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archives of oral biology 56 (2011) 1221–1229

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Odontoblast-like cell differentiation and dentin formation

induced with TGF-b1

Yucheng Li a,e,*, Xin Lü b,e, Xiang Sun c, Shizhu Bai c, Shibao Li d, Junnan Shi a
Department of Endodontics, College of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710032, China
Department of Microbiology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710032, China
Department of Prothodontics, College of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710032, China
Department of Dental Material, College of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710032, China

article info abstract

Article history: Objective: To investigate the inductive potential of scaffold material combing with trans-
Accepted 6 May 2011 forming growth factor-b1 (TGF-b1), and to induce odontoblast differentiation and dentin
formation from dental pulp cells both in vitro and in vivo.
Keywords: Methods: Primarily cultured dental pulp cells were used for MTT, ALP activity assay and
Dentin Alizarin red staining in the presence of TGF-b1. Pelleted cells were put on the filters
Odontoblast combining with or not with TGF-b1 and cultured in vitro or in vivo. The in vitro and
Growth factor in vivo cell response and tissue formation were analysed with Haematoxylin–Eosin (HE),
Tissue engineer transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and immunohistochemical staining.
Scaffold Results: TGF-b1 increased the mineralization and ALP activity of dental pulp cells as
revealed by Alizarin red staining and ALP activity assay. After in vitro culture for 7 days,
cells polarized in the TGF-b1 group and expressed dentin sialoprotein (DSP), osteopotin
(OPN) and type I collagen (Col I). After in vivo transplantation for 7 days, columnar
odontoblast formed on the surface of filter in experimental group, and tubular dentin
expressing DSP formed after 3 months transplantation.
Conclusion: It was concluded that TGF-b1 combining with transfilter could induce odonto-
blast differentiation and dentin formation. Our results implied that suitable substrate for
the progenitors of odontoblast to anchor on and inductive signals to initiate the differentia-
tion of odontoblast should be taken into consideration when designing scaffold material for
inducing dentin tissue engineering.
# 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

mineralized matrix, which give dentin the tubular character-

1. Introduction istics.1
This unique structure and function phenotype of the
Odontoblasts are cranial neural crest derived cells responsible dentin pulp complex confers specificity to its tissue engineer-
for the formation of dentin. Functional mature odontoblasts ing research. Unlike osteoblast, the postmitotic feature of
organized as a single layer along the interface between dental odontoblast make it impossible to be isolated vital and
pulp and dentin, with long processes extending into the expanded in vitro, so how to induce the progenitors of

* Corresponding author at: Department of Endodontics, College of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University, Changle Western Road,
No. 17, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710032, China. Tel.: +86 29 82558692; fax: +86 29 84776476.
E-mail address: (Y. Li).
These authors have equally contributed to the work.
0003–9969/$ – see front matter # 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1222 archives of oral biology 56 (2011) 1221–1229

