Reiner Et - Al. 2013

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American Journal of Primatology

Fatty Acids in Mountain Gorilla Diets: Implications for Primate Nutrition and
Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York City, New York
University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, California
Nutrition Laboratory, Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Washington, District of Columbia
Research Department, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Washington, District of Columbia
Jane Goodall Institute, Entebbe, Uganda
The New York Consortium in Evolutionary Primatology [NYCEP], New York City, New York

Little is known about the fatty acid composition of foods eaten by wild primates. A total of 18 staple foods
that comprise 97% of the annual dietary intake of the mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei) were analyzed
for fatty acid concentrations. Fruits and herbaceous leaves comprise the majority of the diet, with fruits
generally having a higher mean percentage of fat (of dry matter; DM), as measured by ether extract (EE),
than herbaceous leaves (13.0%  SD 13.0% vs. 2.3  SD 0.8%). The mean daily EE intake by gorillas was
3.1% (DM). Fat provided 14% of the total dietary energy intake, and 22% of the dietary non‐protein
energy intake. Saturated fatty acids accounted for 32.4% of the total fatty acids in the diet, while
monounsaturated fatty acids accounted for 12.5% and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) accounted
for 54.6%. Both of the two essential PUFA, linoleic acid (LA, n‐6) and a‐linolenic acid (ALA, n‐3), were
found in all of the 17 staple foods containing crude fat and were among the three most predominant
fatty acids in the diet: LA (C18:2n‐6) (30.3%), palmitic acid (C16:0) (23.9%), and ALA (C18:3n‐3)
(21.2%). Herbaceous leaves had higher concentrations of ALA, while fruit was higher in LA. Fruits
provided high amounts of fatty acids, especially LA, in proportion to their intake due to the higher fat
concentrations; despite being low in fat, herbaceous leaves provided sufficient ALA due to the high
intake of these foods. As expected, we found that wild mountain gorillas consume a diet lower in EE, than
modern humans. The ratio of LA:ALA was 1.44, closer to agricultural paleolithic diets than to modern
human diets. Am. J. Primatol. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: nutritional ecology; essential fatty acid; linoleic; alpha‐linolenic; polyunsaturated; ape

INTRODUCTION Once the essential fatty acids have been con-

Fatty acids are required components of physio- sumed, they are converted through a series of
logical mechanisms that facilitate normal neural, enzymes to their respective long‐chain derivatives.
retina, and brain growth, tissue development, as For both the n‐6 and n‐3 fatty acids, the long‐chain
well as cellular, cardiovascular, and immune fatty acids derived from essential fatty acids have
system maintenance and function [Conner, 2000;
Wainwright & Ward, 1997]. Little is known about the
fatty acid composition of the diets of wild primates,
and which foods consumed provide the largest Contract grant sponsor: Jane V. Engel Family Foundation;
contract grant sponsor: Cornell University; contract grant
proportion of essential fatty acids. There are two sponsor: Hunter College’s Presidential Fund for Faculty
fatty acids commonly accepted as essential fatty Advancement.
acids: linoleic acid (LA, C18:2n‐6) and a‐linolenic acid 
Correspondence to: Jessica M. Rothman, Department of
(ALA, C18:3n‐3), which are also often referred to as Anthropology, Hunter College of the City University of New
omega‐6 and omega‐3 fatty acids. The term omega York, 695 Park Avenue, Room 724, New York City, NY 10065. E‐
refers to the location of the first double bond from the
methyl terminal end of the fatty acid. Dietary intake Received 20 October 2012; revised 2 September 2013; revision
accepted 14 October 2013
of these fatty acids is essential for primates including
humans, similar to other mammals, because we lack
DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22232
the enzymes required to synthesize them [Pereira Published online XX Month Year in Wiley Online Library
et al., 2003]. (

