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LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 SESSION.
SUBJECT: Basic Science CLASS:JSS 3
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. Which of the following is a set of magnetic material? (a) glass, steel, oil wood (b) plastic, copper, nickel,
wool (c) iron, steel, cobalt, aluminum. (d) iron, steel, cobalt, nickel.
2. What is the region around a magnet where its magnetic force can be felt called? (a) An electromagnet (b) a
magnetic field (c) a magnetic crop (d) a compass.
3. Where is the magnetic field of the earth strongest? (a) At the poles (b) at the magnetic north pole only (c)
at the magnetic south pole only (d) at the equator.
4. What happens when the south poles of two magnets are brought together? (a) Nothing (b) they attract each
other (c) they repel each other (d) an electromagnet is formed.
5. Which statement describes the magnetic field lines of a bar magnet? (a) They are further apart at the poles
(b) they are close together in the middle (c) They are further apart near the magnet (d) they are close
together at the poles.
6. What is the Earth magnetic field used for? (a) Fridge magnets (b) navigation (c) electric bells (d) scrap
7. What happens to the energy supplied by a batteryin a circuit? (a) It is destroyed (b) it is transformed into
other types of energy (c) it stays as electrical energy because it can’t be transformed (d) it creates more
8. A bulb in an electric current transforms electrical energy into which other types of energy? (a) Light and
heat (b) heat and sound (c) light only (d) sound and kinetic.
9. What are the particles that flow around a circuit called? (a) Current (b) voltages (c) charges (d) electrons.
10. Which statement describes the current in a series circuit? (a) There are points where the current divides (b)
the current varies in different parts of the circuit. (c) the current is the same in all parts of the current (d)
the current is not dependent on the voltage.
11. How should a voltmeter be connected to measure the supply voltage in a simple circuit with a bulb? (a)
Across the bulb (b) in the circuit with the bulb (c) across the cell (d) in the circuit next to the cell.
12. Which circuit component force the symbol below represent (a) a cell (b) a bulb (c) a resistor (d) a battery.
13. Which of the following statements is true about potential difference? (a) It can be measured with an
ammeter (b) it is measured in coulomb (c) it is the difference in electric potential between two points (d) it
is the rate of flow of electric charge.
14. Which component is used to measure potential difference? (a) variable resistor (b) voltmeter (c) ammeter
(d) metre rule.
15. Why are metals able to conduct electricity? (a) They contain batteries (b) they contain free electrons (c)
they contain free ions (d) they contain charged ions.
16. Which term is also used to refer to potential difference? (a) Red shift (b) voltage (c) amplitude (d)
17. Another name for variable resistor is (a) voltmeter (b) thermistor (c) rheostat (d) LDR.
18. Which equation does not describe the relationship between V, I and R? (a) I=V/R (b)V=IR (c) V=I/R (d)
19. A television set of 80watt is used for 8 hours per day for 30 days. Calculate the quantity of energy
consumed by the television in KWh. (a) 21.33 (b) 19.20 (c) 6.10 (d) 1.70.
20. The SI unit of power is (a) Ampere (b) watt (c) joule (d) meter.
21. The S.I unit for electric current is the _____A.Volt B.Ohm C.Ampere D.Watt
22. A ball with a mass of 20g rolls from a height of 8m. Calculate its kinetic energy when it has a velocity of 2ms-A.1.6J
B.0.12J C.0.6J D.0.4J
23. Myopia can be corrected with glasses that have _____ lenses.A.Concave B.Convex C.Irregular D.Regular
24. Certain plants are able to survive in water because _____A.Their shoots are well developed B.They have flowers
C.Their leaves have air spaces D.Their cuticle are well developed
25. A hormone that increases the body's metabolic function is _____A.Thyroxine B.Aldosterone C.Testosteronen
26. A bone found in the middle ear is the _____.A.Stapedius B.Incus C.Patella D.Scaphoid
27. The function of chlorine in the water purification process is to _____.A.Filter the watB.Kill micro-organisms
C.Improve its taste D.Make it colourless
28. The vitamin obtained from the sun functions to _____.A.Prevent hypermetropia B.Build our skin C.Build our
bones D.Prevent Myopia
29. Desertification is likely to occur in which Nigerian State?A.Gombe B.Rivers C.Imo D.Ogun
30. The following activities of man will cause flooding EXCEPT A.Deforestation B.Availability of drainage facilities
C.Poor farming practices D.None of the above
1. (a) what is a lodestone?[2 marks]
(b) State three magnetic materials. [3 marks]
(c) Draw a sketch of the magnetic field produced by a bar magnet. [3 marks]
(d) What is meant by the term half-life? [2 marks]

2. (a) Define the following

(b) State the laws of reflection of light
(c) Give two uses of each of alpha, beta and gamma radiation.
[10 marks]

3.In tabular form mention the natural resources, location and their uses
[10 marks]
LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 SESSION.
SUBJECT: Physical And Health Education CLASS:JSS 3
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1.Physical Education objectives entail the acquisition of the following EXCEPT …….A. mental skills B. physical combat C.
physical fitness D. recreational skills E. social skills

2. A person that gives immediate assistance to an injured person is called……..A. coach B. doctor C. first aider D.nurse E.

3. The three types of crouch start are bunch, medium and ……. A. bullet B. elongated C.false D. staggered E. standing

4. Which of these is an indoor recreational activity?........ A. camping B. Dart C. hiking D. hunting E. picnic

5. Insufficient quantity of vitamin A in the body may cause…… A.anaemia B.dizziness C. poor memory D. poor vision E.

6. The dimension of a standard track is����.meters A.100 B. 200 C. 300 D. 400 E. 600

7. The major areas of physical education programme include the following EXCEPT…… A. aquatics B. athletics C.
gymnastics D. lead up games E. sports and games

8. Which of the following is an example of dual sports?...... A. Handball B. High jump C. Hurdles D. Pole vault E. Tennis

9. Games that does not have international recognition are referred to as ���� A. indoor B. league C. major D.
minor E. outdoor

10. Camping, picnic, hiking and mountaineering are all examples of����recreational activities…. A. indoor B. major
C. minor D.outdoor E. School

11. All these are qualities of a first aider EXCEPT being…. A. knowledgeable B. nervous C. observant D. resourceful E.

12. Which of these is NOT a gymnastic activity? A. Backward roll B. Crab walk C.Hangspring D. Hockey E. Neck spring

13. A relay team consists of����athletes

A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 E. 12

14. Which of the following recreational activities is good for an elderly person? A. Camping B. Cycling C.
Mountaineering D. Running E. Walking

15. When a bone is broken and cuts the skin, it is called���.fracture A. comminuted B. compound C. greenstick D.
multiple E. simple
16. The knee to two type of crouch start is referred to as A. bunch B. elongated C. medium D. staggered E. standing

17. The following are components of physical fitness EXCEPT A. agility B. balance C.endurance D. speed E. stability

18. As a first aider , which of the following injuries would need attention first? A. Bleeding B. Respiratory failure C.
Cramp D. Fracture E. Strain

19. Dislocation, sprain, strain, bruises and muscles cramps are����.injuries A. common B. major C. minor D.
ordinary E. sports

