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Graphic Organizer Template —

 Opinion Piece

Purpose: __________________________________________________________________________

Audience: _________________________________________________________________________

Theme: ___________________________________________________________________

1. Introduction

My position: ___________________________________________________________________

Wording of my position into a position statement:


Created by Isabelle Bouchard, CSMM 1

Source doc: Report and Support document, MÉLS, December 2011
Graphic Organizer Template — Opinion Piece (Cont.)
Supporting evidence (arguments and factual information to back them up)
Argument 1: Argument 2: Argument 3:

Example or fact: Example or fact:

2. Body: Reasoning/Argumentation

Example or fact:

How do the ideas in my reasoning relate to one another and to my position

statement, and how do I show these links in my text?

Main counterargument:

My response:

Bring my article to a close, but, more specifically; how will I leave the reader
with a lasting impression, with food for thought?
3. Conclusion

(Will I use a relevant question, a warning, a recommendation or open up a debate to a wider context?)

Created by Isabelle Bouchard, CSMM 2

Source doc: Report and Support document, MÉLS, December 2011

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