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Prog. EnergyCombust.Sci. 1993,Vol.19,pp. 227 257 0360-1285/93 $24.

PrintedinGreatBritain.Allrightsreserved. ©1993PergamonPressLtd


Center for Electric Power, Tennessee Technological University, P.O. Box 5032, Cookeville, T N 38505, U.S.A.

Received 1 June 1993

Abstract--This article discusses the development, state-of-the-art and applications of exergy analysis and
thermoeconomics (exergoeconomics). The latter is a relatively new method that combines exergy with
conventional concepts from engineering economics to evaluate and optimize the design and performance
of energy systems. This paper is written mainly for the person interested in applying tbermoeconomics to
an energy system. It reviews the history of exergy analysis and thermoeconomics, the performance
evaluation of an energy system from the viewpoints of the second law of thermodynamics and
thermoeconomics as well as applications of thermoeconomic optimization techniques.


Nomenclature 227
1. Introduction 228
2. Historical Background 229
3. Exergy Analysis 231
3.1. Exergy balance and exergy destruction 231
3.2. Calculation of exergy values 232
3.3. Exergetic efficiency 234
3.3.1. Compressor, pump or fan 235
3.3.2. Heat exchanger without mixing 235
3.3.3. Heat exchanger with mixing 236
3.3.4. Turbine or expander 236
3.3.5. Combusion chamber 236
3.3.6. Boiler 237
3.3.7. Other components 237
3.4. Performance criteria 237
3.5. Example 238
4. Economic Analysis 239
5. Exergy Costing 240
5.1. Cost balance 241
5.2. Average cost of fuel and product 242
5.3. Costing of material and energy-transfer streams 242
5.4. Costing ofexergy-loss streams 247
5.5. Cost ofexergy destruction 247
5.6. Relative cost difference 247
6. Thermoeconomic Evaluation 248
7. Thermoeconomic Optimization of an Energy System 249
7.1. Cost optimal exergetic efficiency 249
7.2. Design optimization 251
7.2.1. Optimization of major plant components 251
7.2.2. Other optimization approaches 252
7.3. Guidelines for designing energy systems 252
7.3.1. Generalguidelines 252
7.3.2. Process specific guidelines 253
8. Closure 253
Acknowledgements 254
References 254

NOMENCLATURE e specific exergy [MJ/kg]

B constant in cost equations E exergy IM J]
c cost per exergy unit IS/G J] f exergoeconomic factor denoting the contribution
cost flow rate [$/hr] of capital costs, ,~., to the cost increase, Ac,
Ac difference between cost per exergy unit of prod- between fuel and product in a plant component
uct and cost per exergy unit of fuel in a plant F dimensionless variable expressing the criterion of
component [S/G J] thermoeconomic similarity, Eq. 102
d cost per unit of mass [$/kg] h specific enthalpy l'MJ/kg]


/ / enthalpy flow rate [MW] f fuel to the total plant

Ah ° higher heating value [MJ/kg] F fuel (according to the definition of exergetic
K capital cost associated with a plant component ciency)
[$] gen entropy production
m mass [kg] or exponent in cost equations i input stream
n exponent in cost equations I investment
ND number of components (devices) in a plant j output stream
NI number of material flow streams at the inlet of a k plant component
component, or of the total plant L exergy loss
NO number of material flow streams at the outlet of M mixture
a component, or of the total plant MS material stream
P pressure [bar] n stream
Q heat transfer [MJ] NE non-exergetic effect
r relative cost difference, Eq. 92 OM operating and maintenance costs
R remaining costs [$], or gas constant [kJ/(kg K)] P product (according to the definition of exergetic
s specific entropy [kJ/(kg K)] efficiency)
entropy flow rate [MW/K] rev reversible
T temperature [K] R heat reservoir
w specific work transfer [MJ/kg] S system
W work transfer [M J] tot total plant
x mole fraction 0 environment
y exergy destruction ratio
Z capital costs associated with a plant component
and considered in cost equations [$] Superscripts
fl capital-recovery factor CH chemical exergy of a material stream
7 coefficient expressing the part of the fixed operat- CI capital investment
ing and maintenance costs which depends on the M mechanical exergy of a material stream
net investment expenditure for a plant compo- OPT optimum
nent, Eq. 96 PH physical exergy of a material stream
A difference Q heat transfer
e exergetic efficiency T thermal exergy of a material stream
v stoichiometric coefficient in a reaction TOT total exergy of a material stream
r annual number of hours of plant operation at X depending on the case being considered, refers to
the nomial capacity [hr] some of the following superscripts: TOT, CH,
to constant used in calculating the variable levelized PH, M, T, Q, w
operating and maintenance costs, Eq. 96 [S/M J] W work transfer
• time rate of the corresponding variable
- refers to cost values obtained when all invest-
Subscripts ment, operating (excluding fuel) and maintenance
a air costs are neglected (i.e. when only fuel costs are
CM control mass considered) in the thermoeconomic analysis
D exergy destruction ~ molar

1. INTRODUCTION to cause changes. When costs are assigned to energy

carriers, exergy, rather than energy or mass, should
Classical thermodynamics provides, among others, serve as a basis in the costing process.
the concepts o f energy, energy transfer by heat and For energy systems operating above the ambient
work, energy balance, entropy, and entropy balance, temperature, we can think of exergy as the useful
as well as mathematical formulas for calculating part of energy, i.e. the part o f energy that can be
thermodynamic properties at equilibrium. The transformed into any other form of energy. The
second law of thermodynamics complements and concept of exergy is simple, understandable and
enhances an energy balance by enabling calculation completely consistent with our intuition and every-
of both the true thermodynamic value of an energy day perceptions. Indeed, exergy is what the layman
carrier, and the real thermodynamic inefficiencies calls 'energy'.1 Unlike total energy, a part of the
and losses from processes or systems. The concept of total exergy supplied to a system is irreversibly de-
exergy is extremely useful for this purpose. stroyed in all real processes. This exergy destruction
Exergy is the maximum useful work attainable usually represents the largest part o f what the lay-
from an energy carrier under the conditions imposed man calls 'energy waste'. The other part of 'energy
by a given environment. The exergy of an energy waste' is the exergy loss, i.e. the exergy associated
carrier is a thermodynamic property that depends on with a material or energy stream rejected to the en-
both the state of the carrier being considered and the vironment (e.g. flue gas, cooling water and heat
state of the environment. It expresses the maximum loss). Both exergy destruction and exergy loss
capability of the energy carrier to cause changes} are identified through an exergy analysis (second-law
Thus, exergy is not only an objective measure of the analysis).
thermodynamic value of an energy carrier, but is The exergy destruction is the direct result of the
also very closely related to the economic value of the irreversibilites in a system. The exergy loss is associ-
carrier because users pay for the potential of energy ated with the design engineer's decision to not further
Energy systems 229

use the exergy of a stream in a given system. Malfunc- sis conducted at the compoment level of the energy
tions and off-design performance of a component system being analyzed, (c) exergy costing and (d) an
usually increase both the exergy destruction and the exergoeconomic evaluation of each system compo-
exergy losses in a system. At least a part of the nent. Following a brief presentation of the history of
exergy destruction and exergy loss is dictated by exergy and thermoeconomics, the four components
considerations involving costs, materials, environ- of a thermoeconomic analysis are discussed. Finally,
mental impact, reliability, availability, maintainability the optimization methods used in thermoeconomics
and operability of the system being considered. In a are reviewed.
truly optimized system, the entire amount of exergy The objectives of a thermoeconomic analysis are:
destruction and loss is justifiable through these consid- • To identify the location, magnitude and source
erations. of the real thermodynamic losses ('energy
In the past, the term 'thermoeconomics' has been waste') in an energy system (exergy destruction
used to indicate an appropriate combination of exer- and exergy losses).
getic and economic analysis. The most characteristic • To calculate the cost associated with the exergy
element of this analysis is the assignment of costs to destruction and exergy losses.
the exergy (not the energy) content of an energy • To assess the production costs of each product
carrier (exergy costing). In parallel, however, the (output) in an energy-conversion system that
expression 'thermoeconomic analysis' has been used has more than one product.
by others to report conventional thermodynamic • To facilitate feasibility and optimization studies
analyses based only on the first law of thermo- during the design phase for an energy system,
dynamics) and economic analyses conducted sepa- as well as process improvement studies for an
rately from the thermodynamic ones and without existing system.
consideration of exergy or exergy costing. The last • To assist in decision-making procedures concern-
case cannot be excluded from 'thermoeconomics' ing plant operation and maintenance and alloca-
because the first constituent of this expression, tion of research funds.
'thermo', is a derivative of the Greek word for heat • To compare technical alternatives.
and is used in most major languages. Thus, thermo- The literature on the subject of thermoeconomics
economics does not in any way imply exergy costing is very extensive. The references cited here cannot be,
or exergy economics, but, taken literally, means a and are not intended to be, exhaustive; usually, they
combination of heat and economics. It could, there- refer either to the most representative publications
fore, be easily confused with the expression 'heat or to the most recent work of each author, so that
economy' in some languages. the reader may trace back to earlier publications.
In 1983 the author coined the term 'exergoeconom- This article is written mainly for the person inter-
ics'2 to give a more precise and unambiguous charac- ested in applying a thermoeconomic analysis to an
terization of the combination of an exergy analysis energy system. More emphasis is therefore placed on
with an economic one using exergy costing. In this how to apply principles than on the underlying theo-
case, the term thermoeconomic analysis should be retical aspects. The nomenclature used here is closer
used in a more general sense to indicate any thermo- to that used in German publications. It is character-
dynamic analysis reported next to any economic ized by a combination of three important advantages
analysis of the same system. The thermodynamic compared to the numerous other suggestions con-
and economic analyses do not have to be combined tained mainly in publications in the English language:
in the more general field of thermoeconomics, simplicity, consistency and lack of ambiguity. It is,
whereas in exergoeconomics they are integrated therefore, the preferred nomenclature in the author's
through exergy costing. Consequently, exergoeco- opinion.
nomics is a part, the most significant one, of thermo-
economics. The term exergoeconomics is already 2. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
being used in several countries.
This article reviews the concepts of the relatively Although the method of exergy is often considered
new field of exergoeconomics. Since the readers, how- to be a new method for analyzing energy systems,
ever, might be more familiar with the term thermo- the underlying fundamentals were introduced in the
economic rather than exergoeconomic analysis, an last century following the mathematical formulation
exception is made in this paper, and the former term of the second law of thermodynamics. As outlined in
is retained in the title and throughout the text. Thus, the critical historical review by R. W. Haywood, 3
in this paper, the expressions thermoeconomics and the earliest contributions to the exergy concept are
exergoeconomics are synonymous. The author be- due to R. Clausius (1865), P. G. Tait (1868), W.
lieves that the distinction between thermoeconomics Thomson (Lord Kelvin) and mainly to J. W. Gibbs
and exergoeconomics is important and should be (1873) and J. C. Maxwell (1875). This early work, as
emphasized in future publications. well as the subsequent developments by G. Gouy
A complete thermoeconomic analysis consists of (1889), A. Stodola (1898), G. A. Goudenough (1911)
(a) a detailed exergy analysis, (b) an economic analy- and G. Darrieus (1930), generated little interest.

The modern development of exergy analysis was the optimal selection of steam piping and its insula-
initiated by F. Bosnjakovic in Europe and J. H. tion.17, la
Keenan in the United States. The classical slogan In Europe, E. Bergmann and K. R. Schmidt as-
"Fight the Irreversibilities" by F. Bosnjakovic4 signed costs to the exergy destruction in each compo-
marks the beginning of this development. In the nent of a steam power plant in a study dealing with
1950s and 1960s contributions to the exergy concept optimization of feedwater heaters. 19 W. Fratzscher
were also made by Z. Rant, P. Grassmann, W. M. and D. Kl6ditz referred to the early work of R. B.
Brodyansky, E. A. Bruges, J. H. Keenan, M. Tribus, Evans and M. Tribus and applied exergy costing to
E. F. Obert, R. A. Gaggioli, R. B. Evans, H. D. the design of a regenerative heat exchanger. 2° J.
Baehr, W. Fratzscher, J. Szargut, R. Petela and K. Szargut used exergy costing in a cogeneration plant. 21
F. Knoche, among others. During this period, the The paper by Y. M. EI-Sayed and R. B. Evans 22
exergy balance and its graphical presentation, the published in 1970 marks the introduction of rigorous
calculation of the exergy of fuels and the definition calculus methods of optimization in thermoeconom-
of reference states for calculating the chemical exergy ics. This approach, though it has not yet yielded the
were introduced. In addition, several definitions of expected practical results, continues to show promise
exergetic efficiencies and the first exergy-analysis ap- for the future.
plications to industrial processes and plants were References 1, 2, 3, 6-9, 14 and 22-71 (given in
presented. At the same time, the method of exergy chronological order) represent the most important
analysis was introduced into the textbooks of thermo- publications in the area of thermoeconomics from
dynamics. In the last twenty years, the annual 1970 through 1986. Most of the work published in
number of worldwide exergy applications to various the years 1987 through 1993 is included in conference
systems and processes has increased exponentially. proceedings volumes (Refs 12 and 72-91) published
Extensive compilations of the exergy-related litera- mainly by the American Society of Mechanical
ture are given in several references. 5 1o Engineers (ASME) and in two ASME Journals, the
The term exergy was coined by Z. Rant 11 as a new Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
word for 'work capability' used previously by Bosnja- and the Journal of Energy Resources Technology.
kovic. This term has gained general acceptance in all These publications and Refs 92-106 contain several
countries except the United States where the parallel applications of an exergy analysis to energy systems
use of the terms exergy and availability (or available and processes. R. W. Haywood 3 reviewed the early
energy) in both textbooks and research articles contin- history of exergy while Y. M. EI-Sayed and R. A.
ues to contribute to some misconceptions and con- Gaggioli 1°7 and the author l°s outlined the develop-
fusion surrounding the exergy method. However, ment of thermoeconomics and presented critical
there is little doubt that the word exergy will finally reviews of thermoeconomic methods.
prevail in the United States too (see, e.g. the fore- In the history of engineering thermodynamics, no
word of Ref. 12). other concept has been given so many symbols (e.g.
The idea of using exergy for costing purposes was A, B, E, Ex, e, E, ~ and W for exergy) and names
initiated by J. H. Keenan 13 in 1932. His suggestion (for the exergy, for instance, usable energy in French,
was not to apply exergy costing as discussed in availability, available energy and essergy in English,
Section 5, but to use exergy for appropriately appor- and work capability in German; for the term exergo-
tioning costs to the electric power and steam that economics, the expressions include thermoeconom-
were produced in a cogeneration plant. He pointed ics, second-law costing, exergy costing, exergy eco-
out that the economic value of steam and electricity nomics, etc.) or has been neglected, misunderstood
lay in their exergy not energy. or misrepresented as often as the concepts of exergy
In an unpublished lecture at the Massachusetts and exergoeconomics. In the early years of the devel-
Institute of Technology in 1949, M. Benedict presented opment of thermoeconomics some researchers,
the costing of exergy destruction in an air-separation mainly in Europe, attempted to base the cost assign-
plant and the use of these costs for 'optimal design'. ment to material streams on their exergy content
It is very unfortunate that the contents of this lecture only, regardless of the composition, use and the
were not published until thirty years later.14 other non-exergetic properties of the materials. As a
The modem development of thermoeconomics was result, even prominent proponents of the exergy con-
initiated in the late 1950s by M. Tribus and R. B. cept in Europe expressed scepticism about the applica-
Evans at the University of California, Los Angeles, bility of exergy costing, 1°'21"4s whereas others criti-
and by E. F. Obert and R. A. Gaggioli at the cized the exergy concept. At the same time in the
University of Wisconsin, Madison. Tribus and Evans United States, some misrepresentations of the devel-
were applying the exergy concept to desalination opment of the exergy concept in Europe can be
processes when they introduced the word thermoeco- found. Had there been sufficient communication be-
nomics, developed the idea of assigning costs to the tween the researchers from different countries in the
exergy unit of streams, and formulated cost balances early years, the acceptance of both the exergy concept
at the component level of energy systems, ls'~6 E. F. and the thermoeconomic approach to the analysis of
Obert and R. A. Gaggioli applied exergy costing to energy systems would be wider today.
Energy systems 231

