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Chemical Engineering and Processing 46 (2007) 1151–1159

Optimization of combined cycle power plants

using evolutionary algorithms
Christoph Koch, Frank Cziesla ∗ , George Tsatsaronis
Technische Universität Berlin, Institute for Energy Engineering, Marchstr. 18, 10587 Berlin, Germany
Accepted 22 June 2006
Available online 3 March 2007

This paper deals with the application of an evolutionary algorithm to the minimization of the product cost of complex combined cycle power
plants. Both the design configuration (process structure) and the process variables are optimized simultaneously. The optimization algorithm can
choose among several design options included in a superstructure of the power plant such as different gas turbine systems available at the market,
up to three pressure levels for steam generation in the heat-recovery steam generator, supplementary firing, steam reheat, parallel arrangement of
heat exchangers in the gas path, and steam injection into the gas turbine.
For the assumptions and simplifications made in this study, a 240 MW combined cycle power plant with a large gas turbine (150 MW), a
two-pressure heat recovery steam generator with a reheater but without supplementary firing is favored from an economic viewpoint. A detailed
exergy analysis of selected intermediate solutions and the final optimal design identifies the magnitude, location and causes of the thermodynamic
© 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: Optimization; Evolutionary algorithm; Cost minimization; Exergy analysis; Thermodynamic inefficiencies; Combined cycle power plants

1. Introduction designer in the development of a cost-effective power plant

Heuristic rules are often applied in the design and improve- Rarely, a completely new power plant concept is developed
ment of energy conversion systems to master the complexity in industry. More often an existing design is adjusted to fit spe-
of such systems and the uncertainties involved in some design cific site and project requirements. Thus, some approaches in
decisions. Particularly, interactions among the plant compo- process design and optimization are based on a superstructure,
nents, the very large number of possible design alternatives, which includes only a limited number of possible design alter-
and the lack of accurate cost data for all plant components at natives. However, the search space for finding the optimal set
an early stage of the design process make the optimization of of the most suitable process structure and the best values of the
complex energy conversion systems a difficult task. Principles process variables is still large. In general, the cost of electricity
taken from the fields of artificial intelligence (e.g., expert sys- is more sensitive to changes in the configuration of the plant
tems [1]) and computational intelligence (e.g., fuzzy systems components (process structure) than to modified values of the
[2] and evolutionary algorithms [3–6]) can assist the process process variables.
The objectives of this study are to combine an evolutionary
algorithm with a commercial power plant simulation program
Abbreviations: COE, cost of electricity; HP, high-pressure; HRSG, heat- (GateCycle [7]) and to optimize combined cycle power plants
recovery steam generator; IP, intermediate-pressure; LHV, lower heating value; from both an economic and a thermodynamic viewpoint. A
LP, low-pressure; STIG, steam-injected gas turbine complex process flowsheet including several optional design
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 30 314 21737, fax: +49 30 314 21683.
configurations (superstructure) enables the evaluation of many
E-mail addresses: (C. Koch),
designs but also limits the search to some promising solutions. (F. Cziesla),
(G. Tsatsaronis). However, the optimization algorithm cannot invent new design
URL: (G. Tsatsaronis). configurations that are not included in the superstructure and the

0255-2701/$ – see front matter © 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1152 C. Koch et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 46 (2007) 1151–1159