© 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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been shown to play a role in immune response and the Modern human diets are higher in crude fat (15–
central nervous system [Anderson & Ma, 2009]. For 25% of DM) [Popovich et al., 1997; Wrangham
example, the n‐6 fatty acid arachidonic acid (AA) is et al., 1998] than wild primate diets studied to date
responsible for producing eicosanoids, signaling aside from the seed‐eating saki monkeys [Conklin‐
molecules that have a large role in immune function Brittain et al., 1998]. In many populations worldwide,
and the inflammatory response. Eicosanoids are more than 30% of energy intake is from crude fat
more potent than molecules produced by the n‐3 [WHO, 2003], and lipid intake for humans in
fatty acid equivalent, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) industrialized populations is estimated to compose
[Anderson & Ma, 2009]. Thus, diets composed of up to 40% of total energy intake [Jones et al., 1985].
different proportions and amounts of n‐6 and n‐3 These high levels of fat in the diet are thought to
fatty acids can alter the immune state of mammals. contribute to diseases of public health concern
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), another long‐chain n‐3 such as obesity, heart, and liver disease [USDA;
fatty acid, has recently been shown to also play a role USHSS, 2010]. In the United States, it is recom-
in the inflammatory status of tissues [Chapkin mended that adults consume 20–35% of calories per
et al., 2009]. DHA is also required for proper neural, day as lipid [USDA; USHSS, 2010]. Estimates of
retina, and brain growth and function [Uauy & actual total lipid intake in American diets range from
Dangour, 2006]. Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) is 34% [USDA; USHSS, 2010] to 42% of energy from
another n‐3 fatty acid that is an important precursor lipids [Lissner et al., 1987]. Humans acquire essen-
to DHA. Both DPA and DHA are critical in brain tial fatty acids from aquatic sources, meat, seeds,
function [Crawford, 1992; Crawford et al., 1999]. legumes, fruits and vegetables, including some leafy
Total lipid, or fat, intake in wild primate diets has vegetables such as spinach, red leaf lettuce and
been quantified for several primates, including mustard [Simopoulos, 1991].
cercopithecines, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) [Con- Mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in Bwindi
klin‐Brittain et al., 1998], saki monkeys (Pithecia Impenetrable National Park (BINP), Uganda con-
pithecia) [Norconk and Conklin‐Brittain, 2004], mon- sume diets consisting almost entirely of plant tissues
goose lemurs (Eulemur mongoz) [Curtis, 2004], col- [Rothman et al., 2006; Stanford & Nkurunungi, 2003;
lared lemurs (Eulemur collaris) [Donati et al., 2007], Watts, 1984], and thus acquire fatty acids from
and orangutans (Pongo pygmeus) [Knott, 1998]. plants, though some fatty acids may be acquired from
However, to our knowledge, only one report provided intentionally or accidentally consumed rare foods
the fatty acid composition of commonly consumed including ants or other insects [Ganas & Robbins,
foods by a wild primate species, the folivorous howler 2004]. Bwindi gorillas are opportunistic frugivores.
monkeys (Alouatta palliata) [Chamberlain et al., They mainly consume a diverse diet of leaves, pith,
1993]. Still, previous reports of the crude fat stems, and fruit [Rothman et al., 2006] and depend
consumed by primates have yielded interesting heavily on herbaceous vegetation during periods of
results, particularly in comparison to human diets fruit scarcity [Stanford & Nkurunungi, 2003]. The
[Milton, 1999]. Plant material commonly eaten by mountain gorillas studied previously in this same
orangutans varied from undetectable to 5% crude fat location consumed a staple diet (97% of the annual
on a dry matter (DM) basis; however, one seasonally intake) that consisted mainly of herbaceous leaves,
important food (Neesia sp. seed) contained a very high as well as pith, the outer peel of herb stems
concentration of lipids (46%) [Knott, 1998]. In a (later referred to as peel), fruit, and decaying wood
community‐wide study of rainforest primates, plant [Rothman et al., 2007]. The staple diet is rich in
foods consumed by red‐tailed monkeys (Cercopithe- crude protein (18%), fiber (43%), and non‐structural
cus ascanius), blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis), carbohydrates (19%) [Rothman et al., 2007]. The
gray‐cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena), and gorilla diet varies seasonally [Rothman et al., 2008].
chimpanzees (P. troglodytes) in Kibale National Park, These gorillas prioritize the consumption of non‐
Uganda revealed the highest lipid intakes (6–8.5%) of protein energy (carbohydrates and fats) and consume
DM intake occurred during periods of fruit abun- a high‐protein diet across seasons [Rothman
dance, which is as expected since fruits (which et al., 2011].
include seeds) contain more lipid than leaves and Here, we provide the first quantification of the
flowers. On average, lipids comprised 2.5–4% of DM fatty acid composition of the wild diets of great apes,
intake for these Cercopithecines [Conklin‐Brittain which is based on our analyses of the fatty acid
et al., 1998]. Saki monkeys ate diets high in total lipid composition and crude fat (EE) intake of feeds
(16.1%), chiefly because they are seed‐eaters, and comprising the staple diet of Bwindi mountain
consume large quantities of lipid‐rich seeds daily gorillas. We also describe the fatty acid composition
[Norconk and Conklin‐Brittain, 2004]. Mongoose of different plants and plant parts in the staple diet,
lemurs and collared lemurs had diets low in total and discuss the possible effects this variation may
lipid (2%), probably due to their diet consisting have on the total fatty acid intake. Finally, we
mainly of flowers, sugary fruits, and leaves address ways that our results may inform mountain
[Curtis, 2004; 4–5%; Donati et al., 2007]. gorilla feeding ecology and primate diets in general.

