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Dentofacial morphology and tongue function

during swallowing
Chia-Fen Cheng, DDS,a Chien-Lun Peng, DDS, PhD,b Hung-Yi Chiou, PhD,c and Chi-Yang Tsai, DDS, PhDd
Taipei, Taiwan

To understand the role of the tongue in the development of occlusion, we examined the relationship between
tongue movements during swallowing and dentofacial morphology with ultrasonography, cephalometric
radiography, and dental casts. Duration, magnitude, and speed of tongue movements were measured in 112
healthy adult volunteers and compared with their dentofacial morphology with a simple correlation analysis.
The results showed that the movements of tongue during swallowing are related to dentofacial morphology,
especially in the motion magnitude of the early final phase (phase IIIa), but that few correlations are found
when analyzing the duration and the speed of swallowing. The results also showed that the intermaxillary
vertical dimension is significantly and positively correlated with the motion magnitude of the tongue
movements. Furthermore, we found that arch length increased with prolonged duration of swallowing. This
study showed that the computer-aided B⫹M mode of ultrasonography combined with the cushion-scanning
technique is a valuable tool for investigating the relationship between tongue movements during swallowing
and dentofacial morphology. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002;122:491-9)

any researchers have studied the relationship adverse effect on dentofacial morphology and could
between form and function of the stomatog- halt the orthodontic process or increase relapse in some
nathic system. It is widely accepted that an cases.
interaction exists between muscle function and dento- Tongue movement cannot be sufficiently examined
facial forms. However, it has long been debated because of the difficulty in accessing the tongue in the
whether muscle function influences bone morphology oral cavity. In the past, examination of the tongue’s
or merely adapts to local changes in the environment. motor function was restricted to pure clinical observa-
For years, orthodontists have theorized that the size, tion. To date, various methods have been used to
posture, and function of the tongue must have some evaluate tongue movements, such as electropalatogra-
relationship to the surrounding oral cavity.1-4 Several phy,21 cineradiography,22 computerized tomography,23
clinicians implicated the size of the tongue and its magnetic resonance imaging,15 electromagnetic articu-
dysfunction as essential etiological factors in the devel- lography,15 and ultrasonography.3,24 Electropalatogra-
opment of malocclusion.5-15 On the contrary, some phy and electromagnetic articulography are not suitable
reports stated that the tongue merely adapts to environ- for examining normal tongue function because it is
mental changes for swallowing and speech.16-20 There- difficult for subjects to swallow normally with receiver
fore, dental professionals must identify abnormal coils and wires attached to their palates or tongues.
tongue postures and movements that might have an X-ray cinematography and computerized tomography
have the disadvantage of radiation exposure. Magnetic
From Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan. resonance imaging is not suitable for examining swal-
Graduate student, Department of Orthodontics, Graduate Institute of Oral lowing movements because of its high cost and long
Rehabilitation, College of Oral Medicine.
Associate professor, Department of Orthodontics, Graduate Institute of Oral acquisition time. Ultrasonography has the advantages
Rehabilitation, College of Oral Medicine. of being noninvasive, rapid, easily repeatable, and
Professor, School of Public Health, College of Public Health and Nutritional relatively inexpensive. Shawker et al25 first used B-
Associate professor, Department of Orthodontics, Graduate Institute of Oral mode sonography to investigate tongue movements
Rehabilitation, College of Oral Medicine. during swallowing. Peng et al26,27 used M-mode ultra-
Reprint requests to: Chien-Lun Peng, DDS, PhD, Department of Orthodontics, sonography for quantitative and qualitative evaluation
Graduate Institute of Oral Rehabilitation, College of Oral Medicine, Taipei
Medical University, No. 250, Wu-Hsing Street, Taipei, Taiwan; e-mail, of tongue functions. On the basis of M-mode images, the swallowing phase was reinterpreted and divided
Submitted, February 2002; revised and accepted, April 2002. into 5 phases (I, shovel phase; IIa, early transport
Copyright © 2002 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
0889-5406/2002/$35.00 ⫹ 0 8/1/128865 phase; IIb, late transport phase; IIIa, early final phase;
doi:10.1067/mod.2002.128865 IIIb, late final phase) according to each turn point
492 Cheng et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2002

between 2 different directions of tongue movement.