odontoblast into functional ones would be of pivotal impor- engineered dentin formation from cultured dental pulp cells
tance for dentin tissue engineering. Though various scaffolds remains unresolved.
including hydroxyapatite/tricalcium phosphate (HA/TCP) ce- Based on the above discussion, the authors proposed that
ramic powder,2,3 collagraft,4 polyglycolic acid (PGA),5 poly Millipore filters combined with growth factors and its alike
lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) coated with type I collagen (Col might be the suitable substrate for inducing odontoblast
I)6 have been used for this effort, few of them was specifically differentiation for dentin tissue engineering. To prove this, we
designed for dentin tissue engineering and proved to induce aimed to induce odontoblast differentiation and dentin
odontoblast differentiation and maintain their functional formation from primary cultured dental pulp cells with
stage in a predictable way. Millipore filters combining with TGF-b1 both in vitro and
The elucidation of basic principles of odontoblast differen- in vivo.
tiation during embryogensis and reparation after trauma
helps to design suitable scaffold for dentin tissue engineering.
Odontoblast differentiation during embryogenesis and tooth 2. Materials and methods
repair undergoes related but different processes,7 and the role
of various growth factors and their presentation pattern have All procedures were carried out according to the guidelines of
been emphasized during both processes.8 Odontoblast differ- the Animal Care Committee of Fourth Military Medical
entiation during tooth development is controlled by the dental University.
epithelium–mesenchyme interactions mediated by the base-
ment membrane.9 Under the time and space-specific action of 2.1. Rat dental pulp cell culture
the inner dental epithelium, the progenitors of odontoblast
undergo recruitment, commitment, cytological differentiation First molar tooth buds were isolated from 4 days Spraque-
and functional differentiation, i.e. the formation of the Dawley (SD) rat pups and incubated in 2% trypsin at 4 8C for
characteristic tubular dentin. Growth factors such as trans- 20 min, then the papillae were carefully dissected out with
forming growth factors (TGFs),10 fibroblast growth factors disposable needle under the stereomicroscope (Olympus
(FGFs), and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs)11 might act as Optical Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). The papillae were then further
mediators of the epithelial–mesenchyme interactions, which minced into pieces and then digested in a solution of type I
culminates in the functional differentiation of odontoblast. collagenase (0.66 mg/ml; Sigma, USA) for 40 min at 37 8C. Cell
New generation of odontoblast-like cells during reparation suspensions were obtained by passing the cells through a 70-
occurs in the absence of dental epithelium compared with the mm strainer and then collected using centrifugation. Cell
primary dentinogenesis. Various ways have been tried to suspensions were seeded into 25 cm2 culture flasks (Costar,
induce progenitor cell in the pulp to differentiate into Cambridge, MA, USA) in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium
odontoblast, attempting to elucidate the odontoblast-like cell (Gibco-BRL, CA, USA) containing 10% fetal bovine serum,
differentiation mechanism during repair processes. Tooth 0.292 mg/ml glutamax, 100 U/ml penicillin G, 100 mg/ml
papillae culture in vitro was used successfully in exploring streptomycin and 2.5 mg/ml ascorbic acid and then incubated
odontoblast differentiation mechanism,12 and such method at 37 8C in 5% carbon dioxide. Cells were routinely observed
could also possibly be used to explore the inductive potential under a phase-contrast inverted microscope (Olympus Optical
of different scaffold for tissue engineering dentin. Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).
Different from porous scaffold like PGA used in bone tissue
engineering, both inductive growth factors and their presen- 2.2. MTT assay
tation patterns should be considered during tissue engineered
dentin formation. A suitable substrate should act just like With the method as previously reported,17 the optimal
basement membrane to store and present growth factors concentration of TGF-b1 for the MTT assay were set at 6 ng/
secreted by oral epithelium, and further recruit and anchor ml. Rat dental pulp cells were seeded onto 96-well plates at
progenitors of odontoblasts and so on. density of 1000 cells per well. The MTT assay was performed at
Evidences showed that constituents present in the EDTA- day 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Briefly, 20 ml of MTT (5 mg/ml; Sigma–
soluble fraction of dentin could initiate differentiation of Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) was added to each well and
preodontoblast to functional odontoblast-like cells.13 TGF-b1 incubated at 37 8C for 4 h, then the supernatant was replaced
or bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 in the presence of with 150 ml of DMSO. Attenuation values for each well were
heparin or fibronectin also induced cytological and functional measured spectrophotometrically at 490 nm and the assay
differentiation of odontoblasts in cultured dental papillae.11 was repeated five times. Data were analysed statistically.
Interestingly, Millipore filters showed effective both in
anchoring progenitor of odontoblast and presentation of 2.3. ALP activity assay
growth factors. When soaked with dentin matrix protein14
or TGF-b1,15 filters consistently induced odontoblast-like cell Rat dental pulp cells were seeded at density of 103 cells per well
differentiation from dog dental pulp in situ. In the previous onto 96-well plate in the presence of 6 ng/ml TGF-b1. The ALP
study,16 we reported that Millipore filters combining with TGF- assay was performed at day 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Briefly, cells were
b1 could induce odontoblast differentiation and dentin washed three times with 0.01 M PBS, then incubated in 50 ml of
formation from rat dental papillae tissue when transplanted 0.1% Triton X-100 at 4 8C overnight. 100 ml ALP substrate (2 mM
under the renal capsule, which implied the inductive potential MgCl2 and 16 mM p-nitrophenyl phosphate) was added to each
of this combination, while whether it could induce the tissue sample and incubated at 37 8C for 30 min. Reaction was
archives of oral biology 56 (2011) 1221–1229 1223

stopped by adding 50 ml of 0.2 M NaOH and measured Specimens in experimental group and control group were
spectrophotometrically at 410 nm. Each assay was repeated serially sectioned every 5 mm, and randomly selected 10
5 times and analysed statistically. section of each specimen were then stained with HE. The
average number of polarized cells per 100 mm length on the
2.4. Alizarin red staining surface of transfilter in each group, with the height more than
4.0 mm, was calculated under the microscope. Difference
For Alizarin red staining, rat dental pulp cells were seeded into between groups was compared using the parametric Student’s
24-well plate and induced in the presence of 6 ng/ml TGF-b1 t-test, with statistical significance evaluated at P < 0.05.
for mineralization for 4 weeks. Cells were fixed with 4%
paraformaldehyde, and stained with 2% Alizarin red. 2.7. In vivo examination

