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Readings in Philippine History

Weekly Activity No. 6

The Declaration of the Philippine Independence

Activity After reading the Acta de la Proclamacion de la Independencia del Pueblo

Filipino, do this activity by answering the following questions.


1. Is the document/ source a primary source? Why?

• Yes, the Acta de la Proclamacion de la Independencia del Pueblo Filipino is a

primary source due to the first-hand information cited by Ambrocio Bautista by
the time he wrote the proclamation with the orders from General Emilio
Aguinaldo. Furthermore, it is quoted that the said document was signed by
dignitaries and witnesses at the time of writing.

2. Do you think the author is credible as far as the document is concerned? Why?

• The author of the proclamation is credible due to his credentials as a graduate of

Bachelor of Law from University of Santo Tomas, and his experience as a
lawyer, officer of the La Liga Filipina, and a political adviser of General Emilio

3. For whom do you think the document was intended? Why do you think it was written?

• I think the declaration was intended for the citizens of the newly liberated state,
the Filipino people, to formally establish a functioning government-run by
Filipinos themselves. Additionally, the declaration was written to further ratify the
independence of the country from the Spanish crown, and to be internationally
recognized as an independent state.

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Readings in Philippine History

4. What are the author’s main arguments?

• The author pointed out the reasoning for the revolution was the Filipinos being
"already tired of bearing the ominous yoke of Spanish domination" which is
followed by the abuses and inequalities committed against the Filipinos.
Furthermore, the author summarizes the war for independence and the
establishment of the dictatorial government under Emilio Aguinaldo.

5. Give an example of historical fact (absolutely indisputable) that we learn from this

• The declaration of independence was proclaimed on the 12th day of June 1898
in the town of Cavite-Viejo (Kawit), Province of Cavite by the Dictatorial
Government of Emilio Aguinaldo. Additionally, the Philippine National Flag that
was made in Hong Kong was hoisted for the first time in public.

6. What do you think are some pieces of information that should have not been included
in the document? Why do you think so?

• I think the part of the document that highlighted the reasoning for Emilio
Aguinaldo to solely lead the government was by the fact that he was selected by
God to be the instrument to lead the nation. With this line, I sensed a bias
towards Aguinaldo and excluding the Katipunan and the founding members,
including Bonifacio that is due to their rivalries.


7. Does the evidence in this document offer any information that you did not know
before? What is this information? Readings in Philippine History 61

• Yes, the events of the revolution and the information regarding the people
involved, and the role of the Americans in the war for independence.

8. Does the evidence support or contradict anything you have learned from a book,
textbook, or some other sources? What might this be?
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Readings in Philippine History

• The date of the Declaration of Independence in Kawit supports the argument that
the Philippine Independence was technically attained on June 12, 1898, and not
on July 4, 1946, that was granted by the United States.

9. What information should you countercheck with other sources?

• I think the biased information that had been cited in the document should be
challenged with the information from other sources, like the accounts from the
Tejeros convention, where Aguinaldo should not be the sole leader of the new
government of the liberated state. Furthermore, every member of the Katipunan
should be rightfully credited for their contributions in liberating the country.

10. Does this source broaden or deepen your understanding of its period? How?

• The source deepens my understanding of the era of war for independence, and
its declaration of independence. On which, the independence of the Philippines is
final and permanent, accompanied by the thought of gaining independence is a
difficult challenge that requires hard work and sacrifices from its people.

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