rate of entropy production in the system; it is a

measure of all irreversibilities which occur within the
2 TOTAL PLANT ~2 control surface due to chemical reactions, heat ex-
(i) (j)
change, mixing, friction, etc. Sge, is equal to zero
NI NO only in a completely reversible process.
The method of exergy provides:
T d Or) (a) a measure to judge the magnitude of 'energy
waste' in relation to the 'energy' supplied or
transformed in the total plant and in the com-
To Po ponent being analyzed,
(b) a measure for the quality (or usefulness) of
FIG. 1. General representation of mass and energy balances energy from the thermodynamic viewpoint, and
in an energy system operating under steady-state condi-
tions. (c) a variable to define rational efficiencies for
energy systems.
Some examples of why a first-law analysis (an
The value of exergy and thermoeconomic analyses analysis based only on energy balances, Eq. 1) fails
in the evaluation of an energy system is generally to identify the real energy waste or the effective use
recognized today. It is important to realize that these of fuels and resources include the following:
analyses do not replace, but complement and enhance, (a) The first law does not recognize any waste in
an energy analysis or a conventional economic analy- an adiabatic chemical reactor (e.g. gasifier) or
sis. an adiabatic throttling process.
(b) The first law does not show that a part of the
enthalpy of a stream or of the heat transfer
3. EXERGY ANALYSIS rate is thermodynamically useless.
(c) The first law does not detect any energy degra-
This section briefly discusses some general aspects dation in an adiabatic heat exchanger.
of the thermodynamic analysis of an energy system (d) The first law identifies the condenser of a
using the exergy method. More emphasis is placed power plant as the component responsible for
on the analysis of systems operating under steady- the relatively low overall plant efficiency. The
state conditions since the majority of important indus- exergy method correctly reveals that the boiler
trial plants operates most of the time under steady- is mainly responsible for the low efficiency.
state conditions. As shown in Fig. 1, the mass flow In other words the first law cannot conclude that
streams thi (i = 1, ..., NI) are entering and the mass there are sometimes significant 'energy losses' which
flow streams rhj (.1'= 1, ..., NO) are leaving the are not recognizable as rejected heat and that rejec-
arbitrarily established control boundary of an energy tion of heat does not necessarily need to be consid-
system (e.g., a device, a group of devices, or an ered as 'energy loss' (in the Carnot process, for in-
entire plant). The chemical composition and the state stance).
variables of the entering streams can be changed The exergy of an energy carrier is the result of the
through chemical reactions, mixing, pressure drop, potential interaction between the carrier and the
heat transfer (Q at the temperature T) and work common components of the environment. Exergy is,
exchange (W) between the system and its surround- therefore, a function of the state variables of the
ings, etc. In the sign convention adopted here, heat energy carrier and of the state parameters (tempera-
and work transfers are positive when they are sup- ture, pressure and chemical composition) of the envi-
plied to the system and negative when they are ronment. The exergy content of an energy carrier
removed from it; the arrows for Q and W in Fig. 1 is a measure of the thermodynamic value of the
indicate the positive direction for heat and work carrier.
Neglecting the changes of kinetic and potential
energy between inlet and outlet, the energy balance 3.1. Exergy Balance and Exergy Destruction
and the entropy balance for the system being consid-
ered are given by the following formulas: An exergy balance states that the total exergy
NO NI increase or decrease within the system (subscript s)
"de" ~V = E ]~jhj -- E fnihi (l) boundary (dE~°T) plus the exergy destruction 6ED.s
j=l i=1
within the same boundary equals the difference be-
tween the total exergy transfers in and out across the
+ ~gen E I~IjSj fnis i (2)
boundary. The exergy transfer across the boundary
T s=l i=~
includes exergy transfer (JE) associated with the
In these equations, m., h. and s. represent the transfer of heat (Q,), work (Ws) and mass (Jm~ enter-
mass flow rate, specific enthalpy and specific entropy, ing and 6mj exiting the boundary) across the bound-
respectively, of the nth material stream. ~s.. is the ary.

d E r ° r + JED.s = JE Qs + OEw~ - PodV The exergy E Q associated with heat transfer Q is

given by:
+ ~ (~ETOT-- Z (~ETOT" (3)
i=1 j=l

The term Ws in Eq. 3 denotes all work interactions

taking place at those portions of the boundary where T is the temperature at the system boundary
through which there is no mass flow. The term at which the heat transfer occurs, and To is the
- P o d V represents the work done at the moving temperature of the environment. A negative exergy
boundary by or on the surroundings. value calculated from Eq. 7 and Eq. 8 when T > To
For the steady state process shown in Fig. 1 we means, according to the sign convention adopted
can write: here, that exergy (associated with the corresponding
work or heat transfer) is supplied by the system to
ED = L"W ..~ ~'Q 2r_ ~. j~TOT -- ~ j~TOT (4)
the surroundings. When T < To in Eq. 8, the exergy
i=1 j=l
transfer occurs in the direction opposite heat trans-
where E w, E °, E T°T and E T°T are the exergy flow fer.
rates associated with the rates of work and heat When the heat transfer occurs at a continuously
transfer, as well as with the mass flow rates rh~ at the varying temperature (e.g. fluid in a heat exchanger),
inlet and rni at the outlet, respectively. The exergy the thermodynamic average temperature Tm96' t t o
destruction is always equal to the product of entropy hour -- hin
generation and the temperature of the surroundings. Tm -- - - (9)
Soul -- Sin
ED = ToSgen. (5) can be defined at constant pressure and used in Eq. 8
(T = Tm) to calculate the exergy associated with the
Hence, exergy destruction can be calculated either heat transfer (Q = m(houl - hin)).
from the entropy production using Eqs 2 and 5 or Excluding nuclear, magnetic, electrical and interfa-
directly from the exergy balance, Eq. 4. cial effects, the total exergy of a material stream,
For a system consisting of N D subsystems, the E T°r, can be divided into four components: t° kinetic
total exergy destruction, ED.lot, is equal to the sum of exergy E KN, potential exergy E pT, physical exergy
exergy destructions in all subsystems, ED.,, k = l, E eu and chemical exergy E ca.
.... N D
E TOT = E KN + E pT + E pH + E CH. (10)
ED,tot = E ED,k. (6)
Kinetic and potential exergy are equal to kinetic and
potential energy, respectively. The physical exergy
A change in the exergy destruction in one subsys- associated with a closed (control mass) thermody-
tem, in general, affects the exergy destruction in namic system is given by:
other subsystems too. Thus, the change in the total
E~ = m[(u - uo) + Po(V -- Vo) - To(S -- so)].
exergy input to a plant is usually different from the 0t)
change in the exergy destruction in one plant compo-
nent. The technique of the structural bond coeffi- Here, u, v and s represent the specific internal energy,
cients developed by J. Beyer25 ' 26 ' 33 ' 109 addresses this specific volume and specific entropy of the closed
point. This technique, however, has not yet been system. The subscript 0 denotes the state of the same
fully developed. system at the temperature To and pressure Po of the
Since the total energy is conserved in an energy environment.
balance, there is no first law analog to exergy destruc- In an open (control volume) system the physical
tion. The exergy destruction represents the real exergy (exergy of the enthalpy) associated with a
energy waste that cannot be identified through an material stream (subscript MS), having a specific
energy balance. More details about the exergy bal- enthalpy h and a specific entropy s, is due to the
ance and exergy destruction are given in Refs 10, 96, differences in temperature and pressure between
100 and 106. stream and environment.*
EP~ = me pn = m [(h - ho) - To(s - so)]. (12)
3.2. Calculation o f Exergy Values
Here, ho and so are the specific enthalpy and the
specific entropy, respectively, of the same material
Energy calculation may be based on any assumed
stream at the temperature (To) and pressure (Po) of
reference state; by contrast, the state of reference for
exergy calculations is imposed by the environment.
The exergy E w associated with work transfer W over *These differences, however, are not a sufficient condi-
the system boundary is equal to the work transfer: tion for a stream to have non-zero exergy. This effect can
be illustrated by the environmental line'°4 drawn in an
EW = W. (7) enthalpy-entropy diagram.
Energy systems 233

co2 H~ s% N2 als are exchanged between a system and the environ-

ment. It is important that no chemical reactions can
take place between the reference substances. Only in
that case does a complete thermodynamic equilibrium
FUEL (f) exist, and only in that case is the total exergy of the
-~ RE^Cr~O. / -
02 ~ CHAMBER [ ~ Wr'v environment equal to zero. For a given temperature
and pressure of the environment and for given
T0. Po amounts of the chemical elements contained in it,
the chemical equilibrium for the environmentalchemi-
cal components can be calculated. It is, therefore,
possible to define many equilibrium 'environments'
by giving different temperatures and different
To Po amounts of the chemical elements.
Fro. 2. Reversible, isothermal and isobaric oxidation of a Exergy should represent the potential for work
fossil fuel at T = To and P = Po used to calculate the extraction from a system not for any theoretically
chemical exergy of fuels. correct environment but for one which takes into
account the conditions of our natural environment.
The latter, however, does not fulfil the requirements
the surroundings. Some authors call the sum of the of the thermodynamic theory because it is not in
first three terms in Eq. I 0 thermomechanieal exergy. chemical equilibrium and its state variables are not
Some publications in the English language contain constant with respect to location or time. In that
the incorrect and confusing statement that only the case, we have to make a compromise between the
exergy of a flow stream (or the flow availability, as it requirements of the theory and the reality of the
is often called in these publications) is referred to as natural environment.~~2
exergy. Distinguishing in the nomenclature between Models for defining the reference state for chemi-
the exergy of a flow stream and the exergy of a cal exergy calculations were suggested by J.
closed system is not only unnecessary but also mis- Ahrendts, ~13'~14 H. D. Baehr and E. F. Schmidt, xls
leading. F. Bosnjakovic, t16 R. A. Gaggioli and P. J. Petit, 1~7
The physical exergy E Pn of an energy carrier is the L. Rodriguez, ~ls J. Szargut 1° and J. H. Shieh and
sum of thermal exergy E x, which is due to the system L. T. Fan. ~9 These models provide, as a minimum,
temperature, and mechanical exergy E u, which is due the standard chemical exergy of single reference sub-
to the system pressure. stances, i.e. the chemical exergy of substances con-
tained in the environment at the standard state (T =
E PH = E x + E u. (13)
298.15 K, P = 1.013 bar). The effect of changes in
The distinction between thermal and mechanical the temperature and pressure of the reference state
exergy, which is not always unique, is discussed in on the chemical exergy of the reference substances
Ref. 111. The thermal exergy cannot be negative. might be neglected. The chemical exergy of non-refer-
However, the mechanical exergy (and, consequently, ence substances (all other chemical components
the physical exergy) can take on negative values if which appear in the energy system being analyzed
the pressure of the system is less than the pressure but have a zero concentration in the reference envi-
of the surroundings. A negative value in this case ronment) might then be calculated as illustrated in
means that net work needs to be spent to bring the the following example for a fossil fuel.~ ~2
carrier into mechanical equilibrium with the environ- It is convenient to define the exergy of a fuel using
ment. a hypothetical reversible, isothermal and isobaric
The chemical exergy of an energy carrier is the steady-state process as shown in Fig. 2. Fuel, oxidizer
maximum net work which can be attained if the and the reaction products (CO2, H20, SO2 and N2),
considered carrier having a temperature To and pres- must be in thermal and mechanical equilibrium with
sure Po (i.e. zero physical exergy) is brought into the actual thermodynamic environment which might
complete thermodynamic equilibrium with the envi- not be at the standard temperature and pressure. It
ronment. Thus, for calculating the chemical exergy, is assumed that the reaction products leave the reac-
the chemical composition of the environment (refer- tion chamber unmixed. Energy, entropy and exergy
ence state) has to be defined in addition to the balances for the reversible reaction process lead to
temperature To and pressure Po. the molar chemical exergy of the fuel, ~t:
Thermodynamics considers the environment to be
a large equilibrium system in which the state vari- ef = A~f0 "]- ToAgrev+ A~ = ~rev + A~ (14)
ables (To, Po) and the chemical potential of the with
environmental chemical components (reference sub-
stances or substances which have a non-zero A~ = t;, + vo2~o2- E v:~:, : = c o 2 , H2O, SO2, N~
concentration in the environment) remain constant (
when, in a thermodynamic process, heat and mated- (15)