process designer might overlook some promising design config- Fig. 1 shows the superstructure of a combined cycle power
urations when the superstructure is developed. It is the task of plant used in this study. The gas turbine library of the simula-
the evolutionary algorithm to select the most suitable process tion tool consists of more than 150 gas turbine systems available
structure and to determine the optimal values of the process on the market. For simplicity, the evolutionary algorithm should
parameters to best fulfill the design objective: minimal cost of only choose among three gas turbine systems with a different
electricity or maximal thermodynamic efficiency. power output. The thermal energy of the gas turbine exhaust is
Evolutionary algorithms use a stochastic search strategy to utilized in a heat recovery steam generator to generate steam at
find and compare feasible solutions until no better solution can up to three pressure levels. It is possible to increase the temper-
be found or a termination criterion is fulfilled. Neither the math- ature of high-pressure (HP) steam in two separate superheaters
ematical properties of the thermodynamic and the cost model (HPSHT1, HPSHT) located in different positions in the gas path
nor the derivatives of the model equations are exploited in the or in only a single superheater (HPSHT). Steam reheating can
search process. Process modifications only rely on the value of be accomplished in two reheaters (RHTR, RHTR2) or in one
the objective function. In addition to the optimal solution, an single heat exchanger (RHTR). The location of the intermediate-
evolutionary algorithm provides several near optimal process pressure (IP) superheater in the HRSG offers some flexibility for
designs. Sometimes, one of these solutions could be preferred the evolutionary algorithm: parallel flow of the exhaust gases
when safety, availability, and operability issues are also consid- through the IP and HP superheaters is a feasible choice. Steam
ered by the decision maker. generation at an intermediate pressure level can be completely
Uhlenbruck and Lucas [3] combine an exergoeconomic omitted. Steam taken at the outlet of the high-pressure steam
approach [8] with an evolution strategy to speed up the search turbine can be injected into the gas turbine to increase its power
for a cost-optimal design of simple power plant concepts. output (STIG-option). Furthermore, up to three duct burners
Only process variables are modified by the evolution strat- (DB) located at different positions in the HRSG can provide
egy. Dobrowolski et al. [4] apply an evolutionary algorithm additional thermal energy for the water/steam cycle.
to optimize the feedwater preheating section in a steam power
plant from a thermodynamic viewpoint. The decision variables 2.2. Decision variables
include four different design configurations and 7 process vari-
ables (extraction pressures). Emmerich et al. [5,6] combine an The evolutionary algorithm can modify both the structure of
evolutionary algorithm with a knowledge-based system which the plant and the values of the process variables whenever a
generates feasible design configurations of chemical plants. A new individual in the population considered by the algorithm is
superstructure is not required. created. Structural variables take binary values (0 or 1) while
The approach applied in this study includes the development process variables are real numbers restricted by the precision
of a superstructure for combined cycle power plants, the mini- of the bit-string (Section 3.1) and their range only. Different
mization of the cost of electricity (COE) using an evolutionary values of the structural variables (the splitter settings SP) rep-
algorithm, the comparison of the results for different fuel costs resent different interconnections among the plant components
and objectives (cost minimization ⇔ efficiency maximization) (Fig. 1). For example, the evolutionary algorithm can select
as well as an exergetic evaluation of the optimization results. the gas turbine system, the flow of the hot gases (parallel or
Instead of accelerating the search process by an exergetic eval- sequential) through the high-pressure and intermediate-pressure
uation of intermediate results, the exergy concept is used here superheaters (splitters SP5 and SP8), and a two-pressure or
to shed some light on how the evolutionary algorithms achieves triple-pressure heat-recovery steam generator (splitter SP9).
better solutions and to better understand the design of combined Steam injection into the gas turbine (STIG-process, splitter
cycle power plants. The approach is demonstrated in an example SP12) might be useful in cogeneration applications. In this
using the design of a 240 MW combined cycle power plant. study, only electric power plants are considered where a STIG
design is usually not favored neither from a thermodynamic nor
2. Combined cycle power plants from an economic viewpoint. This is due to the fact that the
steam injected into a gas turbine can only expand up to ambient
2.1. Superstructure pressure (p0 ≈ 1.013 bar) whereas the same steam could gen-
erate more power in a steam turbine if it is expanded up to the
The basic idea in the development of a superstructure is to condenser pressure (pc ≈ 0.05 bar). Furthermore, in the STIG
include as many (promising) design configurations as possible. concept the steam in the gas turbine exhaust is rejected to the
Here, the main focus is on a selected set of different design surroundings and increases the exergy loss of the power plant.
options such as parallel flow of the exhaust gas through some Despite all these disadvantages, the STIG-process is included
heat exchangers in the heat-recovery steam generator (HRSG), in the superstructure to enable design optimizations of cogen-
steam generation at up to three pressure levels, and steam injec- eration plants in the future. A well functioning evolutionary
tion into the gas turbine. However, not all possible designs are algorithm should be able to identify the drawbacks of a STIG
considered. Nevertheless, the superstructure is complex enough design when only electricity is generated by the overall plant.
to be a challenge for any optimization algorithm. In general, the The term process variable denotes independent design
superstructure can easily be extended. A discussion of combined specifications such as the high-pressure steam and reheat tem-
cycle power plants is, for example, provided in [9]. peratures, the pressure values at the outlets of the pumps, the
C. Koch et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 46 (2007) 1151–1159 1153

