, superannuated, millenium

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