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TUESDAY | OCTOBER 3, 2017 | MUHARRAM 12, 1439 AH VOL. 36 NO.

323 | PAGES 28 | BAISAS 200




Part of Bidbid-Sur
road to open soon
IBRA: The Ministry of Transport and
Communications in a statement said that IRAN FM HAILS SULTANATE’S CONSTRUCTIVE ROLE IN REGION
the ministry will open the first part of the
second stage of the 131-km-long Bidbid-
Sur road dualisation project, which starts MANAH: His Majesty Sultan In a statement to Oman News
from Masroon in the Wilayat of Ibra in the Qaboos gave an audience at Hisn Al Agency (ONA), Zarif affirmed that
Governorate of North Al Sharqiyah to the Shomoukh on Monday evening to Dr both countries are bound by good
Wilayat of Sur in the Governorate of South Mohammad Javad Zarif, Minister of relations.
Al Sharqiyah. The part to be opened this Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic He added that they endeavour to
month is 18-km in the Wilayat of Bidiyah of Iran. expand these relations in different
in the Governorate of North Al Sharqiyah.
The audience reviewed aspects of fields particularly in economy, energy
This part includes three flyovers and two
tunnels to ease traffic in the Wilayat of the existing cooperation between the and transit fields.
Bidiyah. REPORT ON P5 Sultanate and the Islamic Republic Zarif pointed out that his visit
of Iran in various spheres to serve comes within the framework of the
the joint interests of the Omani and continuous consultation with the
WORLD Iranian friendly peoples, in addition Sultanate on wide range of issues of
to discussing a number of matters concern to the region.
Refugees can return, in light of the current regional and Regarding the transport of Iranian
Myanmar tells UN international developments.
The audience was attended by Yusuf
gas to India through the Sultanate, he
pointed out that the trilateral meetings
GENEVA: Myanmar told the United bin Alawi bin Abdallah, Minister held recently in New York with the
Nations refugee agency that its top Responsible for Foreign Affairs, and Minster Responsible for Foreign
priority was to bring back Rohingyas the delegation accompanying the Affairs and the Indian External Affairs
who have fled to Bangladesh. Dhaka
guest. Minister discussed cooperation in
and Myanmar agreed on Monday to
set up a “working group” to plan the Earlier, Zarif hailed the policy energy and gas fields.
repatriation of more than half a million being adopted by the Sultanate under They also discussed the possibility
Rohingyas refugees who have fled to the wise leadership of His Majesty of tripartite cooperation in gas fields.
Bangladesh, the Bangladeshi foreign the Sultan, as well as His Majesty’s PHOTO BY The Iranian minister hoped that
minister said. Win Myat Aye, Myanmar’s constructive role in the region, which MOHAMED cooperation among these countries
Union Minister, Minister of Social MUSTAFA
faces several challenges. would be maintained. TURN TO P2
Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, said:
“Our next immediate priority is to bring
back the refugees.”

Observer spotlight
58 killed in Las Vegas attack Sultanate has lowest
LAS VEGAS: A 64-year-old man
armed with more than 10 rifles rained
down gunfire on a Las Vegas country
adult HIV cases
music festival on Sunday, slaughtering
at least 58 people in the largest mass
shooting in US history before killing The Sultanate has been ranked one
himself. of the top ten countries in the world
The barrage from a 32nd-floor with the least number of HIV/Aids
window in the Mandalay Bay hotel cases among adults.
As fuel prices are not what it was a into a crowd of 22,000 people lasted According to the latest 2017
couple of years ago. It is at its all-time
several minutes, causing panic. Some UNAIDS statistics, covering 160
high now. Already, there are signs
of people swapping fuel-guzzlers fleeing fans trampled each other as countries, the prevalence of HIV
for smaller and compact cars. In a police scrambled to find the gunman. cases in the Sultanate is found to be
country where public transport is still More than 500 people were injured. 0.1 per cent.
in the development stages, it gives On Monday, police identified the “This demonstrates the enormous
scope for electric and hybrid cars to gunman as Stephen Paddock, who gains the country has made in The low HIV prevalence among
make their way into the market. lived in a retirement community in fighting the deadly epidemic,” the the general population in MENA is
DETAILS ON PAGE 4 Mesquite, Nevada, and said they had global agency said in its report. thought to be due to religious and
no sense of what prompted his attack. blood on their clothing, wandered police entered the hotel room he was According to the report, countries cultural values, which discourage

INSIDESTORIES The IS group claimed responsibility

for the massacre, but US officials
streets, where the flashing lights of
the city’s gaudy casinos blended with
firing from, Clark County Sheriff
Joseph Lombardo told reporters.
in the Middle East and North Africa
(MENA) region have the lowest rates
pre-marital sex, encourage married
people to be faithful, and emphasise
expressed skepticism of that claim. those of emergency vehicles. “We have no idea what his belief of HIV occurrence among adults. universal male circumcision, the
The preliminary death toll, which Police said they had no system was,” Lombardo said. “I can’t “The decline in new HIV report adds.
officials said could rise, eclipsed last information about Paddock’s motive, get into the mind of a psychopath.” infections among adults have slowed However, this is in contrast to
year’s massacre of 49 people at an that he had no criminal record and Federal officials said there was in recent years, with the estimated sub-Saharan Africa, which has the
Orlando night club by a gunman who was not believed to be connected to no evidence to link Paddock to annual number of new infections highest HIV prevalence rate among
pledged allegiance to IS militants. any militant group. international militant groups. among adults remaining nearly all regions with 7.1 per cent.

DEADLY TWIN ATTACK HITS Shocked concertgoers, some with Paddock killed himself before SEE ALSO P11 static,” UNAIDS said in the report. TURN TO P6

Palestinian PM pledges
Gaza control in first visit Time out: The dangers of
TAKE NOBEL MEDICINE PRIZE P8 disrupting your body clock
PARIS: Messing with your body’s clock has already raised the red flag, with
is dangerous business, in fact it could a 2007 report noting that “circadian
make you sick — or worse. disruption” is “probably carcinogenic”
The inner timekeeper dubbed the -- which means cancer-causing.

“circadian clock”, governs the day- The trouble is that the human body
MASS MOVEMENT: MODI night cycle that guides sleep and eating never really adapts to operating outside
patterns, hormones and even body the normal cycle of working by day,
temperature. and sleeping at night.
WEATHER TODAY People celebrate as Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah arrives in Gaza It is important enough that the Like everyone else, shift workers’
Strip on Monday. — Reuters Nobel Medicine Prize was awarded on biological clocks are set by the rising
MAX: 330C MAX: 300C MAX: 410C Monday to three US scientists whose and setting of the Sun — not their
MIN: 270C MIN: 230C MIN: 240C BEIT HANUN: Palestinian Prime noon. The Hamas has controlled Gaza work illuminated the fundamentals of example being night work. work schedule. “There is no medicine
Minister Rami Hamdallah arrived since a 2007 split but recently agreed how it ticks. Such tinkering with Mother Nature in the world that allows you to... speed
in Gaza on Monday for his first visit to hand over civilian power to a unity The trio identified genes that can have serious consequences ranging up or slow down your body clock,” said
PRAYER TIMINGS in two years, saying the Palestinian government. regulate the clock, and the mechanism from impulsive behaviour to life- Claude Gronfier, a neurobiologist at
Authority would assume control of “The government began to by which light can synchronise it. threatening conditions such as obesity France’s Inserm research institute.
FAJR: 04:42
the strip after a decade of factional exercise its roles in Gaza from today,” Yet humans have a long history of and cancer, the experts say. When workers force themselves
DHUHR: 11:55
strife. Hamdallah crossed the border Hamdallah said at a press conference overriding the circadian-driven need Just look at the poor health records to stay awake, it triggers the release of
ASR: 15:18 with dozens of ministers and officials at the crossing. “We return to Gaza for sleep, Russell Foster, a professor of shift workers such as nurses or stress hormones such as cortisol — the
MAGHRIB: 17:51 from the West Bank-based PA into the again to end the division and achieve of circadian neuroscience at Oxford factory labourers. same one that rushes into your blood
ISHA: 19:21 Hamas-run coastal enclave at around unity.” SEE ALSO P7 University said — the most obvious The World Health Organization in a life-or-death situation. — AFP
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7

HM grants audience to Iranian Foreign Minister

Zarif hails
wise policy
As for as the nuclear file is
concerned, Zarif pointed out that
the Sultanate has played a major role
in the recent accord.
He noted that Iran does not
have communication channels
with the current US administration
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos gave an audience at Hisn Al Shomoukh on Monday
and explained that coordination is evening to Dr Mohammad Javad Zarif, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic
maintained through the ministerial Republic of Iran. The audience was attended by Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdallah,
meetings only, within the framework Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs, and the delegation accompanying the
of the P5+1 Group. guest. — PICTURES BY MOHAMED MUSTAFA
He hoped that the US
Administration would commit to
the agreement.
Earlier, Yusuf bin Alawi bin
Abdallah, Minister Responsible for
Foreign Affairs, received Zarif.
The meeting discussed aspects of
the bilateral relations and means of
enhancing them.
The meeting also discussed the
ongoing developments in the region
and the regional and international
The meeting was attended
by a number of senior officials
at the Foreign Ministry, Iranian
Ambassador to the Sultanate and the
official delegation accompanying the

TRC organises workshop

on technology transfer
MUSCAT: A three-day workshop on ‘Activating a National
Technology Transfer System in the Sultanate of Oman’
started on Monday with aims to increase the efficiency of
the system of development and transfer of technology at
the national level and strengthen the link between research,
and academic institutions and the industrial and productive
Dr Hilal bin Ali
al Hinai, Secretary-
General of the
Research Council
(TRC), said that
the workshop is
aimed at linking
the production of
knowledge and
the exploitation of
information, pointing out that academic institutions are
institutions for the production of knowledge.
He added that scientific research councils around the
world support the production of knowledge, stressing the
importance of the existence of knowledge transfer offices
to the community in general and to the private sector,
explaining that when TRC was established it was thought
that the role of the research council was to fund research to
produce knowledge.
The workshop included a number of topics, the first of
which was about the accomplished stages of the project.
Shaikha bint Nasser al Ahkzamiyah, Project Advisor, gave
a presentation entitled “Studying the Reality of Innovation
and the Guide to Establishing Technology Transfer Offices
in the Sultanate of Oman”.
Dr Ali al Shithani, Project Adviser, gave a presentation
on the Operational Vision, future vision of the National
Technology Transfer Network and the National Bureau of
Technology Transfer.
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7 3

Book on His Majesty launched

MUSCAT: The book titled Adjacent Dimensions book and watched a visual show on the chapters of Asaad, the chief guest. It should be noted that the 600-
in the Thinking of Sultan Qaboos was launched on the book and an overview about the author, Dr Majdi page book is published by Dar Al Maarif in Egypt. It
Monday at the Diplomatic Club under the auspices al Afifi. includes three parts and 10 chapters.
of His Highness Sayyid Asaad bin Tareq al Said, Afterwards, the author, Dr Afifi delivered a speech The author has been working in Akhbar Al Youm
Deputy Prime Minister for International Relations where he expressed sincere gratitude and respect to newspaper since 1976 and is Editor In-Chief of Akhbar
and Cooperation Affairs and Personal Representative His Majesty Sultan Qaboos. He pointed out that the al Adab. He occupied a number of media positions in
of His Majesty the Sultan, in the presence of a number 600-page book falls in three chapters. the Sultanate during the period from 1984 to 2010. He
of their highnesses, their excellencies and accredited He then signed the first version of the book to His is a writer, a poet, critic, lecturer and member of both
ambassadors of sisterly and friendly countries. Majesty Sultan Qaboos and delivered it to the chief the Journalists Syndicate and Egypt Writers Union.
HH Sayyid Asaad, the chief guest, launched the guest. He then presented another copy to HH Sayyid — ONA


MUSCAT: Sayyid Khalid bin Hilal al Busaidy, Minister of the Diwan of the Royal Court, received in his office on Monday Marc J
Sievers, Ambassador of the United States of America to the Sultanate. The meeting exchanged cordial conversations and
reviewed the bilateral relations between the Sultanate and USA, and means of enhancing them in various fields. — ONA

Renovated visitor centre at Ras

Al Jinz Turtle Museum opens
SUR: The Ministry of Tourism and
Oman LNG officially inaugurated
the renovation of Ras Al Jinz Turtle
Reserve Museum (Turtle Visitor
The initiative is aimed at enhancing
information-sharing, and promote
education materials and resources of
turtles and their habitat to visitors,
researchers and concerned parties.
Despite the turtle’s existence in
the oceans for millions of years, they
are in danger of extinction. The main unique geographical location is the environment, especially on the coastal
aim of Ras Al Jinz Turtle Reserve is clear water surrounding the museum areas; where the cleaning equipment
to boost environmental awareness where these endangered species breed. helps to preserve the beauty of the
among people in Oman and protect Protecting the environment beaches.
the future of turtles. tops Oman LNG’s priorities. In “This project represents another
The Turtle Reserve offers a addition to the Ras Al Jinz Turtle milestone in our journey to protect
variety of tourist services to guests Reserve, the company has supported the environment, as it has always been
and researchers, provided by the many initiatives to conserve the on the forefront of our interest.
renowned ‘Turtle Visitor Centre’. environment. These initiatives include Such efforts do not only reside
The Centre was recently renovated several campaigns to reduce the use within our company, but also through
through the joint efforts between the of plastic bags and beach cleaning many initiatives and projects which
Ministry of Tourism and Oman LNG. activities to ensure the company meets the company previously funded.
The scientific museum was the highest of standards, regulations Most recently, our contribution to
equipped with cutting-edge and commitments towards protecting renovate Ras Al Jinz Turtle Reserve
technologies to lure visitors’ the environment. Museum, which attracts many
experience and to have a closer look Accordingly, Oman LNG funded visitors, researchers and interested
on the life cycle of sea turtles, and advanced cleaning equipment in parties around the globe”, said Shaikh
to highlight the most prominent Jaalan Bani Bu Ali and Masirah in Al Khalid bin Abdullah al Massan,
archaeological sites in the Sultanate. Sharqiyah South Governorate. Such CEO of Oman LNG Development
The reason behind choosing such a initiatives leave a great impact on the Corporation. — ONA
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7 spotlight

What about
electric cars
in Oman?
With fuel prices rising, we are already seeing people
swapping fuel-guzzlers for smaller and compact cars


recent report quoting product strategy — one that includes plans for extreme and people are apprehensive about
a top BHP official said a premium long-distance electric car as it seeks their sustainability.
2017 is the tipping to catch up with Tesla and other rivals. “I prefer electric cars in the long run and
point for electric cars. Toyota is also working on long distance, it is time that Oman takes initiatives in this
Europe has begun fast-charging electric vehicles. matter,” said Yosuf Ahmed, a student at Sultan
a shift away from the Hyundai plans to launch an electric sedan Qaboos University (SQU).
internal combustion in 2021 with a range of 500 km per charge. “Oman, as a country, is not known for
engine, although globally there are only one It will also introduce a small sports utility pollution but still we can contribute to climate
million electric cars out of a global fleet of vehicle (SUV) with a range of 390 km in the change in a big way.
close to 1.1 billion, the report said. first half of next year. I think the government should encourage
But it added that electric cars are expected “In Oman, it is just a matter of time that we the use of electric cars through concessions
to soon cost the same as traditional vehicles — see more electric vehicles on roads, especially or green points,” said Arpita, who returned
as early as next year, by some estimates. in the wake of rising fuel prices. to Oman after completing studies in the Far-
Many governments have announced plans “Greens may not come cheap but customers East.
to promote all-electric cars in the coming years. are interested provided they have some decent “I saw a lot of focus on the electric cars in
The BHP official said he expected the electric options,” said a senior official at a popular car countries like Singapore, Malaysia and even
vehicle boom would be felt by producers first brand in Oman. India. We should also be talking more about it
in copper. He added that climatic conditions are here,” she said..
The market, he said, may have
underestimated the impact on the red metal
— fully electric vehicles require four times as
much copper as cars that run on combustion Differences between gasoline and
Coming to Oman, fuel prices are not what
electric cars:
it was a couple of years ago.
It is at its all-time high now.
Already, there are signs of people swapping Ŗ,@= ?9KGDAF= =F?AF= AK 9L9LQHA;9D=D=;LJA;;9JLGK==
fuel-guzzlers for smaller and compact cars. J=HD9;=<:Q9F=D=;LJA;EGLGJ @GOAL;GE=KLG?=L@=J
In a country where public transport is still Ŗ,@==D=;LJA;EGLGJ?=LKALK ŖD=;LJA; ;9JK 9F< LJM;CK
in the development stages, it gives scope for HGO=J>JGE9;GFLJGDD=J 9J= HGO=J=< :Q =D=;LJA;ALQ
electric and hybrid cars to make their way into O@A;@ 9K 9F =F=J?Q KGMJ;=
the market. Ŗ,@= ;GFLJGDD=J ?=LK ALK
HGO=J >JGE 9F 9JJ9Q G> AK ;D=9F=J 9F< ;@=9H=J L@9F
While the inflated fuel bills may encourage
J=;@9J?=9:D=:9LL=JA=K GAD
people to look for alternatives, electric cars
need a certain type of infrastructure to be in Ŗ ?9KGDAF= =F?AF= OAL@ ŖD=;LJA; N=@A;D=K
place for it to become a common sight on our ALK >M=D DAF=K =P@9MKL HAH=K KLADD HJG<M;= D=KK ?DG:9D
The cars need charging stations just like fuel E9FA>GD< L=F<K LG DGGC DAC= 9 ;GFN=FLAGF9D;GMFL=JH9JLK
stations. HDME:AF? HJGB=;L F =D=;LJA;
Also, motorists should be convinced that ŖDKG OA<=KHJ=9< MK= G>
there is no compromise on the safety and
reliability factors over long distances. Ŗ!F GJ<=J LG ?=L 9 >==DAF? K=N=J9D :9JJ=DK G> >M=D 9
One of the leading brands in Oman, >GJ@GO=D=;LJA;;9JKOGJCAF <9Q O@A;@ ;9F := MK=< >GJ
Hyundai was quoted globally that it was ?=F=J9D D=LŏK KL9JL :Q DGGCAF? AF<MKLJA9DHMJHGK=K
placing electric vehicles at the centre of its
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7 5
Student hub inaugurated

A new World Health Organization (WHO) report has

at Middle East College
warned of the deadly Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
(MERS) saying “the virus is in camels everywhere”.
According to Maria Van Kerkhove, an expert on disease
outbreak, MERS virus is in Qatar and the United Arab
Emirates. However, there’s no official information about
the existence of the disease in camels in Oman.
“We don’t have any infection in the country so far.
If there is, we will take proper measures,” said Dr Hadi
al Lawati, Director of Animal Resources Department at
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. “Two camel vaccines
have been developed, but only one, developed by the
Jenner Institute, is in field trials,” said Kerkhove.
Almost all outbreaks have so far originated in Arabian
Gulf, but MERS Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) can infect
humans wherever there are one-humped dromedary
camels. Two-humped bactrians are not affected. LAKSHMI KOTHANETH
All camels should be diagnosed, quarantined and students. In addition to Omani students, it
vaccinated before they enter the Gulf from the Horn of has students from 10 nationalities.
Africa, where the disease surveillance is poor. The Middle East College’s (MEC) Student Dr Abdullah al Sabahy, Co-Founder and
MERS-CoV appears to have originated in Arabian Gulf Hub was inaugurated on Monday by Dr Chairperson of the Middle East College,
Gen Sultan bin Mohammed al Numani, Minister of the Royal Office, received in his office on
in 2012. In Oman, the first case of MERS was detected in
Monday Ahmed Abbas Ramadhan, Ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Sultanate. The Rawya bint Saud al Busaidiya, Minister of said: “This is one of the fundamentals of
meeting exchanged cordial conversations and discussed topics of concern to the two 2013. Only one case was reported this year in a 54-year-
old man from the Governorate of Al Batinah, registering Higher Education. education. The stress is not just on lectures
brotherly countries. The two sides reviewed march of the good bilateral relations binding the The college has 75 companies run by and being in a classroom where people
Sultanate and the sisterly Palestine to serve the joint interests, besides touching on a number a total of eight MERS cases in Oman since the outbreak of
of issues of common concern. — ONA the disease. students continuing their studies, while the learn, but having an infrastructure such as a
7,000-square metre student hub is meant to student hub, where there are sports facilities
nourish the trend, according to the MEC and space where they can meet to have
authorities. corridor discussions where lot of ideas can

Copies of
Part of Bidbid-Sur road to After inaugurating the student hub, the
minister said: “It is a great place to showcase
students’ achievements and projects. There’s
an excellent bond between students and the
be generated. This is part of the educational
philosophy we have adopted at MEC.”
The student hub, designed by world-
renowned Italian architects Ramon Pascolat

credentials be opened this month staff. I would like to invite other heads of
universities and deans to visit this hub. It is
not just a place for leisure and entertainment,
but there are also elements of science,
and Moira Morsut, houses a full-fledged
1,055 sqm sports hall that has facilities
for playing football, basketball, volley ball
and badminton. It also hosts a 1,150 sqm

received technology and artistic achievements.”

The Middle East College, which opened
multipurpose hall, student lounges, student-
run souvenir and stationery shop, prayer
in 2002, today has more than 5,000 halls and food court.
MUSCAT: Sayyid Badr bin Hamad
al Busaidy, Secretary-General of
the Foreign Ministry, received in
his office on Monday copies of
credentials of Mohammad Golam
SU holds orientation day
Sarwar, Ambassador of Bangladesh It was followed by a welcome speech
appointed to the Sultanate, Hassan by the Vice-Chancellor Prof Barry Win
Abdullah Ali, Ambassador of Sohar University on Sunday held an and a talk by Deputy Vice-Chancellor for
Ethiopia appointed to the Sultanate, orientation day for the new students Academic Affairs Prof Hamza Idris.
and Renaud Salins, Ambassador of admitted to various programmes for An overview of the missions and
France appointed to the Sultanate. academic year 2017-18. their systems was presented by Head of
Sayyid Badr welcomed the The orientation programme was held at Internal Missions at the Ministry of Higher
ambassadors, wishing them success the Great Hall of the Learning Resources Education, Khalil al Farsi.
in their missions and the bilateral Centre in order to introduce students to the The total number of students at the
relations between the Sultanate IBRA: Salim bin Mohammed al Nuaimi, Under- to avoid passing inside the wilaya. university, its facilities and services. university has reached more than 7,000
and their countries continuous Secretary of the Ministry of Transport and “This part includes three flyovers and two tunnels It began with a video presentation on the students for different courses: Diploma,
progress and growth in various Communications for Transportation, said in a to serve the traffic activity for Al Dhahir, Al Wasil, university, its annexes and services. Advanced Diploma, BA and MA.
areas to benefit the joint interests. statement to Oman News Agency (ONA) that the Al Ghabbi, Al Shariq, Al Muntarib, Al Hawiyah and
Meanwhile, Sayyid Badr ministry is about to open the first part of the second Helat Al Wabariyah villages in the Wilayat of Bidiya,”
also received Lana Khalil, stage of the 131 km long Bidbid-Sur road dualisation he furthered.
Representative of the United project, which starts from Masroon in the Wilayat At the same time, the ministry completed the
Nations Children’s (UNICEF) to of Ibra in the Governorate of North Al Sharqiyah to second part of the first stage of the Bidbid-Sur road
the Sultanate, wishing her success the Wilayat of Sur in the Governorate of South Al dualisation project as the last 6 km of the 115 km long
in her new tour of duty. Sharqiyah. He pointed out that the part to be opened of the dualisation of Al Rusayl-Nizwa road dualisation
The meetings were attended by this month is 18 km, in the Wilayat of Bidiya in the project, between Masroon in the Wilayat of Ibra in the
a number of officials at the Foreign Governorate of North Al Sharqiyah. Governorate of North Al Sharqiyah, has been opened
Ministry. — ONA He added, the route of this part has been amended before traffic. — ONA


media, crises
MUSCAT: A two-day
workshop on media
and crises management
organised by the Omani
Journalists Association
(OJA) began on Monday
with the aim of shedding
light on the correct media
concepts in dealing with
The workshop aims to
identify the concepts and
the arts of the press work in
dealing with any important
media event, how to
deal with it in terms of
different specialised testing
methods and to introduce
the concept of crisis as a
media event that media is
The Royal Oman Police took part in the international conference on women in policing in Cairns city in Australia. The conference interested in.
discussed the role of the military woman in combating corruption, maintaining order and achieving security and peace. — ONA The workshop dealt with
defining the concepts and
positive elements that the
media should undertake

Children in hospital get gifts

towards the various means
of these crises, how these
crises are managed and
contained, the role and
contribution of the media
STAFF REPORTER regarding the immediacy of
Held in collaboration with Wattayah Motors, the transferring the event from
event saw members of Volkswagen Owners Club Oman its location with depth and
As a gesture of providing comfort to the sick, children gathering at the hospital and spending time with the sick comprehensiveness that
admitted to the Royal Hospital were recently given gifts by children. helps to understand the
members of Volkswagen Owners Club Oman. “At Volkswagen Oman, we work towards getting dimensions of the crisis and
A total of 30 children were gifted with electronic tablets closer to the communities in which we operate. We also its various developments
and effects.
to keep them relaxed and entertained during their time at believe that sometimes it’s the simplest of things that can Thirty-five people
the hospital. make a profound difference and that was the focus of our participated in the
“I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to collaboration with the Owners Club for this visit and the workshop from various
Volkswagen Oman for their support in this endeavour,” gifts — nothing more than to put a smile on the faces of media outlets in the
said Muntaser al Barwani, a member of Volkswagen children who are having a difficult time,” said David Ryan, Sultanate and a number of
Owners Club Oman. General Manager of Volkswagen Oman. members of OJA. — ONA
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7