Fig. 1. Superstructure of the combined cycle power plant used in this study.

exit subcooling in the economizers (IPECON, HPECO2), and logical evolution are imitated in a very simplified manner.
the temperature increase in the duct burners (DB1, . . ., DB3). Characteristic feature of an evolutionary algorithm is a popu-
A total of 27 decision variables (11 structural variables and lation of individuals. An individual consists of the values of the
16 process variables) can be simultaneously modified by the decision variables (here: structural and process variables) and is
evolutionary algorithm. However, some constraints must not be a potential solution to the optimization problem. A “black box”
ignored (e.g., pHP > pIP > pLP ). If/then rules in the main con- model of the power plant and an objective function are used to
trol program add a penalty term to the fitness value whenever evaluate the fitness of each individual. Pairs of individuals are
such a constraint is violated. selected to create new individuals based on their performance to
optimize the objective function. In general, a constant number
2.3. Simulation

A commercial software package is used to simulate the

thermodynamic behavior of all the different process designs
(GateCycle [7]). For simplicity, both the minimum temperature
differences in the evaporators (Tmin = 20 K) and the isen-
tropic efficiencies of the steam turbines (ηs,ST1 = ηs,ST2 = 90%,
ηs,ST3 = 85%) and pumps (ηs,PUMP = 85%) were kept constant
in all optimization runs. Natural gas is fired in the gas turbines
and in the duct burners. The condenser pressure is 0.05 bar.

3. Basic concepts

3.1. Evolutionary algorithms

Evolutionary algorithms apply an iterative, stochastic search

strategy to find an optimal solution (Fig. 2). Principles of bio- Fig. 2. Basic concept of an evolutionary algorithm.
1154 C. Koch et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 46 (2007) 1151–1159