A~rev = ~ vei/ - if - vo2s'o~ (16) mainly in the exergy accompanying the material
t streams entering and leaving the system. It is impor-
tant to realize that the exergy destruction, as its
and calculation through Eq. 5 shows, is independent of
A~ = ~ v , ~ / - vo2e2. (17) the chemical composition of the reference state used
to calculate the chemical exergy values, although the
Here, AgO is the molar higher heating value of the individual values of the terms E:rOT and /~yOT on the
fuel and Agrev is the molar entropy of the reversible right side of Eq. 4 do depend on the chemical compo-
combustion reaction of the fuel with oxygen. This sition of the reference state. The author prefers to
reaction can be written as: use the modified model of Ahrendts tx3'x14 which
1 mol of fuel + v0202-----~ I~c02CO2 "1- VHzoH20 considers (a) restricted chemical equilibrium for nitric
acid and nitrates, and (b) a thickness of 1 m for the
"1-PsozSO2 "~ vN2N2. (18) layer of the solid earth crust. This model represents
In Eqs 14 through 17 ff~, is the molar reversible the best compromise between requirements of the
work (or the negative molar Gibbs function) of the thermodynamic theory (chemical equilibrium at the
chemical reaction (Eq. 18). The terms gf and if reference state) and closeness to the natural environ-
represent the molar enthalpy and molar entropy of ment.
the fuel, respectively, whereas v. is the stoichiometric
coefficient of the nth substance in the combustion
Eq. 18. The symbols /~':(h'o~), i:(go2) and ~: (~o~)
3.3. Exergetic Efficiency
denote the molar enthaipy, molar entropy, and molar
chemical exergy, respectively, of the fth combustion
The exergetic efficiency evaluates the true perform-
product (or oxygen). All the combustion products
ance of a process or energy system from the thermo-
and oxygen are reference substances.
dynamic viewpoint. Since the definition of an exer-
The contribution of the work ff,~, to the value of
getic efficiency is subjective to some extent, there is
the fuel exergy (&), Eq. 14, is significantly higher
still some confusion with respect to its appropriate
than that of the exergy difference A~. The latter
definition for a given system. The following guide-
represents the work which theoretically can be gained
lines are useful in formulating exergetic efficiencies of
during the mixing of the unmixed reaction products
energy systems.
CO2, H20, SO2 and N2 with the chemical compo-
(1) It is helpful to define a (net) fuel and a (net)
nents of the environment* minus the work required
product for the thermodynamic system being ana-
for the production of pure oxygen from the chemical
lyzed. The product represents the (net) desired result
components of the environment. Thus, the effect of
produced in the system. The definition of the product
the chemical composition of the environment on the
must be consistent with the purpose o f purchasing
chemical exergy value of a fuel is introduced through
and using the system. The fuel represents the net
the term A~. An example of how to calculate the
resources which were spent to generate the product.
chemical exergy of coal using Eqs 14 through 18 is
Then, the exergetic efficiency (e) of any energy system
given in Refs 8 and 120. For most fuels, the value of
can be defined as the ratio between the exergy value
chemical exergy is very close to their higher heating
of the product Ep and the exergy value of the fuel
value. EF2,8,6 7
The molar chemical exergy o f an ideal mixture,
~cH, is calculated as a function of the molar chemical Ep ED+EL
e =- = 1 (20)
exergy of the nth chemical constituent of the mixture, EF EF
~H, by
The term EL represents the exergy losses, i.e. the
~cn = ~ x.~Ca + RTo ~ x,ln(x,) (19) exergy associated with a mass or energy stream re-
n n jected to the environment. After introducing the
exergy of the fuel and product, the overall exergy
where x, is the mole fraction of the nth substance in
balance becomes
the mixture and R is the universal gas constant.
The difficulties in selecting the appropriate refer- Ev = Ee + ED + EL. (21)
ence state for a given energy system should not in
Examples of the definition of the exergy of fuel and
any way discourage application of exergy analysis.
product for various energy systems are given below.
Generally, 6° the effect of this selection on the final
(2) The definition of exergetic efficiency must be
conclusions from an exergy or a thermoeconomic
meaningful from both the thermodynamic and the
analysis is negligible.6a.112 This effect is shown
economic viewpoints.
(3) Equating the exergy of fuel with the sum of
*That is practically the work obtained in the expansion
of the gaseous products from the pressure at which they exergy inputs and the exergy of the product with the
leave the reaction chamber (P0) to their respective partial sum of exergy outputs is, in general, not acceptable
pressure in the environment. for single plant components and devices because it
Energy systems 235

Hot Stream

W~ 3 21 Cold Stream



~~i~"~fl 4 ~ W
Cold .q 3

Flue Gas 14

I 6 ~ Main Steam
Fuel ~ Coal ~ (F)
I ~7 Cold Reheat
Oxidant 2 ~ Reaction
" ,i I , A,r '21 > I 8 ~ Hot Reheat
2 -I I
Ash ~ 3
FIG. 3. Selected components of energy systems.

usually results in misleading conclusions. This ap- inlet to outlet using mechanical or electrical power
proach, which is still followed by some researchers,
could be successfully applied only when the energy EP,A = ~,TOT __ ETOT (22)
system being evaluated consists of a large number of
devices. Ev,a = W. (23)
(4) Changes (differences) in exergy values should
be considered where appropriate in calculating the 3.3.2. Heat exchanger without mixing (Fig. 3b)
exergy of fuel and product. Thus, instead of operat-
ing with absolute exergy values, exergy increases If the purpose of the heat exchanger (component
(e.g., net exergy supply to a stream) should be consid- B in Fig. 3) is to increase the thermal exergy of the
ered in the definition of the exergy of product and cold stream (from state 1 to state 2 in Fig. 3b) at the
exergy decreases (e.g., net exergy supply by a stream) expense of the exergy of the hot stream (3 to 4),
in the definition of the exergy of fuel. Hence, for a then:
material stream that crosses the control boundary of E'p,B = L ' ] ° T -- g, TOT (24)
the system twice without a change in its chemical
composition, not the absolute exergy values at the /~v,B = / U °T - / U °T. (25)
inlet and outlet but their difference should be consid- When the distinction between thermal and me-
ered in the calculation of the exergy of fuel or prod- chanical exergy is made, the above definitions
uct. become:
The following not exhaustive presentation of the
exergy rate of fuel and product for selected energy EV.B = /?T _ / ? T (26)
systems at steady-state operation, Fig. 3, could serve /~,~ = (]r~ oT _ / ~ l o T ) + (/~ - E~)
as a model for developing exergetic efficiency expres- + (ECH _ L-ca). (27)
Equations 26 and 27 allow for the pressure drop
in the cold stream to be considered on the fuel side
3.3.1. Compressor, pump or fan (Fig. 3a)
where it correctly belongs. In the absence of leakages,
The purpose of these devices (component A in the last term in the parentheses in Eq. 27 is zero.
Fig. 3) is to increase the flow rate of exergy from When the purpose of a heat exchanger is to provide

(e.g., smaller compressor IV) and of fuel required for

FEEDWATER ! ~ ) another component (e.g., electric power supplied to
compressor IV).

Feedweter Cooling 3.3.3. Heat exchanger with mixing (Fig. 3c)

Preheating L.....~.litei: .....................................................
The purpose of a direct contact heat exchanger or
FIG. 4. Schematic of a compression process with intercool-
ing. a mixing unit (component C in Fig. 3) is to increase
the thermal exergy of the colder mass flow rate at
cooling for a cold chamber as, for instance, in the the expense of the thermal exergy of the hotter mass
evaporator of a cooling plant, then: flow rate and the mechanical exergy of both streams.
/~a,a = E4r°T - L"T°T (28a)
J~p.c = ml(e x - e x) (34a)
J~F.C = rhz(ex -- e x) + (/~rox _ EX)
+ ( / ~ o r _/~x) _ (/~OT _/~x). (35a)
,°.,El =
The superscript X in the above equations repre-
Ev.B = j~TOT _ ]~OT. (29) sents PH (physical exergy), when no distinction be-
The definition of the product according to Eq. 28b tween thermal and mechanical exergy is made, or T
considers the cold chamber as a constant temperature (thermal exergy), when the physical exergy is split
heat reservoir at a temperature TR. QR is the heat according to Eq. 13.
transfer rate from the heat reservoir to the cold Equations 34a and 35a are meaningful from the
stream. The exergy rate accompanying this heat trans- thermodynamic viewpoint, but not always from the
fer ( ~ ) , which represents the exergy rate of the economic one because the specific cost (cost per unit
product for this process, flows in the direction oppo- mass) of the physical or thermal exergy of stream 1 in
site heat transfer as indicated by the negative sign in Fig. 3c might be higher than the corresponding speci-
Eq. 28b. fic cost of stream 2 (see Section 5 on exergy costing).
Finally, if the heat exchanger being considered Therefore, the following expressions for the exergy
uses cooling water to cool a stream (e.g., in a con- of product and fuel of a heat exchanger with mixing
denser or intercooler), no exergetic efficiency should might be preferable in a thermoeconomic analysis.
be defined for this cooler alone (e.g., cooler III in /~P,C = ~,x (34b)
Fig. 4) since the purpose of owning and operating
E~.c = L'T°x +/~2r°x -- (]~TOT_ L-x) (35b)
this cooler involves also at least one more compo-
nent. A meaningful exergetic efficiency can be de- where the superscript X represents again either physi-
fined only for the system including the cooler and cal exergy (PH) or thermal exergy (T) depending on
the plant component(s) immediately following the whether thermal and mechanical exergy are consid-
cooler (e.g., the compressor following the intercooler ered separately.
III in Fig. 4).
Here, it is implied that the purpose of the inter-
3.3.4. Turbine or expander (Fig. 3d)
cooler is to reduce the power to be supplied to the
compression process immediately following intercool- The purpose of this device (component D in Fig.
ing. Thus, for the system shown in Fig. 4, an exergetic 3) is to generate power (IV) by decreasing the flow
efficiency is defined for the system including as a rate of exergy from inlet to outlet. For a turbine with
minimum the components III and IV: one extraction (stream 2)
Ee,ill/lv = ~-ror _ L,aToT (30) Ep,D = IV (36)
L"F,IIi/IV = IVIV' (31) ~'v.D = L'T°r - E2T°T - E]OT. (37)
If the feedwater heater (II) is included in the defini-
tion, then: 3.3.5. Combustion chamber (Fig. 3e)
~P,n-w = (L~ °T - Lcl°T) + (/~-~OT_ /~OT) (32) The purpose of the combustion reaction in the
chamber (component E in Fig. 3) is, primarily, to
/~v,.-w = IVw. (33)
increase the thermal exergy difference between the
The exergy removal (L'a - ~74) in the cooler of Fig. 4 reaction products and the reactants at the expense of
becomes part of the exergy destruction and the chemical exergy of the fuel.
exergy loss (L%) in the system being considered. This ~'P,E = ~-x _ ~-x _ ~.x (38)
is an example of the overall positive role that exergy
destruction and exergy loss play in a system: both L'F,~ = (/~I °r -/~x) + (L-lOt _ ~:x) _
may contribute to the reduction of investment costs (/~]OT _ EX). (39)
Energy systems 237

