خطبتي الجمعة 30-1-1439 - المسجد الحرام

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Sheikh Dr.

Saleh Al Talib 30/01/1439 (20/10/2017G)

Meditations on Surat Al-Mu’menoon

Khutbah Topic
His Eminence Sheikh Saleh Al Talib –May Allah protect him– delivered this Friday
khutbah entitled “Meditations on Surat Al-Mu’menoon” in which he talked about the Surat
(Chapter) of success, “Surat Al-Mu’menoon” (“Chapter of the Believers” in the Qur’an). He
highlighted some of the contemplative meanings contained in this great Surat, concentrating
on the reasons behind success via the admonitions, spiritual counsels, and parables therein.

Part One
Praise be indeed to Allah! We praise Him, seek His assistance, pray for His
forgiveness, and seek refuge with Him from our own evils and misdeeds. He whom Allah
guides will never be led astray, and he whom He misleads will never find anyone else to
guide him. I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah alone with no partner, and I bear
witness that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger. May Allah send His Salat (Graces,
Honours, and Mercy), Peace, and Blessing upon him, his Family, and all his Companions!

Now then,

I remind you that Almighty Allah’s commandment to the earlier and later generations
of mankind is to observe taqwa vis-à-vis Him (fear of disobeying Him).

... And verily, We have recommended to the people of the

Scripture before you, and to you (O Muslims) that you (all) fear
Allâh, ... [Al-Nissa’: 131]

The most incapable are those who follow their instinctive desires and cherish
expectations from Allah (without devoutly performing good deeds), and the most sagacious
are those who hold themselves accountable and engage in performing good deeds in
preparation for the Hereafter.

Let it be known to you that life in the Herein is but transient desires and the Hereafter
is the eternal abode:

Sheikh Dr. Saleh Al Talib 30/01/1439 (20/10/2017G)

"Whosoever does an evil deed, will not be requited except the like
thereof, and whosoever does a righteous deed, whether male or
female and is a true believer (in the Oneness of Allâh), such will
enter Paradise, where they will be provided therein (with all things
in abundance) without limit. [Ghafer: 40]

O Muslims!

There is a strong bond between deeds and their respective rewards. The future of good
deeds is bright even though their present might be strenuous. Conversely, the future of evil is
hideous however eye-catching its present illusory facade might prove to be. People are
usually concerned with their daily life and engrossed therein. However, this attitude is an
obstruction to the perception of truth and a trap for the heedless.

In the Book of Almighty Allah there is a Surat dubbed “The Surat of Success”, and in
the written copies of the Qur’an, it is titled Surat of Al-Mu’menoon. It affectionately attaches
the attention towards the hereafter and reassures the believers about their agreeable future. As
for disbelievers, they are reserved a woeful destiny.

Allah started the Surat with mentioning success and concluded it with mentioning
success, too. He started it with mentioning the success of the believers, thus:

Successful indeed are the believers [Al-Mu’menoon: 1]

He concluded it by denying success to the disbelievers when He said:

Surely! Al-Kâfirûn (the disbelievers in Allâh and in the Oneness of

Allâh, polytheists, pagans, idolaters, etc.) will not be successful.
[Al-Mu’menoon: 117]

Between the opening and the conclusion of the Surat, Allah talks about the
characteristic traits of the successful and narrates the stories of His prophets with their
respective communities. So, he who embraced faith did, as a result, gain success and
salvation. Within the text of the Surat, Allah mentioned the reasons leading to success, and in
its conclusion, He mentioned the final destiny of the successful as well as the disbelievers:

Then, when the Trumpet is blown, there will be no kinship among

them that Day, nor will they ask of one another. Then, those whose
scales (of good deeds) are heavy, - these, they are the successful.
And those whose scales (of good deeds) are light, they are those
who lose their ownselves, in Hell will they abide. [Al-Mu’menoon: 101-

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O Muslims!

Successful indeed are the believers. Those who offer their Salât
(prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness. And those who
turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and
all that Allâh has forbidden). And those who pay the Zakât. And
those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual
acts), Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their
right hands possess, for then, they are free from blame; But
whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors;
Those who are faithfully true to their Amanât (all the duties which
Allâh has ordained, honesty, moral responsibility and trusts etc.)
and to their covenants; And those who strictly guard their (five
compulsory congregational) Salawât (prayers) (at their fixed stated
hours). These are indeed the inheritors. Who shall inherit the
Firdaus (Paradise). They shall dwell therein forever. [Al-Mu’menoon:

Among the characteristic traits of the successful, Allah mentioned the

performance of prayer and the payment of zakat. These two pillars of Islam are
mentioned as a pair in the religion of Allah. Allah –to Whom belong Might and
Majesty‒ says:

And they were commanded not, but that they should worship
Allâh, and worship none but Him Alone (abstaining from
ascribing partners to Him), and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-
Salât) and give Zakât: and that is the right religion. [Al-
Bayyinah: 5]

A hadith goes: “Islam is founded on five pillars: attesting that there is no divinity
except Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger, performing prayer, giving zakat, ...”