of individuals constitute the population in which determinis- In the search for an optimal solution, an evolutionary algo-
tic and stochastic operators select and manipulate parts of the rithm only makes use of the value of the objective function. No
individuals. gradient information is required. This represents simultaneously
Individuals of the initial population are often generated ran- a strength and a weakness of the method. A strength because
domly, but the results of previous optimization runs or expected the mathematical effort for solving the optimization problem
optimal solutions might also be included. Each individual is is reduced and advanced proprietary simulations tools can be
evaluated to calculate its fitness. Here, the evaluation involves used. The degree of randomness in the selection and modifica-
the simulation of the thermodynamic behavior of the power tion of individuals ensures that widely areas of the search space
plant, estimates for the purchased-equipment costs, and an eco- are sampled, and a set of near optimal solutions is attained.
nomic analysis. Additional penalty terms are added to the fitness However, an evolutionary algorithm provides no information
value if an individual violates any constraint (e.g., when the about how and why an improvement was achieved. Very often,
exhaust gas temperature at the HRSG outlet is below a mini- from one generation to another, significant improvements in the
mal acceptable value). After a fitness value has been assigned fitness of the best individual can be observed. In this study, a
to each individual in the initial population, some of the indi- detailed exergy analysis is performed for selected individuals to
viduals are selected for the mating pool. Better individuals are enhance the process designers’ understanding of the power plant
given more opportunities to contribute to the next generation of from an thermodynamic viewpoint. Heuristic rules for improv-
new individuals (“survival of the fittest”). Next, recombination ing the cost-effectiveness of combined cycle power plants might
and mutation operators are applied to the individuals in the mat- be derived from exergetic and exergoeconomic evaluations of
ing pool, producing the offsprings. These operators randomly several evolutionary optimization runs in the future.
combine and slightly modify the decision variables of differ-
ent individuals in the mating pool so that an offspring might 3.2. Exergy analysis
achieve a better fitness than its parents. Since the evolutionary
algorithm maintains a fixed-size population, individuals with a An exergy analysis identifies the location, the magnitude and
higher fitness value are selected with a higher probability for the sources of thermodynamic inefficiencies in a thermal sys-
the next generation (replacement, Fig. 2). The iteration loop is tem. This information, which cannot be provided by other means
repeated several times until the maximum number of genera- (e.g., an energy analysis), is very useful for improving the overall
tions is reached. Evolutionary optimization techniques include efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a system or for comparing
genetic algorithms and evolution strategies among others. A the performance of various systems [8]. A comprehensive intro-
detailed introduction to evolutionary computation is presented in duction to the exergy concept and its applications is provided in
[10,11]. [8,14,15].
Choosing appropriate parameter settings for the evolutionary Important variables for an exergetic evaluation of single
algorithm is a time-consuming task and many times the result of plant components and the overall system are: (1) the exergetic
trial-and-error. Preliminary examinations have shown [12] that, efficiency and (2) the exergy destruction rate. The exergetic effi-
in this application, the diversity in a single population quickly ciency of a component is defined as the ratio between product
decreases and the algorithm converges to a suboptimal solution. and fuel. The product and fuel are defined by considering the
An individual with a new process structure, even the optimal desired result produced by the component and the resources
one, might need a few generations to improve the values of its expended to generate the result.
process variables and to be competitive with the best individuals
in the population. However, the best existing individual gener- ĖP,k ĖD,k + ĖL,k
εk ≡ =1− (1)
ates several offsprings of good performance. The individual with ĖF,k ĖF,k
the new process structure is often inferior to these solutions and
is quickly removed from the population. Niching methods are The term fuel is used here in a general sense and is not necessarily
capable of locating and maintaining multiple solutions within a restricted to being an actual fuel such as coal, natural gas, or oil.
population [10]. Here, a multi-population genetic algorithm was Examples for the definition of the exergetic efficiency of several
used with the following parameter settings: three subpopulations different types of plant components can be found in [8,14].
with 40 individuals each, 8 individuals of each subpopulation The exergetic product ĖP,tot of the combined cycle power
migrate every 20 generations (isolation time) to another ran- plant in Fig. 1 is the net electric power Ẇnet . The exergetic fuel
domly selected subpopulation where they replace the worst ĖF,tot of the overall system consists of the exergy supplied to
individuals, real-value representation, roulette wheel selection, the power plant with natural gas and air.
rank-based fitness assignment (selection pressure = 1.6), inter- The exergy destruction rate ĖD,k due to irreversibilities
mediate recombination, and a mutation rate equal to 0.0286. within the k th system component is obtained from an exergy
For a detailed explanation of these parameters, see [10,11,13]. balance
In each generation, 95% of the individuals are replaced by off- ĖD,k = ĖF,k − ĖP,k − ĖL,k (2)
springs. Since the initial population is generated randomly, all
optimization runs were repeated several times with a different where ĖF,k , ĖP,k , and ĖL,k denote the fuel, the product and the
initial population. The optimal solutions for all cases differed exergy loss of the k th component. In this study, the thermo-
only slightly. dynamic inefficiencies of a component consist exclusively of
C. Koch et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 46 (2007) 1151–1159 1155