The superscript X in Eqs 38 and 39 should be chemical components at the expense of thermal
equal to PH when the physical exergy is not split energy. Thus, the product of such a system is equal
into thermal and mechanical exergy, or when the to the total exergy difference between products and
mechanical exergy of the reaction products is higher feed. The fuel is the total exergy supplied in the re-
than the sum of the mechanical exergies of fuel and boiler.
oxidizer. If this sum is higher than the mechanical The definitions of exergetic efficiency given above
exergy of the reaction products, then the superscript are not unique. In specific cases, other expressions
X should be equal to T (thermal exergy). In the might also be acceptable. The subject of exergetic
latter case, the difference E• ° x - E x for the ith efficiency of energy systems is covered in Refs 8, 10,
stream is equal to E c n + E~ while in the former 67, 98, 100, 104, 105, 106 and 122.
case, ET°T - E x means E ca. If the system in Fig. 3e
represents a simplified gasification reactor, then the
purpose of the reactor is to provide the total exergy 3.4. Performance Criteria
of stream 3.
J~P.E = ETOT __ ]~X __ Ex (40) The following variables are very useful in evaluat-
ing the performance of the kth component of an
EF,E = ( E T OT -- EX) -Jr- (ETOT -- EX). (41) energy system from the thermodynamic viewpoint:
The superscript X may be again either PH or T. (a) Exergetic efficiency (ek) This efficiency (Eq.
The following definitions for the exergy of fuel 20), which, in general, is superior to any other effÉ-
and product could be used as an alternative to Eqs ciency based on the first or second law of thermody-
38 and 39 or 40 and 41: namics (including thermal efficiency and isentropic
or polytropic efficiency), shows what percentage of
]/P,E = /~OT (42)
the exergy of the fuel of the kth component can be
/~v.E = E~OT + E2TOT. (43) found in the exergy of the product. The difference
between one hundred percent and the actual effi-
ciency value is the percentage of the component fuel
3.3.6. Boiler (Fig. 3f)
exergy that was wasted in this component as exergy
The purpose of the boiler (component F in Fig. 3) destruction or exergy loss.
is to increase the exergy rate between inlet and outlet (b) Exergy destruction (ED.k) The absolute value of
for the boiler-feedwater/main-steam stream and the exergy destruction in a component provides a meas-
reheat stream. ure of the significance of the component irreversibili-
Ep,F ~--- (ETOT _ ETOT) "-F (]~7T°T -- E7 "r°x) (44) ties from the thermodynamic viewpoint. For compari-
son purposes, however, the following ratios are used
EF.F = E I °T - E l °T - ~-~DT_ ~-IOT. (45) in addition to the absolute value of exergy destruc-
An alternative to Eq. 45 is to consider the exergy tion.
flow rate of ash as exergy loss and to strike the term (c) Exergy destruction ratios The exergy destruc-
/~]OT from the definition of the exergy rate of fuel. tion in the kth plant component can be related to the
Then /~]DT becomes a part of EL in the exergy • total exergy destruction in the plant
balance (Eq. 21). This treatment of ~'3 is appropriate ED,k
only when the cost associated with the ash stream is y~.k -- . (46)
zero (see Section 5).
• exergy of the fuel to the total plant
3.3.7. Other components ED,k
yD,k -- . (47)
As discussed previously for the intercooler (Fig. EF.tot
4), for some system components, no meaningful,
from the exergy viewpoint, purpose can be defined • exergy of the total-plant product
when they are considered just by themselves. In a J~D,k
cost-effective design, a throttling valve, for instance,
yD.k -- (48)
Ep,tot "
serves another component and/or assists in total cost
minimization. A throttling valve and other compo- The above exergy destruction fractions can be
nents with similar characteristics must be considered used for comparisons among various components of
together with the component they serve; an exergetic the same plant and, like exergetic efficiencies, for
efficiency must be defined only for this group of comparisons among similar components of different
components. The exergy destruction and exergy loss, plants which use identical fuels or produce identical
however, can and should be calculated for each products. 123.124 In the exergetic efficiency, the exergy
component separately. Various approaches to the destruction in the kth component is compared (indi-
treatment of a condenser are discussed in Refs 8, 37, rectly) with the exergy of the fuel for the same
52, 63, 67, 98, 107 and 121. component whereas in the variable yD.k the same
The purpose of a distillation system is to separate exergy destruction is compared with the exergy of

TABLE 1. Thermodynamic variables of the material streams in the gas-turbine system shown in
Fig. 5

Mass flow rate Temperature Pressure rate Entropy rate

Stream (rn) (T) (P) (H) (S)
no. [kg s l] [K] [atm] [MW] [kW K -1]

1 5.0000 298.15 1.00 0.0006 34.4540

2 5.0000 509.25 5.51 1.0935 34.7538
3 5.0000 782.00 5.25 2.5603 37.1278
4 0.0595 298.15 1.00 -0.2776 0.6906
5 0.0595 448.50 5.25 -0.2554 0.6993
6 5.0595 770.51 5.09 2.3049 38.0448
7 5.0595 1273.04 4.99 2.3049 41.1827
8 5.0595 900.35 1.05 0.0809 41.4195
9 5.0595 643.00 1.02 -- 1.3860 39.5455

TABLE 2. Total, chemical, physical, thermal and mechanical exergy flow rates associated with
the streams in the gas-turbine system shown in Fig. 5. All values are given in MW

Total Chemical Physical Thermal Mech.

Stream exergy exergy exergy exergy exergy
no. (~.TOT) (,~-CH) (L,Pn) (~r) (L,M)
1 0.0110 0.0110 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
2 1.0145 0.0110 1.0035 0.2679 0.7355
3 1.7735 0.0110 1.7625 1.0480 0.7145
4 3.0621 3.0621 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
5 3.0817 3.0621 0.0196 1.0001 0.0195
6 4.7903 3.0285 1.7618 1.0455 0.7163
7 3.8545 0.0095 3.8450 3.1228 0.7222
8 1.5599 0.0095 1.5504 1.5285 0.0219
9 0.6517 0.0095 0.6422 0.6333 0.0089

I;V1 = 1.0928; Will = 0.0222; I~ZVI = 2.2240; l;gnet = 1.1311.

~ '~Fuel (CH 4 ) in Fig. 5. The total process in the combustion cham-

ber is split into two subprocesses: mixing (component
~/ . . ~ In I FUEL
nl ~ COMPRESSOR IV) and combustion (component V). Table 1 shows
REGENERATOR 5 the results obtained from mass, energy and entropy
balances, whereas Table 2 shows the total exergy
.......~..o..~.~.~.Lo.~ ......
flow rates o f each stream and the breakdown of
I I -I i ] , CHAMBER i these flows into chemical, physical, thermal and me-
chanical exergy. Table 3 presents, for each com-
ponent of the gas-turbine system, the (net) fuel
exergy, the (net) product exergy, the rate of exergy
- VI ~.
destruction, the ratio yD of exergy destruction to fuel
" ~ GAS exergy for the entire system, the exergetic efficiency
COMPRESSOR and a cost flow rate which is discussed in Section
FIG. 5. Schematic of a gas-turbine system.
Two cases are presented in Table 3; in case A the
the fuel to the totalplant. The variable yD,k expresses analysis is conducted using chemical and physical
the percentage contribution of the exergy destruction exergy alone, without distinguishing between thermal
in the kth component to the reduction in the overall and mechanical exergy in the definitions of fuel and
plant efficiency. product. In case B the distinction between thermal
The variables ek, ED.k, yD.k, yD.k, and y~.k allow a and mechanical exergy is made in the calculations.
detailed and objective evaluation of the overall per- As discussed in Section 3.3, cases A and B will, in
formance of the kth component. The information general, yield different results for the exergetic effi-
contained in the last four variables can be graphically ciencies. However, Table 3 indicates that the effect
represented as a pie chart or as a Grassmann dia- of this distinction on the results of the exergy analysis
gram.10L 125 are minor for this gas-turbine system. While the
values of/~p and/~v for the regenerator (II) and the
3.5. Example mixing process are affected significantly, their exer-
getic efficiencies are influenced only slightly by this
The approaches discussed here are illustrated with distinction.
the aid of a simplified gas turbine system as shown The T H E S I S computer program 8'126 was used to
Energy systems 239

TABLE 3. Exergy of the fuel (~¥), exergy of the product (~Tp), exergy destruction (~'D), exergy destruction ratio (yo),
exergetic efficiency (e) and exergy dependent cost flow rate (2) for each component of the gas-turbine system shown in
Fig. 5. In case A the physical exergy was not split, while in case B the mechanical and thermal exergy values were

/~F L~p ~TD yn e 2

Component [MWJ [MW] [MW] [%] [%] [$/hr]
No. Name A B A B A&B A&B A B A&B

I Air compressor 1.0928 1.0928 1.0035 1.0035 0.0894 2.91 91.82 91.82 1.00
II Regenerator 0.9082 0.9292 0.7591 0.7801 0.1491 4.85 83.58 83.95 0.60
III Fuel compressor 0.0222 0.0222 0.0196 0.0196 0.0026 0.08 88.29 88.29 0.30
IV Mixing 1.8267 1.1104 1.7618 1.0455 0.0649 2.11 96.44 94.15 0.00
V Combustion 3.0190 3.0190 2.0832 2.0832 0.9358 30.45 69.00 69.00 0.30
VI Gas turbine 2.2946 2.2946 2.2240 2.2240 0.0706 2.30 96.92 96.92 1.40

conduct the calculations. The calculation of thermo- ciencies. The object of thermoeconomics is to identify
dynamic properties was based on the relationships the cost-effective modifications among all changes
given in Ref. 127 and the calculation of exergy values suggested by an exergy analysis. In a detailed exergy
on the restricted equilibrium model of Ref. 113. analysis, the analyst should calculate separately the
It is apparent that 71.309/o of the total exergy exergy destruction caused by friction, heat transfer,
destruction (L"D.tot = 1.312 MW) occurs in the adi- heat loss to the surroundings, mixing, chemical reac-
abatic combustion process (component V). As the tions, vaporization of moisture contained in reac-
variable yu indicates, this exergy destruction alone tants, etc. 123'124"
reduces the overall plant efficiency by 30.459/0. The
regenerator (II), air compressor (I), and gas turbine
(VI) contribute 11.36, 6.81 and 5.38% to the total
exergy destruction, respectively, whereas 4.95% of
The economic analysis, conducted as part of the
the total exergy destruction is caused by mixing the
reactants (IV). The overall exergetic efficiency is: thermoeconomic analysis, provides the appropriate
monetary (cost) values associated with the invest-
Ep,tot ~Vnet- Wlll 1.1089 ment, operating (excluding fuel), maintenance and
. . . . 36.08%.
Etot EF,tot j~TOT + L'TOT 3.0731 fuel costs of the system being analyzed. These values
are used in the cost balances discussed in the next
In the above calculation, the fuel exergy for the section. The cost values to be used in a thermoeco-
entire system was defined as the sum of the total nomic analysis depend on the objectives of this analy-
exergies of the methane and air streams. This defini- sis as stated in Section I.
tion is recommended in all fossil-fuel combustion For abbreviation purposes, the sum of capital
systems because a fossil fuel has no potential to investment and operating (excluding fuel) and main-
generate work without the presence of an oxidizer. tenance costs is called capital costs (K) in the follow-
When the sum of exergy of fossil fuel and exergy of ing. If the objectives of a thermoeconomic analysis
oxidizer is used, the deviations in the exergy values include calculation of product costs or comparison
calculated using different environmental models are of technical alternatives, the total amount of capital
considerably lower than when only the fossil-fuel costs must be considered in the cost balance formu-
exergy is considered. 6° lated for a new system or component. The investment
The exergy analysis clearly identifies the combus- costs of an existing plant are sunk costs.l When the
tion chamber as the major source of thermodynamic cost of exergy destruction is calculated or when the
inefficiency. An energy analysis cannot identify any appropriate trade-off between capital costs and fuel
'energy waste' in the adiabatic combustion chamber. costs is sought, only that part of the capital costs
The second largest source of thermodynamic ineffi- (K,x) that depends on the size and efficiency of the
ciency is the exergy loss associated with stream 9; component being analyzed should be considered in
this exergy loss reduces the overall plant efficiency the cost balances
by (0.6517)(100)/3.0731 = 21.21~. Thus, the overall
K = Kex + Ko. (49)
plant efficiency will increase when the inefficiencies
associated with these two sources are reduced. This The variable Ko in Eq. 49 represents the part of
can be achieved, for instance, by increasing the air the capital costs (K) which is independent of the
preheating temperature 7"3, decreasing the gas ex- efficiency and the size of the component, i.e. inde-
haust temperature Tg, and decreasing the air-fuel pendent of the exergy flow rate through and the
ratio in the combustion process. This is just an exergy destruction in the component.
example of how an exergy analysis identifies the true The contribution of capital costs to the cost bal-
thermodynamic inefficiencies and assists in develop- ances formulated in Section 5 is denoted here by Z.
ing process modifications to reduce these ineffi- Thus, depending on the analysis objectives, Z could

be equal to Kex, K, or any value between zero and K assumed in this example are given in the last column
which is deemed appropriate by the person conduct- of Table 3.
ing the analysis.
For most applications of thermoeconomics, it is
sufficient to use average costs. There are economic 5. EXERGY COSTING
decisions, however, which require marginal costs. In
general, it is very expensive or impossible to obtain The exergy analysis yields the desired information
marginal costs. 1'8'22'1°7 Then it is still better to use for a complete evaluation of the design and perform-
incremental or even average costs than not at all. In ance of an energy system from the thermodynamic
the following, when the costs are not specified, aver- viewpoint. However, we still need to know how
age costs will be implied. much the exergy destruction in a plant component
The major variables used as input to an economic costs the plant operator. Knowledge of this cost is
analysis depend on the analysis objective. In general, very useful in improving ('optimizing') the cost effec-
they include the following: expenditures and time tiveness of the plant.
schedule associated with purchasing, installing, oper- Exergy not only is an objective measure of the
ating and maintaining each plant component; general thermodynamic value of an energy carrier but also is
inflation rate; investment escalation rate; financing closely related to the economic value of the energy
sources and required return on investment for each carrier, because users pay only for the useful part of
source; tax rates; fuel cost and corresponding escala- energy. 1,15,22 Consider the following two examples.
tion rate; book life and tax life of the investment; An energy engineer wants to 'buy' thermal energy
plant capacity factors assumed in the production to accomplish a heating task. He can choose between
schedule; insurance expenditures; and revenues from two energy carriers that consist of the same material
the sale of by-products. Several assumptions are usu- (e.g., water) and have the same pressure and the
ally required to provide all the necessary input vari- same total energy (rh ['hcarrier - ho] = constant). One
ables. The effect of these assumptions on the final energy carrier (option 1) is available at a high tem-
conclusions of the thermoeconomic analysis should perature (superheated steam), and the other (option
be studied in a subsequent sensitivity analysis. 2) at a low temperature (saturated liquid water). The
The major difference between a conventional econ- second carrier must have a larger mass.
omic analysis and an economic analysis conducted The engineer would, in general, be willing to pay
as part of a thermoeconomic analysis is that the more for the first carrier than for the second one
latter is done at the plant component level and because the cost of the heat exchanger, where the
provides the value Z k ( k = 1 . . . . . N D ) to be used in thermal energy would be used, would be lower if the
the cost balance written for each plant component. high-temperature energy carrier were used than if the
When the total plant generates more than one prod- low-temperature energy carrier provided the needed
uct, a conventional economic analysis would use thermal energy. Compared with option 2, the cost of
energy costing to apportion the total costs to the the heat exchanger is expected to be lower in the first
various products. This, however, is inappropri- option because of the (a) smaller mass flow rate on
ate.l'2s'4°'49 A rational cost apportioning to the vari- the hot side, and (b) the higher temperature differ-
ous products and calculation of the cost of 'energy ences that will result in a smaller total surface area.
waste' must be based on exergy costing. Here the engineer implicitly recognizes that the first
In the evaluation and cost optimization of the carrier has a higher exergy content and is willing to
design of an energy system it is not advisable to pay more for using this carrier than the second one.
conduct a separate evaluation for each year of plant This example indicates that exergy, rather than mass
operation. Thus, we need a representative year to or energy, should serve as a basis for assigning costs
compare the annual values of investment costs, fuel to energy carriers.
costs and operating (excluding fuel) and maintenance For the adiabatic mixing unit (component IV)
expenditures. These annual cost components, how- shown in Fig. 5, the first law of thermodynamics
ever, may vary significantly within the plant's econ- detects no losses. Thus, if the cost calculation is based
omic life. Therefore, the representative year cannot on the energy content, the cost per unit energy of
be an actual year of plant operation. A representative stream 6 will be equal to the average cost per unit
year is obtained through the use of levelled 12s energy of streams 3 and 5, if the capital cost of the
annual values for all cost components. mixing unit is ignored. The second law of thermody-
References 8, 67 and 129 contain examples of namics, however, identifies exergy destruction during
detailed economic analyses used in thermoeconomic the mixing process, and with the aid of a cost balance,
evaluations. For the example discussed in Section concludes that the cost per unit of exergy must be
3.5, it was assumed that the purpose of the thermoeco- higher after the mixing process (stream 6) than the
nomic analysis is to calculate the cost of exergy average cost per exergy unit before it (streams 3 and 5).
destruction. Thus, the values of the variable Z to be An increase in the exergy destruction in the mixing
used in cost balances contain only that part of capital unit (i.e. an increase in the pressure drop or an
costs that depends on exergy destruction. The values increase in the temperature difference between
Energy systems 241