Allah has also mentioned another pair of the traits typifying the successful: upholding
one’s tongue and guarding one’s chastity. Imam Bukhari narrated that Sahl ibn Saad ‒May
Allah be pleased with him‒ reported that the Messenger of Allah –May Allah’s Salat and
Peace be upon him– said: “I guarantee Paradise for whomever vows to guard what is
between his jawbones and his legs.”

The Arabic word “laghw” (in the verse above) means any false, unbeneficial talk.
How much futility and fallacy there is in people’s talk today! This is all the more so in the

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sphere of modern means of communication and social media which have facilitated
expression without any restrictions. As a result, futile and fallacious talk has become a
dominant practice and its dissemination through posting has become easier. This has led sins
committed in private to be committed in public, and the wrongdoings formerly confined to
private living rooms have now invaded space with all its dimensions. Consequently, sins have
multiplied, and the burden of misdeeds has gained further gravity.

In religious texts, there is cautioning against the sin of amplifying lies which spread
among people, as opposed to lies which remain unpublicised. In one of the hadiths narrated
by Imam Bukhari, the Prophet –May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him– is reported to
have seen (in a dream) a man whose jawbone was being incised. He was told that was the liar
who was telling lies; and whose lies kept being quoted until they reached the horizons.

Thus, whoever abstains from being involved in futile and fallacious talk in the Herein
will be among the inheritors of the Firdaws (the highest place in Paradise). Some of the
blessings which will be bestowed upon them and which Allah has talked about in His Holy

They shall not hear therein (in Paradise) any Laghw (dirty, false,
evil vain talk),... [Maryam: 62]

… and:

Where they shall neither hear harmful speech nor falsehood, [Al-
Ghashiyah: 11]

Allah mentioned other characteristic traits of the successful: honesty and keeping
covenants and contracts. They are unlike the hypocrites who do not honour their pledges,
engage in immoral confrontations when they dispute, lie when they talk, do not keep their
promises, and show disloyalty when entrusted with responsibility.

The characteristic traits of the successful are a combination of articles of faith, ethical
standards, worships, and transactions. Whoever holds fast to them will be granted success:

These are indeed the inheritors. Who shall inherit the Firdaus
(Paradise). They shall dwell therein forever. [Al-Mu’menoon: 10-11]

Abu Hurairah ‒May Allah be pleased with him‒ reported that the Messenger of Allah
–May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him– said: “When you ask Allah to grant you
Paradise, do ask Him for Firdaws. For it is the highest place in Paradise and its centre. It
is from Firdaws that the rivers of Paradise spring up to flow and over it is located the
Throne of the All-Compassionate.” [Narrated by imam Bukhari]

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In the middle of the Surat, there is reiteration of this meaning and these characteristic
traits, but from another perspective:

Verily! Those who live in awe for fear of their Lord; And those who
believe in the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs,
revelations, etc.) of their Lord, And those who join not anyone (in
worship) as partners with their Lord; And those who give that (their
charity) which they give (and also do other good deeds) with their
hearts full of fear (whether their alms and charities, etc., have been
accepted or not), because they are sure to return to their Lord (for
reckoning). It is these who race for the good deeds, and they are
foremost in them [e.g. offering the compulsory Salât (prayers) in
their (early) stated, fixed times and so on]. [Al-Mu’menoon: 57-61]

It is obvious that the people described above are those mentioned at the beginning of
the Surat: those who are promised success and the Firdaws where there will be their eternal

Al-Tirmithi narrated that Aisha ‒May Allah be pleased with her‒ said: “I asked the
Messenger of Allah –May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him– about this verse: And
those who give that (their charity) which they give (and also do other
good deeds) with their hearts full of fear (whether their alms and
charities, etc., have been accepted or not) … . [Al-Mu’menoon: 60]; ‘Is it about
those who drink wine and steal?’ He said: ‘No, O you daughter of Al-Siddeeq! It is rather
about those who fast, pray, and give zakat, but fear that their deeds will not be accepted (by
Allah).’ It is these who race for the good deeds, and they are foremost in
them [e.g. offering the compulsory Salât (prayers) in their (early) stated,
fixed times and so on]. [Al-Mu’menoon: 61].”