Forum puts stress on safe, IPA BOARD HOLDS MEETING

effective use of medicines

PHARMACISTS DAY: Role of pharmacists in enhancing the level
of health services highlighted
The role of the pharmacists
in providing comprehensive
pharmaceutical care and enhancing
the level of health services were
discussed during the Dhofar
Pharmacy Forum held in presence of
senior health officials, medical experts
and pharmacists drawn from different MUSCAT: The Institute of Public Administration (IPA) the Board administrative system and some projects implemented to some
parts of Oman. of Directors on Monday held its 3rd meeting at the Ministry of public agencies. The most notable of these projects include
The event highlighted safe Civil Service HQs’ under the chairmanship of Shaikh Khalid bin the training project for the middle administrative managers,
and effective use of medicines Omar al Marhoon, Minister of Civil Service and Chairman of the developing the performance indicators for the Institute in the
and importance of pharmacy IPA. field of providing administrative advice and researches. The
The board reviewed the report on the Institute activities activities reflected the good performance of the Institute in
professionals, who play major role during the training year 2017, as well as the efforts made terms of quality and quantity. The Board also approved IPA’s
in health management of patients. to meet the training needs of the employees of the State’s draft organisational chart. — ONA
It also exhorted the pharmacists to
keep on upgrading their knowledge
about developments in the health
Said bin Ahmed Jaboob, Director- Sultanate has ESO contest to raise
General of Pharmacy, explained the
special position occupied by the lowest adult
pharmaceutical sector in the medical
system and said it reflected in this
year’s global theme of ‘Scientific
research on pharmaceutical care,
HIV cases green awareness
pharmacist at your service’. FROM PAGE 1
The event, according to him, pharmaceutical work in line with the event organisers for their commitment Adolescent girls and young
coincided with the International Day main role of the pharmacists as one to a right cause. “This initiative is in women aged between 15 and 24
of Pharmacy. He gave an outline of of the main pillars of the healthcare line with the Sultanate’s commitment years are at particularly high risk of
strategy being adopted by the Ministry structure. to bring about a qualitative change in HIV infection, accounting for 20 per
of Health to upgrade the performance The event opened under the the healthcare sector,” he said. cent of new HIV infections among
of the sector and sense the challenges auspices of Mohammed bin Abu Bakr Topics like quality indicators of adults globally in 2015, despite
being faced by the pharmacy al Ghassani, Vice-Chairman of Majlis pharmaceutical care; Impact of drug accounting for just 11 per cent of the
professionals and staff to make Ash’shura. Dr Khalid bin Mohammed policy and impact on patient care; adult population in this region.
pace with the rapid developments al Mashaikhi, Director-General of Anti-Microbial stewardship; Supply “In geographical areas with
in all areas of professional practices Health Services in Dhofar, exhorted chain management; and Cold chain higher HIV prevalence, gender
and the application of the latest the pharmacy staff to have a passionate management were covered during the imbalance is more pronounced.
quality standards to improve the feeling for the patients and hailed the forum. In sub-Saharan Africa, adolescent
girls and young women account for Municipality, to accomplish this task.
25 per cent of new HIV infections The ESO has been distributing jute

Private education makes big leap among adults, and women account
for 56 per cent of new HIV infections
among adults,” points out the report.
Littering is one of the biggest
problems dogging the cities these
days, says Yusra M Jaffer, Public
bags to its members to discourage the
use of plastic bags.
“We have many ongoing
Harmful gender norms and Relations Manager, Environment campaigns to reduce littering in

towards academic excellence inequalities, insufficient access

to education and sexual and
reproductive health services, poverty,
Society of Oman (ESO).
Speaking on the sidelines of ESO’s
Public Speaking Campaign press
public places. However, enforcement
of the littering legislation can bring in
positive changes and our environment
food insecurity and violence, are at briefing, she welcomed the law that can breathe easy if littering is fully
services and quality of education to the root of the increased HIV risk of makes littering a punishable offence. stopped,” she said.
comply with the 21st century needs young women and adolescent girls. The public speaking contest “While legislation can impose rules
The Department of Private Schools is as well as fulfil students’ and parents’ Despite the low number of cases aims at raising public awareness on and regulations, I strongly believe
making a big push in keeping up with aspirations,” she said. involving surviving patients, Oman environmental issues and envisages it is the self-imposed control that is
the latest education developments in She also emphasised that private has demonstrated a commitment youth as brand ambassadors for most desired. Unless an individual
an effort to comply with the global schools play a crucial role in the to the prevention of the disease and Oman’s clean environment drive. decides to change himself/ herself, a
teaching standards. development of the country and the has succeeded in exerting maximum She said there were a number society cannot be changed. Hence,
In an exclusive interview with ministry always seeks ways to move control on HIV transmission of environment-related problems, keeping our environment clean is
Oman Observer, Fatma bint Abdul forward by following international via blood and blood products in most of which were due to reckless the prime responsibility of every
Abbas al Noorani, the Director- practices. It also aims to develop healthcare settings. behaviour of the people. Among these single citizen and resident,” Yusra
General of Private Schools at the Fatma al Noorani teaching methods in order to provide In the past four years, Oman has are littering of parks, beaches and added.
Ministry of Education, said there has students with the scientific knowledge, established a strong programme to places of touristic importance. Meanwhile, there have been calls
been a considerable progress in private “For example, we consult school practical skills and methods that eliminate HIV transmission from According to her, a change in for increasing fines on littering and
schools to improve the teaching of owners on our by-laws so they can will help them be innovative for the mothers to their children, offering the habits of people can cause a sea implementing the civic authority’s
curriculums. contribute their opinions and advices. benefit of the country. HIV testing to all pregnant women change in the way Oman looks. prerogative to punish offenders with
“The ministry has taken private The by-laws give them the support “Right curriculum and good with an acceptance rate of 99 per Yusra said the ESO is coordinating stricter actions. Currently, litterbugs
education in Oman to a different level. and guidance they need to make teaching methods will make our cent and with almost universal with several ministries and the public are fined RO 200-500. If the offence is
We are constantly monitoring private progress in the right direction,” the students well-prepared for higher antenatal care. authorities, including the Muscat repeated, the fine is doubled.
schools to make sure they comply director-general pointed out. education and eventually compete
with the acceptable standards. It does “We fully acknowledged the better when they go look for jobs.
not mean we impose on them, but we
work together with school owners to
improve the quality of education,” Al
Noorani told the Observer.
challenges they face as providers of
private education. So, it is important
for us to offer our advice, and at the
same time attend to their needs.
A sound basic education is what
is needed to develop a nation,” the
director-general added.
Statistics show the number of
Oman Air’s supply chain unit
She explained that the partnership
of merit between the ministry and
private educators in the past decade
has paid good dividends.
These meetings also are aimed at
informing private schools owners of
the importance of adhering to the
general requirements to improve their
students in private schools in the new
academic year 2017-18 increased by
seven per cent to 110,078 compared
with the same period last year.
wins ISO certification
MUSCAT: Oman Air’s Supply
Chain Management (SCM) has
been awarded the ISO 9001:2015
National Cyber Security Competition session kicks off at SQU certification by Bureau Veritas under
UKAS accreditation, with certificate
MUSCAT: The orientation session of Oman National Cyber be during October 26-28, and the final round will be held in
number IND17.4532 U/Q.
Security CTF Competition hosted by the SQU Information November 11 at Sultan Qaboos University.
Systems Department started on Monday. The competition is organised by Cyber Talent and Arab ISO 9001:2015 is the latest
Winners of the competition will qualify to play in the Regional Cyber Security Centre, and hosted by Oman CERT, internationally recognised standard
Arab Finals in December. with Micro Trend strategic partner and the Information for quality management, ensuring
The CTF will be a Jeopardy style where every team will Systems Department, at CEPS, SQU as the supporting that organisations have proven
have a list of challenges in different categories like reverse partner. Dr Mohammed al Fairuz, the SQU focal contact of processes in place to meet customer
engineering, web security, digital forensics, network the competition, indicated that this contest allows students requirements.
security and others. For every challenge solved, the team to get hands-on cyber security. It is an opportunity for
The accreditation is granted maintained.” growth, sales margins and competitive
will get a certain amount of points depending on the the students to demonstrate their skills and apply their
difficulty of the challenges. The team who will get the knowledge in scenario-based challenges. He also added independently and signifies the “The effective management of our advantage, improve employee
highest score at the end of the day will be the winning that CTF is a world recognised competition, and exposing high quality of the participating supply chain is vital to the overall motivation, awareness and morale
team. The winner team will get ticket and accommodation Omani students to such contest will help organisations organisation’s work. effectiveness of the airline whilst it and enhance customer satisfaction.
to travel to Egypt to compete with other regional teams. to identify the players’ strengths and therefore ease the Imad al Lawati, Oman Air’s may not be visible to our customers, ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management
More information and competition registration can be procurement process accordingly. Vice-President for Supply Chain it has played a key role in Oman Air’s System (QMS) is internationally
found at: The site also has several Dr Kamla al Busaidi, the Head of the Information Management, said: “Oman Air is continuing success.” recognised as the world’s leading
exercises that participants can practice and prepare for the Systems Department, said that hosting the final round
proud to announce that Supply Chain ISO (International Standards quality management standard
competition. of Oman National Cyber Security CTF Competition is to
The competition orientation sessions were held in promote awareness and knowledge sharing in the cyber Management operation has gained Organization) certification is aimed systematic approach to management,
different colleges and universities in Oman between security and information systems security field among ISO 9001:2015 certification, which to help improve business efficiency continual improvement and factual
September 25-28. The completion online qualification will students in SQU and Oman. is a clear demonstration of the high and often has positive impact on approach to decision-making.
standard that has been achieved and investment, market share, sales — ONA
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7 7
Deadly twin suicide attack hits Damascus IN BRIEF

African migrants
BEIRUT: Two suicide bombers
attacked a police station in Damascus
hospital and stadium and using sniper
fire, booby traps and tunnels that
to Yemen tortured
on Monday, killing a number of
civilians and policemen, the interior
emerge behind SDF lines to slow the
for ransom
minister said, in the first such attack in The SDF faces a tough final DUBAI: Migrants making their way
the Syrian capital since July. showdown with IS which commanders from the Horn of Africa to Yemen are
Four militants carried out the say will end at the hospital, now almost frequently abducted and tortured by
attack, killing more than 10 people, completely surrounded. “criminal gangs”, the UN Migration
Agency warned on Monday.
the pro-Damascus TV channel Al “There are many civilians being Despite a war that has killed
Mayadeen said. Russia’s RIA news held. We can’t use heavy weaponry thousands and pushed Yemen to the
agency reported that 15 people were or air strikes around the hospital or brink of famine, some 6,000 migrants
killed. stadium, so we’ll encircle them as we enter the country every month,
Militants targeted the station in advance,” commander Haval Gabar according to the UN’s International
the Al Midan neighbourhood and said at the front-line base, a home that Organization for Migration (IOM).
clashed with police officers there, SDF units captured last week. They often come from Ethiopia and
Somalia, hoping to make their way
Interior Minister Mohammad al Shaar “The hospital will be the last point overland to the more prosperous Gulf
said in comments broadcast by state (in Raqa) to be freed,” he said on countries to find work.
television from the police station. Saturday, as bullets coming from the Many are abducted by criminal
One attacker blew himself up at the sprawling medical complex whizzed gangs upon arrival in Yemen and
main entrance and another detonated over the base. tortured for ransom, according to IOM.
his explosive device on the first floor, The SDF, an alliance of Kurdish “A common technique is to call
he said. There was no immediate claim and Arab militias dominated by the the migrant’s family while allowing
burning plastic from an empty water
of responsibility for the attack. Kurdish YPG, has been fighting since bottle (to) drip on a migrant’s skin
Footage broadcast by state TV June to drive IS from Raqa city, backed causing burns and excruciating pain,”
showed bodies wrapped in shrouds at by air strikes and special forces from a said IOM director general William Lacy
the scene and fire fighters putting out US-led coalition. Swing.
Smoke billows from buildings following a reported air strike on Ain Tarma in the Eastern Ghouta area, a rebel
flames. Previous attacks in Damascus stronghold east of the Syrian capital, on Monday. — AFP
The assault, which YPG officials
have been claimed by both IS and the initially predicted would take weeks,
Tahrir al Sham alliance, which is led IS’s crumbling Syrian capital, lies just held military parades at the height of nearby stadium, IS’s last strongholds has dragged on as IS bogs down forces IS torches oil wells
by the group formerly known as the
Nusra Front.
200 yards from a front-line base of the
Syrian Democratic Forces.
their expansion is another strategic
prize sought by the US-backed militia
in the city, could take as little as a week
once a final assault begins against just
with tactics used in other bastions
such as Iraq’s Mosul.
in northern Iraq
Meanwhile, Raqa’s hospital, a big Beyond it, a roundabout where the alliance. a few hundred remaining militants. Senior Kurdish commanders BAGHDAD: IS militants set fire to
complex pocked with bullets holes, militants once displayed the heads of Commanders directing the battle But the ultra-hardline group recently said Raqa would fall by the three oil wells near Hawija, west of the
whose capture will signal the end of their enemies, crucified people and on the ground say seizing these and a is holding civilian hostages in the end of October. — Agencies oil city of Kirkuk, one of two areas of
Iraq still under their control, military
and oil officials said on Monday.
TURKISH CHIEF OF STAFF IN IRAN Iraqi security forces were using
bulldozers to control the fires started
Palestinian PM visits Gaza in by the militants in the early hours of
Saturday to slow the advance of US-
reconciliation move with Hamas backed Iraqi forces and militia groups
towards Hawija town, military officials
GAZA: The Palestinian prime by an Interior Ministry headed by said. The Allas oilfield, 35 km south of
minister crossed into the Gaza Strip Hamdallah. Hawija, was one of the main sources of
on Monday in a move towards That deployment would still revenue for IS, which in 2014 declared
reconciliation between the leave Hamas’s armed wing — a caliphate in parts of Syria and Iraq.
mainstream Fatah party and Hamas, analysts say it has at least 25,000 “Terrorists are trying to use the
a decade after the group seized the well-equipped fighters — the rising smoke to avert air strikes
territory in a civil war. dominant power in the Palestinian while retreating from the area
Rami al Hamdallah said at enclave of 2 million people. towards Hawija,” said army Colonel
a welcome ceremony his unity “We return to Gaza in order to Mohammed al Jabouri.
government would begin assuming conclude reconciliation and national Military officials said the fire had
control of Gaza’s administrative unity and end the painful impacts of been brought under control at one of
affairs, as well as “security divisions and to rebuild Gaza brick the wells, while the other two were still
responsibilities and responsibility for by brick,” said Hamdallah, who is an burning. They said it would take about
crossings and borders”. independent. three days to put out the fires.
Hamas made its dramatic Forces loyal to Palestinian
step towards unity last month, President Mahmoud Abbas lost
disbanding its Gaza shadow control of Gaza in fighting with Court clears
government. Hamas in 2007.
Under previous understandings, Hamas’s reversal is the most Binladin Group in
some 3,000 Fatah security men significant step towards Palestinian
would be integrated gradually reconciliation since the unity
Turkish Chief of Staff General Hulusi Akar with his Iranian counterpart Major General Mohammad Baqeri in Tehran,
deadly crane crash
into a Gaza police force overseen government was formed in 2014.
Iran, on Monday. — Reuters RIYADH: A Saudi Arabian court
has cleared the Binladin Group of
responsibility for the 2015 collapse
of a crane in Mecca which killed 100

In first, Saudi king set for Russia visit people, the Saudi press reported on
The Saudi-based Binladin
construction firm belongs to the
MOSCOW: King Salman of Saudi Arabia will arrive in cutting crude output, including Russia, to discuss extending
family of the late Al Qaeda leader
Russia this week to conduct the first official visit to the the pact that has helped prop up prices. Osama bin Laden. At least 107 people
country by a Saudi king, a senior Kremlin aide said on King Salman is expected to ask Russia’s support and were killed and some 400 injured on
Monday. commitment to ensure that the production cuts deal September 11, 2015, when the crane
“We are awaiting the king’s visit on Thursday,” President continues, following Saudi Arabia’s cut of its output to toppled over near the Grand Mosque
Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy aide, Yury Ushakov, was around 10 million barrels per day to help control a glut in in Mecca, Islam’s holiest site, just days
quoted by the state TASS news agency as saying. world oil supplies. before the annual Haj pilgrimage.
The Binladin Group’s defence team
Saudi Arabia’s ministry of information called the visit by Opec and its allies agreed from the beginning of 2017
claimed the group could not have
King Salman “historic” as it would be the first official visit to cut their production by around 1.8 million barrels per predicted the severe thunderstorm
to Russia by a Saudi monarch. Putin visited Riyadh in 2007. day for six months. It was subsequently extended through and violent winds that caused the
Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah arrives to take control of Gaza The visit comes a month before members of the Opec March 2018. The pact has helped reduce crude supplies crane to fall, according to the Arabic-
from the Hamas group, in the northern Gaza Strip, on Monday. — Reuters oil cartel, of which Saudi Arabia is the biggest producer, are on the market and the price to climb to around $55 language Asharq al Awsat daily.
due to meet with the other nations that have joined them in per barrel currently. — AFP — Agencies

Hard choices for Syrian industrialists in ruins of Aleppo

AMMAN/ALEPPO: When Syria’s civil war Growing confidence is evident in a new
came to the industrial city of Aleppo in 2012, banknote bearing Assad’s face for the first time
two textile makers had to choose whether to
Nine months after and in Damascus holding its once-annual trade
stay or move their businesses away. fighting in Aleppo fair after a long hiatus.
Nine months after fighting in Aleppo ended, ended, the struggle of But the war still dominates Syria’s economy,
the struggle of the one who stayed in the city to those who stayed in the even where the fighting has stopped.
reopen his factory shows why the other will not Most Aleppo factories were destroyed,
return yet from the security of neighbouring
city shows why others badly damaged or looted. Their workers fled as
Jordan. Restoring the Aleppo industries that will not return yet from refugees or became combatants.
have for decades underpinned economy is vital the security of neigh- Despite a new power line to the city, there
if President Bashar al Assad is to turn battlefield is little electricity, leaving people reliant on
success into a fuller return of state power.
bouring Jordan expensive diesel generators. Water must
Moustafa Kawai, who remained in Aleppo, be pumped electrically. Fighting continues
moved his cotton-weaving machines to a outside Aleppo. The army and allied militias
temporary site but now has workers clearing during the war, faces no such problems in who control the city operate checkpoints that
his battered factory of debris to reopen it. Jordan where he has rebuilt his plant and kept some Syrians say demand bribes to let goods or
“Our biggest problem is electricity. There up exports to old customers around the world. workers pass, a charge the military denies.
are also very few workers because everyone’s in “What do I benefit if I want to set up a factory Travel outside the city means using
A employee works at Akkad’s carpet factory in Jordan Industrial Estates Company in Al Muwaqar
the army. Sanctions affect the work. Customers and there is no safety,” he said, explaining the south of Amman, Jordan. — Reuters narrow roads to bypass rebel territory and
can’t come here. Transferring money is difficult. benefits of moving to an industrial zone in a more checkpoints. Western sanctions make
It’s hard to buy spare parts,” he said. country unaffected by Middle East turmoil. by 57 per cent during the conflict and its as his army and its allies pushed rebels from foreign trade much harder, hindering the
Mahmoud Akkad, a carpet manufacturer The International Monetary Fund estimated manufacturing sector by 77 per cent. Aleppo and other enclaves near important purchase of new equipment and payments for
who like many Aleppo industrialists left Syria last year that Syria’s economy had shrunk The war has since gone better for Assad cities, and IS from energy fields. commercial deals. — Reuters
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7

Body clock geneticists take 2 women deny murdering North

Nobel Medicine Prize
STOCKHOLM: US geneticists
Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash
and Michael W Young were
Korean leader’s half-brother
awarded the Nobel Medicine Prize
Monday for shedding light on the
biological clock that governs the
HIGH-PROFILE TRIAL: Indonesian, Vietnamese women plead not guilty to murder
sleep-wake cycles of most living
things. KUALA LUMPUR: Two women victim,” lead prosecutor Muhamad
The team’s work revealed accused of murdering the estranged Iskandar Ahmad said in his opening
the role of genes in setting the half-brother of North Korean leader statement.
“circadian clock” which regulates Kim Jong Un with a banned nerve The two women sat quietly in the
sleep and eating patterns, agent pleaded not guilty at the start packed courtroom. Siti was dressed in
hormones and body temperature, of a high-profile murder trial in a a black floral suit, while Huong wore
the Nobel Assembly said. 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Malaysian court on Monday. a white long-sleeved t-shirt and jeans.
“Their discoveries explain how Medicine winner Michael Rosbash, Indonesian Siti Aisyah, 25, and Juliana Idris, who works at
plants, animals and humans adapt a Brandeis University professor. Doan Thi Huong, 28, a Vietnamese, the airport, told the court a man
their biological rhythm so that it or something of this magnitude are charged with killing Kim Jong later identified as Kim Jong Nam
is synchronised with the Earth’s happens,” he recounted. “I Nam by smearing his face with VX, a approached her and asked her to take
revolutions.” was restless, both literally and chemical poison banned by the United him to a police station.
All life on Earth is tuned to the figuratively. My wife said: ‘Please Nations, at Kuala Lumpur airport She said the man, who spoke
rotation of our planet. Scientists start to breathe’.” on February 13. Both women wore English, told her he had been “attacked
have long known that living The circadian clock is what bullet-proof vests as they were led by a woman from behind ... another
organisms, including humans, causes jetlag — which happens into the court on the outskirts of the one closed his eyes”. “His hands were
have an internal timekeeper that when our internal clock and Malaysian capital. They face the death shaking a bit, I don’t know why,” she
Hisyam Teh Toh Teik (R), one of the lawyers for Vietnamese woman Doan Thi
helps them anticipate and adapt to external environment move out of penalty if convicted. Huong, speaks to journalists during a break in the trial for Huong and Indonesian
said. Police Lance Corporal Mohd
the rhythm of the day. sync as we change time zones. Police have also named four North woman Siti Aisyah, at the Shah Alam High Court in Shah Alam, outside Kuala Zulkarnain Sanudin, who was on duty
Hall, 72, Rosbash, 73, and It also regulates sleep, which is Koreans as suspects in the case and an Lumpur. — AFP at the airport, said Juliana had brought
Young, 68, “were able to peek critical for normal brain function. Interpol red notice, an international Kim Jong Nam to him.
inside our biological clock and Circadian dysfunction has been alert just short of an arrest warrant, victim” by smearing his face and He said Kim told him a substance
elucidate its inner workings,” the linked to depression, bipolar has been issued for the North Koreans, eyes with VX nerve agent, which a had been wiped on his face. Kim’s eyes
Nobel jury said. disorder, cognitive function, who remain at large. Malaysian post-mortem confirmed Police have also were red and he could see some liquid
They identified genes that memory formation and some Defence lawyers demanded that had killed Kim. on his face, Zulkarnain said. He also
regulate the clock, and the neurological diseases. the prosecution immediately name The women told their lawyers they
named four North said the he had wrongly recorded Kim
mechanism by which light can Studies have indicated that a the four other suspects, who have also did not know they were participating Koreans as suspects ‘nationality as South Korean.
synchronise it. Rosbash told chronic misalignment between been charged, so they can prepare their in a deadly attack and believed they in the case and an “The police report I made showed
Swedish Radio he was rattled our lifestyle and circadian clock — case. Judge Azmi Ariffin dismissed were carrying out a prank for a reality the nationality as South Korean, while
when the committee’s call woke irregular shift work for example — their request. The two women nodded TV show.
Interpol red notice, on the passport, it was written DPR
him from his sleep at 5:10 am. may be associated with an increased their heads when the charges were “The prank practice carried out by an international alert Korea, whereby I did not know what
“I was called on the landline risk for cancer, neurodegenerative read out by two interpreters. They the first and second accused with the just short of an arrest DPR meant. I was only sure that Korea
next to my bed which never diseases, metabolic disorders and pleaded not guilty. supervision of the four who are still at warrant was South Korea,” he told the court.
rings unless someone has died inflammation. — AFP The prosecution said the women’s large was preparation to see through The case continues on Tuesday.
actions showed “intent to kill the their common intention to kill the — Reuters



PARIS: French lawmakers will vote Tuesday on a tough arrest, order house searches and ban public gatherings
new counter-terrorism law designed to end the country’s without the prior approval of a judge.
two-year state of emergency which critics say expands The state of emergency was meant to be temporary
police powers at a cost to civil liberties. but was extended six times for various reasons, such as the
The vote comes following a string of attacks in France need to protect major sporting and cultural events, as well
since 2015 and just two days after more bloodshed in the as presidential and parliamentary elections earlier this year.
southern port city of Marseille when a suspected knifeman The vote comes after a knifeman stabbed two women to
killed two women. death on Sunday at the main train station in Marseille. He
While Interior Minister Gerard Collomb defends the was shot dead by soldiers.
bill as a “lasting response to a lasting threat”, it has come The IS claimed the attacker was one of its “soldiers”,
under fire from the French left and human rights groups. though a source close to the investigation said no solid
“What makes us angry is that it’s a state of emergency that evidence linked him to the group.
would become permanent and roll back our freedoms,” said The stabbings bring to 241 the number of people killed
Christine Lazerges, the head of the National Consultative in attacks in France since January 2015, while Collomb said
Committee on Human Rights, a state body. last month that 12 planned attacks have been foiled since
The law, designed to replace the state of emergency the start of the year.
that France has been under since the November 2015 Paris In an environment of widespread fear about violence,
attacks, would come into force on November 1 if approved extensions of the state of emergency have met with little
by both houses of parliament. public opposition, with critics of the new law limited to the
The lower house will vote Tuesday on the bill which hard left and human rights groups. A fisherman carries diving gear used by foreign tourists from a boat on Jemeluk beach, some 15 km away from Mount
will give authorities the power to place people under house — AFP Agung, a volcano on the highest alert level, in Amed, on the resort island of Bali. — Reuters