The cushion scanning technique28 (CST) was used to
overcome the problems including movement of the
ultrasound transducer during swallowing and compres-
sion of the submental region that caused abnormal
swallowing patterns. Therefore, noninvasive real-time
B⫹M-mode ultrasonography with CST has become the
state-of-the-art tool to study tongue morphology and
observe tongue functions such as swallowing and
The purposes of the present study were to assess the
relationship between movement of the tongue during
swallowing and dentofacial forms, and to evaluate the
applicability of real-time B⫹M-mode ultrasonography
with CST to understand the relationship between the
duration and magnitude of tongue movements during
swallowing and specific types of malocclusions.


One-hundred-twelve healthy volunteers (74 men,
38 women) ranging in age from 20 to 26 years (mean,
22 years) were chosen from the students and the
medical staff at Taipei Medical University and the
patients in the Department of Orthodontics of the
University Hospital. They had no craniofacial deformi-
ties or signs of dysphagia or tongue functional disor-
ders. Informed consent was obtained from all volun-
teers after a brief explanation of this study. Fig 1. Components of CST: 1, cushion; 2, drainage
A noninvasive diagnostic technique, computer- pipe; 3, ultrasound transducer holder; 4, lateral head
aided B⫹M-mode ultrasonography, was used in com- position recording device; 5, frontal head position re-
bination with CST to assess tongue movements during cording device; 6, head support.
swallowing (Peng et al28). A 500-mL polyvinyl chlo-
ride (PVC) bag for intravenous fluid injection (Y. F.
Chemical Corp, Taipei, Taiwan) filled with water as the sound transducer was placed midway between the
transmedium was used as a cushion. The PVC bag was posterior border of the symphysis and the anterior
connected to 2 drainage pipes, ensuring constant pres- margin of the hyoid bone in the midsagittal plane. At
sure in the cushion and an even distribution of the local the same time, the transducer was oriented with its long
pressure arising from movements of the submental area axis perpendicular to the Frankfort horizontal plane.
of the entire mandible. The ultrasound transducer was Ultrasound gel was applied to all coupling surfaces.
fixed by a holder with adjustable hinges, which had The scan line (zero M-position) was placed through the
scales to allow for reproducible registration of different middle of the B-mode sector image (Fig 2). Image
scanning directions. The head supporter provided a contrast was deliberately enhanced to emphasize the
stable support for the forehead and was supplemented tongue surface. The sonographic signals were recorded
with a head-position recording device, consisting of on a digital video recorder (DCR-TRV 110; Sony
frontal and lateral transparent acrylic plates. These Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) and then transferred into an
plates allowed the head to be oriented repeatedly in IBM-compatible personal computer via a frame grabber
relation to the Frankfort horizontal plane, extending (DV FUN; Upmost Technology Corp, Taipei, Taiwan)
from the upper rim of the tragus to the inferior border for digital assessment. The positions of each turn point
of the orbital rim (Fig 1). along the tongue surface on the M-mode image were
Swallowing was studied with B⫹M-mode sono- zoomed and digitized with the help of 2 graphic
graphic technique (Panasonic Panavista-LSC I with 3.5 programs (Video studio 4.0 SE, Ulead Systems Inc,
MHz, 13 mm in diameter, 100° mechanical sector Taipei, Taiwan; Photoshop 5.02, Adobe Systems Inc,
transducer; Matsushita Corp, Tokyo, Japan). The ultra- San Jose, Calif). This resulted in a successful separation
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Cheng et al 493
Volume 122, Number 5

