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Physical Therapy Reviews

ISSN: 1083-3196 (Print) 1743-288X (Online) Journal homepage:

Interventions combined with task-specific training

to improve upper limb motor recovery following
stroke: a systematic review with meta-analyses

Sarah R. Valkenborghs, Robin Callister, Milanka M. Visser, Michael Nilsson &

Paulette van Vliet

To cite this article: Sarah R. Valkenborghs, Robin Callister, Milanka M. Visser, Michael Nilsson
& Paulette van Vliet (2019): Interventions combined with task-specific training to improve upper
limb motor recovery following stroke: a systematic review with meta-analyses, Physical Therapy
Reviews, DOI: 10.1080/10833196.2019.1597439

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Interventions combined with task-specific training to improve upper limb

motor recovery following stroke: a systematic review with meta-analyses
Sarah R. Valkenborghsa,b,c,d , Robin Callistera,c,d , Milanka M. Vissere , Michael Nilssonb,c,e and
Paulette van Vlietb,c
Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Australia; bPriority Research
Centre for Stroke and Brain Injury, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Australia; cCentre for Research Excellence in Stroke
Rehabilitation and Recovery, Hunter Medical Research Institute, Newcastle, NSW, Australia; dSchool of Biomedical Science and
Pharmacy, Faculty of Health, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Australia; eSchool of Medicine and Public Health,
University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia


Background: Upper limb (UL) hemiparesis is a common, disabling and persistent problem, Received 17 August 2018
and a major contributor to poor well-being and quality of life in persons after stroke. Revised 15 February 2019
Conventional UL rehabilitation has had limited success. Novel combined interventions are Accepted 17 March 2019
being investigated in an effort to stimulate greater recovery.
Objective: To identify and assess the efficacy of interventions combined with task-specific Stroke; rehabilitation; upper
training aimed at UL motor recovery after stroke. limb; task-specific training;
Methods: A systematic search was undertaken in databases including MEDLINE, MEDLINE In- motor function
Process, EMBASE, AMED, CINAHL, OTseeker, and PEDro. Key inclusion criteria were: peer-
reviewed articles published in English, adults after stroke, and an intervention combined
with task-specific training targeted to improve motor function and/or impairment of the UL
following stroke. Findings from included studies were synthesized qualitatively and meta-
analyzed where there was sufficient homogeneity.
Results: From 3494 citations identified, 120 papers (72 randomized controlled trials and 4
pseudo-randomized controlled trials) were included. Adjunctive interventions (21 categories)
identified included electrical stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation, robotic devices,
mental practice, action observation, trunk restraint, virtual reality, and resistance training. Of
the interventions meta-analyzed, only peripheral nerve stimulation demonstrated small add-
itional benefits over those of task-specific training alone for UL impairment, as measured by
the Fugl-Meyer scale (MD 2.69, 95% CI 1.12, 4.26). Several individual studies found benefits
for other interventions combined with task-specific training, but further investigations are
needed to provide more comprehensive evidence of their efficacy.
Conclusion: To date, there is little evidence that adding another intervention to TST confers add-
itional benefits and therefore there is no evidence to guide rehabilitation professionals. Further
research is required as heterogeneity of studies limited ability to conduct meta-analyses.

Introduction intuitive i.e. simply practice the task (or part of the
task) itself [5, 6]. TST is an umbrella term used to
describe several approaches including task-orien-
Stroke-attributable upper limb (UL) hemiparesis is a tated training and repetitive task training as well as
common, disabling and persistent problem. Motor any combination of the two. TST is a progressive
impairment and limitations in the use of the UL have training program comprising practice of whole tasks
been identified as major contributors to poor well- and, where required, practice of the component
being and quality of life amongst persons after stroke parts that can be systematically reassembled in to
[1–3]. UL rehabilitation has been acknowledged as a the whole task (chaining), with the aim of improv-
‘top ten’ research priority by persons after stroke, as ing ability to carry out activities of daily life (ADLs)
well as their carers and therapists [4]. [7, 8]. Biomechanical analysis of the whole task
Fundamentally, therapy aims to enhance a underpins choice of part-practice to facilitate trans-
patient’s ability to perform particular tasks, and fer of learning to the whole task. Motor maps in the
therefore the reasoning behind one rehabilitation primary motor cortex modify in response to task-
technique, called task-specific training (TST), is specific training, leading to an increase in the area

CONTACT Sarah R. Valkenborghs ATC301, Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition,
University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia.
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