20. What is the full meaning of N.S.F.? A. National Shipping Ferries B. National Shoppers Federation C. National Sports

D. National Sport Festival E. Northern sports Festival21. Scurvy is caused by deficiency in A. amino acid B.
carbohydrate C. protein D. mineral salt E. vitamin C

22. These are types of bones in the humans body EXCEPT A. flat B. irregular C. joint D. long E. short

23. Regular exercise helps the body to A. accumulate fats B. gains weight C. get fatigued D. grow taller E. keep fit

24. Which of these is the third phase in long jump? A. Approach run B. Flight C. landing D. Recovery E. take off

25. As a trainer, which of these classes of food is most recommended to athletes during training? A. carbohydrate B.
fats and oil C. mineral salt D. protein E. vitamin

26. Which of these diseases is insect borne? A. Chicken B. Measles C. Poliomyelitis D. Sleeping sickness E.
Whooping cough

27. The most hygienic organs through which the air should be breathed in is the A. gullet B. mouth C. nose D.
trachea E. Windpipe

28. Which of the following systems are more important for successful physical performance? A. Respiratory and
Endocrine B. Respiratory and Nervous C. Skeletal and Circulatory D. skeletal and muscular E. Urinary and

29 .Which of the following is a type of � Track�A. Coal-sand dust B.Gravel C. Paper dust D. Saw dust E. Tartan

30. Without muscle individual loose the following EXCECPT A. Blood B. Capacity to live C. Endurance D. Shape E.


(1a) What are combined event? (3 marks)
(1b)List and give three(3) examples of combined event (3 marks)
(1c) Mention four(4) function of physical education in Education Specialist (3 marks)
(1d) mention five(5) Nigeria heroes with their heroic performance (3 marks)

(2a) What is puberty? (4marks)

(2b)Mention two(2) Pubertal changes that occur in boys and girls (4 marks)
(3)List and explain the various strokes in swimming (10 marks)


LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 France:+33751125647
SUBJECT: Basic Technology CLASS:JSS 3
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. Two-dimensional drawings showing the horizontal display of view of a building is called (a) elevation
(b) floor plan (c) sectional view (d) blue print
2. Which of these scales will produce the smallest drawing of an object? (a) 2:1 (b) 10:1 (c) 1:10 (d)
3. Which of the following is NOT an example of scale drawing? (a) oblique (b) isometric (c) orthographic
(d) perspective
4. What is the length of a line whose actual measurement is 15m, on a scale drawing having a R.F. = 1/250?
(a) 15cm (b) 10cm (c) 8cm (d) 6cm
5. One edge of an isometrically-projected cuboid was measured to be 2cm when the scale of the drawing was
1:10. What is the actual size of the edge? (a) 10cm (b) 20cm (c) 25cm (d) 200cm
6. Which of the following is every scaled drawing identified? (a) symbol (b) scale (c) size (d) dimensions
7. The number of millimeters in 1m length is (a) 100 (b) 1000 (c) 10000 (d) 10
8. The least graduation on a metric ruler is the (a) centimeter (b) decimeter (c) millimeter (d) micrometer
9. A length of 8m on a scale of 1:50 will have a length of _______ on paper (a) 6cm (b) 10cm (c) 16cm
(d) 20cm
10. Scaled drawing can be carried out using the following except (a) hand (b) metric ruler (c) representative
fraction (d) scale ruler
11. A reduction scale can be any of the following except (a) 20/10 (b) 2/20 (c) 1/100 (d) 10/50
12. The position of a scale on a drawing can be located in the (a) dimensions (b) lines (c) titleblock (d) top
of the border line
13. ___________ is the part of a building which is in direct contact with the ground. (a) Porsche (b) Enclave
(c) Wedge (d) Foundation 
14. An electric circuit is an arrangement of conductors for the purpose of carrying _____ . (a) wood (b) crops
(c) food (d) current 
15. An electric circuit diagram is a schematic diagram in the sense that______________. (a) visual arts is a
simple subject (b) electricity is more dangerous than water (c) symbols are used to depict various
components of an electric circuit (d) electricians are smarter than other people 
16. What type of circuit is shown below? (a) Season circuit (b) Series circuit (c) Perpendicular circuit (d)
Parallel circuit 

17. Which of the following persons DO NOT use Technical Drawing? (a) Accountant (b) Engineer (c)
Architect (d) Draughtsman 

18. The following professionals can be seen on a building construction site EXCEPT ________. (a) Plumber
(b) Bricklayer (c) Caterer (d) Electrician
19. The following are electrical appliances EXCEPT ______ . (a) Television (b) fan (c) plug (d) radio 
20. Our electrical appliances at home and office require ____ energy to function. (a) electrical (b) mechanical
(c) solar (d) heat 


INSTRUCTION: Answer any three(3) questions in this section (30 Marks)

1. a.Draw the diagram for a closed and open circuit (10 marks)
b List FIVE electrical components and draw their symbols (5 marks)

2. a.What is motion? (2 marks)

b.List and explain the various types of motion (3 marks)

3. Three resistors R1 = 2 Ω, R2 = 3 Ω, R3 = 4 Ω .Find the total resistance when connected

(i) in series (ii) in parallel (iii) Draw the electric circuits for (i) and (ii) (10 marks)

3. Explain these soldering methods

(i) Silver soldering Brazing (iii)Electronic soldering (10marks)

LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 SESSION.
SUBJECT: Home Economics CLASS:JSS 3
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. _____________ is a process of keeping yourself and surroundings clean to prevent disease. (a)
Cleaning (b) Hygiene (c) Hygienic (d) Hydrogen (e) hyena
2. The period which lies between the end of childhood and adulthood is called ____________ (a)
Girlhood (b) Boyhood (c) Adolescence (d) Bodyhood
3. The extra allowance provided in a garment is called (a) Fullness (b) oversize (c) filling (d) Free size
4. A situation that marks a turning point when things cease to go on as usual in the family is called
_________(a) decision (b) debate (c) crisis (d) challenge
5. ________ is a piece of material into a garment to replace the worn out part of the hole
(a) Patching (b) Fattening (c) Darning (d) Printpatch
6. The act of making a choice from alternative course of actions is called
(a) Personal action (b) best alternative (c) decision making (d) Action taking
7. The following are qualities of home maker EXCCEPT.
(a) patience (b) co-operation (c) creative (d) gossip
8. The struggle between two or more people who disagree is called
(a) conflict (b) crisis (c) challenge (d) problem
9. The glass-like part of the eye is the (a) Cornea (b) eyelid (c) Iris (d) Lens
10. A type of house that can still be found only in riverine area is ___________
(a) Bungalow (b) Mud building (c) Duplex (d) Bamboo houses
11. When the foot is constantly wet, bacteria and fungi grow in between the toes causing
(a)Calluses (b)Corn (c)Wet feet (d) athlete`s foot
12. First aid is _______ (a) A treatment for an injured person (b) Doctor`s advice (c) A treatment given to an
injured person before taking him to the hospital (d) A treatment given during sleep
13. ______is the thin thread-like strand that grows from the skin of a person
(a) skin (b) hair (c) nose (d) finger
14. All of these are ways of handling food for safety except(a)All cooking utensils should be thoroughly
cleaned before and after use (b) Wash fruits and vegetables with plenty of water and little salt can be
added in order to prevent germs (c)Use clean plates to serve cooked foods(d) Tops of cans and tins should
not be washed before opening the can
15. An area of home economics which deal with using of family resources to meet family's needs and goal is
(a) Hygiene and good grooming (b) Clothing and texile (c) Home management (d) Foods and nutrition
(e) Child care
16. This occur when many people live in a room.
(a) Overcrowding (b) Under crowding (c) Multiple crowding (d) Under ventilation
17. ________ is the process of preventing harmful bacteria from growing in food
(a) Food preparation (b) Food hygiene (c) Food storage (d) Food service
18. Helping people with foods for the treatment of a particular disease is the function of a ____________
(a) Dentist (b) Caterer (c) Nurse (d) Dietician
19. The strggle between two or more people who disagree is called ________
(a) Fault (b) Conflict (c) Problem (d) Crisis
20. All of these are key principles of food hygiene according to WHO EXCEPT (a) To Prevent food
contamination with pathogens spreading by people and pests (b) Separates raw and cooked foods to
prevent contamination (c) Store food at proper temperature (d)Use coloured water and partially clean
cooking utensils to prepare your food. (20marks)