exergy destruction (ĖL,k = 0 [14]). Exergy destruction is caused the power plant are levelized, that is they are converted to an
by effects such as chemical reaction, heat transfer through a finite equivalent series of constant payments (annuities).
temperature difference, mixing of matter at different composi- Major parameters and assumptions for the economic analysis
tions or states, unrestrained expansion, and friction. include the fuel cost (reference value: D 4.64/ GJLHV , average
Heat transfer is the most significant cause of exergy destruc- annual real escalation rate: 1%), the average annual discount rate
tion in a heat exchanger. The exergy destruction ĖD,q due to heat (cost of money, ieff = 12.5%), the total annual equivalent time
transfer from a hot stream (index h) to a cold stream (index c) of system operation at full load (7500 h/a), the plant economic
in an adiabatic heat exchanger is given by [8]: life (20 years), and the levelization period (10 years). Taxes were
neglected in this study. The operating and maintenance costs are
Tha − Tca
ĖD,q = T0 Q̇ (3) assumed to be constant and independent of the selected design.
Tha Tca Cost functions were developed based on literature data
where T0 and Q̇ denote the temperature of the environment and [17–19] and information from equipment manufacturers [20]
the time rate of heat transfer. For applications where the heat to estimate the purchased-equipment cost for each plant compo-
transfer occurs at practically constant pressure (as it is assumed nent as a function of characteristic process variables (e.g., heat
in Eq. (3)), the thermodynamic average temperatures Tha and transfer surface area, temperature level, isentropic efficiency).
Tca of the hot and cold streams, respectively are defined by A factored-cost approach is applied to account for additional
direct costs (e.g., piping, installation, instrumentation, control,
he − hi civil work), indirect costs (construction, engineering, contingen-
Ta = (4)
se − s i cies) and other expenses (start-up costs, working capital). An
economic analysis generally involves more uncertainties than a
Eq. (3) shows that the difference in the average thermodynamic
thermodynamic analysis.
temperatures (Tha − Tca ) is a measure of the exergy destruc-
tion. Mismatched heat capacity rates of the two streams, i.e.
3.4. Computer tools
(ṁcp )h /(ṁcp )c = 1, and a finite minimum temperature differ-
ence Tmin are the causes of the thermodynamic inefficiencies
All optimization runs are controlled by a Matlab program
associated with heat transfer. Furthermore, the lower the tem-
which calls each program for (a) simulating a selected design,
perature levels Tha and Tca , the greater the exergy destruction at
(b) estimating costs and (c) conducting an economic analysis [1].
a given temperature difference (Tha − Tca ).
The Matlab program also coordinates the data exchange (val-
Exergy destruction associated with heat transfer decreases as
ues of the decision variable and the objective function) between
the temperature difference between the streams is reduced. This
these programs and the evolutionary algorithm. The Genetic
can be achieved by a larger heat transfer area which in turn results
and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for Use with MATLAB
in a larger pressure drop and exergy destruction associated with
(GEATbx) [11] used in this study provides many useful functions
friction. Finally, an increase in the flow velocity leads to an
and routines for applying an evolutionary algorithm to complex
improvement in the heat transfer (reduction of the heat transfer
optimization problems. A Visual Basic macro was developed
area) but also to an increase in the exergy destruction due to
at TU Berlin in a previous project to dynamically exchange
data between Matlab and the Excel interface of the simulation
The exergy destruction ratio yD,k compares the exergy
destruction in the k th component with the fuel exergy supplied
The GateCycle energy balance software [7] is used for devel-
to the overall system ĖF,tot :
oping a thermal model of the superstructure shown in Fig. 1.
ĖD,k The GateCycle code provides the mass flow rate, temperature,
yD,k ≡ (5) pressure, and chemical composition of all streams but does not
calculate exergy values. For this purpose the THESIS software
This ratio expresses the percentage of the decrease in the overall package [21] is used (T0 = 288.15 K, p0 = 1.013 bar). Both
system exergetic efficiency due to the exergy destruction in the programs use JANAF data for the properties of ideal gases and
k th system component [14]. IAPWS-IF97 for the properties of water and steam. If required,
all exergetic variables of an intermediate or final design con-
3.3. Economic analysis figuration are calculated in a Matlab program at the end of an
optimization run to analyze intermediate results and the optimal
The total revenue requirement method (TRR-method [8,16]) solution (Section 4).
is used to calculate the cost of electricity. This procedure
calculates all the costs associated with a project including a min- 4. Results
imum required return on investment. Based on the estimated
total capital investment and assumptions for economic, finan- 4.1. Cost minimization
cial, operating, and market input parameters, the total revenue
requirement is calculated on a year-by-year basis. Finally, the Fig. 3 shows the levelized cost of electricity of the best indi-
nonuniform annual monetary values associated with the invest- vidual in each generation. The evolutionary algorithm iteratively
ment, operating (excluding fuel), maintenance, and fuel costs of reduces the product cost to 4.25 cent/kWh in the final genera-
1156 C. Koch et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 46 (2007) 1151–1159

Table 1 summarizes the exergetic efficiencies εk of selected plant

components as well as performance data of the overall system
for the best individual after 7, 8, 16, 17 and 40 generations.
More than 42% of the exergy supplied to the overall system
with the natural gas is already destroyed in the gas turbine sys-
tem (yD,GT1 ). About 65% of the net electric power is generated
in the gas turbine system. Thus, the potential for improving a
combined cycle power plant is restricted to only 35% of the net
electric power after the gas turbine system has been selected.
The efficiency of the gas turbine system is defined as (see
Fig. 1):