Fig 2. B⫹M mode ultrasonogram: TS, tongue surface; HB, hyoid bone; MS, mandibular symphy-
sis; UP, ultrasound probe; GG, genioglossus muscle; GH, geniohyoid muscle; MH, mylohyoid

and recording of the duration and magnitude of tongue

movements in each swallowing phase.
To imitate habitual swallowing or wet swallowing
rather than dry swallowing, all participants were asked
to swallow 3 to 5 mL of water through a straw before
the ultrasonographic registration started, wait 10 sec-
onds, and then swallow again. This swallowing was
recorded and used for digital assessment. Each swal-
lowing cycle was repeated 3 times with intervals of at
least 20 seconds. Duration, magnitude, and speed of
motions during swallowing from 112 subjects were
calculated in each phase of swallowing (Fig 3). The
mean of the 3 swallowing cycles was used as the
representative value for the statistical analysis.
Dentofacial morphology was measured from lateral
cephalometric radiographs (Orthophos CD, Siemens
AG, Bensheim, Germany) and dental study models.
From the cephalometric radiographs, we obtained 16 Fig 3. Duration and magnitude of tongue movement in
angular, 22 linear, and 1 ratio-related measurement each phase was determined graphically: R, rest phase;
items using 21 landmarks and 5 reference planes (Fig 4) TS, tongue surface; TM, tongue movement; d, distal; m,
for conventional cephalometric analysis. Dental study mesial; D, duration; M, magnitude.
models were obtained for each subject to measure
intercanine widths, intermolar widths, and arch lengths the redundant measurements, we grouped these vari-
with a Boley gauge (Sklar, West Chester, Pa). The ables into 3 categories and 14 principal components in
intermolar width was determined against the lingual clusters of related variables (Table I).
groove at the gingival border of the maxillary bilateral The measurements of the dentofacial forms and the
first molars. The arch length was measured from the movements of the tongue from all subjects were calcu-
deepest gingival margin of the central incisor to a lated and analyzed. To examine the relationship be-
midline point along the distal transverse plane of the tween the movements of the tongue and dentofacial
most posterior fully erupted second molar. To simplify forms, we performed a simple correlation analysis. For
494 Cheng et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2002

Table I. Measurement items of dentofacial dimension

Skeletal pattern
Cranial base
Component 1 : SN, SAr, NSAr
Component 2 : (anteroposterior) ArA, SNA
Component 3 : (vertical) NA, palatal depth, AUFH
Component 4 : (rotation) SN/NF, SN/OP
Component 5 : (anteroposterior) Ar-Gn, Ar-Go, Go-Me, SNB
Component 6 : (rotation) ⬍Go, FMA, SN/MP, OP/MP, SGn/SN
Component 7 : (anteroposterior) ANB, Wits
Component 8 : (vertical) AB, AFH, ALFH, PFH, UFH/LFH
Dental pattern
Component 9 : (U1) U1-U1⬘, U1axis/NF, U1-NA, U1axis/NA
Component 10 : (L1) L1-L1⬘, L1axis/MP, L1-NB, L1axis/NB
Component 11 : (U6) U6-U6⬘
Component 12 : (L6) L6-L6⬘
Component 13 : (interincisal) OJ, OB, U1/L1
Dental arch form
Component 14 : ICW, IMW, arch length

