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Foundations of Algebra Unit 4: Equations & inequalities Practice Day 8 Creating and Solving Equations Practice Write an equation that models the situation. You do NOT have to solve! 1. Five times the sum of e and 4 is equal to -7. SCe+aye-7 2. Jomie buys 9 CDs at same price per CD and a cassette tape for $9.45. His total bil was $118.89. Ax 4S ENE. SF Define a variable for each problem below. Then write an equation that can be used to model the following Problem. Finally, use your equation to SOLVE the problem. 3. Ata concert, Nabila purchased three t-shirts and a concert program that cost $15. In total, Nabila spent $90. Find the cost of a single t-shir i they all had the some price, Voriobles: K = 8 of Side ARMac model:__Dx 4\S = 90 ne seen $2T 00 ean Ses 4. Oberon Cell Phone Company adverises senice for 3 cen!s per minute plis a monthly ee of $29.95. Parker's phone bil for October wos $3895, find the number of minules he used Voriobles: ¥ = OX wades Model 0.03% 24.98 = 32.95 Parker ose QD moves, 5, Jacqueine had $20 to spend on 7 raffle tickets. After purchasing them she had $6 left. How much did each rotfle ticket cost? Variables: X= St €a0n pelea Model: 2 a Ye “om G Sne sgent 92 Rega Foundations of Algebra Unit 4: Equations & inequalities Practice & An online retailer charges $6.99 plus $0.55 per pound to ship electronic purchases. How many pounds iso DVD player for which the shipping charge is $11.94? Voriobles: x =aeoS Vos Model lo. 19-+0.88 x =\\. 44 an WD Rage 1S 4 ponds, 7. Savannah bought a laptop for $500. It was marked $50 off because it was out of the box and slightly scratched. She also got a 25% student discount, which was taken off the original price. What was the original price of the laptop? Voriobies:_X =Sroyrar Model: -sOy>2 SOO he Orig gic uses #117. &. The z00 offers special admission rates for large groups of vistors. The 200 charges $7.50 admission for the frst \isitor and $5.50 for each additional visitorin the group. Write an equation for the total cost of admission in terms of the number of vistors. How much is admission for a group of 8 visitors? Variables: K2 BOA Y SASS Model: 2.50 + &:SOx= visors WOrd cose ASI.So. 9. The jewely store hos a special on shins. If you purchase 2 shir for $65, each additional shir is $24.99. Write {an equation that represents that fotal cost of shirts based on the number of shits purchased. What is the total Cost of purchasing 4 shits? Voriobles: X= ae o& adomerat SAS Modet 2S) +2499 x = & \Box 24-4K2e Ban Seay noes a C229 ab. 10. The width of o rectangle is fee less than the length. The pefimeteris 62. Find he length ond wisth of the rectangle. Vorobies:_ > langi\y _ Ls Mode 4£= IO =loZ _ ah =\% One i R= 1B 00S

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