Carles Puigdemont says vote is binding, demands police withdraw in Madrid stand-off
Hungarian oppn
leader resigns as
Catalan leader calls for international mediation 2018 poll looms
BUDAPEST: Hungarian Socialist Party
(MSZP) leader Laszlo Botka announced
MADRID: The leader of Catalonia order. On Monday, he said the vote they wanted an independent republic, his resignation Monday, after he
called for international mediation on was valid and binding, and had to be has no legal status as it was banned by failed to unify political opposition to
Monday to resolve a stand-off with applied. Spain’s Constitutional Court for being conservative Prime Minister Viktor
Madrid, the day after hundreds were He urged Prime Minister Mariano at odds with the 1978 constitution, Orban ahead of the country’s 2018
injured as police tried to forcibly which states Spain cannot be broken parliamentary election.
disrupt a referendum on independence up. “Democratic parties don’t want
to win, but only to claim a handful
that had been ruled illegal. Sunday’s events The overwhelming “Yes” vote
of seats in the parliament of Orban’s
“It is not a domestic matter,” Carles dramatically raised among the 42 per cent who authorities regime,” Botka said in an email
Puigdemont told a news conference said had made it to the polls was not a distributed to Hungarian media.
on Monday. “It’s obvious that we need
the temperature in surprise as those favouring continued The elections are due to take place
mediation.” a festering split be- union had been expected to stay at by April, with the exact date yetto be
Sunday’s events in the autonomous tween Madrid and home en masse. Opinion polls in the set and Orban’s Fidesz party tipped as
region dramatically raised the run-up to the vote had put support the clear favourite.
temperature in a festering split
Barcelona and made for independence at only around The 44-year-old Botka, who has
between Madrid and Barcelona and it harder for the two 40 per cent. On Monday, Justice
been mayor of the city of Szeged
since2002, was elected MSZP leader in
made it harder for the two sides to sides to sit down to Minister Rafael Catala said Spain May. Since then, he has not managed
sit down to try to find a political try to find a political could use its constitutional power to to boost the party’s popularity, nor
compromise. suspend Catalan’s existing autonomy persuade the fragmented centre-left
Images of riot police using rubber
compromise. Catalan President Carles Puigdemont speaks during a news conference at
if the regional parliament declared and liberal parties to unify into a single
Generalitat Palace in Barcelona. — Reuters
bullets and batons in a show of force independence. opposition bloc. The latest polls place
to stop the vote shocked Spain and indication that the EU could sponsor European Commission said: “We call “We will use the entire force of the MSZP in third place, behind Fidesz
and the far-right radical nationalist
drew international condemnation. Rajoy to say whether he was in favour this mediating role, and said Brussels on all relevant players to now move the law. Our obligation is to resolve
Jobbik party. He faces criticism
Authorities said almost 900 people of mediation in talks over the region’s had been timid and lacked courage on very swiftly from confrontation to problems and we’ll do it, even though from within Hungary as well as
had been injured. future, which he said should be the matter. dialogue. Violence can never be an using certain measures might hurt,” he internationally over moves to restrict
Puigdemont had gone ahead with overseen by the European Union. In a statement issued shortly before instrument in politics.” said in a television interview. political opposition and clamp down
the referendum in defiance of a court He added that he had received no Puigdemont made his proposal, the The ballot, which asked voters if — Reuters on critical media outlets. — dpa
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7 9
Power of peace has the capacity to multiply
et another day of the year, but the title In the process of going through and facilities, and best of family

is International Day of Non-Violence anxiety or fear, our body goes through members and colleagues to work with,
declared by the United Nations. changes, resulting in many ailments, but if our thoughts are not peaceful and
Violence continues as it has for
Almost all of us carry at least one strain of whose symptoms which may not be our heart is not content, we cannot have
centuries. But more than ever, there are fear or anxiety. But where there is fear, it is visible immediately. a life of fulfilment,” she added.
people trying to be aware of traits of difficult for peace to exist Many of the diagnoses have been I have often thought about this. Is
violence, not just in actions but in words defined as “stress-related”. there anyone completely content with
as well. We think finding peace is somebody life? Somehow we seemed to be looking
A conversation with Sister Jayanthi else’s business. On the other hand, we at that one next thing that is going to
from the Rajya Yoga Foundation for We can always blame it on our of Mahatma Gandhi, who campaigned think our objective in life is to find our make us content and happy.
Self-Development, who arrived from surrounding, but whom can we blame for non-violence, is the day to check and ambitions and achieve them. But there And so, days go by and another year
the United Kingdom to observe the for our thoughts? change on ways. is more. comes by for us to observe a day on the
International Day of Non-Violence, The answer is us. Sister Jayanthi Almost all of us carry at least one Sister Jayanthi says: “If I can calendar.
gave the deeper meaning of violence. says: “We need to ask ourselves strain of fear or anxiety. But where there maintain inner peace, it begins to reflect “Be it and then you can radiate it.”
Violence originates from thoughts. questions especially on this day — Are is fear, it is difficult for peace to exist. on my face, behaviour and words. From When she said that, it rang a bell. How
A knife can be used to stab the body, my thoughts non-violent? Are my “Fear and peace are infectious. Almost personal peace, I create peace within often do we jump to our surroundings?
but medically the physical wound can words non-violent? Or are they based 90 per cent of my fears are unreal. It is family, community and the country. If A honk from a car behind us while
be healed. What about violence in on bitterness? Am I able to keep my in my imagination,” says Sister Jayanthi. there are a number of people in that level waiting at the traffic signal makes us leap
words? Harsh words can cut a heart thoughts noble and pure?” “Peace isn’t something you can seek who can practise peace, I believe the forward or skip a heartbeat. Yet, there
and it can cause lifelong injury, she Only when we ask these questions by going to the seaside, mountains or power of peace can multiply. I believe in are people who can maintain peace
explained while being interviewed live ourselves are we truly contributing for shopping. It is something inside me. that vision because the original state of even during the worst of situations. So
(@omanobserver) on Facebook page of to the culture of non-violence? That’s If I can connect with that, then I am every human being is peace.” next time, remember: Be the peace and Oman Observer. why October 2, the birth anniversary peaceful.” “We might have the best of resources radiate it.

Armed with smartphones,

Niger youths map flood risks

atima Alher watches her step, careful not to sink knee-deep in the water

flooding the rice fields of Kirkisoy, a neighbourhood in Niger’s capital.
Her colleagues help lift her over the biggest puddles — a task
complicated by the fact that they barely take their eyes off their
“Never without a phone, that’s our motto,” Alher says.
Flooding has killed at least 56 people and destroyed thousands of
homes since the rainy season began in June, according to the interior
ministry. Efforts to rebuild flood-hit areas are not progressing fast
enough, residents complain.
But since July, a team of 20 “investigators” from OpenStreetMap
Niger — a community of students and young professionals who are
developing a digital map of the country — have been plotting flood-
prone areas on their smartphones in two of Niamey’s districts.
“Flooding devastates the country every year, and yet no effort has
been made to chart the most vulnerable areas,” Alher, a geography
student and leader of the group, said.
Using GeoODK, an app that allows users to collect geo-referenced
information, researchers gather details such as the number of residents
and buildings, construction materials used and the location of electric
poles. “By the end of August we had drawn up a list of 15,000 properties
and buildings,” Alher said. “We then send the data to the interior
ministry, so it can better target its relief efforts in times of flooding.”
The three-month initiative is managed by the government Disaster
Risk Management and Urban Development Project, and funded by the
World Bank.
Standing in the middle of his flooded rice fields, Mohamed Moktar
Innocent says he has given up planting anything this season, and expects
further flooding to wipe out what little harvest he has left.

Skin and bones: Docs fear for Rohingya kids Researchers from OpenStreetMap researchers have plotted his fields,
which Innocent hopes will allow him to understand when it might be
safe to start planting.
Once the data has been collected and analysed, the mapping project
In a field clinic for infants suffering the malnutrition and pneumonia contracted aims to alert populations living in particularly flood-prone areas.
severest malnutrition, Monura tried to in her enfeebled state. The OpenStreetMap project says it is the first of its kind to map flood-
he five-year-old Rohingya boy was so soothe her gaunt 13-month-old daughter “Skin and bones,” lamented Shaheen prone areas in Niger, but other initiatives in the area aim to prevent

emaciated that doctors could not insert a Rian Bebe, whose cheekbones jutted out Abdur Rahman, the hospital’s resident flooding and minimise any damage.
drip into his tiny arm, one of thousands below sunken eyes. medical officer, of the dying girl brought One of them has set up an information network among 136 villages,
of children facing life-threatening A nurse wrapped a measuring tape to his ward. with field agents regularly travelling between flood- or drought-hit
malnutrition in overstretched Bangladeshi around her pencil-thin arm and placed Others drift through the camps zones and the capital. — Thomas Reuters Foundation
refugee camps. her tiny frame on the scales — 5.5 kg, less desperately seeking food among the
“He said he hadn’t eaten anything in than the weight of a healthy child half her chaotic throngs and begging people in
eight days,” said Dr SK Jahidur Rahman age. passing cars for morsels.
at a clinic run by Bangladeshi medical On a roadside near rolling hills of
charity Gonoshasthaya Kendra. refugee shanties, 15-year-old Sitara Banu
The lucky ones make it to the worried endlessly about her weak five-
overwhelmed clinics just in time. But month-old son Jahidur Rahman.
some are not so fortunate, dying before UN says more than “He can’t get enough milk. I can’t
help can reach them or forced to beg by manage to get any food for myself either. I
the roadside.
14,100 children are fed him a little banana someone gave me,
The UN says more than 14,100 children at risk of dying from but that made him sicker,” she said. ESTABLISHED ON 15 NOVEMBER 1981
are at risk of dying from malnutrition malnutrition In a nearby canteen, men in singlets
in camps where half a million mainly sweated over huge cauldrons, toiling EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Abdullah bin Salim al Shueili
Rohingya refugees depend entirely on
in camps throughout the night to make rice, meat
charities for survival. and lentils.
Food distribution in the settlements is “They will be working for months like HEAD OFFICE ADVERTISING
still ad hoc and uncoordinated, the UN this. It is very hard work to cook for 10,000 Tel: 24649444, 24649450, AL OMANEYA ADVERTISING & PUBLIC RELATIONS, P.O. Box 3303,
says. people,” said Abdul Mukit, a volunteer 24649451, 24604563, 24699437 P.C. 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman
Many go hungry as charities scramble Monura, who like many Rohingya uses overseeing the kitchen run by Turkish Fax: 24699643 Tel: SWITCHBOARD: 24649444
to feed 500,000 mouths every day. one name, said she had little to feed her government aid body Tika. DIRECT: 24649430/24649437/24649401
Children make up the bulk of new desperately hungry child on the five-day It is a drop in the ocean given the sheer Fax: 24649434
arrivals and are most vulnerable to the trek from Myanmar. scale of the crisis. Tel: 23292633
paucity of food, with 145,500 infants “Most sip a little water and walk five But for thousands of children, most of Fax: 23293909 DISTRIBUTION AGENT
under five needing urgent intervention to days,” said Dr Rahman. whom survive on boiled rice and high- Al OMANEYA for Distribution & Marketing, P.O. Box 974,
NIZWA OFFICE P.C. 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
stave off malnutrition, aid agencies say. Monura’s little girl, chewing on a high- energy biscuits when they can get them,
Tel: 25411099 Tel: 24649351/24649360
“Lots of children are showing all the calorie paste, has been rescued just in time this could be their only proper meal of the
P.O. Box 955, P.C. 611 Fax: 24649379
signs of hunger and malnutrition, which and should make a slow recovery. day.
is an alarming prospect when they’ve But for others it is a different story. “It makes me feel good,” said head chef
Website: e-mail:
just fled so much horror,” said Save the In the largest district hospital in Cox’s Manzar Alam of his part in feeding the
Children’s emergency health unit director Bazar, a skeletal eight-month-old girl youngsters, who carefully take their curry PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY: Oman Establishment for Press, Publication and Advertising
P.O. Box 974, Postal Code 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Dr Unni Krishnan. died after being admitted with severe and rice back to their shanties. — AFP

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this page are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the opinion of the Observer.
Camel expedition at Wagah border

T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7
Indian Border Security Force (BSF) along with Indian Air force (IAF) brave
women personnels ride during the closing ceremony of the Camel Safari
expedition at the Indian Pakistan Wagah Border post. — AFP

Swachh Bharat campaign now

a mass movement, says Modi
LAUDABLE: PM recalls how the campaign was making good progress despite criticism

President Ram Nath Kovind paying floral tributes at the Samadhi of the former
Prime Minister, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, at Vijay Ghat, in Delhi.

Kovind, Modi remember Gandhi

on his 148th birth anniversary
NEW DELHI: President Ram Nath of passive resistance. He was known
Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra to his many followers as Mahatma.
Modi on Monday remembered the President Kovind and Prime
Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi Minister Modi also paid tributes
on his 148th birth anniversary. to the country’s late second Prime
“Bow to beloved ‘Bapu’ on Gandhi Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri on his
Prime Minister Narendra Modi at an event to mark the Swachh Bharat Diwas: the 3rd anniversary of the launch of Swachh Bharat Mission and the conclusion of
Jayanti. 113th birth anniversary. ‘Swachhata hi Sewa’ fortnight, in New Delhi.
His noble ideals motivate millions “My respects to Shastri ji, who
across the world,” Modi tweeted inspired farmers, jawans and gave the NEW DELHI: Prime Minister good progress as per the available data. revolution,” he said. spending several thousand rupees
sharing a video of Mahatma Gandhi. nation able leadership. Remembering Narendra Modi on Monday said the He said that India got independence The Prime Minister further said: on medical treatment. This cost, he
The Prime Minister also visited Lal Bahadur Shastri ji on his Jayanti,” Swachh Bharat campaign launched by through the tool of Satyagrah.Now to “Clean India won’t come true even said, could be saved if people made
Rajghat and laid a wreath. Modi tweeted along with a video. him three years ago has today become become the best country, India would if 1,000 Mahatma Gandhis, one cleanliness their “dharma” (duty) and
Kovind, Vice President M. Modi, Kovind and Vice President a “mass movement”. have to adopt “swachhta” (cleanliness) lakh Narendra Modis, all CMs and their work.
Venkaiah Naidu, former Prime M Venkaiah Naidu also visited Vijay “Today, the Swachh Bharat as its tool. governments come together... He also said that children were the
Minister Manmohan Singh also paid Ghat and paid floral tributes to the Abhiyaan (Clean India campaign) is Modi said today there was a It will be done by 125 crore Indians.” biggest ambassadors of the Clean India
floral tributes to ‘Bapu’ at Rajghat. former Prime Minister. no longer that of Bapu, nor that of the competition between various states and Slamming those who relieve Mission.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Shastri was born to Sharada government or municipalities. cities to go higher on the cleanliness themselves in the open, Modi said Modi also praised the media for
was born on October 2, 1869, in Prasad and Ramdulari Devi in Uttar I have no claims to make that this is scale and there was pressure on the such men should learn from women supporting the Mission.
Porbandar in Gujarat to Putlibai and Pradesh’s Varanasi on October 2, the government’s achievement. governments and administration in who never relieve in the open even if Urging people to take out some
Karamchand Gandhi. 1904. In fact, this is an achievement of the states/cities which were lagging they had an urge to when they were time for the Clean India Mission, he
His birthday is also observed as the On January 11, 1966, he took his those Indians who seek cleanliness behind. out. said the Indians must see their country
International Day of Non-Violence. last breath in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (Swachhagrahis),” Modi said here, on “An environment of positive, He also stressed on building and from the eyes of the outsiders.
Gandhi was assassinated on the day after signing the Tashkent the third anniversary of the campaign. healthy competition has evolved and use of toilets by all in rural and slum “On the occasion of birth
January 30, 1948, by Nathuram Declaration, reportedly due to cardiac The Prime Minister recalled how he its results are visible,” Modi said. areas where women have to go far anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and
Godse, a Hindu nationalist during arrest. drew criticism from all quarters when He said “ideological revolution” or from their place early in the morning Lal Bahadur Shastri, let us devote
a prayer meeting at the Birla House He was the first person to be he first started the campaign three changing of mindset was also required or after dusk to relieve and could not ourselves to the nation, give primacy
here. posthumously awarded Bharat Ratna, years ago. for cleanliness. do it in the daylight. to cleanliness and take part in this
Gandhi is admired across the India’s highest civilian award. However, he said, all that was behind “The development of system can’t Modi said due to poor hygiene, mission,” the Prime Minister said.
world for his non-violent philosophy — IANS him and the campaign was making do a thing until there is ideological people often fell ill and ended up — IANS


Lankesh killers, Sasikala likely to come
says minister out of jail on parole
BENGALURU: Karnataka Home CHENNAI: V K Sasikala, who
Minister Ramalinga Reddy on Monday is currently in Bengaluru prison
said the investigation team probing following her conviction in a
the killing of journalist-activist Gauri disproportionate assets case, is likely
Lankesh has got “some clues” on the
to come out soon on parole to visit
killers and knows who is behind it, but
is waiting to gather more concrete her ailing husband M Natarajan.
evidence. She has applied for parole and
“The Special Investigation Team might come out on Tuesday, her
(SIT) got some clues on the killers of nephew and leader of one of the
Lankesh. AIADMK factions T T V Dinakaran has a history of chronic liver disease
It’s gathering evidence. told reporters here. and he has been receiving treatment
We know about them (killers) “We have applied for parole for for the last six months for his illness.
but can’t go public without
our General Secretary. He has been registered with the
evidence,” Reddy told reporters at
Chikkaballapura town, about 60 km She might come out on Tamilnadu Organ Sharing (TNOS)
from Bengaluru. parole tomorrow (Tuesday) most waiting list for deceased donor liver
Lankesh, 55, was found dead on probably,” he said. transplantation.
September 5 night in front of her Dinakaran said advocates have “Currently, he is admitted at
home in the city’s south-west suburb sought for a 15-day parole but he the Liver Intensive Care Unit with
after she was shot from close range was not sure how many days she decompensated liver disease leading
by unidentified assailants who fled would be granted leave. to liver failure, kidney failure and
from the spot on a motorbike within Asked about the health condition lung congestion”, it said, adding
of Mr Natarajan, who is awaiting he is receiving dialysis and other
“We need hard evidence against
the suspects to file even a charge- a liver transplant in a hospital in intensive care therapies.
sheet against them in a court. Chennai, Dinakaran said he was Liver specialists headed by world
Otherwise, the case will not stand “stable”.A recent statement from renowned liver transplant surgeon
for trial,” asserted Reddy on the Gleneagles Global Health City, Mohamed Rela are overseeing his
margins of a Gandhi Jayanti function. where Natarajan is admitted, said he case. — IANS
Journalists participate in a peace protest near the statue of Mahatma Gandhi at Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad. — AFP — IANS

Karnataka unveils scheme to feed 12 lakh pregnant women

BENGALURU: Karnataka Chief Anganwadi centres under the scheme,” has been slow compared to the rest of Karnataka State Anganwadi Workers’
Minister Siddaramaiah (pictured) Siddaramaiah said. the south Indian states,” the statement Association.
on Monday launched the “Mathru A provision of Rs 302 crore has said, giving the reason to launch the “In a lot of Anganwadi centres, we
Purna” scheme, which aims to been made by the state government The scheme aims at “Mathru Purna” scheme. are very short-staffed, with just one
provide nutritious meals to about 12 during the 2017-18 financial year for reducing under-nutrition The scheme aims to bridge the gap worker and a helper.
lakh pregnant women and lactating the implementation of the scheme in between the recommended dietary It makes it very hard for such
mothers in the state. all the 30 districts of Karnataka. among women allowance and the average daily intake centres to cook these meals and
“The scheme aims at reducing “We’ve had phenomenal response and children of pregnant women and lactating provide,” Varalakshmi said.
under-nutrition among women and from the pilot run of the scheme in mothers in the state, while trying to A lot of women hesitated to take
children,” the Chief Minister said four taluks last year, and have decided reduce the prevalence of anaemia meals that were cooked by a Scheduled
while announcing the launch of the to roll out the project across the state,” SIDDARAMAIAH among the pregnant women. Caste or Scheduled Tribe Anganwadi
scheme here, serving food to pregnant Karnataka state Women and Child Karnataka Chief Minister according to an official release. Aanganwadi workers would also worker, she said.
women in the banquet hall of Vidhan Development Minister Umashree said “Despite the Supplementary benefit from the scheme, according to “We’ve seen during the mid-day
Soudha, the state secretariat. here on Monday. Nutrition Programme (of the Ministry the statement. meal scheme implementation that
“Besides nutritional supplements, One hot cooked meal consisting of of Women and Child Development), But the implementation of the many children are kept away from
counselling and other maternity rice, dal with leafy vegetables/sambar, with 200 ml of milk would be provided the improvement in the maternal and scheme had many challenges, said eating the meals if they are prepared
benefits will also be provided at the a boiled egg/sprouted legumes along to women for 25 days a month, child health indicators of Karnataka S Varalakshmi, the president of the by an SC or ST worker. — IANS
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7 11
W O R S T I N U S H I S T O R Y: S H O O T I N G T O O K P L A C E D U R I N G C O U N T R Y M U S I C F E S T I V A L

US President Donald
Trump makes a statement
on the mass shooting in
Las Vegas in front of a
portrait of President
George Washington in
the Diplomatic Room at
the White House in
Washington. — Reuters

WASHINGTON: US President emphasized was preliminary, reason to believe that Paddock had
Donald Trump called the Las Vegas eclipsed last year’s massacre of 49 a history of psychological problems,
concert massacre “an act of pure people at an Orlando night club by the official said.
evil” in a televised address after the a gunman who pledged allegiance In its claim, IS State said
shooting, which left at least 50 dead to IS militants. that the gunman was a recent
and more than 400 wounded. Shocked concertgoers, some convert, according to the group’s
Speaking from the White with blood on their clothing, news agency Amaq. Its claim did
House, he said the country was wandered the streets afterwards. not include the gunman’s name
feeling”sadness, shock and grief.” Police said they had no and showed no proof. In the
He praised the efforts of police, information about Paddock’s past, the group has also claimed
who located the gunman on the motive, that he had no criminal responsibility for attacks without
32nd floor of a hotel and stormed record and was not believed to be providing evidence.
his room within minutes, and other connected to any militant group. Lombardo said there were more
first responders. Paddock killed himself before than 10 rifles in the room where
“The speed with which they police entered the hotel room he Paddock killed himself. He had
acted is miraculous and prevented was firing from, Clark County checked into the hotel on Thursday.
further loss of life,” Trump said. “To Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told Police found several more
have found the shooter so quickly Image released by the Las Vegas reporters. weapons when they searched
after the first shots were fired is Metropolitan Police Department of “We have no idea what his belief Paddock’s home in Mesquite, which
Marilou Danley in connection to a
something for which we will always system was,” Lombardo said. is about 145 km northeast of Las
shooting at the Route 91 Harvest
be thankful and grateful. It shows Music Festival in Las Vegas. Reuters Two senior US government Vegas, Mesquite police spokesman
what true professionalism is all officials said that Paddock’s Quinn Averett told reporters.
about.” Nevada, and said they had no name was not on any database of The dead included one off-
A 64-year-old man armed history before killing himself. other as police scrambled to find sense of what prompted his attack. suspected terrorists and that there duty police officer, Lombardo
with more than 10 rifles rained The barrage from a 32nd-floor the gunman. More than 400 people The IS militant group claimed was no evidence linking him to any said. Two on-duty officers were
down gunfire on a Las Vegas window in the Mandalay Bay hotel were injured. responsibility for the massacre, but international militant group. injured, including one who was in
country music festival on Sunday, into a crowd of 22,000 people lasted Police identified the gunman US officials expressed scepticism of One of the two US officials stable condition after surgery and
slaughtering at least 50 people in several minutes, causing panic. as Stephen Paddock, who lived in a that claim. discounted a claim of responsibility one who sustained minor injuries,
the largest mass shooting in US Some fleeing fans trampled each retirement community in Mesquite, The death toll, which police that was made by IS. There was Lombardo said. — Reuters, dpa

US shooting:
Gunman’s What we know
home being LAS VEGAS: At least 50 people were killed and
more than 400 injured when a gunman opened
fire on concertgoers Thursday night in Las Vegas.
checked for Here’s what we know:

bombs before A crowd of more than 22,000 people was
listening to country music star Jason Aldean at
the Route 91 Harvest Festival when there was
search a burst of automatic gunfire around 10:08 pm
(0508 GMT).
Police said a lone gunman opened fire on
WASHINGTON: Police searching the
concertgoers from his 32nd floor room at the
home of the gunman who shot festival-
Mandalay Bay hotel-casino across the street on
goers in Las Vegas are conducting a
the famed Las Vegas Strip.
precautionary check for explosives,
Robert Hayes, a firefighter from Los Angeles
Sheriff Joe Lombardo of the Las Vegas
who was attending the concert, said it resembled
Metropolitan Police Department says.
a “war scene.” “It was kind of like shooting
Investigators arrived early at the home
goldfish,” Hayes said.
of 64-year-old Stephen Craig Paddock in
Mesquite, Nevada, Lombardo said. “We Police form a perimeter around the road leading to the THE TOLL
have officers now there serving a search Mandalay Hotel (background) after a gunman killed at least 50
Police said at least 50 people were killed and
warrant,” he said. people and wounded more than 400 others when he opened
fire on a country music concert in Las Vegas. Reuters approximately 406 were transported to hospital.
Mesquite, population 18,000, is
The authorities launched an appeal for blood
near the Arizona state line, about1 40
kilometres north-east of Las Vegas.
“We’re gonna clear the residence first
for any possible explosives,so that will
Police identified the gunman as Stephen
be slow and methodical, and it will take
Craig Paddock, a 64-year-old white man from
us quite sometime before we conduct a
Mesquite, Nevada, around 130 kilometres
search phase,” Lombardo said. dpa
northeast of Las Vegas. Paddock was the lone
suspect in the shooting, according to the
authorities. He was found dead in his hotel room
Pope ‘deeply when a police SWAT team breached the room.
Police said they believe Paddock killed himself.
Police said they recovered at least eight rifles

saddened’ from his room. Little else was immediately known

about Paddock, who did not appear to have a
criminal record.

by ‘senseless FBI agents confer in front of the Tropicana hotel-casino on

October 2, 2017, after a mass shooting during a music
President Donald Trump sent his “warmest
festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Las Vegas. Reuters condolences and sympathies” to the victims
tragedy’ and families affected by the shooting. The White
House said Trump was to make televised remarks
to the nation at 10:30 am (1430 GMT).
VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis on Monday Pope Francis said he was “deeply saddened”
described a deadly shooting at a Las by the “senseless tragedy.”
Vegas concert as a “senseless tragedy”
after at least 50 people were gunned DEADLIEST US MASS SHOOTING EVER
down and over 200 others wounded. Although the final toll has yet to be
“Deeply saddened to learn of the confirmed, the Las Vegas Strip shooting is already
shooting in Las Vegas, Pope Francis sends the deadliest ever in the United States.
the assurance of his spiritual closeness The previous deadliest shooting was in June
to all those affected by this senseless 2016 when 49 people were killed at the Pulse
tragedy,” the Vatican said in a telegram. nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
“He commends the efforts of the A student killed 32 people in 2007 at Virginia
police and emergency service personnel, Tech university before shooting himself. — AFP
and offers the promise of his prayers for A pair of cowboy boots is shown in the street outside the A heavily armed policeman leaves the area around the Mandalay
the injured and for all who have died,” it concert venue after a mass shooting at a music festival on Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. AFP
added. the Las Vegas Strip in Las Vegas. Reuters
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7