Palatal depth, distance between mesiobuccal cusp of maxillary first

molar with nasal floor; NF, nasal floor (PNS-ANS); OP, occlusal
plane; AUFH, anterior upper facial height (N-ANS); AFH; anterior
facial height (N-Me); ALFH, anterior lower facial height (ANS-Me);
Fig 4. Landmarks of cephalometric analysis. PFH, posterior facial height (S-Go); U1/L1, interincisal angle; OJ,
overjet; OB, overbite; ICW, intercanine width; IMW, intermolar
all statistical analyses, the Statistica 4.0 for Windows
(Statsoft, Inc, Taipei, Taiwan) was used. subjects are shown in Tables II and III. All linear and
All measurements were performed by a senior angular variables of the dentofacial dimension appear
orthodontist (C.F.C.) to eliminate interexaminer vari- normally distributed. The maximum and minimum
ability. Intraexaminer errors for the ultrasound mea- values are tabulated in Table III to show the subjects’
surements, the cephalometric measurements, and the various dentofacial forms. The total duration of tongue
study models were investigated on 10 repeated mea- movement in a swallowing cycle ranged from 1.4 to 3.6
surements of a randomly selected participant by the seconds (mean, 2.5 seconds). The total magnitude of
same examiner 7 days apart. Coefficient of variation motion in a swallowing cycle ranged from 12.0 to 44.6
was calculated for these measurements. The ultrasound mm (mean, 29.0 mm). The results show a considerable
measurement errors were 4.4% in duration and 1.08% amount of intersubject variability in swallowing pat-
in magnitude. The measurement errors of the study terns.
model were 3.71%; the cephalometric errors were The results of the simple correlations are shown in
2.29% in linear and 6.59% in angular. Furthermore, to Table IV. The movements of the tongue during swal-
evaluate the intraindividual reproducibility, a randomly lowing are related to dentofacial forms, especially in
selected participant was asked to swallow 10 times at the motion magnitude of the early final phase (IIIa).
the same visit. The results showed errors of 5.65% in The significantly correlated cephalometric measure-
duration and 3.99% in magnitude measurement. In ments were AB, AFH, ALFH, UHF/LFH, L1-L1⬘,
addition, we designed the standard reference material L6-L6⬘ value, and OJ. Only a few correlations were
(SRM) to evaluate the validity of CST with a PVC found in the duration and speed of the early and late
cushion bag. The results indicated that distortion was transport phases (IIa and IIb). There was no correlation
0.93% with the B⫹M-mode ultrasonography. between dentofacial morphology and swallowing in the
duration of the shovel phase (I) or between dentofacial
RESULTS morphology and the motion magnitude of late final
The means and standard deviations of the measure- phase (IIIb).
ments of dentofacial morphology and the ultrasound The intermaxillary vertical relationship (component
measurements of tongue movements from the 112 8) and the mandibular molar eruption (component 12)
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Cheng et al 495
Volume 122, Number 5