Fig. 3. Levelized cost of electricity for the best individual after each generation. Ẇnet
εGT1 = (6)
Ė1 + Ė2 + Ė54 − Ė3

tion. In this example, significant cost reductions are achieved In the best process design after 7 generations, a part of the IP
in less than 20 generations. An increase in the number of gen- steam (stream 39) is supplied to the gas turbine system (STIG
erations only slightly improves the economic performance of design). This option is not selected in any of the best indi-
the combined cycle power plant. Since several uncertainties are viduals in subsequent generations. Steam injection increases
involved in the estimated investment costs and in the assump- the efficiency of the gas turbine defined in Eq. (6) since the
tions of the economic analysis, it might be inappropriate and steam generation requires less exergy than the compression
misleading to strive for a high precision in the minimal cost of of the air in the gas turbine compressor. Certainly, the effi-
electricity. A sensitivity analysis should always be conducted to ciency of the gas turbine system in the best individual after
study the effect of some economic parameters and assumptions 8 generations decreases, but the efficiency of the overall sys-
on the optimization results. About 70% of the cost of electric- tem increases. This is due to the fact that the steam injected
ity in a combined cycle power plant are related to fuel cost. In into a gas turbine is expanded to the pressure of the envi-
Section 4.2, we discuss the changes in the cost-optimal process ronment only (p0 = 1.013 bar). In a steam turbine, the steam
design when the fuel cost is increased by 25%. generates more power when it is expanded to the condenser
A sharp decrease in the cost of electricity can be observed pressure pcond = 0.05 bar. Furthermore, the steam in the exhaust
after 7 and 16 generations (Fig. 3). However, the evolutionary gases rejected to the surroundings leads to a higher exergy loss
algorithm provides no information about the causes of these of the overall system ((Ė63 /EF,tot )G7,stig = 3.4% compared to
cost reductions. In this study, an exergy analysis is performed (Ė63 /EF,tot )G8 = 2.5%).
for the best individual in selected generations to understand Figs. 4 and 5 show the temperature profiles of the hot and the
the achieved improvements from a thermodynamic viewpoint. cold streams in the heat-recovery steam generator for the best

Table 1
Exergetic efficiency εk of selected plant components as well as net electric power Ẇnet , exergy destruction rate ĖD,tot , exergy loss rate ĖL,tot , exergetic efficiency
εtot , and cost of electricity cP,tot of the overall system for the best individual after 7, 8, 16, 17 and 40 generations

Exergetic efficiency, εk (%) yD,k (%)

G7a G8a G16a G17a G40a G40a

GT1 43.1 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.0

ST3 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 1.3
HPEVAP 87.5 88.7 88.5 86.2 87.1 1.3
LPEVAP 76.6 74.1 74.7 76.4 74.6 0.8
HPECON 80.5 81.0 80.9 81.2 81.8 0.7
WHTR 56.4 58.9 58.2 58.5 59.7 0.6
HPSHT1 85.1 – 86.1 84.8 85.0 0.5
ST2 93.7 92.8 92.9 93.0 93.2 0.4
ST1 94.5 94.9 94.8 95.1 94.9 0.2
RHTR 88.9 91.2 90.2 92.1 91.2 0.1
HPSHT 93.2 89.3 94.2 94.1 93.6 0.1
LPSHT 75.6 73.6 73.9 77.0 75.0 <0.1
Ẇnet (MW) 248.66 237.62 237.00 237.50 237.39 –
ĖD,tot (MW) 259.23 240.74 241.08 241.91 241.17 –
ĖL,tot (MW) 26.16 22.04 22.31 22.33 21.84 –
εtot (%) 46.56 47.49 47.36 47.34 47.44 –
COE (D /MWh) 43.04 42.73 42.69 42.58 42.54 –

The plant components are ranked in descending order of the exergy destruction ratio yD,k of the best individual after 40 generations.
a Genetration.
C. Koch et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 46 (2007) 1151–1159 1157

