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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2020; 24: 4572-4575

Outbreak of COVID-19 infection in children:

fear and serenity
Section of Pediatrics and Child Neuropsychiatry, Department of Clinical and Experimental
Medicine, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Unit of Infectious Diseases, University of
Catania, Catania, Italy
Department of Medical Oncology A, National Cancer Institute of Aviano, Italy
Enzo Life Sciences, NY, USA
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Unit of Infectious Diseases, University of
Messina, Messina, Italy

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: The recent outbreak tion for this virus, belongs to the beta-coronavi-
of SARS-CoV-2 greatly involves the resources of rus together with the “Middle East Respiratory
the global healthcare system, as it affects new- Syndrome “(MERS), and the “Severe Acute Re-
borns, adults, and elders. This infection runs
in three major stages: a mild cold-like illness,
spiratory Syndrome” (SARS) which have been
a moderate respiratory syndrome and a severe responsible of previous severe outbreaks1. As sug-
acute interstitial pneumonia. SARS-CoV-2 infec- gested by Wilder-Smith et al3 and Ceccarelli et
tion seems to have a more benign evolution in al4 several clinical aspects distinguish COVID-19
children. As a matter of fact, low susceptibili- from SARS-CoV, including different infection
ty and minor aggressivity have been highlighted period, transmissibility, clinical severity, and ex-
in most cases. There are currently no effective
tent of community spread. SARS-CoV-2 repli-
antiviral drugs treatment for the affected chil-
dren. No sufficient results have been reached cates in the upper respiratory tract, mainly during
by the use of interferon (IFN), lopinavir/ritonavir, the prodromal phase of the infection, reaching
orbidol, and oseltamivir in the treatment of the a high viral load which contributes to a quick
coronaviruses infection. The aim of this short spread of the virus. By contrast, the transmission
review is to highlight the differences existing of the infection caused by SARS-CoV occurs less
between COVID-19 cases in adults and children. frequently during the prodromal period, but the
Key Words:
virus is highly contagious during the acute phase
COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Children. of the disease5. Moreover, Kannan et al6 report-
ed that the chemical and structural differences
also exist between the two Coronaviruses with
regards to the amino acid sequence in the regions
Introduction of the non-structural protein (nsP) 1a/b and the
surface glycoprotein or S protein.
The recent outbreak of Coronavirus infec- Why the viral infection causes pulmonary
tion greatly involves the resources of the global dysfunction and why the clinical course of the
healthcare system, as it affects in first line older infection is milder in children are still a matter of
adult and individuals already burdened by a great debate1,7. The aim of this short review is to high-
number of comorbidities. This novel Coronavirus light the differences existing between COVID-19
may equally affect newborns, adults, and elders. cases in adults and children.
Since its first identification, this novel Corona-
virus changed its name from “2019 novel coro- SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
navirus (2019-nCoV)”, to “severe acute respira- SARS-CoV-2 invades human cells binding to
tory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2), the angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2)
to better reflect the respiratory disorder which is on cell surfaces. This receptor is expressed on
the mainstay clinical sign of the severe disease1,2. type I and II alveolar epithelial cells at different
SARS-CoV-2, the current taxonomical identifica- levels. As a matter of fact, it is more expressed

4572 Corresponding Author: Giuseppe Nunnari, MD, Ph.D, MPH; e-mail:
Outbreak of COVID-19 infection in children: fear and serenity