Table II. Descriptive statistics of dentofacial Table III. Descriptive statistics of tongue movement
Variable Mean SD Min Max
Variable Mean SD Min Max
I (d) 0.54 0.26 0.05 1.52
Component 1 I (m) 4.25 3.27 0.00 11.79
SN 70.7 mm 3.4 mm 62.0 mm 79.7 mm IIa (d) 0.20 0.07 0.07 0.41
SAr 41.4 mm 4.1 mm 31.3 mm 51.6 mm IIa (m) 16.20 4.41 4.18 28.01
NSAr 122.7° 4.8° 112.4° 132.7° IIa (s) 96.34 46.67 18.63 246.10
Component 2 IIb (d) 0.94 0.38 0.34 1.95
ArA 90.6 mm 5.3 mm 79.0 mm 105.2 mm IIIa (d) 0.29 0.11 0.11 0.62
SNA 83.5° 3.5° 75.2° 91.4° IIIa (m) 12.70 3.53 5.67 22.19
Component 3 IIIa (s) 50.50 21.63 12.28 144.21
NA 65.1 mm 3.6 mm 56.5 mm 73.0 mm IIIb (d) 0.56 0.21 0.11 1.19
Palatal depth 27.1 mm 2.7 mm 21.0 mm 35.0 mm IIIb (m) 1.13 0.99 0.00 4.88
AUFH 58.9 mm 3.4 mm 49.6 mm 66.7 mm Total (d) 2.53 0.47 1.37 3.56
Component 4 Total (m) 29.02 6.84 12.01 44.63
SN/NF 8.1° 3.5° 0.1° 16.8°
d, Duration (sec); m, magnitude (mm); s, speed of tongue movement
SN/OP 14.0° 5.0° 2.1° 31.0°
(mm/sec); Min, minimum; Max, maximum.
Component 5
Ar-Gn 118.9 mm 7.8 mm 99.0 mm 135.9 mm
Ar-Go 54.3 mm 6.3 mm 41.0 mm 74.8 mm
Go-Me 79.4 mm 6.2 mm 68.7 mm 109.7 mm
were found most significantly correlated with tongue
SNB 81.5° 4.0° 70.6° 90.8° movements. In component 14, we found that as the arch
Component 6 length increased, the duration of swallowing prolonged
⬍Go 116.5° 6.6° 100.3° 133.6° significantly in the late final phase (IIIb). The cranial
FMA 23.9° 5.3° 13.4° 41.4° base (component 1) and the maxilla (components 2-4),
SN/MP 29.5° 6.2° 15.4° 45.9°
OP/MP 15.5° 4.5° 4.0° 29.2°
except for palatal depth, showed no correlation to
SGn/SN 68.9° 3.7° 60.8° 78.3° swallowing.
Component 7
ANB 2.0° 2.5° ⫺6.9° 7.8° DISCUSSION
Wits ⫺2.4 mm 3.4 mm ⫺10.2 mm 6.8 mm Evaluation of interrelationship between swallowing
Component 8 and dentofacial morphology
AB 45.1 mm 3.8 mm 36.7 mm 55.2 mm
AFH 132.9 mm 7.4 mm 116.0 mm 148.8 mm Results of the simple correlation analyses suggest
ALFH 74.0 mm 5.7 mm 62.1 mm 89.7 mm the following trends. First, those who have greater
PFH 91.4 mm 7.9 mm 73.0 mm 110.6 mm motion magnitude of the early final phase (IIIa) during
UFH/LFH 79.9% 6.4% 58.1% 92.4% swallowing tend to have deeper palatal vaults, in-
Component 9
U1-U1⬘ 23.4 mm 2.6 mm 18.1 mm 30.1 mm
creased mandibular lengths, longer lower faces, larger
U1axis/NF 118.0° 7.2° 93.5° 131.4° overjets, more overerupted molars and incisors, more
U1-NA 8.1 mm 2.8 mm ⫺3.4 mm 14.5 mm labially inclined maxillary incisors, decreased ANB
U1axis/NA 26.3° 7.1° 1.5° 40.1° angles and Wits appraisals, and shallow overbites.
Component 10 Second, those who have longer durations of swallowing
L1-L1⬘ 22.8 mm 2.2 mm 17.1 mm 29.6 mm
L1axis/MP 97.4° 6.9° 79.0° 114.7°
appear to have increased gonial angles, steep mandib-
L1-NB 7.5 mm 2.6 mm 1.0 mm 13.3 mm ular planes, opened occlusal planes, increased mandib-
L1axis/NB 28.1° 6.3° 4.5° 43.6° ular body and ramus lengths, raised anterior lower
Component 11 facial heights, lingually inclined mandibular incisors,
U6-U6⬘ 25.4 mm 2.5 mm 20.3 mm 32.7 mm and increased arch lengths.
Component 12
L6-L6⬘ 17.6 mm 2.7 mm 11.5 mm 31.8 mm
Previous reports have indicated that the size, pos-
Component 13 ture, and function of the tongue are significantly corre-
OJ 3.3 mm 1.8 mm ⫺2.5 mm 8.5 mm lated with dentofacial morphology, including jaw rela-
OB 2.0 mm 1.8 mm ⫺4.5 mm 6.5 mm tionships, abnormity of dental arch form, and abnormal
U1/L1 123.4° 9.2° 102.8° 160.1° tooth position or malocclusion. With regard to jaw
Component 14
ICW 35.4 mm 2.2 mm 29.4 mm 41.6 mm
relations, Fuhrmann and Diedrich3 reported that the
IMW 42.7 mm 3.6 mm 34.7 mm 55.0 mm majority of abnormal or inconsistent swallowing pat-
Arch length 49.1 mm 4.4 mm 40.1 mm 61.0 mm terns are found in patients with mandibular progna-
thism. The results of our study also suggest that as
Min, Minimum; Max, maximum.
mandibular length increases, the motion magnitude of
496 Cheng et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2002