between the best individuals G16 and G17 include a decrease in

the HP steam pressure p38 from 96 to 71 bar and an improved
heat utilization in the high-pressure section of the HRSG. About
four percentage points more steam is generated in the HP sec-
tion in the most cost-effective design after 17 generations. Both
the lower temperature level at which HP steam is generated
and the higher HP steam mass flow rate increase the thermo-
dynamic inefficiencies in the HP evaporator (Eq. (3), HPEVAP:
εG16 > εG17 , Table 1) and contribute to a low exergetic effi-
ciency of the overall system εtot . The larger steam mass flow
rate results in a larger temperature difference (T16 − T34 ) in the
HP evaporator so that less heat transfer area is required in the
total HRSG. In summary, the lower cost of electricity in the
Fig. 4. Temperature profiles in the heat-recovery steam generator of the best 17th generation is achieved by decreasing the investment costs
individual after 7 generations.
at the expense of higher thermodynamic inefficiencies (=higher
expenditures for fuel).
individual after 7 and 8 generations. For almost the same gas tur- The cost-optimal design identified by the evolutionary algo-
bine outlet temperature, steam injection results in a flatter slope rithm for the parameters and assumptions in this study (e.g.,
of the hot temperature profile and a higher gas temperature at fuel cost = D 4.64/GJLHV ) has a 150 MW gas turbine as well
the outlet of the HRSG (Fig. 4). The most cost-effective design as two-pressure levels, two high-pressure superheaters, and a
after 7 generations has a lower high-pressure steam temperature reheater in the HRSG. The values of characteristic process vari-
(T38,G7 = 753 K) than the best individual in the next generation ables are summarized in Table 2.
(T38,G8 = 785 K). Consequently, the average temperature dif- In a typical optimization run, the evolutionary algorithm
ference between the hot and the cold fluid in the high-pressure needs about 10 h (Pentium III, 733 MHz) to minimize the cost of
superheaters (HPSHT, HPSHT1) cause larger exergy destruction electricity using the superstructure shown in Fig. 1. No efforts
rates associated with heat transfer (Eq. (3)), but lower invest- were taken in this study to reduce the computation time. In gen-
ment costs due to smaller heat transfer areas. It is true that eral, it is possible to evaluate the individuals of a generation
Table 1 shows a lower exergetic efficiency for the high-pressure or subpopulation in parallel on different computers and speed
superheater HPSHT in the best individual of the 8th genera- up the calculations. Furthermore, the number of individuals in
tion, but in this design HP steam is superheated in a single heat each subpopulation might be reduced as well. However, no gen-
exchanger only. Actually, the exergetic efficiency for the total eral guidelines for parameter settings of evolutionary algorithms
high-pressure superheater section of the best individual in the exist. Most of the settings are problem specific. For this size of
7th generation is lower than in the 8th generation. From a ther- an optimization problem (27 decision variables), heuristic rules
modynamic viewpoint, it is less efficient to expand the steam in [11] suggest to use five subpopulations with 20 individuals
in the high-pressure steam turbine to a lower pressure level each.
(p39,G7 < p39,G8 , Figs. 4 and 5). The resulting lower temper-
ature at the inlet of the reheater (T39,G7 < T39,G8 ) increases the 4.2. Case studies
average temperature difference in this heat exchanger. There-
fore, more exergy destruction is associated with the transfer of Two case studies were performed to illustrate the robustness
thermal energy from the hot gas to the steam (Eq. (3)). and adaptability of the evolutionary algorithm to changes in a
A second noticeable reduction in the levelized cost of elec- significant assumption and the objective function: (1) increase
tricity occurs after 16 generations (Fig. 3). Important differences of the fuel cost by 25% and (2) maximization of the exergetic
efficiency εtot . Table 3 compares the values of important per-
formance criteria and process variables of both cases with the
reference case from Section 4.1.
The table clearly shows that a maximization of the ther-
modynamic efficiency leads to a higher cost of electricity. To

Table 2
Values of characteristic process variables after 40 generations
Stream ID Parameters Values

Gas turbine exhaust S10 ṁ; T 510 kg/s; 821 K

High-pressure steam S38 ṁ; T ; p 57 kg/s; 758 K; 77 bar
Reheat steam S70 T;p 719 K; 25 bar
Low-pressure steam S58 ṁ; T ; p 19 kg/s; 453 K; 3 bar
Fig. 5. Temperature profiles in the heat-recovery steam generator of the best HRSG exhaust S63 T 380 K
individual after 8 generations.
1158 C. Koch et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 46 (2007) 1151–1159

Table 3
Cost of electricity cP,tot , exergetic efficiency of the overall system εtot as well as selected process variables of the best individual

Variables Reference case Minimal COE, but increased

fuel cost (5.80, D /GJLHV )
Minimal cost of electricity Maximal exergetic efficiency