of motor cortex that controls the muscles used dur- tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) drug administra-
ing the task [9]. TST is a component of the ‘motor tion, cognitive impairment or previous strokes.
(re)learning’ or ‘movement science’ rehabilitation
approach [10–12] and is regularly combined with Intervention characteristics
other interventions [10], such as assistive technolo- Studies must have investigated an adjunctive inter-
gies [13]. vention combined with TST targeted to improve UL
Although there is low-moderate quality evidence motor function/impairment following stroke. An
that TST can improve motor function in the hand intervention was classified as TST if it contained
(SMD 0.25, 95% CI 0.00–0.51) and arm (SMD 0.25, high repetitions of functional tasks relevant to daily
95% CI 0.01–0.49), the effect sizes are small and life that was physically performed, in whole or part,
there does not seem to be a dose-response relation- in real-life with the presence of a real tactile object
ship [7, 14, 15]. Since larger doses of task-specific that is functionally relevant to the task performed.
training may be of little benefit for humans beyond Only interventions with the adjunctive component
the window of spontaneous recovery, this empha- delivered within the same session (defined as within
sizes the need to find another potent stimulus to 30 min of the commencement/completion of TST)
further increase neuroplasticity and motor function were included.
after stroke. A range of interventions combined with
TST are being investigated and some have begun to Outcome measures
be recommended by national guidelines [16–18]. To To identify all interventions combined with TST
date, there has been no review to identify all the reported in the literature, studies were included
combinations trialed or meta-analyses to consolidate regardless of whether appropriate UL motor func-
the evidence of their efficacy to improve UL motor tion/impairment outcome measures were reported.
recovery after stroke. Compiling these studies will For evaluation of efficacy, measures of UL motor
determine which novel combinations have been function or impairment were required to be reported.
evaluated, which combinations are beneficial, and
which combinations require further evaluation. This
review will also summarize the details of how these Search methods for identification of studies
combinations of treatments are typically applied and MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process, EMBASE, AMED,
how much time is typically dedicated to their deliv- and CINAHL were searched from inception until
ery in reported studies. April 2017. In addition, the following occupational
therapy and physiotherapy databases OTseeker,
Objectives Physiotherapy Evidence database (PEDro), Chartered
Society of Physiotherapy Research Database, and
This review has three objectives. The first is to iden- REHABDATA were searched. A search strategy
tify all interventions combined with TST aimed at (Supplemental Table 1) was developed for MEDLINE
UL recovery after stroke reported in the literature. by using a combination of controlled vocabulary
Second, the quality of the studies investigating these (MeSH) and free text terms, and it was modified to
combined interventions will be examined. Finally, the suit other databases.
efficacy of the combined interventions will be deter-
mined, including meta-analyses where appropriate.
Study selection

Methods Two review authors screened the titles of the identi-

fied references to identify obviously irrelevant stud-
Selection criteria ies. The abstracts for the remaining studies were
Study characteristics obtained and, two reviewers independently ranked
This review was inclusive with regard to study design, these as ‘possibly relevant’ or ’definitely irrelevant’.
including randomized controlled trials (RCT), cross- If both reviewers identified a trial as ‘definitely
over trials, non-randomized controlled trials, pre-post irrelevant’, it was excluded. The full text of trials
study design, quasi-experiments, and case studies. categorized as ‘possibly relevant’ were retrieved,
reviewed and classified as ‘include’, ‘exclude’ or
Participant characteristics ‘unsure’. Trials classified as ‘exclude’ by both
Study participants were required to be aged 18 years reviewers were excluded. If there was disagreement
and older with a clinical diagnosis of stroke and between reviewers, consensus was sought through
have a stroke-attributable motor dysfunction in the discussion. A third review author was involved if a
UL. Inclusion was regardless of initial UL impair- decision could not be reached. Reasons were pro-
ment, co-morbidities, time since onset, lesion site, vided for excluding any ’possibly relevant’ studies.

Data extraction being counted multiple times, with the means and
SDs left unchanged.
Two review authors independently extracted the fol-
lowing study data from the included studies in to
an excel spreadsheet:
 Study characteristics: study design, year pub- Study selection
lished, inclusion and exclusion criteria, partici-
pant numbers, including gender ratio. A flowchart of the literature search is presented in
 Participant characteristics: age, time since stroke, Figure 1. In total 3494 records were identified, 839
side of lesion. duplicates were removed, and 2655 titles were
 Interventions: brief description of the combined screened of which 2058 were excluded as not rele-
intervention including type, dose (program vant; 597 abstracts were screened of which 230 were
length, session duration, frequency and inten- identified as definitely irrelevant. In total 367 articles
sity), and comparison intervention. progressed to full text review of which 247 were
 Outcomes: measures of motor impairment, func- excluded, resulting in 120 full-text papers being
tion and kinematic data including within- and included in the review, comprising 118 outcome
between-group results, where reported. papers reporting data for 4461 participants and two
protocol papers.
Study authors were contacted by email to obtain
further information or any missing data
where necessary. Study and participant characteristics
The study and participant characteristics are detailed
Methodological quality in Supplemental Table 2. In summary, there were 72
Two review authors independently assessed the RCTs, four pseudo-randomized controlled trials,
methodological quality of included RCTs and four non-randomized controlled trials, 19 cohort
pseudo-randomized controlled trials using the studies, 14 case studies, and 15 case series. Mean
Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale, (SD) ages ranged from 42.6 (9.0) to 78.8 (8.1) years.
which independently assesses studies against 10 cri- The mean (SD) time since stroke ranged from 0.24
teria and categorizes them by score as follows: excel- (0.12) to 134.4 (182.7) months. Two studies pro-
lent (9–10), good (6–8), fair (4–5), and poor (<4). vided no details on time since stroke, however, the
Any disagreement concerning quality assessment inclusion criteria for these studies were <3 months
between the two reviewers was resolved through dis- and 1–5 years since stroke. Eligibility criteria were
cussion, including a third review author if necessary. commonly 6 months (n ¼ 27) or  12 months
(n ¼ 16) post-stroke, and 10 wrist extension
(n ¼ 16). Persons with severe UL impairment were
Meta-analyses for quantitative evaluation included in studies combining electrical stimulation
of efficacy [19–28], robotics therapy [24, 28], dynamic orthoses
Meta-analyses were undertaken using RevMan5 to [28], and action observation [29] with TST. Studies
compare change in measures of UL function and/or were conducted in the United States (n ¼ 43), Japan
impairment between sufficiently homogenous (n ¼ 10), England (n ¼ 9), Canada (n ¼ 8), Italy
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (i.e. same inter- (n ¼ 6), Germany (n ¼ 5), Brazil (n ¼ 4), Australia
vention combined with TST and same outcome (n ¼ 4), Hong Kong (n ¼ 4), Netherlands (n ¼ 4),
measure). Due to the variability of intervention New Zealand (n ¼ 3), Taiwan (n ¼ 3), Denmark
components and extrapolation to a relatively gener- (n ¼ 3), Republic of Korea (n ¼ 2), India (n ¼ 2),
alizable stroke population, a random-effects analysis and Switzerland, Spain, Serbia, Scotland, South
model was used. Results were reported as unstan- Korea, Poland, Israel, and Egypt (n ¼ 1 each), and
dardized mean differences (MDs) and deemed stat- undetermined (n ¼ 1). All studies were published
istically significant at p < 0.05. Confidence intervals since 2002. There has been a steadily increasing
and standard errors were converted to standard body of research into the combination of other
deviations (SDs), where necessary. If a study had interventions with TST (Figure 2). The earliest non-
more than one intervention arm that was to be invasive brain stimulation studies emerged in 2010
included in the meta-analysis, the sample size of the and have since formed a large proportion of the
shared control group was divided by the number of studies since (22 out of 89 studies) that have com-
included intervention arms to avoid participants bined interventions with TST.