2.5. Preparation of the specimens For in vivo transplantation, adult rats aged 6 months were
used as hosts. The prepared implants were transplanted under
Filters binding with TGF-b1 were prepared in the same way as the renal capsule.
previously reported.16 Briefly, small pieces of Millipore filters The host rats were raised for 7 days or 3 months, and then
(pore size, 0.45 mm) not larger than 2 mm  4 mm were 15 implants were dissected at each time point. The specimens
soaked in 2 ml of TGF-b1 containing PBS for 24 h at room were fixed for 24 h in buffered formalin solution (pH 7.2), and
temperature, and the mean amount of TGF-b1 (Sigma, USA) demineralized in 10% formic acid for 1 week. Sections 5 mm
bound per filter was roughly calculated to be 24  4 ng. In thick were stained with HE and examined with a microscope
control group, pieces of filters sized about 2 mm  4 mm were (Olympus Optical Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). The 3 months
soaked in PBS. specimens were characterized using odontoblast-identifying
About 1  107 dental pulp cells were centrifuged to pellet protein markers anti-DSP antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology,
and put onto the prepared filters and used for in vitro or in vivo Santa Cruz, CA, USA), and examined using an Olympus
culture. compound microscope.

2.6. In vitro culture and examination

3. Results
Prepared specimen was cultured as above at 37 8C in 5% carbon
dioxide in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (Gibco-BRL, CA, 3.1. TGF-b1’s effect on cultured rat dental pulp cells
USA) containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 0.292 mg/ml gluta-
max, 100 U/ml penicillin G, 100 mg/ml streptomycin and After culture for 7 days, the rat dental pulp cells reached
2.5 mg/ml ascorbic acid. The culture medium was changed confluence (Fig. 1A) and were used for further experiments. To
each day, and 7 days later the specimen were harvested for determine whether TGF-b1 could affect the differentiation of
examination. dental pulp cells, cells were cultured in media containing 6 ng/
Fifteen specimens in each group were fixed in buffered ml TGF-b1 for 4 weeks, Alizarin red staining showed that
formalin solution. Paraffin-embedded specimens were cut in calcification nodule formation in experimental group was
5 mm sections and stained with HE for examination under an significantly increased compared to control cells (Fig. 1B). MTT
Olympus compound microscope (Olympus Optical Co. Ltd., results showed that TGF-b1 could not affect the proliferation
Tokyo, Japan). The induced odontoblast-like cells in experi- rate of dental pulp cells significantly (Fig. 1C), and TGF-b1
mental group and control group were immunohistochemically increased ALP activity in dental pulp cell significantly (Fig. 1D).
characterized with odontoblast-identifying protein markers.
Antibodies included: anti-DSP antibody (Santa Cruz Biotech- 3.2. Examination of in vitro cultured specimens
nology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA), anti-ColIantibody (Santa Cruz
Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA), and anti-OPN antibody After in vitro culture for 7 days, the specimen of both groups
(Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA). The shrank to about half of its original size.
procedures were carried out according to the protocol As shown in Fig. 2A and B, all specimens in experimental
recommended by the manufacture. Stained specimens were group observed polarized cells perpendicular to the filters with
examined with an Olympus compound microscope (Olympus processes invading into the pores of the filter. The nuclei of the
Optical Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). All samples were counter- elongated cells took up basal positions, which appeared as
stained with hematoxylin. Stained sections were examined odontoblast-like cell. One sample in the experimental group
under an Olympus compound microscope (Olympus Optical saw layers of accumulated cell along the transfilter (Fig. 2C), 2
Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). specimens in experimental group saw obviously elongated
Five specimens in each group were fixed for 10 min in 3% cells with secretion of matrix as shown in Fig. 2D. Only cells in
glutaraldehyde buffered with 0.1 M cacodylate, pH 7.3. They contact with the filter gained polarization in all specimens of
were then rinsed in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, fixed in 1% experimental group.
osmium tetroxide in the same buffer and embedded in Epon In control group, elongated cells were observed along the
812. Semithin sections were stained with toluidine blue and interface between filter and papillae too, but not as obvious as
ultrathin sections with uranyl acetate and lead citrate for experimental group. Polarized secreted matrix was not
examination with a transmission electron microscope (Japan observed between cells and filter in control groups (Fig. 2E
Electron-optics Laboratory, Japan). and F).
1224 archives of oral biology 56 (2011) 1221–1229