Theory (Answer all questions)

1. (a) Who is a food safety manager? (5Marks)
(b) Differentiate between snacks and main meals (5points) (5Marks)

2.(a) What is food hygiene? (2Marks)

(b)Mention four(4) guidelines for food proper food handling (4Marks)
(c) State any four effects of unhygienic food handling to the consumers (4Marks)
(d)Mention four(4) duties of a food seller (4Marks)

3.(a) Explain the following

(i)Meals (6Marks)
(b) State two differences between meals And Snacks (5Marks)
LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 SESSION.
SUBJECT: Civic Education CLASS:JSS 3
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
{1} _____ enables us fit into the society? {a} Physics {b} Chemistry {c} Civic Education.

{2} _____ are standard rules and criteria that influence and determine how individuals behave in the society?

{a} Culture {b} Values {c}Laws.

{3) Values help one in _____ ? {a} Making important lies in life{b} Making important decisions in life. {c} Making
important friends in life.

{4) One of these is not a source of Good Values? (a) Under the bridge {b} Community {c} Family.

(5) One of these is not a factor that promote Good Values? (a) Tolerance (b) Trust (c) Back biting.

(6) Values can be manifested in _____ ways? (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1.

(7) Manifestation of Values is seen in the _____ ? (a) School and individual (b) Church and people (c) Society and

(8) Good Values allows the Society to ______ ? (a) Be in unity (b) Be at war (c) Back bite.

(9) Treating everybody sincerely and fairly is a sign of being _____ ? (a) Self Reliant (b) Co-operative (c) Honesty.

(10) One not respected is as a result of ______ ? (a) Dishonesty (b) Lack of co-operation (c) Lack of self reliance.

(11) Sharing of things and ideas together is a quality of (a) Integrity (b) Co-operation (c) Honesty.

(12) Rules and regulations promote _____ ? (a) Integrity (b) Co-operation (c) Honesty.

(13) Lack of Co-operation can lead to ____? (a) Equality (b) Insecurity (c) Positive goals.

(14) To develop one self is a reason for _____? (a) Self Reliance (b) Co-operation (c) Honesty.

(15) Story telling, lectures, and projection of facts is _____ method of discovering our talents ? (a) Expository (b)
Discovery (c) Imitation.

(16) When a person is born in a state by parents of another state, he or she can acquire citizenship through _____ ? (a)
Naturalization (b) Dual citizenship (c) Descent.

(17) A non citizen can ____ ? (a) Owe the state allegiance (b) Vote (c) Not be enlisted into the army.

(18) Mandatory duties which a citizen perform towards his fellow citizens are ____? (a) Political Obligations (b) Social
Obligations (c) Economic Obligations.

(19) Paying of taxes is an example of ____ ? (a) Political obligation (b) Social obligation (c) Economic obligation.
(20) One of these is not a symbol of Nigeria? (a) Dollar (b) Coat of Arms (c) Flag.

(21) National Flag of Nigeria was designed by ____ ? (a) Taiwo Adewunmi (b) Taiwo Akinwunmi (c) Taiwo Ayowunmi.

(22) The National Coat of Arms is also known _____ ? (a) Shield (b) Protection (c) Armorial Bearing.

(23) Who composed the National Anthem? (a) Akin Euba (b) Akin Eluba (c) Akin Eruma.

(24) The name Nigeria was coined by _____ ? (a) Flora Nightingale (b) Flora Shaw (c) Flora Damascus.

(25) The Eagle on top of the Shield shows _____ ? (a) Might (b) Strength (c) Dignity.

(26) _____ stands for Dignity in the Coat of Arms? (a) Eagle (b) Horse (c) Letter Y.

(27) _____ was introduced in May 22 1973? (a) NDLEA (b) NDA (c) NYSC.

(28) _____ was introduced in 1964 ? (a) NDLEA (b) NDA (c) NYSC.

(29) Democracy was coined from ____ Greek words? (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1.

(30) Democracy based on the Constitution is known as _____ ? (a) Direct (b) Indirect (c) Constitutional.

SECTION B: Answer 5 Questions from this section.

(1a) Define National Unity?.

(b) List 5 Institutions that promote National Unity.

(2a) Define Democracy ?

List the forms Democracy?
Explain 2 forms of Democracy.

(3) Define Constitution?.

(3b) List the Sources of a Constitution.?

(4) Define a Written Constitution?.,

(4b) List 4 Characteristics of a Written Constitution.

(5) Define Flexible Constitution?.

(5b) List its Characteristics.
(6) Define these; (a) Coup-de-tat.
(b) State of Emergency.
(c) Treaty.
(d) Party System


LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 France:+33751125647
SUBJECT: Social Studies CLASS:JSS3
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. Contraband goods are products that are banned from being
(a) transported (b) transferred (c) carried (d) imported and exported
2. Contraband goods are seized in order to________ the involvement of people trading in such product (a)
improve (b) encourage (c) discourage (d) appreciate
3. Primary sector of Nigeria economy is made up of fishing and farming the secondary sector is composed of
_______ and _________
(a) manufacturing , mining (b) (forestry , banking (c)insurance ,refining (d) exploration ,refining
4. Identify from the following options one which clearly defines privatisation (a) process whereby
government sells it shares in public enterprise (b) a process in which demand and supply determines prices
(c) process in which enterprises are made to become commercial outfit (d) a situation where monopoly
determines prices
5. Identify from the options listed one which describes a diversified economy (a) where a country derives its
income from a number of products (b) market where investors can buy and sell (c) when the country has
only food crops (d) when the country is import oriented
6. Indicate which of the listed options is not a characteristics of culture (a) it defines a group of people (b) it
is solely materialised based (c) passed from generation to generation (d) culture can be dynamic
7. The Nigerian economy is dominated by the export of __________ products
(a) chemicals (b) crude oil (c) agricultural (d) engineering
8. From the options below indicate one advantage of a mono economy
(a) diversification (b) deregulation (c) industrialisation (d) specialisation
9. The total goods and services which a country is able to produce at any given time using natural human and
capital resources available is referred to as
(a) national economy (b) natural economy (c) national resources (d) natural resources
10. Qualities of a good media programme include the following except (a) encourage you to do good (b) teach
appropriate behaviour (c) encourage laziness (d) provide entertainment
11. ________ is a realisation that countries depend on each other to achieve some of their basic needs
(a) world peace (b) world war (c) global and international cooperation (d) international information
12. Which of these is not a step in achieving a goal (a) identify your goals (b) look at the possible alternatives
(c) set no time limit (d) develop a plan of action
13. Socialisation can best be defined as (a) the process by which we learn the society’s way of life (b) the
process by which we learn how to work (c) the process by which we learn how to write (d) the process by
which we learn how to attend parties
14. In which of the following ways can we promote peace in our community
(a) tolerance (b) hatred (c) unhealthy competition (d) ethics crisis
15. One of these is in the secondary sector of Nigerian economy
(a) raw materials (b) manufacturing (c) mining (d) petroleum
16. An organisation that keeps, lends money and provides other financial services is called
(a) investment (b) shares (c) bank (d) loan
17. A place where rivers enter into sea with many mouths is called (a) delta (b) island (c) lake (d) river
18. Ways of encouraging members of a school community to perform effectively are (a) acceptance and
responsibility (b) reward and award (c) punctuality and obedience (d) loyalty and respect
19. Environmental problems can be classified into two namely
(a) wind and water (b) people and animal (c) man- made and natural (d) students
20. All these are correct ways of using electrical appliances except (a) use appliances only for its intended
purposes (b) do not use electrical appliances in the rain (c) keeps hands, fingers etc in the dangerous
moving parts (d) it is for indoor do not use it for outdoor

Theory (Section B)
Instructions:Answer any three(3) questions
1. a. What is Conflict?
b.List and explain the types of conflict
c. mention two(2) effect of conflict in the society

2. a.What is Self Esteem? 5marks

b.List the types of Self Esteem 5marks

3. (a). Explain the following

i. mono-product economy
ii. import-oriented economy
iii. privatisation
iv. deregulation
v. diversified economy 10marks

4.What is Cultism?
b.Mention four(4) causes of cultism
c.Mention two(2) consequences of cultism


LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 France:+33751125647
SUBJECT: Business Studies CLASS:JSS 3
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Section A: Objectives
Instruction: Choose the best option from thealternatives A – D
1. Any transaction in which the buyer pays immediately is called ______
A. Credit transactionB. Cash transaction C. Business transaction D. Accrual transaction
2. Which of the following is not a right of a consumer? A. Choice B. Safety C. Value D. Discount
3. Trading, profit and loss account is headed __________
A. Trading, profit and loss as at 31st Dec. B. Trading, profit and loss for the year ended 31st Dec.
C. Trading, profit and loss on 31st Dec. D. Trading, profit and loss on 31st.
4. Sundry debtors are examples of __________
A. Current liabilities B. Current asset C. Working capital D. Capital
5. The following are fixed asset EXCEPTA. Premises B. Drawing C. Machinery D. Building
Use the following data to answer Question 6
Fixed assets N=6300
Current assets N=3660
Current liabilities N=2000
What is the working capital?
6. A. N8000 B. N5660 C. N4000 D. N3000 E. N1660
7. What a business owes others is ________ A. Building B. Liabilities C. Investment D. Debtor
8. 10 year loan is an example of _____ liability A. Current B. Short term C. Long term D. Fixed
9. Asset can be classified into _____ and______
A. Fixed, working B. Fixed, current C. Long term, medium term D. Capital, drawing
10. One of these is a disadvantage of GSM A. Creation of employment B. Helps during emergency
C. Useful for business transactions D. Reduces cost and risk of traveling
11. The balance sheet is headed _______ A. Balance sheet for the year ended 31st Dec. B. Balance sheet
as at31st Dec. C. Balance sheet as of at 31st Dec. D. Balance sheet on at 31st Dec.
12. Working capital is equal to ______ A. Current liabilities minus Current assetsB. Current assets minus
Current liabilitiesC. Current liabilities minus Fixed assets D. Current liabilities minus capital
13. Expenses are on the _____ side of the trial balance. A. Debit B. Credit C. Equal D. Right
14. _______ is when an individual is not working for an employer but for himself.
A. Direct employment B. Unemployment C. Underemployment D. Self-employment
15. ______ is the act of recording and classifying business transaction in the books.
A. Business studies B. Book keeping C. Book recording D. Book posting
16. The amount used in starting up a business is called
A. Capital B. Cash in hand C. Cash at bank D. Returns inwards
Use the following information to answer question 17.
Opening stock 1,500 Sales 10,000
Add purchases 3,500
Cost of goodsAvailable for sale 5,000
Less closing stock 1,000
Cost of goods sold 4,000
Gross profit x xx
10,000 10,000
17. What is gross profit? A. N7,500 B. N6,000C. N4,500 D. N3,500

18. The following are recorded on the debit side of profit and loss account EXCEPT
A. Rent B. Wages C. Gross profit b/d D. Electricity
19. The account used for recording difference in a trial balance temporarily is called _____ account
A. Contra B. Control C. Subsidiary D. Suspense
20. A document which shows the full details of workers’ pay is called
A. pay slip B. payroll C. periodic records D. stock records