Syrian girl documents

horrors in new memoir
BEIRUT: A Syrian girl, whose tweets
from war-torn Aleppo captured a
worldwide audience, has written
a harrowing memoir of life under
siege, recalling her terror of daily
bombardments and her sorrow at
being kept out of class.
In Dear World, to be published on
Tuesday, eight-year-old Bana Alabed,
who now lives in Turkey, delivers an
unadulterated account of war through
the eyes of a child. She writes vividly
about the death of her best friend
and neighbour Yasmin, killed when a
bomb fell near her house.
“Then one of the men lifted a body
out of the rocks, and there was more
A LOOK-ALIKE: A man dressed as the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat walks in the street as the convoy of Palestinian screaming from Yasmin’s mum. It was
Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah and his ministers arrive in the northern Gaza Strip in Beit Hanun on Monday. — AFP Yasmin. She was floppy like she was
asleep, and had a lot of blood and dust
on her,” Bana writes in the book.
“I couldn’t move or breathe because
I was so scared seeing my friend like
Bana drew around 360,000
followers after she joined Twitter
in September 2016 aged seven,
documenting life in her embattled
city through tweets and pictures from
her @AlabedBana handle, an account
managed by her mother Fatemah.
Bana drew the attention of some
famous Tweeters, including Harry
Potter author J K Rowling, who along
with her agent sent the young girl
e-books about the famous boy wizard. in Syria they don’t have school, they when she was a toddler.
But her tweets also sparked aren’t learning anything. They (stay) “I can go to school now and I am
controversy after some critics in their house and are dying every not afraid. It’s not scary,” Bana said in
questioned the legitimacy of the day,” Bana told the Thomson Reuters a phone interview.
account and accused Fatemah of using Foundation in an interview from the More than six years of conflict
her daughter for propaganda. capital Ankara. have forced an estimated 1.7 million
ON THE EDGE: Protesters wave a giant Catalan pro- During a ceasefire last December, Bana is now in third grade after children in Syria out of school,
independence ‘Estelada’ flag atop a sculpture during a Bana and her family were evacuated missing more than a year of school according to the United Nations
demonstration in Barcelona on Monday a day after from eastern Aleppo to Turkey, where at the height of the bombardment of children’s agency Unicef.
hundreds were injured in a police crackdown during they were greeted by Turkish President Aleppo. Her education was patchy In the book, Bana describes the
Catalonia’s banned independence referendum. — AFP Tayyip Erdogan at his palace. even before that, due to the dangers moment a bomb fell near her house,
“I am sad because the children posed by the civil war that erupted and took her best friend. — Reuters



CHIBA, Japan: A ping-pong- as the robot failed to retrieve his

playing robot served up a hit at a attacking shot. “One day it might
top Tokyo tech fair on Monday, hit back,” Mizutani, 28, said after
while a barely-moving machine the match.
in the shape of a sloth aimed to Omron also showcased a new
provide a relaxing change of pace. censor that can detect whether a
The alien-looking table-tennis driver is concentrating or dozing
star, named FORPHEUS, had a off in a self-driving car. WAIT FOR A LIFELINE: This picture shows Bangladeshi people waiting for boats in Teknaf. Bangladesh is to move to a camp at least 15,000 Rohingya refugees who have
tough opponent, in the shape of The company aims to settled in a restive hill district near the border with Myanmar, a local official said on Monday. — AFP
Japan’s first-ever Olympic singles commercialise its technology by
medal-winner in a man-versus- 2020, it said at the Cutting-Edge
machine clash. IT & Electronics Comprehensive
Technicians have worked Exhibition (CEATEC) near Tokyo.
on FORPHEUS’s robotics and Meanwhile, a new Tokyo start-
artificial intelligence technology up aims to help budding gymnasts
and had hoped it would be able to and ballet dancers with a mirror
return a smash from the Olympian, that streams the movements of
Jun Mizutani. professional athletes.
“This machine now has the Using the augmented reality
ability to react to a smash by (AR) technology, would-be prima
observing the other player’s ballerinas can imitate the correct
movement,” said Masayuki techniques when practising in
Koizumi in charge of sensing front of the mirror by following
technology research at Omron, the the images of real experts.
robot’s creator. “You can consider it as a
“We hope people with advanced cyber coach,” said Fujio Tamaki,
ping pong skills will play with the founder of FunLife start-up, after
machine,” he said. demonstrating a pirouette by
SUPERFLEX: Visitors are reflected in a silver coloured swinging pendulum as they
But Mizutani appeared to have watching the teacher’s moves in lie on a huge carpet to view it, which forms part of the new installation ‘One Two
little reason to hang up his bat yet, the mirror. — AFP Three Swing!’ by Danish art collective SUPERFLEX, at the Tate Modern in London, HOVERING CLOUDS: Rain clouds gather over central Bangkok, Thailand, on
Britain, on Monday. — Reuters Monday. — Reuters
TUESDAY | OCTOBER 3, 2017 | MUHARRAM 12, 1439 AH

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Construction sector mulls major real estate projects

NEW STRATEGY: Oman Society of Contractors (OSC) looks to initiate development of two major schemes on behalf of the sector
CONRAD PRABHU have to be sold to local, regional and
“In the
MUSCAT, OCT 2 (Picture for illustration purposes only)
construction international markets. And in order
With infrastructure spending by sector, we to attract international buyers, they
the government having all but dried have started have to be given some incentives, to
up, the Sultanate’s cash-strapped by to take the make the projects more competitive,
hugely important construction section bull by the for example, price-wise, logistics-wise,
is exploring large-scale real estate horns,” Al and so on.”
development opportunities aimed at Balushi said. With many contractors having
averting what has been characterised “As there are accrued large outstandings against
as a looming “crisis” in the industry. no projects completed infrastructure projects, the
The initiative is being spearheaded from the cash-hit sector has no alternative but
by the Oman Society of Contractors governments, the idea is for us to do to explore new opportunities in order
(OSC), the umbrella grouping of some business ourselves and take to stay afloat, said Al Balushi, stressing
construction contractors and service some projects forward. We are right the importance of this industry to the
providers in the Sultanate, a top official now talking to the government to national economy.
of the non-governmental organisation give the construction sector the ability The construction sector is one
said. to do large projects. The sector will of the largest employers with a
Shahswar al Balushi, Chief go out and look for funding. The significant multiplier effect on the
Executive Officer, said the Society current initiative concerns two major wider economy, he said. Any country
is presently looking at “two major projects, details about which cannot needs a strong construction sector to
projects” that he hopes will open be discussed due to confidentiality Monday. The discussion, moderated Regulation Oman; Hatem al Shanfari, inject new business opportunities in keep the economy ticking alone. After
up business opportunities for reasons.” by well-known ex-BBC business noted economist and Chairman — the construction sector by initiating all, large infrastructure projects such
Oman-based contractors currently The revelation came during a news presenter Nima Abu Wardeh, GCBM; and Srinivas Rao Edupall, projects itself. “We are telling the as roads, airports, seaports and so on,
starved of any work in the wake of panel discussion on Public Private also included the following panelists: Project Finance & Syndication — government that the construction can be undertaken only by a dynamic
the fiscal downturn that has all but Partnerships organised as part of Pankaj Khimji, Director — Khimji Bank Sohar. sector is ready to do projects, but there construction sector, Al Balushi noted.
squeezed government investment in the OER Business Summit 2017 Ramdas; Qais al Zakwani, Executive The Oman Society of Contractors are certain conditions involved. At OER Business Summit 2017 was
infrastructure projects. held at the Sheraton Oman Hotel on Director — Authority for Electricity (OSC), Al Balushi said, is keen to help the end of the day, these projects will organised by UMS Events.

Monarch Airlines collapses;

110,000 stranded abroad

Monarch aircraft are seen parked after the airline ceased trading, at Luton airport in Britain.

LONDON: Monarch Airlines ceased priority is to help them get back to the UK,”
trading on Monday, triggering a move Transport Secretary Chris Grayling said in
by the British government to bring home a statement.
110,000 customers stranded abroad. “That is why I have immediately ordered
The British airline and its holidays the country’s biggest ever peacetime
business entered administration, with repatriation to fly about 110,000 passengers
KPMG appointed to oversee the financial who could otherwise have been left stranded
chaos. The UK’s Civil Aviation Authority abroad.”
described the situation as “the biggest ever He added: “This is an unprecedented
UK airline failure,” adding that “all future response to an unprecedented situation.”
holidays and flights provided by these Affected parties used social media to
companies have been cancelled and are no get their messages across, mirroring the
longer operating”. situation a week ago when Ryanair cancelled
It added in a statement that “the thousands of flights as it battles to overcome
government has asked the CAA to support a shortage of pilots.
Monarch customers currently abroad to get “Monarch customers in the UK: don’t
back to the UK at the end of their holiday at go to the airport. There will be no more
no extra cost to them”. Monarch flights,” the budget carrier said
The government meanwhile said that it on Twitter. Meanwhile customer Holly-Rae
was overseeing what it said was the biggest Copeland tweeted: “Just when you think
repatriation since the end of World War II. you’ve avoided ryanair’s flight cancellations,
“This is a hugely distressing situation for #monarchairlines go into administration on
British holidaymakers abroad and my first the day of your flight.” — AFP
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7

All-new 2018
with EyeSight driver assist
technology unveiled in Oman
ubaru Corporation and OTE Group unveiled greater peace of mind by maintaining low speeds on
the all-new 2018 Subaru XV in Oman downhill slopes.
recently. The car was unveiled by Makoto A 2.0-litre direct injection boxer engine has been
Inoue, General Manager, Sales & Marketing completely revamped to deliver more power and fuel
Department 1, Overseas Sales and Marketing economy.
Division 2, Subaru Corporation, Japan and The improved lineartronic transmission boosts
Shaikh Salim Saad Suhail Bahwan, in the presence of acceleration and fuel economy. As well as employing auto-
officials from Subaru Corporation, Japan and OTE Group. step shift control on all models, the Subaru XV features a
Combining a compact body with real SUV capabilities 7-speed manual mode function that allows the driver to
underpinned by Subaru’s original symmetrical AWD accelerate as desired.
system and a rugged and sporty design, the Subaru XV Noise and vibration are greatly reduced on both the
is a crossover SUV suited to a multitude of settings, from engine and transmission, for more pleasant sounds and a
urban driving to the great outdoors. dynamic feel.
The new XV offers distinctive design and enhanced Subaru’s safety performance has continuously been
drivability on poor road surfaces, while adopting the highly rated by third-party organisations.
all-new Subaru global platform to achieve world-class The new Subaru XV has adopted technologies to
collision safety and superior hazard avoidance as well as further enhance its safety including the new platform and
dramatic advances in driver-responsive handling and ride the advanced preventive safety system. The new platform
comfort. achieves a centre of gravity that is 5 mm lower than present
All-new XV has been launched in select markets across models. Together with the major improvements in rigidity
the globe and is well accepted. In Japan, orders for the all- black rear spoiler and matte-black cladding on the rear delivers ease of manoeuvrability and snappy steering. and the evolution of the suspension system, this lower
new Subaru XV surpass 10,000 units in first one month of bumper emphasises the distinctive character of the Subaru The new platform dramatically increases rigidity centre of gravity offers outstanding hazard avoidance
its launch! XV, which is equally at home in a range of settings. throughout the body and chassis and incorporates capabilities on a level with a high-performance sports car.
Design package of the all-new XV is distinctively The new model also combines the Subaru performance substantial improvements to the suspension system and Available in select trims, EyeSight, Subaru’s innovative
rugged and sporty, while remaining true to the Subaru essentials of superior aerodynamics and visibility with achieves a lower centre of gravity, bringing about highly and highly acclaimed driver assist technology, delivers
identity. Distinctive design unique to the rugged and advanced styling. The aluminium wheels feature a new responsive steering that allows drivers to control the extremely reliable preventive safety and reduces driver
sporty Subaru XV reflects Subaru’s dynamic and solid design embodying the sporty, casual, and rugged character vehicle precisely as they want. burdens through features such as pre-collision braking
design philosophy. of the Subaru XV. The eradication of unnecessary movement in handling control, adaptive cruise control and lane keep assist
The quality of interior and exterior finishes shows a New exterior paint schemes offer a choice of two offers superior straight-line stability and cornering function.
sharp eye for detail, while Subaru’s signature functionality fresh solid colours: cool gray khaki and sunshine orange. performance to grip the road surface while maintaining High beam assist technology, which uses a monocular
has been taken to all-new levels. Both tones set off the matte-black cladding to maximum the ample 220 mm road clearance required of an SUV. camera, is integrated into the interior rear view mirror. It
The Subaru look is seen in the wide and low stance advantage, spotlighting the active and functional image of Optimised frame structure and stronger joints between detects preceding and oncoming vehicles and automatically
with its sporty impression, and in the unified three- the Subaru XV. parts allow the new platform to improve overall torsional switches headlights between high and low beam. The
dimensional structure extending from the hexagonal The combination of sporty and advanced design and rigidity. This distributes the resonance and distortion automatic anti-glare function on the interior mirror uses
grille that symbolises the Subaru identity to the hawk-eye sophisticated construction delivers an interior that far throughout the body, greatly reducing vibrations from the a sensor to detect strong light from sources such as the
headlights. surpasses its class. steering wheel, floor, and seats. It achieves a quietness that headlights of following vehicles and automatically adjusts
The front face plays the role of starting point from The spacious design flows from the instrument panel goes beyond vehicle class. reflectivity to reduce glare and make night-driving safer.
which the front flows via the sides to the rear, with each through the door trim for a feeling of refinement. The The new platform increases the rigidity of the Steering responsive headlights moves the beam right
part uniting into a solid form. seats’ structures that are made more fitting to the bodies suspension mounting, improving the absorption of the or left when turning at corners and intersections to
The rich inflection of the character line extending from of passengers have been revamped to far surpass the suspension without warping the body of the car, and illuminate the direction of travel. The Subaru XV employs
the front fender to the door panels and rear shoulder, and quality of its class. Moreover, breathable seat covering and providing a smooth and comfortable drive. the two headlight controls for the first time, dramatically
the line rising energetically towards the rear from the lower varying shades of gray emphasise the active character of By mounting the rear stabiliser directly to the body, improving night-time visibility and recognition
door panel, give dynamism to the solid body surface. the Subaru XV. the new platform reduces the body roll of the vehicle capabilities of EyeSight.
The powerfully extended fender flares express the In the centre of the instrument panel is an 8.0-inch significantly. The Subaru rear vehicle detection has been newly
reliability of Subaru all-wheel drive. The matte-black touch-screen display for the infotainment system, which The steering gear ratio has been quickened, further employed, offering blind spot detection, lane change
cladding running from the front bumper over the wheel can connect with smartphones. enhancing the Subaru XV’s characteristic strengths as an assistance and reversing assistance to enhance all-round
arches and side sills to the rear bumper creates a dynamic The multifunction display offers a comprehensive SUV with agile manoeuvrability. Active torque vectoring preventive safety.
form expressing all the enjoyment to be expected from a range of content. New screen design clearly communicates enhances turning and steering performance. An electronic Subaru has a strong presence in the passenger vehicles
crossover vehicle. fun, useful information to all passengers. Detailed orange parking brake boosts convenience. category in Oman and the current line-up of Subaru
The rear combination lights sharing the same motif stitching on the instrument panel complements the quality In addition to Subaru’s unique symmetrical AWD include Impreza, Legacy, Forester, Outback, XV and
as the headlights express a wide and low stance similar feel while expressing the model’s active character. system, the new Subaru XV is equipped with x-mode, WRX models.
to the front. The tightened cabin silhouette and powerful In addition to the enhanced interior design, signature capable of enhancing driving performance on poor roads OTE Group is the distributor for Subaru in Oman with
shoulders thrusting above the rear combination lights Subaru functionalities have been further strengthened through optimised integrated control of engine, four- sales and aftersales outlets spread across the Sultanate,
create a nimble, sporty design. including the excellent all-round visibility, spacious cabin, wheel drive, braking, and other functions on slippery offering excellent service. For more details on Subaru,
Its contrast with the rugged flavour imparted by the and cargo room. A new, smaller-diameter steering wheel surfaces. The hill descent control setting gives drivers please call 800 50004 (toll free).

Chinese investments in Duqm

T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7 15
Bank Muscat launches Sayyarati offer to mark National Day
SEZ under detailed design MUSCAT: Bank Muscat, the flagship financial services provider in
the Sultanate, has launched an attractive Sayyarati vehicle finance
coinciding with the 47th National Day celebrations. The feature-rich
AMBITIOUS HUB: Investors seeking competitively price gas as Sayyarati finance is available at a low interest rate of 4.7 per cent.
Guaranteeing the fastest turnaround, the popular Sayyarati
feedstock for petrochemical industries package includes financing up to 8 years for new and used vehicles,
the lowest monthly payment option, on-the-spot approvals and
option for motor insurance funding with the lowest monthly payment in the market. Customers are not required to
furnish post-dated cheques, making Sayyarati the easy, convenient and completely hassle-free way to own a new car.
Notably, Sayyarati finance can be obtained from all Bank Muscat branches spread across Oman and exclusive
All 10 industrial and petrochemical Sayyarati Centre at Wattayah. Customers can also apply for Sayyarati finance through Saed sales unit.
projects earmarked for development Abdullah Tamman al Mashani, DGM — Institutional Sales & Product Development, said, “Unique in all aspects
at the China-Oman Industrial Park with unparalleled benefits, Sayyarati is the preferred vehicle finance facility in Oman for both citizens and expatriates.
in the Duqm Special Economic Zone The National Day offer includes various unique benefits, making it quicker, easier and more affordable to own one’s
(SEZ) are currently under detailed dream vehicle. Oman is home to the world’s best known automobile brands.”
design, according to the head of
the consortium overseeing the
implementation of the ambitious hub.
Ali Shah (pictured), CEO of
OQIC attracts investor the relationships
we have built in the
Wanfang LLC, said the design of interest in Salalah Dhofar region, and
the projects — which include a it is only right for us
mega methanol and methanol-to- was still an these industries. So if we do not have FOLLOWING the successful investor roadshow held to extend our IPO
olefins (MTO) scheme, major power issue. competitively priced gas, we cannot in Muscat, Oman Qatar Insurance Company SAOG offer to our partners,
plant, world-scale solar equipment ‘We would go to the investors,” he said. (under transformation) — OQIC, held a dinner meeting customers and other
manufacturing facility, oilfield goods want gas for Ahead of the start of actual with investors from the Dhofar region in Salalah on stakeholders in
and pipeline plants, and a sprawling our heavy construction work on the projects, September 26, 2017. The meeting was well attended by a Salalah and other
hospitality venture — will lead to sub- industries, Oman Wanfang is currently large group comprising institutional investors and high adjoining places.
usufruct agreements being inked with and although developing the infrastructure and net worth individuals who expressed strong interest in It is our way of
the individual investors. Khazzan gas utilities across the sprawling park, the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of OQIC. expressing our gratitude to our customers and partners
Invited to comment on the status of has now come said Ali Shah. “Right now, we are Elaborating on the extension of their IPO campaign that have made us successful over the years. I am
the massive undertaking, which will on stream, there is no commitment yet doing the land levelling, roads, water to Salalah, Navin Kumar, CEO — OQIC said, “As a extremely pleased with the interest and enthusiasm
see up to $10.7 billion of investment for gas from the Omani side’, he said. and electricity utilities, and corridors. leading insurance company in the country, we serve that we witnessed, both in our meetings in Salalah
flowing into the hub, Ali Shah said Later, speaking to the Observer, We are working closely with SEZAD a large base of loyal customers in the Dhofar region and in Muscat, which truly underlines the persuasive
Oman Wanfang, the main developer Ali Shah noted that some of the large to achieve these goals.” through our strategic presence in Salalah. We value investment case we have in the OQIC IPO.”
of the 1,172 hectare industrial park at petrochemical plants planned at the Lined up for initial development
the SEZ, was working closely with the China-Oman Industrial Park would in the heavy industrial zone, the
SEZ Authority at Duqm (SEZAD) to require gas as feedstock for their Chairman said, is a mega methanol- Second generation of Audi Q5, SQ5 arrives in the Middle East
take the initiative through to fruition. operations. The investors in question, to-olefin (MTO) plant alongside a
Speaking at the OER Business he explained, are not expecting giant greenfield methanol scheme AUDI presents another two successful models: The new Q5 and SQ5 are now
Summit, organised by UMS Events, natural gas for “cheap”, but rather at a promoted by Chinese petrochemicals available in the Middle East markets including Bahrain, KSA, Kuwait, Oman,
on Monday, he however noted that “competitive price”. corporation Mingyuan Holdings Qatar, UAE, Lebanon and Jordan. The SUV with the four rings combines the
the lack of commitment towards the “We are talking about gas not as Group Co Ltd with an investment of sportiness of an Audi sedan with a multifaceted character of an SUV and a
allocation of gas for the 10 projects a fuel resource but as feedstock for around $2.3 billion. highly flexible interior. Whether its connectivity, efficiency or driver assistance
systems — the new Audi Q5 and SQ5 once again set standards in its segment.
“The first Audi Q5 was for many years the world’s best-selling SUV in its
class. It was no easy task to design its successor, but that is precisely why it is

Meethaq inks RO 31.5 million deal so very exciting,” says Rupert Stadler, Chairman of the Board of Management
at Audi AG. “With the new Q5 we are setting the bar a notch higher. Among
the great innovations are the quattro drive system with ultra technology, highly efficient engine, the air suspension

to finance A’Saffa Foods expansion with damper control and a comprehensive line-up of infotainment and assistance systems.”
The new SUV from Audi takes a sporty and taut stance on the street. A sculpturally flared single frame grille with
a solid frame dominates its aerodynamically flat front end. It is available with headlights that are either in LED or
high-resolution Matrix LED technology with dynamic turn lights.
A’Saffa Foods SAOG, Oman’s largest fully integrated SalamAir introduces flight to capital at
poultry and processed food producer and Bank Muscat’s 20:00.
Islamic Banking window Meethaq, signed on Sunday Dubai International Airport Captain
an agreement covering RO 31.5 Million in financing Mohamed
facilities to fund the expansion of A’Saffa Foods. SALAMAIR, Oman’s first budget airline, will start Ahmed,
Dr Nasser Zahir al Maawali — CEO of A’Saffa Foods operating daily flights to Dubai International Airport CEO of
SAOG, and Sulaiman al Harthy, Deputy Chief Executive (DXB) on October 8, 2017. With prices starting from SalamAir,
Officer from Meethaq Islamic Banking, signed the just under RO 49 (return), guests can now book their said “The addition of flights to DXB is in response to
financing agreement at a ceremony that was held at the both A’Saffa Foods and Bank Muscat. tickets on our guests’ requests and the growing demand for an
Bank Muscat Headquarters in Seeb, in the presence The massive expansion project will double the The new route will complement SalamAir’s current affordable alternative to this popular destination. Dubai
of Shaikh Rashid al Saadi; Chairman of A’Saffa Foods; production capacity of A’Saffa Foods from the current flight to Al Maktoum International Airport until October International Airport is one of the most prominent
Rafique Chaudhary — CFO; Sidhartha Lenka — Head capacity of 20 million birds per annum production to 40 28 when the airline has set plans re-route all flights to hubs in the region and we are in negotiations with some
of Marketing & Sales, and senior management from million birds per annum. DXB. SalamAir will be operating daily morning and of the city’s tourism and business attraction to offer our
evening services to and from Terminal 2 with the first guests even more value-added services. This new route
flight departing Muscat at 8:30 and departing DXB at will not only capitalise on Dubai’s wider international
10:50. The evening flight is scheduled to depart Muscat network and economic position but also further
Ooredoo at 17:30 and depart DXB heading back to the Sultanate’s increase the connectivity between Oman and UAE.”

continues Ford’s attractive offer ending soon

long distance
IF you are in search of a Ford vehicle or have desired a Built
bundles offer Ford Tough four wheel drive, then now is the time to make the
most of it. Ford Oman, is offering customers an opportunity
to own a Ford with offers that best suit them. Option one —
discounts from 8 per cent up to 35 per cent; or option two —
0 per cent interest for 4 years plus cash gift from RO 300 to
RO 3000. (Conditions apply. Please visit Ford showroom for
details). This offer will end on October 5, 2017. So rush to a
Ford showroom today. World over, Ford vehicles have been renowned for their technological advancements and
unparalleled safety features. Their renewed focus on eye-catching designs too have a played a large role in making
MUSCAT: Delivering
Ford vehicles a joy to own.
even greater value with
every call, Ooredoo gives In Oman, customers can choose from the Ford Figo, Focus, Fusion, Taurus and Mustang in the passenger car
customers the ability to range and the EcoSport, Escape, Edge, Explorer, Expedition, Ranger and F-150 in the SUV range.
talk more for less with Ford’s peppy compact sedan, Figo, is a popular choice for customers who desire the most out of a car for much
their long-distance and less. Figo is offered in three trim levels: entry-level Ambiente, mid-level Trend and top-of-the-line Titanium.
cost-effective international
The new tariffs apply to
some of the most popular
Startup Grind hosts Louis still considering
to be one of
calling destinations for
Omani residents including Lebbos of AstroLabs the SMEs in
Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, the MENA
Indonesia, Sri Lanka, STARTUP Oman (, the region. Louis’s
Philippines, Ethiopia, Egypt, Sultanate’s only online platform created by entrepreneurs current work is
Yemen, Tanzania, Sudan, for entrepreneurs and the designated chapter of Startup aimed towards
Kenya and the GCC’s five
Grind in Oman, has hosted Startup Grind on September enabling
other member states.
Feras al Sheikh 27. Featured on Startup Grind’s stage was Louis entrepreneurs
(pictured), Director Lebbos, a founding member of AstroLabs. AstroLabs and helping
of Consumer Sales at is the region’s premier co-working space and learning them reach their full potential by mentoring them and
Ooredoo, said, “With a academy for digital technology companies. Their providing them with the space, tools and coaching they
considerable amount of our mission is to create a thriving technology ecosystem in need at AstroLabs.
customers regularly calling the MENA region. Over 80 entrepreneurs, students and young
international destinations,
Prior to his work with AstroLabs, Lebbos launched professionals joined the event at Innovation Factory
this is an opportunity for
them to enrich their lives Namshi, an online fashion shopping website that grew space in Knowledge Oasis to hear Lebbos’s story to
with savings every time to become the region’s biggest fashion online shop and is entrepreneurship.
they call their loved ones.”

