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Gerund and Infinitive Practice (10)

Gerund and Infinitive Practice (10)

Please choose the most appropriate answer for each sentence.

Q1 I shouldn't have talked to her about my personal problems because she ..... to gossip.

A loving B to love C love D loves

Q2 ..... is so much fun. I hope to do this for years to come.

A Traveling B Travel C Travels D Traveled

Q3 Jacob got into trouble for ..... an injury at work.

A to fake B fakes C fake D faking

Q4 Tim made a habit of ..... to his parents.

A lie B lying C to lie D lied

Q5 I got a ticket the other night. The police officer stopped me for ......

A to speed B speed C speeds D speeding

Q6 Most children do nothing but ..... video games all day long.

A playing B play C plays D to play

Q7 They decided ..... their son's birthday party until after Chris graduates.

A to postpone B postpone C postponed D postpones

Q8 Why risk ..... in the stock market when you can make money by investing wisely?

A lose B to lose C losing D loses

Q9 He often thought that ..... a suitable partner is more important than making money.

A finds B finding C find D found

Q10 He recalled ..... to the store on Friday.

A to go B going C goes D go 1/2
Gerund and Infinitive Practice (10)

ANSWERS: Gerund and Infinitive Practice (10)

Q1 I shouldn't have talked to her about my personal problems because she ..... to gossip.

D loves

Q2 ..... is so much fun. I hope to do this for years to come.

A Traveling

Q3 Jacob got into trouble for ..... an injury at work.

D faking

Q4 Tim made a habit of ..... to his parents.

B lying

Q5 I got a ticket the other night. The police officer stopped me for ......
D speeding

Q6 Most children do nothing but ..... video games all day long.

B play

Q7 They decided ..... their son's birthday party until after Chris graduates.

A to postpone

Q8 Why risk ..... in the stock market when you can make money by investing wisely?

C losing

Q9 He often thought that ..... a suitable partner is more important than making money.

B finding

Q10 He recalled ..... to the store on Friday.

B going 2/2

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