Name of Teacher Candidate Lesson Overview

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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.
Name of Teacher Candidate Lynsey Bolden
Lesson Overview
Grade Level 3rd Grade
Estimated Time Needed 55 Minutes
In this lesson students will learn the rules for changing irregular nouns to
Lesson Description irregular plural nouns. They will practice choosing the correct spelling pattern
and adding the correct ending to make words plural.
3.2 (f) Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-
Content Area Standards based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in
writing words.
Technology Standards N/A
TSWBAT spell words using spelling patterns and rules for irregular plural

Singular – Only one person or thing.
Plural - More than one of something (a person, a place, idea or thing).
Terms/Vocabulary Vowel – A, E, I , O, U … and sometimes Y
Consonant – B,C,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Z … and
sometimes Y
Irregular Plural Nouns Powerpoint - Will help present and display the rules
students will need to learn
Irregular Plural Noun Kahoot game - Will help to assess student mastery of
the objective and serve as an exit ticket.
Technology Resources Feet and Puppies, Thieves and Guppies by Brian P. Cleary - This book
will be used to engage the students in the lesson and assess prior
Chromebooks/Other Device - Students will use these to individually play
the kahoot game exit ticket.
Plurals Chart and example words cards- The teacher will use this to model
how to change irregular nouns to plural.
Irregular plurals cards x 17 - Students will use these to practice adding the
correct endings when making nouns plural during whole group practice.
Irregular Plural Nouns Worksheet - Students will complete this during
independent practice.
Other Resources
Pencil - For students to write with
Irregular Plural Nouns Notes - Students will review their notes during
content input and use them to complete their independent and guided
Dry Erase Board - Used to write words from the book to consider.

Lesson Procedures
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
A step-by-step description of the
scope and sequence of lesson
activities, with estimated time on
task noted in parentheses for each
step. In other words, completely
Describe how each stage of
describe the flow of the lesson-the Cite specifically what
the lesson will be managed,
content to be presented, and the resources for this activity
including role of teacher and
strategies to be used. Include will be used, and describe
This template is built on the learners (who is doing what
actual words you will use and in detail how they will be
at each point), location
traditional “Madeline Hunter” questions you will ask students.
(e.g., classroom, computer
lesson structure. Consider items such as: parts of Note who will be using the
lab, outside), and any
the lesson that might be difficult, tool and in what ways. Note
special considerations, such
and how you will know whether any safety considerations
as for differentiated
you can go on; how to ensure that needed.
students completely understand
directions before releasing them to
work independently; and what
students will do if they finish their
work early.
The teacher will engage her
students by playing a read
aloud of the book Feet and
Puppies, Thieves and
Guppies by Brian P. Cleary.
The teacher will be
Before the read aloud, the
presenting a read aloud
teacher will write a few
to the students in her
words on the board for
classroom. She will
students to look at. She will
also be asking her
ask the students:
students questions to
assess their prior The teacher will be
What do you notice about
knowledge of the using a video read
these words? What do these
Focus/Anticipatory Set subject. Lastly, the aloud to play for her
words mean? What is the
(motivational hook) teacher will introduce students. After the
difference between this word
the learning objective story, she will use the
and that word? Why do you
(5 Minutes) to her students. dry erase board to
think the spelling has
write a few words
The students will be from the story.
listening at their desks.
She will then play the read
They will also be
thinking and
responding to
The teacher will then say:
questions posed by the
Today we are going to be
learning about irregular
plural noun rules and when
and how to use them. It is
important to know these
rules because it will help us
in our future writing.
Content-input Next, the teacher will display The teacher is The powerpoint will
(Could include content the first slide in her introducing the be used to display the
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
outline, presentation, powerpoint which is the necessary vocabulary irregular plural rules
questioning, modeling, Vocabulary. She will to her students. Then to the class. The
examples) introduce the words students she will introduce the irregular plurals chart
Modeling: Should include will need to know in order to rules students need to and example word
both Tier 1 (examples) and use the spelling rules. know. She will then cards will be used by
Tier 2 (think aloud) model while thinking the teacher to model
She will say: Singular and aloud how to spell the skill.
(10 Minutes) plural are both words that irregular plural words.
describe how many there are Students notes will be
of something. Singular The students will be used to review at the
means there is just one, observing and listening students desk or to
while plural means more to the teacher at their add more info if
than one. She will tell desks. They will also needed.
students that vowels and be reviewing their
consonants describe a notes.
certain group of letters.
Vowels include the letters A,
E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y.
She will tell students
consonants include all other
letters. Students will already
have these written in their
journals from our previous