Cost of electricity (cP,tot ) (D /MWh) 42.5 44.2 52.0

Exergetic efficiency (εtot ) (%) 47.5 48.8 48.3
Energetic efficiency (ηLHV,tot ) (%) 48.8 50.1 49.6
HP steam (ṁ38 , T38 , p38 ) (kg/s, K, bar) 57/758/77 45/810/130 50/795/90
Reheat steam (T49 , p49 ) (K, bar) 608/27 593/30 552/16
IP steam (ṁ45 , T45 , p45 ) (kg/s, K, bar) –/–/– 17/585/30 17/539/16
LP steam (ṁ58 , T58 , p58 ) (kg/s, K, bar) 19/453/3 12/453/2 5/446/3

Cost of natural gas in the reference case: D 4.64 /GJLHV .

improve the exergetic efficiency up to a maximal value of εtot = 5. Conclusions

48.8%, more capital is required to cover the cost for additional
heat transfer areas in the HRSG. Thus, the product cost rises Evolutionary algorithms are powerful tools to optimize the
to D 44.2/MWh. Compared to large advanced combined cycle process structure and process variables of combined cycle power
power plants (Ẇnet ≈ 400 MW) that achieve energetic efficien- plants. About 50% of the time needed for applying this approach
cies close to ηGuD ≈ 58–60% (εcc ≈ 56.5–58.4%), the maximal is spent to developing a robust simulation of the thermodynamic
efficiency of the 240 MW combined cycle power plant in this behavior of all possible process designs and to link this program
study seems to be low. The relatively low energetic efficiency of to Matlab where the evolutionary algorithm controls the opti-
the gas turbine systems (power range: Ẇnet,gt < 160 MW; ηgt = mization run. Many degrees of freedom, complex interactions
31– 35% [19]) used here as design options are the main cause of among the plant components and the associated difficulties in
this difference. Large gas turbine systems achieve energetic effi- achieving convergence by selecting appropriate values of the
ciencies up to 39% [19]. Since the gas turbine system generates process variables makes this a challenging task. The larger the
about 65% of the total net power, this efficiency is of paramount complexity of the superstructure and the larger the number of
importance for the thermodynamic efficiency of the combined decision variables, the more difficulties arise and the more time-
cycle power plant. Furthermore, the assumed minimum tempera- consuming the development of the superstructure.
ture differences in the evaporators and the isentropic efficiencies The application of the exergy concept to the analysis and eval-
of the steam turbines offer some potential for improving the uation of intermediate results and of the final solution increases
thermodynamic performance of the system. A better match of the understanding of the process. Exergy is closely related to the
the temperature profiles in the HRSG by a parallel arrangement economic value of an energy carrier. An appropriate combina-
of several heat exchangers in the gas path (e.g., HP super- tion of an exergy analysis and an economic analysis provide (a)
heater and reheater) and a fuel preheater could also increase additional information for identifying the real cost sources in the
the efficiency. In general, a higher fuel cost requires a more effi- design, and (b) options to reduce the total cost. A comprehensive
cient use of the fuel energy in the power plant. This increases discussion of such an exergoeconomic analysis, evaluation, and
the investment cost and leads to a higher cost of electricity optimization techniques is provided in [1,8,14].
(Table 3).
In all optimization runs, the evolutionary algorithm selects Acknowledgment
the largest available gas turbine (150 MW) in the end. Supple-
mentary firing in the HRSG is less efficient and unnecessary, if The financial support from the German Research Foundation
the mass flow rate of the gas turbine exhaust supplies enough (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) for the interdis-
energy to the HRSG.1 A heat-recovery steam generator with ciplinary research project “Optimization of complex energy
steam generation at two pressure levels is sufficient to achieve conversion systems”, contract number TS79-1/2, is greatly
the lowest cost of electricity when the fuel cost is low. Both the acknowledged.
optimal solution for a maximum efficiency and for high fuel cost
use a triple-pressure HRSG. The largest temperature and pres- Appendix A. Nomenclature
sure at the inlet of the high-pressure steam turbine occur in the
design for maximum efficiency.
c levelized cost of electricity
Ė exergy of a material or energy stream
ieff effective annual discount rate (cost of money)
1 As a matter of interest, the exergetic efficiency was minimized in an addi-
ṁ mass flow rate
tional optimization run. In this case, all duct burners and the steam-injected gas p pressure
turbine were part of this “optimal” solution (εtot = 37.5%). Q̇ time rate of heat transfer
C. Koch et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 46 (2007) 1151–1159 1159

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