O Muslims!

In the Surat of success, that is “Surat Al-Mu’menoon”, Allah first relates the story of
Nooh (Noah) and how his community treated him. Nothing in the Surat precedes the story of
Noah except the story of creation, since mankind, before Noah, used to follow tawheed
(monotheism) and the path of success. In fact, the first kind of polytheism ever practiced on
earth was that by the community of Noah ‒Peace be upon him!

Ibn Jareer and others narrated that Ibn Abbas ‒May Allah be pleased with him and his
father‒ said: “There was a time interval of ten generations between Adam and Noah ‒Peace
be upon both of them‒ all of whom were following the true law of Allah.”

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Allah related the story of Noah and his community as a reminder for the succeeding
generations. Almighty Allah also said at the end of the story:

Verily, in this [what We did as regards drowning of the people of

Nûh (Noah)], there are indeed Ayât (proofs, evidences, lessons,
signs, etc. for men to understand), for sure We are ever putting
(men) to the test. [Al-Mu’menoon: 30]

Imam Malik ‒May Allah bless his soul‒ said: “The Prophet’s Sunnah is Noah’s ship;
he who boards it will be saved, and he who stays behind will be drowned.”

O servants of Allah!

As the narrative unfolds, further parables about other communities not named by
Almighty Allah have been mentioned in the Surat. Exegetes differed in this regard: Are they
A’ad, the people of Hood or are they Thamood, the people of Saleh? Allah ‒May He be
glorified‒ says:

Then, after them, We created another generation. And We sent to

them a Messenger from among themselves (saying): "Worship
Allâh! You have no other Ilâh (God) but Him. Will you not then be
afraid (of Him i.e. of His Punishment because of worshipping others
besides Him)?" [Al-Mu’menoon: 31-32]

It seems that Allah has not named them because what matters most is the moral to be
drawn by successors, which is already guaranteed despite anonymity. The main objective is
to mention the final destiny of the successful who believed in their prophet’s divine message
and the punishment awaiting the disbelievers.

He said: "O my Lord! Help me because they deny me." (Allâh)
said: "In a little while, they are sure to be regretful." So As-Saîhah
(torment - awful cry, etc.) overtook them with justice, and We
made them as rubbish of dead plants. So away with the people who
are Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers, disbelievers in the Oneness
of Allâh, disobedient to His Messengers, etc.). Then, after them, We
created other generations. No nation can anticipate their term, nor
can they delay it. Then We sent Our Messengers in succession,
every time there came to a nation their Messenger, they denied
him, so We made them follow one another (to destruction), and We
made them as Ahadîth (the true stories for mankind to learn a

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lesson from them). So away with a people who believe not. [Al-
Mu’menoon: 39-44]
Allah destroyed the non-believing nations reducing them to ruins. Now, they are

… So away with a people who believe not! Then We sent Mûsa

(Moses) and his brother Hârûn‎‎ (Aaron), with Our Ayât (proofs,
evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and manifest
authority. [Al-Mu’menoon: 44-45]

After the revelation of the Torah, Allah never decreed that any nation be eradicated or
totally annihilated. He, the Almighty, said:

And indeed We gave Mûsâ (Moses) - after We had destroyed the

generations of old -the Scripture [the Taurât (Torah)]. [Al-Qasas: 43]

Therefore, we witness that some of the Israelites still live on today, and that the signs
Allah revealed unto Moses still reverberate to this day.

And indeed We gave Mûsâ (Moses) the Scripture, that they may be
guided. And We made the son of Maryam (Mary) and his mother as
a sign, and We gave them refuge on high ground, a place of rest,
security and flowing streams. [Al-Mu’menoon: 49-50]

O Allah! Make us from among Your successful servants and righteous allies upon
whom no fear shall come nor shall they grieve1!

May Allah make the Great Qur’an a blessing for us and may He guide us to its
Straight Path! I say this and I pray Almighty Allah to forgive me and you.

Part Two
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the
Owner of the Day of Judgment! I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, the King, the
Ultimate Truth. I also bear witness that Muhammad is His Servant and His true and faithful

The expression in boldface is borrowed from the Holy Qur’an, Surat Yunus, verse 62.