in men than women, and different levels are range. Positivity of viral nucleic acid test is often
found also according to age and race. ACE2 is found. Severe complications, such as septic shock
considered to have a protective function against and signs of acute respiratory distress syndrome
acute lung injury caused by respiratory virus have been rarely observed and only in children
infection1,7,8. It has been suggested that the virus, affected by other severe comorbidities13,14.
by binding ACE2 may increase its expression As reported by the experience of the outbreak
with subsequent damage to alveolar cells1. in South Korea, in which general population has
The mean period of incubation of the SARS- a similar composition to that of Italy, the prev-
CoV-2 is reported to be 6.4 days, ranging from alence of the infection in individuals younger
2.1 to 11.1 days9. The mean period might be than 19 years was 18% (update March 2nd, 2020).
of 6 days, with a range of up to 14 days, or Since the diagnosis of the first pediatric case on
5.2 days10,11. Respiratory droplets containing the February 19th, 2020, the number of pediatric cas-
virus represent the main source of infection, es gradually increased, and 201 children were
through proximity with aerosolized secretions, diagnosed to be infected withSARS-CoV-2 as
with a sneeze or cough, or from direct contact of March 2nd, 2020. The first pediatric case in
with secretions of affected individuals5. The in- Korea was a 10-year old girl who was exposed
fection may be also transmitted by contact with to positive family members. The proportion of
contaminated objects12. Clinical manifestations pediatric cases was 4.8% of total confirmed cas-
in general recall those of a normal cold, with es. Children younger than 9 years represented
malaise, fever, cough, fatigue, diffuse pain in 15.9% of the pediatric cases. Of note, one of the
association with expectoration, headache, and cases was a 4-year old boy who attended the
dyspeptic episodes. Laboratory examinations daycare center before being tested and found
show in some case leukopenia and mild lympho- positive. Identifying the transmission pattern in
cytosis. Chest computerized tomography (CT) young children requires more data. As of March
scan might show, in the symptomatic phase, 2nd, the youngest pediatric case with COVID-19
signs of bilateral opacities. in South Korea was a 45-day old male baby
This infection runs in three major stages: a who was infected by his father. Most pediatric
mild cold-like illness, a moderate respiratory patients show only the mild clinical syndrome15.
syndrome and a severe acute interstitial pneu- The data drawn from the recent COVID-19
monia. Mild illness is characterized by upper re- outbreak confirm that the infection in adult pa-
spiratory tract as initial symptoms, which more tients is clinically different from the infection
often are the only manifestation of the diseases. affecting children. In particular, two points de-
Sometimes, it progresses to a moderate respi- serve to be highlighted. First of all, epidemiol-
ratory syndrome, with respiratory signs slowly ogy confirms that the infection seems to be less
worsening over the course of several days; in frequent in children. Secondly, clinical manifes-
some cases, the signs of pneumonia become tations are milder with less complications.
more severe, with rapid deterioration of the The minor susceptibility may be due to home
clinical conditions and onset of signs of acute confinement, a decreased number of outdoor
respiratory distress, which requires treatment in activities, and a lower chance of exposition of
intensive care unit5. children14-16. Moreover, a different distribution,
maturation, and functioning of viral receptors
SARS-CoV-2 in Children ACE2 are reported as a possible cause of the
In contrast, SARS-CoV-2 infection seems to age-related different incidence14. Several cases
have a more benign evolution in children. As a of infection in children may be missed. As a
matter of fact, low susceptibility and minor ag- matter of fact, a minor number of tests might
gressivity have been highlighted in most cases. be carried out because of a milder form of the
Clinical reports show a milder form of infection infection13. In addition, a relative resistance of
in children affected by COVID-19. Signs recall children to some infectious diseases is well
a cold-like infection with fever, cough, runny known even if the reason has not been clearly
nose, and gastrointestinal manifestations, such defined. Azhar et al17 reported that in the SARS-
as diarrhea and vomiting. Laboratory analysis CoV outbreak spread in 2002, only 2% of cases
are not informative, as blood cell count, procal- involved children.
citonin, C-reactive protein, and other markers Respiratory viruses tend to suppress innate
of inflammation are usually within the normal immune response to gain a route for efficient

P. Pavone, M. Ceccarelli, R. Taibi, G. La Rocca, G. Nunnari

virus replication and spreading. It is suggested Conclusions

that children may have a more active innate im-
mune response to this aggression14,18. Another SARS-CoV-2 infection remains a source of
possible explanation is linked to a cross-protec- severe complications both in adults and children.
tive action carried out by other previous viral However, in children there is a lower incidence of
respiratory infections. Rhinoviruses, respirato- a symptomatic disease and especially of a severe
ry syncytial virus, and influenza are reported one. Nonetheless, the infection is still dangerous.
with high frequency in children. These infec- Early isolation should be imposed to protect
tions may provide protection against to the children with underlying diseases.
aggressivity of COVID-1918,19. Moreover, the
respiratory tract of children is healthier since is
less exposed to different noxious agents, such Acknowledgment
as cigarette smoke, air pollution, and severe The authors thank European Review for Medical and Phar-
lung disorder20. macological Sciences for allowing the quick publication of
this article without a fee.

COVID-19 Treatment in Children

There are currently no effective antiviral drugs
Conflict of Interest
treatment for the affected children. No sufficient The Authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.
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