Patrick Shelton Final Contract - Signed

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MULTI-YEAR SUPERINTENDENT EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FOR MICHAEL PATRICK SHELTON This Employment Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into this 8° day of March, 2021, by and between the Board of Education of Edwardsville Community Unit School District No. 7 (hereinafter referred to as the “Board") and Dr. Michael Patrick Shelton (hereinafter referred to as “Dr. Shelton” or "Superintendent"), WHEREAS, the Board shall employ Dr. Shelton in the position of Superintendent of Edwardsville Community Unit School District No. 7 (the "District") on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, Dr. Shelton shall be employed as Superintendent effective July 1, 2021 and continuing through June 30, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth below, the parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth as follows: 1 TERM This Contract shall become effective on July 1, 2021 and end on June 30, 2024, unless extended by written agreement of the parties, or unless terminated sooner in accordance with the terms of this Contract. The Superintendent shall be a twelve-month employee and shall devote his full-time attention to the duties as set forth in this Contract, subject to vacation, holidays and other leave as expressly set forth below. All references in this Contract to a "year” or an “academic year" mean the period July 1 through June 30, unless expressly provided otherwise. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES, CERTIFICATION AND RESIDENCE A. Duties as Superintendent. ‘The Superintendent shall be in charge of the administration of the schools under the direction of the Board; shall direct and assign teachers and other employees of the schools under his supervision; shall organize, reorganize, and arrange the administrative and supervisory staff, including instruction and business affairs, as best serves the District, subject to the approval of the Board; shall from time to time recommend regulations, rules, and procedures he deems necessary for the well ordering of the District; and in general perform all duties incident to the office of Superintendent and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time, B. License. The Superintendent shall hold a valid and properly registered license issued by the State of Illinois Teachers’ Licensure Board qualifying him to act as ‘Superintendent of the School District during the term of this Contract, as applicable. Page 1 of 11 C. Residence, The Superintendent, during the period of time he is employed as the Superintendent, agrees that he shall reside within the boundaries of the District, including any renewal or extension, PROFESSIONAL GROWTH OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. ‘The Board encourages the continuing professional growth of the Superintendent. The Superintendent may continue his professional growth through participation (with the expense thereof paid by the District), as he may decide in light of his responsibilities, in: A. The operations, programs, and other activities conducted or sponsored by local, state, and national school administrator and schoo! board associations; namely, two seminars annually, one state and one national meeting; and/or B. Seminars and courses offered by public or private institutions, with prior approval of the Board. COMPENSATION For the 2021-2022 Contract year the District shall pay the Superintendent the sum of One Hundred Seventy Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($170,000.00). The Board may increase or adjust the Superintendent’s annual salary based on the annual performance evaluation to be conducted pursuant to Section 8 of this Contract, however, the Superintendent's salary will not be less than his previous year’s salary. Any such adjustment or increases shall not constitute a new contract, nor an extension of the termination date of this Contract. The annual salary shall be paid in equal installments in accordance with the practice of the Board governing payment of salary to twelve-month employees. In addition to the annual salary and other compensation stated in this Agreement, the Board shall pay on behalf of the Superintendent to the State of Illinois Teachers! Retirement System and Teachers’ Health Insurance Security Fund the Superintendent's entire required contributions to said pension system and health fund. The Superintendent shall not have any right or claim to said amounts, except as they may become available at the time of retirement or resignation from the State of Illinois Teachers’ Retirement System. Both parties acknowledge that the Superintendent did not have the option of choosing to receive the contributed amounts directly, instead of having such contributions paid by the Board to the Teachers’ Retirement System and Teachers’ Health Insurance Security Fund, and further acknowledge that such contributions are made as a condition of employment to secure the Superintendent's future services, knowledge and experience. VACATION AND OTHER BENEFITS A. Vacation. The Superintendent shall be awarded twenty (20) days of paid vacation on the first day of each Contract year. The Superintendent may accumulate no more than thirty (30) days of vacation at any time, including the current year’s allotment of vacation days, and any vacation days above thirty (30) shall be lost. At the end of Page 2 of 11 any contract year, the Superintendent may turn in up to five (5) vacation days for compensation at his then current per diem rate of pay to be calculated based on a 260- day work year. Any pay for accumulated vacation at the end of the Superintendents ‘employment will be due and owing between ten (10) and fifteen (15) days of his last day of work or his final paycheck whichever date is later. . Personal Leave, The Superintendent shall be entitled to four (4) personal leave days, to be used for personal business reasons at his discretion, provided that the use of such days does not interfere with the performance of his duties. These days may not be accumulated, and unused days shall not carry over