Figure 1. Prisma flow diagram.

and control groups, 61 studies were assessor

blinded, and 63 had good retention.

Adjunctive interventions combined with TST

Adjunctive interventions were delivered simultan-
eously with TST in 55% of trials, with 37% being
delivered prior to TST and 8% after TST. Twenty-
Figure 2. No. of publications with interventions combined one categories of adjunctive interventions were iden-
with TST per year. tified and categorized according to definitions by
Pollock et al. [7] as outlined in Supplemental Section
Study quality 1. Supplemental Table 4 provides an individual sum-
PEDro scale score for included RCTs and pseudo- mary description of the intervention from each study.
randomized controlled trials were: good (n ¼ 61), Supplemental Table 5 shows the detailed results of
fair (n ¼ 13), and poor (n ¼ 2) (Supplemental Table each study.
3). Of the 76 rated studies, 72 were determined to
have random allocation, 74 reported point estimates Theta burst stimulation (TBS)
and variability, 64 showed similarity of motor func- Five studies combined TBS with TST [30–34]. All
tion/impairment at baseline between intervention five delivered continuous or intermittent (600

Figure 3. rTMS þ TST vs TST alone (WMFT FAS).

Figure 4. rTMS þ TST vs TST alone (WMFT time).

pulses) TBS at 70% [34] or 90% [30–33] motor tDCS þ TST, five were RCTs (n ¼ 94) [35–39], and
threshold before the participants performed TST. one was a pseudo-randomized controlled trial
Where reported, total therapy time ranged from (n ¼ 12) [41]. Although four studies used the Fugl-
3.75 h (45 min/day for 5 days over 1 week) [34] to Meyer scale to measure changes in impairment, it
7.5 h (45 min/day for 10 days over 2 weeks) [30, 31]. was not possible to perform a quantitative synthesis
Of the five studies of TBS þ TST, three were RCTs as one study used tDCS þ TST while investigating
(n ¼ 41) and one was a pseudo-randomized controlled whether it should be delivered before or after periph-
trial (n ¼ 26) [31–34], but there was insufficient eral nerve stimulation [35], and another study did
homogeneity to enable pooling for a meta-analysis. not report numerical values for the Fugl-Meyer scale
One study found that ipsilesional TBS þ TST [39]. Data were requested from the authors but no
improved UL motor function significantly more than response was received. In general, there appeared to
sham TBS þ TST but there was no difference in be favorable significant differences for tDCS þ TST
improvement of UL impairment [31]. Two studies for UL motor function as measured by the Action
compared ipsilesional M1 intermittent TBS þ TST, Research Arm Test (ARAT), Motor Assessment
contralesional M1 continuous TBS þ TST and sham Scale, and Jebsen–Taylor Test of Hand Function, but
TBS þ TST [32, 33]. One study found no significant there were inconsistent effects for UL impairment.
difference between pre- and post-treatments for any
group [33]. The other study found no significant dif- Repetitive pulse transcranial magnetic stimula-
ference between pre- and post-treatment for the ipsi- tion (rTMS)
lesional M1 intermittent TBS þ TST or sham Eleven studies combined rTMS with TST [42–52].
TBS þ TST groups, and a significant decrement in UL All studies applied stimulation before TST. Typical
motor function in response to contralesional M1 con- parameters were 1200–2400 pulses of 1 Hz stimula-
tinuous TBS þ TST [32]. The fourth RCT measured tion at 90–110% of motor threshold. Total therapy
grip strength and reported that the M1 iTBS þ TST time ranged from 11 h (45 min/day, 5 days/week for
group improved grip strength significantly more than 3 weeks) [50] to 55 h (2  150 min/day for 11 days)
the parieto-occipital vertex stimulation þ TST [47]. Of these 11 studies, six RCTs (n ¼ 220) investi-
group [34]. gated the effects on UL function and impairment
[42–44, 50–52]. Results from pooling four RCTs
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) (n ¼ 110) comparing rTMS þ TST to sham
Seven studies combined tDCS with TST [35–40]. rTMS þ TST found no significant difference for UL
Four studies applied stimulation before TST [35, 36, function as measured by the Wolf Motor Function
39, 40], and three during TST [37, 38, 41]. Four stud- Test (WMFT) Functional Ability Scale (FAS) (MD
ies applied anodal stimulation to the ipsilesional 1.38, 95% CI 0.80, 3.56) (Figure 3). There was also
motor cortex [35, 36, 38, 39], two applied cathodal no significant difference in UL function as measured
stimulation to the contralateral motor cortex [36, 41], by the WMFT time (MD 0.78, 95% CI 1.00, 2.55)
and two used bi-hemispheric stimulation [37, 40]. which was reported in 3 RCTs (n ¼ 70) (Figure 4).
Total therapy time ranged from 5 h (30 min/day, 5 In the RCTs unable to be pooled, there were incon-
days/week for 2 weeks) [36] to 43 h (260 min/day sistent effects for UL function, impairment, and per-
over 10 sessions) [35]. Of the seven studies that used ceived use (Supplemental Table 5).