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METHODS sample was sealed in a labeled paper bag until

Foods that were part of the staple diet consumed ground to pass through a 1‐mm screen using a Wiley
by mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in BINP, Mill. Ground samples were then stored in a dry, dark
Uganda (0 530 –1 080 S and 29 350 –29 500 E) were area until transported to the Nutritional Ecology
analyzed for their EE content and fatty acid Laboratory at Hunter College, New York, USA and
composition. This research adhered to the legal stored in a dry, dark area until assayed [Rothman
requirements of the country in which the research et al., 2007, 2008]. In addition, because unsaturated
was conducted. fatty acids are susceptible to oxidation [Czerkawski,
1967; Molloy et al., 1974; but see: Arvidsson et al.,
2009], on January 23, 2013, 1–3 g of each food species
Staple Diet Determination was recollected in BINP and were immediately
placed in liquid nitrogen in 5 ml cryotubes for fatty
Mountain gorillas were studied over the course of
acid analysis.
a year, quantifying their staple diet using behavioral
observations and measures of feed intake [Rothman
et al., 2007]. The staple diet was defined as any food
item that comprised 1% DM of intake annually. The Crude Fat Analysis
staple diet was comprised of 18 foods, with nine Percentage of EE was measured at Hunter
different species of herbaceous leaves providing College, New York, USA using high‐temperature
60.5% of total dietary intake of DM, 14.3% from fruit, petroleum ether extraction via an XT15 Fat Analyzer
6.6% from tree leaves, 6.3% from pith, 5.4% from peel, [ANKOM, Macedon, New York], whereby the dried,
and 4.0% from decaying wood [Rothman et al., 2007] milled food samples of 0.45–0.55 g were boiled in
(Table I). The remaining 3% of the total diet was petroleum ether in filter bags at 90°C for 120 min
composed of miscellaneous foods that were rarely [AOCS, 2009]. After boiling, the samples were dried
consumed, or consumed in negligible amounts in an oven at 90°C for 8 h and weighed. Assays were
annually [Rothman et al., 2007]. calibrated with an 8.7% fat standard provided by
ANKOM. Three different samples of each of the
staple feeds, with the exception of four of the feeds,
Sample Collection due to limited sample, were analyzed. Only one
Plant items comprising 1% DM of the mountain sample of Cyathea manniana pith, and Momordica
gorilla’s annual diet were collected fresh from BINP. foetida herb leaves were available, and only two
Once collected, samples were taken back to the field were available for Maesa lanceolata fruit. While M.
station and dried at ambient temperature out of foetida and Momordica pterocarpa are different
direct sunlight at the field station (22°C) [Rothman foods, they were combined by Rothman et al. [2007]
et al., 2007, 2008]. Following the drying process, each in behavioral observations because their phenotypic

TABLE I. Daily Intake and Crude Fat of Foods in the Staple Diet of Mountain Gorillas