to any subsequent Contract year, except that unused personal leave days at the end of each Contract year shall be added to the Superintendent accumulated sick leave days. ~. Sick Leave. The Superintendent shall be entitled to eighteen (18) paid sick leave days per Contract year, which is the normal annual allotment granted to 12-month certified employees per the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between the District and Edwardsville Education Association. Any sick leave days that are not used during a Contract year shall accumulate without limit, The term "sick leave" shall be defined in the same manner as provided in the collective bargaining agreement between the District and the Edwardsville Education Association in effect as of the effective date of this Contract. . Health Insurance, The District shall provide the Superintendent and his immediate family (as defined in the District’s health insurance policies) health insurance with coverage and terms similar to the coverage and terms of the health insurance of the District's teachers. ‘The District shall pay the cost of all health insurance provided pursuant to this paragraph, except the Superintendent will pay Seventy-Five Dollars (875) per month to the District for family health coverage. However, the Board and the Superintendent agree that if the Public Health Service Act ("PHSA"), or any other federal law now in effect or implemented in the future, would require the Board to pay a penalty or fine because it provides the Superintendent a better health insurance benefit not provided to any full-time employee in the District, the Board shall provide the Superintendent with the same insurance benefit provided to other full-time District employees with the lowest Board provided coverage. The monetary difference between the amount the Board paid for the Superintendent's benefit and the new amount the Board pays for the Superintendent’s insurance benefit that is provided to other full-time District employees with the lowest Board provided coverage shall be added to the Superintendent’s base salary. In the event that the monetary difference between the coverage that was previously provided to the Superintendent for insurance coverage and the amount of the health insurance benefit provided to full-time District employees with the lowest Board provided coverage increases during the term of this Contract, the amount of the difference will be added to the Superintendent's base salary. Full-time employee, as used herein, shall be defined consistent with the PHSA or any amendments thereto. The Superintendent shall have the option to purchase Page 3 of 11 insurance coverage at his cost and such payments shall be deducted from his regular payroll checks and tax sheltered to the extent permitted by law. E. Holidays. The Superintendent shall be entitled to all legal school holidays, except those holidays that students/staff are in attendance, and all holidays which are or may be authorized by the Board for District employees. Winter and spring breaks, however, are not considered holidays for the Superintendent for purposes of this section. F. Memberships. The District shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the Superintendent’s membership dues for the American Association of School ‘Administrators, the Illinois Association of School Administrators, and such other ‘community organizations as are approved in advance by the Board. EXPENSES: ‘The Board shall reimburse the Superintendent for reasonable monthly expenses incurred in the performance of his duties. Itemization shall be made by the Superintendent of all expenses incurred. The Superintendent shall furnish his own automobile, and shall be liable for all maintenance, repairs, insurance, and operating expenses. ‘The Superintendent shall receive an allowance of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) per month for travel within the boundaries of the District. Travel outside of the District shall be paid or reimbursed in accordance with Board policy. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY A. The Board agrees that the District shall defend, hold harmless, and indemnify the Superintendent from and against any and all demands, claims, suits, actions, and legal proceedings brought against the Superintendent in his individual capacity or in his official capacity as an agent of the District, provided the incident or claim arises while the Superintendent is acting within the scope of his employment, and excluding criminal litigation and any act, omission, or alleged liability that is not within the authority of the Board to insure under State law. In no case will any individual member of the Board be considered personally liable for indemnifying the Superintendent for any reason. B. If, in the opinion of the Board's attomey, a conflict exists regarding the defense to such a claim between the legal position of the Superintendent and the legal position of the District, the Superintendent may engage his own counsel, in which event the Superintendent shall pay for the costs of said legal defense, unless the District's insurer is obligated under the insurance policy to provide a defense for the Superintendent in such situation. Page 4 of 11 ANNUAL EVALUATION — STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT GOALS ‘The Superintendent shall meet the student performance, academic and other improvement ‘goals during the term of this Contract, which the parties agree are goals which are linked to student performance and academic improvement within the schools of the District. Performance and Improvement Goals identified and set forth on Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Board and Superintendent will review and assess the Superintendent's overall performance based upon the student performance and academic improvement goals set forth above, as well as any other objectives established by the Board. Prior to March 1, 2022 and each March 1 thereafter, the Board shall assess the Superintendent’s performance and shall issue a written evaluation of that performance to the ‘Superintendent, After such evaluation, the parties shall schedule