Figure 5. PNS þ TST vs TST alone (Fugl-Meyer scale).

Figure 6. MTES þ TST vs TST alone (Fugl-Meyer scale).

Electrical stimulation studies applied stimulation to the wrist and finger

In total, 35 studies were included which were div- extensors, but there was a lot of variability in the
ided into the six categories described below. stimulation parameters used. Four studies used the
Bioness H-200 forearm/hand orthosis with stimula-
Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS). Six studies tion of 11 Hz frequency at 36 Hz bursts, with 1:1
combined peripheral nerve stimulation with TST. 7 seconds on/off [20, 22, 26, 58]. Total therapy time
Five studies delivered PNS before TST [19, 53–56] ranged from 10 h (30 min/day, 5 days/week for 4
and one study delivered PNS during TST [57]. weeks) [63] or 10.5 h (30 min/day, 7 days/week for 3
Stimulation was most commonly delivered to the weeks) [67, 68] to 283.5 h (135 min/day, 7 days/week
median (5 studies), radial (2 studies) or ulnar (2 for 18 weeks) [69] or 300 h (300 min/day, 5 days/
studies) nerves at a variety of intensities and ampli- week for 12 weeks) [24]. Of the 22 studies that used
tudes. Total therapy time ranged from 18 h MTES þ TST, 12 RCTs (n ¼ 347) investigated the
(120 min/day, 3 days a week for 3 weeks) [56] to effects of MTES þ TST on UL function and impair-
63 h (135 min/day, 7 days a week for 4 weeks) [54]. ment. Results from pooling four RCTs (n ¼ 72)
Of the six studies that combined PNS with TST, five comparing MTES þ TST to TST alone found no sig-
were RCTs (n ¼ 131) [19, 54–57] that investigated nificant difference for UL impairment (Fugl-Meyer
the effect of PNS þ TST on UL function and impair- scale MD 2.74, 95% CI 0.97, 6.45) (Figure 6).
ment, and one was a pseudo-randomized controlled There were greater effects when an additional study
trial (n ¼ 22) that compared subsensory PNS þ TST that combined sham stimulation with TST in a con-
to suprasensory PNS þ TST [53]. Results from pool- trol group was added to the meta-analysis (n ¼ 108),
ing three RCTs (n ¼ 90) comparing PNS þ TST to but the difference was still not significant (MD 2.80,
TST alone found a significant benefit for UL impair- 95% CI 0.03, 5.64) (Figure 7). In the studies
ment (Fugl-Meyer scale MD 2.69, 95% CI 1.12, unable to be pooled, there were inconsistent results
4.26) (Figure 5). In the studies unable to be pooled, for UL function, impairment, spasticity, perceived
three reported significant differences for UL func- use, and kinematics (Supplemental Table 5).
tion that favored PNS þ TST whereas two studies
reported no significant differences between groups Sensory threshold electrical stimulation (STES).
(Supplemental Table 5). Four studies combined STES with TST [74–77]. Two
studies delivered stimulation before TST [74, 75] and
Motor threshold electrical stimulation (MTES). two during TST [76, 77]. Electrodes or a glove were
Twenty-two studies combined MTES with TST used to deliver 200–250 ls pulses at frequencies vary-
[20–27, 58–72]. 17 studies delivered stimulation dur- ing from 10 Hz to 90 Hz. Total therapy time ranged
ing TST, [20–23, 25–27, 58, 59, 61–63, 65–69, 71], from 25 h (60 min/day, 5 days/week for 5 weeks) [76],
three before TST [24, 60, 64], one after TST [73], to 80 h (120 min/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks) [74].
one study both before and during TST [72], and Of the four studies that used STES þ TST, only two
another both during and after TST [70]. Most were RCTs (n ¼ 58). One study compared STES þ TST

Figure 7. MTES þ TST vs Sham MTES þ TST or TST alone (Fugl-Meyer scale).

to MTES þ TST and found improvements on WMFT Segmental muscle vibration (SMV)
were significantly greater for MTES þ TST than One RCT delivered SMV after TST [80]. Low-ampli-
STES þ TST, but there were no significant differences tude (10 lm) vibration (120 Hz frequency) was deliv-
on the Motor Activity Log (MAL) and Fugl-Meyer ered to biceps brachii and flexor carpi ulnaris while
scale [65]. The other study compared STES þ TST to participants were supine. Total therapy time was 15 h
sham stimulation þ TST but found no significant dif- (90 min/day, 5 days/week for 2 weeks). Significant
ferences between groups for improvement in UL func- differences were found between groups in improve-
tion, impairment or perceived amount of use ment in a number of kinematic parameters that
(Supplemental Table 5) [77]. favored SMV þ TST (Supplemental Table 5).

