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Ingredient Report Spec Name: CORN OIL, LIQUID (LCO) (ING9000041) 21:09:58

Spec ID: 30.320 Category: Vegetable Oil Created: 07/10/2014

System Id: 16960 Status: Approved Last Updated: 02/06/2019
Version: 8 Created By: NAR: Owen, Maryse Effective: 12/15/2014
Location: United States Next Review: 07/16/2020

F-L Stock #: Bulk 2900 for FCC, 3668 for TC, 3617 for PC, 4198 for Coating. Totes 4903.

Refined, bleached and deodorized corn oil that is made from crude corn oil.

Contains no additives.

% Ingredient Name Descriptor
100 Oil, Corn
100.000000 Total

Attribute Descriptor Method # - Name Frequency UOM Min Aim Max

Attribute Specifications/Key Attributes
Free Fatty Acids Receiving AOCS Ca 5a-40 Shipment % 0.01 n/a 0.06
Comment: Report trends at or near the USL to Ingredient QA.
Free Fatty Acids Vendor AOCS Ca 5a-40 Shipment % 0.01 n/a 0.05
PV Vendor AOCS Cd 8-53 Shipment meq/kg 0.0 <0.2 0.5
PV Receiving AOCS Cd 8-53 Shipment meq/kg 0.0 n/a 1.0
OSI @ 110 deg F AOCS Cd 12b-92 Shipment hours 7.5 9 n/a
Flavour Fresh AOCS Cg 2-83 Shipment Hedonic tbd Bland tbd
Comment: Flavor Panel , no off odors.
* Attribute Specifications/Descriptive Attributes
Lovibond Red Color AOCS Cc 13b.45 Lot n/a n/a n/a 3.0
Moisture n/a AOCS Ca 2e-84 Lot % n/a n/a 0.03
* para-Anisidine n/a AOCS Cd 18-90 Lot n/a 0 4.0 6.0
Comment: Receiving plant to take value from COA, if available.
Trans Fatty Acids Total AOAC 996.06 Lot % 0 n/a 1.0
Fatty Acid C16:0 AOCS Ce 1h-05. Lot % 7.5 n/a 15.0
Composition Palmitic.
Fatty Acid C18:0 AOCS Ce 1h-05. Lot % 1.0 n/a 4.0
Composition Stearic.
Fatty Acid Oleic Acid AOCS Ce 1h-05. Lot % 24.0 n/a 31.0
Composition (C18:1)
Fatty Acid C18:2 AOCS Ce 1h-05. Lot % 53.0 n/a 63.0
Composition Linoleic.
Fatty Acid Linolenic AOCS Ce 1h-05. Lot % n/a n/a <2
Composition Acid (C18:3)
Phosphorous n/a AOCS Ca 12b-92 Certified ppm 0 3.0 5.0
Comment: Aim value represents typical.
Copper n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Certified n/a n/a n/a 0.1
Iron n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Certified n/a n/a n/a 0.2
Manganese n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Certified n/a n/a n/a 0.1
* Chromium n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Certified n/a n/a n/a 0.1

CONFIDENTIAL Spec ID: 30.320 Page 1 .

Ingredient Report Spec Name: CORN OIL, LIQUID (LCO) (ING9000041) 21:09:58
Spec ID: 30.320 Category: Vegetable Oil Created: 07/10/2014
System Id: 16960 Status: Approved Last Updated: 02/06/2019
Version: 8 Created By: NAR: Owen, Maryse Effective: 12/15/2014
Location: United States Next Review: 07/16/2020

Attribute Descriptor Method # - Name Frequency UOM Min Aim Max

* Nickel n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Certified n/a n/a n/a 0.1
Calcium n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Certified n/a n/a n/a 1.0
Magnesium n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Certified n/a n/a n/a 1.0
Sodium n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Certified n/a n/a n/a 1.0
Total Saturated Crop Related AOCS Ce 1h-05. Lot % n/a n/a 16
Fatty Acids
Comment: The Maximum values to be less than C:16&18 maximum limits. Report target
values by crop.
* Attribute Specifications/Regulatory
* PepsiCo Risk Medium n/a
Comment: 2-Heavy metals
Gluten n/a AOAC 991.19 Gluten Certified ppm n/a n/a <20
* Kosher Pareve n/a
* Denotes Revision
Attribute Descriptor Aim /m High /M n c UOM
Hazard Category - IV - Non SIP IV - Non SIP n/a

Certified frequency means that supplier runs sufficient analyses to confirm process routinely delivers the specified
value. If the process upsets or other changes occur that are known to, or might affect the value, samples are run to
determine if corrective action is needed. Frito-Lay should be notified as soon as possible, but at least prior to
shipment if the oil supplied is not or might not meet the specified limit.

