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can one imagine working in an organization where there

are no job titles?no managers?and no job
descriptions,and just leaders who are emerged and not
ccThat͛s what it is to work with Gore was founded by Bill gore in
1958.since then it has been a team based organization with a lattice structure.A
manufacturing company by nature which consistently tops the lists of best places
to work for .the uniqueness of gore͛s management structure can be credited to its
corporate culture,which has none of the following,

Œc  c
c c
Œc  c c
c c

Œc  c    c      c

|ated as one of the best 200 companies to work for in 2010 by the fortune
magazine,gore encourages hands-on innovation and decision making.
c ¦cc¦ c ¦
W.l Gore operates with no bosses in an environment,but where trust ,freedom and
innovation are termed precious and wonder it was ͞famous for tearing
up the management rulebook͟

cccccccccccccccccccccccccc how all this happens at Gore?


ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c
Gore with a flat structure and a self managed teams which acts as a building
blocks, consists of various product based business units.gore is very specific about
each facility/unit not growing beyond 200 people.once a unit reaches a certain
size,the principle changes from ͞WE DECIDED͟ to ͞THEY DECIDED͟.

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c('c c

-c Gore has a workplace with no managers and an an environment where no

one tells the other, what to be done͙͙.and everyone͛s opinions are
-c It is designed to drive around individual ownership and empowerment.
-c Gore has a flat organizational structure but it doesn͛t mean it has no
-c Gore has given a new name for the employees called ASSOCIATES who are
hired for general work areas
-c These ASSOCIATES work under the guidance of their SPONSO|S(NOT
-c Working as a team the associates and sponsors exploit the different
oppourtunities available and formulate objectives.
-c The other important attribute the associates and sponsors possess is
C|EDIBILITY and they earn this by defining their projects.

 cc$ !c$ c c *c c% c# +c     c c

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1.Fairness to everyone with whom the company comes in contact.

2.Freedom to help and encourage,allowing other associates to grow in

knowledge,responsibility and scope.

3.The ability to make one͛s own commitments and to keep them

4.Exchange of ideas and consultation with other associates which can impact and
influence the reputation of the is otherwise termed as ͞M 1 c
3   . ͞major decisions are made in consultation with associates,which
prevents͛  c + c c   *or which could affect the organizations success.

c c1c6c 83 /c


ccccccccccccccccccccccc c
Culture of an organization plays a vital role in determining the success or failure of
an is based on set of values and ways of behaving which can be
common to the working community.
A The culture of gore is diversified in heartily welcomes
difference in viewpoints and employees from a variety of backgrounds and
environment.the principles like creativity,participation and
communication fuel the growth of the organization.gore works in the
interest of retaining the best talent in the

c  c 
c c   c c c
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2 c c #c c c  c %c  c  c c

 c c#  c  c. %" c c c# c c !c c%c
  c%!c !he began building his company based on
innovation,where people felt free to create and were highly motivated.

 c$ c#
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c c¦ 

One of the complexity faced by most organizations in the present

scenario,where the traditional ways of management styles are giving
way off to the democratic and empowered management is encouraging
Van an organization/enterprise encourage creativity and
still achieve industrial leadership?
Surprisingly the answer to the question is ǮYESǯ.
The later is being achieved at Gore associatesJ Gore recognized as a
global company, believes that people are the most valuable asset to its
emerging success.

It is a company where people decides their own destiny through the

freedom to encourage,innovate,and scope of responsibility.

The employees are motivated by various financial and non financial

incentives.some of the financial incentives include

a)performance bonuses

b)profit sharing

c)stock options.

c c, ¦-c2 8 3c 8 c


ccccccccccccc c
ŒcThe rewarding system at gore is performance based and
egalitarian. c c
  "  !c c c c  and
often comes with promotions,hike in salary etc.but this is not a
case at Gore.
Œc$  ! c c%  # c c c c c c   c
¦ c ! c c c% c c !c c  c%!c  c.
ŒcPeople are aware of their commitments,and interaction and their
compensation is based on it.
ŒcThe drive to contribute becomes a powerful motivator.

c ¦c c41 c6c 3" cc

33 ¦3

When an individual is highly passionate about the work
he/she does,they are naturally going to motivated
highly.gore believes in this strategy.he also states authority
can only deliver command and not commitment.job
assignments are negotiated with peers and the associates
are not expected to devote 100% of time on one project but
are multifaceted.
$ # c#c !c
c c% " !c *c
 c  c%c c  #c c# c c#c
#+c c c c  !

c 433 21c6c 11¦3c c

½c One of the possible challenge which could be faced is
scaling the gore͛s management model as it grows,in
terms of its
½c Size,culture,geographies and product segment.
½c This could be faced by already existing self managed gore doesn͛t work on few centralized leaders
of enterprise.
½c Winning continually in the market place is an other
challenge.nevertheless gore by nurturing a vibrant
culture can drive innovation in product segments.

c13 c
Gore associates has brought a paradigm shift in the management
model and its functions. Its success is credited to innovative marketing
and unique management philosophies. Gore has facilitated in nurturing
a environment where the leader is not a barrier in decision-making, thus
embarking on a journey of breaking the traditional management rules.

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