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Crash Course World History __Sarak Chhim_____________ #__7th___

List 3 People mentioned in the video

1. Prince Henry
2. Mansa Musa
3. Bartolomeu Dias
List 5 important terms and their meaning
1. Henry funded and encouraged exploration
2. Henry also developed new tools to aid in navigation
3. Mansa Musa made a spectacular hajj to Mecca in 1324-1325.
4. Musa also had an entourage of 60,000 people including 12,000 slaves and a lot of gold.
5. Dias rounded the cape of good hope, and went further into the Indian ocean
What was in the secret compartment and why was it significant?
1. N/A
Who was the open letter to? What was it about?
1. It wasn't to anyone, but it was about the the Portuguese empire and the Spanish empire,
trading,exploration, and ports.
Write 3 thought provoking questions and answers from the video and answer them
1.Question- Why was gold in such a high demand?
Answer- Gold meant material gain, Asian spices, African slaves, and other materials.
2.Question- Why was exploration mostly important?
Answer- In search for new trading routes and to partner up with other lands to feed into
capitalism in Europe.
3. Question- Why was trading important in the age of exploration?
Answer- Trading meant wealth and new materials.
Write a 3- sentence summary of the video in the space below
In the crash course: Age of exploration, we see that the Portuguese empire, the Spanish
empire, and the ottomans all exploring to look for materials, new trade routes, and slaves.

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