streams 3 and 5) leads to an increase in the cost per 5.1. C o s t B a l a n c e

exergy unit between inlet and outlet of the mixing
unit and consequently between fuel (methane) and A cost balance expresses that the total cost of the
product (net power) of the entire gas-turbine system output streams in an energy-conversion system (pro-
in Fig. 5. Thus, costing based on exergy sheds light cess) equals the total cost of the input streams plus
on the cost formation process while costing using the the appropriate charges due to capital investment
first law could lead to erroneous conclusions, x.40,i 30 and operating and maintenance expenses (Z). For
Exergy costing is based on the notion that exergy the system shown in Fig. l, the following cost balance
is the only rational basis for assigning costs to energy can be formulated assuming that electric power (IV)
carriers and to 'energy waste' (exergy destruction and heat (0) are supplied to the system
and exergy losses). Thus, exergy costing uses costs NO NI
per exergy unit. Exergoeconomics is based on exergy ~]or= ~w+u~+ ~ ~TOT+2 (53a)
costing and is usually applied at the plant-component j=l i=1
level, x'2'8'15
with d"T°r (n = i or j ) according to Eq. 50. Thus Eq.
The simplest way to apply exergy costing is to
53a can be written as follows:
charge throughout the plant for exergy destruction NO NI
and exergy losses at a uniform cost per exergy unit y~ (cyO~/r~o~) = ew/rw + ~OEO + y~ cTO~:To~) + 2.
equal to the average cost per exergy unit of the fuel j=l i=l
of the total plant. This approach, however, does not (53b)
consider that the importance of exergy destruction
The term Z is calculated by dividing the sum of
and exergy loss, from both the thermodynamic and
annual capital investment charges and operating and
economic viewpoints, depends on the relative posi-
maintenance expenses by the average number of time
tion of the subsystem where the exergy destruction
units (hours or seconds) of plant operation per year.
occurs within the total plant. For example, one MW
All items in a cost balance are, in general, positive.
of exergy destruction rate in the low-pressure steam
Thus, if power or useful heat are transferred from
turbine affects the cost of electricity more than an
the system shown in Fig. 1 to another system, the
exergy destruction rate of one MW in the boiler of a terms ~w = cWEW and G ° = c°L"° in Eqs 53a and
steam power plant. Therefore, more sophisticated
53b should appear with a positive sign on the left
approaches to exergy costing are required.
side of these equations.
In thermoeconomics a cost (monetary) value is
In the exergetic evaluation, a net fuel and a net
assigned to each material and energy stream in the
product were defined for each component of a
energy-conversion system (process) being considered.
system. The cost flow rates associated with the fuel
This value represents the total cost required to pro-
(Cv) and product (Cp) of a component are calculated
duce this stream. The total cost flow rate associated
by replacing the exergy flow rates (variable L') by
with the total exergy flow rate of the nth material
cost flow rates (variable (7). Then the cost balance be-
stream is denoted by ~7~°T and given by comes 2,8,61
¢ 7 o , = ~,Pn + ~7~n+ CKN+ t~ar (50a)
(Tp = (Tv + 2 - (TL. (54)
/Z.~oT = d o * / ~ . TM
The cost flow rate associated with the fuel (or
- P H L-'PH - C H ~TCH - K N I:,~KN PT ~ ' P T
= Cn r,n +On ~n +On ~ +C, Jz~ . product) of a plant component contains the corre-
(50b) sponding cost rates of the same streams used in the
Here (7x, cx and L'x are the cost rate, average cost same order and with the same sign as in the definition
per exergy unit and exergy rate, respectively, associ- of the exergy of fuel (or product). The following are
ated with the Xth form of exergy (X = total (TOT), some examples of defining the cost flow rate of fuel
physical (PH), chemical (CH), kinetic (KN) and po- and product for selected plant components; compare
tential (PT) exergy) of the nth stream. Thus, (7x is the following Eqs 55 through 58 with Eqs 22, 23, 44
the product of E x and cx for the nth energy or and 45, respectively.
material stream Compressor, p u m p or f a n (Fig. 3a)
Cx = E . e . X X Cp,A= c2~TOT ~"TOT2- - el"TOT /"~IL-'TOT= ~"~OT- - CTOT
withX=W,Q, TOT, CH, PH, M o r T . (51) (55)
When the physical exergy is separated into thermal (?F,A = CwIV = ~,W. (56)
and mechanical exergy, the following relationship
Boiler (Fig. 3 f )
CP,F = (~,~or _ ~71OT) + (~aTOr -- ~OX) (57)
= = E.c. + E.c.. (52)
d'~.~ = ~:I °T + d : P T - (~:~oT +/~loT). (58)
The cost rates associated with material and energy
streams are used in cost balances and in calculating The cost flow rates ~rox and ~[OX can be negative if
various exergoeconomic variables which assist in the additional costs (i.e. costs not already considered in
evaluation and optimization of an energy system. the cost balance for the boiler) are associated with
•1pEcs 1 9 : 3 - E

handling and final deposition of ash and flue-gas To simplify the following discussion we will assume
cleaning (desulfurization, particulate removal or NOx that the changes in kinetic and potential energy (and,
reduction).* Thus, the cost flow rate associated with thus, the terms A(~tN and A ~ Pr) are negligible. We will
the fuel of a boiler, Eq. 58, increases when additional also assume that the cost rates of all entering streams in
costs are incurred during the final ash deposition a component are known (from the components they
and flue-gas release in the environment. These costs exit or from their purchase costs if the stream enters
are finally charged to the product of the boiler the total plant) and that the unknown variables of the
through the cost balance, Eq. 54. exiting streams need to be calculated.
It is apparent that in defining the terms Cv,k and In the base case where only total exergy is consid-
~P.k after the terms J~F.k and /~P.k have been defined, ered, no auxiliary equation is required for a compo-
we simply substitute for the terms L"x (X = TOT, nent with only one exiting stream. The cost per
PH, CH, M, T, W, Q) in the expressions for/~F.k and exergy unit for this stream can be calculated from
/~P.k by the corresponding terms ~,x in the expressions the cost balance of the component being considered.
for (?F.kand /2'p.k,respectively. For each additional exiting stream, one auxiliary
equation must be written. Thus, the total number of
auxiliary equations is equal to the number of exiting
5.2. Average Cost of Fuel and Product streams minus one.
When a distinction between physical and chemical
The average cost of fuel for the kth component exergy is made, one auxiliary equation per exiting
(CF,k)expresses the average cost at which each exergy stream is required in addition to the auxiliary equa-
unit of fuel (as defined in the exergetic efficiency) is tions required for the same component in the base
supplied to the kth component. case (considering only total exergy). Thus, the total
~F,k number of auxiliary equations per plant component
- --. (59)
CF.k ~- EF,k is two times the total number of exiting streams
minus one.
Similarly, the cost of product (Ca.k) is the average If three exergy forms (chemical, thermal and me-
cost at which each exergy unit of the product of the chanical exergy) are considered in the cost balances,
kth component was generated. two auxiliary equations per exiting stream must be
formulated in addition to the auxiliary equations
required for the same component in the base case.
Cp.k = EP.k (60)
For each component, the total number of auxiliary
equations required in this case is three times the
Using Eqs 59 and 60, the cost balance (Eq. 54) can
number of streams exiting the component minus one.
be written for the kth component as follows:
The following are examples of auxiliary equations
Cp,kF--,P.k = CF,kF--.V.k "Jr-Z k -- CL.k. (61) to be used for the components shown in Fig. 3.
Equations 21 and 61 are very convenient general Compressor, pump or fan (Fig. 3a)
formulations of the exergy and cost balances.
ccn = ccH (62)

5.3. Costing of Material and Energy-Transfer (63)

Equation 63 implies that the addition of thermal and
A cost balance such as Eq. 53b can be formulated mechanical exergy to the working fluid occurs at the
for every component of a system. The unknown same average cost per added exergy unit.
variables in this equation are the costs per exergy
unit, cT°r (cPn, ccH, cKN and cPr when physical, Heat exchanger (Fig. 3b)
chemical, kinetic and potential exergy are considered
separately, or cr, cM, ccn, cKr~ and cPT when the cx = cx with X = TOT or (PH and CH) or (T, M
physical exergy is split into thermal and mechanical and CH) (64)
exergy), for a material stream or cw and c° for the ccn = ccn (65)
corresponding energy transfer. Since the number of
material and energy-transfer streams is larger than c~2 = c~ (no phase change). (66)
the number of components, additional (auxiliary) If there is phase change (e.g. vaporization) in the
equations are needed to calculate the unknown vari- cold stream of Fig. 3b, Eq. 63 applied to the heat
ables. Such equations were considered implicitly16 or
exchanger of Fig. 3b should replace Eq. 66.
explicitly28'4°'7a in past publications.
Mixing device (Fig. 3c)
*The costs per exergy unit c3 and c4 are negative in these
cases and represent penalty costs associated with the treat- ~ n = t~xcn+ ~22n (67)
ment of streams 3 and 4 before their release to the environ-
ment. ~7~ = ~'~ + ~7~. (68)
Energy systems 243

TABLE 4. Cost flow rates (C') associated with the total exergy, physical exergy and chemical
exergy as well as corresponding costs per exergy unit (c) for the streams shown in Fig. 5.
Results are for case AI: the physical exergy is not split into mechanical and thermal exergy
and the old approach to exergy costing is used. The L~ values considered here are given in
Table 3
Stream ~,ror ~PH ~H cTOT ¢CH cPH
no. [$/hr] [$/hr] [$/hr] [$/GJ] IS/GJ] [$/GJ]

1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

2 24.40 24.40 0.00 6.68 6.76 0.00
3 43.30 43.30 0.00 6.78 6.82 0.00
4 33.07 0.00 33.07 3.00 0.00 3.00
5 33.86 0.79 33.07 3.05 11.27 3.00
6 77.17 44.10 33.07 4.47 6.95 3.03
7 77.47 77.47 0.00 5.58 5.60 0.00
8 31.24 31.24 0.00 5.56 5.60 0.00
9 12.94 12.94 0.00 5.51 5.60 0.00
I;VI 23.40 5.95
~VIII 0.49 6.19
l;Vw 47.63 5.95
I:V.~, 24.23 5.95

TABLE5. Cost per exer[gy unit of product (cp) and fuel (CF), relative cost difference (r), cost rates of exergy
destruction (C'D.Fand Co.p)and exergoeconomic factor f for components of the gas-turbine system shown
in Fig. 5. The values of this table are consistent with those shown in Table 4 (case AI; Z values from
Table 3)

Component r = cp -- CF
Cp CF CF CD.F CD.p f
No. Name [S/G J] [S/G J] [%] [$/hr] [$/hr] [%]

I Air compressor 6.76 5.95 13.6 1.91 2.17 34.31

II Regenerator 6.92 5.60 23.6 3.00 3.71 16.64
III Fuel compressor 11.27 6.20 81.8 0.06 0.10 83.91
IV Mixing 6.95 6.71 3.7 1.57 1.62 0.00
V Combustion 4.45 3.04 46.2 10.25 14.99 2.84
VI Gas turbine 5.95 5.60 6.3 1.42 1.51 49.59