Table IV. Results of simple correlation analysis

I(d) I(m) IIa(d) IIa(m) IIa(s) IIb(d) IIIa(d) IIIa(m) IIIa(s) IIIb(d) IIIb(m) Total(d) Total(m)

Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Palatal D ⫹0.29** ⫹0.25**
Component 4
Component 5
Ar-Gn ⫹0.23*
Ar-Go ⫹0.25*
Go-Me ⫹0.22* ⫹0.20* ⫹0.19*
Component 6
⬍Go ⫹0.20*
SN/MP ⫹0.19*
OP/MP ⫹0.19*
SGn/SN ⫹0.24*
Component 7
ANB ⫺0.28**
Wits ⫺0.22*
Component 8
AB ⫺0.20* ⫹0.24* ⫹0.21* ⫹0.36*** ⫹0.33***
AFH ⫺0.23* ⫹0.20* ⫹0.31*** ⫹0.25*
ALFH ⫺0.24* ⫹0.19* ⫹0.20* ⫹0.37*** ⫹0.31***
PFH ⫹0.25*
UFH/LFH ⫺0.31*** ⫺0.27**
Component 9
U1-NA ⫹0.27**
U1axis/NA ⫹0.21*
Component 10
L1-L1⬘ ⫺0.29** ⫹0.20* ⫹0.32*** ⫹0.26*
L1-NB ⫺0.22*
L1axis/NB ⫺0.20*
Component 11
U6-U6⬘ ⫹0.21* ⫹0.26*
Component 12
L6-L6⬘ ⫹0.23* ⫹0.38*** ⫹0.21* ⫺0.22* ⫹0.33***
Component 13
OJ ⫹0.32*** ⫹0.24*
OB ⫺0.21* ⫺0.22*
Component 14
Arch L ⫹0.21* ⫺0.24* ⫹0.19* ⫺0.23* ⫹0.41*** ⫹0.22*

*P ⬍ .05; **P ⬍ .005; ***P ⬍ .001.

d, Duration (sec); m, magnitude (mm); s, speed of tongue movement (mm/sec).
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Cheng et al 497
Volume 122, Number 5

