Aleksandr Dugin - Futurology As Eschatology (2000) (Miły Anioł No3)

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"Sweet Angel" №3, Moscow, 2000


1. Other coordinate systems - different ideas about the future

When we set ourselves the problem of predicting the future, on projects, predictions, foresight, etc.
we must first choose a coordinate system in which we consider the course of history. This problem is
usually overlooked, content or pseudo-scientific models of futuristic (in the case of the positivist
approach), or emotional and deliberately vague prophecies (if it is a mystical approach). But in both
cases, the basic setting remains behind the scenes. It-is actually the most interesting.

Future can be seen in several coordinate systems.

2. Tradition and religion see history as a cyclical process

First - cyclical. It is common to all world religions and sacred traditions (except Judaism and
Christianity, but this will be discussed separately). For this coordinate system peculiar to represent
history as a cyclical, circular (actually spiral), a process that at each stage of repeats in essence the
only model with differences in detail. The annual cycle is a good example of how tradition is itself
history. The start and end point are the same - it's the New Year, the winter solstice. Birth of Light,
spring, flourishing, flowering peak summer, autumn wilting, dead cold of winter ... Again World
Spring. It is a human story of the Hindu tradition, teaching the four ages (yugas) and Greek (set out
quite fully in Hesiod). It all starts with the Golden Age, Silver Age is later, then bronze, then iron. Then
End of the World, and it all starts over again. Comes a new humanity, the old humanity disappears or
dies in the universal catastrophe. Clearly, in this perspective, to predict the future is most important
to determine what kind of phase (in what century) at the moment humanity is. If it's Golden Age, you
should wait for the Silver. If Silver, then - Bronze. If copper, then - Iron If iron, then - disaster and
New Gold.

Immediately, we note that almost all the traditions and religions, rooted in antiquity, considering our
age very pessimistic tones, uniquely identifying it from the Iron Age (Kali Yuga Hindu, "a great hiding,
ghayba, Islamic esoteric, etc.). in other words, cyclical perspective, inherent traditions, we live in a
more or less close to the end of the cycle, in the last period of the Iron Age. This automatically colors
futuristic theory traditionalist dismal, disastrous tone that some are balanced only certainty in the
near coming of a new Golden Age (although it should be noted that this age has come for another
humanity, which will replace our own, so "joy" - a rather relative, judging from the selfish point of

3. The origin of the idea of linear time - Judaic pessimism

Other prospects are dealing with a linear time, which implies the irreversibility of history, one-
pointedness of time. In physics this is called "irreversible" or "non-integrable systems". This position,
despite the fact that it is a priority in modern civilization and dominate the scientific approach is
quite unique ideological position and stands out against the background of all religious and
traditional teachings. Linear time and the associated concept of a one-way story first appeared in the
depths of the Jewish religion, which it is due to this approach and related theological features
strikingly different from all the sacred teachings of other nations that do not fail to affect throughout
the ethnic history of the Jews, who themselves perceive themselves as having a unique knowledge
and other nations perceived as something abnormal.

In modern culture and science, irreversible time has long been divorced from its Judaic roots, stood
apart from the religious terminology, it has become something taken for granted. But, nevertheless,
forget about this should not be the source.

Thus, while flowing in one direction. This approach enables the following coordinate system.

The first theory is pessimistic. Theory degradation. Quality of life deteriorates. In the history of the
law of entropy dominates. After the first impulse that led to the emergence of humanity, the reality
only cools. All over the "thermal death of civilization." This horrifying theory is based on some subtle
observations and something similar to the traditional approach of sacred doctrines. The only
difference is that the cyclical view suggests the possibility of an exceptional spiritual path in all
phases of the cycle (even in the dark), as the ripple centuries is, in the end, nothing more than a
constancy expression of the Eternal ultimate beginning, standing on the other side of time, but
organizing the time as if in his own image and likeness. degeneration theory considers "the decrease
being" a totally irreversible process, and therefore considers itself the Divine indwelling time - in the
Golden Century Source.