Plant Plant part % Intakea % EEb

Basella alba Herbaceous leaves 7.8 1.3

Carduus Herbaceous leaves 4.2 3.4
Chrysophyllum albidum Fruit 3.0 19.0
Cyathea manniana Pith 2.2 1.2
Decaying wood Wood 4.0 0.0
Drypetes Fruit 0.9 1.1
Ipomea involucrata/Ipomea wightic Herbaceous leaves 8.8 2.1
Maesa lanceolata Fruit 1.8 28.4
Mimulopsis arborescens Pith 4.1 0.5
Mimulopsis solmsii Herbaceous leaves 7.1 1.4
Myrianthus holstii Fruit 8.6 3.3
Tree leaves 6.6 1.6
Momordica foetida/Momordica pterocarpac Herbaceous leaves 8.0 2.9
Triumfetta tomentosa Herbaceous leaves 5.4 2.1
Urera hypselodendron Herbaceous leaves 19.2 2.6
Peel 5.4 3.0
Total % intake of staple foods 97.1
The staple diet and % daily intake of each staple food is based on dry‐matter and was determined based on the wet weight intake by Rothman et al. [2007].
Ether Extract (measure of crude fat).
These herbaceous leaves were combined due to their similar phenotypes, making them difficult to differentiate [Rothman et al., 2007].

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characteristics made it difficult to differentiate them This research adhered to the American Society of
with a high level of accuracy. For this report, M. Primatologists principles for the ethical treatment of
foetida and M. pterocarpa were combined in all primates.
calculated nutritional estimations of dietary intake,
EE, and fatty acid results. Similarly, Ipomea in-
volucrata and Ipomea wighti herb leaves were RESULTS
combined in all calculated nutritional estimations Of the staple foods, only decaying wood contained
of dietary intake, EE, and fatty acid results due to undetectable levels of EE. Crude fat comprised 3.1%
difficulty differentiating samples phenotypically dur- of the total dietary intake for these gorillas (DM),
ing behavioral observations. The fatty acids in the about 14% of the total energy intake, and about 22%
Drypetes fruit had oxidized due to experiencing a of the non‐protein energy (Table I). Fruit contained
difference in handling method, so the fatty acid 13.0% (SD 13%) fat on average, and provided about
results for that food were excluded from results and 44.9% of all FA in the staple diet with the other 55.1%
analysis. However, this fruit was low in fat (1.1%) and coming from other staple vegetative parts (herba-
accounted for less than 1% of DM intake, and so its ceous leaves, peel, pith, tree leaves). Herbaceous
exclusion is unlikely to affect the results. leaves were low in fat (2.3%, SD 0.8%) but supplied
44.8% of dietary FA due to their high proportional
intake (60.5% of estimated intake). Peel (5.3%), tree
Fatty Acid Analysis leaves (3.5%), and pith (1.5%) supplied small
The liquid nitrogen frozen samples were shipped amounts of FA in the staple diet (Fig. 1).
in a dry shipper (Arctic Express, Thermo Fisher SFAs, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and
Scientific) to the Diagnostic Center for Population PUFA are the three main classes of fatty acids. Total
and Animal Health at the University of Michigan, fatty acids were comprised of 32.4% SFA, 12.5%
USA where they were analyzed for their fatty acid MUFA, and 54.6% PUFA (with about 0.21% uniden-
composition using gas–liquid chromatography on a tified fatty acids) (Fig. 1; Table II). Of the total fatty
DM basis [IUPAC, 1997]. Samples were analyzed in acid composition of the diet, 47.4% of SFA were
duplicate. supplied by fruit and 41.1% from herbaceous leaves.
Peel, tree leaves, and pith were all very low
contributors to total diet SFA (each <6% of total
Crude Fat and Fatty Acid Intakes FA) compared to herbaceous leaves and fruit. Fruit
The EE and fatty acid composition of the diet provided most of the MUFA in the diet (54.5%)
were calculated using the weighted intake of each followed by herbaceous leaves (36.4%). Herbaceous
staple food in its contribution to the total diet leaves provided the most PUFA in the diet (49.2%)
[Rothman et al., 2007]. Using these intake data, followed by fruit (41.1%). The total of all n‐6 PUFA in
the total fatty acid composition of the diet and the the diet was 32.2%  SD 10.0%, while the n‐3 PUFA
intake ratios for polyunsaturated fatty acids to composed 22.4%  SD 8.6%. The most prevalent SFA
saturated fatty acids (SFA), n‐6:n‐3, and LA:ALA (>4% of total FA) were palmitic acid C16:0 (23.9%)
were calculated. and stearic acid C18:0 (5.7%) (Table II). The most
When calculating the fatty acid intake from prevalent MUFA and PUFA in the diet were oleic
feeds, defined as the sum of all FA obtained from the
lipid extract that are expressed as triacylglycerols, it
is necessary to correct for the weight of lipid extract 100 n-6 Polyunsaturated Fay Acids
from non‐fat lipids (nonsaponifiable substances), so a n-3 Polyunsaturated Fay Acids
value of one was subtracted from the percentage of Monunsaturated Fay Acids