the early final phase (IIIa) increases, and the duration of proclination of the maxillary anterior teeth in the
swallowing prolongs; this agrees with the findings of tongue-thrust subjects is attributable to the increased
Fuhrmann and Diedrich.3 Hopkins19 studied the posi- electrical activity of the genioglossus muscle and the
tion of the mandible and concluded that its anteropos- prolonged duration of swallowing. Hanson et al32
terior position relative to the maxilla and its length are described the deleterious forces of the tongue, resulting
the key factors in determining the level of the tongue in overeruption of the posterior teeth, open bite, or
relative to the maxillary arch. Our findings support overjet. In our study, we also found that those who
Hopkins’ study19 and show that the intermaxillary show a greater motion magnitude in the early final
anteroposterior relationship (component 7), including phase (IIIa) during swallowing tended to have in-
ANB angle and Wits appraisal, has a negative correla- creased overjet, labially inclined maxillary incisors,
tion with tongue movement in the motion magnitude of overerupted molars, and decreased overbite. Our results
the early final phase (IIIa). In other words, those with agree with the previous studies.
prognathic mandibles have a greater motion magnitude The clinician must understand the relationship be-
in the early final phase during swallowing. Ichida et al21 tween tongue function and dentofacial form. Many
stated that a patient with a prolonged lingual-palatal researchers have pointed out that a significant percent-
contact while swallowing has tendencies for opened age of relapses after orthodontic treatment might be
mandibular and occlusal planes, and a clockwise ro- related to orofacial muscle imbalance and abnormal
tated mandible. In our study, we found that those with swallowing. For example, the effect of protrusive
longer duration of swallowing, especially in the early tongue activity (tongue thrust) during swallowing
final phase (IIIa), tended to have increased gonial might result in labial inclination of incisors, open bite,
angles, steep mandibular planes, and opened occlusal and spacing problems in some cases. The findings of
planes. Our results are consistent with the descriptions this study give the clinical impression that patients with
of Ichida et al.21 mandibular prognathism, excessive facial height, and
With reference to dental arch form and tongue, protrusive maxillary incisors have prolonged tongue
Lowe and Johnston2 stated that the frequency of low movement or greater motion magnitude. This is espe-
tongue postures and narrow maxillary arches appears to cially important for the orthodontist to understand in
increase with large lower facial heights. Mikell29 re- correcting the malocclusion and evaluating the stability
ported that a flaccid, low-lying tongue allows buccal after treatment. For instance, an orthodontist might
pressure to constrict the maxillary arch and might cause consider postponing active orthodontic treatment for
the palate to develop a high, narrow, and arched some patients, because the malocclusion might be
construction. Compared with our results, the palatal corrected spontaneously after myofunctional therapy.
depth has positive correlation with motion magnitude Likewise, all tongue dysfunctions should be corrected
of tongue movement in the early final phase (IIIa); if long-term stability of treatment result is desired.
however, there is no relationship between arch width Despite the significant correlations between tongue
and tongue movement. In addition, as arch length movements during swallowing and dentofacial mor-
increases, the duration of swallowing lengthens signif- phology, we could not conclude that abnormal swal-
icantly in late final phase (IIIb). In other words, there lowing would cause a malocclusion or that abnormal
are correlations between tongue movement and palatal tongue movements are merely adaptations to the
vault as well as arch length but not arch width. This changes of occlusion. The development of an occlusion
result, in combination with Mikell’s report,29 might must be considered as a result of the interactions among
show that tongue movement has more effect on the genetically determined development factors and a num-
vertical and sagittal development of the dentoalveolar ber of external and internal environmental factors. In
morphology, while buccal pressure might play a more addition to heredity, many factors must be considered:
important role on a narrow arch form rather than the the frequency of swallowing or how often the tongue
tongue. exerts force on the teeth, the magnitude of the force
As for malocclusion and tongue, Fujiki et al30 exerted on the teeth, the counteraction of these forces
reported that the tongue-tip position is more protrusive by other muscular structures such as the lips, the
during deglutition in anterior open bite. Overstake31 resistance of dentoalveolar structures to displacement,
concluded that there is a functional relationship be- and the resting posture of the tongue when no swallow-
tween deviant swallowing and open bites as well as ing is occurring. Therefore, we failed to identify a
overjets. Therefore, swallowing therapy could be effi- specific cause-and-effect relationship in this study. The
cacious to improve such dental malformations. Alex- question whether dentofacial form affects tongue func-
ander4 also pointed out that a significant increase in the tion or vice versa still remains unsolved. Further studies
498 Cheng et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
November 2002