Dermatomal electrical stimulation. One pre-post Robotics therapy

study delivered dermatomal electrical stimulation Twenty-one studies combined robotics therapy with
during TST [73]. 250 ls pulses of 100 Hz frequency TST [24, 28, 81–99]. Seven studies used robotics
stimulation (less than motor threshold) were deliv- therapy before TST, 12 studies during TST, and two
ered to the C8 dermatome. Participants underwent studies after TST. There was much variation in the
the intervention for an unspecified session time, once robotic devices used: some were EMG/EEG activated
a week for 3 weeks. Participants showed significant [28, 81, 84, 96], some focused on assisting grasp [83,
immediate improvements in three functional tasks 84, 97], while others focused on transport of the UL
when TST was combined with concurrent dermato- [24, 81, 86, 87, 91, 93]. Where specified, total ther-
mal electrical stimulation. apy time ranged from 1.5 h (1  90 min session) [82]
to 300 h (300 min/day, 5 days/week for 12 weeks)
Vagus nerve electrical stimulation. One RCT deliv- [24]. Of the 21 studies that combined robotics ther-
ered this stimulation during TST [78]. The therapist apy with TST, 13 RCTs (n ¼ 435) investigated
delivered 15  100 ls 0.8-mA pulses @ 30Hz fre- robotics therapy þ TST on UL function and impair-
quency to left vagus nerve during each movement. ment. Results from pooling 8 RCTs (n ¼ 248)
Total therapy time was 36 h (120 min/day, 3 days/ comparing robotics therapy þ TST to TST alone
week for 6 weeks). No significant differences found no significant difference for UL impairment
between groups for improvement in UL function (Fugl-Meyer scale MD 0.48, 95% CI 1.48, 2.43)
and impairment were found using an intention-to- (Figure 8). Also, there was no significant difference
treat analyses, but significant differences for impair- in perceived amount (MD 0.02, 95% CI 0.40, 0.43)
ment were found using a per protocol analysis that (Figure 9) or quality (MD 0.01, 95% CI 0.40, 0.42)
favored the vagus nerve electrical stimulation þ TST (Figure 10) of UL use as measured by the Motor
group (Supplemental Table 5). Activity Log (MAL) from 3 RCTs (n ¼ 101). In the
studies unable to be pooled, there were inconsistent
Cortical electrical stimulation. One RCT delivered results for UL function, impairment, perceived use,
cortical electrical stimulation during TST [79]. An and kinematics (Supplemental Table 5).
implantable pulse generator delivered 250 ms, 50 or
100 Hz pulses at 50% of motor threshold to the pri- Dynamic orthoses
mary motor cortex. Total therapy time was 65 h Seven studies combined the use of dynamic orthoses
(150 mins/day, 3–5 days/week for 6 weeks). with TST [60, 97, 100–104]. One study used
The cortical electrical stimulation þ TST group had dynamic orthoses before TST and six studies during
significantly greater improvement in terms of UL TST. Four studies used the SaeboFlex orthosis, one
impairment as measured by the Fugl-Meyer scale used the SaeboMAS orthosis, and the other two
and UL function as measured by the box and block studies used a similar orthosis that involved both
test, but not the Arm Motor Ability Test the proximal and distal UL. Total therapy time
(Supplemental Table 5). ranged from 17 h (60 min/day for 17 days) [102] to

Figure 8. Robotics þ TST vs TST alone (Fugl-Meyer scale).

Figure 9. Robotics þ TST vs TST alone (MAL AOU).

Figure 10. Robotics þ TST vs TST alone (MAL QOM).