Instructions:Answer all questions (30 Marks)
From the following information, prepare the Trading, Profit and Loss Accounts for the year ended August 31st,
2016 and a Balance Sheet as at that date
From the following ledger balance,extract a
Trial Balance as at 31st August, 2016 trial balance of Ade& Son for the month of
Dr. Cr. February 2020.
Stock 14,480 Capital 7500
Purchases 33,720 Sale 781
Sales 89,920
Purchase 1516
Salaries/wages 23,840
Furniture & Fittings 1670
Rent/rates 6,280
General Expenses 4,920 Wages 2245
Capital 20,250 Creditor 350
Creditors 12,840
Debtor 3200
Debtors 31,080
Cash at bank 8,960
Totals 123,280 123,280
LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 SESSION.
SUBJECT: Agric Studies CLASS:JSS 1
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. The following practices are necessary for transplanting seedling EXCEPT?
a. avoiding damage to the root b. pulling up the seedlings with hand trowel
c. transplanting in the afternoon d. transplanting seedlings with ball of earth
2. Which of the following farming practices destroys organic matter content of the soil?
a. Bush burning b. clean clearing c. Continuous cropping d. Crop rotation
3. When a farmer replaces seeds that fail to germinate, the operation is known as………
a. planting b. seeding c. supplying d. thinning
4. Soap making industries uses the following agricultural raw material EXCEPT?
a. groundnut oil b. caustic soda c. cotton seed oil d. palm oil
5. The act of removing young animal from feeding on milk is known as……….
a. kidding b. farrowing c. weaning d. parturition
6. Which of the following is not a breed of pig?
a. land race b. Yorkshire c. Flemish giant d. duroc
7. Soil with pH of 2 is said to be ………..
a. acidic b. Neutral c. Alkaline d. toxic
8. A male young cattle is called ……………..
a. Bullock b. Bull calf c. Bull d. Calf
9. Lime is applied to soil to remove or reduce ………… of the soil.
a. Alkalinity b. acidity c. Salinity d. Water holding capacity
10. Brewery industry use ………. As agricultural raw material
a. cocoa b. cereals c. spices d. tubers
11. The removal of weak seedlings from a stand when the seedlings per stand are many is
a. supplying b. thinning c. mulching d. manuring
12. which of the following s NOT a post planting operation.
a. Pest control b. weeding c. harvesting d. land clearing
13. A farmer observed that a cow in the flocks sleeps most often. It is most likely to be affected
by …
a. Coccidiosisb. Newcastle c. Trypanosomiasis d. fow pox
14. Chemical used to control weed is called……
a. insecticide b. fungicide c. herbicide d. nematicide
15. Animals which carry diseases causing organism from one animals to another is called …
a. vectors b. parasites c. Pests d. Pathogens
16. Which of the following is NOT a physical method of controlling pests in a farmland?
a. beating of drums b. setting of traps c. sounding of bells d. use of guardsman
17. Organism that causes disease on plants and animals are called…
a. virus b. vectors c. pathogens d. bacteria
18. Bacteria diseases of farm animals are as follows:
a. Anthrax b. foot and mouth diseases c. brucellosis d. Tuberculosis
19. Stacking is a practice which is beneficial to one of the following crops.
a. Yam and pumpkin b. Tobacco and rice c. cocoyam and yam d. rice and wheat
20. Horticulture deals with growing of …………
a. Arable crops b. Annual crops c. Ornamental crops d. Permanent crops
21. Bulldozer is used for the following farm activities EXCEPT … a. bush clearing
b. felling of trees c. pulling of farm implements d. stumping of tree trunks.
22. The farming system were deep rooted cops are followed by shallow rooted crops on the
same piece of land is known as …
a. mixed cropping b. crop rotation c. mono culture d. shifting cultivation
23. Fish and Fish products are sources of …………. to man
a. Mineral b. water c. protein d. carbohydrates
24. Which of these methods is not good for harvesting fish
a. Basket b. Chemical c. Hook and line d. net
25. Which of the following is not a management practice in animal husbandry?
a. culling b. De-beaking c. De-worming d. Thinning
26. Necessary operation in maize cultivation are these EXCEPT?
a. Weeding b. Thinning c. Nursery practices d. Fertilizer application
27. Rice blight is caused by ………….
a. Bacteria b. Nematode c. fungi d. Virus
28. In animal Husbandry, the act of giving birth generally refers to as …………
a. weaning b. gestation c. parturition d. farrowing
29. A plant that grows where it is not wanted is referred to as …………….
a. crop b. weed c. forage d. pasture
30. The particles are coarse, grained, loose with large pore spaces between the particles. This
soil is called … a. clay soil b. loamy soil c. sandy soil d. humus

Theory Section: Answer all

1a. What is Farm Record?
b. Explain the following: i. Farm Diary ii. Farm Inventory
c. State four importance of Farm records
(10 marks)
2a. What do you understand by Book-keeping?
b.Highlight four importance of Book-keeping
c. Mention four types of source documents (10 marks)

3a. Explain Export promotion in Agriculture

b. Enumerate four crops that Nigeria exports
c. Give four reasons for export promotion in Nigeria. (10 marks)
LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 SESSION.
SUBJECT: Mathematics CLASS:JSS 1
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. Approximate 0.4059 to2 significant figures. A 0.406 B. 0.405 C. 0.41 D. 0.40
E. 0.4
2. Factorize 81−16 b A.
( 9−4 b )
B. ( 9+ 4 b ) C.
(4 b−9 )( 4 b+9 )
D. (9−4 b )( 9+ 4 b )E. ( 9−4 b )( 4 b−9)
3. Solve the simultaneous equations x + y = 2 and x – y = 1. A. x = -1, y = -1 B. x = -1, y
1 3 1 4 3
=1 C. x = 1, y = D. x = , y = E. x = , y =
2 2 2 3 2
4. Expand ( x+ 4 )( x−3 )
2 2 2
A. 2 x + x−12 B x + x−12 C. 2 x + x−12 D.
2 2
2 x − x−12 E. x −x−12
5. If x is directly proportional to y and x = 4 when y = 12, find the value of x when y = 24.
A. 4 B. 8 C. 12 D. 16 E. 48
6. Solve the simultaneous x + 2y = 1, 2x + 5y = 4. A. x = -3, y = 2 B. x = 3, y = 2 C. x
= 2, y = 5 D. x = -2, y = 5 E. x = 1, y = 4
7. Twice a certain number y is less than or equal to 6. Find the range of values of the number.
A. y < 3 B. y> 3 C. y≤ 3 D. y≥ 3 E. y< 6
x−5 x−1
= .
8. Solve the equation 2 3 A.10 B.12 C.13 D.14 E.15
9. If x varies inversely as square of p and x = 2 when p = 4, find the formula connecting x and
32 16 8
p. A. x = 2 B. x = 32 p2 C. x = 2 D. 16 p2 E. x = 2
p p p
1 25 1 1 2 2
10. Find the square root of 4 A. 4 B. 4 2 C. 2 4 D. 1 3 E 2 3
11. Solve x + y = 5, 2x – y = 4 simultaneously. A. x = 1, y = 3 B. x = 2, y = 3 C. x = 3, y
=2 D. x = 3, y = 4 E. x = 4, y = 3
Use the table below to answer questions 12 and 13 for the relation y = 2x + 5, for the values of
x from -4 to 4.
x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Y -3 A 1 B 5 C 9 D 13

12. Find the value of B. A. -3 B. 1 C. 3 D. 4 E. 7

13. Calculate the value of BC + AD. A. 10 B. 11 C. 13 D. 14 E. 17
3 2 3 3
14. Express 0.00706 in standard form. A. 7 x 10 B. 7.06 x 10 C. 7.06 x 10 D. 70.6 x 10 E.
70.6 x 10 4
15. Find the sum of LCM and HCF of 6 and 8. A. 24 B. 26 C. 48 D. 96 E.
16. The sides of the equilateral triangle below is given in cm. Find the values of x and y.
2x – 1 2y + 1

A. x = -2, y = -3 B. x = -2, y = 3 C. x = 2, y = -3 D. x = 3, y = 3 E. x = 3, y = 2
17. The volume V occupied by gas varies inversely with the pressure P, when V =30, P=12.
Find V when P = 120 .A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3 E. 2
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
The figure above represents one of the following inequalities.
1 1 1
A. x > 2 B. x> 2 C. x> -2 D. x ≥ - 2 E. x ≥ - 2
2 2 2
x= y 2  z 2
19. Make z the subject of the relation
A. z= x  y . B. z= x  y C. z= x  y D. z= 2 x  y E. z= y  x
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