are needed to understand these traits about form and diagram for a better understanding of the dynamics of
function. The future scope of the present study could be the entire tongue during swallowing. It also offers
focused on the cause-and-effect relationship of tongue quantitative and qualitative data for a digital assessment
function and dentofacial form, such as the changes of of tongue movement. This technique could be recom-
tongue movement before and after correction of an mended as a valuable tool for differential diagnosis and
open bite, or the alteration of occlusion after myofunc- etiological studies of tongue dysfunctions, biofeedback
tional therapy. training during myofunctional therapy, understanding
the physiology of swallowing and speech, and related
Evaluation of tongue movement during swallowing research.
with ultrasonography
Tongue movement during swallowing has been Validity and intraindividual reproducibility
studied by having the subjects swallow a fixed amount The CST has been proven to create a buffer area
of liquid such as water or natural saliva. Akiyoshi et between the transducer and the skin to avoid problems
al33showed that swallowing saliva, consciously or un- such as movement of the ultrasound transducer during
consciously, is much more frequent than swallowing swallowing and compression of the submental region,
during drinking and eating. A normal adult repeats this which happened often in other ultrasound studies.28 To
normal swallowing pattern between 1200 and 3000 evaluate the validity of CST, we designed an SRM and
times every day.34 Therefore, habitual swallowing of found that the distortion was 0.93% when the SRM was
saliva was considered to have more effect on dentofa- measured with the technique used in this study. To
cial morphology than water swallowing and was chosen evaluate the intraindividual reproducibility, we asked a
in the present study. randomly selected participant to swallow 10 times at
The duration of swallowing has been reported in the same visit. The results showed errors of 5.65% in
many previous studies. In an electromyographic inves- duration and 3.99% in magnitude measurement, which
tigation by Findlay and Kilpatrick,35 the average swal- suggest high intraindividual reproducibility. Further
lowing time was found to be 2.02 seconds. The duration application of the CST supported real-time B⫹M-mode
of lingual-palatal contact during saliva swallowing ultrasonography is highly recommended to study the
ranged from 1.1 to 2.9 seconds in the study of Ichida et relationship between tongue function and dentofacial
al.21 Sonies et al36 reported that the duration of swal- morphology.
lowing was between 1.79 and 3.41 seconds for swal-
lowing saliva. Peng et al27 published the duration and CONCLUSIONS
magnitude of tongue movements in 165 swallows The following conclusions can be drawn from this
ranging from 0.95 to 4.69 seconds (mean, 2.43 seconds) study: (1) there are significant correlations between
and from 5.01 to 71.67 mm (mean, 24.06 mm). In the tongue movement during swallowing and dentofacial
present study, the total duration and total magnitude of morphology; (2) the movements of the tongue during
tongue movement in a swallowing cycle ranged from swallowing are related to dentofacial forms especially
1.4 to 3.6 seconds (mean, 2.5 seconds) and from 12.0 to in the motion magnitude of the early final phase; (3) the
44.6 mm (mean, 29.0 mm) in 112 subjects. This result significantly correlated cephalometric measurement
is quite similar to the study of Peng et al,27 especially items were AB, AFH, ALFH, UHF/LFH, L1-L1⬘,
in the duration of swallowing. L6-L6⬘, and OJ; (4) the intermaxillary vertical relation-
The method most commonly used in the past to ship and the mandibular molar eruption were most
determine the duration of swallowing sonographically significantly correlated with tongue movements; (5) as
was to analyze B-mode recordings of tongue movement arch length increases, the duration of swallowing
frame by frame. The definitions of the start and the end lengthens significantly in the late final phase; and (6)
of tongue movements were somewhat arbitrary, espe- the computer-aided B⫹M-mode ultrasonography com-
cially if no superimpositions of consecutive frames bined with the CST is a valuable tool for investigating
were used. In this study, exact timing of the tongue’s the relationship between tongue movements during
rest position was identified as soon as the tongue swallowing and dentofacial morphology.
surface and tongue muscles on the M-mode image
came to a flat signal. Therefore, our determination of REFERENCES
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Editors of the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

1915 to 1931 Martin Dewey
1931 to 1968 H. C. Pollock
1968 to 1978 B. F. Dewel
1978 to 1985 Wayne G. Watson
1985 to 2000 Thomas M. Graber
2000 to present David L. Turpin

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