Fig. 1 – Culture of rat dental pulp cells and TGF-b1’s effect on its proliferation and mineralization. (A) Rat dental pulp cells
reached confluence after culture for 7 days; (B) calcification nodule formation in experimental group and control group; (C)
TGF-b1 could not affect the proliferation rate of dental pulp cells significantly; (D) TGF-b1 increased ALP activity in dental
pulp cell significantly.

3.3. Immunohistochemistry analysis ratio was high, and the nucleus located eccentrically apart
from the filter. The zone between the nucleus and the
For the nature of the Millipore filter, almost all of them transfilter contained endoplasmic reticulum and mitochon-
exfoliated during the immunohistochemical staining. The drion (Fig. 3E). Intercellular junctions between adjacent
polarized cells in experimental group stained positively for polarized cells were generally absent. Immature desmo-
DSP (Fig. 3A), OPN (Fig. 3B) and Col I (Fig. 3C). The cells in the some-like structures were observed occasionally between
peripheral layer of both control and experimental group, the elongated cells along the filter. Cells in the control group
though did not gain polarization, still expressed DSP, OPN and attached to the filter via processes, but cell morphology was
Col I. much more squamous (Fig. 3F).

3.4. TEM examination 3.5. Statistical analysis

Transmission electron microscopy examination results were The frequency of polarized cells showed relevance with the
shown in Fig. 3D–F. Polarized cells with the height of about growth factors combining with the filter. After 7 days of
5.0 mm were observed attaching to the filter in experimental culture, all samples in the experimental group showed
group, with the cytoplasmic processes extending about 20– polarized cells lining along the filter, while 3 out of 15 in the
30 mm into the pores of filter (Fig. 3D). The nucleus/cytoplasm control group saw similar results. The average number of

Table 1 – Comparison of the average number of polarized odontoblast-like cells per 100 mm length of transfilter after
culture for 7 days between experimental group and control group.
Groups Number of dental papillae with Average number of polarized
polarized cell/total number of cultured tooth papille odontoblast-like cells per 100 mm length of filter
Experimental 15/15* 25*
Control 3/15 10
Significant difference between experimental and control group (P < 0.01).
archives of oral biology 56 (2011) 1221–1229 1225

Fig. 2 – Transfilter combining with TGF-b1 could induce odontoblast differentiation in vitro. (A and B) Polarized cells
perpendicular to the filters with processes extending into the pores of the filter in experimental group; nuclei of the
elongated cells took up basal positions; (C) accumulated cell lined along the transfilter; (D) elongated cells with polarized
secretion of matrix differentiated along the transfilter; (E and F) sparse elongated cells formed along the interface between
filter and papillae in control groups.

polarized odontoblast-like cells per 100 mm length of transfil- OPN (B) and (C). In the control group, after 7 days transplanta-
ter was much higher in the experimental group than that in tion, or 3 months transplantation, no obvious mineralized
the control group with the significance less than 0.01 (Table 1). tubular dentin formed around the transfilter (Fig. 4G and H),
while sparse elongated cell could be observed along the
3.6. In vivo examination interface.

Thirteen specimens were available in each group for the

in vivo analysis at each time point. After 7 days of implanta- 4. Discussion
tion, odontoblast differentiated on the surface of Millipore
transfilter in the experimental group (Fig. 4A and B). Three Here we provided evidences that filters combining with TGF-
months later, on 8 specimens in the experimental group, b1 could induce cytological differentiation of odontoblast from
tubular dentin formed on the surface of the transfilter with dental pulp cell in vitro and tissue engineered dentin
columnar odontoblast lying between the interface of dentin formation in vivo. Dental pulp cells could be induced to
and dental pulp. A layer of fibrodentin between the transfilter express odontoblast specific DSP and acquired the columnar
and the tubular dentin characterized this mineralized matrix shape when cultured in vitro. When transplanted in vivo,
(Fig. 4C and D). Odontoblasts expressing dentin sialoprotein tubular dentin formed along the transfilter in the experimen-
(Fig. 4E) and Col I (Fig. 4F) were located along the tubular tal group. Our data implied that inductive growth factors and
dentin, with processes extending perpendicular into it; their presentation patterns, a suitable substrate for anchoring
interestingly though some cells on the surface of dentin the progenitors of odontoblasts should all be taken into
was squamous like, they also stained positively for DSP (A), consideration during dentin tissue engineering. The filter
1226 archives of oral biology 56 (2011) 1221–1229