ether extract (EE) to estimate the non‐fat compo- 80 Saturated Fay Acids

nents that were extracted with ether [Palmquist & 70

Jenkins, 2003; Rothman et al., 2012]. To estimate
the metabolizable energy contributions of lipid to the
diet in relation to protein, fiber, and nonstructural 50
carbohydrates, the energetic contributions from 40
adjusted EE (9 kcal/g), crude protein (4 kcal/g), non‐ 30
structural carbohydrates (4 kcal/g), and neutral
detergent fiber (3 kcal/g multiplied by a period and 20

age–sex specific digestibility coefficient [Rothman 10

et al., 2008]) were added together [Conklin‐Brittain 0
et al., 2006; Rothman et al., 2012]. The percentages of Total Diet Herbaceous Fruit Peel Tree Leaves Pith
dietary crude protein, non‐structural carbohydrates, Leaves
and neutral detergent fiber were previously calculat- Fig. 1. Percentage of fatty acids supplied in mountain gorilla
ed by Rothman et al. [2007]. (Gorilla beringei) staple diet by plant part.

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TABLE II. Fatty Acid Composition of Wild Mountain DPA (C22:5n‐3), and DHA (C22:6n‐3) (DHA); howev-
Gorilla Diets (G. beringei) er, the total percentage of these long‐chain PUFA was
low (1%).
g FA/100g
Fatty acid Common name gorilla dietd
Saturated fatty acids
C6:0 Capronic 0.000 Although the macronutrients of wild primate
C8:0 Caprylic 0.000 diets have been studied, very little is known about
C10:0 Capric 0.000 micronutrients such as fatty acids, amino acids, and
C12:0 Lauric 0.012 minerals [but see: Chamberlain et al., 1993; Milton &
C14:0 Myristic 0.051 Dintzis, 1981; Nagy & Milton, 1979a, b]. Our study
C16:0 Palmitic 0.732 examines the sources of dietary fatty acids for
C18:0 Stearic 0.175 mountain gorillas and estimates the amounts of total
C20:0 Arachidic 0.001
fat and dietary fatty acid intake by wild mountain
C22:0 Behenic 0.000
C24:0 Lignoceric 0.000 gorillas. A limitation of the study is that only the
Total SFAa 0.992 staple portion of the gorilla diet was analyzed;
Monounsaturated fatty acids however, those staple foods were estimated to
C12:1n1c n/a 0.011 account for 97% of food intake.
C14:1n5c Myristoleic 0.012 The wild mountain gorilla diet is low in total lipid
C16:1n‐7c Palmitoleic 0.047 (3.1% of DM) in comparison with the diet of most
C16:1n7t Palmitelaidic 0.014 modern humans [Institute of Medicine (US) &
C18:1n‐7c Vaccenic 0.013 Institute of Medicine (US), 2005; Lissner et al.,
C18:1n‐9c Oleic 0.259 1987; USHSS, 2010; WHO, 2003], and similar to the
C18:1n‐9t Elaidic 0.004
fat contents in the diets of primates that are
C20:1n‐9c n/a 0.000
C22:1n‐9c Erucic 0.004 folivores–frugivores [Conklin‐Brittain et al., 1998;
C24:1n‐9c Nervonic 0.000 Curtis, 2004; Donati et al., 2007] though lower in fat
Total MUFAb 0.381 than diets of seed eating primates [Norconk and
