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Some students in Wolkite University face different problems, especially financial

problem. So, there is a charity club to support them. The process of recording the student

support request and select students takes a lot of work. This project emphasizes on the

manual system. After studying this manual system by using different types of

methodologies we have developed this project that simplifies the coordinating and

advising system by automating some of the activities that are done manually. Generally

this system has major mechanisms to send support request online, select the specific

requests by predetermined priority specifications, enable users to contact and share their

idea and experiences each other using messaging system, Any sponsor need to support

you can support and get more information about WKU charity club and program by using

online. Store previous documents/projects online and automatically the system can take





A charity is an organization which raises money and other resources in order to help people

who are sick or very poor, or who have a disability and also needs counsel. Wolkite

University Charity club is an organization under the student’s union that supports Wolkite

University students who need a special support for their campus activity. Wolkite

University charity club management concerned at a field that used to manage different

stakeholders like students who need a special support, sponsors who gives a financial and

material support and the club members. Currently the existing activities worked manually,

it is obvious that the manual activities has many problems, such as Information and file lost

, Resource wastage , Funding method , Advertisement, It takes much efforts and time to

retrieve the club information so we want develop the web based charity management

system for Wolkite University in order to solve those problems.

1.1. Background

Wolkite University is one of the third generation universities in Ethiopia. As higher

education institution besides of teaching learning participating on research, projects and

community services on the major identified prioritize problem areas are the concern of

universities. The University gives educational services for regular students as well as

extension programs for the people who live in Wolkite town, neighboring cities and other

parts of the country. The University also works to become research institute for different

areas of field of studies. In the University there are different management activities that are

performed. Also it has eight different colleges that have different departments and one

school that means school of law. The specific location of wolkite university charity club is

found in Wolkite University and established in 2005E.C. This club support some of wolkite

university student being accepted and selected their application. Also it gets the fund from

the wolkite university internal sources and from the income generates comities.

Additionally this club works with some external sponsor like volunteers to get more


1.2. Statement of the problem

The current Wolkite University charity club activity is manual based and many problems

are faced. In the current activity when one student wants to register himself to get support

it is difficult because the student must go to charity club office or by contacting the

representative student, so it takes more time. In addition to this one student very ashamed

to register because there is negative influence to environment and friend .who wants to

select student from the list of student is very tedious because it is stored on paper and

difficult to find out from large document. And also the people (donators) who want to give

support like material, money and etc. Generally the current activity is not good for the club

and who works on charity club management because of

 Information and file lost: - because the file was stored on improper way, the file

and information about the club may lose.

 It takes much efforts and time to retrieve the club information: - it is tedious to

select information about one student from the large amount of files.

 Resource wastage: - the process takes large amount of resources like paper and

time from recording a student to send a payment list to the finance office.
 Difficulty of updating information timely: - because of the whole work is done

by paper, there is no effective information exchange (like the student’s detail and

payment status) by the users so difficult to get and update information timely.

 Duplication of data about one student: - one student may register many times or

selected more than one times to get support because of there is no automatic

selection from the large amount of files

 Difficult to report data: -it is difficult to create a report manually.

 Advertisement:- is also made through banners, postures, flayer advertisement so it

is difficult.

 Funding method:-Most of the time funding method is difficult telethon programs,

ask lectures, selling lottery. This methods make the funding process difficult and

hard to manipulate and there is no way of registering peoples who donate as a

membership and other Funding method.

 Bad feeling:-The supported student came to the charity club is very difficult to

register because the student is feeling very ashamed.

 Announcements activity:- The charity club difficult to collect the supported

student to give the material because the club employs to call the all student and also

the announcements system is by paper and attaché notice to all student block. It is

more difficult, it waste a lot of resources like paper, printer, man power and also

loss of time.

1.3. Objective of the project

1.3.1. General Objective

The general objective of this project is to develop web based charity management system

for Wolkite University.