T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7

Euro ruffled by Spanish vote; Asia data cheer stocks

S&P 500 rose 0.11 per cent.
Australia’s main index jumped 1
per cent, while Japan’s Nikkei inched
up 0.14 per cent after a survey of
manufacturers produced the strongest
Oil prices edge lower
sentiment reading in a decade.
China’s manufacturing activity
grew at the fastest pace since 2012 in
after strong third-quarter
September as factories cranked up TOKYO: Oil prices edged lower
output to take advantage of strong on Monday in early Asian trading,
demand and high prices. pausing for breath after posting
The official Purchasing Managers’ gains of as much as 20 per cent in
Index (PMI) released on Saturday the third quarter, after a survey
rose to 52.4 in September, from 51.7 pointed to a slight increase in Opec
in August. “This was the first time new production in September.
orders beat output this year, suggesting US crude was down 2 cents at
a potential ‘excess demand’ to some $51.65 a barrel at 0057 GMT.
extent,” an analysts at ANZ said. “It The US benchmark on Friday A worker fills a car with gasoline at a
also provides upside risk for Q3 GDP posted its strongest quarterly gain gas station in Rio de Janeiro. — AFP
and our forecast of 6.7 per cent for since the second quarter of 2016
2017.” and the longest streak of weekly operations after shutdowns due to
Brokers chat inside the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) in Makati, Philippines. — Reuters Higher memory chip and steel gains since January. Hurricane Harvey.
product sales helped South Korea’s Global benchmark, Brent crude But oil output from the
SYDNEY: The euro took a knock in Madrid with a huge challenge to calm choose former Federal Reserve exports surge 35 per cent year-on-year for December delivery, was down 6 Organization of Petroleum
Asia on Monday as investors kept an tensions in the region. Governor Kevin Warsh to head the to a record in September, notching cents at $56.73 a barrel. Exporting Countries rose last
anxious eye on an independence vote The situation was fluid, with the central bank. the longest stretch of expansion since On Friday, Brent for November month by 50,000 barrels per day
in Spain’s Catalonia, while surprisingly head of the regional government Warsh is considered more hawkish 2011. delivery closed 13 cents higher at (bpd), a survey found, as Iraqi
strong economic news out of China opening the door to a potential than current chair Janet Yellen so his China’s central bank also cut the $57.54 a barrel, notching up a third- exports increased and production
and Japan offered support to equities declaration of independence from appointment might lead to faster hikes amount of cash that some banks must quarter gain of around 20 per cent, edged higher in Libya, one of the
and commodities. Spain. in interest rates. hold as reserves for the first time since the biggest gain in five quarters. producers exempt from a deal to
The euro fell 0.3 per cent after Dealers emphasised there had The risk was enough to nudge February 2016 in a bid to encourage It was the biggest third-quarter curb output and support prices.
the violence-marred vote to trade at been no major selling of euros as yet yields on two-year Treasuries up to more lending to struggling smaller increase since 2004. Middle Eastern oil producers
$1.1773, though European bourses and neither was there any flow to 1.503 per cent, ground not visited firms and energise its lacklustre private The contract reached its are concerned the recent price rise
seemed less troubled with financial safe havens, with investors reserving since late 2008. sector. highest in more than two years will only stir US shale producers
bookmakers pointing to small opening judgement. Asian shares were faring better than All of which was considered early last week, and posted its fifth into more drilling and push prices
gains for the major indices. As a result, the dollar was firmer bonds after upbeat economic data positive for commodity demand. consecutive weekly gain. lower again.
Spanish police used batons on the Japanese yen at 112.86 and up from China, Japan and South Korea Copper enjoyed its fifth consecutive It was Brent’s longest weekly bull US energy companies added
and rubber bullets to thwart an 0.3 per cent on a basket of currencies augured well for a sustained pickup in quarterly gain on expectations of run since June 2016. oil rigs for the first week in seven
independence vote in Catalonia at 93.349. Gold eased in response to global growth. strong demand from top metals The price gains have been after a 14-month drilling recovery
on Sunday in a show of force that $1,274.24. MSCI’s broadest index of Asia- consumer China. Three-month copper supported by anticipated demand stalled in August, energy services
left hundreds injured, according The dollar was aided by speculation Pacific shares outside Japan added 0.27 rose a further 0.8 per cent on Monday from US refiners resuming firm Baker Hughes said. — Reuters
to Catalan officials, and presented President Donald Trump might per cent, while E-Mini futures for the to stand at $6,534 a tonne. — Reuters

MUSCAT SECURITIES MARKET US delivers first crude oil shipment to India
NEW DELHI: The first shipment of US crude oil to India arrived at Paradip Port in
MSM Daily Bulletin As on 02/10/2017 Odisha, as part of the two million barrels contracted by India.
The shipment follows recent commitments to US oil purchases by Indian Oil
Regular Market
Corporation (IOC) and Bharat Petroleum (BPCL), both of which have placed orders for
ISIN Security Name Volume Turnover Trades Open Price High Low
Diff %
Market Cap over 2 million barrels from the US. US crude oil shipments to India have the potential
OM0000003026 OMAN TELECOMMUNICATION 685,752 925,459 95 1.300 1.360 1.300 1.350 1.300 0.050 3.846 1.360 1.360 1.365 0.100 1,012,500,000 to boost bilateral trade by up to $2 billion.
OM0000003968 OOREDOO 886,824 449,867 83 0.490 0.514 0.490 0.508 0.490 0.018 3.673 0.510 0.504 0.510 0.100 330,679,669 The shipment at Paradip was met by US Consul General to Hyderabad, Katherine
OM0000002796 BANK MUSCAT 1,108,923 436,055 67 0.390 0.396 0.390 0.394 0.392 0.002 0.510 0.394 0.394 0.396 0.100 1,067,488,570 Hadda; Joint Secretary for International Cooperation from the Ministry for Petroleum
OM0000001483 NATIONAL BANK OF OMAN 5,100 1,061 2 0.208 0.208 0.208 0.208 0.207 0.001 0.483 0.208 0.206 0.208 0.100 322,092,231 and Natural Gas, Sunjay Sudhir; and Joint Secretary, Americas Division, from the
OM0000001087 1,825,000 20 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.000 0.000 0.340 0.340 0.358 0.100 34,000,000
The sign of Walt Disney Studios Park Ministry of External Affairs, Munu Mahawar. This is one of the first shipments to India
OM0000001400 233 1 0.840 0.840 0.840 0.932 0.000 0.000 0.840 0.000 0.932 0.100 146,790,000
is seen at the entrance at Disneyland since the United States stopped oil exports in 1975.
RAYSUT CEMENT 18,878 0.912
OM0000001418 20,700 4 0.912 0.912 0.912 0.912 0.000 0.000 0.912 0.000 0.912 0.100 182,400,000
Paris, in this file photo. — Reuters MaryKay Carlson, Chargé d’Affaires at the US Embassy in New Delhi said, “This
OM0000001517 HSBC BANK OMAN 4,055 453 3 0.112 0.112 0.111 0.120 0.120 0.000 0.000 0.111 0.111 0.112 0.100 240,037,535

OM0000001962 AL MADINA INVESTMENT 657,000 40,907 20 0.063 0.063 0.061 0.062 0.062 0.000 0.000 0.062 0.061 0.063 0.100 12,843,386
event marks a significant milestone in the growing partnership between the United
States and India. The US and India are elevating our cooperation in the field of

















Walt Disney and energy, including plans for cleaner fossil fuels, renewables, nuclear, and cutting edge
storage and energy efficiency technologies. We look forward to working together on


















32,600,000 Altice USA reach further sales of US crude and exploring opportunities to expand the role of natural
OM0000001160 NATIONAL GAS 32,113 9,238 6 0.290 0.290 0.285 0.288 0.290 -0.002 -0.690 0.285 0.276 0.285 0.100 17,280,000 gas in India.”

















deal that avoids During their June 26 meeting in Washington, President Donald Trump and Prime
Minister Narendra Modi committed to expanding and elevating bilateral energy

















ESPN blackout cooperation through a Strategic Energy Partnership. — IANS
OM0000001772 AL ANWAR HOLDING 534,870 80,294 25 0.152 0.152 0.150 0.150 0.153 -0.003 -1.961 0.150 0.149 0.150 0.100 30,000,000


OM0000002168 150,263 17 0.135 0.136 0.132 0.138 -0.004 -2.899 0.132 0.132 0.134 0.100 39,692,633
LOS ANGELES: Walt Disney Co and
Total 20 9,415,802 3,029,158 534
cable operator Altice USA reached
a tentative programming deal that
Parallel Market keeps ESPN and other networks
ISIN Security Name Volume Turnover Trades Open Price High Low
Prev. Diff
Diff %
Last Last Last Par
Market Cap in the homes of millions of New
Close (RO) Pr Bid Offer Value
OM0000001152 OMAN NATIONAL ENGINE. INVT. 1,991,855 330,510 147 0.161 0.172 0.160 0.166 0.157 0.009 5.732 0.171 0.170 0.171 0.100 16,600,000
York-area pay TV customers, the
OM0000006920 VISION INSURANCE 15,000 2,140 2 0.143 0.143 0.142 0.143 0.142 0.001 0.704 0.142 0.143 0.145 0.100 14,300,000 companies said in a statement on
OM0000001590 MUSCAT FINANCE 31,800 3,593 3 0.113 0.113 0.113 0.113 0.113 0.000 0.000 0.113 0.112 0.113 0.100 32,248,581 Sunday.
OM0000001681 OMAN AND EMIRATES INV. HOLDING 180,586 15,530 9 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.000 0.000 0.086 0.085 0.086 0.100 10,481,250 Disney and Altice have been
OM0000001889 SALALAH MILLS 500 600 1 1.200 1.200 1.200 1.330 1.330 0.000 0.000 1.200 0.000 1.290 0.100 64,056,875 sparring over how much the cable
OM0000002267 GULF MUSHROOM PRODUCTS 5,000 1,530 1 0.306 0.306 0.306 0.306 0.306 0.000 0.000 0.306 0.000 0.306 0.100 11,573,830 operator would pay to continue
OM0000002549 BANK DHOFAR 91,203 19,428 4 0.215 0.215 0.210 0.213 0.213 0.000 0.000 0.210 0.205 0.213 0.100 434,869,641
carrying ESPN, ABC and other
OM0000002820 GULF INVESTMENT SERVICES 8,572 711 1 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.000 0.000 0.083 0.080 0.083 0.100 4,883,987
channels on its Optimum cable
OM0000003521 GALFAR ENGINEERING AND CON. 6,269,457 589,133 234 0.096 0.097 0.092 0.094 0.094 0.000 0.000 0.093 0.092 0.093 0.100 27,258,180

OM0000003711 SOHAR POWER 1,905,230 333,407 2 0.159 0.175 0.159 0.159 0.159 0.000 0.000 0.159 0.157 0.000 0.100 35,140,590
service. Both sides are under pressure
OM0000004420 BANK NIZWA 930,640 84,797 33 0.091 0.092 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.000 0.000 0.092 0.091 0.092 0.100 136,500,000
from cord cutting, or dropping of
OM0000004735 SEMBCORP SALALAH 343,630 76,295 6 0.222 0.223 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.000 0.000 0.223 0.223 0.229 0.100 211,914,973
pay TV service, as audiences flock to
OM0000004925 AL BATINAH POWER 25,542 3,320 5 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.000 0.000 0.130 0.130 0.135 0.100 87,735,366 cheaper streaming services.
OM0000004933 AL SUWADI POWER 12,255 1,691 2 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.000 0.000 0.138 0.136 0.138 0.100 98,588,075 “We have reached an agreement
OM0000006912 AL AHLIA INSURANCE 41,769 13,089 20 0.312 0.314 0.312 0.314 0.314 0.000 0.000 0.314 0.314 0.318 0.100 31,400,000 in principle and have extended the
OM0000002200 AHLI BANK 105,000 17,535 3 0.167 0.167 0.167 0.167 0.168 -0.001 -0.595 0.167 0.164 0.167 0.100 237,981,036 deadline accordingly to try and
OM0000004511 ALIZZ ISLAMIC BANK 430,245 30,018 21 0.071 0.071 0.069 0.070 0.071 -0.001 -1.408 0.071 0.069 0.071 0.100 70,000,000 finalise the terms,” a joint statement A man talks on a phone in front of Reliance Communications logo in Kolkata,
OM0000001145 PORT SERVICES CORPORATION 25,800 5,278 5 0.204 0.206 0.204 0.205 0.208 -0.003 -1.442 0.206 0.195 0.206 0.100 19,483,200
from the companies said. India. Indian billionaire Anil Ambani’s Reliance Communications has called off a
OM0000001566 OMAN FISHERIES 540,542 59,239 27 0.112 0.112 0.108 0.110 0.112 -0.002 -1.786 0.108 0.107 0.108 0.100 13,750,000
The deal came as Disney was merger deal with smaller rival Aircel over “legal and regulatory uncertainties”,
OM0000003224 RENAISSANCE SERVICES 270,000 60,750 11 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.233 -0.008 -3.433 0.225 0.220 0.227 0.100 82,636,369

Total 20 13,224,626 1,648,596 537

preparing to pull its networks from throwing its debt repayment plans into doubt. — AFP
Optimum. That could have deprived
customers from seeing Tuesday’s
Under Monitoring Market

ISIN Security Name Volume Turnover Trades Open Price High Low
Diff %
Market Cap
baseball playoff game between
the Minnesota Twins and New York Oona seals alliance with Telkom Indonesia
OM0000001368 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS IND. 20,000 600 1 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.031 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.030 0.031 0.100 2,635,000 Yankees as well as “Monday Night
Total 1 20,000 600 1 Football” and other programming. A SINGAPORE: Oona, the company behind the cutting-edge OTT Oona Mobile App
blackout could have sent customers that can deliver exciting content and live TV to millions of people in developing
Bonds and Sukuk Market fleeing to other options. countries via 3G and 4G connectivity, has recently fulfilled a key milestone by signing
ISIN Security Name Volume Turnover Trades Open Price High Low
Close Prev. Diff
Diff %
Last Last Last Par
Market Cap
Disney secured fee increases for a partnership with the world’s largest telecom company, Telkom Indonesia.
Pr. Close (RO) Pr Bid Offer Value
ESPN, local affiliate WABC and other Both companies share the same dynamic vision and drive to offer high quality
OM0000005971 B.MUSCAT COMPL. CONVR. B.B.3.5 281,692 29,578 2 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.000 0.000 0.105 0.105 0.110 0.100 34,036,969

OM0000004628 BANK SOHAR BONDS 4.5 893 85 1 0.095 0.095 0.095 0.095 0.100 -0.005 -5.000 0.095 0.095 0.000 0.100 2,264,167
major networks, according to sources free entertainment to emerging markets including the 135,000,000 plus Indonesians
Total 2 282,585 29,662 3
familiar with the talks who requested who will be able to enjoy free mobile TV anytime, anywhere, with Oona from
anonymity because the negotiations December of this year.
were private. Recently, at the partnership ceremony in Jakarta, Indonesia, the CEO and
Trading Summary
The amount of the increases founder of Oona, entrepreneur, Christophe Hochart, expressed his delight at the full
Volume Turnover Trades Market Cap. Up Down Equal Sec. Traded was not disclosed. Altice said in collaboration between the two parties, noting that this kind of co-operation can be a
22,943,013 4,708,017 1,075 17,943,957,130 6 14 23 43 September it had offered to pay starting point leading to a more substantial partnership in the future.
higher fees but called Disney’s Joddy Hernady, SVP of Media and Digital Business Telkom Indonesia, said that he
Indecies Nationalities Trading proposal at the time “outrageous.” hoped it would be a long life partnership. Hochart is also the founder and group CEO
Index High Low Value Prev.
Diff Diff % Nationality Buy %
Buy %
Sell %
Sell %
Altice USA is the fourth-largest of technology start ups, and
MSM30 Index 5,190.68 5,152.14 5,186.20 5,155.56 30.64 0.59 OMANIS 90.59 % 88.97 % 91.37 % 90.06 % US cable operator, formed by He has also built up an extensive technology portfolio which has enabled
Financial Index 7,500.30 7,483.18 7,483.18 7,493.43 -10.25 -0.14 GCC 1.97 % 2.17 % 4.50 % 4.59 % Netherlands-based Altice NV through the execution of various business transformation projects that he has acted as a
Industrial Index 7,104.41 7,064.61 7,064.61 7,091.86 -27.25 -0.38 ARABS 2.63 % 1.60 % 1.56 % 1.61 % its acquisitions of Cablevision — consultant for over the past decade. Hochart is extremely confident that the sky
Services Index 2,585.08 2,565.00 2,567.92 2,564.86 3.06 0.12 OTHERS 4.80 % 7.26 % 2.57 % 3.74 % now Optimum — and Suddenlink is no longer the limit when it comes to the developing market, its rise in mobile
MSM SHARIAH INDEX 758.58 753.65 758.10 754.72 3.38 0.45
Communications. — Reuters entertainment, the very low cost of data, and his own unique strategies. — Reuters

T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7 17
Pressure on Ireland for lack of women in boardrooms
ith the issue of equality of sexes on the A further 45 per cent said there was approach.

increase, companies all over are under no rotation system in place for board Yet for many, appointment based on
pressure to increase the number of The ‘who you know’ culture which was so prevalent membership. merit continues to be the key driver to
senior female staff on their boards. and damaging in the period leading up to the financial The report also found an apparent securing a board position.
It comes as no surprise that corporate lack of understanding among directors However, 44 per cent of men believe
boards in Ireland — as indeed elsewhere
crisis, dominates the appointment process, with a as to who is responsible for board there is an insufficient pool of suitably
— are lacking in diversity. tendency by boards to appoint directors who are in diversity. qualified women for board positions.
But what is of real concern is that their own contacts It is not the chairperson but the Thus in so many instances, women
little action is being taken at board level board as a whole that should take do not even come into consideration, as
to address this. responsibility for delivering on board boards either don’t know where to find
As European Union regulations came making processes associated with enhancing company performance, one diversity and take action to address them or fail to look beyond their own
into effect last month, requiring large group-think. needs to see an endorsement of diversity imbalances through the implementation peer group.
listed companies to disclose information The recent controversies regarding that goes beyond mere recognition of its of formal policies which are regularly Women need to take a more active
relating to board diversity policies, executive pay equality at the BBC and merits, with boards developing policies monitored. role in this regard and seek to increase
many boards in Ireland remain male- RTE (Irish station) have brought the to promote diversity and inclusion, with The IoD report found very low their visibility.
dominated comprising directors who gender debate into focus. proper targets. levels of female representation on The value of a balanced board is
have similar backgrounds, qualifications When it comes to Ireland’s So many companies are quick to private boards in Ireland, with more significant and greater effort is needed to
and skills. boardrooms, women are losing out to promote their commitments to diversity than a quarter of respondents surveyed source candidates, through independent
Private companies, in particular, are men at a ratio of almost three to one. in the workforce, yet this commitment reporting less than 10 per cent female appointment practices, who can offer
now lagging behind the public sector Unconscious bias, interlocking and leadership are often absent at board membership on their board and more diverse perspectives and bring distinct
when it comes to board diversity. directorships and lack of access to level. In many regulated and State than two-thirds reporting less than 30 contributions and challenge to board
The ‘who you know’ culture which networks all contribute to preventing environments, board diversity policies per cent female representation. decision-making.
was so prevalent and damaging in the women from getting a seat at the board are a governance requirement. Gender targets have been more It is time that boards recognise these
period leading up to the financial crisis, table. However, according to a recent successful in the UK increasing the benefits and take action.
dominates the appointment process, The pace of change in achieving Diversity in the Boardroom report by the number of women on boards. They must show leadership in driving
with a tendency by boards to appoint gender balance on boards is not good Institute of Directors in Ireland (IoD), In Ireland, as a consequence of the the diversity agenda and putting the
directors who are in their own contacts. enough, with female representation at a 70 per cent of the directors surveyed, the new regime for appointments to State policies and practices in place to bring
Informal networks and personal far from optimum level. largest proportion of whom represented boards, progress has clearly been made, about meaningful change.
connections drive homogeneity, limit While business leaders often extol the private companies, said their board had with the current figure of just under 40 (The author is our foreign
ANDY JALIL the potential for diversity of thought benefits of a diverse board as being good no diversity or admitted that they didn’t per cent female representation on State correspondent based in the UK. He can
and expose boards to the risky decision- for business, improving effectiveness and know whether it did or not. boards lending credence to such an be reached at


Australian realtors hope new

rules don’t spoil Golden Week
ustralia’s real estate industry is hoping recent rule changes for

foreign buyers haven’t dimmed Chinese appetites too much, as they
eagerly awaited an influx of big-spending tourists during China’s
Golden Week holiday which began on Sunday.
Chinese vacationers, six million of whom travelled overseas
during last year’s Golden Week, have become increasingly
important to Australia.
In the year through June they accounted for almost a quarter of
the $31.8 billion spent by foreign holiday makers in the country,
while only accounting for less than one-sixth of the total number
of visitors.
As Golden Week began on Sunday, Australia’s real estate agents
prepared to roll out the red carpet for cashed-up Chinese visitors,
offering them helicopter rides and limousine tours to show off
prestige properties in the A$10 million to A$25 million range.
Michael Pallier, managing director of Sydney Sotheby’s
International Realty, said just a few deals stemming from Golden
People ride escalators inside a shopping mall in Florida, USA. — Reuters
Week alone could translate to A$40 million ($31.33 million) in
sales for his business as people who have flown in to visit family

N Korea? Trump? Americans keep calm and shop take a look at property while they are in the country.
Pallier, who wines and dines Chinese investors and chauffeurs
them round in a Rolls Royce Phantom, said tax increases and rule
changes aimed at restricting foreign buyers had made the market
at George Washington University, the becomes a refuge for us here in the US.” more difficult.
deadly violence at a far-right march in Confident consumers with rising “There’s not the amount of activity say from two years ago
onsumer sentiment in the United States Charlottesville, Virginia in August was incomes spend more. because of what’s happened,” Pallier said.

is riding high on a tide of good economic “not a major enough event to influence Consumer spending is a prime driver Australia’s two most populous states, New South Wales and
news, despite political turmoil at home the national psyche or interrupt economic of growth in the world’s largest economy Victoria, have this year increased their surcharges on home sales
and inflamed geopolitical tensions abroad. trends.” and Curtin estimates it will grow by 2.6 for foreign investors, while the national government announced
Analysts say consumers remain per cent this year and in the first half of fines for foreign owners who leave properties vacant for at least six
confident despite catastrophic storms, 2018. months of the year.
deepening political alienation, violent Consumer spending But according to Berkowitz, a few Real estate agents reported an instant response from Chinese
marches and talk of war — things that is a prime driver of weeks of rising gasoline or grocery prices investors.
might otherwise make households cut could reverse the trend and “contribute to Daryl Guppy, president of the Australia China Business Council
growth in the world’s an overall sense that the economy, and the
spending and hunker down for safety — Northern Territory said China’s new capital controls restricting
because such events are far from their day- largest economy and it is nation itself, are sputtering.” overseas investment meant Australia had to compete harder.
to-day economic lives. estimated it will grow by Berkowitz said it would be wise to wait “If it’s difficult to get your money out then you’ll go to places
“In the past year, there has been 2.6 per cent this year and before concluding that current confidence where it’s easier to spend, and Australia is no longer on that list,”
a long list of issues that could have levels are sustainable. he said.
derailed consumer confidence, including
in the first half of 2018 “I would say stick around and see what Chinese travellers, who spent $261 billion overseas last year, are
the unprecedented partisan divide, happens,” he added. also increasingly opting for ‘staycations’ and making more holiday
North Korea, Charlottesville, as well as Tom Smith of the University of trips within China. — Reuters
the hurricanes,” Richard Curtin, chief Consumers do have reasons to be Chicago’s National Opinion Research
economist at the University of Michigan’s optimistic. Center said consumer sentiment surveys
Surveys of Consumers, said in a statement. The economy grew by 3.1 per cent were narrowly focused and should not
Curtin released the university’s twice- in the second quarter, its fastest pace in obscure broader public opinion.
monthly index of consumer sentiment, nearly two years, and unemployment, “Given the objective economic situation
which slipped 1.6 points between August currently estimated at 4.4 per cent, is at and the narrow focus of the measures you
and September but remained elevated historically low levels. mention, I am not surprised that they had
even though three hurricanes had struck The economic devastation of generally been positive,” he said.
US territory in the space of a month. Hurricanes Harvey, which slammed into “But the other measures tell us that
“Confidence has nonetheless remained Florida and Southeast Texas in a two-week these consumer confidence measures are
very favourable,” he said. period, “was quite small and has already only part of the larger picture.”
In the first nine months of the year, the begun to fade,” according to Curtin. President Donald Trump’s current
index even hit its highest level in 17 years. For the fourth straight month, public approval is among the lowest of any
“One of the reasons Americans can be consumers also reported improving modern US president.
optimistic is the extent to which many of personal finances, he added. “Even with a small recent uptick it is
these events have not affected what they Two thirds of homeowners surveyed, and has been low by historical standards,”
are able to do and what they are not,” the highest level in ten years, also reported Smith said.
Frederick Wherry, a professor of sociology rising property values. Most American voters, or 56 per cent,
at Princeton University, said. “Historically people enter the say Donald Trump is not fit to be president,
According to Edward Berkowitz, marketplace as a place for practicing our according to a Quinnipiac University Poll Chinese tourists take pictures of themselves standing in front of the Sydney Opera
professor of history and public policy freedom,” said Wherry. “The marketplace released last week. — AFP House in Sydney, Australia. — Reuters
TUESDAY | OCTOBER 3, 2017 | MUHARRAM 12, 1439 AH