This pessimistic theory, in spite of its theoretical correctness and some compelling (especially if we
accept that the spiritual processes in human civilization repeated physical processes of the material
universe, where everything is happening just makes the entropy of the second law of
thermodynamics Clausewitz), has very few followers that may be due to human psychology, it is not
able to make a total pessimism. But relieving her from the account would not be correct. Generally
speaking, this pessimism was typical for some extreme pozdneiudaisticheskih sects - for example, the
Sadducees and the Pharisees - who denied all those moments of biblical doctrine, which cited an
unequivocal refutation of this view - in particular, the idea of resurrection of the dead, etc. Generally
speaking, such a historical pessimism - though not as radical and consistent, both in pure form - is
peculiar to the entire Jewish spirituality that is largely shaped himself Jewish type with its
characteristic "Jewish longing," "sad irony" tragedy of the persecuted, deprivation, etc. .d.

4. The theory of evolution - technocracy and "New Age"

The second theory - the theory of evolution - unlike the first is extremely common in the modern
world. It has no equivalent in any tradition (even such a paradoxical and features as Jewish). This is
something completely new, arose a few centuries ago, and which is a unidirectional analogue reverse
time degeneration theory. In general, no one has raised the question of the origin of the evolutionary
approach, which, of course, is not confined to Darwin and his theories, preceding them in time. Rene
Guenon wrote that the true source of this theory lies in the dark and dubious organizations.
However, under hypnosis convincing scientific or pseudo-scientific demonstrations and tests modern
humanity so we got used to the theory of evolution, that differently stories simply can not imagine.
The word "progress" is for our contemporaries something so self-evident that the very opportunity
to look at things from a different angle seems absurd. And, nevertheless, we should not forget that
the people who currently continue to hold traditional religious views (ie, all Christians, Muslims,
Hindus, Buddhists, most of the Jews, and so on), and it is, after all, the majority of the world's
population, already at the level of their dogmas professed views, exclusive evolutionary approach to
history, ie, rejecting one of the basic tenets of modern thought. This creates a delicate situation:
either representatives of the evolutionary approach should kak-to channeling its case, arrange it in a
sort of limited "cult" or present it in a polemical form, given that it is a statement of not self-evident
truths, but opinions category of people, which is a minority of the world's population.

Thus, to be before the end of the "politically correct" futuristic projections concerning the whole of
humanity must be built based on the priority of the cyclic approach and only in second place to take
into account the coordinate system based on the concept of "one-way time." Moreover, if the radical
extreme pessimism Judaism somehow resonates with normal cyclical views, the theory of evolution
is a perfect anomaly, drops out of all religious belief systems.

All this follows from the simple logic and is based on the presumption that it is necessary to take into
account the views of all types of people and civilizations, they would not have stood in what position.
However, enough to throw the most cursory look at the state of futurology, we immediately see that,
in fact, things are exactly the opposite situation. Religious opinion and the cyclical and pessimistic
today do not seriously taken into account and do not understand, because they are by default
considered "remnants of the dark ages." So the spirit of modernity itself, claims to democracy and
respect for otherness opinion, is revealed as quite intrusive and rigidly insists on its ideological
approach. A small (relative to the whole of humanity) community of western technocrats, not
affiliated with any tradition, nor religion, nor with some ancient cultural tradition, in fact impose
most of its own vision of the future, and this representation in varying degrees, and contributes to
the emergence of "the future". And this asymmetry lies much deeper than any specific futures
projects, that can be extremely varied and contradictory. Evolution is often not articulated and
proclaims he meant, and therefore incorrect approach to futurology is the general background to the
vast majority of projects or forecasts.

This consideration applies not only to the pure or the so-called technocrats "The scientific
community", but many neospiritualisticheskih movements that are often without even noticing,
captured the modern spirit in a much greater extent than they would like to think. This is the case
with spiritism, teosofizmom, occultism, etc. Russian Space Art is a characteristic of this kind of
neospiritualizma, thoroughly imbued with the evolutionary approach.