20. Two similar cups 2cm and 3cm deep. If the smaller cup hold 560cm3 of water, what is
volume of the bigger one? A. 860cm3 B. 1260cm3 C1520cm3 D. 1890cm3 E.1890cm3

[Note: Clearly and logically arranged workings attract good marks]
1. a. If Y varies directly with X. If X=3,Y=12. What is Y when X=9.
b. If Y varies inversely with X.if X=4,When Y=48,what is the value of Y,when X=8?
c. If Y varies directly with X and inversely with Z.If Y=6,when X=3, and Z=2. What is the
value of Y when X=2 and Z=4?
(10 marks)
2. (ii) Solve the following simultaneous equation using any method
x+2y=2.................. .(ii)
(20 marks)
(ii) Factorise the followingFactorise the following
(i) p2-10p+25
(ii) x2-7x+6=0
Solve these
(iii) (x-3)(x+5)=20 (10marks)


LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 SESSION.
SUBJECT: English Language CLASS:JSS 3
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most
appropriate of the options lettered A-E
Since 1986, when the first Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS case was
reported in Nigeria, the disease has spread like wild fire. By1991, the number had gone up to
209.Nobody knows the exact number today as many cases go unreported.
Experts are of the opinion that the disease is so nearing epidemic proportions that by 2010,
about one and a half million cases may be diagnosed in the country. In the same vein , the
World Health organisation WHO reports that by that time , five million children throughout the
world will be orphaned as a result of the deaths of their infected parents .
There is no doubt that the virus is contained in the blood and in other bodily fluids;
therefore the main way it is passed from one person to another is through sex with an
infected person. other ways include through blood transfusion and the use of unsterilized
needles or knives used for operations.
Many countries are now suffering from the scourge of AIDS. Nigeria with a population of
around 100 million remains Africa�s most populous country .It is clear that unless drastic steps
are taken by the government , the nation will have a big problem on her hands.
Unfortunately, despite th seriousness of the disease, there is still widespread ignorance
about it especially in rural areas where AIDS is widely attributed to the activities of witches and
juju. AIDS is a condition in which the immune system in our bodies that protects us from
diseases become powerless. This results into the fact that the cells in our bodies cannot fight off
illness any more .After a period of between eight and fifteen years the victim dies.
1. The writer says that the disease has spread like wild fire. This means that A. the disease attacks with
fire. B. the disease has rapidly become widespread. C. the disease is very dangerous . D. the
disease is very painful. E. anyone can be infected with the fire that is wide.

2. According to the writer, Nigeria will have a huge problem on her hands unless
A.government takes seriousmeasures. B.people can identify AIDS patients C.people look after AIDS
victims. D.people in rural areas are better educated. E.the problem reduces in rural areas.
3.According to the writer, the illness is caused by .a breakdown in the power of the immune cells b.
blood transfusion C. cells D. illness E. the HIV virus
4. The writer says AIDS can be contracted through any of the following EXCEPT A. having sex with the
infected person. B. kissing the infected person
C. the use of unsterilized needles D. the use of unsterilized knives E. through blood transfusion
5. The writer is of the opinion ,that the number of AIDS patients in Nigeria today is
A.150 B.209 C.2,000 D.3,135 E. unknown.
LEXIS Complete each of the following statements with the most
Complete each of the following statements with the most appropriate appropriate of the options lettered A�D (Nos. 26-50)
of the options lettered A-E (Nos.11-25). The principal said he was pleased ------ my effort.
7.My mother has employed a new------- who prepares our meals. A. about B. for c. on D. of E. with
A. boss B. cook C.cooker D. matron E.nanny. 22. I prefer reading newspapers -----watching television
8.The new employee was dismissed promptly when it was discovered programmes.
that his ---- was forged. A. instead of B. more than C. rather than D. than E. to
A.application B.certificate C. form D.receipt E. signature 23. Paper is made ---- wood pulp.
9.The job of a ---- is to ;load and unload ships. A. by B. from c. of D.on E. with
A.mason B.seamtress C.serviceman D.stevedore E.steveright 24. If you went to Aso Rock, you ---the President.
10. Your parent�s father is your A.ought to see B. will have seen C. will see
A. ancestor B. grandfather c. grand brother D.Wou;ld have seen E. would see
D. great grand father E. old father 25.He had before his mother--------.
11. Make sure you see the ---before taking any book from the library. A.arrive B. arrived C. had arrived D. shall arrive E. was
A.counseller B. librarian C. principal D. secretary E. teacher arriving
12.The presidential candidate�s ----looks quite promising 26.We had hardly sat down at table ----the phone rang.
A. gazette B. mace C. manifestor D.portfolio E.white paper A. as B. before C. for D. than E. when
13.Using a ----, the nurse quickly took her body temperature. 27.The boy is so intelligent ------everybody likes him
A.drip B. needle C. stethoscope D. syringe E. thermometer A.and C.but D. for E. that
14.The -----presides over the meeting in house of representatives. 28. Joke, ----- her sister got a price.
A. chief whip B. pollen officer C. presiding officer D. speaker E. A . and B. as well C. plus D. so like E. that
president 29. Amina: would you mind attending my birthday party
15. The -------- of the previous meeting to be used for the end of the tonight?
term staf f were not developed. Ngozi: Yes, I would mind.
A.agender B.guidlines C. minutes D. proceedings E. reports By this response, Ngozi
16. The government is low on ---- because of tax defaulters. A. is interested B. is not decided C. thinks it is necessary to
A. allocation B. bonus C. grant D. revenue E. vote attend. D. will attend the party. E. will not attend
17. The ---- president�s demise was so sudden. the theparty.
A. anti B. ex C. post D. pre E. re 30. People ----write letters these days because of the
18.What prefix can be added to the word manage from the list below? introduction of G.S.M. phone.
A. Dis B. Ir C. Non D. Un E.Mis A. always B. hardly C. normally D.often E. perhaps.
19. The left over fufu has become stale and 31.Tunde has been teaching in school -----five years.
A. aromatic B. putrid C. scented D. smelly E. sour A.during B. for C.from D. since E. until.
20. There was a\an ----attack from the terrorist camp. 32.When ike was in the secondary school, he always---- to
A. anti B. counter C. cover D. sub E.super the library to read.
21. The guest speaker�s speech seemed end. A. go B. goes C. going D. had gone D. went
A. al B. ful C. ish D. ire E. less 33.The security men could not establish whether the
protest on the streets were pro-government or
A. anti B. auto C. mal D. mis E. pseudo
34.Kunle does not know my name, ---- he?
A. did B. didn�t` C. does D. doesn�t E. hasn�t
35.Which of the following will not fit into the blank space?
My brother ---- tomorrow.
A. is going to leave B. is leaving C. leave D. leaves E. will
36. The expression, �Our teacher is punishing the
students�, can be changed to passive as, The
students -----punished by the teacher.
A. are B. were C. are being D. are been E. were being
In each of the following numbers, a phonectic symbol is given followed by five words lettered A�D. Choose from
the given symbol (No 51-60)
A. busy B. did C. fish D. key E. village
A. cap B. divine C.dip D. physical E. vane
39. /U:/
A. could B. fool C. look D.pull E. put
A. chair B. mission C. reason D. seat E. sheet
A. brother B. ladder C. medicine D. mother E.reason
42. /ts/
A.pass B. sack C. shirt D. sugar
43./v/ B. hot C. money D. put E. tall
A. car B. case C. pass D. pay E. plait
45./DS /
A. board B. cord C. court D. sport E. spot
46. /k/
A.chap B. cheap C. cheat D .chemist E. kneel