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”‘‘•™‹–Š‹–•ˆƒ…‹Ž‹–‹‡•Ǥ ʹ™‹–Š–‘‹Ž‡–•ǡ –‘ȋ—•…ƒ–Š‹˜ƒ‡’Ž‡Ȍǡ Tel: 24649597, Fax: 24649590
ˆƒ‹Ž›ǡ„ƒ…Š‡Ž‘”Ǥ‘–ƒ…– BankMuscat account: 0397003776610011 ‘†‡ͳͳʹǡ—™‹ǡ
‘–ƒ…–Ǥ ͻͶ͸͸Ͷ͸͵ͷǡ ‘‡•‹––‹‰”‘‘™‹–Š–‘‹Ǧ
ͻͷͺͷͲ͵ͶͷǤ Ž‡–Ǥ‘–ƒ…–Ǥ ͻͻ͵ͺͲ͵Ͷ͸ͷǤ ͻͻͲͺ͵Ͳ͹ͳǡͻͻ͵ʹ͵ͲͳͷǤ Bank Dhofar account: 01040141195001 —Ž–ƒƒ–‡‘ˆƒǤ
····· ····· ····· ·····

Saada al Rashdi: 95919344

CLASSIFIED SECTION: Ali al Maashari: 99639264
Mohammed al Rashdi: 99841230 DIRECT: 24649595 — FAX : 24649590

Situation Vacant Situation Vacant Situation Vacant

classifieds Situation Wanted
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7 19
URGENTLY required OMANI company seeks Ras Al Hamra PHYSIOTHERAPIST INDIAN female architect INDIAN female, BBA LOOKING for suitable Company based in
packing staff male/ Natural Cosmetics (B. Arch), fresher (23 fresher (Oman), with placement, Indian Muscat urgently
female experienced in gift Maker (experience in PDO Club (Female) years) on visit, looking valid Omani driving female, Master in requires
wrapping, box making, etc. making natural soap, for suitable placement. licence, seeks suitable computer application
Please call 99336196 liquid soap, shampoo, Requires
body lotion and hand
Portfolio can be sent via placement to gain with 11 years of AC TECHNICIAN
····· cream. tasweeq.
Bar Administrator
Company based email on request. Please experience. 95175386 experience in data
with at least 3 years
Qualification: Diploma Food & contact 95471174, ····· warehousing, Teradata Beverage, Fluent
spoken & written
in Muscat email: tiageo.123@gmail. and date modelling experience.
com. looking for suitable
A LEGAL translation
Experience: 5 years as Senior
urgently requires LOOKING for driving job, placement in Muscat. Terms and Conditions:
Contact E-mail: URGENTLY required Barman. speaks Hindi, Arabic, 91192543. E-mail: Driving licence beautician. Visa will
Candidates to attend interviews and
31 YEARS old 2.1 years experience. 3 years experience
be provided. Contact
test. Please email CV to: PHYSIOTHERAPIST male Diploma Civil 93841591. ·····
(Female) Engineer having 8
Accommodation and
years experience in
····· Transportation
PRIVATE medical centre in EXPERIENCED light driver/
URGENTLY required REQUIRED Gulf experienced
Mudhaibi requires females with at least 3 …‘•–”—…–‹‘ϐ‹‡Ž†‘™
in India, seeking suitable
20 YEARS experienced supervisor. Fluent in
provided by company.
Native English speaking physicians in the following Indian Chartered Age 25-35
lady teachers for a
Aluminium Fabricators
specialities: Obstetrics years experience. job in Oman. Can join Accountant and Cost &
English/Arabic with good
knowledge of Oman roads/
ˆ‘”‡™Ž›•–ƒ”–‡†ϐ‹”Ǥ immediately, contact Management Accountant Interested candidates
leading kindergarten and gynaecology 1, areas, seeks job. Contact.
95060980. Interested candidates GSM 0091-9943126501, looking for change of job.
at Al Khuwair. Only Dermatologists & 97950869. can contact us
candidates from US/UK/ ····· Cosmetologist 1, Dentist can contact us email: shiva.drprk@ NOC Available. Contact
AUS/ Canada/ South 1, Pharmacist 1, Nurses 3 and if any 99884291, 99741875 ····· 92919135
URGENTLY required: 92919135, …Žƒ”‹ϐ‹…ƒ–‹‘›‘—…ƒ Send your CV to:
Africa/ New Zealand/ 93553245.
95537973 contact my brother in ····· 39 YEARS old male
Ireland etc, can apply  A/C G.I duct fabrication ····· Muscat. GSM - 97676177 Diploma Civil Engineer
for this position. Please supervisor with good Send your CV to: DRIVING/Electrical
contact urgently on & having 16 years experience
experience in all type HOUSE driver needed job wanted. Language
93331056 and CV at ‹…‘•–”—…–‹‘ϐ‹‡Ž†Ǥ‘™
of AC duct and Auto for Omani family (Indian ····· ’”‘ϐ‹…‹‡…›ǣ”ƒ„‹…ǡ ‹†‹ in India, seeking suitable machine and knowledge preferred). Contact & Bengali. ( 94563012, job in Oman. Can join SENIOR ACCOUNTANT
of AutoCAD. No: 1 99203954. INDIAN male, MBA 94514599.
····· immediately, contact GSM Indian male with more than
 Duct fabricator ····· Buying (HRM) good knowledge in
····· 0091-9843113232, email: 11 years of work experience
experience in all type of Arabic, typing & computer
SENIOR Civil Engineer skills, presently in Oman. (7 years in Oman) in
duct and auto machine. DIPLOMA in Electrical ƒ†‹ˆƒ›…Žƒ”‹ϐ‹…ƒ–‹‘›‘—
 Graduate in Civil AL Awsad Modern
No: 2. 95703680/ 71507386. Engineering, Indian can contact my brother in Accounts/Finance, seeking
Engineering with 10 LLC, electronic and
years experience in the 97356554 or mail to Services furniture used.
····· male with more than 18 Muscat - GSM - 97676177 suitable placement. Holding years Oman experience & s.erbbkannan@gmail. valid Oman driving licence.
”‡Ž‡˜ƒ–ϐ‹‡Ž†ȋ—•–Šƒ˜‡ 99834373. INDIAN male, B.Tech in IT in facilities management
Oman experience.) ····· with 2 years experience,
com Release/NOC available. Kindly
and purchase department.
 Only preferable if having 1. AC maintenance and …‡”–‹ϐ‹‡†ǡ…—””‡–Ž› ····· contact on
CATERING Supervisor, Contact 98622766 or
NOC/release letter. servicing. Sit Wanted on visit visa, seeking for
Diploma in Catering or Five 32 YEARS old female 97326761 or email at
Interested candidates 2. Fridge, washing suitable placement. Contact
years experience in food machine and dish washer 96020326. Email: ····· Graduate B.Sc & MBA
send resume to: related job. Fluent in English INDIAN Male 28, M.Com (Fashion Tech) having 6
repairing. language is must. Contact Finance, rank holder with SRI Lankan male, 33 yrs exp in India & Oman
3. Painting and cleaning
Fax: 24437007. 99428310. E-mail: 2 yrs corporate experience ····· (CMA & BBA Fin), a seeking for co-ordinator or
services. 4. Electrical,
in order management & ”‡•—Ž–Ǧ‘”‹‡–‡†ϐ‹ƒ…‡
····· plumbing and carpentry 20 YEARS old male Diploma suitable job immediately.
work 97014234, supply chain, looking for Mechanical Engineer having professional having Contact 91317975.
REQUIRED Marketing/ ·····
99447257, 24504281. suitable opening. Contact around 2 years experience 10 years experience of
PR Manager for a modern ····· HINDU Ezhava girl,
THE White Pearl Enterprises ····· 91764576. E-mail: sahil. in Automobile industry. which 8 years in Oman, in
restaurant group in Oman. 27 years, Karthika,
urgently need experienced Now in India, seeking ϐ‹ƒŽ‹•ƒ–‹‘‘ˆƒ……‘—–•ǡ INDIAN male, civil engineer
”‘ϐ‹…‹‡–‹ ŽŽ—•–”ƒ–‘”ƒ† cost and management B.Com, CA, hailing
beautician lady & henna suitable job in automobile (passed in First class) seeks
Photoshop. Charismatic, artist for a beauty salon ····· and manufacturing accounting, MIS reporting, from Idukki District.
Proactive, creative and
suitable employment in
in Bausher. They should be AL SUMRI AC SAFETY ‘ˆϐ‹…‡”ǡ‡‰”‡‡ industries in Oman. Can join ǡ’”‘ϐ‹…‹‡–‹‹…”‘•‘ˆ– Employed at an
construction industry in
ϐŽ‡š‹„Ž‡Ǥš…‡ŽŽ‡–™”‹–‹‰Ȁ honest and hardworking. maintenance. We are NEBOSH, 10SH, Medic immediately, contact GSM GP, looking for suitable International Audit
Oman. He is on visit visa,
editing skills. Degree Limas. Beauty Centre. If you ready to repair and First. Born and brought 0091-8098322372, email: placement. NOC & D/L Firm Kochi, Planning
available on 92648820
in relevant area. Fluent are interested, 99350707 install all types of Oman. Oman driving muruganantham088182@ available. 90740999 for migration to
in English. Send CV to or 99250707. Air-Conditioner within licence. 98929663. and if any E-mail: ····· Canada seeks
marketingpr2016@gmail. Muscat Governorate. …Žƒ”‹ϐ‹…ƒ–‹‘›‘—…ƒ suitable alliance
com ····· ····· ····· INDIAN Engineer with
94301888. contact my brother in from the parents
MBA, more than 20
····· URGENTLY required ····· FASHION Technology Muscat -GSM -97676177 & LIGHT Driver with NOC of professionally
years of experience in
Expatriate Heavy Duty Degree (Marketing) (required visa), Pakistani sales, operations, general “—ƒŽ‹ϐ‹‡†„‘›•Ǥ
GENERAL Nurse Drivers, JCB Operators NEBOSH, 10SH, Medic ····· male 27, have 2 years exp management in telecom Contact:
24540056, e-mail: with valid Omani licence. First. Born and brought ELECTRICAL engineer,
in Oman and 8 years in and security systems in 00968-99896610, Send your CV to gdsoman@ ORIENT Trading LLC, Oman. Oman driving Sudanese, speaks English Pakistan. I can speak only O&G and industrial sectors, 0091-9946048790,
····· Contact: Shampooing, sofa, licence. 90398996. Hindi/Urdu, seeks job.
and Arabic well, I’m using presently working in 0091-8086299163
99890076, 93894018, …ƒ”’‡–ǡϐŽ‘‘”’‘Ž‹•Š‹‰Ǥ Please contact my brother Oman seeks suitable job
URGENTLY required Old house repairing. ····· Primavera & AutoCad ·····
Fax: 24590866. 95204469. opportunity. NOC available.
electrician with electrical 99834373. programme well. I have
licence (DCRP). Omani ····· MECHANICAL Engineer, experience in electrical ····· 71504793, email:
or expatriate (3 years fresh graduate from India. generators (33KV- 100KV)
experience). Contact
WANTED expat with at least Now in Oman on visiting & Automation (PLC, Scada) 35 YEARS old male senior
a diploma in accounting visa. Having diploma in & Sensors 95424284. technician (mechanical &
99337587, 99043127, MAINTENANCE: 1. AC
‘”ϐ‹ƒ…‡ with at least oil & gas, QA/QC, piping, Instrumentation) having 6 INDIAN male, BE in E&C, A CAREGIVER needed for
99348493. Maintenance & Servicing; ·····
3 years of experience in ǡ ǡϐ‹”‡ϐ‹‰Š–‹‰ǡ years Singapore experience …‡”–‹ϐ‹‡†’”‘ˆ‡••‹‘ƒŽ an elderly lady in Muscat.
····· a construction company 2. Fridge, Washing Machine 31 YEARS old male in all type of R.O Plats. Preferred a Nurse or a
MEP and RIVET. Contact: seeks suitable job,
working in GCC. To & Dish washer repairing; Diploma Civil Engineer Now in India, seeking specialised caregiver
A NURSE Required with 93258307. Email: preferably as network
apply email your CV to: 3. Painting & cleaning having 8 years experience suitable job in Oman. Can for elderly. Salary is
experience to work engineer/system admin/ services; 4. Electrical & ‹…‘•–”—…–‹‘ϐ‹‡Ž†‘™ join immediately, contact negotiable. Contact:
in a School, spoken IT help desk, having Plumbing Carpentry work. ····· in India, seeking suitable GSM 0091-8189912848, 99324680.
English and Arabic. 4 years experience as
Contact: 99447257, job in Oman. Can join email: snk_nims@gmail. quality analyst, trainer
92297695,92742116, ····· INDIAN, well experienced ·····
97014234, 24504281. immediately, contact GSM …‘ƒ†‹ˆƒ›…Žƒ”‹ϐ‹…ƒ–‹‘ & IT help desk, on visit
24797116. ϐ‹ƒ…‡ƒ†‘’‡”ƒ–‹‘•
GRADUATE salesperson 0091-9943126501, email: you can contact my visa 98611846.
····· manager looking for a
····· required for a high-end friend in 97676177 &
suitable opportunity.
luxury store. Must be Contact 95362046.
ƒ†‹ˆƒ›…Žƒ”‹ϐ‹…ƒ–‹‘›‘— Lost
PHYSIOTHERAPISTS ϐŽ—‡–‹‰Ž‹•ŠǤ”‡˜‹‘—• WE offer you the Business can contact my brother in ·····
A new physiotherapy centre Services: Maintenance e-mail: srjobsinoman@ ·····
experience is a privilege. Muscat. GSM - 97676177 & MOHAMMED Mahmood
of buildings and villas INDIAN male, Mechanical
located in Bausher, Muscat Send CV to hena 82@ has lost Bangladeshi
for paint and carpentry 31 YEARS old male BE Engineer + MEP, 1 year
requires physiotherapists. ····· ····· passport No AF9810405.
and decoration works Civil Engineer having 8 experience in BPCL
Male and female, newly Finder please handover to
····· and installation of INDIAN male 24 B Tech in NEED driving job, 6 years Singapore experience ‡ϐ‹‡”›ƒ•”‘Œ‡…– Ǧ
graduates and experienced ROP.
material water proof and Mechanical Engineering, years experience in ‹…‘•–”—…–‹‘ϐ‹‡Ž†ƒ• charge. Strong academic
physiotherapist applications FEMALE Maths and Quantity Surveyor and site
cleaning services building 2 years experience as Oman, speaking language history from reputed ·····
are accepted. Applicants Science teacher required project engineer & now in university on visit visa,
maintenance engineer English, Hindi and Arabic.
must be licensed to work for primary level in a private management and leasing in a chemical plant, Singapore, seeking suitable seeking relevant job
of real estate (Out motto 996144041/ 99803431.
in Sultanate of Oman, or school, with minimum 3
“—ƒŽ‹ϐ‹‡†–‘ƒ’’Ž›ˆ‘”–Š‡ years is to provide quality in …‡”–‹ϐ‹‡†‹Ȁ‘ ·····
job in Oman. Can join 94828318 Sit Wanted
visit visa 91134622, immediately, contact GSM
licence. Please e-mail your experience and inlets. all our business). Muscat YOUNG Omani national, 0065-82683272, email: ····· Young Indian, 4 years
CV with a recent coloured Contact 99353961. Renaissance Development Bachelor degree in Graphic and YOUNG Indian (Male, 25 experienced Digital
personal photo to: info@ and Investment. ····· Designing, excellent
····· ˆƒ›…Žƒ”‹ϐ‹…ƒ–‹‘›‘— yrs, B Sc Electronics Engr) Analytics Executive, Applications 99070093. knowledge in Illustrator, can contact my friend in also experienced in QA,
INDIAN male 28, M.Com PGDM, BMS (Marketing)
are accepted until A REPUTABLE real estate Photoshop, InDesign, After Muscat - GSM - 97676177 O&M of DG Sets etc, on
····· ϐ‹ƒ…‡Ǧ”ƒŠ‘Ž†‡” on visit looking for
9th March 2017. and construction company Effect, Premiere Pro and & s.erbbkannan@gmail. visit visa seeks immediate
with 2 years corporate suitable job. Contact
looking for an experienced Photography having 1 year com opening. 99702383
· · · · ·. PROVIDES all kinds of legal experience, now on 97557413, E-mail:
Civil Project Engineer. experience in a reputed prabhapisharody@gmail.
works, LLC registration, visit, looking for suitable ·····
HIGH Pressure Trading Submit your CV to dapco@ company looking for an
agreements, contracts. opening. Contact com / Karthik S Pishardoy immediate placement. ·····
ǡ ›†”‘ϐŽ‘™ǡŽ‘‘‹‰ Takes all kinds of cases of 91764576. Email: sahil. 24 YEARS old male BE 98557019. karthime7@
Contact 92366698/
for Accounts Clerk and ····· companies. 97351649. Civil Engineer having
PRO with one or two years 2 years experience in
REQUIRED marketing ····· ····· ·····
experience in Sohar kindly ····· …‘•–”—…–‹‘ϐ‹‡Ž†Ƭ‘™ CLASSIFIED
manager, engineering in India, seeking suitable
send your CV with expected GRAPHIC Designer with DRIVER, Pakistani, looking PAKISTANI male, 28
products and services. job in Oman. Can joint SECTION
•ƒŽƒ”›ƒ–ǣƒŽœ—Žϐ‹̷‡‹Ǥƒ‡ 16 years’ experience in for job. 5 years experience. years with diploma in
Preference engineering immediately, contact GSM
media and advertising Call 97422325. mechanical engineering
····· degree in mechanical
Sit Wanted ϐ‹‡Ž†Ǥ–ƒ›‹‰‹ƒˆ‘” 0091-9843393689, email: and 6 years of experience RUWI
engineering, with minimum ····· arunpandian6434@gmail.
 †‡•‹‰‘ˆϐ‹…‡‹• 15-20 years experience in the last 10 years. Looking in Oman working for : 24785668
looking for Interior & 3D for suitable opportunity. LOOKING for driving job, …‘ƒ†‹ˆƒ›…Žƒ”‹ϐ‹…ƒ–‹‘ production company
Oman. NOC required, driving DRIVER Pakistani
E-mail: jaydhns@gmail. speaks English, Arabic, you can contact my brother looking for a suitable job.
Visualisation Designer. licence essential. Contact experience 4 years looking com or Hindi, 4 years experience. in Muscat- GSM-97676177 Having valid Oman driving Behind Royal Oman Police,
Experience:5 years. E-mail email: kutetur1940@yahoo. Adjacent
for job. 95204346. 96283931 96262935. & licence. 92482415.
CV to: co. in 99458194. to Dhofar Building,
····· ····· ····· ····· Ruwi.
····· ····· ·····
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7

Spectre of

triggers panic-buying

FANUEL JONGWE street protests that shook Mugabe’s regime last

Robert Mugabe’s government nearly a year ago.

riving to work last week, Bond notes dispersed by banks and ATMs are year, and the president used a speech on Thursday
Dennis Zhemi found his in theory worth the same as the US dollar, but to acknowledge the inflation threat.
usually busy neighbourhood consumers worry the currency could be rendered “There are those eager to manipulate the
garage in the Zimbabwean worthless like the old Zimbabwe dollar that was currency so that they can trigger inflation (and)
capital Harare deserted scrapped in 2009. cause panic-buying,” he said. “Those are the
and a forecourt attendant “We are already witnessing shortages of basic mischief-makers in our midst.”
signalling “no fuel”. For Zhemi, it was a worrying commodities,” Peter Mutasa, president of the BARTER TO SURVIVE
sign that Zimbabwe’s chronic economic collapse Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, said. Harare-based economist Prosper Chitambara
could be heading for another vicious downwards “The situation has been triggered by lack said Zimbabwe’s economic problems were likely
spiral of basic shortages, hyperinflation and social of confidence in the bond notes. We are being to worsen ahead of next year’s election, when
chaos. driven to barter for goods as there is no hard Mugabe will again stand despite his weakening
Zhemi’s heart sank as he drove on, hoping to currency in the banks.” health.
refuel at the next station, but at least 40 other cars Currency traders who gather near the foreign “There is a lot of uncertainty due to the
were queueing on the side of the road towards the bus terminal in Harare now offer to exchange political situation,” Chitambara said.
petrol pumps. one US dollar for 1.37 bond notes — an illegal “That is why we have seen the re-emergence
“Immediately, I was reminded of 2008 when transaction that underlines the bond note’s of the parallel market and a multi-tier pricing
we slept in fuel queues and I prayed silently that weakness. structure. As we approach the elections, the
we don’t return to those days,” the 43-year-old For non-cash bank transfers, the traders offer uncertainty will increase.”
human resources consultant said. to pay 1.50 in bond notes for each US dollar, A brief demonstration on Friday in Harare by
He left his car at the garage as he did not have reporters witnessed. anti-Mugabe activists over the economic crisis
enough fuel to reach his office, and caught a bus Like many shops in Zimbabwe, one small was dispersed by police using teargas.
to work. supermarket in Harare offers several different Unemployment in Zimbabwe is estimated
A decade ago, hyperinflation in Zimbabwe prices for goods — an illegal but common at over 90 per cent, and at least 80 per cent of
wiped out personal savings, left shops empty and practice. government revenue is used to pay state workers’
made it all but impossible to buy a tank of petrol A 175-gramme bar of Protex soap costs one wages.
or daily groceries. US dollar, but 1.30 in bond notes or if you pay by With cash so scarce, many Zimbabweans
Inflation peaked at 500 billion per cent before swipe card. have resorted to bartering — exchanging goods
the national currency was abandoned in a A two-litre bottle of Pure Drop cooking oil directly — to survive.
favour of the US dollar, and the economy never sells for 3.20 US dollars, but its price has jumped Brenda Mpofu, who runs a second-hand
recovered. suddenly to 4.50 in bond notes and five dollars — clothes stall in Harare, said she now travels to
Fears of a repeat of those desperate days have or sometimes even seven dollars — when paying rural areas to swap clothes for maize and later
grown in recent weeks in Zimbabwe, and panic- by card. sells the maize or exchanges it for other goods.
buying has seen prices rocket. Mugabe, whose land policies are widely blamed “I used to be able to afford to pay rent, buy
WORTHLESS MONEY for Zimbabwe’s economic collapse since 2000, food and clothes and send my children to school,”
The stockpiling has been driven by a collapse this week railed against currency “saboteurs” and she said. “But these days I am barely managing.
in confidence in the parallel “bond note” currency vowed that the “price hikes would be dealt with”. There is no money and business is just so low,” she
that was launched by 93-year-old President Further economic breakdown could reignite added . — AFP
TUESDAY | OCTOBER 3, 2017 | MUHARRAM 12, 1439 AH

sport follow us @observersportz

Garbine Muguruza of Spain hits a return

during her women’s singles match
against Barbora Strycova. — AFP

BEIJING: World number one Garbine I had more days to “Obviously not a great match so just forget
Muguruza retired ill with a virus in the first rest. about it and move on, try to have a better level
round of the China Open on Monday and US “But in fact, I for the next tournament (Hong Kong).”