Generally speaking, futurology, based on evolutional approach has two varieties - and the
technocratic neospiritualisticheskuyu. Technocrats see the essence of civilization in the development
of technology, information systems, scientific methods. From their perspective, civilization and
society are moving along the path of progressive rationalization of its existence, the path
optimization of its existence and its features. They identify with the progress of technological
progress as such, and it is the basis of technocratic futurology. Her version reduced to predict the
further development of the technical capacity that will allow to expand the scope of progress in all
directions - hence the idea of human exploration of the universe, travel to distant regions of the
galaxy, etc. The decisions of all problems of the crisis are seen in the strength of engineering, able to
avoid the worst. Thus, technocrats see the future in technical terms, highlighting a number of future
challenges and in order to give them the best technical solution, which is thought possible (and even,
to some extent, inevitable) precisely because of optimism arising from latent evolutionist approach.

Neospiritualisticheskaya futurology - summarized under the title "Age of Aquarius" or "The Aquarian
Conspiracy" - suggests that technological progress will be duplicated progress "spiritual", ie humanity
somehow expand their psychological and intellectual capabilities, reaching "to perfection."
Description of the "Age of Aquarius" in neospiritualistov and representatives of the current "New
Age" (which summarizes the mass spiritualism today) is given in terms of "expansion of
consciousness", the opening of paranormal possibilities, etc. In this case, the problems of the future
are seen in a different way: "alien invasion" occult struggle with the "dark forces" who want to
prevent the evolution etc. Thus all traditional religions and sacred traditions are considered obsolete,
overcoming fragmented; They do not deny directly, but are considered to be improved through the
"new consciousness" through entering into the context of "new age". If at first glance, New Age
philosophy differs from the pragmatic technocrats their "tolerance" and "spiritualism", in fact, united
by much more - a community evolutionist approach, a tacit agreement about what time moves
unidirectionally and "for the better" those. they both recognize the "progress" as the sole and
uncontested truth, not calling into question.

This last point perfectly explains why today there are more and more mixed forms futurological
analysis, based both on the technocratic, scientific approach and neospritualisticheskih ideas "theory
of the Age of Aquarius." More and more authors offer a mixed model where technological progress is
considered in conjunction with the progress of the "spiritual", and forecasts new technologies
infused with psychic elements. A whole school of scientists and neospiritualistov located somewhere
in the middle between New Age and classical science, which seek to develop the so-called "New
paradigm", ie common civilizational code for "a new stage of human evolution." Particularly striking
representative of this trend can be considered a physicist Fritjof Capra, a forerunner - Russian
cosmists from Fedorov to Vernadsky. The theory of "noosphere" is a kind of intermediate and
convenient concept, which is easy to navigate as a New Age "expansion of consciousness" and to the
"technological breakthrough".

5. Christian: A look at the history and future

Before going any further, you should stay here on the Christian tradition. This tradition is also special
in a number of other sacred teachings, it has its own point of view on the meaning and direction of
history. On the one hand, Christianity borrowed the idea from Judaism unidirectional degradation,
which starts with the expulsion from paradise forefathers and ends apocalyptic disaster - end of the
world. However, unlike Judaism, Christianity believes in the immediate vicinity of the end of the
world special unique event, which gives the whole historical process different meaning - the birth of
the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God in human form. The fact that voluntary saving Incarnation gives
degradation stories radically different meaning. What seemed irretrievably lost during the downward
trajectory of the historic, newly acquired; suffering and exploits are not in vain, unidirectional time
entropy and its laws violated free the victim of Divine Love. The whole fabric of history and before
Christ and after Christ, as it were doubles: favorites (and died earlier - their Christ is brought out of
hell together with the first man Adam and the patriarchs - and those who live after Christ) joined
with the Divine (it is impossible to imagine in Orthodox Judaism) and cursed rejected. The meaning of
the unfolding of history - the mysterious process of separation, predugotovlenie this department,
which will be an accomplished fact, and obvious at the time of the Last Judgment, which will put an
absolute end to history.
In this perspective, no terrifying pessimism Judaic approach, nor stoic attitude to the Spirit inherent
cyclical religions (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.). This is something the third. However, the
Christian idea of history has nothing to do with evolutionary doctrine, since externally it is a
recognition of the cosmos degeneration (as in Judaism), which, however, imposed a paradoxical and
"supramental" recovery process selected through willful acquisition of God grace and through the
tense dramatic way inner struggle. No improvement of mankind, no progress. On the contrary, the
Christian Apocalypse gives a terrible picture of the last days that will precede the Second Coming
MIGU: the triumph of the Antichrist, disaster, suffering, retreat, complete savagery and degeneration
of the human race remains. The beast, the dragon riders of death, the star of wormwood, anger
bowls, bunches of punishment. Human souls are likened to grapes, thrown to the winepress. Gift
Christ brought to the grace of holy Baptism, not a moment of evolution. This is something
paradoxical, bursts into the universe from the world of the divine fullness, like lightning. It is
significant that the first disciples and become better Christians simple fishermen, publicans. Gift
them, not according to the logic of "evolution", but from the fullness of Divine Love, which chooses
"its" not by their appearance, taking into account the special characters, the whole paradox of which
in the Christian tradition is evident even in the listing ranks the Beatitudes: "Blessed are the poor in
spirit, for those is the kingdom of God; blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted,
etc. "