189 h (3  45 min/day, 7 days/week for 12 weeks) TST were RCTs (n ¼ 115). One study compared a
[104]. Of the four studies that combined dynamic physical stabilizer restraint þ TST to an auditory
orthoses with TST, three were RCTs (n ¼ 43). One sensor feedback þ TST, and found significantly
study compared a wrist-hand orthosis þ TST to a greater improvement for the auditory sensor group
combination of manual-assisted therapy þ TST and compared to the stabilizer group [107]. Another
found no significant between-group differences for study compared trunk restraint þ TST to resistance
any of the outcome measures [100]. Another study exercise, and found significantly greater improve-
compared either a pneumatic orthosis þ TST or a ment in several kinematic measures for the trunk
cable orthosis þ TST to TST alone, but found no restraint þ TST [108]. The other three studies com-
significant differences among the three groups [97]. pared trunk restraint þ TST to TST alone but were
The third study compared dynamic orthoses þ TST unable to be combined in a meta-analysis as data
to TST alone and found favorable outcomes for dex- for the Fugl-Meyer scale was either not reported or
terity for dynamic orthoses þ TST (Supplemental not reported in a pool-able form [105, 106, 108].
Table 5) [103]. Data were requested from the authors but no
response was received. Two studies reported signifi-
Trunk restraint cantly greater improvement in UL impairment
Five studies used trunk restraint interventions dur- (Fugl-Meyer scale) and function (Test d’Evaluation
ing TST [105–109]. All studies used a physical des Membres Superieurs de Personnes Agees
restraint (e.g. harness, belt, straps) to limit trunk [TEMPA]) for trunk restraint þ TST [105, 109].
flexion. Thielman [107] also had an additional The other study reported significantly greater
group who were restrained by means of a sensor on improvement on kinematic measures of anterior dis-
the back of the chair which provided auditory feed- placement and elbow extension for trunk restraint þ
back in response to reduced trunk pressure. Where TST [106].
reported, total therapy time ranged from 9 h
(45 min/day, 3 days/week for 4 weeks) [107, 108], to Virtual reality (VR)
15 h (60 min/day, 3 days/week for 5 weeks) [105]. Six studies combined VR with TST [82, 97,
All five studies that combined trunk restraint with 110–113]. Five studies used VR during TST [97,

110–113], and one used VR after TST [114]. Total visual cueing þ TST resulted in significantly better
therapy time ranged from 10 h (60 min/day, 5 days/ improvements than TST alone, but there were no
week for 2 weeks) [114] to 45 h (300 min/day for 9 differences in improvement between the two rhyth-
days) [112]. Of the six studies that combined VR mic cueing groups (Supplemental Table 5).
with TST, two were RCTs (n ¼ 39) [97, 114] and
one was a pseudo-randomized controlled trial Mental practice (MP)
(n ¼ 21) [111]. One study compared the effects of Five studies that combined MP with TST were
either a pneumatic orthosis þ TST þ VR or a cable included [123–127]. MP guided by an audiotape was
orthosis þ TST þ VR to TST þ VR alone, but no sig- performed after TST in every study. One study had
nificant differences were found between the three internal perspective and external perspective groups
groups [97]. The other two studies compared [125], and another study had three groups of
VR þ TST to TST alone and had inconsistent results increasing duration of MP: 20, 40 or 60 min [124].
for improvement of UL impairment (Supplemental The total amount of therapy time varied between
Table 5) [111, 114]. 9.6 h (48 min/day, 2 days/week for 6 weeks) to 45 h
(90 min/day, 3 days/week for 10 weeks). Of the five
Feedback studies that combined MP with TST, four were
Six studies combined feedback with TST, which RCTs (n ¼ 91) but were not meta-analyzed due to
were either sub-categories of ‘Feedback on practice’ heterogeneous outcome measures. Two studies
(4 studies [115–118]) or ‘Prompts to practice’ (2 found that MP þ TST improved motor function and
studies [119, 120]). All feedback on practice was impairment significantly more than Sham
provided during TST while both prompts to practice MP þ TST [126, 127]. One study compared the
studies provided prompts before TST as well as feed- effects of internal perspective MP þ TST to external
back during TST. Prompts were provided by means perspective MP þ TST or TST alone and found no
of vibrations from a wristwatch. Feedback on prac- differences between groups [125]. The other study
tice was provided by means of movement tracking compared different durations of MP sessions þ TST
sensors with computer screens, internal and external to TST alone and found that MP duration signifi-
focus, and cognitive coaching (participants guided cantly predicted improvement on impairment, with
through analytical process to give self-feedback on increasing duration related to larger Fugl-Meyer
movements performed and work out strategies to scale score increases (Supplemental Table 5) [124].
improve movement). Total therapy time ranged
from 5 to 7.5 h (20–30 min/day, 5 days/week for 3 Action observation
weeks) [115] to 42 h (180 min/day, 7 days/week for Six studies combined action observation with TST, of
2 weeks) [119]. Of the six studies that combined which half delivered the action observation before TST
feedback with TST, three were RCTs (n ¼ 108). One [29, 128, 129] and half delivered it during TST (i.e. par-
study compared effects of altering the order of ticipant alternated between action observation and task
internal and external focus of attention during TST practice) [130–132]. Action observation occurred via
and found better effects for feedback inducing an video in all studies but one [130] where participants
external focus of attention [116]. The other two observed performance of tasks by a therapist. The total
studies compared feedback combined with TST to amount of time spent doing action observation þ TST
TST alone and found inconsistent results ranged from 6 h (60–90 min/day, 3 days/week for 2
(Supplemental Table 5) [115, 117]. weeks) to 15 h (2  30 min/day, 5 day/week for 3
weeks) although both Franceschini [129] and Sale [29]
Rhythmic cueing adopted a short but frequent 2  15 min/day, 5 day/
Two studies combined rhythmic cueing with TST week for 4 weeks delivery model.
[121, 122]. Chouhan and Kumar [121] tested two Of the six studies that combined action observation
forms of rhythmic cueing combined with TST with TST, four were RCTs (n ¼ 235). One study com-
against TST alone: one used visual cueing with dif- pared action observation þ TST þ conventional phys-
ferent colored boundary markers and objects and ical therapy to conventional physical therapy but
the other used auditory cueing with tasks performed found no significant differences between groups [130].
in pace with a metronome. Hill et al. [122] used an Two studies compared action observation þ TST to
’interactive metronome’ with a hand sensor to pro- sham-action observation þ TST, and found significant
vide visual and auditory feedback via a computer in differences in improvement for UL function and kine-
addition to the metronome beat. The total therapy matic measures for the experimental group, but no dif-
time was 18 h (120 min/day, 3 days/week for 3 ferences in improvements between groups for
weeks) and 30 h (60 min/day, 3 days/week for 10 impairment [129, 131]. The other study compared
weeks), respectively [121, 122]. Both auditory and action observation þ TST þ standard therapy to sham

