Level 3 Reading and Writing Vocabulary List - Sheet1

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Level 3 Unit 1 Reading and Writing Vocabulary List

advertise ('Advertise) to make something known generally or in public, especially in order to sell it
advertisers ('Advertisers) organizations that pay for the promotion of their products, services or ideas
advertising ('Advertising) the business of drawing public attention to goods and services
advertisement (Adver'tisement (ad)) a public promotion of some product or service
Campaign (Cam'paign) a series of actions that are intended to achieve a particular result, especially in business or politics
catchy ('catchy) describes something that you hear and remember
commercial (com'mercial) (adj.) related to business; (noun) a TV or radio advertisement
competition (compe'tition) the people or groups that are trying to beat you in business or sports
convince (con'vince) to persuade someone to do something
exotic (e'xotic) uncommon, different, exciting
fail to be unsuccessful in doing something
firm a business or small company
global ('global) multinational, worldwide, international
goal something that you hope to achieve in the future
impress (im'press) to affect positively
market ('market) a particular country or area where a company sells its products
message ('message) the main idea or the most important idea in a movie, book, speech, ad, essay, etc.
succeed (suc'ceed) (verb) to do what you have tried to do
successful (suc'cessful) (adj.) effective; having a good result; convincing
success (Suc'cess) (noun) a favorable or satisfactory outcome or desired result

Level 3 Unit 2 Reading and Writing Vocabulary List

astonishing (A'stonishing) very surprising
deception (de'ception) (n.) a lie
duplicate ('duplicate) an identical copy of something
fake not real
fishy ('fishy) appearing not to be reliable
fraud something intended to deceive
honesty ('honesty) truth; the quality of being truthful
impersonate (im'personate) pretending to be someone else
impress (im'press) have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
motive ('motive) reason for doing something
suspicious (su'spicious) (adj.) appearing not to be reliable; feeling that someone or something cannot be trusted
weary ('weary) exhausted or tired because of great strain or stress
con man ('con man[woman]) a swindler who exploits the confidence of his/her victim
swindler ('swindler) a person who cheats you by means of deception or fraud
swindle ('swindle) to cheat out of money or property
benefit ('benefit) verb: to gain or recieve good results from something; noun: something that aids or promotes well-being
get hooked on become addicted to; become unable to stop doing something
qualifying making it into a competition

Level 3 Unit 5 Reading and Writing Vocabulary List

beauty ('beauty) (noun) the qualities that give pleasure to the senses
coastal ('coastal) in the ocean or on the land near the coast (the area where the land meets the water)
consequences ('consequences) things that happen as a result of a particular action or situation
continent ('continent) one of the large land masses of the earth
effect (e'ffect) (noun) what happens as a result of the cause
environment (en'vironment) the area in which something exists or lives
fragile ('fragile) easily broken, damaged or ruined
frozen ('frozen) turned into ice
glaciers ('glaciers) huge sheets of ice moving slowly through land or rock formations
harsh difficult to live in and very uncomfortable
huge very large, especially vertically
icebergs ('icebergs) masses of ice that float in the ocean
inhabit (in'habit) to live in an area or a place
landscape ('landscape) the way an area of land looks
natural ('natural) existing in or in conformity with nature
ozone layer ('ozone layer) atmospheric layer in which ozone gas is relatively concentrated
preserve (pre'serve) to save something or someone from being harmed or destroyed; a place where this is done
protection (pro'tection) preservation from harm, danger, annoyance, or any other evil
remote (re'mote) far away from towns and cities
research ('research) to study a subject in detail, especially in order to discover new facts or test new ideas
scenic ('scenic) having attractive and impressive natural views
scientific (scien'tific) of or relating to the practice of science
scientist ('scientist) a person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences
sunlight ('sunlight) the main source of energy for life on Earth
temperature ('temperature) a measure of how hot or cold something is
tourist ('tourist) someone who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure
vast extremely large, especially horizontally

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