In short, the Christian view of futurology is clear: coming apocalyptic disaster, horror Antichrist
Parish, Apostasy, degeneration of the limit, and only at the peak of this nightmarish process will be
Christ himself in the Second Coming, but not as a person is born, and God the Son God in all its
transcendent greatness - "on oblatseh". And there is no intermediate stage is not. Gospel emphasize
": Peaks as a thief" (ie unexpected, sudden or elsewhere, "The arrival of the Son of Man will be like
lightning" In the morning prayers uttered Orthodox canonical formula.. "Suddenly the Judge shall
come, and shall draw koegozhdo acts" All of it. clearly rule out the possibility of evolution in the
future for the Christian only the tests, accidents and, finally, a supra-historical, a paradoxical moment
of the Second Coming, when the time will disappear, vanish away, and the material universe -. with
its laws, the elements and standards - will capsize in the eternal light world of the Divine Trinity.

6. Hidden conflicts in the "zero cycle"

So, we have identified several coordinate systems, which can be regarded as a problem of the future
in terms of its design, and in terms of its forecasting. Before we come to the question of our own
version of the future (wishes, expectations, foresight, etc.), we are faced with serious difficulties,
since it is necessary to determine first of all with the choice of the plan, which must proceed our
exposition, and this the choice is not so simple as it might seem at first glance. But even at this "zero
cycle" futures studies we were faced with quite a conflict situation, since these coordinates are not
just different, and equally, there is a tense standoff between them, they have to each other through
the most serious suspicions. For example: how can estimate the cyclical Hindu doctrine, which states
that we are living in the end of the "dark age (Kali Yuga), today's optimists" New -eydzh "waiting for a
new leap in the evolution of the already rather" highly progressive "humanity is clear? that the
orthodox Hindu (as well as Muslim, Buddhist, and so on. d.) sees in this mystical evolutionists (as in
other matters, and technocrats) "agent of the dark goddess of influence", so to speak of "progress"
at the peak "recourse" can only representative of the "demonic worlds." By the way, a similar
position on futurological "evolutionism" will and orthodox Judaism, and Christian. Declare
"degeneration", "evolution" in the perspective of these traditions can only figure symbolically called

But representatives neevolyutsionistskogo consciousness is very little (if any) among futurists. And,
of course, they pay evolutionists of the traditional approach of the same coin - counting their "dark",
"obscurantist", "medieval", "primitive", "backward", etc. At the same time countering the traditional
view of the future by the "progressives" often it is not via a direct criticism, and by default, ignoring
the most alternative position, through the artificial creation of such a controversy atmosphere,
research, analysis, in which any deviation from originally and implicitly defined framework almost
impossible. Since futures discussions hosts are almost exclusively evolutionists, the alternate
coordinate system initially rejected.

Much thinner neevolyutsionistskimi differences between models. Here, there are similarities and
differences. So specifically, Judaism and cyclical doctrine of other (mostly Indo-European) traditions
have between them a common element - the claim of being degraded, but differ in the assessment
of this degradation: Orthodox Judaism sees it irreversible (but at the same time a number of
heterodox Judaic mystical teachings - Kabbalah Hasidism previously merkaba gnosis and the Essenes)
and the Messiah is understood not as a restorer of the golden age, but as a reducing agent among
the nations of the earth the central status of the Jews as a nation endowed with the terrible
knowledge of the entropic device a reality, while for the Hindu or Buddhist - this is the same episode
as autumn or winter, only on a cosmic scale.

