Organsational Behaviour

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Organizational Behavior and People management

1. Understanding the human factors

To understand the human factors involved in the new project I
will ask the following. Questions suggested by Burke, et al. (2001)

i. What are the interpersonal skills of the individuals team

involved in the project?
ii. What is the ability degree of the individuals to work
together toward specific goal?
iii. What is the history of conflict and competitions between
iv. List of the different individual’s nationalities, their
languages and brief about their cultures
v. All background information about all the related
stakeholder, Customer organization, team roles and
responsibility and organization decision process.

1. Preparing my self
. I believe the multicultural teams are more effective in our
specialist, which need creativity and innovation, stemmed from my
convincing through the following stated features by (Workman, 2008)

• Advantages of, better ideas, divert group thinking and

creativity enhancement
• Disadvantage of, different members mistrust, interpersonal
bias, communication shortage and different industry members
Preparing myself based on following:

i. I will use the available internal and external resources within

our organization to acquire and learning the USA culture
(technology, institution, language and art) and environmental
(economic, political and legal) skills through the remaining
three weeks. (Meredith & Mantel, 2009, pp.143)
ii. Collecting and studying historical data about the solar plant
type and its deference from the wind type to avoid the culture
and environmental deference resulting from different
industries (Meredith & Mantel, 2009, pp.130)
iii. Enrich my knowledge about the new project from two basics
point, the project supporting degree of the top management
and the project critical problems to collect my key team
members during the meeting to instill team problem
orientation. ((Meredith & Mantel, 2009, pp.108)
iv. Set a Plan of procedures to manage my new situation against
multicultural management, identify my personnel gaps,
identify different cultures between the 150 team members,
explore their needs, determine strengths & weakness as
individuals, determine the project objectives and level of
priorities, set communication strategy, get commitment from
all stakeholder and define the reporting structure.

1. Invited Individuals team

I will invite the key individuals to the meeting as it is authorized
from my director.
The reason of limitation the key individuals from within the team
as follow.
i. My director authorized the meeting to them only.
ii. It is not reasonable to meet such large number without
dividing them into functional groups to get the required
iii. The first meeting agenda is usually related to the key
individuals that aimed to ensure the project objectives and
established the ground rules, communication plan between
team members and some suggestions included. (PennState,

I will focus also on meeting the senior management for different

organizational units, this the first time to meet them I prefer it an
internal meeting inside our organization without any invited
external stakeholder as client or sponsor. I believe that as Wong
(2007, pp.15) clarifying that we are in a critical stage of quite
different, need big effort to achieve success opportunity.

Reference List

• Burke, R., Kenney B., & Kott, K., 2001. Success or Failure: Human Factors in
Implementing New Systems.[Online].
Available at:
[Accessed 04 December 2010]
• Meredith, R.J. & Mantel, Jr., J.S.,2009. Project management: a managerial approach. 7th
ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons
• PennState, n.d. What do we do in meetings? [Online].
Available at:
[Accessed 04 December 2010]

• Wong, BTZ., 2007. Human factors in project management: concepts, tools, and techniques
for inspiring teamwork and motivation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
• Workman, D., 2008. Multicultural Project Management: Globalized Work Teams Present
Opportunities and Challenges [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 04 December 2010]

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