action observation þ TST þ standard therapy, and concentric repetitions of various shoulder and elbow
there were significant differences in improvement movements at different criterion speeds with an iso-
(relative to the maximum recovery potential) for UL kinetic dynamometer, to TST alone and found signifi-
function and impairment that favored the experimen- cant differences in improvement of UL function that
tal group (Supplemental Table 5) [29]. favored the RT þ TST group, but no differences in
improvement in UL impairment [139].
Sensory training
Two case series studies combined sensory training
with TST [133, 134]. Sensory training consisted of
sensory discrimination of temperature, weight, tex- This systematic review identified 118 studies that
ture, shape, objects, and joint position in the context had combined another intervention with TST for
of active exploration during TST. The total therapy UL recovery after stroke. A total of 21 adjunctive
time was 40 h (240 min/day, 5 days/week for 2 weeks) interventions were described, with the most com-
[133] and 55 h (110 min/day for 30 days) [134]. Both monly combined interventions being robotics and
studies had inconsistent results amongst participants. various forms of electrical stimulation and non-
invasive brain stimulation. Of the 21 interventions
Aerobic exercise combined with TST, only five were able to be meta-
Two studies delivered aerobic exercise training for analyzed, and of these only peripheral nerve stimu-
45 min before 45 min of TST [135, 136]. Exercise lation conferred small additional benefits over those
was performed on a stationary motor-driven recum- provided by TST alone. A number of other individ-
bent cycle ergometer at 60–80% heart rate reserve ual studies found benefits to interventions combined
with a voluntary (self-selected) cadence or ‘forced’ with TST but further investigations are needed to
(130% self-selected) cadence [136], or 60–69% age- provide more comprehensive evidence of their effi-
predicted HRmax at a ‘forced’ cadence [135]. The cacy. This supports a need to continue developing
total amount of therapy time was 36 h (90 min/day, and researching innovative combinations of inter-
3 days/week for 8 weeks) in both studies. Of these ventions that may prove efficacious in terms of pro-
two studies, one was a RCT (n ¼ 17) that compared moting true recovery beyond the window of
either forced exercise þ TST or voluntary exercise þ spontaneous biological recovery [140].
TST to TST alone, and found no difference between There was a lot of variability of dose parameters
the three groups for improvement in UL function, between studies within and between different cate-
but a significant difference for improvement in UL gories of interventions, and it is also noteworthy
impairment that favored the forced exercise þ TST that many studies did not have beneficial effects for
group (Supplemental Table 5) [136]. The other TST alone (Supplemental Table 5). Although a
study was a single case study of forced Cochrane review had stated that >20 h of TST was
exercise þ TST and reported improvement in UL required to achieve beneficial effects [141], a recent
impairment (Fugl-Meyer scale) and function as update has stated that there was no difference
measured by the WMFT FAS but not WMFT between studies with <20 h and >20 h of TST [15],
Time [135]. and further recent literature has also shown there
is no dose response relationship [14, 142].
Resistance training (RT) Nevertheless, until a minimum dose can be deter-
Three RCTs (n ¼ 91) combined RT with TST mined, future studies should provide participants
[137–139]. Total therapy time varied from 6 h with a robust dose of the intervention to avoid the
(30 min/day, 2 days/week, for 6 weeks) to 24 h risk of under dosing.
(60 min/day, 4 days/week, for 6 weeks). Two studies The incremental body of research into the com-
used resistance during TST by adding load to objects bination of other interventions with TST is an indi-
(e.g. extra liquid to a jug) [137], or using resistance cation that the field is continuing the search to find
bands, weights and varying grip width-span [138]. new strategies to improve UL motor recovery after
One study compared RT þ TST to TST alone and stroke. The large volume of studies that have com-
found significant differences in improvement of UL bined non-invasive brain stimulation with TST since
function and impairment that favored the RT þ TST 2010 suggests greater alignment in the evolution of
group [137]. The other study compared UL RT þ TST assistive technologies with rehabilitation training
to lower limb RT þ TST and found significant differ- that was called for by Timmerman et al.’s systematic
ences for improvement in UL function based on the review in 2009 [13]. Other interventions that have
ARAT that favored UL RT þ TST, but no difference not yet been combined with TST and evaluated for
on the 9 Hole Peg Test [138]. The third study [139] improving UL motor recovery after stroke in the
compared RT before TST, including eccentric and research literature include complementary therapy

