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Search engine marketing application report (20%)

The purpose of this project is to require students to demonstrate competence in learning outcome, by

completing a report that analyses a chosen website’s ranking and make recommendations to improve its


A class will be divided into groups of four or five students, each group will select a website that has poor

rankings and provide specific recommendations for how to improve its position within the search engine

result page. The recommendations are based on analysis of website, keyword research. Note that you will

use the same website throughout this report.

Structure of the report:

Part 1: Keyword research

 Find a website in any industry you like

 Identify what you think is an important goal for that website
 Perform in-depth keyword research???
 Within your keyword research, identify 7-10 keywords which you think provide the best opportunity for
 the site, or the webpage(s) to rank for and include the following:

o Identify long-tail keyword opportunities

o Identify 3-5 keywords that are question based and match a “how, what, where, or why” search query

o Identify what stage of search each keyword belongs to.

o Identify what type of search query it is – whether it is navigational, transactional, or informational.

o Explain why you chose the keywords you did: How do you feel these keywords would help the business

meet the goal you discovered?; How do you feel these keywords would help draw in organic traffic to the site?;

How well do you think the business can effectively compete for this keyword?

Part 2: On-page SEO

Select three key pages of your chosen website. One of these pages should be the homepage. The remaining

two pages should be pages you feel are important to drive traffic to.

Once you have selected your pages, list out the following information, for each page.

o The Page (Example, home page, product listing, article, etc.)

o The Page URL

o The Title Tag of the Page.

o The Meta Description of the Page

o The H1 of the Page (if applicable, if no H1 leave a note stating there was no H1)
o The H2 of the Page (if applicable, if no H2 leave a note stating there was no H2)

Improve the information on each of these pages. Based on your audience analysis, and keyword research,

create a new:

o Title Tag (following the SEO best practices)

o Meta Description (following the SEO best practices)

o H1 (if none existed previously, create one following the SEO best practices)

o H2 (if none existed previously, create one following the SEO best practices)

Explain why you made the changes you did, note that your recommendations should follow the SEO best


Part 3: Off-page SEO

- Analyse the backlinks profile of the website

- Where are the links from?

- Identify 4 links then justify the quality of those links and make suggestions to improve each link.

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