· Vendor's approval is based off of this routed report: YES
· Limits as Specified by Frito Lay
· Vendor Approval By:
· Date Approved:

Other Requirements/Supplier QA Program Requirements


Liquid products shall pass through a strainer with a maximum 150 micron (0.15mm) opening just before final
filling. Exceptions approved through F-L QA.

CONFIDENTIAL Spec ID: 30.320 Page 2 .

Ingredient Report Spec Name: CORN OIL, LIQUID (LCO) (ING9000041) 21:09:59
Spec ID: 30.320 Category: Vegetable Oil Created: 07/10/2014
System Id: 16960 Status: Approved Last Updated: 02/06/2019
Version: 8 Created By: NAR: Owen, Maryse Effective: 12/15/2014
Location: United States Next Review: 07/16/2020


Sanitation/ GMP Audit annually and performed by the A.I.B. GMA Safe or SQF; including but not limited to:
a. Pest control programs
b. Master Sanitation Schedules
c. Chemical controls
d. Vendor Programs
e. Outside warehouse A.I.B. audits, etc.

1. Ingredient Safety Management

2. Recall of product
3. Flavor control
4. Process Performance/ Capability System
5. Meet GLP Laboratory Method Validation
6. Quarterly Submission of Quality Compliance Data to FL Ingredient Quality Assurance*

*Attributes to report are

· PV
· Trans Fatty Acids, as Total
· Fatty Acid Distribution (if listed on specification)
· Data to be summarized as: average, min, max, standard deviation and number of readings
· Para-Anisidine to be time charted by individual results.

Other Requirements/FL Plant QA Program Requirements

See the Raw Material Receiving, Specifications and Procedures in Edocs, for plant QA programs.

Other Requirements/Packaging Requirements

· Shipped in clean and secured, dry tank wagons/railcars or lined drums with food approved lids.

· Vendor load-out lines contain a 150 micron stainless steel filter or smaller, just prior to the vessel to ensure
removal of extraneous materials and polymerized oils. Screen must be routinely inspected. Alternatively, if the
process contains a working sound-alarm connected to changes in the pressure gauge then, a filter sock may be
used at the final filter step prior to loading.

· All vessel hatch, port, pipe and/or vent openings contain a food safe closing, and where appropriate, use food
safe material gaskets. Each closure has individually identifiable and traceable seals that provide integrity of
the closure during supplier storage and distribution. List shall be recieved with shipment.

CONFIDENTIAL Spec ID: 30.320 Page 3 .

Ingredient Report Spec Name: CORN OIL, LIQUID (LCO) (ING9000041) 21:09:59
Spec ID: 30.320 Category: Vegetable Oil Created: 07/10/2014
System Id: 16960 Status: Approved Last Updated: 02/06/2019
Version: 8 Created By: NAR: Owen, Maryse Effective: 12/15/2014
Location: United States Next Review: 07/16/2020

· Supplier's optimum temperature at loading is 85 - 105 degrees F and is not to exceed 130 deg. F/ 55 deg C., or
shipment is rejectable.

Frito-Lay plant Receiving temperature is <130 degrees F or shipment is rejectable.

Information to be supplied on the bill of lading must include the product name (special attention to "Natural"
status), net weight, name of manufacturer and location, F-L specification and stock code number, lot and/or batch
identification, date of manufacture, shipping date and name of transportation company.

Other Requirements/Storage Requirements

Maximum oil loading temperature not to exceed: 130 ºF /55 ºC

Information to be supplied on the bill of lading must include:

1. Product name
2. Net weight
3. Name of manufacturer and location
4. F-L specification and stock code number
5. Lot and/or batch identification
6. Date of manufacture
7. Shipping date
8. Name of transportation company
9. List of vessel seals with location.

Optimum silo storage temperature is ambient up to 90 deg F.

Frito-Lay plants:

In general for liquid oils, it is recommended to store the oil at as low a temperature as possible, based on ambient
temperature and for efficient intra-plant oil distribution.