(e.g. acupuncture, homeopathy), music therapy, imagery, a cohort study innovatively combined
stretching, and surgical interventions [7]. motor imagery, EEG, and MTES (in the form of a
The progressive accumulation of studies combin- brain-machine interface) with TST and found sig-
ing different interventions with TST reinforces that nificant improvement in impairment and self-
TST is regarded more and more as a core interven- reported amount of use with medium and large
tion in stroke rehabilitation. Interestingly, guidelines effect sizes, respectively, suggesting that this too
specify that TST may be used to improve function merits further investigation [146].
in persons with at least some voluntary movement The findings of this review were reinforced by
of the arm and hand [17], but our review identified new studies for TST combined with STES [147],
the inclusion of persons with more severe impair- trunk restraint [148], robotic devices [149] and
ment in studies combining electrical stimulation tDCS [150]. The findings of the review were also
[19–28], robotics therapy [24, 28], dynamic orthoses strengthened by new studies on TST combined with
[28], and action observation [29] with TST vagus nerve stimulation [151, 152], action observa-
(Supplemental Table 2). Of these studies, seven were tion [153], feedback to practice [154], and myoelec-
RCTs of which six found that the combined inter- trically triggered MTES [155–157]. Results from two
vention group improved more than the TST only new RCTs on the effects of MTES þ TST on UL
group [19–21, 24, 26, 29]. This may indicate that impairment [158, 159] would have changed the out-
combining TST with another intervention may comes of two of the meta-analyses in this review
make TST more applicable and accessible to persons (Figures 6 and 7) by making the differences between
with a more severe disability e.g. use of a robotic groups significant in favor of those undergoing
device or motor threshold electrical stimulation to MTES þ TST interventions (previously only trending
assist grasp of an object during the repetitive per- towards significant). Therefore it is now plausible
formance of a functional task. that both PNS þ TST and MTES þ TST may confer
Although many of the interventions combined small additional benefits compared to TST alone.
with TST yielded no additional improvement, this is Forest plots for the updated meta-analyses are avail-
not necessarily a negative finding in all cases. able in Supplementary Figures 1 and 2.
Several studies that employed robotic devices or Given the extensive existing evidence for some
dynamic orthoses during TST were not significantly adjunctive interventions and the further exponential
different from the groups that performed time- growth of this literature (as previously illustrated in
matched TST alone. If these types of devices are as Figure 2), we recommend that future reviews of this
effective as therapist-led rehabilitation, they offer a literature should focus on a specific category of
window of opportunity to reduce costs of staffing as adjunctive intervention combined with TST, rather
well as empower patients to practice independently. than combining all of the categories. This would
Interventions such as virtual reality are also more enhance readability and usability of findings by ena-
engaging for patients and can be employed as means bling deeper analysis and interpretation of simi-
of increasing the volume of rehabilitation. lar studies.
A considerable number of new studies have been
published during the time taken to synthesize the
Strengths and limitations
120 papers included in this review, the data from
which may impact upon the findings of this review. The PRISMA statement guided the unbiased con-
For example, two new adjunctive interventions (1. ducting of this systematic review with meta-analyses
mirror therapy and 2. motor [160]. All meta-analyses were statistically homoge-
imagery þ EEG þ MTES) have been combined with neous, indicating that like studies were being com-
task-specific training for the UL after stroke. pared, had reasonable participant numbers, and
Regarding mirror therapy, three studies (one RCT provided a more robust estimate of likely benefit
[143], one crossover RCT [144] and one case series than the individual studies alone. Regardless, there
[145]) have investigated mirror therapy combined were some unavoidable limitations. Only studies
with TST. All three studies found significant, clinic- published in English were included. Another limita-
ally meaningful within-group improvements in tion is not using the TIDieR-based data extraction
measures of UL recovery for participants performing template for systematic reviews [161]; data extrac-
mirror therapy þ TST, which is supported by signifi- tion had already commenced when it was published,
cant between-group differences in the RCT in favor and although we considered adopting it, it was
of mirror therapy þ TST (vs usual care). The sam- deemed unsuitable for our review given the large
ples of the crossover RCT and RCT were very small volume of studies that were included. Although 72
(n ¼ 24 and n ¼ 21, respectively) so further appro- RCTS were included in this review, we were limited
priately powered trials are required. For motor in our ability to perform meta-analyses due to

heterogeneity of outcome measures. Even when Professor Robin Callister is an expert in human physi-
some studies had employed the same outcome ology, with particular expertise in exercise physiology
during recovery from stroke.
measure, they could not be pooled due to the way it
was reported (e.g. omitting standard deviations Milanka Visser has a background in physiotherapy and is
(SD), or using the WMFT but only reporting the currently investigating stroke recovery by means of multi-
modal MRI as part of her PhD in Medicine.
score for the functional ability scale or time taken to
complete, but not both). Professor Michael Nilsson is a neuroscientist, neurologist
and rehabilitation medicine physician who specialises in
stroke recovery.
Suggestions for improving the quality of Professor Paulette van Vliet is a neuro-rehabilitation
conducting and reporting of future studies physiotherapist who specialises in upper limb recovery
following stroke.
It is recommended that investigators of future stud-
ies use the Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation
Roundtable core outcome measures [162] in order ORCID
to increase the homogeneity of measures for future
Sarah R. Valkenborghs
systematic reviews and meta-analyses. We also sug- 2259-4682
gest that in addition to effect sizes and/or P values, Robin Callister
data should be reported in a form that can be used Milanka M. Visser
in a meta-analysis (either mean changes with SD, or 6535-2953
Michael Nilsson
mean (SD) baseline scores and mean (SD) outcome Paulette van Vliet
scores). Although values such as medians, interquar- 4122-373X
tile ranges, percentage improvement or improve-
ment relative to proportion of possible recovery are
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