Polyunsaturated n‐3 fatty acids Conklin‐Brittain, 2004]. Crude fat composes just 14%
C18:3n‐3c Alpha‐linolenic 0.651 of the total energy intake in the diets of mountain
C20:3n3c n/a 0.018 gorillas, and accounts for 22% of the non‐protein
C20:5n‐3c Eicosapentaenoic 0.004 energy ingested. Fruit and herbaceous leaves provid-
C22:5n‐3c Docosapentaenoic 0.003 ed the majority of essential fatty acids in the diet of
C22:6n‐3c Docosahexaenoic 0.010 mountain gorillas, accounting for 89.7% of the fatty
Total n‐3 PUFAc 0.686
acid intake while comprising 74.8% of total DM
Polyunsaturated n‐6 fatty acids
C18:2n‐6c Linoleic 0.927 intake. Although fruit accounted for only 14.3% of
C18:3n‐6c Gamma linolenic 0.034 dietary intake, fruit provided 44.9% of the fatty
C20:4n‐6c Arachidonic 0.001 acid intake and a majority of the intake of the n‐6
C22:4n‐6c Adrenic 0.024 essential fatty acids LA. Thus, in addition to
Total n‐6 PUFA 0.987 providing other important nutrients, fruit contribut-
Total PUFA 1.673 ed to total dietary fat intake and intake of essential
Saturated fatty acid (does not contain any double carbon bonds).
fatty acids out of proportion to its overall intake.
Monounsaturated fatty acid (one double carbon bond). Herbaceous leaves were low in fat, but because they
Polyunsaturated fatty acid (2 double carbon bonds)]. comprise 60.5% of the total dietary intake they
Of the staple diet; based on dry‐matter, and determined by Rothman et al.
[2007]. provide 44.8% of the total fatty acids and a majority of
the n‐3 essential fatty acids. Only one of the staple
feed items is a tree leaf (Myrianthus holstii), and it
contributed 6.6% of the staple diet and provided 3.5%
acid C18:1n9c (8.5%), LA (30.3%), and ALA (21.2%) of the total fatty acids. Other plant parts contributed
(Table II). LA and ALA were the most prevalent small portions of fatty acids to the total composition of
PUFA in the diet and were detected in all of the EE the diet (peel 5.3%, tree leaf 3.5%, pith 1.5%). Thus,
containing staple feeds though their ratios differed by fruits (due to their higher lipid content) and herba-
diet item. Fruit provided the majority of the n‐6 ceous leaves (due to the quantity consumed) are the
essential fatty acid (LA) in the diet, making up 52.5% main contributors of lipid and essential fatty acids in
of the total LA. The majority of the n‐3 essential fatty the diet.
acid (ALA) in the diet was provided by herbaceous Together, LA and ALA comprised 51.5% of the
leaves (67.9%). The ratio of LA:ALA in the total diet total FA consumed by the gorillas. Consistent with
was 1.44. the finding that herbaceous leaves provided more
Fruit provided the most AA (C20:4n‐6), while ALA while fruits provided higher amounts of LA,
herbaceous leaves provided the most EPA (C20:5n‐3), herbaceous leaves provided the most EPA, DPA, and