Turbine (Fig. 3d) average cost per supplied exergy unit. Similar assump-
c x = c x = c x with X = T O T or (CH and PH) tions are made when the physical exergy is separated
into thermal and mechanical exergy.
or (T, M and CH). (69)
t~-tl /:6M - t ~ tl-tl
Combustion Chamber/Gasifier (Fig. 3e) - - - - - (75)

cc" = cca (incomplete combustion) (70a)

c~ = c~7 (76)
c cn = 0 (complete combustion) (70b)
= ~ = 0. (77)
c cH = ~ " (gasification) (70c)
The costing of exergy losses such as the losses repre-
~ ' ~ = ~ ' ~ + ( 7 2M if L'~t < / ~ + E 2 M (71a) sented by streams 3 and 4 in Fig. 3f is discussed in
t~ - (t~ + t~) t~ - (iT + tl) the following Section 5.4.
The auxiliary Eqs 62 through 69, 70b and 71b
were used to generate the results in Tables 4 through
if /~ > ~ + ~7~. (71b) 7 that refer to the old approach to exergy costing.
Giaggioli and Reistad 4° and Wepfer 43 applied various
Boiler (Fig. Zf ) concepts, called the extraction, the equality and the
cC6H = cO5H and ccH = c crl (72) by-product methods, to establish auxiliary equations.
C~H = 6,CH ..~ C TM (incomplete combustion) Valero and co-workers 71'13z used a systematic pro-
(73a) cedure for formulating auxiliary equations. Detailed
discussions of auxiliary assumptions are included in
c3c " = e c " = 0 (complete combustion) (73b) Refs 1, 8, 32, 40, 43, 67, 71 and 107.
t~" - C~"
P" t~" - t~" In 1990 the author developed a new approach to
= (74)
~PH -- j~PH ~S -- ~7 exergy costing which does not require auxiliary equa-
tions. This approach, which follows the cost forma-
Equation 74 means that exergy is supplied to both tion process and is based only on exergy and cost
the main steam and the reheat steam at the same accounting principles, is presented in the following

TABLE6. Comparison of the cost per total exergy unit cr°r

tor the streams shown in Fig. 5 and for the following four dx = - , ( ~ x X = T O T , PH, CH, M , T . (79)
cases when capital costs are neglected (Z = 0 for all compo- rh,
nents). All values are given in $/GJ
Similarly, the exergy difference in the regenerator
Stream CTOT (II) ~H _ e~n (=0.1518 M J kg -1) is supplied to the
no. A1 A2 B1 B2 air at an average cost per unit of added exergy of
cp.n given by the following relationships:
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 5.72 5.47 5.85 5.18 d'~" - d'~" d'~" - d:~H + 2,1
3 5.91 7.04 5.87 5.66 Cp,li -- =
4 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 E~P - g~" -~" - E~" (80)
5 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02
6 4.13 4.55 4.12 4.04 In the same way we find that the entire physical
7 5.13 5.65 5.12 5.02 exergy of methane at state 5 (e~H - ee4H = 0.3294 M J
8 5.11 6.73 4.90 5.54
9 5.07 5.46 4.86 5.92 kg -~) is supplied at an average cost of
l,f/t 5.31 5.08 5.43 4.81
~/lll 5.52 5.28 5.65 5.00 ~ " - ~" d: w" + 2i.
/'/¢',,,t 5.31 5.08 5.43 4.81 CP,m E~"- E~ - ~"- Ep. (81)

Case AI: The physical exergy is not split and the old
approach to stream costing is used. To account for the fact that the methane compressor
Case A2: The physical exergy is not split and the new (III) is driven by an electric motor, it is assumed in
approach to stream costing is used. the calculations that cw.m = Cw,,~t/0.96.
Case BI: The physical exergy is split into thermal and In the mixing process, exergy is removed from
mechanical exergy and the old approach to stream costing
is used. stream 3 and supplied to stream 5. First, we need to
Case B2: The physical exergy is split into thermal and determine the average cost per unit of physical exergy
mechanical exergy and the new approach to stream costing of stream 5 (ep.w) at which the exergy ~H _ ~ n is
is used. supplied to stream 5

?J~5 - - - -
with the aid of the gas turbine system shown in Fig.
~/~/6 m5 /
5. The following discussion will focus on physical Cp,IV ~ ~--

/hs(eg H -- egH)
Initially, we follow the exergy supply to the air up • H

m3 "- - Zlv
to state 3. In the compressor (I) the specific air
~m3 tn6 /
exergy increases from ~H (which is zero) to e~n. The • (82)
average cost per unit of physical exergy at which the m s ( e ~ ~ - e~")
difference ~ a - e~H (=0.2007 M J kg -l) is supplied
Before the mixing process we have two separate
to the air is given by Cp.i histories of exergy supply to the air stream and the
d,~H _ C?~. ~w, + 21 methane stream. After the mixing process, a single
Cp,, / ~ n _ ~?~n = E~H _ E~a" (78) stream (the mixture) exists. Therefore, we need to
calculate the history of exergy supply to the mixture.
In the above relationships, the second equation ex- This is done by combining the two lines showing the
presses the cost balance for the compressor while the history of the costs per unit of physical exergy for air
first equation defines the average cost at which physi- and methane in Fig. 6 into one line (solid line) which
cal exergy is supplied to the air stream. refers to the mixture of air and methane. The combi-
The cost is shown in Fig. 6 with a dotted horizontal nation is done using the mass rates as relative
line. The area below this line (A - 2 - e~H - 0) corre- weights.
sponds to (~H /rh2. This mass specific cost is indi- The average cost at which an exergy unit is sup-
cated here by the symbol d plied to the mixture in the specific-exergy interval

TABLE 7. Comparison of the relative cost difference r between fuel and product and of the cost rate of
exergy destruction ~a.v for the components of the gas-turbine system shown in Fig. 5 for the four cases
(A1, A2, B1, B2) presented in Table 6 and for zero capital costs

Component r = cp or-cF [%] ~'D,F [S/hr]

no. AI A2 BI B2 AI A2 BI B2

I 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 1.71 1.63 1.75 1.54

II 19.6 19.6 19.1 19.1 2.76 4.10 2.66 2.83
III 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
IV 3.7 3.7 6.2 6.2 1.36 1.61 1.30 1.35
V 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.25
VI 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 1.31 1.25 1.34 1.18
Energy systems 245

e pH = 0 . 2 0 0 7

e pH 0.3525 Cp.iv(=216.96)
e pH 0.3294
e; H 0.5482
COST Mixture
PER 14.0
CM,56 (=13.71) 6
EXERGY 12.0 CH 4 Cp. iii(=I0.76) c.P.I.I.
10,0 r ......
c PH
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

M1xture M.25
[SlOJ] Mixture CM02 ( = 6 " 3 4 ) / (=11.28)
6,0 .... ]2


I I I [
0.1 ~0.2 ' 0.~3+ ~_ 014
ep8 e5 e6 e 5

FIG. 6. Average costs at which each unit of physical exergy is supplied to the air and methane streams
from inlet to state 6 for the gas-turbine system shown in Fig. 5. The solid line corresponds to the mixture
of air and methane.

ej -- ei is denoted by cu,u and calculated by for the mixture. The costs associated with the
specific-exergy value intervals 0-e~n; een2- e pH',5 et a _
Cp,a,ijr~/a "~- Cp,f,ii/~/f e~n; and e7PH- e 6 Pn are CM,O2, CM,25, CM,56 and CM,67,
cu,u = (83)
respectively and are calculated using Eq. 83. Accord-
ing to Fig. 7, the cost flow rates associated with
Here, CP.a,u and Cp.t.u are the average costs at which states 8 and 9 can be calculated directly from the
the air (subscript a) and the fuel (subscript f) were following equations.
supplied in the specific-exergy interval ej - ei.
In the combustion unit, the physical exergy of the ~ P H = mS[CM.O2(ePH __ 0 )
mixture increases by egn - e~6H at an average cost per + cM,zs(eP. -- e2PH)] = rhsd PH (86a)
supplied exergy unit of
~PH -- ~PH ~ 6CH Jl- Z v
~'PH = [~Pa - - / h s [ c M , 6 7 ( e P 8 _ eP6n)
Cp,V "~" ~ P H __ E g H - - ~ P . __ ~ P H " (84)
PH - ePH)] (86b)
+ cu,56(e~8 - e~H) + cM,25(es
At the outlet of the combustion unit the gas mixture and
reaches its highest physical exergy in the entire gas-
turbine system. In the downstream units (gas turbine ~'~H = eM,02e9PH"m 9 = d P H ? n 9 (87a)

and regenerator), physical exergy is removed from or

the mixture.
As explained in Ref. 132, when physical exergy is ~,Pgn = ~,gn _ rh9[cM,25(ePn _ e~n)
removed from a stream, we should assume that the + CM,02~e2
l ~PH - - ePgH)]. (87b)
exergy units supplied last to the stream are removed
first (last-in-first-out principle of accounting). In addi- The system of linear equations as expressed by
Eqs 78 through 87 is solved simultaneously to calcu-
tion, an exergy unit is removed from a stream at the
same average cost at which it was previously supplied late the unknown costs. The results are given in
to the same stream. These principles are applied here Tables 6 through 9 and in Figs 6 and 7. Equations
to the mixing unit (for the exergy removal from state 86 and 87 make redundant any auxiliary equations
3 to state 6), the gas turbine (from 7 to 8) and the of the form of Eq. 69 for the turbine and Eq. 64 for
regenerator (from 8 to 9). The cost of exergy removal the regenerator. In addition, this approach allows
in the mixing unit (Fig. 6) is given by: marginal costs to be considered in the analysis, if
they are available. 132 When thermal and mechanical
exergy are separated, the procedure discussed above
-- = cp,nms(e3 - - e6). (85) for the physical exergy has to be repeated for thermal
/~3k~ 3 1~/6 /
and mechanical exergy separately. More details on
Figure 7 shows the cost history of exergy addition this new approach are given in Refs 132 and 135.

e PH = 0 . 2 0 0 7

e; H = 0.3294

COST e pH = 0.3482
PER 14.0 0M,56 (=13,71)
6 e PH = 0.7600
e8 = 0.2;064
UNIT CM,25 ( =I 1.28
10.0 PH
PH e 9 = 0.1269
8.0 M,02
6.0 1
iI Cp.y= CM,F~7 ( = 4 . 4 5 ) 7
4.0 i 1I

2.0 1I 1I
1 1
i , I
t to.2_ttt .4
' 0'6 1' 018 '
e9 e 2 e8 e5 e6 e7

FIG. 7. History of the average cost per unit of physical exergy of the combustion gas.

TABLE 8. Cost flow rates associated with the total, chemical, chemical exergy. This a p p r o a c h leads to costs that
thermal and mechanical exergy for the streams shown in
Fig. 5 and for case B h The physical exergy is split into are independent of the reference state used to calculate
thermal and mechanical exeqg)' and the new approach to the chemical exergy values.
exergy costing is used. The Z values considered here are Sometimes it is convenient to use, in addition to
given in Table 3. All cost flow rates are given in $/h the cost flow rate associated with the total exergy o f
Stream a material stream, a cost flow rate due to non-exer-
no. ~TOT ~H (~T ~'M getic effects (e.g., costs associated with a non-energy
intensive process or with non-exergy related material
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 properties). In this case the total cost flow rate
2 21.74 0.00 5.80 15.94
a c c o m p a n y i n g the nth material stream is denoted by
3 40.53 0.00 25.05 15.48
4 33.07 33.07 0.00 0.00 L', (without superscript) a n d given by
5 33.81 33.07 0.00 0.73 C. = ~o~ + ~E. (88)
6 74.34 33.07 25.61 16.65
7 74.64 0.00 58.89 15.75 T h e cost rate C'T°T is calculated according to Eq. 50,
8 33.83 0.00 33.35 0.48
9 15.64 0.00 15.45 0.19 whereas ~NE is the cost rate due to non-exergetic
I;I,'~ 20.74 effects. Examples o f this term include the cost flow
~,z 0.44 rate associated with (a) a water stream at the outlet
l;Vvl 42.21 o f a water t r e a t m e n t unit, (b) an oxygen stream at
~;V,~, 21.45
the outlet o f a n air separation unit, (c) limestone
supplied to a fluidized-bed boiler or gasifier, (d) iron
The a u t h o r a n d co-workers1 a a introduced the reac- supplied to an energy-intensive metallurgical process
tion exergy as the economically relevant p a r t o f a n d (e) an inorganic chemical supplied to a n energy-

TABLE 9. Cost per exersy unit of product (cv) and fuel (cv), relative cost difference (r), cost rates of exergy
destruction ~'a.v and Cc.v and exergoeconomic factor f for the components of the gas-turbine system
shown in Fig. 5. The values of this table are consistent with those shown in Table 8 (case B2; Z values
from Table 3)

Cp -- CF
r =
Component cp CF CF ~D,F CD,V f
no. [$/GJ] [S/G J] [~o] [$/hr] [$/hr] [%]