In the event that the ambient temperature is low, it is suggested to BEGIN heating oil when the silo oil temperature
reaches 65 deg.F., and to DISCONTINUE heating when the silo oil temperature reaches 90 deg. F. Do not to
exceed 105 deg F as a result of heating the stored oil or oil staged for railcar unloading.

In the event that the ambient temperature is high, the silo oil temperature may exceed 105 deg.F. This
environmental effect is the only acceptable cause for exceeding the 105 deg F limit for silo stored oil.

CONFIDENTIAL Spec ID: 30.320 Page 4 .

Ingredient Report Spec Name: CORN OIL, LIQUID (LCO) (ING9000041) 21:09:59
Spec ID: 30.320 Category: Vegetable Oil Created: 07/10/2014
System Id: 16960 Status: Approved Last Updated: 02/06/2019
Version: 8 Created By: NAR: Owen, Maryse Effective: 12/15/2014
Location: United States Next Review: 07/16/2020

FL Brand usage may prescribe various storage temperatures however, the maximum allowable silo storage
temperature of 105 deg.F remains as the upper limit.

Nitrogen blanketing of oil storage tanks is required for any oil destined for use on Fried PC products.

Other Requirements/Regulatory Requirements




Other Requirements/COA Requirements

A Certificate of Analysis (C.O.A.) must be received at the plant at time of material receipt. The C.O.A. will

1. Frito-Lay Raw Material specification and stock number

2. Material name
3. Shipping location
4. Manufacturing date (month/day/year) (list for both crushing and refining if two different locations) and
batch code(s)
5. Loaded shipment results and Frito-Lay limits for all Attributes (This will vary by oil and application -
See specification list of attributes for detail. Only list those required for shipment & lot frequency.)
6. Lot code
7. Vessel number (if bulk) and seal numbers by location if more than one seal
8. Oil Loading Temperature not to exceed 130F.
9. Indicate prior materials shipped in the vessel from the last 2 railcar shipments or past 1 truck shipment
(whichever applies).
10. Certify vessel inspection approval (for food protection) by yes/no
11. Date (Month/Day/Year)
12. Employee's Signature, Electronic Signature is acceptable.

Attribute Specifications/Sensory Attributes

Bland, pale yellow, and odorless oil; absent of rancid fishy, soapy, or any off flavors.

CONFIDENTIAL Spec ID: 30.320 Page 5 .

Ingredient Report Spec Name: CORN OIL, LIQUID (LCO) (ING9000041) 21:09:59
Spec ID: 30.320 Category: Vegetable Oil Created: 07/10/2014
System Id: 16960 Status: Approved Last Updated: 02/06/2019
Version: 8 Created By: NAR: Owen, Maryse Effective: 12/15/2014
Location: United States Next Review: 07/16/2020

Approved Vendor(s)
Vendor Vendor Name City State Country Vendor
Status Location Product Code
See NAR Cargill Oil

CONFIDENTIAL Spec ID: 30.320 Page 6 .

Ingredient Report Spec Name: CORN OIL, LIQUID (LCO) (ING9000041) 21:09:59
Spec ID: 30.320 Category: Vegetable Oil Created: 07/10/2014
System Id: 16960 Status: Approved Last Updated: 02/06/2019
Version: 8 Created By: NAR: Owen, Maryse Effective: 12/15/2014
Location: United States Next Review: 07/16/2020

Approved Vendor(s)
Vendor Vendor Name City State Country Vendor
Status Location Product Code
Active Cargill Oil Memphis TN USA
Cargill Oil Sioux City IA USA Inactive
Cargill Oil West Fargo ND USA
Inactive Cargill Oil Wichita KS USA
Active Cargill Oil Des Moines IO USA
Cargill Oil Clavet SK Canada
See NAR ADM Food Oils (Archer
Location Daniel Midland)
ADM - Oils Des Moines IA USA
Active ADM- Oils West Decatur IL USA ADM
Location # 167
ADM - Oils Clinton IA USA
ADM - Oils East Decatur IL USA
ADM - Oils Enderlin ND USA
ADM - Oils Frankfort IN USA Inactive
ADM - Oils Quincy IL USA
ADM - Oils Decatur 3665 IL USA
ADM - Oils Valdosta GA USA
ADM - Oils Windsor Canada
See NAR Gavilon LLC -
Location Distributor- Oil
Gavilon LLC Memphis TN USA Distributor
See NAR California Oils
Location Corporation
California Oils Richmond CA USA
See NAR Ingredion - Oil, dextrose
Active Ingredion Bedford Park IL USA Formerly Corn
Products Intl.
Active Ingredion Cardinal ONT Canada Formerly
See NAR Colorado Mills LLC
Inactive Colorado Mills LLC Lamar CO USA Tenaska
See NAR Stratas Foods 10248

CONFIDENTIAL Spec ID: 30.320 Page 7 .