1.3.2. Specific Objective

The specific objectives of the proposed system are listed below:

 Identify the organization problem

 Specify the organization problem

 Design alternative solutions in order to address the current problem.

 Understand functional and non-functional requirements of the system.

 Provide an efficient way of funding management via financially or equipment.

 To develop effective and efficient funding management system.

 Implementing the proposed system

 Testing and checking the system

1.4. Feasibility Analysis

1.4.1. Technical Feasibility

Our system is technically feasible due to the following reason:-

 Stakeholders can adapt the system easily.

 Not need much more skill

 Developed with in the latest technology.

 Easily upgraded.

Technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, easy of accessible and data. Generally our

system is technically feasible, because the system gives power full to be applied by low

skilled users as much as possible.

1.4.2. Economical feasibility

The proposed system is economically feasible to the organization because when the team

compare the cost that need to develop and implement the proposed system is less expense

than the existing manual system or not require much more cost and material to implement

the system. The system is not be require much more cost beyond the capacity of the

organization’s capital when automating the system such as cost for networking equipment’s

,hardware and other infrastructures. Therefore our system is acceptable economically

towards solving problems.

1.4.3. Operational Feasibility

This is a standard that ensures interoperability to the benefit of the public both in terms of

cost and service quality. The proposed system is acceptable to all WKU’s charity club


 No direct or indirect resistance from all participants.

 It is also true that it reduces the effort of all participants. So the proposed system is
operationally feasible.

1.4.4. Legal feasibility

The system to be developed is not conflict with any government directives, and with any

cultural aspects, because it gives services for Wolkite University’s charity club, all the

Wolkite University’s charity club participants also agreed before the system developed. So

the government and peoples are profitable and the system will be legally feasible.

1.4.5. Schedule feasibility

Schedule feasibility ensures that the project should be completed within given time

constraint or schedule. In time feasibility our project will be finished in a proper time given

to us.

1.5. Scope and limitation of the project

1.5.1. Scope of the project

The proposed project focuses on the following tasks:-

 Users register into the system online.

 Select the student who must get the support.

 Register sponsor who want to fund for student.

 Providing an advertisement about fund collections.

 Provide information to the users

 Charity club manager notify news to the supporter

 Develop a security mechanism for the users

 Record the request.

 Club manager view user’s information.

1.5.2. Limitation of the project

 The system will not include other language only English.

 It does not support online payment

1.6. Significance of the project

Significance of the project indicates or identifies who is the beneficiary of the system what

serves for the beneficiary of the system. A Charity club management system help students

to get support by provide easy registration process by making free and fair selection. Our
project will give cogent benefit the users of the system. The system will generate automated

real-time information.

The significance of this project is to:-

 No duplication and loss record of information since we will develop a wellorganized database

 Easy to search and retrieve previously done activity that may use as a reference.

 Save the time that is lost when recording user information.

 Easily perform the funding process without any obstacles (no more time consume).

 The donors can gets more information about the charity club.

 Protect the organization file from unauthorized access.

 To handle students who need support information in better way.

 Better and fast selecting of students.

 It provides available information easily.

 Reduce redundancy of information or data.

1.7. Beneficiary of the project

 Wolkite university student union workers

 Supporters Student

 Wolkite University Charity club

 Volunteer supports

1.8. Methodology of the project

Methodology is the system of method how performs gathering information, analyze and

design the system, implement, test and evaluate using different ways. To develop our

system the primary task is understand more about the current system.

There are different kinds of data collection methods. In the time of data collection we have

used both methods. In the following section we tried to discuss them

1.8.1. Data collection tools /techniques

Interview:-We have made an interview with the president of the student’s union and some

members of Wolkite University’s charity club to get an overview of the current system and

the problem of the existing system.

Observation:-We have observed some working mechanisms in the existing system

Document analysis:-The team members have seen some written documents about the list

of students that can get support currently from the Wolkite University’s charity club to

understand how the existing system is work

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