Christianity differs from Judaism and from religions claiming to the cyclical nature of history (in this
sense, also revealing phrase of St. Paul the Apostle "there is neither Jew nor Hellene", ie do not
possess the truth are not the ones not others). For Christianity extremely important moment of the
New Year, it is the amazing point of history where time touches eternity. And the time of the End
Times instantly becomes a great event immanent transcendent God becomes man, and the
Unknowable Absolute incarnated into the body, thereby giving a fertile opportunity critters make
their way in the opposite direction - the body can now be a spirit, but a man opened the way of
deification. That was before Christ does not matter. It is important that accomplished at the moment
of its coming. This event changes the whole logic of history, and inescapable overriding pessimism
Judaic worldview, and the need for endless repetition of the Hindu cycles - south eons, manvantaras

So futurological discussion between representatives also will theoretically take place in a rather
conflictual mode, as there are facing deep promises of different religions, and from that far to the
identification of an opponent with negative characters corresponding eschatological doctrines. Not
surprisingly, in the Christian perspective Judaic futurology will wear "satanic character", as the denial
of the divinity of Christ, the Jews will give in the eyes of orthodox Judaic Christian messiah sinister
features. Not much better look and cyclic eschatology other traditions, also denying "revolutionary"
sense of the history of the main events for Christianity - the Incarnation.

Conversely, Judaism (if he wants to be what it is) can not be considered Christian teaching heresy,
and thus decrypt eschatology Christians as antiiudaisticheskie trends. This is based, in particular, the
requirement of the Israeli religious teachers to the Vatican insists that the Catholic Church has
officially pleaded guilty to "Holocaust", ie mass extermination of Jews by the Nazis on the grounds
that Hitler was a Catholic. Since the "Holocaust" is Judaism most directly related to the onset of
"messianic age", then the value of such a requirement can not be overestimated. Thus, modern
Judaism strive to turn the end of the relationship with the Christian world: until very recently, the
Christian doctrine insisted that Jews were guilty of the sin of deicide theologically as Christ was
crucified on the requirements of the Sanhedrin. Now, due to weakening of the weight of Christianity
in Western civilization and a certain strengthening of the positions of Judaism, the rabbis seek blame
in the same sin - a "holocaust", or more precisely, "Shoah" is actually "deicide" in Talmudic optics -
the Christian Church.

At the same time Christians and Jews consider the main positive character of other religious
eschatology (Kalki Hindus, Buddhists Maitreya, Mahdi Muslims, etc.) most often as the embodiment
of the biblical "Gogh and Magog" and the envoys of "prince of this world".

Therefore, in this case futurological forecast or project from the outset faced with the necessity of
choosing their ideological camps, which will determine in the future framework and the logic of the

Thus, it became quite clear that any argument about the future in any case can not claim the
"common humanity", "objective", "impartiality", "scientific" or "truth". Futurology - the field of
dramatic spiritual confrontation of some fundamental outlooks, the story itself which proves that no
pragmatic or syncretic consensus between them can not be.

When we try to address the subject of futurology, the future, desired or probable, we must first
clarify - who are we? What kind of positions we hold? What kind of faith we confess? What traditions
belong? What values are defending?

Even the prophets of speech decoded depending on the school or mystical organizations. Orthodox
understanding of Ezekiel one, Talmudic completely different. What can we say about the vague
guesses of our contemporaries - even the most astute of them!

In this edition, we have tried to identify the main lines of force are sacred religious teachings related
to issues of eschatology, End of the World. This problem is extremely complex, but at the same time
is extremely urgent. On the border of the Millennium "end of the world" concept, the "Messianic
Era", "apocalypse", etc. can not be the center of our attention.

So, eschatology and tradition. Eschatology as part of the tradition, as it is the most mysterious and
probably the most important part.

In this extremely tense and not a simple topic of a lot of complex spaces and dark ironies, much is at
issue requires more in-depth spiritual, religious and existential choice. One is a doubt - "The future
belongs to the end."

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