Answer both questions 1 and 2. Your answer to each should be about 200 words only. You are free to use the
hints below each question and or any other appropriate ones. Each question carries ten marks.
1. Write an essay on �A Birthday Ceremony I attended�
a. Introduction
b. When and where it took place
c. Organization---types of food, drinks, dances and parting gifts
d.My impression of the party and closing.
2. As you about to complete your Junior Secondary Education you have plans for further education and
consequently a promising career. Write a letter to your friend in another state, telling him/her what job you
would like as a future career to better your community.
A. Introduction and pleasantries.
B. Subject institution and future plans.
C. Reasons for this career choice and its benefits to the community.
D. Regards and conclusion.
2nd TERM EXAMINATION,2020/2021
LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 France:+33751125647 ACADEMIC SESSION.
SUBJECT: Christian Religious Knowledge CLASS:JSS 3
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.

1. Another name for the Holy Spirit is the ---- a. controller b, love c. wisdom d. Counsellor
2. What did Jesus promise the disciples that he would not leave them without a. faith b. hope c.
love d helper
3 Which disciples asked Jesus how he would show himself to the but not to the world . a. Peter
b. James c. Philip d. Judas
4. Apart from the holy spirit and power what else did Jesus promise the disciples a. prophecy
b. hope c. wisdom d. peace
5. How many days did Jesus remain on earth after his resurrection----- a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d.
6. Which of the following means the going up of Jesus into heaven----- a. aspiration b. ascension
c. Association d. Assumption
7. The Holy Spirit fell on the disciples on the day of -----a. Passover b, pentecost c. the Lord
d. unleavened
8. When the Holy spirit fell on the disciples , what did they see on their head---- a. white doves b.
tongues of fire c. power of God d. gliory
9. Immediately the disciples had baptism of fire , they began to speak in a. Greek b. tongue c
Latin d. Coptic
10 From which coutry did people not com to Jerusalem on the day the Holy spirit
fall on the apostles a. Paphos b. Asia c. Crete d. Mesepotamia
11. The siqnificance of 9.a;m in Peter ;s [ 3rd hour of the day] Pentecost sermon was
was that it was the time the Jews should have been
a. sleeping b. praying in the temple c, fasting d. singing
12. Who spoke on behalf of the Christians after the descent holy spirit on the day of
Pentecost a. John b. Peter c James d. Philip
13. On what day about 3000 were added to church ----a. sabath b.pentecost c.passover d.
14. The fact that those who had property other valuable good sold them and
used the money for the needs of all was an expression of the church
patriotism b. oneness c. mercy d. goodwill
15. The early church in Jerusalem practice a. communism b. capitalism c, socialism d.
16. -----------were the couple noted for hypocrisy in the early church a. Ananias and Saphira b.
Simeon and Ana c Joanna c Philip
17. who complained in the early church that their widows were not being
given enough food and led to the appointment of the 7 deacons a. Hellenist b. jews c,
gentiles d, proselyles
18. All the following were deacons in the early church except-----a. Niconor b, Philip c. james
d timon
19. what did Paul do immediately he has gained his sight eaten and strengthened
a. he remained in Damascus b, he left Jerusalem c, meeting d. he dead
20. At what hour of the day did Peter and John go to the temple and healed a crippled a. 9th
b.1st c.3rd d. 7th
21. Peter and John were arrested after healing the cripple because a. they glorify Jesus name b.
it was contrary to the law c, sacrilege d. constituted
22. One of the charges against Stephen was a. blasphamy b. adultery c. simony d sabotage
23. Who persuaded the disciples in Jerusalem to give Paul a hand of fellowship a. Barnabas b.
Philip c. Mathias d. Timothy
24. Who were the Patriachs ------- a. 12 sons of Jacob b. all the 70 Israelites who came to Egypt
c. Jacob d. 10 spies
25. In whose house Paul stayed in Damascus before his eyes were opened
a. Ananias b. Judas c, Philemon;s d. Philip
26. which of the statements made by Sttephen was against himself a. Israelites rejected Moses
leadership b. Abraham first lived in Mesepotamia c. no man could build house for God d.
Patriach sold Joseph into Egypt
27. the murder of a person because of his religious belif is called-------a. martydom b. crucifixion
c. ransom d.execution
28. who of the following were Martys-----a. Stephen and James b. Luke and mark c. peter d.
29. in what form did Jesus appear to Paul ---------
a. thick clouds b. total darkness c. tongues of fire d. mighty wind
30. who converted the Samartans to Christianity -------
a. Paul b, Philip c Samson d. Ruth
Answer Any three(3) questions
1a. Narrate the story of Ananias and Sapphira , regarding their covetousness
b. In whose power did Peter say the cripple was healed

2a. List five problems in the early church

.b. List five [5] deacons in the early church

3a. Give an account of what led to Peter;s anger with the [ magician ] Simon
b. Describe the Nativity of Paul

