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1. I remember how, as a new teacher, I would attend a professional development

and feel inundated with new strategies. After the magic of that day wore off, I
reflected on the many strategies/practices/activities that must be improved from
me this 2020.
A. Establish clear goals.
When I will begin a new unit of study or project with students, I will clarify the
purpose and learning goals, and provides explicit criteria on how students can be
B. Give Feedback.
Students need specific feedback on how they are doing. Vague and
unspecific comments are not helpful. It can be oral or written, individual or
group feedback depending on the given task. Excellent feedback includes;
1. Specificity: Name the task, such as “identify the difference between an
infinitive and a participle.”
2. Frequency: Give consistent and frequent feedback to encourage students
and let them know they are on the right track. Opt for a variety of
feedback methods, including self, peer and teacher evaluations.
3.A process-focus: Keep the focus on the learning process rather than the
C.Formative assessment.
In order to provide students with effective and accurate feedback, I need to
assess frequently and routinely where students are in relation to the unit of
study's learning goals or end product (summative assessment).It provides
teachers with a better picture of how students are doing and it reveals what they
may still need and tteachers who consistently gather evidence through formal
data collection are more likely to adjust their instruction to provide students with
what they need for academic success.

2. My expectations from DEPED this 2020.

A. Addressing Teacher Professional Development Issues. The department should
100 % support teachers’ quality. The need for professional training and learning.
1. Lack of time due to accomplishment of reports.
2. Teachers were not fully trained in the change of curriculum. We should be
given equal opportunities to attend seminars/ workshops, /trainings.
3. Why not consider seminars/trainings/workshops not approved by the division
office? I just want a clear and justifiable reason/s since majority of the teachers
shoulder their own expenses and the department cannot provide us enough,
quality and appropriate trainings for professional growth.
4. Lack of budget allocation. Many teachers cannot afford to attend such
because of financial problems. Most of the time we get it from our own pockets
if we would like to attend such seminars. Why not allocate enough funding for
teachers development inclusion of the accommodation fee and allowances
(computation must be before, during and after)
5. Provide scholarship to the qualified teachers who wants to study.

B. Revisit and review the RPMS.

The RPMS requires much time. Majority of its objectives are difficult,
unrealistic and vague. It would affect the quality of teaching because sometimes the
teacher will after the documents rather than the learning of the students. They must
also consider the the real condition of the learners of the community and of the
C. Its high time to push and support the teachers’ protection act, the justifiable
salary increase for teachers and the removal of the non-teaching loads of a
classroom teacher.
We, teachers are considered the engine and the mover of the curriculum. And
yet, we face a lot of situations and challenges most especially inside the classroom
that the higher ups cannot see in their own eyes. These challenges and situations are
the reasons why the teaching quality is affected most especially when we are loaded
with too many paper works and documentations. Why not teachers teach only? We
should also be cared, given enough protection and we should be given the priority to
a justifiable salary increase

3. Essay

It is said that nothing is permanent in this world but change. True enough,
everyone undergoes change daily from birth to death. Teachers, need to change as
well. The classroom of today is not exactly the same when we were in school in our
younger days.

The need to improve constantly is essential because we have to develop skills for
modern teachers and to cater the needs of our diverse learners. We all know that
teaching in a single style may be OK for some students but it is insufficient to reach
all our students. When students struggle to learn, we need to use different strategies.
Teachers need to a variety of professional development skills along with knowledge
of their subject matter and experience in order to be an effective teacher. Likewise,
as rapid developments in technology integrate in to our daily lives, they affect the
way students learn and teachers teach. Part of the journey is knowing about your
students and discovering better ways to help them to learn. So, we teachers, requires
a desire and willingness to continually improve with a shared commitment for
teachers to support one another to develop so that our students benefit from the
highest quality teaching. We cannot achieve this level of professional learning alone.
It is a process that requires commitment from all teachers to active practical and
cognitive engagement in order to seek further growth in professional knowledge that
provides solutions to the issues we face as teachers. Professional growth also
involves reflection This is to ensure that we teachers identify the areas for further
growth and continue to maintain the level of competence that qualified us at the start
of our careers.

Teachers learn from a variety of sources. We earn a master’s degree and a

doctoral degree at some point of our teaching career. We take online courses, read
journals but most of all, we talk to other teachers to learn from our experiences and
improve our skills because best teachers are constantly improving.

The video is all about the story of Sindhutai Sapkal affectionately known as the " Mother of
Orphans" is an Indian social worker and social activist known particularly for her work in raising
orphaned children in India.

We are all aware of what is going on in the world: the competition, the ambitions and
frustrations, the extraordinary brutality, hatred and violence arising from the conflict, the right
against the left and the left against the right. Sindhutai Sapkal ‘s life: with no hope left, she
walked several kilometers away to her mother's place. Her mother refused to shelter her. She had
to set aside the thought of suicide and started begging on railway platforms for food. In the
process, she realized that there were so many children abandoned by their parents and she
adopted them as her own and started begging even more vigorously to feed them. She decided to
become a mother to anyone and everyone who came across to her as an orphan. She later donated
her biological child to the trust Shrimant Dagdu Sheth Halwai, Pune, only to eliminate the feeling
of partiality between her daughter and the adopted ones.

A single act of compassion can change a person’s life forever. It is the most powerful force
in the world. It can defeat indifference, intolerance and injustice. It is able to replace judgment
with acceptance because it makes no distinction between age, ethnicity, gender or disability. It
freely embraces the rich diversity of humanity by treating everyone as equals. It benefits both
those who receive it and those who share it. Every person on earth desires it, and every human
being deserves the willingness to give. It’s the desire to donate your talents, abilities and,
most importantly, your time. It is the commitment to place someone else needs above your own.
Compassion is the bond that unites all of humanity. It embraces the noblest characteristics of
human beings. It allows us to think of others instead of always focusing on ourselves. It refuses to
be selfish, it is willing to forgive, and it accepts people for who they are. 

We can create a meaningful difference in the world simply by performing one simple act of
compassion after another. It is an act of kindness performed simply because it is the right thing to
do. The reward is in knowing that you helped to change someone’s life. The willingness to share
ourselves without thought for what we might get in return. Compassion is the greatest gift one
human being can share with another.
It is never too late for us to make a positive difference in the world. We simply start by thinking
of others first. We consider their needs instead of focusing exclusively on what we want. If we
will begin to fill our lives with compassion, we will develop an increasing awareness of the
courageous struggles waged daily by our fellow human beings. It is impossible to know how
much good can come from a single act of compassion.

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