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Due date: Week 9 (via Turnitin on Moodle)

Weighting: 7.5%
Word limit: 1250 words


Due date: Week 12 (via Moodle)

Weighting: 7.5%
Time limit: 5 minutes
Please note: Presentation slides must be emailed to Workshop Facilitators 48
hours (2 working days) before your workshop in Week 12.


• All groups will be formed in the Workshops between in weeks 3 and 4 and will remain
the same throughout the semester. Students will not be permitted to complete the
assignment individually.
• Students are required to analyse the 2019 Annual Report of Qantas that is available
on Moodle.
• Workshop Facilitators will allocate a section of the Annual Report for each
group in week 4 which will form the basis for the group assignment.
• Students enrolling late into the unit will be placed in groups by Workshop Facilitators.
• The ability of students to understand the assigned Annual Report Section by
conducting extensive research and presenting their understanding through a report
and presentation.
• Students must provide the sources of their information to justify their responses and
• Groups will not exceed four (4) students.
• Group members will be required to sign a contract representing their agreed
responsibilities, commitment to the group and to the completion of the group
assignment for the semester. This completed contract must be emailed to both
Workshop Facilitators during or before the workshop in week 5.
• Students will gather data about the company that will form the content of the report
and of the group presentation.
• Students are expected to begin working on the presentation using PowerPoint
prepare a 5-minute presentation.
• All group members must contribute equally to the report and participate in the
presentation. Failure to do so will result in a mark of zero for that student (unless
there are exceptional circumstances for Special Consideration approved by the Chief

ACC/ACF 1200 Group Assignment – S1 2020
Annual Report Section Guiding Questions
Independent Auditor Report
1. Definition of Annual Report Section
Significant Accounting Policies (General)
2 – Capital and Reserves
Points to consider:
Significant Accounting Policies • What is the section allocated to
3 – Property, Plant & Equipment you about? What does it mean?

Significant Accounting Policies 2. Discussion of how and why Qantas

4 – Revenue Recognition presents the section given to you in
Contingent Liabilities particular way?
Financial Framework Aligned Points to consider:
with Shareholder Objectives • What is the justification for
6 including this section in the Annual
(Page 13)
Report? (Why do you think this
Material Business Risks information is included?)
Corporate Governance 3. Discussion of Implications of
8 Statement presenting the section in that way

Remuneration Governance Points to consider

9 • What Qualitative characteristics
Annual Incentive Outcome would shape/determine the way
10 this information has been
Dividends and Other presented.
11 Shareholder Distributions • Identify any relevant issues
regarding the presentation of this
Capital Expenditure concept (topic) over the last 5
12 Commitments years.

Significant Accounting Policies 4. What impact do you think the current

13 – Reporting Entity Covid-19 crisis would have on the
reporting of the topic allocated to you?
Significant Accounting Policies
14 – Impairment Points to consider
• Do you think the use or disclosure
of the concept would change? Give
reasons to support your answer.
Significant Accounting Policies
15 – Intangible Assets

Please note: These topics will be allocated in Week 3.

ACC/ACF 1200 Group Assignment – S1 2020
Written report requirements:

• Information for this assignment will be primarily sourced from the company website
(including annual reports), other internet sites, course notes and your own knowledge.
• The report should be professionally presented and include a table of contents. Refer
to the Q Manual for assistance with report writing and format.
• APA referencing is required in the report and you must provide a reference list.
• The word limit for the report excludes graphs and tables. There is no word limit for
individual sections of the report.

Report submission requirements:

• Each group must submit the written report via Turnitin on Moodle along with a
signed individual assignment cover sheet for each group member. This must be
submitted online via Moodle.

Presentation requirements:

• All group members submit a video presentation in week 12.

• Each group will have a maximum of FIVE (5) minutes to present their information.
• Presentation slides must be emailed to Workshop Facilitators 48 hours (2 working
days) before your workshop in Week 12.
o IMPORTANT: Please make sure the subject line of the email should state:
Group # Presentation – Day of Workshop – Time of Workshop - Campus (for
example: Group 4 Presentation – Wednesday – 2pm – Clayton)
o The slides must be emailed to BOTH Workshop Facilitators
• Presentations should be interesting and informative and attract the attention of the
audience. The presentation should be supported by visual aids such as PowerPoint.
• A more detailed outline of the marking criteria for the group presentation will be made
available on Moodle.

ACC/ACF 1200 Group Assignment – S1 2020

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