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How can you deal with these situations?

1- You break a large, expensive bowl in a shop.

2- You’re having a cup of tea at a friend’s house and you knock your cup and spill tea all over
their carpet.
3- You bump into someone and they drop their papers all over the wet floor.
4- You accidentally sit on someone’s glasses.
5- You’ve borrowed a friend’s electronic dictionary and you drop it and break it.
6- You bump into someone at a party and they spill red wine all over their shirt.










Role play these situations

What would you do in these situations?

Role play the following situation

1. You are strolling in a department store. Walking around, you see a person who seems
familiar, but you're not sure. You decide to stop the person and find out of s/he knows you. It
turns out, after some questioning, that the two of you went to the same high school, but at the
time the other person weighed 25 kilos more. That's why you couldn't recognize him/her.

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