4a. Give an overall assessment of Stephen’s defense

b. Why was Stephen Arrested?
2nd TERM EXAMINATION,2020/2021
LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 France:+33751125647 ACADEMIC SESSION.
SUBJECT: Computer Education CLASS:JSS 3
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. HTTP stands for (a) Hyper Text transfer Protocol (b) Higher Transfer Text
Protocol (c) Hyper Tension Transfer Protocol (d) Higher Text Tube protocol
2. which of these is NOT a type of network (a) MAN (b) WAN (c) LAN (d) SAN
The full meaning of E-mail is (a) Electrical mail (b) Electrical master
(c) Electronic mail (d) None of the above
3. What is the full meaning of ICT (a) Information communication technology (b)
Information Common Technology (c) Internal communication technology (d) Information
current technology
4. Interconnection of two or more computers to the same resource is known as (a)
Computer architecture (b) Computer network (c) data Processing (d) word processing
5. All components of computer must be connected to (a) Monitor (b) mouse
(c) printer (d) CPU
6. The computer technology that enables transfer of textual data between computers is
called (a) E-Mail (b) speed post (c) radio mail (d) WAN
7. The following are e-mail addresses except (a)
(b) (c) (d)
8. The software for clearing virus attack off is called �����.. (a) Package (b)
software eraser (c) anti-virus (d) software
9. ����� makes the computer to keep working when there is power failure (a) Sound
blaster(b) UPS (c) CPU (d) scanner
10. ������ is an example of graphic package (a) WP5:1 (b) Corel draw (c) base
(d) Lotus 123
11. Alphabets can be displayed in either lower or upper case with the aid of (a) AIt (b) Ctrl
(c) Arrow key (d) shift
12. There are ����� types of booting (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 5
13. The following are parts of hardware except (a) Input device (b) output device
(c) memory (d) system software
14. The arrangement of data according to similarity is known as (a) calculator (b) analyzing
(c) summarizing (d) sorting
15. ��������. Is the component of the computer where arithmetic operations are
performed (a) ALU (b) INPUT (c) Memory (d) CPU
16. ���������� refers to the developmental stages in computer (a) Generation
(b) Evolution (c) History (d) Classification
17. The electromechanical components of computer system are known as (a) Computer
hardware (b) computer software (c) computer hardcopy (d) Computer softcopy
18. Which of these is found in the keyboard (a) Tool bar (b) Power tool bar (c)
Function keys (d) Option menu
19. The longest key on the typical on the typical keyboard is ����.. (a) shift key
(b) enter key (c0 space bar key (d) enter key
20. ������. is an application software (a) MS DOS (b) Spreadsheet (c) CD
ROM (d) Utilities
21. The three basic data types that can be entered into Excel spreadsheet are (a)
formula, range and column (b) numeric, range and cell (c) text value, range and
formula (d) text, numeric, range and formula
22. Which button helps to erase the character at the cursor point (a) ESC key (b) back
space key (c) return key (d) del key
23. A data processing action that does not involve the CPU is called (a) data input (b) CPU board
(c) offline (d) time sharing
24. Which of the following symbols is used for action in flowchart (a) Rectangle (b)
Circle (c) parallelogram (d) Rhombus
25. A comment is usually indicated by ���� in BASIC language (a) COMMENT (b) DIM
(c) REM (d) DATA
26. What is ATM (a) Automated Teller Machine (b) Automatic teller Machine (c)
Automated teller Machine (d) Automation teller Machine
27. Early counting machine include the following (a) stick (b) Finger (c) Bungalow
(d) Stone
28. Which part of the memory holds users program and data currently under processing
(a) RAM (b) ROM (c) Auxiliary memory (d) None of the above
29. Which of the following is not important in the computer room (a) Rug (b) UPS (c)
Stabilizer (d) Air conditioner
30. Which of the following is an output device (a) Printer (b) VDU(c) card reader
(d) micro Fiche
Section B(Theory)
Answer all questions
1. List out all the short cut keys in MS-Word with their functions

2. What are Chart?

b.Write the procedures in creating a chart in Micro Soft Excel

3 perform the following operations/Calculations on a worksheet

(i) Addition
(ii) Subtraction
(iv) Average
(v) Multiplication
(vi) Division


2nd TERM EXAMINATION,2020/2021
LAGOS Tel:07069538503,09030945078 France:+33751125647 ACADEMIC SESSION.
SUBJECT: Islamic Religious Knowledge CLASS:JSS ____
NAME:________________________________________ TIME ALLOWED:1hr15minutes
Instructions: Choose a,b,c or d to answer the following objective questions.
1. Who made the statement above? A. Muhammaed Husayn Haikai B. Waraqah b. Nawfal C.
‘Abdul Muttalib D. Abbās b. Mirdas
2. The verse above means that divorce may be pronounced twice and then the woman must A. go
after the third time B. be retained in honour or allowed to go with kindness C. forfeit her wealth
and go with kindness D. be retained in honour unless she has no children
3. The ninth year of hijrah is known as the year of A. Deputation B. Elephant C. Peace D. Aqabah
4. After the Prophet (S.A.W) had migrated to al-madīnah, the first two major wars he fought
against the Makkans were A. Badr and Hudabiyyah B. Uhud and Khaybar C. Khandaq and Mu’tah
D. Badr and Uhud.
5. The Prophet’s uncle who lost his life in the battle of Badr was A. Hamzah B. Abbās C. Abū Tālib D.
Abū Jahl
6. The Quyaysh boycotted Banū Hāshim
7. because they A. had all accepted Islam B. refused to accept Islam C. planned to migrate to
Yathrib with the Prophet (S.A.W) D. protected the Prophet (S.A.W) and refused to surrender
8. The success of the business venture which Muhammed (S.A.W) carried out for
9. Khadījah was due mainly to A. Khadījah’s love for him B. the fact that he was a prophet C. his
dedication and honesty D. the skill and hardwork of his assistants.
10. The social reforms witnessed by Arabia during the life time of the Prophet (S.A.W) included the
A. abolition of slave ownership B. improvement in slave/master relations C. modification of the
practice of infanticide D. universal recognition of the Arabs as the superior race
11. The treaty of al-Hudaybiyyah was expected to last A. ten years B. three years C. ten months D.
six months
12. he Khulafā al-Rāshidūn reigned between A. A.D. 632 and 661 B. A.D. 622 and 632 C. A.D. 610
and 661 D. A.D. 632 and 750
13. During the reign of Caliph ‘Ali, the seat of administration moved from al-Madīnah to A. Basra B.
Damasus C. Mecca D. Kūfah.
14. A Makkan Sūrah with the main objective of reassuring the prophet (S.A.W.) at a time of
distress is A. at-Takāthur B. ad-Duhā C. al-Kāfirūn D. al-mā ūn.

15. The verse above (Q. 17.23) warns against A. insulting parents B. underfeeding parents
C. beating parents D. deserting parents.
16. Sūratul-Kawthar concerns the Prophet’s A. birthday B. marriage to Khadijah C. loss of
his son D. triumphant entry into Makkah.

17. In the verse Yā ayyuhal - ladhīna āmanū lā taqrabus-salāta wa antum sukārā (Q.
18. 4.43) Allāh is asking the Muslims not to attempt to A. sleep when it is prayer time B. pray
when they are in a drunken state C. eat when they are in prayer D. pray when at war

19. The verse (Q. 95.8) above means

‘Is Allah not’ A. a good judge? B. our judge? C. the best of judges? D. the Head of all
20. The official compilation of Hadith was initiated by A. Abū Bakr al-Siddiq B. ‘Umar b. al-
khattāb C. ‘Umar b. Abd al-Aziz D. Hārūn ar-Rashīd

21. The main function of Angel Azrāil is A. carrying messages to the Prophets B. causing rain to fall C.
keeping the gate of Hell D. taking the lives of people

22. Prophet ‘īsā spoke in the cradle and A. cleared the conscience of the people B. exonerated his
mother C. performed other miracles D. silenced the people.
23. The five most important prophets in Islam were A. Yahyā, Zakariyyā, Dāwūd, Sulayman, Adam B.
Muhammad, Nūh, Ibrāhīm, Mūsā, īsā C. Muhammad, Nūh, Dhul-kifl, Idrīs, Hārūn D. Ibrāhīm,
Mūsā,īsā, ādam, Ayyūb.
24. Which of the following Prophets,according to the Qur’an, lived for not less than nine hundred
and fifty years? A. ādam B. Nūℎ C. Ibrāhīm D. Mūsā
25. Which of the following Prophets was an ancestor of both Arabs and Jews? A. īsā B. Dāwd C.
Theory 2 a.Write Alif – Yah
Instructions:Answer All questions.
1 a.What does this Quranic Verse mean b. Write Short note on the pillar of

c. Write on “Salatul Jumah”(Friday

b. What does this Quranic verse mean:

3. a.Write the Arabi text or

transliteration of Suratul Fataha

b.Write 1-10 beautiful Names of

c.What does this Quranic Verse mean

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