Ingredient Report Spec Name: CORN OIL, LIQUID (LCO) (ING9000041) 21:09:59
Spec ID: 30.320 Category: Vegetable Oil Created: 07/10/2014
System Id: 16960 Status: Approved Last Updated: 02/06/2019
Version: 8 Created By: NAR: Owen, Maryse Effective: 12/15/2014
Location: United States Next Review: 07/16/2020

Approved Vendor(s)
Vendor Vendor Name City State Country Vendor
Status Location Product Code
Inactive Stratas Foods Quincy IL USA
Stratus Foods - Memphis TN
Active Stratus Foods Decatur IL USA
See NAR Catania Spagna
Active Catania Spagna Ayers MA USA

Test Methods
Attribute Descriptor Method # - Name Method Type Sample Frequency Attachment
Specifications/Ke Location
y Attributes
Free Fatty Acids Receiving AOCS Ca 5a-40 Reference Plant Shipment
Free Fatty Acids Vendor AOCS Ca 5a-40 Reference Vendor Shipment
PV Vendor AOCS Cd 8-53 Reference Vendor Shipment
PV Receiving AOCS Cd 8-53 Reference Receiving Shipment
OSI @ 110 deg F AOCS Cd 12b-92 Reference Vendor Shipment
Flavour Fresh AOCS Cg 2-83 Reference Vendor Shipment
* Attribute Descriptor Method # - Name Method Type Sample Frequency Attachment
Specifications/De Location
Lovibond Red Color AOCS Cc 13b.45 Reference Vendor Lot
Moisture n/a AOCS Ca 2e-84 Reference Vendor Lot
* para-Anisidine n/a AOCS Cd 18-90 Reference Vendor Lot
Trans Fatty Acids Total AOAC 996.06 Reference Vendor Lot
Fatty Acid C16:0 AOCS Ce 1h-05. Reference Vendor Lot
Composition Palmitic.
Fatty Acid C18:0 AOCS Ce 1h-05. Reference Vendor Lot
Composition Stearic.
Fatty Acid Oleic Acid AOCS Ce 1h-05. Reference Vendor Lot
Composition (C18:1)
Fatty Acid C18:2 AOCS Ce 1h-05. Reference Vendor Lot
Composition Linoleic.
Fatty Acid Linolenic AOCS Ce 1h-05. Reference Vendor Lot
Composition Acid (C18:3)
Phosphorous n/a AOCS Ca 12b-92 Reference Vendor Certified
Copper n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Reference Vendor Certified
Iron n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Reference Vendor Certified
Manganese n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Reference Vendor Certified
Chromium n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Reference Vendor Certified

CONFIDENTIAL Spec ID: 30.320 Page 8 .

Ingredient Report Spec Name: CORN OIL, LIQUID (LCO) (ING9000041) 21:09:59
Spec ID: 30.320 Category: Vegetable Oil Created: 07/10/2014
System Id: 16960 Status: Approved Last Updated: 02/06/2019
Version: 8 Created By: NAR: Owen, Maryse Effective: 12/15/2014
Location: United States Next Review: 07/16/2020

Test Methods
Attribute Descriptor Method # - Name Method Type Sample Frequency Attachment
Specifications/Ke Location
y Attributes
Nickel n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Reference Vendor Certified
Calcium n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Reference Vendor Certified
Magnesium n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Reference Vendor Certified
Sodium n/a AOCS Ca 18-79 Reference Vendor Certified
Total Saturated Crop Related AOCS Ce 1h-05. Reference Vendor Lot
Fatty Acids
Attribute Descriptor Method # - Name Method Type Sample Frequency Attachment
Specifications/Re Location
Gluten n/a AOAC 991.19 Gluten Reference FARRP Certified

NAR Other Requirements

Name Supplier Type Issued Expires Comments
Supplier FL Plant QA January 2016
Minimum Program
Regulatory Req FL Plant QA
COA - FL Plant QA
Requirement for Program
Pkg Req Oil FL Plant QA
Storage Req Oil FL Plant QA

CONFIDENTIAL Spec ID: 30.320 Page 9 .

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