She will then go to her next

slide, Y rules. She will
explain that there is a
different rule for consonant +
Y and vowel + y. When there
is a consonant +y we change
“y” to “i” then add “es”. When
there is a vowel + y we just
add “s”. She will then show
two examples from the slide.
Then she will talk about
when to add “es”. She will
tell her students that when a
word ends in “ch”, “sh”, “x”,
“s”, or “z”, just add “es”. She
will show that example.
Next she will tell students
that when a word ends in “f”
we need to change the “f” to
a “v” then add “es”.
Lastly she will discuss how
some irregular plurals have
no rules and will just need to
be remembered. She will say
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
sometimes the spelling of
the word changes
completely from singular to
plural. Ex. mouse to mice.
She will also explain that
some words don’t change
like moose, sheep, or deer.
She will also talk about four
special words that she wants
the students to remember
which are go, do, potato, and
tomato. These words change
to goes, does, potatoes, and
tomatoes. Students will be
reviewing their notes and
adding anything that they

Next the teacher will model

how to use these rules for
the students using her word
cards and chart. Using the
words boy, berry, goose,
bush, wolf, and deer she will
think aloud to demonstrate
the skill. I will change the
words to plural by adding the
correct ending to the word in
order to correctly make it
plural. I will tell students to
make sure they are watching
carefully because they will
need to be able to do this in
their next activity.

Ex. I will use the word thief

from the book. I will say,
“First I can see that this word
ends with the letter “f”. Now
which rule can I use that
deals with the letter “f”?”
While looking and pointing at
the “f” to “v” rule, I will say,
“This rule talks about words
that end in “f”. This rule says
that if a word ends in “f” I
need to change the “f” to a
“v” then add “es”.” I will then
grab the “ves” ending from
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
the chart and place it next to
the word thief with the “v”
overlapping the “f”. I will then
say, “Now I can see that the
plural word for “thief” is

I will repeat this process 3

more times, making sure to
check for student
understanding throughout.

Guided Practice The teacher will explain that The teacher will give The sets of word
Include Check for the class will be working with the directions to her cards will be used for
Understanding Questions their table groups to create students. She will then students to arrange
(15 Minutes) their own irregular plural go around the room and match with the
words using word cards and from table to table correct word and
endings. Students will each checking student’s ending.
have their own set of cards work and asking
to keep from spreading questions to see their
germs amid the pandemic. thinking. She will be
Though they will be using listening and
their own cards, they will be monitoring for student
discussing and working with readiness and
their table in order to place understanding.
each word with its correct
ending in order to create a The students will be
plural word. talking with their
tablemates and
Before the lesson begins, organising their cards.
the teacher will discuss They will be checking
acceptable behavior each other's work and
expectations and introduce making sure they are
her attention grabber. all correct before
playing their thumbs up
(“Class, class”, “yes, yes”) to symbolize that they
are finished.
The teacher will then hold a
discussion to talk about our
answers and how we used
our rules to properly create
irregular plural words.

● How did you know to

add “es” to this
● Why didn’t you add
● How did you know to
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
change the “y” to “i”
before adding “es”?
Students will complete an
independent assignment at
their desk where they will fill
The teacher explains
in a word table with the
the directions to her
correct plural form of a given
students. The teacher
irregular noun.
Independent Practice will just monitor her The students will
Include Check for students. complete the Irregular
The teacher will then hold a
Understanding Questions Plural Nouns
discussion about how they
Students will be worksheet to display
completed their chart.
(15 Minutes) showing what they their new knowledge.
● What about this
have learned and know
word lets you know
by completing the
to change the “y” to
an “i” and add “es”?
● Why didn’t you just
add “s”?
The teacher will be
reading the questions
Exit Ticket: Students will be
to her students and
playing an Irregular Plural The teacher will
displaying the game
Nouns Kahoot game where facilitate the game by
on the board.
they will complete sentences reading the questions
Closure using the correct plural form out to the class.
The students will be
(10 Minutes) of an irregular noun. When
playing the game on
the game is over I will use Students will play the
their devices
the data collected from their game to show their
selecting the correct
scores to assess their new knowledge.
plural form of the
given word to finish
the sentences.
Plans for Leading a Discussion Following Guided Practice and Independent Practice
Plan for Leading a 5-10 Launch Frame
minute Discussion We have been learning how to use spelling rules to change irregular nouns to
Following Guided Practice plural words. What was an important key that helped you to remember what rule
to use.
Eliciting, Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion

● What does adding “s” do to that word?
○ Question Type: Convergent
○ Costa Level: Gathering/Input
● If we add a “d” between the “o” and “y” in boys how would that change
which rule we need to use?
○ Question Type: Divergent
○ Costa Level: Applying
● How can you make that word plural?
○ Question Type: Divergent
○ Costa Level: Applying
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

● Can you tell me more about what ____ said?
○ Question Type: Divergent
○ Costa level: Gathering
● _____ said _____. What do you think about that?
○ Question Type: Divergent
○ Costa level: Gathering

● Why did you choose to add “es” to that word?
○ Question Type: Divergent
○ Costa Level: Processing
● Why do you think that is the correct answer?
○ Question Type: Divergent
○ Costa Level: Processing

Conclusion Frame
We have been using our spelling rules to change irregular nouns to plurals in this
activity. What do you think is the most important thing that you learned? In our
next activity we will continue to think about this concept.
Plan for Leading a 5-10 Launch Frame
minute Discussion You have been completing a chart by writing the correct plural form of the given
Following Independent irregular noun in the chart. How did the ending of each word help you to know
Practice which ending would best complete the sentence?
Eliciting Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion

● What did you get for your answer?
○ Question Type: Convergent
○ Costa Level: Gathering
● How did you determine which ending to use?
○ Question Type: Divergent
○ Costa Level: Processing
● Why is it important to know when and how to use the different spelling
rules with irregular plurals?
○ Question Type: Divergent
○ Costa Level: Processing
● Can you restate what ____ said in a different way?
● ___ explained how he/she knew which suffix to use to complete the
sentence. Can anyone explain it in a different way?

● Why do you think you should add “s” to the root word in this sentence?
○ Question Type: Divergent
○ Costa Level: Processing
● How do you know that you chose the right answer?
○ Question Type: Divergent
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
○ Costa Level: Processing

Conclusion Frame
We have learned how to use different rules for making irregular nouns plural by
adding the correct endings. What do you think is the most important thing to
remember about our lesson today?
We will continue to use these rules in our future writings.
Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accomodations
Sped and 504 students who need additional time to complete the assignments
Special Education will receive additional time/ day. These students will also be allowed to use
Students anchor/ word wall words and have their assessments/
assignment read to them. Dyslexia accommodations will also be demonstrated.
English Language English language learners can work with a peer to help them or translate for
Learners them. They can also have the questions and answer choices read to them.
For gifted students I will use more challenging examples in their
assignments.Since we are working in groups I will allow them to help other
students in order to reinforce their own learning. I could also have them extend
Gifted and Talented
their learning and pique their interests by giving them a book of their choice and
having them create sentences and a graphic organizer chart using words from
the book.
For the post assessment, I will be using the handout that students completed during the independent
practice where they had to fill in the table with the correct plural form of the given irregular plural noun in
order to assess my students. I will also use the exit ticket to show what the students have learned.
I will be using a holistic rubric to evaluate student’s work.

Link to assessment:


Link to Holistic SAC:

Classroom Management Plan for the Lesson

Because we are working in groups and playing games, I needed to use an attention grabber with my
students to keep their behavior acceptable.

When I say “Class, class” students will respond “yes, yes” then I will let them know to bring the volume

During the kahoot games I know students will get a little more rowdy which is acceptable since we are
playing a game.

I want to implement a consistent system when addressing misbehaviors. Therefore, I will implement a
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
hierarchy of consequences.
First I would like to make clear what behaviors are appropriate and what behaviors are not.

Mild Consequences

● When a student is misbehaving I will give them a look or hand gesture

● Rather than call out the student who is misbehaving I will give a shout out to a student who is modeling
the desired behavior.

Moderate Consequences

● Student is pulled aside in order to reflect on their negative behavior and self-discipline.
● Student will receive a mark on the class behavior chart.
● After three marks, the students home behavior chart will be marked.

Severe Consequences

● Student receives a phone call home

● Meeting is held with parents
● Natural and reasonable consequences

For my Quiet/attention Signal and to address off task behavior, I will say “Class, class” and the students will
respond “yes, yes”.

Lesson Resources
Read Aloud -

Independent Practice/assessment -


Kahoot Game -

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