Liberal/ Hyperglobalists Perspective

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Choose ​only​ (8) eight terms from the list below.

Provide an objective definition for each term (2 Points)

and explain how it is related to our study of the contemporary world/ globalization (3 Points).

Liberal/ Hyperglobalists Perspective

- Liberal/ Hyperglobalist are the supporters or cheerleaders of globalization. They believe that there
is no other alternative than globalization. They also describe globalization as an inevitable wave
of the future. This is related to our study because this is a part of different perspectives of people
on how they see globalization.

Conservative/ Skeptical Perspective

- Conservative/ Skeptical are the party poopers of globalization. They believe international
relationships are a better form of integration phenomenon. They give birth to rise of anti-global
authoratarian. Mostlikely, these are the people that didn’t benefit from the advantages of
globalization. ​Like the liberals, this is related to our study because this is a part of different
perspectives of people on how they see globalization where we will be able to categorize people’s
beliefs or perspectives about globalization.

Globalization as a Process
- Globalization as a process, it is seen as any global movement of investments, goods, services,
culture, people, finance, etc. As a process, it allows us to reach understanding to one another as
we are exchanging cultures, products, and services to each other. It is revelant to our study
because it allows us the role of globalization in the bigger picture. It gives us awareness of certain
things that we do right now is in the process of globalization.

Globalization as a Condition
- Globalization as a condition questions security, equality, and democracy. In security, an example
could be the covid where it is a product of globalization that threatens our health. Another could
be the promotion of migration where terrorists or other people from another country could
threaten our lives. In equality, accorrding to Joseph Stiglitz, globalization increases inequality
where the wealth distribution between countries is poor. Only hanful or top 10% enjoy the fruits
of globalization where other. 90% of global wealth are only in the hands of 10% ng global
population. In democracy, globalization tends to favor democratic countries as more investors
would like to pour their money on the country that is not having too strict regulations and laws. It
is related to our study because it tackles what globalization can do to our security, equality, and
democracy where we will be able to be aware of the conditions it can give to us.

Globalization as Universalization
- Globalization as universalization is a misconception that if we believe in it, we would miss the
exchange of beliefs and culture seen through concerts, movies, songs, etc. An example would be
the establishing a Philippine movie from another country. Another would be attending a kpop
concert here in the Philippines. It is related to our study because it educates us on different
misconceptions we intended to believe about globalization.Knowing this will not let us miss the
beauty of exchanging cultures where it enables us understanding of different cultures.

Globalization as Westernization
- Globalization as westernization is a misconception that believes western countries are the
dominant ones in the game. It ignores the development path of successful countries such as
China where it is not western country but tends to be one of the dominant players. Also, as seen
in other countries such as South Korea where they have military that is not a western value. It is
relevant to our topic because it allows us to know the misconceptions that we tend to believe
when hearing the word globalization. Knowing it will prevent us from believing in such

Arjun Appadurai
- Arjun Appadurai is a transformationalist where he says that we should not think globalization is
equivalent to cultural imperialism or is that leads us to cultural homogeneity but rather cultural
hybridity and heterogeneity. He believes that globalization is the adaptation of culture of one
another where it also leads us to understanding different cultures of one another. It is relevant to
our study because he shares his perspective and beliefs in globalization where we could learn
and see the optimistic view of globalization.

Cultural Imperialism
- Cultural Imperialism is the dominance of a certain country in the influence or transmission of their
culture and having profit from it. Their domination is seen through their economic and technology
capabilities. An example here is the preference of people watching US movies than other movies
where we know that they are advanced in use of technology such as CGI’s and have a fund to
spend with. It is relevant to our study where we will be able to know the consequence of
globalization. It tells us the dominance that other developed countries can have when there is
open trade and competition between the trades are inevitable.

1. Explain the difficult task of setting a definitive definition of Globalization. (10 Points)
- Globalization does not have a definitive meaning. It is difficult to set a definitive definition of it
because there is a competing definition. First, there are conflicting definitions given by advocates
and critics. Second is the varying measurements where it questions how we measure
globalization. Will it be through GDP? Exhange rates? Third is the contrasting chronologies where
it questions when does globaliztion started? Fourth is the diverse explanation where globlalization
are given different definition as an activity, process, condition, Verb, etc.

2. Since Culture is shared, who do you think transfers their local culture beyond their
borders, and who do you think absorbs/ learns that foreign culture? Do you think that this
transmission of culture correlates with Power? Explain your answer/s. (10 Points)
- I think that every culture transfers through borders through media and migration but the question
will be who will absorb and why. I think that it will correlate with power where the dominant global
players tend to influence more people because they have the economic and technological
capabilities. Given these capabilities, they can make their service and products more attractive
and appealing to be absorbed, bought, and enjoyed by the people from different countries. Other
cultures are also being transferred to other people but in terms of quantity, popularity, and
influence it is not heavily transmitted as other cultures. An example here could be the tendency of
people to choose US music albums than PH albums where PH influences other people but the
US influences greater scale or quantity of people.

3. Explain Arjun Appadurai’s alternative view of culture in the age of a globalized world. (10
- Arjun Appadurai’s alternative view of culture in the age of a globalized world is showing optimism
compared to other views. He believes that globalization of culture does not lead to cultural
imperialism or cultural homogeneity but cultural hybridity and heterogeneity. It means that through
time it does not lead to americanization because there are also other cultures that are
transmitting which means it leads to the hybridity of culture. This hybridity of culture enables other
country people to reach understanding through knowing different cultures.
Arjun Appadurai
- Arjun Appadurai is a transformationalist where we should not think globalization is equivalent to
cultural imperialism or is that leads us to cultural homogeneity but rather cultural hybridity and
heterogeneity. He believes that globalization is the adaptation of culture of one another where it
also leads us to understanding different cultures of one another. It is relevant to our study
because he shares his perspective and beliefs in globalization where we could learn and see the
optimistic view of globalization.

The optimistic view Supported by indian argen apduray .. Transformationalist.. Should not be
thought of americaniztion of the world ..will not lead to cultural homo.. But hybridity.. Synergized
.. Adopting each other form global identity.. Glocalized .. Media and migration are the
important .. The impact of these on nation depend on political stability of the state if unstabel its
easy for foreing to influence, Doesn’t deny it affect … but not homogenous or americanizatin ..
But New hybrid

Name the Southeast Asian country which is currently under siege by a Military Coup posing instability on
its political and democratic system.
Name the democratically elected President of (your answer in #1) who was arrested and put in house
arrest (again) as part of the military coup.
Name the Southeast Asian country who banned the mandatory wearing of hijab of students who are nor
muslims after its education sector went under scrutiny after complaints against the said policy.

1. Myanmar

2. Aung San Suu Kyi

3. Indonesia

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