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Messenger. May Allah send His Salat, Peace and Blessing upon him, his Family and all of
his Companions!
O Muslims!

Within the folds of Surat Al-Mu’menoun, the reasons for success are all too evident
and the whiffs of the Generous Lord all too pervasive. Among such reasons of success in this
Surat is eating what is halal (religiously permissible):

O (you) Messengers! Eat of the Tayyibât [all kinds of Halâl foods

which Allâh has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals,
milk products, fats, vegetables, fruits, etc.] and do righteous deeds.
Verily! I am Well-Acquainted with what you do. [Al-Mu’menoon: 51]

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah ‒May Allah be pleased with him‒ reported the
Messenger of Allah –May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him– to have said: “O people!
Allah is Pure and, therefore, accepts only that which is pure. Allah has commanded the
believers as He has commanded His Messengers by saying: O (you) Messengers! Eat
of the Tayyibât [all kinds of Halâl foods which Allâh has made lawful
(meat of slaughtered eatable animals, milk products, fats, vegetables,
fruits, etc.] and do righteous deeds. Verily! I am Well-Acquainted with
what you do. And He said: O you who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh -
Islâmic Monotheism)! Eat of the lawful things that We have provided
you with. [Al-Baqarah: 172]. Then he made a mention of the person who “travels for a
long period of time with his hair dishevelled and covered with dust. He lifts his hands
towards the sky (in supplication): 'O my Lord! O my Lord!' But his food is haram
(religiously impermissible), his drink is haram, his clothes are haram and his nourishment
is haram; how can his supplication be accepted then?" [Narrated by Imam Muslim]

Also, one of the reasons for success is reflecting on the Holy Qur’an, believing in it,
and complying with its commands and prohibitions.

Have they not pondered over the Word (of Allâh, i.e. what is sent
down to the Prophet ‫)صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬, or has there come to them what
had not come to their fathers of old? [Al-Mu’menoon: 68]

In fact, the Book of Allah is the ultimate light, guidance and mercy.

Say: "In the Bounty of Allâh, and in His Mercy (i.e. Islâm and the
Qur’ân); - therein let them rejoice." That is better than what (the
wealth) they amass. [Yunus: 58]

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Verily, this Qur’ân guides to that which is most just and right and
gives glad tidings to the believers (in the Oneness of Allâh and His
Messenger, Muhammad ‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬, who work deeds of
righteousness, that they shall have a great reward (Paradise). [Al-
Isra’: 9]

Another reason for success is being cognizant of the Messenger of Allah –May
Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him– believing in him, adhering to his guidance, and
learning lessons from the experiences he underwent.

Or is it that they did not recognize their Messenger (Muhammad

‫ )صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬so they deny him? Or say they: There is madness in
him? Nay, but he brought them the truth [i.e. Tauhîd: Worshipping
Allâh Alone in all aspects, the Qur’ân and the religion of Islâm], but
most of them (the disbelievers) are averse to the truth. [Al-
Mu’menoon: 69-70]

These two matters are the ultimate factors that should not be overlooked, and no
success or right guidance can be attained without both of them. Infallibility and salvation is
solely ensured by adhering to them. These two matters are conjoined by the words of the
Prophet –May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him– as narrated and authenticated by Al-
Hakim: “I have left two matters with you. As long as you hold to them, you will not go
astray: The Book of Allah and my Sunnah.”

In “Sahih Muslim”, Jabir ‒May Allah be pleased with him‒ reported the Prophet ‒
May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him– to have said in the Farewell Pilgrimage: “I have
left among you something which if you hold to, you will never again go astray: Allah’s

In the Surat of success, supplication is yet another factor for achieving success:

Verily there was a party of My slaves, who used to say: "Our Lord!
We believe, so forgive us, and have mercy on us, for You are the
Best of all who show mercy!" [Al-Mu’menoon: 109]

It is a supplication that ought to be carried out with a devout heart, a pleading tongue,
and tearful eyes, one in which you should beseech Allah to guide you to the path of the
successful and to make you steadfast on Islam until you meet Him.

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Hudhaifah –May Allah be pleased with him– said: "There will come a time when no
one will attain deliverance except those supplicating (Allah) the way a drowning person
would." [Narrated by Ibn Abi Shaibah with a good chain of narration]

The Prophet –May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him– used to supplicate using
these words: "O You Who can turn hearts over, keep my heart firm upon Your religion!”
In fact, there is dire need for such a supplication especially in times of seditions and unrest.

