Enslavement and Resistance Project

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Enslavement and

Resistance Project
Zakailah Anderson 5th period Mr. Beague
Background Information
English and Spanish people controlled about half of the slaves. the plantation owners control the
enslaved people. The plantation owners may have controlled the work and physical wellbeing of
enslaved people, but they could never control their minds. There was always threat of keeping
those enslaved under control was a priority of all plantation owners.
• The colony of the Province of Georgia under
James Oglethorpe banned slavery in 1735.They
had slavery in georgia because cotton and the
Growth of Slavery. Share Cropping happen in
Georgia after the slaves were free. They had no
money and no place to go so all of them went
back to her masters and work for food and
money. They banned slavery in Georgia because
it was inconsistent with their social and
economic intentions.
How did slaves live
Slaves were left in chains they couldn’t run free they stayed on a farm all the time and they
didn’t have rights. Slaves on small farms often slept in the kitchen or an outbuilding,
and small cabins near the farmer's house. Slaves use to eat maize, rice, peanuts, yams and
dried beans. Never got to have a full meal for dinner, also when they made the master's
food, they had to hum so he could know that they were not eating the food. Slaves grew
crops like corn or potatoes, took care for livestock, and cleared fields, cut wood, repaired
buildings and fences. They wore ripped and tore clothes and they never got to clean up only
if they were getting sold. There were house slaves who did stuff in the house like cook the
food, wash the clothes, and clean up the house. The field slaves worked in the field and
picked the crops, cut the grass, and etc.
What did slaves
do for fun?
ran away and stole from
their enslavers.They burnt
property, broke tools, and refused
to work.They snuck around and
learned to read. They help other
enslaved people escape. They
made things or each other and
their children. Like dolls and etc.
breaking tools, feigning illness,
staging slowdowns, and sabotage.

Most of the slaves escaped like the ones shown above but others weren't so lucky. After slavery came all of the
slaves had rights but there was segregation which began a major problem to all black people because they weren't
all getting the same treatment as white people do.
Independence from Enslavement
When the Independence from enslavement happen, many slaves in the North were granted their freedom if
they agreed to fight for the American cause. Most slaves weren't really free though because they worked for
their masters because of sharecropping. The 13th Amendment, adopted on December 18, 1865, officially
abolished slavery.
African Americans in the South life after slavery was a world transformed. They gone were the brutalities
of slave life, whippings and sexual assaults. Most southern black Americans, though free, lived in desperate
rural poverty. Ex-slaves were often forced their economic circumstances to rent land from former white slave
owners. These sharecroppers paid rent on the land by giving a portion of their crop to the landowner.
Final Thoughts
My final thoughts on slavery is that slaves were treated badly, and I don't think nobody should go through
slavery. How would the white people feel if we made them slaves instead?
A little video to lift y'all's sprits!

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