Fig. 3 – Immunohistochemical and TEM results. (A–C) The polarized cells in experimental group stained positively for DSP
(A), OPN (B) and Col I (C); (D) polarized cells with the height of about 5.0 mm were observed attaching to the filter in
experimental group, and cytoplasmic processes extended into the pores of filter; (E) the area between the nuclear and
transfilter contained many cytological organelles; (F) squamous-like cells formed along the surface of filter in the control

combining with growth factors and its alike should be good injury to the tooth. They may be able to signal reparative
reference for designing the scaffold for dentin tissue engi- processes leading to odontoblast-like cell differentiation
neering. during repair process after dental pulp trauma.
Growth factors and their unique expression patterns play A suitable insoluble substrate to which pulp cells could
important roles in odontoblast differentiation during tooth attach and acquire the phenotype of odontoblast-like cells
development and tooth pulp repair.8 Odontoblast differentia- seems to be of critical importance during reparative dentino-
tion is under matrix-mediated control by the basement genesis. The presence of fibrodentin matrix at the sites of
membrane during development. The basement membrane repair, with its endogenous bio-active molecular constituents,
acts as a reservoir of the growth factors secreted by the inner may take the role of the basement membrane during tooth
dental epithelium, and presents them to the progenitor cell of development to present inductive signals.13 Cell–matrix
odontoblast.18 interaction plays important roles in the initiation of differen-
Following the last mitosis and prior to odontoblast tiation and maintenance of the functional stage of the
differentiation, the pre-odontoblast aligns perpendicular to odontoblast.18,20 Though the exact role the basement mem-
the basement membrane, and only the daughter cells adjacent brane and fibrodentin remains unclear, the adhesion molecule
to the basement membrane differentiate into functional fibronectin on their surfaces seems to mediate interactions
odontoblast.19 The basement membrane confers spatial between this substrate and the progenitor cell of the
configuration characteristics to the growth factor presentation odontoblast.
during the whole process. Growth factors secreted by How to properly apply the exogenous bioactive molecules
odontoblasts after differentiation may be sequestrated within to induce odontoblast differentiation and maintain their
the dentin matrix, where they may be released following functional secreting stage will be pivotal to dentin tissue
archives of oral biology 56 (2011) 1221–1229 1227

Fig. 4 – Transfilter combining with TGF-b1 could induce odontoblast differentiation in vivo. (A and B) After 7 days of
implantation, cells polarized on the surface of filter in the experimental group; (C and D) 3 months later, large amounts of
tubular dentin matrix deposited along the filter in experimental group; (E and F) the tissue engineered tubular dentin
expressed dentin sialoprotein (E) and Col I (F); (G) in the control group, after 7 days transplantation, sparse elongated cells
formed along the transfilter; (H) after 3 months transplantation, there was no tubular dentin formed around the transfilter.

engineering. Though lack of evidence which growth factors induction of odontoblast differentiation and subsequent
are responsible for signalling odontoblast differentiation control of odontoblast secretory behaviour.23 TGF-bs have
in vivo, TGF-b1 and b3, BMP-2 and IGF-1 appeared capable been reported to influence the synthesis of several extracellu-
of signalling odontoblast differentiation in vitro.10,12 TGF-b lar matrix components in mesenchymal cells including
superfamily had been shown to have wide ranging effects on collagen and osteoadherin.24,25 The transcriptional phenotype
the mesenchymal cells of many connective tissues. TGF-b1 of odontoblasts induced by TGF-bs or BMP was very similar to
had been shown to stimulate differentiation of functional that of in vivo differentiating odontoblasts. In this study, TGF-
odontoblasts and maintain their physiological gradients of b1 on Millipore transfilter present the growth factors neces-
differentiation within the tooth pulp.21,22 Expression of TGF-bs sary for odontoblast differentiation with defined spatial
receptors in odontoblasts and other cells of rat dental pulp pattern, for the pores within the transfilter does not allowing
imply possible roles for these growth factors both in the the infilteration of the whole cell. The mechanical support of
1228 archives of oral biology 56 (2011) 1221–1229

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