Another reason for achieving success in Surat Al-Mumenoon is observing patience:

Verily I have rewarded them this Day for their patience: they are
indeed the ones that are successful. [Al-Mu’menoon: 111]

If it were not for the virtue of observing patience, after the Grace and Mercy of
Almighty Allah, no one would have been rewarded with good in the Herein or the Hereafter.
It is thanks to patience and firm belief (in Allah) that religious imamate is obtained. A saying
goes: “Those who observe patience will be successful.”

A great asset towards observing patience is trying to envisage the consequences (of
sinning) and being unquestionably cognizant of the fact that observing patience while trying
to resist sins is much easier than having to put up with Allah’s severe retribution.

And be patient; verily, Allâh wastes not the reward of the good-
doers. [Houd: 115]

O you who believe! Endure and be more patient (than your

enemy), and guard your territory by stationing army units
permanently at the places from where the enemy can attack you,
and fear Allâh, so that you may be successful. [Al Imran: 200]

O Allah, help us reflect on Your Book, understand Your Words, carry out Your
commands, and do what pleases You!

This is said, do pray Allah to send His Salat and Peace upon the one He sent as Mercy
for the Worlds and true Guidance for all humanity.

O Allah! Send Your Salat, Peace, and Blessing upon Your Servant and Messenger,
Muhammad, his kind and virtuous Family, his magnanimous and auspicious Companions,
and those who follow them righteously till the Day of Judgement!

O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims! O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and
Muslims! O Allah! Fail tyrants, polytheists (who associate partners with You) and corruptors!

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O Allah! Grant victory to Your Religion, Your Sacred Book, Your Prophet’s Sunnah,
and Your true servants!

O Allah! Foreordain for this Ummah (the nation of Islam) a matter (an affair) of
rationality (guidance) where pious people are honoured and sinful people are guided, and
where al-ma’roof (good deeds) is promoted and al-munkar (evil deeds) is prevented, O Lord
of the Worlds (mankind, jinn and all that exists)!

O Allah! Make preoccupied with their own evil those who wish to harm Islam,
Muslims, and their homelands! O Allah! Turn their plots and their cunning against them and
make that the cause of their own destruction, O Lord of the Worlds!

O Allah! Grant victory to the mujahedeen in Your cause in Palestine and wherever
they may be, O Lord of the Worlds! O Allah! Lift the siege around them, improve their
conditions, and suppress their enemy!

O Allah! Help us liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque from the oppressors’ injustice and the
occupiers’ aggression!

O Allah! We beseech You by Your Supreme Name to have mercy on our Muslim
brothers and sisters wherever they may be! O Allah! Be with them in Palestine, Syria, Iraq,
Yemen, Burma, and everywhere, O Lord of the Worlds! O Allah! Have mercy on them, rid
them off their affliction, and bring them speedy relief! O Allah! Set right their conditions,
gather them around right guidance and protect them against the malicious among them!

O Allah! Help us defeat the tyrants and oppressors and those who side with them! O
Allah! Send down Your sturdiness and wrath upon them, O You, the Lord of Truth!

O Allah! Guide our leader, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, to do whatever
you love and accept! O Allah! Guide him to piety and righteousness! O Allah! Grant him, his
Crown Prince and assistants success to do what is good for the people and the country!

O Allah! Protect and grant success to our soldiers who are stationed on our borders
and who are striving to safeguard the security of our country, people and sanctities! O Allah!
Grant them support, assistance and protection!

O Allah! Grant success to all the leaders of Muslims in order to govern by Your
Sharia and follow the Sunnah of Your Prophet –May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him! O
Allah! Make them merciful to Your true servants!

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O Allah! Make our country and all Muslim countries around the world safe and
prosperous! O Allah! Protect us against the evil of wrongdoers, the maliciousness of the
lecherous, and the evil of those plotting to carry it out by day or night!

…Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the
Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the
Fire! [Al-Baqarah: 201]

Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and our transgressions (in keeping
our duties to You), establish our feet firmly, and give us victory
over the disbelieving folk. [Al Imran: 147]
O Allah! Forgive our sins, cover our flaws, make easy our affairs and make our
wishes in what pleases You come true! O Allah! Forgive our sins, those of our parents, our
grandparents, our wives and children, You are All-Hearing!
O our Lord! Accept from us, You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing! Accept our
repentance, You are Forgiving, Merciful!
Glorified be our Lord, the Lord of Honour and Power! He is free from what they
attribute unto Him! Peace be on the Messengers! And all praise and thanks be to Allah, the
Lord of the Worlds!


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