a meeting to review the evaluation and determine, if necessary, the terms and conditions of the Superintendent's continued future employment, This Contract may be extended upon mutual agreement of the Board and Superintendent at the end of any year of the Contract, provided the Board determines that the Superintendent satisfactorily met the student performance and academic improvement oals set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein. The parties may agree to modify these goals during the life of this Contract but such changes will not constitute a new employment contract or extend the termination date of this Contract. Pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/10-23.8 of the Illinois School Code, the Superintendent acknowledges that he waives any right to tenure in the District by entering into this multi- year Superintendent Contract. NON-RENEWAL - SUPERINTENDENT. In accordance with the Mlinois School Code, 105 ILCS 5/10-21.4, notice of intent not to renew this Contract shall be given to the Superintendent by the Board by March 1 of the year in which the Contract expires. Said notice shall be in writing and state the specific reason(s) for the non-renewal. Failure to provide the notice of intent not to renew by the Board prior to March 1 of the year in which the Contract expires shall extend this Contract for one (1) additional year. However, the Superintendent shall notify the President and Secretary of the Board in writing by January 1* of the year in which this Contract expires that failure of the Board to give the Superintendent the notice of intent not to renew will extend the Contract for one (1) additional year. Failure of the Superintendent to give this required reminder notice to the Board shall waive the obligation of the Board to give its notice of intent by March 1*. Within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of notice of intent not to renew a Contract, the Superintendent may request a closed session hearing on the dismissal. At the hearing the Page Sof 11 10. ‘Superintendent has the privilege of presenting evidence, witnesses and defenses on the ‘grounds for non-renewal. TERMINATION A. This Contract shall terminate upon the first to occur of any of the following events: (1) Mutual Agreement of the Parties. (2) Retirement of the Superintendent, (3) Death or Disability of the Superintendent, as provided in paragraph B of this Section 10, below. (4) Discharge of the Superintendent for cause, as provided in paragraph D of this Section 10, below. (S) The date specified in Section 1 of this Contract, or any later date pursuant to any extension or renewal of this Contract if this Contract extended pursuant to Section 8 B. The Board may terminate this Contract by written notice to the Superintendent at any time after the Superintendent has exhausted all accumulated sick leave, personal leave and vacation and has been absent from his employment for an additional continuous period of thirty (30) calendar days. All obligations of the District and the Board shall ‘cease upon such termination, C. If a question arises concerning the capacity of the Superintendent to perform his uties, the Board may require the Superintendent to submit to a medical examination, to be performed by a physician licensed to practice medicine in Mlinois. The Board ‘and the Superintendent shall attempt to mutually agree upon a physician who shall ‘conduct the examination, but if they fail to agree, the Board or its designee shall select the physician. The examination shall be done at the expense of the District, ‘The physician shall limit his/her report to the issue of whether the Superintendent has ‘continuing disability that prohibits him from performing the essential duties of his position. D. Discharge for Cause. The Board may terminate this Contract for just cause. Notice of discharge for just cause and the reasons therefore shall be given in writing and shall be effective immediately or on such date as specified in the notice. The Superintendent shall be entitled to appear before the Board to discuss the cause or ‘causes. If the Superintendent chooses to be accompanied by legal counsel at such meeting, he shall bear any costs therein involved. Such meetings shall be conducted in closed session. The Superintendent shall be provided a written decision describing the results of the meeting. Page 6 of 11 1. 2. 13. 4. E. Termination of the Contract by the Superintendent, If the Superintendent terminates this contract or voluntarily leaves the employ of the Board before June 30, 2024, he shall pay to the Board the following sums no later than fifteen (15) calendar days before leaving the District. * Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) if he leaves before June 30, 2022; and © Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) if he leaves on or after June 30, 2022 and before June 30, 2023; and Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) if he leaves on or after June 30, 2023 and before June 30, 2024. ‘The parties agree that these sums are good-faith, reasonable estimates of the Board’s ‘damages in the event the Superintendent elects to leave the employ of the District before the end of the contract term. BOARD APPROVAL This Contract shall not be binding upon the Board until it is approved by a majority of the members of the Board at a duly held public meeting of the Board. If the Board fails to approve this Contract, it shall be mull and void and of no effect whatsoever. MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS ‘No modification or amendment of this Contract shall be valid or binding on the parties unless it is in writing and executed by the Board and Superintendent. NOTICE Any notice required to be given under this Contract shall be deemed sufficient if it is in writing and sent by mail to the last known residence of Superintendent and/or the President of the Board. MISCELLANEOUS A. This Contract has been executed in the State of Illinois, and shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois in every respect. B. Paragraph headings and numbers have been inserted for convenience of reference only. In the event of any