I 6.02 5.27 14.2 1.70 1.94 37.08

II 6.85 5.57 23.0 2.99 3.68 16.70
III 10.47 5.49 90.6 0.05 0.10 85.48
IV 6.80 6.41 6.2 1.50 1.59 0.00
V 4.45 3.04 46.2 10.25 14.99 2.84
VI 5.27 4.94 6.7 1.26 1.34 52.71
Energy systems 247

intensive chemical process. In addition, the term ~rq~ plant component can be avoided by spending more
in Eq. 88 represents a convenient way in thermoeco- capital and we set in the cost balance
nomics for charging some costs from one component
directly to another component which should be C'L.k = 0. (89)
charged with these costs. In this case the value of In general, very few components have exergy losses
(7~E remains unchanged as the nth material stream that need to be distinguished from the exergy destruc-
crosses intermediate components. More details about tion in practical applications. In the thermoeconomic
(7NE are given in Ref. 67 evaluation the concept of exergy loss is applicable to
the totalplant rather than to a single plant component
that happens to have an exiting stream that is not
5.4. Costing of Exergy-Loss Streams further used in the plant. Often this component
should not be penalized for the exergy loss (e.g., flue
The exergy loss together with the exergy destruc- gas leaving the plant at the lowest allowable tempera-
tion represent what the layman calls 'energy waste'. ture). Then the costing approach discussed under
The exergy loss is the transfer of exergy out of the condition 2 should be applied.
total plant associated with a mass or energy stream
rejected to the environment. The term 'destruction' is
used to identify the unrecovered 'loss' of exergy 5.5. Cost of Exergy Destruction
within a component, as distinct from the loss of
exergy through a plant output stream. The costing of The cost associated with the exergy destruction in
exergy loss depends on the purpose of the thermoeco- a process is a 'hidden' cost, but a very important
nomic analysis. From the cost balance (Eq. 54) it is one, that can be revealed only through a thermoeco-
apparent that the lower the monetary rate associated nomic (exergoeconomic) analysis. In the cost bal-
with the exergy loss (~?L), the higher the cost rate of ance, there is no cost term directly associated with
the product (i.e., the cost rates of the desired output the exergy destruction; this, however, affects directly
streams which are part of the product). The purpose the cost of product (Cp.k): assuming that the right
of the thermoeconomic analysis could be: side of Eq. 61 remains constant, the higher the exergy
(I) To calculate the costs of the total plant products destruction, the lower the L'e.kvalue and, consequently,
(for plants generating more than one product). The the higher the Ca,k value. The cost flow rate associated
easiest approach in this case is to assume that t~L = 0 with the exergy destruction in the kth component ((?D.k)
for all exergy losses in the plant. Thus, the monetary can be represented either by the cost of the additional
flow rates associated with exergy losses are auto- fuel that needs to be supplied to this component to
matically charged to the final plant products. If cover the exergy destruction and generate the same
additional money needs to be spent until a material exergy flow rate of the product (Ep.k)
stream representing an exergy loss is finally deposited CD.k = CD F.k = CF,kED,k when Ep,k = constant,
in the environment (e.g., for ash handling equipment (90a)
or for a flue gas desulfurization system that is not
or by the monetary flow rate lost at the product side
included within the boundaries of the plant being
(assuming that cp is not the cost but the price of the
analyzed), the term L'L must be negative to charge
product) because of the exergy destruction 4a
the additional expenses associated with final deposi-
tion to the products of the component where the loss CD.k = CD.P.k = CP,kED,k,when ~'Vk = constant.
stream is originated (e.g., the boiler). (90b)
(2) To understand the cost formation process and The true cost of exergy destruction in the kth
the cost flow in the plant or to optimize specific component lies between the two values given by Eqs
variables in a single plant component. In this case, the 90a and 90b; this cost could theoretically be calcu-
costing of all plant components is conducted as lated if we would split the total process in this
discussed in Section 5.3 as if all exergy loss streams component into a large number of subprocesses and
were to be further used in the total plant. In so would calculate the cost of exergy destruction for
doing, we calculate the monetary loss ((?L = cV-en~en~t each subprocess; the larger the number of subpro-
CF /-:,L ] accompanying each exergy loss. For in- cesses, the smaller the difference between cv and cp.
stance, the monetary loss accompanying heat transfer This approach is impractical, however. In practical
from a plant component (operating at a temperature applications we prefer to use Eq. 90a for estimating
T > To) to the surroundings is L'L Q = dHL~LQor, more the cost of exergy destruction. This represents a
precisely, C'~ = c~-/~. This information can be used conservative approach with respect to the required
to find the cost optimal insulation. In the end, all optimal investment costs.
monetary losses associated with exergy losses need to
be charged to the final products of the plant and
recovered through the sale of the products. 5.6. Relative Cost Difference
(3) To optimize the total plant. For overall optimiza-
tion puposes we assume that the exergy loss in a By combining Eqs 21, 59, 60 and 61, we calculate

the following relationships for the cost difference J~ = . (93)

(Ack) which expresses the increase in the average cost z~ + c~,~(ED.~ +/~L.~)
per exergy unit between fuel and product:
2~ + c~.~(E~,~ +/rL.~) - ~L,~ The exergoeconomic factor, j~, expresses (a) the
ACk ~ Cp,k -- CF,k ratio of the capital cost to the total cost (due to
gP.k investment, O&M, exergy-destruction, and exergy-
(91a) loss costs) in the kth component and (b) the percent-
age contribution of the investment and O&M cost
or rate to the relative cost difference, rk.
The following rules can be applied to the kth
Ack =- Cp,k -- CF,k : component to improve the cost effectiveness of the
EF.k total system:
(91b) (1) The higher the relative cost difference, the
more attention should be paid to this component,
Equations 91 a and b illustrate the real cost sources
particularly when also the cost rates Zk and (?D.k are
in the kth component which are the cost rates associ-
ated with capital costs (Zk), exergy destruction
(2) The higher the cost rates Zk and/or Co.k, the
(CF,kED.k o r Cp.kF-~D.R), and exergy loss (CF.k/~L. k - -
more attention should be paid to this component.
(?e,k or Cp.kF.L,R- /£L.k)- In the following we will
(3) When the rk value is high, the exergoeconomic
assume that (TL.kis equal to zero.
factor (J~) identifies the major cost source (capital
The cost optimization of the kth component in-
cost or cost of exergy destruction) causing the high
volves finding the optimum trade-offs among these
rk value.
cost sources. It is apparent that any part of exergy
(4) If both the rk a n d ~ values are high, it might be
destruction or of exergy loss that either does not
cost effective for the system to reduce the capital
contribute to the reduction of capital investment
investment for the kth component at the expense of
costs and operating and maintenance costs or that
the component efficiency.
can be eliminated by relatively small increases in
(5) If the rk value is high and the J~ value is low,
these costs is cost ineffective and should be elimi-
try to improve the component efficiency by increas-
nated. A positive role of exergy destruction and
ing the capital investment.
exergy loss is associated with their usefulness in
(6) Eliminate or reduce any steps (subprocesses)
reducing the capital costs in the total plant or the
that increase the exergy destruction or exergy loss
fuel costs in other components.
without contributing to the reduction of capital in-
The relative cost difference, rk, between average
vestment or fuel costs.
cost of product and average cost of fuel for the kth
(7) If a component has a relatively low exergetic
component is obtained by dividing Eq. 91a by CF,k
efficiency, or a relatively large value of exergy-destruc-
and neglecting the CL,kterm
tion or exergy-loss ratio (y), an increase in the exer-
Cp.k -- CV.k Zk 1 -- Ck getic efficiency might be cost effective.
r k - - - - - - + - (92) In the performance evaluation of an existing p l a n t
CF,k CF,kF--~p,k ~k
the capital investment costs are sunk costs. If the
with the exergetic efficiency ek according to Eq. 20. O&M expenses are also neglected, only fuel costs
The relative cost difference is a useful variable for are considered in the thermoeconomic evaluation
evaluating and optimizing the kth plant component. which is based now on the variables /S'~ and c~ for
the nth stream as well as Ac/, rk and ~6.k for the kth
component. The superscript - used in these var-
iables denotes that all investment and O&M costs
6. T H E R M O E C O N O M I C EVALUATION have been neglected in calculating the values of the
thermoeconomic variables. These variables assist in
A complete thermoeconomic evaluation of an understanding the effects of exergy destruction and
energy-intensive process (system) is based on the exergy loss (and, consequently, of a malfunction) in a
following variables calculated for the kth compo- plant component on the performance of the other
nent: components and the total system.
• exergetic efficiency, el The ratio
• exergy destruction and exergy loss, ED.k and
ELk c~=__ whenZ'k = 0 , k = l ..... ND (94)
• exergy ratios ED,R/EF.tot and EL,k/EF,tot E,
• capital costs (Z) associated with capital invest-
ment and operating and maintenance expenses represents the cost per exergy unit for the nth flow
• cost of exergy destruction, (70.k stream when the term ~, is zero for all plant compo-
• relative cost difference, rk, and nents, s The value of c~ is equal to unity for the raw
• exergoeconomic factor,~. fuels supplied to the total plant and greater than one
Energy systems 249

for all other streams in the plant (excluding some are presented among others in Refs 1, 8, 10, 23, 30,
exergy-loss streams). All increases in the values of c~ 31, 32, 34, 37, 39, 42, 49, 57, 60, 62, 63, 67, 70, 71,
are caused by exergy destruction and exergy loss. In 73, 76-81, 84, 85, 87-91, 99, 100, 111, 121, 124, 130,
the thermoeconomic evaluation of the design of an 132 and 134-139.
energy system, c~ represents the lowest limit for the
cost per exergy unit of the nth stream.
Valero and co-workers 71'~34 call the variable ~ 7. T H E R M O E C O N O M I C O P T I M I Z A T I O N O F A N ENERGY
the 'exergetic cost'. This variable expresses the exergy
flow rate that needs to be supplied to the total plant
to generate the exergy flow rate E, of the nth stream The thermoeconomic evaluation discussed previ-
in the plant being evaluated. ously requires that all thermodynamic and cost data
Tables 4 through 9 contain results obtained from are known for the plant configuration being evalu-
the thermoeconomic analysis of the system shown in ated. For the optimization, however, we additionally
Fig. 5 in different cases referring to (a) the treatment need to have a thermodynamic and a cost model The
of physical exergy (cases A and B), (b) the use of the thermodynamic performance simulation model will
old (case 1) and the new (case 2) approach for allow a prediction of the effect of some important
thermodynamic variables on the plant design. The
costing of exergy streams and (c) the treatment of
capital costs (zero in Tables 6 and 7). Among these cost model should permit detailed calculation of cost
cases a preference should be given to case B2. The values for each given set of the thermodynamic
results presented in the Tables will enable the reader values. In general, a thermodynamic model can be
to understand better the concepts discussed here and developed more easily and is more reliable than a
their application. cost model. The problems associated with a cost
A thermoeconomic evaluation conducted for the model are that the cost information is not always
gas-turbine system (Fig. 5) and based on the results available or reliable; when it is available, it is often
presented in Tables 4 through 9 would conclude the not in the required form.
following. The fuel compressor (III) has the highest r Several mathematical methods 14°-143 can be used
andfvalues among all components (Tables 5 and 9). for optimizing the design and operation of energy
Therefore, it might be cost effective to use a less systems. When the system is very complex, however,
expensive fuel compressor and accept a higher cost it becomes practically impossible to just use the
of exergy destruction in this component. The combus- available mathematical tools because of the very
tion chamber has the second highest r value and by large number of equations, restrictions and variables
far the highest cost rate associated with exergy de- involved. In addition, the perfect cost information
struction (see values of either CD,F or CD,p in Tables which was assumed here is never available, at least
5 and 9). The logical conclusion would be to try to not in a form that would allow direct use of this in-
decrease the exergy destruction in the combustion formation in a global optimization problem. Thermo-
process by spending more capital to increase the air- economics offers some additional capabilities in
preheating temperature T3 and by adding a reheat optimization that are not available in the conven-
stage. The regenerator has still significantly high r, tional optimization techniques. These capabilities are
CD.V and CD.e values and a relatively low f value. discussed in the following.
Thus, an increase in the exergetic efficiency of this It is apparent that for complex systems with a
component (associated with a higher capital expendi- large number of non-linear and, usually, non-explicit
ture to increase the total surface area) might be cost variable relationships the term optimization implies
effective. This conclusion agrees with and enhances improvement rather than calculation of a global
the previous conclusion from the thermoeconomic mathematical optimum.
variables for the combustion process.
Two final notes of caution are required, one refer-
ring to the gas-turbine system and another general 7.1. Cost-Optimal Exergetic Efficiency
one. In any design of the gas-turbine system (including
the cost optimal design) the combustion process will The following approachS' 1o,24,61,6v.135 refers to the
have the highest exergy destruction and cost of exergy optimization of a single plant component but pro-
destruction rates among all components, as well as a vides useful information also for optimizing complex
high r value and a very lowfvalue. The terms ~D,F,k plants. This approach is based on the following two
and ~D.P,k already include the effect of the exergy assumptions which constitute the cost model:
destruction in the kth component on the total cost (1) The total net capital investment Ik, which is
(capital cost and cost of exergy destruction) of some associated with the kth plant component and is calcu-
other components. It is, therefore, not allowed to add lated at the beginning of the plant operation period,
changes in the values of ~'D,F,k and ~TD.p.kin order to is approximated by the following relationship:
estimate the combined effect of simultaneous changes
in more than one plant component. [k = Bk( ~k y'j~.~. (95)
Thermoeconomic evaluations of energy systems \1 --ek/

The constants Bk, nk, and mk depend on the compo- with

nent being considered. Equation 95 is assumed to be
n'+ 1 /(ilk "+- yk)Bkr/k
valid within a certain range of the design options or
Fk : ~f TCF,kf-'l,k m~' , (102)
design conditions for the kth component. The term
/~'.'k expresses the effect of component size on the
value of Ik. It is interesting to note that the reciprocal rOPT : qr/k- I Fk -- nk + l (!- e°PX'~
of the term leg~(1 -- ek)], which expresses the effect
r/k r/k \ e ° P ~ , / ' (103)
of efficiency on the capital investment of the kth . fl - eOPT~
component, is equal to the last term of Eq. 92. When A-~o.
PT ----Ep.kFk = E p . k [ x T ~ , (104)
some cost information on different design conditions
of the kth component is available, the least square
method can be used to calculate the values of the zOpT__C EJk__CF pk(1--' T (105)
constants r/k, mk and Bk in Eq. 95.135 Application of r/ /7 \ ,~OPT /1'
the least square method is simplified if the value of (1- ~OPT~
the capacity exponent mk is assumed. However, Eq. ~"OPT = CF.kL'p,kFk= CrkLTp~k - - , (106)
O,F,k \ eOcT //
95 could also be used in the absence of complete cost
information by assuming the values of the exponents
nk and ink. and
(2) The annual operating and maintenance costs 1
(excluding fuel costs) attributable to the kth plant foeT
k _ (107)
1 +nk"
component may be approximated by
Z~k M = Yk Ik q- (~OkrJ~p,k -~- Rk. (96) The variable Fk is the (r/k -{--l)th root of the so-called
thermoeconomic similarity number, initially formu-
Here, 7k is a coefficient that takes into account the lated in Ref. 24 for a total plant and for nk = mk =
part of the fixed operating and maintenance costs 1.
that depends on Ik; 09k is a constant expressing the The thermoeconomic similarity number considers
variable ievelized operating and maintenance costs the most important factors that affect the optimum
of the kth component, r is the annual time of plant values of the variables ek, rk, E'D,k, Zk, and C'D,F,k.
operation at the nominal capacity, and Rk includes The cost-optimal exergetic efficiency, for instance,
the remaining costs that have not been considered in increases with increasing fuel cost and annual
the first two terms of Eq. 96. number of hours of plant operation and with decreas-
These assumptions lead to the following expression ing capital recovery factor, fixed operating and main-
for the total annual costs (capital investment costs tenance cost factor, and exponent nk. It should be
and O&M costs, excluding fuel costs) attributable to noted here that the exponent r/k expresses the optimal
the kth component ratio between the cost of exergy destruction and the
capital cost in a component:
Z k = Z CI ~- Z OM : (ilk "~- 7k) lk -]- (DkrF--~p,k "~ Rk
(97) D,F,k
nk -- (108)
where flk is the capital recovery factor. The sum of
the t e r m s ,~kkI and ~OM for the kth component in a
Different plant components are characterized by
cost balance (e.g., Eqs 54 or 61) is obtained by
different values of the thermoeconomic exponents nk
dividing Eq. 97 by r.
and mk. Electric motor driven pumps, for instance,
Now the total costs associated with the kth compo-
will usually have nk values lower than 0.6, while
nent can be minimized by assuming
steam turbines are expected to shown nk values higher
//:P.k = constant (98) than 0.9. The nk values for heat exchangers and
chemical reactors will largely depend on the purpose
and the working substances used in these plant com-
CF.k = constant. (99) ponents.67
The minimization of the cost per exergy unit of prod- Equations 101 through 108 apply to the optimiza-
uct tion of a single component as illustrated in Fig. 8
which shows the variable cp as a function of the
CF,kJ~F,k "4- Z k
Cp.k -- -- m i n (100) exergetic efficiency e and the exergy destruction (ED).
Ep.k This optimization approach can also be used for a
group of components by appropriately adjusting the
under the above assumptions (Eqs 95 through 99)
definition of fuel and product and the calculation of
leads to the following expressions for the cost optimal
the capital investment in Eq. 95. However, the more
values of the variables ek, rk, ~D.k, Zk, CD,F,k andfk; components that are considered in a group, the more
1 difficult it is to develop an acceptably accurate cost
/~OPT = - - (101)
lq-Fk equation such as Eq. 95.
Energy systems 251


