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1. Enter in the link given by your teacher, and register:

2. Create an account:

3. Once you have your account, enter in the link sent by your teacher, and you have
some acKviKes to do:
a. In ‘FICHAS’ review the flashcards, meanings, and examples:
b. Go to ‘APRENDER’ and answer the quesKons:

c. You have to answer everything unKl you have learnt and you have all the words

d. If you have less words in ‘DOMINADOS’ than the total amount of words, you
will get a lower score:

e. When you finish, make a screenshot of your final task, and upload it to the
assignment in the EVEA page.
f. NOTE= in the screenshot it needs to appear the SCORE and your NAME! If
any of these two informa@on do not appear, you’ll have 0/10.

g. Then, go to the part that says ‘PROBAR’:

h. Develop the quesKons, and when you are done, make a screenshot and upload
it to the assignment in the EVEA page.

i. You can use the other opKons to pracKce by yourself:

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