Open winner Sloane Stephens went out in a couldn’t perform The comeback of the tournament so far
shock defeat. today.” belonged to the Belgian Elise Mertens.
Spain’s Muguruza suggested in the build-up Strycova faces Julia The 21-year-old recovered from 5-0 in the
that she was not fully fit and she lost the first set Goerges of Germany in the first set to trump the eighth seed Dominika

6-1 to unseeded Barbora Strycova of the Czech second round. Cibulkova 7-6 (7/4), 6-1.
Republic. Muguruza headed for the exit soon after The second seed Simona Halep saw her
Muguruza, 23, the reigning Wimbledon Stephens tumbled out in the first round for the second-round match against Magdalena
champion, called a medical timeout at 2-0 down second week running, this time at the hands of Rybarikova shelved after the morning drizzle.
in the second set and then called it quits after qualifier Christina McHale. NADAL PRIMED FOR OPENER
having her pulse taken on the side of the court. The 15th seed Stephens, wearing all pink, saw In the men’s draw, top seed and world
Muguruza said afterwards she had been her match delayed by rain falling on Beijing’s number one Rafael Nadal begins his China

retires in China
too unwell even to practise for her opener but outdoor hardcourts. Open quest on Tuesday against Lucas Pouille.
had been determined to play, having lost in the When it finally got started she failed to The 23-year-old Frenchman has lost his last
quarter-finals last week in Wuhan, where she fire, going out to her fellow American with a three matches on the trot, but he beat Nadal at
struggled with a leg injury. whimper, 6-3, 6-0 in just 62 minutes. the US Open last year — the last time they met

Open first round

“Since I’m in Beijing, I didn’t play at all. I The loss extends Stephens’ poor run after — and the Spanish legend anticipates a stern
don’t know, I got a virus in Wuhan,” she said. sealing her first Grand Slam last month. test.
“I want to feel like giving the last chance, Last week, the 24-year-old similarly fell at “He has a great level of tennis. Hopefully he
going on the court, just hit a few balls, see how the first, losing to China’s Wang Qiang at the will not finish the season that well because I play
I’m going to feel, try to turn things around. Wuhan Open. tomorrow against him,” Nadal said, smiling.
“I don’t want to retire before the tournament Stephens, ranked 17 in the world to McHale’s “But I am sure he will be fighting for
starts for me.” 79, refused to make any excuses during a post- important things next year, he has the talent to
Muguruza, yet to win a tournament since match press conference lasting less than 90 do it.
reaching the top ranking in mid-September, seconds. “He has the game, the right level of tennis to
added: “It’s good that I could play on Monday, “Tough day, not really much to say,” she said. make that happen if he wants to do it.” — AFP

‘Lucky’ Hamilton fears Ferrari FERRARI SPEED GIVES

backlash in Japanese GP SOME HOPE TO VETTEL
SEPANG, Malaysia: Sebastian Vettel fourth, combined with Hamilton being
fell further behind Formula One beaten by Red Bull’s Max Verstappen,
SEPANG, Malaysia: Lewis Hamilton rode championship leader Lewis Hamilton after meant Vettel limited the damage to six
his luck for the second race in a row to stretch Sunday’s Malaysian Grand Prix but the points.
his world championship lead over Sebastian Ferrari driver still saw cause for optimism While that still stretched Hamilton’s
Vettel but said he fears a Ferrari backlash in in the title battle. overall advantage to a hefty 34 points with
Japan this week. After finishing second in the Starting in last place after a power unit only five of the 20 races left, it was better
Malaysian Grand Prix, Hamilton was asked by problem prevented him setting a time in than the German might have feared.
reporters if Ferrari’s pace was a big concern. qualifying, with his Mercedes rival lining “I am still optimistic, because we know
“Yeah, definitely,” he said. up on pole position, the German made the that we have a quick car,” said Vettel, who
“We have some work to do,” he added best of a bad situation. nearly snatched third from Red Bull’s
before flying to Japan to prepare for Sunday’s His remarkable recovery drive to Daniel Ricciardo. — Reuters
race at Suzuka. “These next races are going to
be crucial in terms of ironing out some of the
creases we have with the car.”
Hamilton took his lead to 34 points after This file photo taken on September 30, 2017 shows Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton (front) and
finishing behind Red Bull’s Max Verstappen at Sebastian Vettel driving during the third practice session of the Malaysia Grand Prix at the
the final running of the Malaysian Grand Prix Sepang circuit near Kuala Lumpur. — AFP
at Sepang on Sunday.
But the drive of the day was from the flying “It was clear after just a few laps that both fastest in practice.
Vettel who carved his way from the back of the Red Bull and Ferrari had better cars than us “It was a much better weekend than we had
grid to finish fourth. today.” anticipated after our Friday. Considering the
Hamilton’s Mercedes also struggled for raw Hamilton could be handed another break issues we did have with the car this is a good
pace in Singapore a fortnight ago. in Suzuka as Vettel may incur a grid penalty if result,” conceded Hamilton.
But there he took a surprise win from fifth he needs a new gearbox after a crazy post-race Mercedes have dominated Formula One
on the grid after avoiding the first-lap crash shunt with Lance Stroll. for the past four years but it seems their era of
that took out both Ferraris and Verstappen. The incident wrecked the rear of the supremacy could be coming to an end as both
“We cannot be distracted by the fact we got German’s car and he will be demoted five Ferrari and Red Bull appear to have the better
lucky again this weekend,” said Mercedes team places on the grid in Japan if the gearbox needs car. “After a weekend where we have lacked a
principal Toto Wolff. changing. significant chunk of performance, we couldn’t
“Benefiting from Ferrari’s problems In Malaysia an engine failure saw Vettel fail have imagined such a good outcome, but we Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel sits in his car as crew members make adjustments during
shouldn’t hide that they have caught up 30 to set a qualifying time, condemning him to can’t let that distract us from the job we have in practice. — Reuters
seconds this race,” he said. the back of the grid despite Ferrari having been front of us,” said Wolff. — AFP
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7

Rabada, Maharaj star as

Kohli tells South Africa beat Bangladesh
Africa: The pace of Kagiso Rabada

and the spin of Keshav Maharaj sent

Bangladesh crashing to a 333-run
Ahmed were both leg before to
Maharaj before Shafiul Islam was
run out when he and Mehedy Hasan
attempted a third run against the

India to be
defeat on the fifth day of the first Test strong fielding arm of Rabada after a
against South Africa at Senwes Park relay throw from twelfthman Wayne
on Monday. Parnell, who chased a ball to long-off.
Bangladesh lost seven wickets for Hasan and last batsman Mustafizur
41 runs in less than an hour and a half Rahman shared the best partnership

‘RELENTLESS’ as they were bowled out for 90 after

being set 424 to win.
South Africa’s victory was
overshadowed by an injury to fast
bowler Morne Morkel, who is
of the morning, putting on 15 before
Mustafizur pushed back a return
catch to Maharaj.
Bangladesh’s rapid demise meant
that South Africa were hardly
expected to be out for six weeks. hampered by the absence of Morkel,
Rabada started the destruction by who suffered a side strain after taking
taking the first three wickets of the the first two wickets on Sunday.
morning. He finished with three for SCOREBOARD
South Africa first innings: 496-3 decl
33, while left-arm spinner Maharaj Bangladesh first innings: 320
took four for 25. South Africa second innings: 247-6 declared
Resuming on 49 for three, Bangladesh, second innings (O/n: 49-3):
T Iqbal b Morkel -------------------------------------------------- 0
Bangladesh lost their captain, I Kayes c De Kock b Maharaj------------------------------ 32
Mushfiqur Rahim, to the 12th ball M Haque lbw Morkel ------------------------------------------ 0
of the morning when he pushed at a M Rahim c Amla b Rabada -------------------------------- 16
Mahmudullah b Rabada ------------------------------------- 9
lifting delivery from Rabada and was L Das lbw Rabada ------------------------------------------------ 4
well caught above his head by Hashim S Rahman lbw Maharaj --------------------------------------- 4
Amla at first slip for 16. M Hasan (not out) --------------------------------------------- 15
T Ahmed lbw Maharaj ----------------------------------------- 4
Mahmudullah was bowled off an S Islam (run out) ------------------------------------------------- 2
inside edge when he played a tentative M Rahman c and b Maharaj -------------------------------- 1
Extras (B-1, NB-2)----------------------------------------------- 3
defensive shot against the fast bowler Total (32.4 overs) --------------------------------------------- 90
and Liton Das offered no shot and Fall of wickets: 1-0, 2-0, 3-49, 4-55, 5-62, 6-67,
was leg before wicket to a ball which 7-67, 8-71, 9-75.
Bowling: Morkel 5.2-2-19-2, Rabada 10-3-
slanted in to him. 33-3, Olivier 5.4-0-12-0, Maharaj 10.4-1-25-4,
Sabbir Rahman and Taskin Phehlukwayo 1-1-0-0.
NAGPUR, India: Skipper Virat “The management also plays a first to get to his fifty with a double off Australian batting as they ended on
Kohli on Sunday urged India to massive part in motivating players after Marcus Stoinis. a below-par total after electing to bat
be “relentless” after they thrashed being 3-0 up in the series. But we want Rahane also got his fourth successive first.
Australia by seven wickets in the fifth to be relentless,” he added. 50-plus score before being trapped All-rounder, Hardik Pandya, who
one-day international, clinching the It was a disciplined bowling effort lbw by paceman Nathan Coulter-Nile, struck first by getting Aaron Finch out
series 4-1. led by spinner Axar Patel, who claimed who ended with 10 wickets in the five for 32, was given the man of the series
Chasing 243 for victory, the hosts three wickets, that set up India’s matches. award for his six wickets and 222 runs
rode on opener Rohit Sharma’s 109- comfortable victory after restricting the Sharma went on to register his 14th in the series.
ball 125 to achieve their target in 42.5 visitors to 242-9. In reply, Sharma and ODI ton during his 99-run partnership Travis Head and Stoinis tried
overs at Nagpur and get back to the top Ajinkya Rahane, who made 61, put on with Kohli, who made a sedate 39. hard to counter a persistent Indian
of ODI world rankings table. a 124-run opening stand to lay a solid He got to his hundred with a six off bowling with their 87-run fifth-wicket
India, who reached the ODI foundation in another dominating Coulter-Nile. partnership, but their departure spelt
summit after three straight wins in the performance in recent times. Leg-spinner Adam Zampa sent further trouble for the visitors.
series, had slipped behind South Africa “We repeated the way we played Sharma, who hit 11 fours and 5 sixes, Head, who made 42, and Stoinis,
following their loss in the fourth game. against Sri Lanka (beat them 9-0 and Kohli back to pavilion. who scored 46, failed to convert their
They were already the top Test team. “It across the three formats), proud of Kedar Jadhav, unbeaten on five, and starts into bigger scores as Australia
feels good. It was a really convincing that. Shows the quality of the side, Manish Pandey, 11 not out, then saw totally lost steam in the final five overs.
series win for us. Ticked all boxes... We regardless of the opposition,” said the team through. Left-arm spinner Patel returned
had a chance to retain the No 1 spot Kohli. Man of the match Sharma, who WICKETS IN CLUMPS impressive figures of 3-38 while fast South Africa’s Keshav Maharaj (right) celebrates the dismissal of Bangladesh
and we ended up doing that,” Kohli opened his account with two successive Earlier, opener David Warner’s bowler Jasprit Bumrah claimed two batsman Sabbir Rahman (not in picture) during the fifth day of the first Test in
said at the presentation. boundaries after 14 deliveries, was the 62-ball 53 was not enough to inspire wickets. — AFP Potchefstroom. — AFP

Wily Herath spins Sri Lanka
to fighting victory over Pak
ABU DHABI: Rangana Herath
became the second Sri Lankan to bag
400 wickets as his six-wicket haul
steered Sri Lanka to a thrilling 21-run
win over Pakistan in the first Test in
Abu Dhabi on Monday.
The veteran left-arm spinner took
6-43 — 11-136 in the match — to
scupper Pakistan, set a modest 136-
run target, for just 114 on a weary fifth
day Sheikh Zayed Stadium pitch.
The victory was achieved when
Herath trapped last man Mohammad
MUSCAT: Superb batting by opener out for 162 in 20 overs. Dileep Chandran Chasing 139 to win, MSE surpassed Abbas leg before for nought to give
Mazhar Javed (55 off 29) and excellent (37 off 25) and Amal Rat Ratan (32 off 25) the target in 19 overs, scoring 142 for
Sri Lanka a 1-0 lead in the two-match
bowling by captain Zakir Khan (4 for 16) were the notable scorers. Muhammed 7. Unni Madhusudanan was the main
saw PDO register a 5-run win against Umar and Mohammed Muslim too two scorer with 36 off 25 balls. Nagendra series.
QBG in a C Division match at Muscat wickets each. Kumar (33) and Abdullah Alam (30) Herath, a long-time nemesis of
Municipality ground 3 in Al Amerat. Waves Engineering got a good start batted well too. Nanda Kumar and Lijo Pakistan, also completed 100 wickets
Making first use of the perfect batting but then suffered a middle order collapse, Johnson took two wickets each for in 20 Tests against them, during an
conditions, PDO reached a respectable slumping from 90 for 1 to 128 for 6, Majees. innings in which only debutant Haris
180 for 6 in 20 overs, thanks to a second before being bowled out for 145 in the Brief scores: Majees 139 for 9 in 20 overs (Aniq
Jassim 29 – 3x4, Bhuvana Kumar 29 – 4x4. Kishore Sohail fought with some resolve for
wicket partnership of 82 between last over. Usman Asghar scored a fluent Rangana Herath (centre) of Sri Lanka celebrates with his team after victory on the
Krishnan 4-23, Unni Vishnu 2-15) lost to MSE 142 his 34 runs.
Mazhar and Tayyab Rasheed, who scored 59 off 44 balls while Muhammed Omar for 7 in 19 overs (Unni Madhusudanan 36 – 5x4, fifth day of the first Test against Pakistan at Sheikh Zayed Stadium in Abu Dhabi on
44 off 38 balls. Rajesh Khetani batted (29) and Mohammed Wasim (25) also Herath became the 14th most Monday. — AFP
Nagendra Kumar 33 – 3x4, Abdullah Alam 30 –
well too for his 26-ball 37. Shiyas Ibrahim contributed with the bat. Qamar Nazir 5x4) by three wickets. successful bowler in all Test cricket and
R Herath c Masood b Shah ----------------------------------- 0
claimed two wickets for 21 runs. claimed four wickets for 25. Shakil Khan fifth spinner behind his countryman issues, especially in the fifth day when L Sandakan c Amir b Shah ------------------------------------ 8
QBG failed to get the start it needed and Ilyas Afridi took two wickets each. Aquib’s ton lifts Classic Muttiah Muralitharan, Australia’s we come under pressure.” N Pradeep b H Ali------------------------------------------------- 0
to chase down such a big total as Brief scores: Trust Oilfield Services 162 all out
A brilliant 111 off just 61 balls by Shane Warne and the Indian duo of The 136 set Pakistan was Sri Lanka’s Extras (LB-3 NB-1) ----------------------------------------------- 4
it slumped to 49 for 3 before being in 20 overs (Dileep Chandran 37 – 4x4, 1x6, Total (all out, 66.5 overs) --------------------------------138
Amal Rat Ratan 32 – 2x4, 1x6. Muhammed Umar
Aquibulla Shariff led Classic CT to an Anil Kumble and Harbhajan Singh to lowest defended target, improving on Fall of wickets: 1-20, 2-33, 3-51, 4-65, 5-73,
ultimately bowled out for 130 in the 19th 2-28, Mohammed Muslim 2-29) defeated Waves impressive 64-run win over OCT Al 6-86, 7-101, 8-101, 9-135.
reach the 400-wicket milestone. the 168 they set the Pakistanis in the
over. Prem Kumar was the only notable Nahda in a G Division match at Muscat
Engineering Consultancy 145 all out in 19.2 overs Bowling: M Amir 12-4-27-0, M Abbas 12-3-22-2, Y
scorer with a fighting 58 off 48 balls. (Usman Asghar 59 – 9x4, Muhammed Omar 29 – Municipality ground 4. An unassuming Herath said he Galle Test in 2009. It was also a first Shah 27-5-51-5, H Ali 7.1-0-21-1, A Shafiq 3.4-0-7-
Karim al Balushi scored 23. Apart from 4x4, Mohammed Wasim 25 – 2x4, 1x6. Qamar Batting first after winning the toss, didn’t know why he always took defeat for Pakistan at this venue in 10 1, H Sohail 5-2-7-1.
Zakir, Naved Ahmed also bowled well to Nazir 4-25, Shakil Khan 2-20, Ilyas Afridi 2-20) by
Classic piled up 196 for 4 in 20 overs. wickets against Pakistan. Tests. Pakistan second innings:
17 runs. S Masood c K Silva b D Perera ------------------------------ 7
claim three wickets. Apart from Aquib’s superb knock, Awais “I have no idea,” said Herath, who Earlier, leg-spinner Yasir Shah took S Aslam c Karunaratne b Herath -------------------------- 2
Brief scores: PDO 180 for 6 in 20 overs (Mazhar Kishore leads MSE to victory
scored 25. took 22 wickets against Pakistan in 5-51 — his 32nd five wicket haul in A Ali c Dickwella b Lakmal ------------------------------------ 0
Javed Sr 55 – 7x4, 2x6, Tayyab Rasheed 44 – 3x4, Mustafa Sultan Enterprises (MSE)
Rajesh Khetani 37 – 6x4) beat QBG 130 all out
Classic bowlers bowled beautifully to 2014 — a world record for a two- Tests — to dismiss Sri Lanka for 138 A Shafiq c Karunaratne b Herath ------------------------20
rode on the 4-wicket spell of Kishore B Azam c Dickwella b D Perera ----------------------------- 3
in 18.3 overs (Prem Kumar 58 – 7x4, 1x6, Karim skittle out OCT Al Nahda for 132 in 17.2 match series. in their second innings. — AFP
Krishnan to defeat Majees CT by three H Sohail lbw D Perera ----------------------------------------34
al Balushi 23 – 1x4, 1x6. Zakir Khan 4-16, Naved overs, with Mohammed Taufeeq taking
Ahmed 3-17) by 50 runs.
wickets in an F Division game at Muscat “Maybe I have played more against SCOREBOARD S Ahmed st Dickwella b Herath --------------------------19
three wickets. Aquibulla, Latheef Abdul H Ali b Herath ------------------------------------------------------ 8
Municipality ground 3. them, that’s why. Sri Lanka first innings: 419
Qamar stars in win for Trust Oilfield and Abdul Suhan took two wickets each. M Amir b Herath -------------------------------------------------- 9
Kishore did not allow Majees batsmen “I am so happy with the remarkable Pakistan first innings: 422
Brilliant bowling by Qamar Nazir, who Mohammed Ali scored 26 and Sri Lanka second innings (O/n: 69-4): Y Shah (not out) --------------------------------------------------- 6
to settle down, removing four top M Abbas lbw Herath -------------------------------------------- 0
took four wickets, helped Trust Oilfield Abdullah al Balushi 23 for OCT Al Nahda. achievement (400 wickets).” D Karunaratne c Masood b Shah------------------------10
batsmen in his four-over spell for just 23 Brief scores: Classic CT 196 for 4 in 20 overs Extras (B-1 LB-4 NB-1)----------------------------------------- 6
Services defeat Waves Engineering Pakistan captain Sarfraz Ahmed K Silva lbw Sohail-----------------------------------------------25
runs. Unnikrishnan Vishnu bowled well (Aquibulla Shariff 111 – 7x4, 5x6, Awais 25 – L Thirimanne c S Ahmed b Shafiq ------------------------ 7 Total (all out, 47.4 overs) --------------------------------114
Consultancy by 17 runs in a D Division called the defeat “disappointing”. Fall of wickets: 1-4, 2-7, 3-16, 4-32, 5-36, 6-78,
too, to claim two wickets. Opener Aniq 4x4) beat OCT Al Nahda 132 all out in 17.2 overs K Mendis lbw Abbas ------------------------------------------18
game at Muscat Municipality ground 4. 7-98, 8-100, 9-111.
Jassim (29) and Bhuvana Kumar (29) were (Mohammed Ali 26 – 4x4, 1x6, Abdullah al Balushi “We should have won this,” said D Chandimal c Shafiq b Shah ------------------------------ 7
Asked to bat first, Trust Oilfield were 23 – 4x4) by 64 runs. S Lakmal c B Azam b Abbas --------------------------------13 Bowling: S Lakmal 5-1-12-1, R Herath 21.4-4-
the leading scorers for Majees CT. Ahmed, skippering his side for the 43-6, D Perera 18-4-46-3, N Pradeep 2-1-4-0, L
N Dickwella (not out) -----------------------------------------40
first time in a Test. “We have a few D Perera lbw Shah------------------------------------------------ 6 Sandakan 1-0-4-0.
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7 23
Messi inspires Barca victory at empty FRENCH LEAGUE

Nou Camp, Real win at home

BARCELONA: Barcelona’s Lionel “It was very strange, of course
Messi scored twice in a 3-0 win it’s not normal, but today’s
over Las Palmas on Sunday in events overshadowed the game,”
a Liga match played without Busquets said on playing behind
fans following clashes between closed doors.
police and voters in Catalonia “Today was a special day, we
over a banned independence had to focus on the sporting part,
referendum. which wasn’t very nice for us, and
In the late game, Real Madrid we were affected by everything as
earned their first home league other things were on our minds,”
victory of the season by beating he added.
Espanyol 2-0 with a goal in each In Madrid, Isco made the most Olympique de Marseille’s Lucas Ocampos celebrates
half by midfielder Isco, while of a through ball from Cristiano after scoring a goal. — AFP
Valencia moved up to third in the Ronaldo to coolly fire under Pau
standings after beating visitors Lopez and put Real ahead on the
Athletic Bilbao 3-2.
League leaders Barca tried to
have their game postponed, but
half-hour mark.
A lapse from Madrid captain
Sergio Ramos in the second half
Ocampos brace
the request was turned down
by La Liga and the Catalan club
announced 25 minutes before
allowed Espanyol a chance to level
but his blushes were saved by team
mate Nacho, and moments later
helps Marseille
kickoff that the game would be
played behind closed doors.
Club president Josep Maria
Isco killed off the Catalans.
Ronaldo again played an
important role in the move,
stun Nice
Bartomeu said the stadium was driving forward and slipping the
closed to show opposition to ball out to Asensio, who cut it PARIS: Ten-man Marseille moved up to third in Ligue
police violence against voters back for Isco to ram home low 1 after Lucas Ocampos hit a brace in a thrilling come-
in Catalonia’s independence into the far bottom corner. from-behind 4-2 win at Mediterranean rivals Nice on
referendum, which was banned “Isco is playing with a lot Sunday.
by the national government, and of confidence, he knows he’s Players joined fans in a minute’s applause in memory
not over safety concerns. a more important player now, of the two victims of a knife attack in Marseille earlier
Spanish riot police on Sunday even though he always has been on Sunday, after which the south coast rivals put on a
burst into polling stations across important, and he plays like he sparkling show.
Las Palmas’ Hernan
Catalonia to try to halt the Santana (left)
is on the street, he doesn’t have a In an entertaining first half, Marseille hit back from
referendum on a split from Spain challenge Barcelona’s care in the world and I like that” two goals down to head into the break leading 3-2.
and Catalan officials said more Argentinian Lionel said Zidane. Mario Balotelli opened the scoring with a close-
than 800 people were injured in Messi. — AFP The French coach also praised range header from a Pierre Lees-Melou corner after
the crackdown. Ronaldo for his performance just four minutes while Jean Michael Serri doubled
Barca’s Sergio Busquets scored and said the Portuguese, who Nice’s advantage with a heavily-deflected shot from
for the first time in the league in missed four league games through outside the area.
three seasons to give the hosts the suspension, is desperate to get off Ocampos bagged his first soon before the half
lead in the 49th minute, leaping the mark in La Liga. hour mark, prodding in from close range after Nice’s
to head in a curling corner from “He’s not tired. He’s missed defence failed to deal with a cross.
Messi. a lot of games and he’s very Allan Saint-Maximin blazed over when one-on-
Argentine Messi then struck disappointed because he hasn’t one with goalkeeper
his 10th league goal of the season scored in La Liga yet, but that’s Steve Mandanda and
to double Barca’s advantage in the football,” Zidane added. “His pass Nice were made to
70th. to Isco was phenomenal, and I pay. OCAMPOS
He barely celebrated the strike, hope things change in the next Five minutes from
adding to an atmosphere more game.” — Reuters the break, a sliding
akin to a training ground exercise Champions League. CIRCUMSTANCES mustering only two shots on Lees-Melou deflected FIRST SOON
than a league game. Barcelona lead the standings The bizarre circumstances of goal — an early strike from Sergi a Florian Thauvin BEFORE THE
Messi then latched onto a pass on 21 points, five clear of Sevilla the Barcelona game appeared Roberto and a wayward header cross past his own HALF-HOUR
from fellow forward Luis Suarez in second, while Real are fifth on to affect the home side in the from Paulinho. goalkeeper.
to pounce again in the 77th, 14. Valencia, with 15, climbed first half as they lacked energy And in the final
sealing Barca’s seventh straight above Atletico Madrid on goal and imagination, minute of the half, NICE’S DEFENCE
domestic league win this season difference. Nice imploded again FAILED TO DEAL
and maintaining their 100 per BIZARRE as captain Dante gave WITH A CROSS
cent start in La Liga and the away the ball and
goalkeeper Yoann
Cardinale parried
Luiz Gustavo’s shot weakly into the air for Ocampos to
nod over the line.
Two minutes into the second period, more sloppy
play handed Gustavo a shooting opportunity the
Brazilian gleefully accepted to find the bottom corner.
Midway through the half, though, Gustavo was
shown a straight red for following through studs up
on Lees-Melou.
There was still time for Mandanda to save an
Alassane Plea penalty after Saint-Maximin was tripped
in the box but Marseille held out.
“It’s a great victory, we showed that we had
character,” said Ocampos. “We wanted to show that
the 6-1 loss to Monaco was an accident, that it wasn’t
Earlier, Marcelo was controversially sent off as
General view as Barcelona’s Lionel Messi prepares to take Lyon’s winless streak extended to five matches after
a freekick in the empty stadium as the game is played letting a two-goal lead slip in a 3-3 draw at Angers.
behind closed doors. — Reuters — AFP

Napoli top as Atalanta fightback frustrates Juventus

MILAN: Napoli took sole possession Higuain added a second four minutes referee — after an Andrea Petagna record of 115 goals for the club.
of top spot in Serie A on Sunday with later. But on-loan Juventus defender handball in the box. Dries Mertens added a second from
a 3-0 win over Cagliari as champions Mattia Caldara turned in a rebound to But Albanian goalkeeper Etrit the spot on 40 minutes before Kalidou
Juventus’s winning run stalled 2-2 at pull one back for Atalanta after half an Berisha saved the kick to frustrate the Koulibaly sealed the perfect seventh
Atalanta. hour to keep the hosts in touch at the Argentine striker who nevertheless victory two minutes after the break.
The stalemate ended the six-time break. remains top of the Serie A goalscorers But despite a record of 25 goals in
defending champions’ run of six Mario Mandzukic thought he had with ten so far. “There are few teams seven games Napoli coach Maurizio
consecutive wins leaving them joint scored for 3-1, but it was disallowed that can bother Juve and we’re among Sarri dismissed premature talk of
second with Inter Milan — who beat when the video assistant referee ruled them,” said Gomez after a draw against challenging for the title.
Benevento 2-1 — with big-scoring Stephan Lichtsteiner had elbowed the champions in April secured them “It’s been six years that I’ve heard
Napoli top on a maximum 21 points. Gomez in the face. European football this season. talk that we can bother Juventus but
“I was worried at the end, as we Bryan Cristante nodded in a “We missed the first few minutes, in the end they’re the ones who win,”
could have lost it and every point Alejandro Gomez cross to level on but then we had an amazing game. I’m said Sarri. “That means they are a level
will be precious come the end of 67 minutes for Atalanta who finished proud of this team.” above everyone else.”
the season,” said Juventus coach fourth in Serie A last season. ‘ANOTHER LEVEL’ Marcelo Brozovic scored a quick-
Napoli’s Dries Mertens scores a
Massimiliano Allegri. Paolo Dybala missed a chance to penalty kick during the Serie A
Napoli scored another big win fire first half brace as Inter scored a
Juventus had been two goals up in grab the winner nine minutes from match at San Paolo stadium in with skipper Marek Hamsik opening tight win at tailenders Benevento,
Bergamo after Federico Bernardeschi time when Juventus were awarded Naples. — AFP on four minutes to move one shy of who got one back through Marco
opened on 21 minutes and Gonzalo a penalty — also through the video Argentine legend Diego Maradona’s D’Alessandro. — AFP
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7

President Donald J. Trump pose with the US team and the Presidents Cup trophy after the final round singles matches of The President’s Cup at Liberty National Golf Course. — USA Today Sports