conflict between any such headings or numbers and the text of this Contract, the text shall control. C. This Contract may be executed in one or more counterparts cach of which shall be considered an original, and all of which taken together shall be considered one and the same instrument. Page 7 of 11 D. This Contract contains all the terms agreed upon by the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Contract and supersedes all prior Contracts, arrangements, and ‘communications between the parties, whether oral or written, concerning such subject, ‘matter. E. Ifa court having jurisdiction issues a final decision declaring any provisions of this Contract to be unlawful or unenforceable, all other provisions of the Contract shall remain in force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Contract has been executed by a duly authorized officer of the Board and by the Superintendent on the date first indicated above. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF EDWARDSVILLE COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7 COUNTY OF MADISON, STATE OF ILLINOIS py SOY Buted Jill Bertels, Board President gfifdoot ATTEST: By: Avho a Debra Pitts, aed pi 3/8 (02! Date Page 8 of 11 Goal 1: Indicators: Goal 2: Indicators: Goal 3: Indicators: DISTRICT 7 SUPERINTENDENT'S GOALS 2021-2024 ‘The Superintendent will actively promote the District's commitment to high academic achievement by providing meaningful support and effective accountability of school performance. Curriculum study committee will maintain the rotation process of reviewing all curriculums. Instructional material updates will be implemented as needed. Quality professional development will be implemented to maximize the District's investment in new technology and instructional materials. Review and provide professional development for the District's professional teaching and administrative staff to support instructional leadership skills. Review and work toward high quality assessment systems that have the capability to provide the teaching staff with data that is relevant for use in making academic decisions about students. ‘The Superintendent will ensure that technology infrastructure, services, and ‘equipment is implemented within the available financial resources to support the ‘business operations, communications, and instructional services of the District. Build relationships with all stakeholders to procure funds for technology expansion. Review, analyze and develop a plan to expand technology with a goal to develop an implementation plan of one-to-one devices for all 3-8 grade students. Develop @ plan to maintain or replace obsolete one-to-one devices to teachers and students of the District as approved by the Board. Maintain and upgrade technology infrastructure in all buildings throughout the district within the financial resources available each year. ‘Work with Bus Company to maintain the functionality and maintenance of cameras on all buses used for transportation of District 7 students. ‘The Superintendent will ensure that appropriate school security upgrades are implemented within available financial resources to provide safe and secure learning environments for students, staff and visitors. Page 9 of 11 Goal 4: Indicators: Goal 5: Indicators: School security upgrades and replacements to infrastructure and equipment are addressed within the financial resources available each year. Emergency planning and school drills are conducted and reviewed for areas of improvement each year. Develop a multi-year plan to address the correction of Health Life Safety deficiencies and other facility improvement. Form a committee that will review, analyze and discuss a potential plan to implement and fund other necessary facility maintenance requirements and upgrades. The Superintendent will prioritize communication with both internal and external stakeholders to continue the District's efforts to build trust and strengthen relationships that benefit student learning. = Develop and distribute reports on District 7's progress toward achieving, financial goals through reports to the Board of Education, ‘employees, parents and the public. * Develop and distribute reports on District 7"s progress toward achieving academic, technology, and school security goals through reports to the Board of Education, employees, parents, and the public. = Complete an assessment of the District's communications and make recommendations for a plan to improve and enhance communications with employees, families, and constituents. * Complete a review of registration procedures and develop a plan to improve the efficiency of the process for parents and staff. * Communicate the District's highlights in a weekly communication with the Board. This will include notes of upcoming events. This communication will remain confidential as specific students, employee, and financial issues may be presented through this document for the board's information. * Increase communication to parents and community members about classroom instruction, projects, new instructional methods and other elements of classroom instruction by publishing information on the ‘website, via news media, on Facebook and other social media venues. ‘The Superintendent will ensure that the District's resources are managed effectively; ensure completion of activities associated with the annual budget, oversee distribution of resources and support of District priorities; and provide long-term financial planning that will permit the district to attain educational Page 10 of 11 Ensure that the Education Fund debt is reduced as funds become available. Ensure that the Education Fund cash reserves are re-established as funds become available. Ensure that a continuous process of monitoring programs, service and related expenditures are evaluated and that budget educations are recommended and enacted as needed to allow the District to attain financial stability. Review transportation delivery with bus company and develop recommendations for modifications that will enhance efficiencies and ‘maintain balanced school enrollments Page 11 of 11

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