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Preliminary Examination 2009

Higher 2

Paper 1
September 2009

Additional Materials: Answer Paper 3 hours

List of Formulae (MF 15)


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Answer all the questions.

Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place in the case of angles
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The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

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5 x 2  3x  1 ax  1 b
1 Find the real numbers a and b such that = 2  . [2]
( x  1)( x  2)
x 1 x  2
5 x 2  3x  1
Hence, find  ( x2  1)( x  2) dx. [3]

2 Without the use of a calculator, solve the inequality  2. [5]
x  6 x  11

3e x
Hence, find the range of values of x which satisfies  1. [2]
4e2 x  12e x  11

3 The sequence u1, u2, u3, … is defined by un   r  r ! for all positive integers n.
r 1

(i) Calculate the values of 1  un for n =1, 2, 3 and 4. [2]

(ii) Make a conjecture for un in terms of n. [1]
(iii) Prove your conjecture in part (ii) by mathematical induction. [4]

4 A radioactive substance decays at a rate which is proportional to the square of the mass
remaining. Initially, the mass is 100 mg and after 9 days, the mass remaining is 25 mg.
Letting x be the mass of radioactive substance remaining and t be the time in days, find [5]
x in terms of t. [2]
Determine the total time (to the nearest day) after which the mass remaining is 7 mg.

5 (a) Find the roots of the equation z 4  1  i in the form rei where r   and –  <   . [3]

(b) In an Argand diagram, O represents the origin and P represents the complex number
4 + 3i. Given that O, P, Q and R are the vertices of a square described in an
anti-clockwise orientation, find the complex numbers represented by Q and R.

6 Referred to the origin O, the position vectors of A and B are i + 3j + 2k and 3i + 2j – k

(i) Find the position vector of M, where M is the mid-point of A and B. [2]
(ii) Find the cosine of angle AOB. [2]
(iii) OM is extended such that OX = 2OM. Using the result in (ii), find the exact area of
OAXB. What is the geometrical shape of OAXB? [4]

TJC/Prelim Exam 2009/MA H2 9740

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7 A sequence of positive real numbers x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , ... satisfies the recurrence relation

2x 1
xn  n 1 , for positive integers n.
xn 1  3
(i) As n   , xn   . Determine the exact value of  . [3]
(ii) Describe the behaviour of the sequence when x0  0.5 . [1]
(iii) Show that xn1  xn when xn   . [4]

8 The functions f and g are defined by

  x  2   4, x  , x  2 ,
g:x , x  , x  k, x ≠ 5, x ≠ 9.
 x  7 4

(a) (i) Sketch the graphs of f and f −1 on the same axes, showing the relationship
between the two graphs.
(ii) If f    f 1   , show that  2  3  0 .
(b) State the maximum value of k such that the inverse of g exists. Hence find
(i) the inverse of g, stating its domain,
(ii) the range of gf. [3]

9 (a) Find the sum of the arithmetic series

(m + 1) + (m + 3) + (m + 5) + . . . . + (3m − 3)
where m is a positive integer. [4]

(b) A customer purchases a new 52-inch LCD television set from Counts Hypermarket
for $7000 and decides to pay the entire amount by loan instalment. He takes the loan
at the beginning of June during the Mid-Year Sale and he repays $p at the end of each
month where p < 7000. The Hypermarket will then charge a 5% interest on the
outstanding balance after each monthly repayment. Show that the outstanding amount
owes at the end of the nth month is 7000(1.05)n  21 p 1.05n 1 . [3]
Deduce the least monthly repayment amount p, rounded off to the nearest dollar,
required to pay off the entire loan by the end of the 12th month. [3]

10 Let y  tan  ln(1  x)  .

Prove that (1  x)  1 y2 . [2]
Find Maclaurin’s series for y, up to and including the term in x 3 . [6]

Hence, find the Maclaurin’s series expansion of y = sec2  ln(1  x)  up to and including the [2]
term in x2.

TJC/Prelim Exam 2009/MA H2 9740

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11 The region R shown in the figure below is bounded by the graph of y  2 x and the ellipse
x 
 1.
(i) Express the area of R in the form  0
f ( x) dx  b where a and b are constants to be
determined and f(x) is a function of x. Hence find the exact area of R by means of the
substitution x = sin  . [7]

(ii) Find the volume of the solid generated when R is rotated  radians about the y-axis. [3]

y2 x

−1 O 1

x 

12 The lines l and m have the equations

  15  1   2  1 
       
r =  4      1 and r =  7     3 
 2  1  3  2 
       
2 
 
respectively. The plane  has the equation r .  0   20 .
 1
 
(i) Find the position vector of the point of intersection between l and m. [3]

(ii) Find the position vector of the point of intersection, A, of l and . [3]

(iii) Show that m and  have no common point. [2]

(iv) Find, in the form r.n = p, an equation of the plane containing m and A. [4]

   End of Paper   

TJC/Prelim Exam 2009/MA H2 9740

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