US win Presidents Cup over International team

JERSEY CITY, New Jersey: The United States won their Winning captain Steve Stricker concurred.
seventh consecutive Presidents Cup over the International “U.S.A. team golf is in a great spot,” Stricker said of his team,
team on Sunday even as the final margin of eight points which has an average age of less than 32 years.
disguised the one-sided nature of the event. “Looks like they could be around together for a long time.
A Sunday rally by the beleaguered Internationals, who won They played well all year long and they came here with a lot of
six of the 12 singles matches and halved three others, allowed confidence. They continued it right through this tournament
the visitors to avoid a record defeat and escape Liberty National here.” The International team of players from the rest of the
with a little pride. world, excluding Europe, started the final day needing to sweep
The US, led by unbeaten Dustin Johnson and Phil every match to snatch victory.
Mickelson, prevailed 19-11 to claim the cup for the 10th time A touch embarrassed after performing miserably in the
in 12 stagings of the biennial event. foursomes and four-ball matches, the Internationals performed
The record winning margin is 11½ points by the Americans much better in man-to-man play on Sunday, though it was too
in 2000. little, too late.
The result left the International team searching for ways “It was really weird being out there today, knowing there
to make the event more competitive heading into the 2019 was no chance of losing,” said world number one Johnson.
installment at Royal Melbourne in Australia. Among the International winners in singles were former
But no matter what they had done it would not have been world number ones Jason Day and Adam Scott, as well as
enough to stop the home team this time. Hideki Matsuyama, currently the team’s top-ranked player.
“It’s tough to be on the receiving end of another loss for all American losers included the past three major champions,
of us,” International captain Nick Price said after presiding over Jordan Spieth, who has not won a singles match in either
his third straight defeat at the helm. “This is a juggernaut of a Presidents or Ryder Cup events, Justin Thomas and Brooks
U.S. team. They’re an overpowering team.” Koepka.
The American team certainly impressed Donald Trump, Spieth won his first four matches this week, but he
the first sitting US President to present the cup to the winning still copped a friendly ribbing at the winning team’s press
captain. conference.
“I’ve been watching this from the beginning, and I have to President Donald J Trump (left) hands the Presidents Cup trophy to US team Captain Steve Stricker after the final round singles “I’ve got a question. How does it feel to be 0-5 in singles,”
say our team U.S.A., wow, did you play well,” Trump said. matches of The President’s Cup at Liberty National Golf Course. — USA Today Sports Johnson asked Spieth. — Reuters

Presidents Cup ironman Mickelson

eyes another Ryder Cup
JERSEY CITY, United States: The
United States’ 19-11 romp over the
International team in the 2017 Ryder
Cup only whetted Phil Mickelson’s
appetite for the 2018 Ryder Cup.
The 47-year-old American made
his 100th match in team competition
for the United States a win on Sunday
with a 2 & 1 victory over Canadian
Adam Hadwin.
Mickelson posted his 26th
Presidents Cup match win —
Phil Mickelson tees off on the extending his record after tying and
first hole during the final round then surpassing the 24-win mark of
singles matches of The Tiger Woods earlier in the week.
President’s Cup at Liberty “This has been a fun, special week,”
National Golf Course.
— USA Today Sports
Mickelson said. “I’ve never been a
part of a team all these years that’s
this talented and gone out and lit the
course up like this and had such a big
Henderson wins in New Zealand as Ko struggles lead going into Sunday singles.”
The United States, up by 11 points
Phil Mickelson (left) and Adam Hadwin (right) pose for a picture before the final
round singles matches of The President’s Cup at Liberty National Golf Course.
on Saturday night, needed just one — USA Today Sports
WELLINGTON: Canadian Brooke Former world number one Ko, the She was not the only player
Henderson excelled in appalling defending champion, ended with a unsettled by the bad weather and point from Sunday’s singles to clinch
conditions to win the New Zealand share of 22nd place on 283 after a delays, with round three leader Spain’s the Cup. Presidents Cup team as one of US
Women’s Open on Monday, as horror run saw her drop five shots on Belen Mozo shooting a six-over final “This was a stress-free day for us, captain Steve Stricker’s wildcard picks.
hometown favourite Lydia Ko faltered her final two holes. round of 78 to finish tied on fifth. and that’s just something we’ve never The 47-year-old He’s the same age as US Ryder Cup
in the stormy weather that forced the Ko, who has not won an LPGA Henderson, 20, said the conditions had,” said Mickelson, the only man to American made his captain Jim Furyk, but even on a team
LPGA event into a fifth day. event since July last year, said playing were the most difficult she had played play in all 12 Presidents Cups and now packed with 20-something talent —
Henderson, who was leading when in front of her home crowd “gave me in. 100th match in team
a veteran of 23 straight US match play including British Open champion
wild winds stopped play at Auckland’s goosebumps”. “I feel mentally drained by it but
teams including Presidents and Ryder competition for the Jordan Spieth, US Open Champion
Windross Farm on Sunday, took But it failed to improve the 20-year- running on adrenalin to know this
charge when her interrupted final old’s recent run of poor form as she trophy is mine,” she said. Cup appearances. United States a win Brooks Koepka and PGA Champion
round resumed, showing remarkable double-bogied the 17th and then “This is so amazing to get my first Mickelson would dearly love to on Sunday with a Justin Thomas — the player they
consistency despite the conditions. triple-bogied the 18th. win outside of North America, my fifth make it 24 straight teams when the playfully dubbed “Grandpa” showed
The world number 12 carded “I played really solid pretty much win on the LPGA Tour, it is incredible.” United States take on Europe in the
2 & 1 victory over just how useful he can be.
a three-under 69 to finish the apart from the last two holes,” she said. The $1.3 million tournament is the Ryder Cup in France next year. Canadian Adam Mickelson finished with three
tournament on 271, five shots ahead “It was a tough finish but overall my first LPGA event to be staged in New
of China’s Jing Yan in second place. game was solid. Zealand.
“Next year going to Paris and being Hadwin wins and one halved match for the
Korea’s Hee Young Park finished “I had hoped a few more putts It was previously co-sanctioned part of The Ryder Cup Team — it’s week, partnering with Presidents
third on 277, while American Jennifer would have dropped but I think I am by the Ladies European Tour, with Ko been 25 years since we won a Ryder Cup newcomer Kevin Kisner to win
Song seized fourth after an impressive saying that almost every week. There’s winning in 2016, 2015 and 2013. Cup over there. That would be a real one foursomes and one fourball and
68 in her final round. always something left to improve.” — AFP big goal of mine,” he said. since his 2013 British Open triumph halve one foursomes match before his
Mickelson hasn’t won a tournament at Muirfield and only made the singles win over Hadwin. — AFP

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T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7 25

gallery opening
in northern
Tehran, and a
typical scene: silk
scarves barely
clinging to the
backs of women’s
heads, young hipsters, gentlemen in
that most unrevolutionary of items —
the tie.
Trendy, wealthy and in their
element, the packed crowd edges
around abstract sculptures,
somewhat grotesque portraits and
looped cartoons by US-based Iranian
artist Pouya Afshar.
The work has clear Iranian
and religious themes, drawing on
traditional mourning ceremonies, yet
the censorious rulers of the Islamic
republic — still deeply ambivalent
about the liberating and libertine
tendencies of the art world — feel a
world away. “There are these 2,000 people who But the numbers are still small and
Afshar, 33, himself epitomises the go from one gallery to another, from many obstacles remain, says Hormuz
globe-trotting Iranian middle and one pool party to another, living in Hematian, who founded the Dastan
upper classes. He teaches at a US LA while not really living in LA. It’s a Gallery in Tehran five years ago.
university yet is still drawn back “like psychosis,” he said. “Last year, the whole art scene
an itch I always need to scratch”. “You’re sedated by thinking that in Iran made just $35-50 million.
“When I’m here, I’m not completely you’re in a party when you’re really in The entirety of the masterpieces of
Iranian, and in the US I’m not a locked room.” contemporary Iranian art cannot be
completely American, but that helps But even he admits the atmosphere worth the same as one painting at
me cook my own stew,” he said. is much lighter than in the past, and Sotheby’s,” he said.
“I’m not trying to re-establish my that this is an exciting time to be “The problems are everything
roots with this work. I enjoy being part of the art scene as Iran slowly you can think of, including us — the
lost.” reacquires its traditional status as a galleries — the artists, the education
Such return trips have become paragon of world culture. system,” he added.
less fraught since 2013, when a new The freer atmosphere has pushed
moderate government eased social ordinary artistic concerns to the POTENTIAL GROWTH ‘HUGE’
pressures and rebuilt ties with the fore: about authenticity and funding, “We need writers, translators. We
West. and what it means to be an “Iranian need visitors not to feel scared to
“Even if I’m cynical, it feels more artist”. come here; hotels, entertainment and
inviting when you have people from restaurants.”
the government saying that Iranians ‘ART IS UNIVERSAL’ Hematian says the market could
from outside should come back and Nima Zaare-Nahandi, whose grow five or 10 times in the next
share something,” he said over coffee finely detailed abstract drawings decade if only the remaining US
in a north Tehran cafe that looked like feel unattached to any time or place, sanctions on Iran can be lifted.

it had been airlifted in from Brooklyn. pushes back against the idea that his “There’s such a rich history
The past decade has seen the nationality should dictate his style. of visual culture to draw on —
number of galleries in the city explode “Art is universal. Can you say calligraphy, architecture, illustration.
from just a handful to more than 100. biology belongs to somewhere. The “The minute the banking problems

idea of creating an ‘Iranian school’ are solved and the American, French
IGNORING ‘BAD STUFF’ is what Westerners demand to make or British markets open up to Iranian
The clerical establishment still it exotic,” said the 34-year-old in his art, the growth will be huge,” said
meticulously monitors all art for Tehran studio. Hematian.

art scene:
anything deemed un-Islamic or “Obviously local culture affects Of course, there is still the
obscene, but a public space has Iranian artists, but we are so exposed censorship issue to deal with, though
opened up for young creatives to to world cultures today,” said Zaare- many put that more on the level of
live in a way that would have seemed Nahandi, whose own influences lie “annoying” rather than repressive.

a bubble of
impossibly daring just a few years more with Japanese cinema, and his “It’s not fear — it’s more a
ago. time training in Paris and Madrid. question of uncertainty, which is...
Still, some worry they are just living The challenge, he says, is not to yes, annoying,” said a Tehran gallery
in a bubble, trying to wish away Iran’s create some single idea of Iranian manager, who also asked not to be

harsh censorship and disapproving art, but to build the institutions that identified.
authorities. can nurture future talent. “We have to be careful about how
Some speak — off the record — of “We need more than just galleries, much skin we’re showing and things
stints in prison and friends who fled which are purely commercial. We like that. It’s always an issue, although
the country for little more than their need education, museums, a good censorship can also make people
artistic tastes. review.” more creative.
“When bad stuff happens we just Slowly, those elements are starting “But we are very optimistic
ignore it. There’s no other way to to emerge, funded by a booming these days. Life is getting easier. It’s
deal with it,” said one Tehran-based interest from local and international blooming. This is the time to be here.”
curator, who asked not to be named. collectors. — AFP

CRYPTIC PUZZLE spy pocketed it (9) take to market (8) 40 Fastener (4) Small-S 10, S-t-eam 13, Tea-M 14,
ACROSS 36 Doesn’t stop to get the papers 31 It’s in need of insurance, my love 41 Restaurant worker (8) Earn 15, B-urn 16, Bet 17, Deer 19,
one’s ordered (7,2) (8) 42 Large hairy spider (9) Thud 21, Seven-ties 23, P-is-a 24,
9 Admitted, he’s not well (2-7) 38 The brave man having a G and T 32 Heat has a parching effect on
10 Having reached your destination, Oast 26, Can 27, D-rum 29, Trim
outside (7) various things (8) DOWN
have to be picked up? (4,4) 32, H-eat 33, Kyoto 34, Breast 35,
39 He is, having taken the tram 33 Restores and finds another 1 Wait patiently (3,5)
12 Blinking, set to work with the back, at home (6) duplicate for (7) 2 Try extremely hard (6) Ever-more 36, Stages.
needle (4) 40 Take it for the animal (4) 35 Hurry up — it’s not a spray (4-2) 3 Buy (8) DOWN: 1, Ca-u-se 2, Alter 3,
13 Strive for variety (6) 41 A really good figure: a heavenly 36 Hotel worker having a drink (6) 4 Clothes, garments (6) Chum 4, Poser 5, Tram 6, Hal-Ted
14 Return and change it to a later body (4-4) 37 Look at, saying “Children will 5 K2, say (8) 9, Mantis 11, Tap 12, An-Des 13,
date (3,4) 42 Explain the clue I compiled to like this” (6) 6 Useful for many things (3-7) Turn-out 15, Be-e 16, Bus 18, Eva-
15 Don’t worry about the tough the girlfriend (9) 7 Loaf type (7)
guys recuperating (2,3,4) Des 20, Hetty 21, Sin 22, Tam 23,
EASY PUZZLE 8 Touch lightly (6)
17 The lucky period doesn’t last ACROSS Par-rot 25, Bit 28, Rates 30, R-obot
DOWN 11 Fate (7)
long — one doesn’t have enough 1 Learns — to phone before calling 16 Teachers (6) 31, Mode-L 32, Hang 33, Kirk.
9 Butt in (9)
(4,5) on you? (5,3) 10 Linoleum (8) 19 Mental picture (5)
18 Gets fed up and now interrupts 2 What’s in the bottle? That’s 12 Small branch (4) 20 Manage (3) YESTERDAY’S EASY
the long speeches (7) immaterial (6) 13 Deed (6) 22 Major artery (5) SOLUTIONS
20 Roughly only, as one provides for 3 Lacking support, is jittery (8) 14 Ask to marry (7) 23 Stink (6)
(4,2) ACROSS: 4, Aspect 7, Heptagon 8,
4 Leave just a wisp (6) 15 Large dog (5,4) 25 Goalie (10)
21 For the hunger, give it a little 26 Diocese (3) Gloves 10, Tribe 13, Peer 14, Saga
5 Hurt a boy in the aquarium (8) 17 Accord (9)
cheese (4) 6 Removing roughly when fleecing 27 Spouse (7) 15, Earn 16, Pro 17, Sari 19, Tray
18 Prickly plant (7)
24 Came back and were caught in a (7,3) 20 Kidnapper’s payment (6) 30 A prediction (8) 21, Financial 23, List 24, Talc 26, Rat
sand-storm (8) 7 Try to disprove — and do try (7) 21 Caution (4) 31 Strolls (8) 27, Leer 29, Edit 32, Dear 33, Aside
26 Gave, when one had the money 8 United in song, perhaps (6) 24 Aromatic herb (8) 32 Motorcycle sport (8) 34, Resort 35, Ecstatic 36, Stamen.
to give (8) 11 Roughly drawn small boat: a 26 Pullovers (8) 33 Quantities (7) DOWN: 1, Shots 2, Sprig 3, Game
28 Someone binding and creating a very little yacht (7) 28 Second-hand (4) 35 Child without living parents (6)
4, Anger 5, Poor 6, Cherry 9, Lentil
row (4) 16 Gives a party that gets into the 29 Type of lottery (6) 36 Shrewd, cunning (6)
29 An attempt, during a depression, 37 False or incorrect (6) 11, Ray 12, Basis 13, Painter 15, Era
news, unfortunately (6) 31 Light shoes (7)
to get food (6) 19 Big area of open land to wander 22 Among those present at that fantasise about buying? (4,6) 34 Turf accountant (9) 16, Pal 18, Antler 20, Races 21, Fit
31 An about turn in the jobs about in (5) point (5) 26 Painting a man (3) 36 Golf building (9) YESTERDAY’S CRYPTIC 22, Car 23, Latent 25, Lid 28, Eaten
advertisements (7) 20 The boy is a little smaller than 23 Levers gently and it comes up (6) 27 “19” is, by the way, odd (7) 38 Planet (7) SOLUTIONS 30, Ditto 31, Teach 32, Doom 33,
34 Yes; given a mere twinkling, the the woman (3) 25 Not those American houses you 30 Get the better of, forcing us to 39 Freewheels (6) ACROSS: 4, Pa-tch-y 7, All the go 8, Alto.
T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7

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A woman collapses from

exhaustion as Rohingya
refugees arrive by a wooden
boat from Myanmar to the
shore of Shah Porir Dwip, in
Teknaf, near Cox’s Bazar. —

Life as it
the world

The season of
Actor Aamir Khan speaks during a news conference to GENTLE
promote his movie “Secret Superstar” in Singapore. — Reuters

Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd’s concept robots, the

“Murata Cheerleaders”, demonstrate how they balance on JAPAN
balls and synchronise as a team by utilising sensing and
communication technology, at CEATEC (Combined
Exhibition of Advanced Technologies) JAPAN 2017 at the
Makuhari Messe in Chiba. — Reuters

ITALY tourism, fishermen and countries get to the end of November so trip bookings can
TITASH CHAKRABORTY enjoy them all year round. The in-come flows still be made through SeaOman website,”

and what we are about to do will show you Assim al Saqri, Public Relations Officer of the
why it’s worth to see this gentle creatures of company said.
The radiography of the oil painting on Sri Lanka’s Military officers he tour began with a the sea alive and in person,” he explained. September to November is the annual
canvas called “Ragazzo morso dal stand near the flag square at
ramarro” (Boy Bitten by a Lizard) by Italian sunset in Colombo. — Reuters short seminar. The group SEAOMAN, the marine leisure part of whale shark season where these fish and
painter Michelangelo Merisi. — AFP leaders standing in front Oman Sail that provides tourists and locals their pups migrate. In this short window,
giving out a brief back- an opportunity to get on, in and under the divers and snorkelers have a high chance
ground of who they are water in various parts in the Sultanate had of spotting these glorious giants. As one of
and what they do. It was made a massive social media campaign for the wonders of the world, it is every marine
SRI LANKA eight in the morning on this event running from the last week of enthusiast and wildlife lover’s dream to
a Sunday but many of the attendees didn’t September to the first week of October. It’s one day see and swim with these wonderful
seem to mind. all over the news and over our news feeds creatures.
“What we are advocating is sustainable and those who are closely watching environ-
marine tourism. People have to understand mental and tourism updates in the country ONE ON THE BUCKET LIST
that whale sharks are more useful alive than would surely have seen it. We reached the Al Mouj Marina and
they are dead,” Pierre Frolla, 43, holder of Whale Sharks, the biggest fish in the world, saw the hundreds of boats and yachts
four free diving world records and several makes this migratory journey every year and docked at the bay. One of the two SeaOman
others, started. Discover Sea Oman along with the famous establishments — Oman’s premier dive and
“In many parts of the world, whale sharks free diver and environmental educator Frolla charter services — is also located at the
and sharks in general are being killed for and his team made it their mission to give sophisticated Al Mouj Marina.
their fins. The number grows every year. the people in Oman the experience of a life Pierre, during the brief seminar, shared
Once they are killed, that’s the end of it. They time. “The tour with Pierre ends on October that he is working towards setting up an
don’t come back. In sustainable marine 6 but the whale shark season continues until academy where children and adults alike
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T U E S DAY l O C TO B E R 3 l 2 0 1 7


Exhibit at New York’s

MoMA looks at iconic

he Museum of Modern tuxedo for women, introduced in
Art is staging an exhibit Paris in 1966 — crystallised the
of iconic clothing evolution of women’s status and
and accessories their aspirations in life.
to examine the Saint Laurent’s signature black
relationship between fashion and boots and espadrilles are also on
society. display.
On display are 111 high-impact Modernity was also the very
items like Levi’s 501 jeans, the little 1960s futuristic aspiration of Paco
black dress, the sari, the pearl Rabanne and his aluminium dress,
necklace and even tattoos — all part and that of Pierre Cardin as seen in
of the cultural heritage of the West his bold Cosmos dress.
and elsewhere in this century and Fashion is also modern simply
the 20th. because it reflects the spirit of the
In MoMA’s first exhibit on fashion times. This show looks at fashion’s
since 1944, the show features relationship to everyday street life
garments that seem timeless, like and all that it inspires.
the Panama hat. The best illustration, however, is
But it also includes items from the powerful world of sportswear,
everyday life or those denoting born far from the catwalks of New
religious affiliation, such as the York and Paris but now nestled
yarmulke for Jewish men and the intimately in every layer of society.
headscarf for Muslim women. To wit: Converse All Star
The exhibit is called “Is Fashion sneakers, sports jerseys, Lacoste
Modern-” It opens on Sunday and polo shirts and track suits are
runs through January 28. all part of the show, and basics of
It provides a chance to recall how many people’s wardrobes.
certain garments symbolised what To accompany the exhibit, MoMA
was considered modern in a given commissioned the manufacture
period of history. and marketing of several garments
Although curators say the show based on beloved clothing from the
is about objects, rather than their past, such as a Breton sailor-style
designers, the influence of Yves shirt by Armor-Lux of France and a
Saint Laurent permeates. seamless sweater by Issey Miyake.
His “Le Smoking” — the first — AFP


Oh, rats! Big tree-

dwelling rodent found
can not only learn sports like free-diving shared that it was on her bucket list. Although our team missed the whale in Solomon Islands

and deep sea diving but also give people the “I’ve always wanted to swim with the whale sharks, the group who went the day after and
opportunity to spread awareness about the sharks, it’s a bucket list thing,” she shared. before our trip were ecstatic about their own eople living on the found proof of this yet, but I have
importance of keeping the marine life safe and The previous day, Pierre reported that they personal experiences. Solomon Islands in the found that they can eat a very thick-
how countries and places can invest in more saw a pod of 11 whale sharks. It also didn’t take Tracey O’Donoghue who was part of Pacific Ocean long had shelled nut called a ngali nut,” Lavery
sustainable methods of earning money whilst long for them to find where they were feeding. the Saturday group shared on SeaOman’s spoken of a big, tree- said.
saving the marine life. “That’s why they are here — they are usually Facebook page shared that it was a dwelling rat called vika A small number of rat species
Along with him was his wife and two feeding. When you swim with the whale sharks, truly memorable day for her. One of her that inhabited the rainforest, but the around the world rival vika’s size.
others from his team who all explained their as much as possible, stay away where they are companions on the said trip, Catarina Castro, remarkable rodent managed to elude Lavery said a vika relative also
roles and what they wish to achieve with this headed. You are disrupting their natural cycle. thanked the team for their important message scientists — until now. inhabiting the Solomon Islands,
programme. Al-ways stay on the side,” Pierre said. of preserving the whale sharks. After searching for it for years called Poncelet’s giant rat, is twice
“Education is very important. What we The Monday group reported that they’ve with cameras mounted in trees and the size.
hope to do is whatever you learn today, you seen more than 15 whales in a pod with traps, scientists said they finally The world’s largest rodent is not
will share it with people you know and in the attendees Anand Vinerkar and Lucie Lyons caught up with the rat on Vangunu a rat, but rather South America’s
long run, create this network of awareness both sharing that they had the most fantastic Island, part of the Solomon Islands, barrel-shaped capybara.
regarding our marine resources,” he said. September to of experience. spotting one as it emerged from a A phenomenon called the “island
After the briefing, the group headed to the November is the Although we didn’t see the sharks, taking a tree felled by loggers. effect” may help account for the size
docks where each person was given flippers annual whale shark few minutes to snorkel and seeing miles into It instantly joined the list of the of Vika and other big rat species in
and divided in groups of 10. Each group was season where this the deep waters and also spotting diverse biggest rats in the world, weighing the Solomon Islands.
assigned a boat. Our team was assigned with fish and their pups variety of fish, rays, eels and even a turtle about four times more than an “The island effect, or island
Pierre and Khalid, a highly trained seaman migrate made the trip worth it! ordinary rat and measuring about 1½ syndrome, relates to the effects
from SeaOman. Moving around looking below at the dark feet (about half a meter) long. living on an island has on the
They explained to the group what was to abyss, floating and playing with the waves, “Vika lives in a very thick, complex evolution of body size. On islands,
be expected, how to prepare and wear the there was a something exciting and yet forest, and it is up in the canopy so small species such as rats, evolve
snorkel and mask and how one must interact calming about swimming and watching the it is difficult to find. It is also a rare to have larger body size, they attain
with the marine life in a way that doesn’t different marine life in their natural habitat. species. It is likely there are not many higher population densities and they
danger the animal or the person. Following the JUST NOT OUR DAY Although deeply frustrated that our of these rats left,” mammalogist produce fewer offspring,” Lavery
map of the usual routes of the whale sharks, Our team spend three hours in the water journey wasn’t a fruitful one, we know Tyrone Lavery of the Field Museum said.
we left shores on a speed boat excited for this trying to figure out where the whale sharks we shared the same sentiment with our in Chicago, who led the research, said “Vika also probably arrived on an
experience of a lifetime. are but for-tune didn’t favour us. On Sunday, companions. We might not have seen and on Thursday. island where there were no other
Moving from one spot to the other, all of us the whale sharks cannot be found anywhere. experienced swimming with the gentle giants The orange-brown rat dines large mammals living in the canopy
along with the Khalid and Pierre kept an eye We travelled for miles and miles in the on our designated day, there is still the whole on nuts and fruit, has short ears, eating fruits and nuts so the species
out at the vast open waters looking for a sign of water, everyone hoping to just even find and month of November to check them out. Even a smooth tail with very fine scales evolved to fill this niche,” Lavery said.
the giants. After a while and no luck of finding swim with one but we have to settle down that better, we know that they will come back again, and wide feet that allow it to move Lavery said vika should be
them, we anchored boat and were given the it wasn’t our day. if not the next season, the one after that — if through the forest canopy. considered critically endangered,
chance to snorkel in the surrounding waters. “I’ve never been this disappointed in my only Pierre’s message of sustainable marine The rat is reputed to chew holes in with logging threatening its habitat..
For one of the people on the boat, she life,” says one of the attendees. tourism is heard and paid attention to by all. coconuts to eat the inside. “I haven’t — Reuters
TUESDAY | OCTOBER 3, 2017 | MUHARRAM 12, 1439 AH

email us at

The season of the

Guided by freediving world record
holder Pierre Frollo of Monaco,
residents of Oman are given an
opportunity to swim with the gentle
giants of the sea — the whale sharks.
Passing through Oman for their
annual migration, check out Pierre
and his team’s message about
sustainable marine tourism... P26



Running Time: 105 min
“Souq” or the marketplace will
always remain as the heart of any Starring: Liam Neeson, Diane
city in Oman regardless of time. Lane and Maika Monroe
People travel miles from their
homes to reach the market to sell Based on a true story of the IRAN’S BLOOMING
their produce, share and show to
most famous anonymous man
in American history: Mark Felt, ART SCENE: A BUBBLE
others the products of their lands
or for some, to buy these products.
the FBI second-in-command
who was the ‘Deep Throat’
Instagrammer @Imy7265 gives us whistle-blower in the 1970s A gallery opening in northern Tehran,
a bird’s eye view into the livelihood Watergate scandal. While his and a typical scene: silk scarves
name has been public for a barely clinging to the backs of
of a fruit seller. decade, few know about the women’s heads, young hipsters,
personal and professional life gentlemen in that most
For a chance to be featured, follow of the brilliant and unrevolutionary of items — the tie.
and tag us on Instagram. Don’t uncompromising Felt, who Trendy, wealthy and in their element,
forget to use #BeAnObserver and risked and ultimately the packed crowd edges around
#OmanObserver so we can find sacrificed everything, abstract sculptures, somewhat
including his family, career, grotesque portraits and looped
your submissions. and ultimately his freedom, to cartoons by US-based Iranian artist
bring what he knew to light. Pouya Afshar p25

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