COST / Total Cost

Cp,A /
"I Fuel Cost
[ Capital Cost Dependent i
~ x e n g y D e ~

T ........... ¢o,,t°, cost

/ I I I oo.t~o. C ~ a l c0st ,...0.°.e.t

cF - l [ I " of Exergy DesLruction


FIG. 8. Schematic of the contributions of fuel cost and capital cost to the total product cost as a function
of exergy destruction and exergetic efficiency.

The conditions that optimize a single component plant optimization the cost optimal exergetic effi-
usually do not optimize the total plant. Single compo- ciency (Eq. 101) and the cost optimal relative cost
nent optimization can be used in a preliminary optimi- difference (Eq. 103) for each plant component. A
zation phase for some important components that comparison of the actual with the cost optimal values
dominate the cost picture, i.e. the components with for e and r identifies (a) in what direction (higher or
the highest Z and E'o values. lower efficiency) the design of a component should
The assumptions expressed by Eqs 98 and 99 are, be changed to reduce the total costs associated with
mathematically speaking, not fulfilled for compo- it, and (b) the components that are far away from
nents of complex plants. Therefore, the single compo- their optimal r value. If some of the latter happen to
nent optimization expressed by the set of Eqs 101 be major components (characterized by large (TD
through 108 represents only an approximation when and/or Z values), then these components should be
applied to a system of components. We should not modified first in the direction indicated by the com-
forget, however, that an approximation that can be parison between e and e°pr. Thus, the following
easily implemented is always welcome, particularly dimensionless variables (relative differences) are de-
when all other conventional approaches fail to truly fined:
optimize a single component of a complex system r k - - r OPT
(often just because they are based on energy costing Ark -- - - (109)
r kOPT
and, therefore, fail to identify the real fuel costs).
~k - - k
Ark -- - - (110)
7.2. Design Optimization
These variables, together with (:D and Z, assist in
The goal of design optimization of an energy system improving the design structure, in estimating the
is to find the structure and the values of the system relative importance of decision variables in a given
parameters that minimize the cost of the final products design structure and in prioritizing the required
considering restrictions imposed by the desired reliabil- changes to improve the cost effectiveness of a given
ity, availability, maintainability, operability and envi- design. The application of an iterative optimization
ronmental impact of the system. Finding the cost process using the variables Ark and Aek on a cogenera-
optimal structure may be more important than opti- tion system is discussed in Ref. 135. The cogeneration
mizing the parameters of a given structure. An exergy system, which is a relatively simple system, is used
analysis and a thermoeconomic evaluation are very just as an example to illustrate the use of the variables
useful tools in solving both optimization problems. Ark and A e k f o r optimization purposes.
References 134 through 137, published in the same
issue of Energy--The International Journal, present
7.2. !. Optimizationof major plant components
four different thermoeconomic approaches applied
to the same problem, the design optimization of a As mentioned before, an energy-conversion plant
cogeneration plant. Reference 135 uses in the total- may contain major components that dominate the

overall cost picture because the cost rates Z, and CD Particularly interesting are also the optimization
associated with these components are much larger approaches by R. B. Evans, C. A. Frangopoulos and
than the corresponding cost rates for the other plant M. R. von Spakovsky, ~7"136"137'145 148 W. J. Wepfer
components. Major components usually are associ- and co-workers, 5°'s2 A. Valero and co-work-
ated with chemical reactions and/or heat transfer. ers, 7 0 ' 7 1 ' 1 3 4 A. L. London and R. Shah, 51 A.
Examples of such components include the boiler of a Bejan, x°a'149 Y. M. E1-Sayed, Is° S. Aceves-Saborio,
steam power plant, the gasifier and the gas-turbine J. Ranasinghe and G. M. Reistad 151'152 and L.
system of an integrated gasification-combined-cycle Lin. 1~5 Suitability of each approach for a particular
(IGCC) power plant, and the steam reformer of a application depends on (a) the amount of available
chemical plant. information on performance and cost of each system
In the preliminary plant optimization phase, the component, (b) the complexity of the total system,
design of major plant components should be opti- (c) the objectives of optimization and (d) the re-
mized in isolation f r o m - - a n d sometimes ahead of the quired accuracy.
detailed design of--the remaining plant components. The major problem in the optimization of complex
Thermoeconomics facilitates--and often enables-- systems is the lack of cost data and appropriate
this isolated component optimization where we calcu- simulation techniques. There is a fundamental differ-
late the values of the major decision variables directly ence between the way manufacturing engineers calcu-
affecting the performance of a major component late costs and the way these data are needed for
that minimize the relative cost difference for the com- optimization purposes, i.e. as functions of thermody-
ponent being considered. In this optimization we namic variables. As long as the cost and performance
should use the relative cost difference, r (instead of data required for a rigorous global optimization are
the cost of product, cp that is used in Fig. 8) as the not available, a thermoeconomic evaluation based
variable to be minimized because the variable r on algebraic techniques (as discussed in Sections 5
allows changes in the cost of fuel (cv) for a major through 7) combined with iterative optimization tech-
component to be appropriately considered in the niques is probably the best approach to the improve-
iterative optimization. Any conventional optimiza- ment of large energy systems.
tion method could be applied to minimize the r value If all required cost and performance data are avail-
of a major plant component as a function of some able, conventional optimization procedures that do
decision variables. not use costs of exergy might be preferable for the
The values of the decision variables obtained in optimization of relatively small systems. However,
this preliminary component optimization will be very compared with conventional procedures, the advan-
close to their final optimal values. This approach tages of a thermoeconomic approach increase with
considerably reduces the time and efforts required increasing complexity of the energy system, particu-
for optimization of a complex plant. References 138 larly when chemical reactions are involved, regardless
and 144 discuss the application of this approach to of the available information on cost and perform-
the gasifier of an IGCC power plant. The cost opti- ance.
mal gasification temperature for the total system was
obtained by minimizing the r value for the gasifier.
The optimization of a major plant component is 7.3. Guidelines for Designing Energy Systems
facilitated when the component is at the front end of
the plant. For other major downstream components Several guidelines for developing and improving
we cannot automatically expect that the optimization the design of an energy system can be derived from
of a component in isolation from the remaining exergetic and thermoeconomic considerations. The
components will lead to a plant optimization. Some following is a list of general and process-specific
additional iterations will usually be necessary to opti- guidelines, some of which are based on Refs 138,
mize the total plant. In this case, the decision variable 144, 153, 154 and 155.
value obtained through the first optimization of a
major component in isolation represents a good start-
ing value for the iterative optimization of the total 7.3.1. General guidelines
plant. • When assessing the possibility of improving the
performance and cost effectiveness of a plant
7.2.2. Other optimization approaches answer the following questions:
Most of the approaches discussed so far are based - - What is the purpose of each process?
on algebraic relationships and average costs. A math- - - Is each process necessary?
ematically rigorous cost optimization requires mar- - - Does the exergy destruction in each process
ginal costs and calculus procedures. The methodol- offset capital investment or fuel costs?
ogy introduced by Y. M. E1-Sayed and R. B. Evans 22 - - What are the available options for each
and the subsequent developments are not discussed process?
here. An excellent review of the various aspects associ- - - W h a t is the estimated performance and cost
ated with this methodology is presented in Ref. 107. effectiveness of each available option?
Energy systems 253

-- What is the impact of modifications being con- (d) after developing a design configuration, use
sidered on the remaining plant components? the 'pinch method'~ 56 to evaluate the HEN.
• Use simplified exergy destruction and cost effec- • Minimize the mixing of streams with differences
tiveness calculations as a guide to process modifica- in temperature, pressure or chemical composition.
tions, particularly modifications in system struc- • Minimize the use of throttling; check whether
ture. expanders are cost effective.
• Some exergy destruction and exergy losses can be • Maximize the use of cogeneration of power and
avoided, while others cannot. Concentrate efforts process steam in a plant.
on those that can. • In cogeneration systems consider steam generation
• Avoid processes using excessively large thermody- at the highest available pressure level.
namic driving forces (differences in temperature, • In chemical reactions consider preheating the reac-
pressure and chemical composition). tants.
• The larger the mass flow, the larger the need to • Minimize the use of combustion. When using com-
use its exergy effectively. bustion processes, minimize the excess air.
• Focus efforts initially on the cost dominant compo- • In selecting compressors, turbines and motors
nents and then consider the improvement of minor keep in mind that the cost per unit of exergy
components. destruction for these components is, usually,
• Prioritize the changes required to improve the higher than in the remaining plant components;
cost effectiveness of the entire plant using the therefore, the most efficient options for these com-
variables (?i~,Z, Ark and Aek. ponents could be the most cost-effective alterna-
• Optimize the cost dominant components by mini- tives.
mizing the relative cost difference r.
• Distinguish between design parameters that affect
both efficiency and product costs and parameters 8. CLOSURE
that affect only the product costs. Optimize the
first set of parameters first. Exergy analysis and thermoeconomics are very
useful analytical tools in energy engineering. Their
practical importance has been demonstrated in
7.3.2. Process specific guidelines
several studies. Exergy analysis is now often pre-
• Avoid unnecessary or cost-ineffective heat transfer. sented in introductory courses in thermodynamics
- - The higher the temperature in thermal processes and may be considered as a fully developed disci-
(T > To), the more valuable the heat transfer pline. However, in order to convince more energy-
and, consequently, the more a direct heat trans- engineering practitioners to adopt exergy analysis as
fer to the ambient, to cooling water or to a a working tool, additional work is required to stand-
refrigeration stream must be avoided. ardize and simplify the nomenclature and exergy
- - T h e lower the temperature in a refrigeration calculation methods.
process, the more valuable the heat transfer The field of thermoeconomics has matured to the
and, consequently, the more a direct heat trans- point where it is a valuable tool for improving the
fer to the ambient or to a hot stream must be design, operation and maintenance of energy sys-
avoided. tems; however, it is not yet a fully developed disci-
--Avoid the use of intermediate heat transfer pline. Thus, studies involving further development of
fluids when exchanging heat between two basic aspects of thermoeconomics are still being con-
streams. ducted in parallel with thermoeconomic applications
- - T h e cost optimal temperature difference in a to practical problems. Today, thermoeconomics has
single heat exchanger increases with increasing reached a stage of development nearly free of some
average temperature. arbitrary assumptions used in the past. Both exergy
--In the design of heat exchanger networks analysis and thermoeconomics may be considered to
(HEN) be general and objective methodologies for analyzing
(a) try to match streams where the final tempera- and optimizing energy systems, However, the need
ture of one stream is close to the initial tempera- for simplification, standardization and further devel-
ture of the other; opment of thermoeconomic approaches is still large
(b) if there is a big difference in the heat capac- and urgent.
ity rates of two streams exchanging heat, con- The effectiveness of improving the efficiency and
sider splitting the stream with the larger heat reducing the costs in the design or operation of an
capacity rate; energy system increases when engineers understand
(c) for heat exchangers operating in the same the real causes of inefficiencies and the true cost
temperature range, try to reduce the heat transfer sources. An exergy analysis identifies the location,
rate in the heat exchangers with the highest ,~,/L'p cause and magnitude of the real thermodynamic
ratios by increasing the heat transfer rate in the losses (exergy destruction and exergy loss). A thermo-
heat exchangers with the lowest Z./L'p ratios; and economic evaluation identifies the location and

cause of the cost sources, calculates their magnitude Acknowledgements--The author wishes to acknowledge the
and compares their effects on the costs of the prod- useful comments made by Professor Richard A. Gaggioli
and two other reviewers on the first draft of this paper. The
ucts. All this information, complemented by the engi- assistance of Mr David W. Price in reviewing the final
neer's intuition and judgment, assists in the improve- paper and preparing the final figures is appreciated.
ment of the efficiency and reduction of the product
costs in energy systems by identifying the required
changes in structure and parameter values much
faster than traditional approaches. Decisions about
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JPECS 19:3-F

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