Lesson Plan: This Template Is Built On The Traditional "Madeline Hunter" Lesson Structure

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Lesson Plan

Name of Teacher Candidate Crystal Vallesteros

Lesson Overview
Grade Level Kindergarten
Estimated Time Needed 45 minutes
Lesson Description Working with Sounds-Clap the Syllables
K.2 Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening,
speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--beginning reading and writing. The
student develops words structure knowledge through phonological
awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate,
decode, spell. The students is expected to:
Content Area Standards (A) demonstrate phonological awareness by:
(iii) identifying the individual words in a spoken sentence;
(v) identifying syllables in spoken words;
(iv) blending syllables to form multisyllabic words;
(vi)segmenting multisyllabic words into syllables;
(ix) manipulating syllables within a multisyllabic word;
Technology Standards Not Applicable
We will clap syllables by referring to the alphabet linking chart and additional
objects while acting it out.

Terms/Vocabulary Syllables- parts of words
● Zoom/computer
● Bitmoji classroom with objective
Technology Resources
● Hovercam
● Promethean board
Alphabet linking chart
Other Resources
Food items (real and plastic)
Lesson Procedures
A step-by-step description of the
scope and sequence of lesson
activities, with estimated time on task
noted in parentheses for each step.
In other words, completely describe Describe how each stage of
Cite specifically what
the flow of the lesson-the content to the lesson will be managed,
resources for this activity
be presented, and the strategies to including role of teacher and
will be used, and describe
This template is built on the be used. Include actual words you learners (who is doing what
in detail how they will be
will use and questions you will ask at each point), location
traditional “Madeline students. Consider items such as: (e.g., classroom, computer
Hunter” lesson structure. Note who will be using the
parts of the lesson that might be lab, outside), and any
tool and in what ways. Note
difficult, and how you will know special considerations, such
any safety considerations
whether you can go on; how to as for differentiated
ensure that students completely instruction.
understand directions before
releasing them to work
independently; and what students
will do if they finish their work early.
Focus/Anticipatory Set Today I am going to show you ● Jack
Lesson Plan
I will be teaching
students that are
present in the
a video from Jack Hartmann,
classroom and on
and I want you to pay attention
Zoom. This will be a
to what he is doing.
whole group lesson Syllables
(motivational hook)
and students will watch video clip
● What was Jack
and participate in the
Hartmann doing?
video to determine that
● Why was he clapping?
we are clapping
● video
I will use the alphabet
(Could include content Today we are going to learn
linking chart to pick a
outline, presentation, more about how to clap out
picture that we can clap
questioning, modeling, syllables in a word. ● Alphabet
examples) ● Does anyone linking chart
● Pick 2 pictures
Modeling: Should include remember how to do
(dog and
both Tier 1 (examples) and this?
Tier 2 (think aloud)

We are going to do something

really exciting! We are going to
practice clapping syllables with

I am going to give you one

minute to get something from
the kitchen so that we can clap
the syllables. CFISD Connect ● Students
friends you can ask your adult The teacher will food item
to give you something from demonstrate how to from the
your kitchen and bring back to play the game. The kitchen
Guided Practice
your computer to show. teacher is facilitating ● In The City
Include Check for
Friends in class will get the activity while by Nicolas
Understanding Questions
something from our class students are Thilo
kitchen. participating. ● The Carrot
Seed by Ruth
We have clapped syllables Krauss
with our food, but let’s see
how to do it in our books.
Teacher will choose a picture
to clap out the syllables.
*Just right- choose one
example (In the City)
*Look books/star- choose one
example (The Carrot Seed)

Independent Practice Students will work ● Students

Lesson Plan
When you get back to your
table, you will have 5 more
items to clap out the syllables
for. CFISD Connect friends
independently while the books from
are going to grab 5 more items
teacher conducts a their book
Include Check for to clap out syllables for. Then
small group to practice bags
Understanding Questions you are going to practice
the skill (syllables) with ● Syllable
clapping syllables, in a voice
each student game
level 1, in your books. Look at
each word on a page in your
book and clap the syllables.

Students will gather as

a whole group to
demonstrate what
words they clapped in
Students will share one word ● Students
their books. The
they clapped in their books. book from
Closure teacher will call on
The teacher will facilitate 4-6 their book
students to share
students sharing. bags
(according to the mini-
conferences the
teacher held and the
skills observed)
Plans for Leading a Discussion Following Guided Practice and Independent Practice
Launch Frame
I want you to look in your books today as you read. Notice the pictures in your
Plan for Leading a 5-10 books and say their names. Then clap the syllables
minute Discussion Following Eliciting, Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion
Guided Practice ● How many syllables does each word have?
Conclusion Frame
See if you can clap the syllables of the pictures that are in your book.
Launch Frame
You are going to practice one page from your book to clap the syllables in each
word of the sentence, so that you can share in share time.
Eliciting Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion
Plan for Leading a 5-10 ● What book are you going to pick?
minute Discussion Following ● What part of the book is your favorite?
Independent Practice ● What words can you clap the syllables for and how many syllables do
your words have?
Conclusion Frame
Today we have learned all about syllables. This strategy will help us to read
more words in our books by sounding each part of the word out.
Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations
Special Education Students No special education students will be present.
English Language Learners No ELLs students will be present.
Gifted and Talented Kindergarten identifies GT students in the Spring.
The teacher will conduct an informal assessment by conferencing with students during independent
Lesson Plan
practice. The teacher will show students pictures and have them clap the syllables, with assistance from
the teacher by holding up a finger each time the students clap.
Classroom Management Plan for the Lesson
Call back: “1,2” “Eyes on you”
Signal to start working: Bingo
Redirecting off-task behaviors in quick, short reminders
*Calm down corner with a 2-minute timer (E.A.)*
Lesson Resources
CFISD Curriculum Department. (2020). Moving Toward Independence: Working with
sounds-clap the syllable.
[Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel]. (2020, May 1). Let's learn about syllables | Jack Hartmann
[Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKxAjCqc3wU
Krauss, R. (1945). The carrot seed. Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.
Thilo, N. (n.d.) In the city. Houghton Mifflin Company.

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