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DHA, which are long‐chain derivatives of ALA, while one of the most predominant fatty acids in Bwindi
fruit provided the most AA, a long‐chain derivative of mountain gorilla diets, representing 30.3% of the
LA. Dietary deficiencies in essential fatty acids and total fatty acids in the diet. It is possible that LA is in
their long‐chain derivatives are linked to neurologi- higher concentration in mountain gorilla diets
cal abnormalities in humans and other mammals compared to the wild diets of other primate species,
[Bjerve et al., 1987; Holman, 1998; Moriguchi & though more studies of dietary fatty acids content are
Salem, 2003]. While AA, EPA, DPA, and DHA are not needed to test this hypothesis. Milligan et al. [2008]
essential fatty acids in the strict sense because noted that mountain gorillas were unique among
primates can derive them endogenously from shorter anthropoids in the high proportion of AA in their
chain fatty acids (LA and ALA), these long‐chain milk. We found very low amounts (0.023% total FA) of
PUFA are essential for proper brain, retinal, neural, AA in the diet of Bwindi mountain gorillas. Because
and immune function [Moriguchi & Salem, 2003; dietary LA can be converted to AA after it is
Uauy & Dangour, 2006]. The conversion of shorter consumed, the relatively high AA levels observed in
chain fatty acids to AA and EPA readily occurs mountain gorilla milk could result from a high
[Brenna et al., 2009; Su et al., 1999], while the dietary LA intake. The milk samples in this study
conversion to DHA is only 1% in humans [Brenna were collected from mountain gorillas in the Virunga
et al., 2009] and likely similar in most primates. region, where gorillas eat different diets [Rothman
Despite the finding that the total percentage of AA, et al., 2007]; however, the diet results of this study are
EPA, DPA, and DHA from all staple diet foods was consistent with the hypothesis that the high levels of
only 0.6%, the high levels of the essential fatty acids AA in mountain gorilla milk is related to dietary fatty
LA and ALA in the diet suggest that the longer chain acid composition.
PUFAs are not limiting factors and wild mountain Of total fatty acids in the mountain gorilla staple
gorilla diet is not deficient in long‐chain PUFAs. diet, about an eighth were MUFA (12.5%), a half were
Different plant parts will often differ in nutrient PUFA (54.6%), and a third were SFA (32.4%). The
composition [Rothman et al., 2006]. As such, we intake ranges recommended for all human popula-
expected that different parts of a single plant species tions for SFA is 10% of total energy and 6–11% for
would vary in fatty acids composition. Two plant total PUFA [WHO, 2008]. The ratio of PUFA:SFA
species in the mountain gorilla staple diet were each consumed by mountain gorillas was 1.69. The PUFA:
represented by two different plant parts. Myrian- SFA ratio of some major diet components of wild
thus holstii fruit and tree leaves are consumed howler monkeys was 0.85 [Chamberlain et al., 1993],
regularly, in addition to Urera hypselodendron herb and the recommendation for humans varies from 0.6
leaves and peel. Consistent with the general differ- to 1.1 (6%–11% PUFA, <10% SFA) [WHO, 2003].
ences between fruits and leaves, M. holstii fruit Thus the PUFA to SFA ratio for the mountain gorilla
contained more EE than the tree leaves (3.3% vs. diet falls above the high end of the range recom-
1.6%) and had a higher LA:ALA ratio (1.0 vs. 0.36) mended for humans. The diets of many human
and a lower PUFA:SFA ratio (1.2 vs. 2.4). Despite populations are composed of SFA in amounts that
fairly similar levels of intake (Table I) M. holstii fruit exceed nutritional recommendations for optimal
contributed a larger percentage of fatty acid than M. health. While gorillas consume a high proportion of
holstii tree leaves to the total diet (fruit 9.3% and their dietary fat as SFA, the total energy contributed
tree leaves 3.5%). Urera hypselodendron herb leaves by SFA is only about 3.2%, so it is well below the
contained 2.6% EE which was similar to the value for maximum recommendation for humans. Reconstruc-
the peel (3.0% EE). However, U. hypselodendron tions of pre‐agricultural paleolithic diets estimate
herb leaves and peel differed in LA:ALA ratio (0.73 that humans and livestock such as cattle consume
vs. 3.49) and PUFA:SFA ratio (2.35 vs. 1.67). The diets with an equilibrant ratio (1:1) of total n‐6:n‐3
peel from U. hypselodendron contributed 5.3% of the PUFA [Wathes et al., 2007]. Currently, humans
fatty acid intake, in proportion with its value for DM consume these FA in ratios that range from 10:1 to
intake, while the leaves from this plant species 25:1 in populations dependent on globalized and
contributed slightly lower to fatty acid intake industrial agriculture [Wathes et al., 2007], which
relative to DM intake (16.3% of fatty acids vs. may have severe health consequences related to
19.2%) due to the lower lipid content. The leaves obesity and heart disease [USDA; USHSS, 2010]. The
were still a more important contributor to fatty acid n‐6:n‐3 PUFA ratio of the gorilla staple diet was
intake. found to be 1.44. Thus wild mountain gorillas are
Milligan et al. [2008] investigated the fatty consuming a ratio of n‐6:n‐3 PUFA closer to
acid composition of milks from five wild anthropoids agricultural paleolithic diets. This very low fat diet
(A. palliata, Callithrix jacchus, G. beringei, Leonto- in wild gorillas also has implications for feeding
pithecus rosalia, Macaca sinica) and found that the gorillas in captivity and zoo managers should
folivorous species (A. palliata and G. beringei) consider the extent to which emulating wild diets
produced milk with higher proportions of LA than might prevent diet related illnesses [Crissey &
other three anthropoids studied. We found LA was Pribyl, 1997; Grant et al., 2002].

Am. J. Primatol.
Fatty Acids in Gorilla Diets / 7

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS female dominance and small group size in lemurs. Am J Phys

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Williams for laboratory assistance. Peter Van Soest Ganas J, Robbins MM. 2004. Intrapopulation differences in ant
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